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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
>Reposting this since it was near the end of the thread.
I believe all the final niggling issues I've had and those pointed out to me by the thread are now fixed with this. I'd appreciate it if someone tossed this into the uploads folder but I'll probably get around to it relatively soon™ if not.

All sorts of things. Some of them are expys of characters in the actual story, there's a Judy Hopps, Captain Amelia, a less awful version of Stella from Helluva Boss, a Jedi and Sith pair, a Korra, Alien and Predator (though those are more based on Herbert's in universe harem), a Transformer girl (also based on an in setting girl), some anon when I first made this asked for Eggmaam so a hot rule63 version of Eggman is there, Rogue the Bat is there, and a Midna expy.

Pretty sure you can spend the entire stipend on OCs without touching a single furry option. I haven't counted but there are 1050 CP worth of 50 a pop ocs with only one of them being a guy.

A chargen legal Dawn Caste I made in Anethema for Creation Jam has 43 peripheral motes and 19 personal at essence 3, half cost on Perfects is even more bullshit than it sounds because you tend to recover motes with Stunts pretty much every action so the real change is from 6 to 2 motes.

I put a basic description of the races who have OCs in the notes section, pretty sure the link posted by anon >>93242209
is the same one I was using for reference material when writing them too.
So what's the best first jump for a jumper who needs to get their life together? Out of shape, mental problems, ill suited to coping with the chain's challenges, things like that. Assume they have to be a drop in so they can't choose an origin to get around the problem.
Is it morally wrong to introduce real Pokemon on Earth?
yes, how dare you
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Go be a hero,
No, just imagine govts trying to ban pokemon from civilians.
The seethe from the female population will be unprecedented.
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What do those columns on the left even mean?
>A chargen legal Dawn Caste I made in Anethema for Creation Jam
I want to see this.

>43 peripheral motes and 19 personal at essence 3
So as a mortal capped at E3, 19 is a reasonable number I guess. I'm assuming I don't get peripheral.
Only if bad ideas are morally wrong.
Does anyone in the US know that I'm just casually Palpatine'ing both sides of the conflict? I feel like that would lead to questions such as "Why are you letting good men march off to a war they don't have to fight because we already control their country?" and "Why is the president fighting a proxy war against his allies?"
Actually continuing off that "shadow president" thing, could I choose to do that by default?
The first is their legs (bipedal, quadrupedal, etc.), the second is type of creature the species is (like mammal), the third is their diet (herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore).
Thank you, purveyor of furry waifus desirous of human dominance.
A mortal's essence pool at E3 caps out at 30 I believe.
What is a jump with a nice and simple but versatile elemental magic system? I want to be a water mage.
Avatar - the Last Airbender
>lead to questions such as "Why are you letting good men march off to a war they don't have to fight because we already control their country?" and "Why is the president fighting a proxy war against his allies?"
Look, if they're too stupid to trust the plan that's their problem.
>Can I do that by default?
I mean, nothing's stopping you. You could officially step down and run shit from the shadows while puppets are the new presidents.
One if the magi jumps, powder mage may also work.
Thanks for the answers
Hmm. That's not too bad, all things considered. Especially with a solid -4 to the cost of every charm, to a minimum of 1.
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No problem.
Where are you getting that? Multiple One Rings?
Yup. Four of them.
I don't have a specific Jump but I think give them something to care about, something to be responsible for. Maybe one of the Pokemons or Sekirei would be good. Something to take them out of themselves. In caring for and about others it will help them grow. Sekirei in particular might be good because of the psychic link having healing properties. While I don't think one jump is going to be the answer for all of their problems. I think having something you care about and that cares about you might just help. Yeah send them to Sekirei. It will work out.
Land of Shadow, take the Scathach drawback and the Immortality perk. As long as you survive she'll make a hero out of you, and you won't be able to die even if you want to.
Why are waifus always less attractive than their mothers?
Because waifus are often teenage girls while their mothers are almost universally milfs.
Because moms have bigger tits and that primal feeling of breedability.
Chrono Trigger?
>Because moms have bigger tits and that primal feeling of breedability.
Because a deep and primal part of you is calling out to BTFO Gohan by fucking his mom
Another day another chapter of my Exalted chain. This time, I'm dumb enough to put an exalt and a woman who hunts exalts in the same room, and distract them by "inventing" Wheres Waldo.
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>Tfw no immortal celtic witch wife who will groom you into her ideal husband.
Pokemon + Bodymod, followed up with Sword and Sorcery. Most problems should be fixed with that.
Chi chi is one of the less attractive Dragon Ball women.
PlagueofGripes is the only one who made Dragon Ball women attractive.
I'm not entirely sure I'd have the balls to go with my Land of Shadows start if I got a real chain but it would be a good decision long term if I could make myself do it.
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Shard, I ask this as a genuine question. Is Nezarec the God of Pain because being Nezarec is suffering?
>Gets fucked over by Savathun and loses the Veil way back during the Collapse
>Gets dissected apart by a bunch of Fallen pirates and used as Darkness-based powerups for centuries
>His powerup tokens/bodyparts don't even do anything of particular note in the entire storyarc where we have to gather them
>Has his head recovered by the Witness and placed in a containment chamber
>Gets Laser'd by the Traveler because the Witness didn't give a shit about actually blocking said laser
>Painfully uses the remnants of said laser to rebuild his body over weeks
>Immediately gets shitstomped by Guardians the moment he finally has a body again, desperately begging the Guardian to remember him a-la Sephiroth but so much shittier
I know you've been saying he's the jobber of the Disciples, but goddamn.
Yknow, Nezarec was a lot cooler when I thought he was basically a human Calus acting as a sort of prophet of the Darkness, and working alone to bring an end to the Golden Age.
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I'm not sure if anon will be able to survive, or keep himself sane.
I second sekirei, they will probably fix you with love.
Ric I've seen the companion section in your Sekirei, they will make you worse with love.
There's an immortality perk staying alive. But sane is another matter.
Insanity is an escape the Scatty will not allow.
Don't let her hear you call her that
>Kamijou walks on, completely incapable of even seeing Misaki
That’s your ignorant higher brain talking, listen to your deep and profound lizard brain. And the insatiable thirst for Gohan blood it has.
Is my waifu's mother just Nasu Gaia?
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Mind death is also bad.
I swear if kamachi doesn't give them a happy ending I'll fucking murder someone.
Honest question: what even gave you that impression? I'm learning the Destiny lore all at once right now from a collected source (byf's ten hour lore video), so I'm probably missing some situation-related context, misdirections, plot twists, and the like. Was that idea played with/hinted at before Nezarec was fully revealed?
>Friendship of the thighs you back to sanity only to start training you again.
The flesh and spirit is weak and needs rest.
There's a girl who insists on you doing absolutely nothing and letting her do everything for you.
He can want to suplex Gohan into the Sun without also wanting to fuck Gohan's bitchy mom. Now if you were talking about fucking Cheelai, that would be more understandable.
She was cute when she was younger and didn't hit the wall.
What are some tricks a jumpmaker can use to make their jumps "based"?
Nezarec is a cautionary tale about minmaxing for offscreen haki, because he was a lot cooler when he was just a vague bogeyman corrupting humanity from the shadows. Now he’s such a jobber you can’t even really call him the Darkseid of DC, because Darkseid is at least allowed to maul Superman outside of main continuity regularly and even in the main continuity on occasion.

At least TFS confirmed that he was the “god-thought” who corrupted the Psions at the Witness’ behest. Which retroactively turns into ANOTHER jobber L because they explicitly rebelled against him some fucking how.

>Immediately gets shitstomped
The worst part is the great big idiot was trying to hijack the Light by force, because like Rhulk he just refuses to accept the Traveller is so opposed to the Disciples it puts more effort into DIRECTLY intervening to thwart them than fucking Oryx (either that or despite talking down to Oryx the Taken King’s externalised Throne World is unironically smarter for hijacking the Light than the Disciples and their Pyramids) and by his own assessment it just weakened him instead.

But yeah there’s a reason why most Disciple feats are linked to Rhulk instead and the perk based on him is 200 CP. The Disciples are to the Witness what the 12 Kizuki are to Muzan, a cavalcade of morons kept in the dark and fed bullshit that can be replaced by their master literally whenever he wants.
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Include a cuckquean waifu who wants you to fuck other girls.
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>There's a girl who insists on you doing absolutely nothing and letting her do everything for you.
No need to thank me.
I'll add another one if you want
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Meh, I think she's pretty, Bulma just shows off more
Honestly a gut feeling that evolved into a headcanon that had me huffing copium hoping that bungo wouldn't fuck up at least one aspect of their writing.
It could be worse. You could’ve been a Mara fan.
I mean I wouldn't mind such a girl but I figure you need to have made something of yourself before you meet her, otherwise it will be difficult to assert yourself when you have shit you want to do yourself. The exact sort issue anon was looking to resolve rather than jump headfirst into.
I mean, there's at least a theoretical way that idea could've come about. Clovis Bray is almost exactly what you were asking for, after a fashion-he communed with the Darkness, fucked around with Radiolaria, had a super fucking huge obsession with being the god of humanity, fucked humanity over just before the collapse by locking away their best predictive AI because it was telling him of a major danger and he didn't like that fact...there's a shadow of an idea there. It never quite made the leap to making Clovis a Disciple and he never got an actual boss fight, but skeleton of the whole "human prophet of Darkness who undermined the Golden Age and was secretly working against us the whole time" was definitely there.

Just not in Nezarec.
Regardless of anything else Mara is at least a cute girl.
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He can just get someone else. The electric twins will want you to do shit and work.
Ric, can you imagine an anon with issues seeing the words 'free waifu who loves you' and turning her down?
Nobilis with Scholar of Perseverance. It makes it so the things that you say Miraculously become a truth, which is very helpful for your mental illness.
Alternatively, go to Dies Irae and have your mental illness reshape the world.
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Yes, obviously
If anything it would surprise me for him to accept such love easily
Also even without all that, the mental link of the sekirei with their ashikabi should slowly heal all the mental deficiencies that cause his issues in the first place.
Okay I was never THAT bad. I thought the Drifter was kinda cool and made a chain based off of him once (past me is super glad you have The Haul up for purchase); I had a Vex phase where I was convinced that if they didn't have the crippling weakness of paracausality completely breaking their simulations then they'd beat everything (turns out it just turned 100% to a 99% or something, like they're playing fucking XCOM); I thought Calus actually had something approaching a plan that wasn't "Nihilism bro lmao"; and am glad SIVA was forgotten so that can't be fucked up - but I was never a Mara fan.
>It could be worse. You could’ve been a Mara fan.
>laughs in Ruby
The whole concept of Disciples being added very late didn’t just fuck with the lore for the obvious reasons, it fucked with the lore because taken at face value it means you have to believe the Witness had a monopoly on and effectively permeated all Darkness in the solar system during the collapse, and wherever the Black Fleet went, and some VERY Darkness-attuned people were completely overlooked by it. Was Oryx a Disciple? What did he think about the Witness and it’s cohorts? Quick, dance around that topic because we need to hype up Savathun as the Witness’ preferred Disciple candidate! Was Clovis talking to the Winnower or the Witness? The being he was talking to clearly acted more like the Winnower with the Gardener (forma de mother wolf) pointing out it lost interest when he reached the brink of death but since all the statues turned out to be Dissidents carved out of the Witness did the Winnower just hijack one as a microphone or something? Why didn’t the Witness make the offer it presumably made Eris Morn in this timeline? Where was the Final Shape in Elosie’s timeline, given Earth is wrecked but apparently Elsie never saw the Witness and Calus…just kind of fucked off? Why didn’t the Witness do anything about the Ahamkara if Ahamkara can open portals into the Traveller, and what’s up with those “glass minds” the Witness’ people apparently used to study the future? Why did the goblin turn on the stove?
>Why did the goblin turn on the stove?
Clearly it was hungry.
Your waifu is a rogue terminal of the Moon and the Earth at the same time.
>and am glad SIVA was forgotten
SIVA being able to puppet Guardians is such a big deal in light of how wanked Guardians were later is kind of amazing.
Same. Like I always thought he was shift but to paraphrase another anon I was expecting more Slaanesh and less Elon Musk with extra depression

Breaking new: A human integrating into the Vex hivemind as a control centre with the power of an Echo has taught the Vex…individuality. They are, very slowly, learning how to actually adapt to things instead of adapt things to fit The Pattern
So the Vex are now capable of understanding that the winning play is to become a waifu?
She makes my heart happy, my cock hard, and empties my balls regularly. It's fine.
I was about to say Bungie hates waifuism, but then I remembered all the real damage done to Cortana was done by 343.
>She makes my heart happy, my cock hard, and empties my balls regularly. It's fine.
Sounds like a lovely relationship, anon. I hope you stay happy together forever
OG Bungie was down for it, nu-bungo on the other hand
>343 Cortana
I liked 4 honestly. Gameplay was mid but I didn't mind the story.
[screams in radiolaria]
Whoa, let’s not get crazy here. They’re just beginning to finger out concepts like “identity” and “being annoyed at other Vex as discrete units”, we’re a long way off from complex emotions here.
But what will you do when the moon takes over and she becomes the terminal for a guy? Wouldn't that make you gay?
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Castoria is extremely cute. Even with her missing foot fingers
What a cute girl, I sure hope her ex-boydriend's sister did nothing bad to her.
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Did anyone take that perk I put in SBR where Jesus gives you advice when you're in trouble? How's that working out for you?
Jesus doesn't follow the Sword Logic, so his advice would be pointless.
So uh, in Nier Automata and FF getting the britght idea of inversing the colord, we got two flavors of Robutts that I'd call well colored.
Any other good colors?
I took True Man's World and Ball Breaker in the 400 tier; sorry, no stories.
Is it weird to uplift your horse and waifu/husbando it?
I don't want to have Jesus in my head telling me to kill myself or to shoot the president.
Isn't that just Revelation from Fate with moderately less basis in the source material?
Sword Logic is bad for you anon.
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Hey, I did!

>How’s that working out for you?
He keeps telling me everything spins and rotates which I’ve chosen to interpret as either a profound statement about the cyclical life cycle of the greater multiverse or an imperative to make everything reach it’s “Act 4” stage to eliminate suffering. So for example, instead of eliminating Rome altogether in Fate I altered the concept of “Romans” to be a separate species from the rest of humanity and created a Roman Order separate from the human one to nourish the growth of Beast 6/S-and eventually sever it into an independent, predatory timeline. A cycle of civilisation and decadence, harnessed to escape the inevitability of man’s inhumanity to man as a wheel is harnessed to run over other warriors in a chariot. Also I got really confused when he told me to kill myself or the president, when I WAS the president, so I shot myself in the head. I mean I couldn’t die and I reactively developed a new power to counter such attacks so technically it was sound advice even if Jesus told me that wasn’t what he meant. Anyway no regrets, he’s a great listener when I need to explain to someone why we need to immanentize the eschaton.

He also keeps giving me funny looks when I try to force other settings to fit the Abrahamic pattern by alchemically refinine vats of wine into one (1) Jesus’ martyrdom or nailing myself to a cross so that one of my Stands can give vampires souls to save. To my surprise, Jesus seems to support the Neutral roots in SMT more than the Law ones.

I’ve noticed he compares notes with Elodie a lot.
>moderately less basis in the source material?
But it literally happens to Johnny.
What is that?
Beat him up. He can Reincarnate as one of our kid's or something.
Yeah, like once, as a Deus ex Machina. It's not a reliable Skill with a specific write-up on a character sheet.
He gets like three messages, and I think one or two are not even a message but him pointing at something
Neither is declaring your enemy's stand is the same type of stand as Star Platinum, but if it happened once why can't it happen all the time?
Technically you could say the same of the Solomon perk in Oasis of Fantasy, since Val misinterpreted the actual story and materials where he only gets a single vision in a dream.
Ironically, Jeanne with a lower skill level was explictly getting constant messages from God.
Pretty sure Jeanne has an A to Solomon’s B. Also damn if Jeanne really is hearing God, God apparently loves watching Servants kill each other.
Alright! Finished the goddamn ten hour long Destiny lore video...that stops just as Crow/Uldren enters the Traveler and meets Cayde-6 once again somehow. Motherfucking cliffhanger. The fuck is Cayde doing there? How is he alive again?

Someone mind filling me in on what happens after that point up to the Witness's defeat?
God is a piece of shit, even if characters like to pretend otherwise.
>The fuck is Cayde doing there?
The Crow accidentally wished him back to life while near an Ahamkara.
>How is he alive again?
An Ahamkara literally yanked him out of the Traveller’s Light and built him a body out of the Traveller’s Light lmao. He can’t manipulate the Light to blast people anymore but uh, can apparently gunsling and fight physically on par with Guardians anyway? And at the end of TFS he sacrifices himself so your Ghost can be resurrected from being used as a Light bomb by all the Guardians fighting the Witness.
Thinking of converting a wooden sailing ship to more modern propulsion systems. The main thing I'm struggling with is that the (relatively) free energy from wind is pretty nice. So for something that is relatively sustainable in low-tech settings, should jumper a) keep the masts and add the other propulsion system as a "bonus", or b) make the masts removal/foldable? For powering the new propulsion system, should jumper go with hydrogen fuel cells or solar? I don't think the ship is big enough to support nuclear, and it seems a bit too high-maintenance to be practical in pre-atomic settings anyway.
I suggest visiting Treasure Planet
That is me fucking around with a dumb idea of turning the Traveler and Veil into waifus or particularly affectionate balloons that follow me around on a chain but using it with a bot fed whatever correct information I could put into it to see if I'd actually find that enjoyable first instead of getting to it with a bunch of buildup then not liking it or losing interest.
Welp, that explains that. Fucking Ahamkara.

Alright. I think I have a passing understanding of Destiny lore at this point, including the events of the games. I'll probably poke you/the thread for clarification as needed, but probably won't need much beyond random shitposting/edge cases. My head hurts.

Oh-also, when do the Guardians unlock Prismatic? Because by the end of the ten hour lore video I STILL haven't seen hide nor hair of that, and I'm planning on unlocking it way early via jury-rigging up some Sword Logic to feed me Darkness while I wield my Light simultaneously (this is in Destiny The Light so I haven't yet taken Shaped Finality and the like, just doing this shit manually).
The story is ass, based on Karen Traviss' preferred headcanon (she was proud to have never played the game or treat any of the books before joining their writing team).
What can't Ahamkara do?
Something something cinnamon toast crunch.
I really dont think the free energy of the wind is worth it to keep the weight of the Mast on the ship, in addition to having to have people staff the ship for sailing it.

Though I do totally get it for aesthetic reason, so I'd do it anyway.
Maybe just turn it into a steamship? having your jumper rely on coal to power it wouldn't be out of place anywhere and you could pick up more fuel in most places.
Grant their own wishes (without dying for realsies).
Beat Shaxx in a 1v1, even after killing him like 14 times. He beat the Ahamkara so badly that by the time it was reduced to a skull, it had reevaluated it's life choices enough to grant a different Guardian the wish of kindness.

>My head hurts

>when do the Guardians unlock Prismatic
That's a very recent development, and happens in Lightfall when everyone is literally inside of the Traveller looking to stop the Witness, and it's very abrupt and out of nowhere. Strictly speaking the Traveller sort of sends a vision that probably translates to YOU SHOULD UNLOCK PRISMATIC, NOW in which it sends the Lone Wolf a vision of what seems to be it's creation of the Ghosts and struggle against the Witness that ends with the Guardian mastering Light and Darkness into Prismatic. But in the actual game, the Guardian just randomly comes across a puddle of Light and Darkness merged into purple goop, the Ghost goes "Guardian I think you can merge it!" and the Guardian just fucking merges it on the spot to make Prismatic. In seconds.

To be fair, the Lone Wolf is literally inside the Traveller and both the non-PC Guardians and the Traveller are communicating with each other more easily than ever, and the Traveller is actually sending some active help.

To be unfair, Prismatic didn't even have the offscreen training of Strand, you literally just have the vision and stumble over the puddle and master it right there on the spot.
Nta but the aspect of crimson moon within Arcueid is part of Arcueid herself, I think to remember.
How many Guardians would it take to bring down Crimson Moon? How many Hive Gods?
Why is it that almost all the protagonists in korean gate invasion series end up as necromancers? Is that some sort of weird korean thing?
Oh fuck I can't tell if that's sad or hilarious at this point. If I hadn't just awoken from a nap I'd try to go to sleep to sleep off this headache, but alas I cannot sleep. I also can't tell if it's Low Tier Traveler or just straight up panic and yelling at you to get prismatic right now.
becase Solo Leveling got popular and people are emulating its success.
How did Shaxx do it? Did he get a zenkai boost or something?
Cribbing off the success of Solo Leveling while also making it easy to have a strong MC that doesn't need to cooperate with others as much.
Shaxx was always built different.
Panic. The entire story of TFS is the Traveller panicking and doing everything it can to slow down the Witness because it has gotten inside it's pale heart and is starting the Final Shape, which is basically Lord Business' plan from The Lego Movie. Except instead of actual crazy glue the Witness is using the link it's created between the Veil and the Traveller to compress every possibility into fixed outcomes it thinks everyone in the universe deserves, whether your greatest triumph (as determined by the Witness) or your lowest moment of failure. From the outside this apparently looks like an orange-tinted avante garde, carved series of stone sculptures surrounded by the Witness' giant hands.

Except the entire sculpture is the universe.

What better expression of what it means to be Korean is there, than enslaving the souls of the dead so they have to keep working even in the afterlife?
Why are you asking me? I know from destiny only what Shard wrote on his jump, and we still know little of Crimson moon's powers.
No he just punched it.
And blew it up with his regularass Guardian powers.
A lot.

Shaxx is the gym coach Guardians, he is very strong.

>But why didn't the Ahamkara just wish him out of existence-
Because Shaxx is unironically too fight-happy to wish for anything but the fight to keep going, and then he just beats the Ahamkara dead faster than it can grow into a worthy opponent for him.

It's that simple. The Light lets you just go Dragon Ball Z on other paracausal beings unless they can fuck with the environment enough to sap it out of you, and even if that happens by analysing said environment Guardians can just yoink the Light or other paracausal energies to your advantage (kind of like how Sion or BB can just kinda hack the magical energy flows to arm you properly against larval Beasts in FGO) like a puzzle arena, AND THEN use the extra paracausal energy to blow up the other paracausal entity like a DBZ fight.
*the gym coach for the Guardians
Secondary here, which differences are there between DIO over Heaven and DIO other than reality rewrite?
I don't believe you. Her name is mentioned once in the credits under "special thanks" and is basically at the bottom of that list, and none of the senior writers for H4 mention her - but yeah she definitely influenced the entire story.
Basically, sources or kys
That's pretty much it. He's DIO with reality rewriting fists which he gained by doing some sort of heaven ritual after part 3. He does tons of shit with his power though, like sending weird mind controlling purple mist at people and resurrecting the dead.
She wrote HUman Weakness in Halo: Evolutions, Halo: Glasslands, Halo: The Thursday War, and Halo Mortal Dictata, and her vendetta against Halsey and Cortana, as written in her works, is the reason that Halsey is demonized in all later works of the Halo franchise and why Cortana went from Metastable back to Rampant, since 343 uses the canon of the novels in its continuity. The also consulted with 343 for Halo 4. Sodomize yourself with blender blades.
Semi-shitpost: how badly would the Witness mald if a godlike Lightbearing Jumper stood in its way before it could dissect the Traveler, deflected its attacks, and punched it hard enough in the nose to fling it back through its own pyramid ship?

Can you guess what I intend to do when the Witness finally arrives in-system?
Y'know, ages ago in the comic Lucifer there was a dead japanese god who ended up in a shitty little afterlife. He made the most of that afterlife even as he devolved into a total edgelord by moulding the laws of causality so that if anyone tried to attack him their attack would do nothing and instantly hit them instead, and within it's confines he could will even angels or the spawn of reality warping Tarot decks of cards (roll with it) into stone. He wasn't even a particularly powerful god. He was Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, and in life he was a bit of a fop. It's not like even his little setup was truly absolute, once the Devil actually triangulated his position he literally ran him over in the Norse ship of fingernails because the DC Devil's powerlevel just smashes lesser afterlives from being in them.

But I think about the little no-win arena he set up a lot whenever I hear about reality warpers like Heaven Ascension Dio who theoretically should be able to mollywhop the FUCK out of him, but for some reason never think of little tricks like "change reality indirectly so that every attack doesn't just miss me but hits the originator as the target" and insist on just punching things.


Something like that has happened already actually, although Guardians are a new thing so it was "just" a Traveller-uplifted species so advanced it apparently outgunned the Vanguard by the time of TFS by an order of magnitude.

>There, balanced on the blade's edge of hope, we lamented our failure. We raged against the disorder of the universe. We cursed the great, wounding injustice that permeated all existence, which we so longed to correct. We wept for our sacrifices.

So about this hard.
But he already lost? What changed that made him win the time he did?
>She wrote three books and a short
>is the reason that Halsey is demonized in all later works
Yeah Halsey did nothing wrong, totally
>Cortana went from Metastable back to Rampant
Cortana never /stopped/ being Rampant
>The also consulted with 343 for Halo 4.
Unfuck this sentence.
Still no sources, deepthroat a shotgun
>But I think about the little no-win arena he set up a lot whenever I hear about reality warpers like Heaven Ascension Dio who theoretically should be able to mollywhop the FUCK out of him, but for some reason never think of little tricks like "change reality indirectly so that every attack doesn't just miss me but hits the originator as the target" and insist on just punching things.
DIO is cursed with the arrogance of Gilgamesh and the luck of Peter Parker. He could literally become God and still somehow lose to Jotaro because God is the same type of stand as Star Platinum.
>So about this hard.
That's a whole lot of malding. I'm very happy with this fact.
Far as we know? Sheer attrition. It turns out that the hypothetical capacity to wish someone dead, doesn't mean as much if the dead man can just get up again and headbutt you harder and harder until even your paracausally reinforced reptilian body crumples.

And YES, in respect of Lightfall and ESPECIALLY the Eris hive goddess sidequest retconning prior assumptions about how hard it is to hurt a Ghost (you can literally just grab Hive ghosts and crush them into nothing. And no, there is no indication choosing to raise a Hive makes Ghosts weaker) it is apparently much easier to shoot or smash a Ghost dead than it is to reality warp it out of existence.
Question: may it in fact be the fact that it's US crushing said hive Ghosts out of existence that is a major factor for why they seem so easily killed? The PC has killed multiple Hive gods, mastered Light and some Dark, shitstomped the Vex over and over again, genocided basically every nonhuman species that enters the Sol system practically for funsies, lost and regained their Light to become even stronger than ever, and so on. What we do easily may in fact be nearly impossible for others.
>because God is the same type of stand as Star Platinum.
And according to Jorge, so is Kars.

The most amazing thing about whatever this species did, is that it apparently did NOT take exploiting the Dissenters within the Witness or luring the Witness into the Traveller. Because the Witness was forced to retreat back to it's equivalent of a Throne World, and didn't even know about the Dissenter weakness until the final battle with it.

So yeah. In the long run that one perk in Destiny: The Light that gives you your own reservoir of personal Light independent from the Traveller is more powerful than nearly everything in the Destiny the Darkness jump when it comes to actually winning fights.

It can't be because in-story there is only one Lone Wolf, but MULTIPLE Guardians are going around fighting Lucent Hive and crushing their Ghosts and shit. Even if you assume the Guardians that helped the Lone Wolf fell Oryx, Rhulk etc are almost at their level it was EVERY Guardian helping Eris so even the rank and file ones are doing this.

Shit, Eris herself threatens to crush Immaru at one point. And Eris is a lot of things but mostly she is a Dende-type support character not a godslayer herself.
Welp. There goes my arguments desperately trying to justify why it's so easy to crush Ghosts.

...I suppose that V A G U E L Y explains why thousands of Guardians have historically permadied in big battles when normally that should basically be impossible, then?
Pretty much.
Yes it is Artoria.
I don't think that TWOH's reality warping's can do similar things.
It can fucking overwrite the universe, it's a punch-based Infinity Gauntlet.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember Kars getting the beyond.
Yes but it has limits, like not being capable of overwriting its own range, in Jojo verse this would have to touch the very concept of misfortune to overwrite it, if he was capable of similar things he could simply materialize all the mcguffins he wants.
DIO seems to imply that if his whole "36 ultimate sinners and holy corpse parts" thing had worked out he'd basically just be able to do anything and probably would be a nigh omnipotent Multiversal reality warper like those imps in DC.
Vanilla Ice would defeat WoU, since he can disappear and so stop existing in heaven or earth.
It's not really clear where he goes, though, or how the power works. He could probably hit WoU by just cruising around randomly with no intent, though.
Correct. I was referring more to him just being powerful enough to shut down everything Dio did to the point Dio just gave up and ran away at the end, and having the inexplicable power to just...talk Stands into doing his bidding. Something that apparently The Passion CANNOT overcome automatically, even though Dio bullshit his way into getting it.
Yes I too think that with his second ascension he would have been capable to.
The Passion is Dio's stand that let him to see his future and his descendants', the beyond is the trinity, from what I remember.
Ah, whoops. Mixed them up, it's been ages.
Is Jorge Joestar good? All anybody talks about is exactly how many Kars there are on Mars.
There are thirty six kars on mars.
The most common description I see is that it's too bizzare.
36 Kars On Mars
It's uh
You know some of those really unhinged Jumpchain writeups? The kind that starts with a magical girl visiting her friend and ends with the universe being tipped upside down?

It's kind of like a more professional version, tonally consistent version of that where so much weird shit happens it almost feels like the author is trying to overcompensate for not actually being Araki by taking basic concepts in JoJo and exaggerating them to the point of absurdity.

>Remember Funny Valentine? Well he has brothers called Funnier and FUNNIETS Valentine
>This guy turned into a giant cowardly baby because deep down he is a giant cowardly baby
>The cliffs start walking
>Kars is the coolest guy and he's down for space adventures and he helps everyone beat Godmode Dio and (muffled Kars dicksucking)

So like, parts of the story actually feel like a JoJo story where intrepid oddballs are investigating strange going ons but the most memorable things are total memes like God's Stands, Kars being able to bend Stands to his will through sheer charisma, and yes Mars.

I give it "There was an attempt"/10. Because there WAS an attempt to replicate the mood of JoJo but it's kind of like watching Guy Ritchie's adaption of Sherlock Holmes compared to the original Sherlock Holmes stories.

God I wish there was a third Guy Ritchie Holmes movie where the Hound of the Baskervilles turns out to be a Hound of Tindalos and they have to blow up a mountain to beat it or some crazy shit like that.
>Remember Funny Valentine? Well he has brothers called Funnier and FUNNIETS Valentine
some precisation, they are his son and nephew and the third is actually named "The Funniest Valentine", wich means his actual first name is "The".
Scale of 1 to 10. How possible is it to use the power to Take people to turn them into waifu'd versions of themselves (including increasing boob/ass size as desired)?
That is pretty funny
Ah, another whoops by me. It HAS been a while.

Unclear. All the known examples have been making people better superweapons/monsters but that's because the only known masters of Taking (the Witness and Oryx) only want to kill. According to the lore description of Taking it redefines the target's fundamental existence so I guess theoretically it could be used for that, I just can't say anything with certainty with how difficult it is to adapt over to that from the traditional Taking process.

Also AFAIK they'd still be dripping with reality-corroding energy, just saying.
Psycho with all this I decided to make a jojo chain, in your phantom blood jump if you take Ahead of the game you have to put your head over your killer to keep jumping, or can you stay for ten years as a head?
Does anyone have a list of magic talent/learning perks on hand?
I'll put that at a tentative 4-6 difficulty range.
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I see, interesting. The main thing I took away from this besides it being probably too over the top is how hilarious "Funnier" and "Funniest" Valentine are.
And this just slays me.
You have to spin the block and ice that fool. Dio seemed to have done pretty well with that approach so you should be fine.
>Also AFAIK they'd still be dripping with reality-corroding energy, just saying.
Nothing a little Heresiarch can't fix. Or, well, maybe that's actually good.
How should I handle the Holy Corpse for EoH? The thing is there's gonna be a scenario and your two options are pretty much
>Take Jotaro's place as the protag and nemesis of DIO, get an Over Heaven stand to battle his, then everything resets but you keep the Over Heaven stand
>Be DIO Over Heaven and complete the ritual to become omnipotent, making the corpse one with yourself
I couldn't just make it an item given the whole premise of the game. At least a part of the corpse could be an item, and maybe that has a stipulation where it evolves into the full corpse once you've gotten them all and now that's your item?
>At least a part of the corpse could be an item, and maybe that has a stipulation where it evolves into the full corpse once you've gotten them all and now that's your item?
That's how I imagined you'd handle it, actually
Nothing quite like finding out that they announced a sequel to a game you really like over a year ago, only to also find out the sequel is by a different company with an entirely different staff, AND it's just a shitty knockoff of a different game.

... Did that anon ever come back to do the finishing touches on his Wizard of Legend jump?
Have some Fate/GO questions, if SkyrimAnon is around.
"Crafted by the Gods" in the Mystery perkline just gives you a big manapool, with the implication that it's further enhanced with the capstone that makes you a god and grants an authority. But does it scale off with Rank? Would taking the Perk at Monstrous be any stronger than taking it at High or weaker than taking it at Celestial?
Similar question for the Divine Core item's mana regeneration compared to just having one of your powers at Monstrous Rank be a dragon-like "heart is a prana reactor activated by breathing" ability.
Ok, thanks, than I won't take that drawback, correct me if I'm wrong but If I took the luck perk I have no need to buy an high tier stand in the successive jumps, i can simply not take a stand from the doc and use the arrow every time to have a top tier stand, right?
Hey is Agela and her daughters, based off of Brienne and her mother and Sister from CoC2?
Well you'd still be limited to the rules of the universe, so you could only have one stand unless you were buying them.
Then I won't buy one in stardust crusader but use the arrow and buy them in all the successive jumps, thanks.
>Yeah Halsey did nothing wrong, totally
Halsey being demonized exclusively and the other members of ONI getting off scott-free is the issue.
>Cortana never /stopped/ being Rampant
Cortana recovered from her rampancy in Halo 3
>Unfuck this sentence.
"The" should be "She"
>Still no sources
I cited the books used as foundational canon, your mongoloid inability to grasp that is not my problem, go back to injecting bleach into your urethra.
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Don't let the fairies in.
I'd say it's good, but very fuckin g bizzare and that's saying something.
Like do you remember Bites The Dust and MiH? Jorge Joestar take those kind of things as almost common.
This is like Jojo7th if Jojo7th went totally pushed the bizzaro and crossover meter to the max and broke.

>Kars being able to bend Stands to his will
It was just one, and this is still bullshit to me. What the FUCK.
>Brienne and her mother and Sister from CoC2?
Still mad about the writers being such lazy shits about it.
Still waiting for the jump.
...Oh yeah, I just remembered Mara's desperate attempts to be relevant throughout Destiny 2.
>Barely reconnected with her Risen brother again after all her bullshit
>AFTER we already mastered Light and Dark she """inducted""" us into her Queensguard, as if it's some great honor
>Literally just a mouthpiece for Riven so that we could go on a fetchquest for her eggs
>The ONE (1) thing of use she did was help open a portal into the Traveler's heart, and that was with the assistance of Crow, Osiris, and others
Says something that I'm only just now remembering how desperately she tried to have any sort of relevance.
Are you going to do the whole depowering scenario in order to do something that you can already do by following the jump's story again?
Don't forget only ISN'T cut apart by the Witness noticing her deciding to fly in a ship so she can transmat the party away from it is, charitably, because the Traveller is interfering with it's powers. Possibly enabled by Mara's own "danger go down" paracausal powers of unspecified but apparently Hive God-harming strength. And less charitably, plot armour.

Also don't forget Savathun comparing her to herself, and the Witness taking one look at everything she did and offering her a chance to become a Disciple. You know, like Calus and Eramis.
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HELL if I knew. Both? I dunno. It's also not like you can't just do it yourself in the long run.
...Yeah no, that's implied to be a DIO only thing wasn't it.
Mara is a consistent and colossal fuckup Shard, but it felt like near the end there Destiny was just going "and Mara was there too" more than anything. Like an obligatory reminder that she is, in fact, important to the story. Despite doing absolutely fucking nothing actually important or unique to the story in and of herself that couldn't have easily been done by Some Other Faceless Guardian.
How are you still mad about that?
But are you going to do it or not?
Well actually, for one half of it you already have to be DIO Over Heaven level just to do it at all.
Autism means you obsess over things. They infest their way into your brain and you're convinced they must be important. In this case, it's similar to becoming a train hobbyist, but with rage.
Well, Dio apparently did the same thing Pucci did but he became omnipotent as a consequence, we can't really know how it works because for that the plot of part 6 should make some sense, wich it doesn't.
>depowering scenario
Reminder that this used to be the standard for scenarios. An elegant solution, for a more civilized age.
Yeah but DIO's HEAVEN plan worked with The World in mind, not Dio's boneer or a green baby fusing with a fat Whitesnake.
Sure, it worked, in a way, but the intended result was TWOH not MiH.
How DIO discovered it, or knew it could work, we will never know, apparently, DIO was just that much of an autist.

>have to be DIO Over Heaven level just to do it at all.
Yeah pretty much. The ONLY reason why her perk is at the same tier as the fucking Lone Wolf perk is because lore keeps trying to make Mara look cooler than she is. And it gives her some absurd fucking feats even by Guardian standards.

>Look LOOK guys Mara blew up a Pyramid! You know, the thing that totalled Rasputin?! An inert one but shaddup
>Look LOOK guys Mara is astral projecting to fence Xivu Arath! She WOUNDED her and made her retreat while the Guardians are running around trying to get around her being the Hive God of war! Isn't Mara cool?!
>Look LOOK guys Mara blew herself up on this giant Fallen robot to total it without getting a scratch on herself!

Well, that coupled with all the demiurgic bullshit she did in the Distributary to create the environment for the Awoken to live in as well as the terms of their existence.

But if she ever becomes an actual, no-bullshit god it's not happening for a long, long time. And after bullying a literal worm (one of the small ones. Savathun's specifically) her other grand contribution to the defeat of the Witness is being a middle manager for more useful people like Caiatl, Mithrax and Micah-10 (the random trans Guardian that the Traveller apparently talks to more than the Speaker. To be fair, in the Vex episode the Traveller ALSO communicates with Mithrax more than the Speaker) as well as being a glorified taxi service.
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What are your plans for America Day, jc?
>What are your plans for America Day, jc?
Go to work
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Yes, the stronger you are compared to the baseline of demigod the more the perk's manapool scales. Think of it like a massive multiplier of your manapool.

For the Divine Core, being a source of energy is secondary to the function of making you immortal as long as it's somewhere in your body.
Exactly this is the reason I say that we can't know, why Dio has this ritual to reach heaven? Why he's necessary? Who knows.
From what he said the scenario put you either in Dio's situation, wich I think requires having an over heaven stand, or in Jotaro's.
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Unfortunately I must work
Not everyone here is American, anon.

That said, thanks for reminding me to jump Metal Wolf Chaos.
Because it's between 2:46am and 5:46am in America right now. Most burgers are gonna be asleep.
We don't celebrate your treason day here.
You can buy an "Over Heaven" stand in the jump.
It's only treason if you fail. That's why America celebrates a revolution.
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Remember that through a combination of Pixels, Jorge Joestar, Metal Wolf Chaos & Mars of Destruction you can not only become the present of the USA FOREVER, but have your own USA as well!
Who the hell sleeps past 5am?
Sounds like you should just call yourself King at that point.
In Stardust crusaders taking house of Holy and blind together is an autoloss since you can't see the puzzles?
I will fill China with as many different types of burgers as I can, even if I'm not murrican, to honor murrica day.
Iirc, Araki said that it's because DIO was so autistic over it all, that it just worked, which mean studying a lot of subjects, such at the very least, geometry, geography, mathematic, time, space, gravity, like one mean motherfucker.
That's also the reason why Diego is so good at being a jokey in SBR. He just optimized his riding potential to the maximum.

>From what he said the scenario put you either in Dio's situation, which I think requires having an over heaven stand, or in Jotaro's.
Run it by me again, what is the difference between DIOOH with and without the corpses part?

Isn't Joseph english

Oh right.
The entire plot of Eyes of Heaven is Dio trying to obtain the corpse of the saint to ascend a second time, when he does reality start warping but since his stand is the same kind as star platinum Jotaro's too evolves in over heaven and can fight him. Presumably if he managed to ascend a second time he would have become much more powerful.
...What the hell would be "much more powerful"?! Everything he look at?
You know Shard, I'm doing some thinking and soul searching after that ten hour lore video. My headache is starting to fade, and I've come to a tentative conclusion. That conclusion is this: Light's just kinda better than Darkness. The Darkness makes a good argument, sounds nice, looks sexy as all hell, but when push comes to shove it'll shove you down the well with a smile because you happened to be pushed. Dark won't think twice about fucking you over if you show weakness, just as it won't think twice about letting you take all the power from it that you think you can handle (whether you can actually handle it or not). Oh it's got fun tools and great stuff in it-but it's not your friend and if you open your back to it then it'll stick a knife in faster than you can blink.

Light will find you when you're weak, pick you up, brush you off, and offer you what it can. Sometimes it'll offer too much, twisting and poisoning the land in the rampant generosity of the Light. Sometimes it will naively try to help someone up that will happily stick a knife right back into it. But Light reaches out regardless. It wants to help. It wants to cooperate. It wants to build, and grow, and give everyone and everything a fighting chance even when they're cut down and should be long gone. If you turn your back on the Light, the Light will still reach out to you regardless. If you slap its hand away a hundred times, it will still offer its hand a hundred and first time. Light doesn't look for an opportunity to stab you in the back; it looks for an opportunity to help. And sometimes it jumps the gun. Sometimes it helps too much. Sometimes it doesn't know how to help. It doesn't have all the answers and can't always give them even if it did, but it tries.

Darkness is seductive, sexy, yet endlessly vicious and treacherous. Light is far less sexy and has less interesting stuff, but is generous and supportive.

That's my thoughts, anyways. Don't know how right they are if at all.
Depends what your other abilities are. I think you can bring companions with you so maybe they can solve it for you
I’m not a “king”, I’m the living mandate of the heavenly American Dream!
>Isn't Joseph english
Shhhhhhhh, Britain is just…an autonomous territory of America yeah!
That's Psycho's problem when he have to decide the scenario reward, I can only give some random idea wich doesn't interest anyone.
Ok, if I can bring companion it's much easier.
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...But I still want Sword Logic.

I can't help it! I know it's hot trash and absolutely terrible in the long run, but goddammit it's just so fucking hot!
>Light's just kinda better than Darkness
I mean yeah, the Darkness basically agrees in Unveiling. It's the whole reason why it keeps giving the Guardian it's sales pitch. Hell when it says it beat the Gardener it's not because it was stronger, faster or more cunning (in some abstract metaphysical sense). It's literally just because the Gardener keeps stopping to offer peace-at which point the Winnower just attacked.

Sword Logic is a literal pyramid scheme.
Also I mean even by the Winnower's own definition, the fact that the Guardians keep killing all it's best dudes is proof that even by the Winnower's own value system, they are the best.
I'm aware of that fact and I'm not gonna buy into it. But Sword Logic's got that a e s t h e t i c y'know?
>I'm not gonna buy into it.
You're going to die.
Destiny as a setting deserves to be obliterated. The Light is a fucking mary sue power system, I hate it.
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Checking on Nihei after the Abara jump

>He is making a fantasy manga about exploring a super tall tower
>t. Extra Salty Witness
On the one hand, I'm slightly concerned Nihei is finally caving to popular demand now unfortunately biopunk is out of style in Japan.

On the other hand it's Nihei, I'm sure he'll find a way to sneak unkillable meatblobs and gravity furnaces in there somewhere.
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>"I can totally handle it," says Anon who could not, in fact, handle it.
That's literally what 99% of all Darkness wielders say. The 1% is the Witness, whose last words were "I don't understand."
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Jumps with good biopunk content?
>The Light is a fucking mary sue power system
This spoken in defence of the force that confers among other things

>growing yourself into a thing theoretically big enough to encircle moons
>various forms of immortality, ranging from plane-based resurrection to being tethered to life by an emotion
>biological manipulation able to do the equivalent of turning a soldier into an attack helicopter
>the power to influence emotions and bend the will of others
>the ability to enslave or even CREATE armies of super-beings
>the ability to empower others into being that can beat wish-granting gods into submission
>the ability to carve out planes under your control in the not!Warp
>the power to wipe out entire civilisations, tank the raw energy of one of 2 creators of the universe's physical manifestation and hijack said creator to rewrite reality itself in your image

while the most commonly observed powers of the Light are double jumping and shooting energy attacks or creating big energy weapons to bonk things with is hilarious.
What does this have to do with being a man with a gun? I thought that's what Destiny was about.
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>who played Halo
>came of the MARATHON train peachy and happy
>see this
Nope, nope nope noooooope.
>while the most commonly observed powers of the Light are double jumping and shooting energy attacks or creating big energy weapons to bonk things with is hilarious.
It's exactly because the Light can beat the Darkness which is why it's a mary sue power system. How strong the Darkness is doesn't matter, the fact is Light is the metanarrative designated winner because it's 'good', which is shit.
>Jumps with good biopunk content?
nta but I sure hope so, he's one of the few mangaka I have yet to lose faith in.
>Evil should win!!!
Fuck you. Evil SHOULD win.
Good should win because it inspires based people to become Chads. Not because the metanarrative hands it victory on a silver platter.
Well you see, the man with the gun finds a way to shoot beings with all of the above dead which in hindsight I suppose is the source of that particular anon's anger.

Same. I already find it baffling the studio that did the Sidonia anime went out of it's way not to distribute the finale movie. They are FORCING me to pirate against my will, when I'd gladly pay to see their product what the fuck

>who played Halo
>the game where Cortana went evil, was replaced with an even bitchier Cortana, and fucking Atriox is more relevant than the Flood as a threat to humanity, and there's a NEW ancient alien race said to be even worse than the Flood with the gimmick of time travel that was somehow sealed into the Halos
How did you not expect disappointment?
You, uh, DID notice the Guardians wielding Darkness as well as Light, right? Like, it's a whole thing-learning to master the Dark without being corrupted by it, turning the weapons of their enemies against them, finding a Prismatic unity that let them fell the otherwise unstoppable Witness?
You see Shard, that's my secret technique: I didn't. I've heard how shit Halo 4 and everything after was, and never played it.
If there's never legitimate a risk of evil winning, can anything truly be considered good?
Nta but obviously yes.
There was an absolutely aburd risk of evil genuinely winning many times over, and it took such ridiculous efforts, skill, sacrifices, and sheer dumb luck that the ultimate victory against the Witness can be called nothing less than a miracle.
>Well you see, the man with the gun finds a way to shoot beings with all of the above dead which in hindsight I suppose is the source of that particular anon's anger.
The source of my anger is literally that >>93243625 is taken for granted as true in Destiny
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>Giant evil man vs morally righteous small man
>Implies the small man will lose
Goliath was robbed, David is a FRAUD
Get sling'd.
How hard is it to beat the Scenario of Diabolical?
You mean a Bungiedev?
Hey, we might get Dungeon Meshi, Nihei Edition. Just imagine what fresh new nightmare fuel he could come up with.
Goliath's mistakes was not bringing his own sling. Goliath's own lack of preparation proved that he was unworthy of reaching the final shape.

>An entire cooking fantasy anime but it's about surviving on military rations instead of the delicious supremacy of japanese food
Unironically more horrifying than any biological monstrosity in Blame!
It wouldn't have mattered if Goliath brought his own sling, David literally got free fucking handouts from God
Does the Winnower speak in a male or female voice?

What about the Gardener?
Unconfirmed. Mostly just writes to the Guardians. It is called the Queen of Final Shapes by some characters though.
Decidedly female, it manifested as a mother wolf to Clovis.
>and the Guardian just fucking merges it on the spot to make Prismatic. In seconds.
Would King of Shapes give me enough MC energy to do that myself?
>Female voices
That's gonna recontextualize how I portray them in my head, slightly. I've been imagining them with male voices, and it's given me a certain mental image of them. Female voices is a bit of an adjustment to that image.
Are you sure it's the Light itself and not just being human that lets them do DBZshit really good? The Hive weren't doing anything impressive when they turned into Guardians.
Human Guardians also wielded the Dark to do some pretty impressive stuff.
steel ball run
Anyone have that new enchanted jump? It didnt get uploaded
That was just to refuel his Over Heaven powers, which the Epilogue implies Jotaro gets to keep without any cost after "Same type of Stand"ing DIO.
...You know, I hadn't even thought about it before, but there's something almost...comical, about the last line of the Prismatic Symmetry perk. The Winnower acknowledges that your Prismatic abilities are a genuinely beautiful thing that could utterly dominate the universe-acknowledging that the unity of Light and Dark, that Unity of disparate forces creates a greater sum of its parts...then immediately turns around and asks you to say that Dark is the right and ONLY way to win. There's an almost comical hypocrisy there that I hadn't even noticed until just now.
JUMP #0152: Alice Through the Looking Glass

Location: The Garden of Live Flowers
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Origin: Looking-Glassman
>One kind of all (free)
>Tweedlified (100)
>Humpty Dumptied (200)
>Looking-Glass Mirrors (400)
>Beware the Jabberwock, my dear (300)
>Omnidirectional Vision (free Queen reward)
>Collection of Poems (free)
>Vorpal Sword [Import Sturmgeflüster] (300)
>The Sequel (+0)
>An Ugly Flower (+100)
>Bread-and-Butterfly diet (+200)
Total: 1300/1300

Doylist Commentary: Ah, this place again. Apparently, I shouldn't have played so much chess against myself last jump. At least I got another dragon form, a weird one but still a dragon. Though the real catch here is the vorpal sword. That blade has been my go-to for several past chains. Not that the other perks I bought aren't also useful. Being in two places at once, changing the meaning of words etc. Plenty of fun stuff all around.
I think it was still WIP.
By itself? No, you need Light. Dredgen You would let you do it on it’s own though since, y’know, it’s the Destiny MC perk.

Well, they CAN do that in the first place because of the Light, but it’s ambiguous how special humanity is. Recent lore points to the Traveller stopping more because it was fed up with the Witness’ genocide than anything, but earlier lore also points to it hearing a “roar” from Earth louder than anything before.

Well, it is written in the spirit of Unveiling after all.
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Is the power to Take similar to puppet diddler's fate changing?
We have any steampunk jumps?
The first one that jumps to mind is Arcanum.
I got the cool floaty magic mirror in castelvania netflix, anyone know of any jumps where I could import it to improve upon it?
Mortal Engines. Leviathan. Fallen London/Sunless Seas/Sunless Skies. Girl Genius. TECHNICALLY AdventureQuest Worlds, Wakfu and Dragonfable.

Not really?
Girl Genius and Shadow of the Demon Lord

If you're okay with it being intelligent, Casper (Fox Films) and Sleeping Beauty.

If you want it to be a TV, Skylanders Swap Force
Marvel Cosmic has a magic mirror, if you're cool with fanwanking like-into-like imports. Sabre table and sacred artefact table from Fate Servantverse and Seven Deadly Sins are always good options for imports.
Weird and kinda vague answer, but anyone know of any perks that make you both sane and insane? Or an insanity that loops back around to being high functioning. That kinda thing.
Thanks. Making it able to be used as a tv is a nice upgrade. Will check out the other options.
City of Angles has something for that.
Check the Professor Paradox perks in Ben 10. There should be something like that in there.
Shard, if I have Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence and ontologically lock the action of "being impregnated" into a waifu as I come into her, can I have the outcome be that she gets progressively more and more pregnant with more nad more children as she's constantly "being impregnated"?
Thank you.
How is Sword Logic trash when it can just strongarm Light into obeying it?
Shard if you buy the Vex freebie as another origin can you still take the Vex customization table?
This is some SMT Innana shit.
Well it's not trash insofar as it can strongarm light, it's just that it took a literal god among the Hive to do that and non-god Guardians could strongarm it right back WITHOUT entirely subscribing to the Sword Logic dogma.

Nope. It's restricted to the Vex background.
...second reply meant for >>93243989 obviously
Thanks, another reason for being a Vex.
>The woman before me is a classical jade beauty. She looks like she walked off the cover of a xianxia novel. Fitting, as the center of Creation, the Blessed Isle, is both a vaguely fantasy-china kind of place, and also the center of the Scarlet Empire.
Because I feel like it, I submit this as her appearance.

>Also bitchy as fuck and stuck between two fucking assholes vying for her hand. I’m not getting involved in that.
Not yet.

>The ambassador sighs and shakes her head. Man, I love being pretty. Social op, please don’t nerf.
Admittedly, the OPness is in part because of how far it’s been stacked.

>That sounds fascinating, if somewhat painful to reproduce. Although I suppose that’s why you mentioned the printing press? ...I might be able to help with that.
The Realm ambassador looks it over and decides this is a fun way to train Investigation.

>She goes with a contemplative look on her face. I haven’t even made them yet, and I think I have a fan of the series. Possibly two. Truly, blatantly ripping off modern inventions is the greatest of all isekai cheats.
Meanwhile, as a Twilight, Fair Eyes learns Crafty Observation Method and solves the whole book in under a minute.

>...Fuck, now I want a hamburger.
At least they’re easy enough to make.
Would there be any advantage in taking both sword logic, Anthem Anatema and the freebie of the worm gods?
You can grant wishes as well as cast violence-based black magic on top of probably a whole host of hitherto unspecified paracausal abilities like creating wormholes between planets.
What is to stop me from using violence based black magic from recreating Toriko by inventing Gourmet Cells, which slot neatly into the paradigm of Darkness with their eat-or-be-eaten characteristics?
JAGS Wonderland question.
>Department of Works, Provisional Employee
>if you wish you may instead have a specific Twist that manifests machinery out of nowhere as tools, armour or other similar constructs to aid your tasks.
Any examples or frame of reference for the stuff you manifest?
The principle one is something some giant jackhammers the entities that apparently staff the Department have attached to their limbs.
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Good morning anons, happy burger day.
It's the 5th? Already?

>checks world clock
So it is. Happy America day, most people not in my time zone.
>Nightmare on elm street
Where else can you go to pick up dream powers that can kill people? I don't think Super sentai has an option for that

Is there a place to read Out of Cruel Space other than Reddit?
Happy Burger day!
Sadly no, not that I have been able to find, but you can listen to the chapters on youtube as if it was an audiobook.
When it comes to scenarios, you often run into the "freebees with extra steps" argument. Often "what do you get from the scenario?" is infinitely less important than "what reason would someone have NOT to take the scenario?"
>Take Jotaro's place as the protag and nemesis of DIO, get an Over Heaven stand to battle his, then everything resets but you keep the Over Heaven stand
>>Be DIO Over Heaven and complete the ritual to become omnipotent, making the corpse one with yourself
What challenges would you actually have to face by taking these? Because the former grants 1200CP worth of value that fate pretty much hands you as soon as you need it, while the latter grants a level of value you presumably can't even buy with CP. That said, a scenario is probably the most fitting approach for something like this, as long as there's a sufficient challenge.
Happy American day, wretched cur!
Is Sunless Sea/Skies/Fallen London really steampunk? It doesn't even really have the aesthetic, it's more Gothic then anything.
No, just an amazonian milf who thinks you can NEVER have enough women in your life/bed/household and insists that you take her daughters.
Will there be a perk for fate bending over backwards to make you important? Like how Speedwagon of all people sets the plot in motion, despite just being a British guy with a really sharp hat in the grand scheme of things.
It started out gothic, but there's increasingly more steampunk-relevant stuff in it as the setting's technology advances.
Because one has proven able to have children while the other hasn't. And anime makes all mother's milfy and understanding with age. While the normal waifus are normally teenage girls with all the annoy habits and lack of real world knowledge of teenage girls. This is why 95% of most harem plots happen. If people just sat down and talked the show would be over in the first episode with no confusion.
>Cortana recovered from her rampancy in Halo 3
That was only the start of rampancy, then she spent five years (of eight total years) isolated on the Forward Unto Dawn, but that's not actually what I'm interested in.
>"The" should be "She"
>She also consulted for Halo 4
Now THIS is what I'm interested in. What did she do there? What did she influence? None of the head writers for H4 mentioned anything, and she's listed below Monty Oum on the credits - who I'm pretty sure is only there for RvB and not any work on H4. About the only demonization of Halsey I remember in H4 is Spartan Ops, and lets be real who actually played that shit? There's maybe twelve people worldwide who reached the chapter where she goes full retard.
>I cited the books used as foundational canon
Asking for an interview/whatever where she said "she was proud to have never played the game or treat (read?) any of the books before joining their writing team" - my fault for not specifying. Please eat resiniferatoxin.
Because Japan is so obsessed with "purity" that any woman who has canonically had sex becomes significantly less attractive, so they need to overcompensate to make fans want to fuck them. As for what it happens in non-anime, I dunno. Probably something Freudian.
Reminder that the puppet diddler didn't even invent puppetry, he just cribbed it from the Eternal Cities. They actually invented it to produce eternal guardians that could never be killed, sealing their greatest champions into sarcophagi and using that weird projection sorcery to summon them as deathless respawning ghost soldiers. You also see Ranni and the Carians using it occasionally, having copied it from them (presumably through Ranni's dealings with Nokstella).

It's honestly amazing how much sorcerous bullshit originated from the Eternal Cities.
So, whats going on in your chain?
Jumper has been playing a lot of chess with the Boatman.
Scorn is a shithole, but it's as biopunk as it gets.
It's not amazing at all, they preexist the Erdtree and are still standing in the modern times of the Lands Between potentially thousands of years later.
Do you need to worry about your Lunar waifu trying to turn into an animal during sex?
Jumper is schizoposting on Parawatch forums.
Of course, literally all his posts are the objective truth and reveal critical information about the Foundation and the nature of reality, but it's still schizoposting.
The best kind of schizoposting
I saw a corner of a nipple. MOOOOODS COME OVER
Currently doing a korean dungeon invasion as a vampire delver, upgrading my vampiric bloodline, and giving others vampiric bloodline acccess so that I can get passive growth to my own powers. All while building my army of familiars alucard style.
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Confidence and experience are attractive.

>If people just sat down and talked the show would be over in the first episode with no confusion.
I just more harem anime dealt the mc/girls relationship like 100 girlfriends does.
Who is your lunar mate in this image?
Can't talk for all of them, but they're usually a direct upgrade from their daughters body-wise, tend to have more mature personalities given they are wiser and more experienced.
Well, true. But it's kind of wild how influential they are and how much of sorcery and all the magical realpolitik happening in the Lands Between traces back to them. They've been quietly setting up outposts on the surface for apparently centuries, the most notable being Sellia itself, and infiltrating every major organization in existence. Their assassins committed a fucking Holocaust against the Golden Lineage right in the middle of Leyndell, including killing Godwyn and sparking all the shit with Those Who Live In Death. All the shit going down in Liurnia with the Knights of the Cuckoo is their doing, Lusat was their plant in the Academy for who knows how long, the Albinaurics are their creations dispersed throughout the Lands Between, they've been creating artificial Dragons as super soldiers, they've got disguised Mimic Tears reconning the surface all over the place.

Like the Greater Will sealed these guys underground "for eternity" but it apparently didn't do a very good job, did it?
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People always say "Jobs to a 50cal", but how strong IS a 50cal?
Stronger than the viral burgers
Hey Ric, is there any chance you'll ever add the the Authorities Supplement to the main Campione jump? And possibly allow fully OC authorities, some of the ones anons have come up with are pretty cool.
>They've been quietly setting up outposts on the surface for apparently centuries
It's literally the opposite. The Eternal Cities used to be above ground, they controlled all of that shit until Marika came into power and expelled their entire civilization to the darkness. It's less that they've progressively grown in influence than that they've fallen from grace only so far despite the efforts of a god to suppress them.
About as strong as an average blaster rifle in Star Wars, so blows good sized chunks out of concrete.
>Why is a level 75 Charizard better than a level 18 Charmeleon?
The Greater will has nothing to do with it
Pretty damn strong. No shame in going down to a Barrett or Browning
The Greater Will did, actually. It's stated that the Nox specifically invoked the ire of the Greater Will (not Marika) and that they were punished by banishing them underground. The Greater Will then created a faux night sky over their head in mockery of their aspiring Lord of Night.

It's one of the few instances where the Greater Will itself got pissed and intervened, presumably because they literally created a weapon capable of slaying both it and its servants. This isn't an instance of some guy pissing off Marika and being punished, this is somebody creating the fucking Lance of Longinus to shank God and being smote for their arrogant ambitions.
>The Greater Will did, actually. It's stated that the Nox specifically invoked the ire of the Greater Will (not Marika) and that they were punished by banishing them underground. The Greater Will then created a faux night sky over their head in mockery of their aspiring Lord of Night.
That's completely wrong. On multiple levels. The Greater Will really had nothing to do with the Nox being expelled from the surface and also the Nox made their night sky themselves.
The Eternal Cities made the Fingerslaying Blade AFTER being sent underground. Wherever you're getting your lore from it's completely misinformed you
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>sling allowed to be used in a duel
>sling is well known to be a deadly weapon and is commonly used on the battlefield throughout the world even though the story would imply otherwise
>Goliath just stands there
No, they pissed off the Greater Will specifically.
>Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground. Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night.
>in mockery of their aspiring Lord of Night
>burgers and guns
Should be tacos and rainbow colored dildos
Anon, the Greater Will hasn't been around doing anything since long before the creation of the Erdtree, the 'ire of the Greater Will' is just Marika.
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
>just shows up without his shield and helmet
>"Nah, I'd win"
The goal of the Nox was to create the Lord of Night and establish their own Age of Stars to replace Marika's Golden Order. It's theorized that all the giant corpses you see on thrones are their failed effort to do so. They created the Mimic Tears in the hopes that one of them might be able to become the Lord of Night but that ultimately never happened.
Who told you this? Where are you getting these completely incorrect ideas that you're asserting as fact?
My chain is on hold because, for some reason, I volunteered to write up thirty companions as part of a larger project that is experiencing severe scope bloat.

Not that I regret doing it in the slightest, but it is where all my time is going. And on the bright side, it's an excuse to listen to the Ciaphus Cain novels again.
I think it's pretty implicitly the Greater Will when the translation literally fucking states that they pissed off the Greater Will. And no, the Greater Will abandoned the Lands Between and cut communication only after the events of the Shattering.
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You have always been able to make fully OC authorities, only caveat being that you justify their existence (not difficult)
The limitation was that you can't have the very exact same authority that some other campiomeh already has because they need to be slightly different at least given how they work.
Supplement was something I did for fun because people asked me for OC authorities so I cooked some with obvious drawbacks that were supposed to be shed/overcome eventually. So I ain't adding it to the jump.
Night Swordstress Crown:
>[...]Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night.

Mimic Tear Ashes:
>Mimic tears are the result of an attempt by the Eternal City to forge a lord.

Silver Tear Husk:
>The Silver Tear makes mockery of life, reborn again and again into imitation. Perhaps, one day, it will be reborn a lord...
Cope more
No, the Greater Will abandoned the Lands Between literally the moment it sent the Elden Ring. This was confirmed by description text around Metyr and dialogue with Ymir about it, everything relayed by the fingers was a lie from the very beginning, it's dyed in the wool lies from the root. The Greater Will has never actually been involved at any point in the process
So you just made all that shit up yourself?
Not either of them but the only one coping here is you
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So you're a pathetic shitposter, huh. Well, if that's the case then you're not worth speaking with any further.
You got called out for being a liar, deal with it with dignity.
>literally given proof
>"n-no that doesn't c-count, you're j-just making it up!"
The absolute state of """lorefags""" who only get their info from secondary Youtubers.
That isn't proof of most of what you said.
Can you speed up the Jumpmaking? WoL made 3 jumps while you where working on Toaru.
That's absolute proof because it literally says it.
>this poorly thought out fable is actually happened you're the one coping
Sure thing little buddy
Is that what you're claiming? Embarrassing. No, they say what they say. You take those descriptions and make up lies with bad interpretations of the information given instead of actually reading the words properly.
>Can you speed up the Jumpmaking?
I have made clear before this where ToAru and JC as a whole ranks in my list to do stuff.
This place just ain't my main anymore
Some misc suggestions for the jump now that I've watched through the game cut scenes.
>inexplicable ability for non-stand users to see and put up a fight against stand users.
>Ability to talk sense into people blinded by pride or immaturity (like how he almost instantly talked Ceasar and young Joseph out of rashly attacking Kars).
>Coco Jumbo should be offered for dirt cheap, if not outright free. Since it's the justification for how Jotaro is carrying half the cast in his pocket at all times. Ability to fit an entire turtle in your pocket?
>Able to convince people surprisingly easy about ridiculous scenarios, like using a holy corpse to travel through time and space, as long as you're telling the truth.
>"Same type of stand" logic in the sense that you have a degree of protection against sufficiently similar powers, like how Dio couldn't steal Jotaro's corpse part.
>Fate repeats itself. If you defeat someone once and they come back, fate will contrive for your first battle to repeat itself almost identically.
>You should probably add a note or something about how DIO explicitly states TWOH can't overwrite all of reality at once without a large amount of soul power and time to charge up.
Anon, you can't gaslight people about something they can literally see in front of them. And you can't just decide that words mean something other than what they say because your favorite 18 hour long """lore""" speculation is disproven by basic in-game info.
What jump is that?
Wrong, I can and I will.
Shard, how do you feel about the becoming the Vake Glimpse of Anathema timeline we've seen?
Then feel free to continue living in your schizophrenic delusion while the rest of us work according to what actually exists.
Wow, you really think you're smarter than 90% of everyone here and everywhere else just because you can't read? That's crazy
>This place just ain't my main anymore
I'm sorry for your dyslexia, hopefully one day you'll recover.
NTA, the rest of us are also going to listen to youtuber lore speculation. You're just some nigger on 4chan, you have about as much credibility as Infowars.
I wish I were playing the game in that timeline, instead of pretending I need an airship.
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I, huh, wasn't expecting to be called that.
I have as much credibility as the literal in-game quotes I post do.
the what
No you don't. If you have so much credibility, then become a lore youtuber. Until then, shut the fuck up.
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Your irrelevant schizo Youtuber can suck my gigantic lore-accurate balls.
Trying to figure out what to do in Avatar The Last Airbender as a halfa and ruler of a half ghost city. No idea if the locals will view the new flying city full of blondes and redheads as some sort of spirit touched.
Elden Ringu Lorelet BTFO'd
In my mind there is a strong thematic connection between the crucible/sent and the formless mother but don't think there is any direct evidence that there connected, is there?
>Retard spergs out and calls everyone who argues against him mentally ill shitposters
Common sight these days.
Nope. Not other than "both are shunned by Marika, and both intersect at Mohg (who beat the allegations)"

Judging by how the Scarlet Rot was first invoked by that one saint who was present when Messmer set the Land of Shadow aflame discovering a "divine element", there is in fact circumstantial evidence to suggest all the gods are doing their own thing.
Elden Ring is one of those games where autistic fanon has gone completely out of control and people are so deep into sunken cost fallacy that they'll reject the actual game lore if it contradicts their intricate headcanon.
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Reminder that it doesn't matter because the "lore" is 70% headcanon and speculation because Michel Zaki proved that there isn't a real, complete story that got purposefully chopped after making Miquella gay for radahn out of nowhere
>The limitation was that you can't have the very exact same authority that some other campiomeh already has because they need to be slightly different at least given how they work.
Reading the jump the limitation is they need to be similar to another Campione's authority, which kind of limits the option and wouldn't include some of the fun ones anons have come up with. The jumpmaker (you) has approved of some of them but that's in the thread not the jump.
Ignore them Ric. Thanks for going through the hassle of making new jumps, especially for ToAru.
Miquella's lore was foreshadowed, literally all of it, cope
Reminder that there are many more, much better reasons to engage in rebellion in today's USA than in 1773. It is not a day to celebrate, it is a day to reflect on the continued failure to make a sequel.
With Godwyn not Radahn. Cope
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The duality of something.
I have a feeling you're exactly the sperg I was talking about
There is a real, complete story. It's just a really stupid one and everybody wants to make it out to be this fantastical masterpiece when in reality it's just about some schizo trying to become a God.
If you feel offended by what I said then you're probably part of the problem.
No, you're the problem, you fucking retard. You're a goddamn pidgeon with a chessboard, all you know how to do is shit on the board
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That's probably an issue of communication? Its supposed to mean in the general sense of power and versatility. But I'm an ESL so it came out wrong.
I'll apologize and try to fix it when I have time.
Thanks babe. Your understanding is appreciated.
>That's probably an issue of communication? Its supposed to mean in the general sense of power and versatility. But I'm an ESL so it came out wrong.
>I'll apologize and try to fix it when I have time.
I appreciate it and apologize if I've been annoying about it.
And you're writing fanfiction and when a contradiction happens you're trying to proclaim that it has more authority than the actual author does. Your "chessboard" was worthless to start with so don't blame me for shitting on it.
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I feel like working on my Generic Merge jump next. Anything in particular people would like to see? It's based on all those mobile merge games like Merge Dragons or Little Alchemy. So anything along those lines or even vaguely thematically related would probably fit.
Any thoughts on how the Darkness (winnower) would interact with The Darkness or the Dark Soul
>Generic Merge jump
What the fuck is that
Try Infinite Craft
Giant Humanity sprites that aggressively float around eating people, probably.
>Oh how adorable these things look.
>Wait is this hard countered by direct light?
>Oi Final Shape-Kun eat that scrub.
What it sounds like. I got severely addicted to merge games last year. Games based around merging things together to get even better things. Like you merge a few kid dragons and get a teen dragon, or merge some magic flowers to get a magic tree. There are tons of these things. After playing enough I realized that most of them were pretty much identical in terms of mechanics and often even story. Rather than singling out one game to make a jump of, I'm just making a generic.
Ironically, you are the prime example of exactly what you claim to criticize and you don't even realize it.
Among other things you can spawn a seemly endless army at night or in dark places. Let's not pretend it isn't powerful
You still won't be that much compared to her boyf-Final Shape.
I don't think I've ever played a game like that, but I'll check out the jump
Sure, but it gets hard countered by the mundane non paracausal version of the Darkness's political debate rival. He's not going to be happy about the comparison and such an obvious weakness to the user's continued survival won't be appealing to the platonic ideal of survival of the fittest either.

Estacado's power is cool to /us/ and quite powerful but the Winnower is likely to have issues with it.
I love how you all continue to make this assertion but don't actually provide any examples of it. It really highlights how fucking retarded you are.
So just use sword logic or something to remove its light weakness. At least to the point that you can manifest its powers in normal light
>Alright but its not as cool as me!
If you want an example >>93245220 here. This is an example of you being a rancid argumentative cunt with no self awareness.
That's not how Sword Logic works, you need to beat the thing you're weak to to be immune to it.
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I accept your concession.
So use another reality hack or kill light weilders. This isn't as difficult as you want it to be
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Last repost of 0.1 of my Enchanted jump. The next update will be to 1.0.

I'm still putting it through review.
>Thanks babe. Your understanding is appreciated.

No prob dude. How's your day been? All good?
The jump seems to indicate that you either choose the listed ones or canon ones.
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We got a sequel:
I hope Artistic Reality survives if it ends up needing an update/dupe
What does a special specialist do?
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yeah, I need to finish stuff I had to turn in on monday, lmao. Imma get fired. I still haven't recovered from what they did to Hoshi no Samidare.
Might work on something or play ygo to keep my mind off things
Someone very skilled at very particular things.
How would the lands between react to the lord of shades (hollow knight)
Depends. Can you kill Godwyn?
I like those games, but how would the jimp look like generally? Like what would your jumper experience?
>Imma get fired.
Take care dude! From what I have seen, the job market is very not fun atm.

Hope you have fun though. Me, I am trying to read some LN's, but not having much luck. School, FGO and other things have fucked with my attention span.

Also sucks since I am trying to play stuff on Steam, only to feel like I should do something else.....It fucking sucks since I want to try to write some stuff for Jumpchain.....
Dear god, Shard has become Gohanposter.
Most fall into one of 5 forulas:
>Creation of the world where you're god
>Medieval fantasy world
>Modern times
>Post-apocalypse where there are dragons and other mythical creatures.
I'm just interpreting these as different points of the same timeline you can choose to start. Or you can just choose a specific merge game for the jump to take place in. You get to work out the slight differences in how merging works, how common it is, etc. There are scenarios based on various common plots of these games. Other than that it's just a generic. Other than the broad strokes, the specifics are up to you. The perklines are based on common tropes for these types of games.
>Creator - All about getting along with mythical creatures and bringing things to their maximum potential
>Researcher - All about alchemists/scientists who only care about finding every fusion they can
>Uncoverer - Based on games like Merge Mansion where you have to uncover some dark family secrets and navigate soap-opera style drama
>Destroyer - Based on the dark monster of necromancer antagonists these games often have.
Shard is the Gohanposter of free will.
Never really played those kind of games. Any you would recommend checking out?
Assuming no other powers, can I survive in DxD as a Sidereal?
No, sorry. You have to be a solaroid
Are there any good Jumpchain stories I can read to get a good understanding of the general "Flow"?
What if I utilize my free will to support and cherish Gohan in his entomological endeavours?
sounds neat. i would like to ask that the merging explicitly work on anything and everything and that by what parameters it becomes 'better' be changeable rather than a certain combination leading to the exact same result every time.
No. What questions do you have?
Companion Chronicles.
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Are you planning to fight everyone? because no one in DxD has the type of hax or brains that can deal with a Sidereal who knows how to be stealthy and plan.
I think there are a couple of Jumpchain fics on QQ, there's one I've been reading that's been in Skyrim for a while and recently moved to Castlevania Netlfix.
What's the best edition of Exalted to start which, how many people do you play this game which and what is your standard "beginner" party? Like, all solars? Are there some paths that are just too complicated to start with or that a beginner player wouldn't be able to handle?
Speaking of Exalted, in the Mortal Hero gauntlet, with the "Forgot My Sword" destiny, is the sword the actual Sword of Forgetfulness or just a sword that everyone keeps forgetting about?
The description of the destiny says the latter, but the notes say the former.
Heavens' writing was decent if you didn't mind him usually being an idiot and punching his way out of problems.
Yorokonde wrote well but tended to wander off on new ideas rather than finishing anything.
Bartender did some good stuff but was fairly quiet about it.
Ravenloft used to post a lot more but her stuff was always worth a read.
Red was usually focused on capitalism and her fetishes, but somehow it worked.

You'll have to dig through the archives for most of it. I think only Heavens and Yorokonde have their own archives but I don't have the links to either.
>Content Warning
Survive, like, hiding somewhere and not interacting with the plot or supernatural as a whole? Yes
Listen. just read the lore because you will never find an actual game unless your willing to dive into the shitshow that is 3E and the modern discord.
The only 'game' of exalted I've ever played was the fan made tutorial you occasionally see online, that gives you a pretty good idea of the game.

If you want to actually play a game I'd suggest Solars, because that's the splat with the most content.
Little Alchemy is arguably where this genre started catching on, but it's pretty bare-bones compared to what came after. Merge Dragons is what ate up literally entire days of my life, and is probably what most merge games are directly aping. >>93245152 basically takes the premise of merge games to it's utmost extreme, using AI to ensure you never run out of fusions.
>would like to ask that the merging explicitly work on anything and everything
You get various options to customize how it works. You can pay to choose what type of things you can fuse, how many of that thing you need to fuse, how common merging is in the jump, whether it requires some additional resource in addition to the ingredients, whether you can merge completely different things or only identical items, etc.
>and that by what parameters it becomes 'better'
These games rarely get into the minutia of how one thing becomes another, so I'll leave it similarly vague. Use your own judgement for anything not spelled out in the jump.
I’d go with the notes and say it’s the real deal. Maybe the description of the destiny forget the details.
>This was confirmed by description text around Metyr and dialogue with Ymir about it
I hate those two to much.
They are punching everything we know into question.
I find your offering acceptable.

I’m pretty sure I put a passing mention of But A Stepping Stone in a previous bit, to technically I’m already involved. I’m just in denial.

And yeah, that sounds about right for the both of them. Then again, if they help to make them then they won’t need to solve them because they’ll already know the answer.

The next scene I need to write is probably another meeting with Rankar/weave, and meeting the dragonblood rangers
We should be able to come to the Radahn boss fight with Ranni on our back slinging Comets with her four Carian Regal Scepters. Really even things out.
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Tiny ranni would have made a perfect edition to the boss fight.
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>This place just ain't my main anymore
You made me sad.

>Imma get fired
Oh fuck now I'm sad for you.

>Hoshi no Samidare
oh you poor thing.
They should have, but it would have made Ranni's ending seems even better.
>Ranni and Miquella glaring at each other and having a huge bitch argument the whole fight
>dragging all kinds of ancient dirt up and getting more and more pissed
>Radahn and the Tarnished engaging in a good old-fashioned duel
>both looking at each other with total exasperation the entire time
>Phillistines are generally theorized to have an Aegean/Greek origin
>Peleset were among the Sea Peoples and may be related, alongside the Ekwesh (Achaeans?) and Denyen (Danaans?)
>Achilles had a son, Neoptolemus, who had either three or eight children
>it is possible (though not particularly probable) that Goliath was directly descended from Achilles, assuming both men existed
>Radahn gets you to half health
>Ranni spazzes out like the marionettes and starts hurling dozens of Comets in all directions while a concerned Miquella hides behind Radahn
>I find your offering acceptable.
I don’t know about you, but I find it helps with writing a character if I have a general idea of what they look like. Interesting that the Realm ambassador has a Threshold style name instead of a Realm style name, but maybe her parents liked the style.

>And yeah, that sounds about right for the both of them. Then again, if they help to make them then they won’t need to solve them because they’ll already know the answer.
Make a final image by yourself and challenge them to solve it.

Waldo’s not in it.

>and meeting the dragonblood rangers
Make sure you’ve got some Jade in storage, for use as money or for artifacts, younger Dragonblooded often need both.
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>Radahn starts panic rolling
Big brothers have a natural weakness to there little sister.
NTA but did any of the oc companion suggestions you asked for from the other day inspire ya?
>They should have but also they really really should have.
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>Take care dude! From what I have seen, the job market is very not fun atm.
It aint my dude, I just want a dead end job that pays me enough to live and fade into the background
Based bocchifriend
Yeah I added 2
Shard, why does the canon companion option not enable this>>93245732?
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Going all in is the correct choice since most people went for the Ranni ending.
>enter the boss fight with Ranni
>you gain a boss health bar as "[Tarnished], Lunar Consort"
Supreme kino.
In what way does it not, retard? Companions ranni, throw her over your shoulders and tell her to hang on.
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>Yeah I added 2
Which ones?
Too much kino.

I hate how this armor still has boobs even if you are wearing it as a dude.
You need to recruit the canon companions you buy in setting which means you cannot start with the sort of relationship that enables Ranni hanging on your back into battle. The Ranni route means you only get to spend quality time with her after defeating the Elden Beast.
And then you can go find more shit to fight. God you're fucking stupid.
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How'd you guys feel about an oc companion document/supplement thing? So like a document just full of oc companions like you'd get in a jump but with some additional bits of info like how they look, there age range, types of jump they'd best fit being made in, maybe some images for them or something. I'm pretty high right now so tell em if it's a dumb idea for sober anon to be embarrassed about.
I'd be interested in it, not saying it's a good idea but I'd want to take a look at such a thing if it existed.
Nirvana Yuga waifus?
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I have no looked into naming conventions so basically all of this is entirely made up. I’m guessing she should have something that sounds like an actual name instead of a bunch of words thrown at a dartboard?

That’s just cheating. I’d merely make him microscopic.

I’m rich as fuck and have the yellow jade item. I’ll be fine.
I have zero interest in such a thing, but I don't care if it exists.
Hey. That was my stupid idea from yesterday!
>I have no looked into naming conventions so basically all of this is entirely made up. I’m guessing she should have something that sounds like an actual name instead of a bunch of words thrown at a dartboard?
Threshold names are like a mini title, Realm names come out more like this. One of the handy things about Anathema is the name generator.
>Dihum Yoxiwaxu
>Chixun Odih
>Silate Yituka
>Huxebu Foka

>I’m rich as fuck and have the yellow jade item. I’ll be fine.
Excellent. Have some good places for them to live with servants lined up as well.
Titty monk took a wrong turn and went on a Journey to the South.
Who is the titcow?
Those feel like the kind of name I would trip on and bash my brains out on the floor afterwards.
Bro about to end my whole career
waku waku crazo that wants to use martial arts to beat up supernatural beings like magicians and espers. Somehow also a lewd nun.
neet magic researcher that uses tech because obeying rules are for losers and no one knows cause she never goes out. Might also be secretly stalking you
Sounds stupid.
But wife-ing her goes against her being a monk and her religion, as does the sex.
She's from granblue.
Which one is the lunar on has fox ears the other has fucking horns
There’s a reason I use Threshold names for my jumpers in Exalted.
There is an entire thread of these. It's called /cyoag/. Just ask for "waifu picker" cyoas and you'll get a ton.
Someone made that point yesterday too.
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I never understood the appeal. The only OC companions I need are those I create myself. No one is ever going understand what appeals to me as well as me.

>A chargen legal Dawn Caste I made in Anethema for Creation Jam
I still want to see this.
It's getting a woman who caters to your fetishes without having to think through or suffer the embarrassment of making one who is your perfect waifu. Now expy OC companions, those I don't get at all. If you want the girl, you can get the real one and import her.
I only add them to fill space. I never really thought they improved a jump in any noteworthy fashion, but there was no reason not to include them and it at least seemed like some people like them for whatever reason.
That's OK, just give her a new religion. Nega Saver for the win.
You know. Cloud Retainer is probably actually a pretty good name by those standards.
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You may try & I’ll end up saving it to my drive but I don’t have hopes that most of the OC will cater to me or not be complete waifu bait. I’ve been used to making my OCs for years now instead of begging.
They're for retarded lazy dumb fucks that need their hand held and can't imagine their own characters and/or have a desperate need for someone else to "legitimise" their choices in an imagination game.
Then she's not really the same character, you're cutting a core part of her.
I NEED Val to update Rome or Oasis for Draco stuff so I can get Nega Saver, Nega Saint, and the pick your own Nega options.
>2B: black outfit with white hair
>2P: white outfit with black hair
>2D: gold outfit with red hair
>2R: red outfit with blonde hair
It's not as striking a contrast, but something something alchemy memes?
It does sound like an Exalted name.

Incidentally, in the event anyone wants to play around with the name generator in Anathema, it seems someone made a mega that has it for download.
GoodKiara and Kama.
>Val updating anything
lol, lmao even.
How do I add weapons in anathema? And do the keyblades have stats?
>2D: gold outfit with red hair
Seems a bit weird.

>2R: red outfit with blonde hair
I can see it, It's pretty MMZ.
>so I can get Nega Saver, Nega Saint, and the pick your own Nega options.
Can't you already do that?
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Today I will remind them.
It's hilarious how Soul Eater is the most realistic sword.
Can currently get a nega saver and two custom nega perks. Cannot currently have those three AND nega saint.
Nta but I like many of them.
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It's not fairly well put together but Anathema does have an Export tool so here you go, missing some stuff and probably not a good character build but this is it.
Don't forget Nega Thot from Fate/Grand Master.
What is nega saint, I remember nega saver and nega messiah, not nega saint.
What is stopping you from getting them?
Other than Scathach in Lands of Shadows what jumps have good immortal warrior/magician waifus?
My bad it's nega Messiah. It's Queen Draco's skill, basically Nega Savor 2, negates powers sourced from faith, and weakens Savers. Either way I wanna 4x fuck savers/saints/holy.
Yes, I know nega messiah, but as an additional information beast of 666 can use it to resurrect the dead, both servants to control and its own master, Manaka Sayjou.
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What would you include in a martial art focused gamer system? Gonna be fluffing my jumpers gamer system he picks up in Generic Isekai to be focused around martial arts but i'd like some help fluffing it.
It's kinda useless considering she fights 3 servants highly associated with their faith, fails to kill them and ends up losing.
>How do I add weapons in anathema?
The top row has the Equipment Database button, you can add things there.
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I like to write about cute girls that appeal to my sensibilities and fetishes and put them in the jumps I make.
Bonus perks for doing that whole "dojo destroyer" routine.
Draco is a jobber since she loses Nero plot armor.
Immunity Frames (split seconds where incoming attacks can't interrupt your attacks)
Joke Character (which eventually flips on its head after you level up the skill enough to make you into a total badass)
Taunt (useless but turns into a counter ability at high levels)
Imitation (basing a martial art around animal/plant/mineral)
Dirty Fighting (exactly what it sounds like. Biting, pocket sand, projectile spam, ect)
That Leviathan setting which is getting an anime.
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Based manga enhancements.
What the leviathan trilogy? Cool.
The other nom-DIO main villains besides Kars and Pucci are so weird in EoH.

>Kira has teamed up with his Kosaku self and just wants to go find some nice alternate dimension to settle down in. They almost come off as comedic due to how random they are and how goofy they look standing next to each other.
>Diavolo basically won the lottery by randomly being freed from the infinite death loop. DIO didn't purposefully save him as far as we know, it was just accidental. He then challenges Giorno again like a retard.
>Funny Valentine is a double agent trying to screw DIO and actually comes off as heroic and noble in his goals
From the start the story clearly prioritizes fanservice over logic or accuracy. It's pretty obvious all that matters to the writers is arranging weird fantasy matches with characters who have no business being in the same room as each other. As for Valentine, I think it's a combination of him having one of the few powers busted enough to be relevant in this conflict, and his legacy in the community being "the antagonist whose goal is arguably more justified than the protagonists'".
From a strictly pragmatic standpoint, does allowing the students of my magical combat school to have semi-orgies help or hinder their development?
This fucking oppai loli.

Why are you posting trash.
>his legacy in the community being "the antagonist whose goal is arguably more justified than the protagonists'".
These motherfuckers did not read the same JoJo part as me, I swear. Like, they just forgot the part where he tried to rape and impregnate a 14 year old and the scene after his speech where he's talking to AU Diego like "Yeah, so I'm gonna go spew some bullshit at this rube Johnny Joestar".

Like, how good of a guy can he be when JESUS is trying to stop him?
Such ability sounds op in xianxia. Merge that useless grass into some spirit grass then into fire spirit grass and in few merges you will get flower waifu. You can play with her or snort in for more power.
Rereading Generic Creepypasta and it's really great. The Cryptid perks let you build so much for a monster jumper, not necessarily OP stuff, though there are a few like that, but really cool thematic shit that you'd have trouble finding elsewhere.
I love that it's still somewhat accurate to their characters
>Kira doesn't care about power or Joestars, only his quiet life
>Funny Valentine isn't evil for the sake of it like DIO, he only cares about America
>Pillarmen don't give a shit about anything besides the Stone Of Aja
>>Diavolo basically won the lottery by randomly being freed from the infinite death loop. DIO didn't purposefully save him as far as we know, it was just accidental. He then challenges Giorno again like a retard.
Death looping came with free brain damage.
Let say my jumper have a perk that let them start early in the story, however, one of the drawback take. make them an enemy of an organization that didn’t exist in the story yet. How would this work?
I think it's a "the means justify the end" kind of deal. His goal is noble, he's just doing all kinds of needlessly heinous shit to accomplish it. Unless I'm misremembering. It's probably been over a decade since I read part 7.
You manage to piss off every high-ranking member of the group, and they form the group specifically to shit on your day
The organization either forms early or you're facing some predecessor organization or equivalent of the organization.
Yeah. That's pretty much how it works.
Even if the bullshit he spews at Johnny is true, he's still undoubtedly a villain: ignoring his liberal use of murder, his sociopathy and the fact that he spends his own men's lives like water and then begs like a dirty coward when it's his own time to die, his goal is to make America utterly invincible forever. Like FUCK that is a good thing to aim for.
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What are some good perks for a Jumper who wants to create kaijus? Aside from perks to ensure your Kaiju remains under your control and/or loyal to you, which are useful but don't really help with actually creating the Kaiju.
Something that'd regularly spawn incredibly basic ingredients/potions, and a perk that'd let me upgrade the quality of my bare minimum crafts to a new tier.
The story, and game itself, is all about
>fanservice over logic or accuracy
Well yeah that. Not so much for the gameplay but the story yeah.

From a purely technical standpoint, his goals are nobler than Johnny. Which doesn't mean much, but what he does, he does it for AMERICA, and nothing else. Every other country would probably have been fucked hard judging by how Love Train work.
There's a certain nobiltiy and beauty, he's a piece of shit who does disgusting shits, but his goal is noble.
Then Jorge Joestar make him go deeper upon discovering that the Corpse isn't Jesus' and drink the humanity koolaid.

(I honestly think he wanted to doublecross AUDiego if he survived anyways)
His goal isn't even noble. He's gonna redirect all the misfortune of America to other places. He was gonna give away America to DIEGO. DIEGO! Just so Johnny would lose. There is no way Diego basically ruling the planet is ending well for anyone, including America.
The organisation is formed specifically to fuck with you.
>Reddit jump
>Belgariad jump
Fuck. Drive purity or getting to mess with Belgarath?
>mana reinfeocment of body parts to enhance relevant attributes like speed/strength/senses/durabikity
>mana reinforced martial art strikes(think sword arts from Sword arts onliney that enhance movement and effects further
>breathing technique to raise general abilities of the body, to clear mind from things like pain/fear, to enhance perception of the enviroment(like a slow time effect) and to cycle energy with the enviroment for improoved stamina/mana efficiency and to remove hostile effects from yourself.
>Meditation Techniques to focus your own mana to purify your body, enhancing natural healing, purging posions/diseses/status effects, and to absorb energy from the enviroment to refill your reseves and stamina, maybe replace the need for food/sleep and to further analyze your own thoughts/memories to refine skills.
>instincts skills for a third sense to predict dangers in the enviroment like being watched, predence of traps, hostile intent and to assess the intent of opponents during fights, maybe even using it as general empathy/lie detector.
Not strictly kaiju but FE Elibe has a perk for creating war dragons. With a few other perks you could likely train this up into creting some nasty beasts.
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I picked it up from the wayback machine the other day. Need to check to see how old that version is, but it works so good enough for now.

I also need to resist the urge to try and figure out exactly what each perk I have grants in terms of stats, because I feel like the amount of shit I have is way beyond what I’m supposed to have at character creation.
I mean, not that it justifies his action, but it stands for something that he's clearly willing to throw away his own life too. Whenever D4C travels to a new user, the former Valentine still dies.
Even if he didn't give America to Diego I don't think giving invincibility to any one country will ever end well. The USA already has a nasty habit of interfering in other people's business when they do something that inconveniences it: can you imagine if they were *literally fucking immune to misfortune*
Power rangers got a mondter creation perk and one to turn them into Kaiju.
The Belgariad is a book series by David Eddings. It was written to use as many fantasy tropes as possible while still being good. And it is a very good series.

Belgarath is one of the series's main characters. He's a six thousand year old sorcerer that used to be the apprentice of the local god of magic.
Weirdly enough Valentine also thinks that applies to everyone else? Like, when he offers to bring another Gyro for Johnny and Johnny says that it's not HIS Gyro he tries to argue it's still a Gyro in the timeline which was really weird.
Get Out Of My Heart from SRW International grants Akane’s powers from SSSS Gridman
And so, what does it has to do with Reddit?
I literally said it was a reddit jump. >>93246607
NTA but I'm guessing that reddit has a jump for it?
I see, you weren't pretty clear.
Like what the fuck is Drive purity in this context?
Huh. The Orokin from Warframe have that same morality regarding parallel worlds. It doesn't matter if someone died since there's still other thems out there
I'll look into all of those, thanks, anons!
It's the name for that thing where we don't like using other community's jumps
He's doing whatever he can as a sales pitch to get Johnny to undo the spin (it was even working until Johnny proved Funny Valentine brought the gun, proving he was there in bad faith). To be fair, it's possible the ability to just hop dimensions whenever you want and pass your whole life onto somebody else would warp your concept of identity.
How could he be any more clear?
Never heard of it after a few years in this thread.
Huh, that's weird.
Would someone really do that? Just go on the internet and spread lies?
"drive purity" has been said a total of 7 times in Jumpchains history according to the archive.
Do what you find more entartaining.
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What parts of yourself that you hide would you reveal if you got a chain? Me personally i'd dress differently providing I got a bodymod or a beauty perk so I wasn't fuck ugly, I know how to dress well I just don't because there isn't much point most of the time. No the image isn't a trans thing nor is it meant to trigger some of y'all, just a cute pic.
I definitely want to be tiny and cute, and getting to wear cute clothes. Like, a lot. Unfortunately it's not socially acceptable for a hairy 6'1" man to act like that, and I can't afford VR.
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Rolled 22 (1d100)

How hot will Raven find Monster/Cryptid Jumper?
Other than World Seed are there any perks that negate the backlash or other downsides of whatever powers you have? Such as the heart problems of the Greed Authority in Re Zero or being unable to swim with a Devil Fruit?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Get fucked anon, we all know Raven want's my jumpers beat dick, as will be proven by the dice god.
How do you share the loot with your companions?
My worst aspects, but I don't think too hard about it.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

I don't want Raven but I will roll for her liking me more than you
Rolled 72 (1d100)

I will RAPE Raven.
I think invincible has a weakness removing perk
Welp, guess I can't hide my general lack of interest in her. Also I guess she does have reason to be wary about her siblings
We all know she thirst for horse and elephantcocks.
Equipment is distributed according to who would make the best use of it unless the loot was acquired independently by a companion, in which case they can do whatever they want with it.

Companions have limited access to jumper's wealth to handle their needs and control over whatever funds they happen to have acquired for themselves.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Ya forgot to roll to prove that.
I don't need proof. R34's pics are canon right?
There's a Woody Woodpecker gag where he and an ally get a big box full of food and then the other guy starts to divide it. It goes mostly like this:
>one for you (gives one)
>one for me. (takes one)
>two for you. (gives two)
>one, two for me. (takes one, then two)
>three for you (gives three)
>one, two, three for me. (takes one then two then three)
>four for you (gives four. there's none left in the box)
>one, two, three, four for me (takes one, two, three and four FROM WOODY)
>well, let's eat! (eats it all very quickly while woody stares dumbfounded)
It's pretty much like that
She thirsts for RAPE!
After you raid a few dungeons, loot starts meaning less and less. The adventure itself becomes more valuable. Still, gemstones are pretty. So he generally keeps those and gives everything else away in equal shares.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Time to go make a friend.
My paranoiac tendencies
I would absolutely rock the noir detective look everywhere.
Depends on the loot. Useful equipment and similar is given to those who can use and/or reverse engineer it. General shinies are more first-come-first-serve
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Rule 1, I get all the loot.
Rule 2, People who can use a loot have priorities.
Rule 3, People who WANT a loot have to talk about it;
Rule 4, If loot is very stonk or world shattering, discuss heavily or I put it in the safecan.
Rule 5, Sex
Do you just turn your brain off when people point out that off community jumps shouldn't be used or discussed? Because that happens often enough that even tourists would know when reddit jumps and jumpmakers are brought up.
With the introduction of female Space Marines I've decided that this is the new form of Slaanesh Noise Marines.
You are lait to the bait party. >>93246711
The companions can take it all. Crafting is better than most loot drops.
And when it break, what do you do?
When did they introduce female space marines?
Loot, at best, makes for objects of study. Some might end up on display, the rest tends to end up as collector items simply for being something jumper was even passingly involved with. As for wealth and utility, jumper's empire is effectively post-scarcity and can produce gear better than anything you might find locally, and even that is usually ornamental given all the power and capabilities the daughter-wife subjects have.
They have always been there.
Chaos as "fuck all order and logic I'm wacky chaos man lmao!!!!!" Is cringe

Chaos as "There is no fate and I am free to decide my own destiny, fuck destiny" is based.
I repair it. What else would you do?
Anon is retarded please understand.
I agree but please

>fuck destiny
Do not fuck Mjolnir Recon Number 54.
Repairing something take time. That's why fiatbacking is a thing.
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They’re both the same, ones just having fun with it
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Because among them it's actually a sword and not a keyblade to the point that it's a distinct weapon from Way to Dawn and its variants. Granted. that unintentionally means the two are interchangeable in terms of combat disciplines, and offers another oddity about magic casting. When Riku isn't using a keyblade, he can fire Dark Firaga from his empty hand, and doesn't even need Soul Eater summoned to do so if he's in Dark Mode. So it might be that you can cast magic without even needing a focus, but its effectiveness improves if you have at least something to channel it through/from - which doesn't even need to be a weapon let alone a dedicated magic implement so long as it's on your person.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Eh, fuck it, might as well join in. Rolling to seduce. And here comes the Nat 1.
Stop trying to seduce the teenager. She and her friends will be sending you to prison.
Why are you trying to seduce an unstable half demon.
Bro, the harem/brainwashing/charisma perks?
Does the weapon we import into Divine Blade for Campione need to match the legend? Could we for instance import a spear into Ame no Murakumo?

Forgot about it getting an anime. It'll be a good excuse to refurbish the jump.
Time is a resource that the jumper doesn't run out of, not to mention there are plenty of ways to make that problem entirely negligible. Don't need fiatbacking to do what skill can already do.
Because the only thing bigger than her red flags are her tits and ass.
>the jumper
Nta but calling jumper "the jumper" reminds me of Fallout the Frontier where everyone is calling the player "The Courier" and they're a legendary figure like they're Master Chief.
It would make sense during the endgame, but thats about it
It really does suck when you sexually identify as a shota but you were born to be a bara
Shame it went like it did the vehicle physics were disgustingly good for something in a Bethesda engine.
Even then you're not Legate Lanius or anything. You do a lot of shit that's impressive for Vegas, but nobody knows about all your craziest feats (the DLC stuff) and as far as they'd be concerned you're just a highly competent person and MAYBE you're that dude who killed Caesar if it gets leaked who did that.
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I am making a Forgotten Realm Build and found an Item I'd like to include, but it only costs 1200GP, while the cheapest option allows you to take items worth up to 10k so I am leaving a lot of value on the table
>Travel Cloak: This lightweight gray-green cloak protects the wearer against some of the hazards and discomforts of outdoor travel. The wearer resists cold as if affected by an endure elements (cold) spell. Furthermore, the cloak sheds precipitation, keeping dry the area of the body covered by the cloak (head to knees). In addition, three times per day, the wearer can reach into one of the pockets of the cloak and pull out trail rations sufficient to feed himself. From another pocket, the wearer may with- draw a stoppered 1-quart metal flask that produces either pure cool water or sugared hot tea. The flask produces up to two gallons of liquid per day. The flask only refills if placed back in the pocket of the cloak; if separated from the cloak or wearer, it has no magical properties. Finally, when the wearer utters a command word, the travel cloak expands once per day to the size of a one-person tent.Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, create food and water, enlarge;
Market Price: 1,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
I was thinking of adding Prestidigitation to it, for some added effects like making it clean itself and the user regularly, letting it change its smell on command, warming up/cooling down as desired and letting the user change the taste/texture of the rations/drinks.

Do you think that would shoot up the price over 10k? I feel like it shouldn't, but there are some items that I feel are less useful that are more expensive. If not, what would be some other fitting minor effect to add?
Anywhere you can grab, I guess you'd call it benevolent necromancy? Like necromancy but less inherently evil.
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Some of the designs are fixable
Custodes aren't Space Marines anon. They've got completely different augments
I don't think they even have implants. The are homegrown
Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura has White Necromancy, which is healing, talking with the dead, and resurrection.
Shaman King Shamanism is inherently about tons of varieties of necromancy(though in setting when people say necromancy they specifically talk about binding spirits to skeletons to control them), which generally aren't seen negatively and are more portrayed as more in tune with nature and the spiritual world. A lot of a shmans day to day life can just involve helping restless spirits out to find peace or to send them to the afterlife, or you can just nromally hang out wtih spirit companiosn/servants of your and even make offerings to them like food, which they'd be able to taste.
In the jump of destiny if you take light-scorched can you still use the light with its perks? And what happens if you take both vivisected and off the board? Are all your pieces sealed?
Thoughts on transferring CP to companions?
personally I think it's fine as long as the companions dont buy option that would've been unaffordable to them, as in options that were never meant to be purchasable by companions.
Like giving a companion with a 600CP 200 of your own CP so they can by an undiscounted 800CP option.
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Nothing wrong with that
I like it. Companions not getting enough CP is why I include an option in my jumps where imported/created companions can be made one at a time to gain +1000 points.
God bless America.
Shota, loli, sexless child, generally short and adorable creature, ominous floating orb wearing a cute dress. Doesn't matter which
I do like the sound of that.
All I can suggest is trying to figure out the Magic Item Crafting rules.
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Actually, I do wonder if I should exclude that in EoH though, since that would allow companions to buy a Heaven/Requiem stand.
Exalted question

I’ve seen people say that the one ring and the grail is a great combo because it allows you to store the mote of essence in the one ring infinitely. But, how does getting it back out actually work? I’m looking at the description and it doesn’t actually seem to mention that? I can heal with it, and I see something about sorcery, but nothing about getting them back out. Do I need to drink from it or something? Does doing so give me full access to all the motes of essence inside of it, or does it just refill my reserves to maximum? Or is just having the thing on my person good enough?
It's a nice mechanic, but it's not quite refined. Feel like you could have 2 modes available for all jumps to encourage weighing costs, like one conversion rate to give points to a single companions, and a more expensive one for trying to give points to all companions. At least then there's something more to consider than who's spending it.
by that rule a cloak with nothing but Endure Elements would cost at least 6000 gold, so I dont thinkg I can really work with that.
Personally I prefer to just go with the recommended method of going off vibes and estimating usefulness in relation to other items.
For specific Jumps? Sure. Not too sold on a single universal one, however.
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Gohan is based.
Are there any good jumps for a similar type of Space adventures to The Outer Worlds?
Solar exalt? Exalted solar? Solar lunar exalt alchemical exalted sidereal exalt? Exalt solar solar, lunar solar exalt. Exalted lunar jade. Exalted?
This is about heroic mortals sweety.
Rick & Morty.
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Keyblades are good and all but what about the Keeeeeyblade?
Fate Grand Odor
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Happy freedom day!
Fat Grand Odor
>Cracks open black vault in Kingdom Hearts
Who gets what Exaltion?

And more importantly. Is Gaston a Dawn of Zenith caste Solar?
Slayer, Infernal
It would be easier to do this for specific jumps so you could use the perks/items from there to build the OC backwards if you want the character to have the possibility to lean toward two or three different inspirations rather than obviously being just one's expy or having too narrow a focus to allow extra flavor.
Two days until Fat Elf premier!
File deleted.
What are some good jumps for AMERICA FUCK YEAH! energy to dominate?
JoJo Part 7
FTL. Sure there's an evil empire to thwart if you want to get into that. But if you don't there's a ton of weirdness out there to dig into.

Technically Fallout if you actually leave the planet. There's aliens and lots of weird shit out there.

Heat Signature. Though admittedly its more focused on space stations and ship boarding.

Star Trek. Like, all of it. It's a different flavor of space exploration but you'll still find some neat stuff out there.

The Fifth Element. You can't tell me that universe doesn't have loads of unexplored corners and wacky action hijinks out there.

FLCL. Again, technically. You'd have to leave Earth and apparently the power level absolutely skyrockets when you wander among the aliens. Or maybe it doesn't and Haru is an unreliable narrator and the King is just an exception. Nobody really knows. Perfect adventure territory.
What is America energy, really?
High-Fructose Corn Syrup.
Where is that Azure Lane Bad End jump from? Didn't see it on reddit or QQ.
Obesity and dwindling white minority
It's from Reddit.
80s Action Movie
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Azur lane
Out of cruel space is like 60% schlocky space adventures with 40% bimbo waifus.

Though waifus are usually in a 100/1 ratio to men, prepare to get pampered if you go there.
We all know who the manjuu's favorite faction is and it aint them
>a cloak with nothing but Endure Elements would cost at least 6000 gold
No? It'd be 2000gp. It's a first level spell and enchanters generally enchant as if they're the lowest caster level possible, so a continuous effect Endure Elements cloak would be 2000gp
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Murrica has the strongest ships
Cope and seethe you commie
Nigga I'm an eagle/sakura main
Bruh there wasn't anything exposed.
I feel like that jump should offer a minor regen/pain tolerance perk or something for the general section considering how quick most of the cast bounces back from broken bones and things that should really have sidelined them for longer than a week or less.
Iron Blood has cooler ships.
Raw unadulterated egotism.
Americans are all Solars. We are just better than everyone else.
Ok ya boob.
America more like the current Realm.
Reminder: do not fuck the Vex. Do not drink the Vex milk. It will violently convert your existence into a further extension of the Vex pattern.
Sort of. We are the descendants of the greatest winners in history.
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Damnit cruelspace jumpmaker, you are tempting me to get a bowsette or a xenomorph waifu. Ive never been attracted to xenomorphs. What have you done to me?
Okay fair enough, I misread that. Though that is still more than the Travel CLoak which includes several additional effects.
Time spent in the forge is time not spent fucking!
Self-righteousness and an obsession with control.
What kind of weakling isnt fucking while forging? Where do you think dwarven babies come from?
I thought you were trying to figure out how much it'd cost to add the effects of prestidigitation to an item?
I have no idea who that girl is, but it awaken the deep nostalgia of the 90s.
So, what you're saying is that Shard is spiritually American?
Yes. Shard is biologically bugman, but his soul is MURICAN.
Absolutely, down to the temper tantrums when things don't go his way and the absolute eternal cope and seethe at every defeat he's had.
Choose one.
Stupidly breedable tiny ships.
Detective Heart of America
From the testosterone found in the beard of course!
can you do that? I thought I'd have to do thr whole cloak from the ground up and then add prestidigitation on top of that?

In that link there is a description about the cost of adding enchantments to existing magic items, but that seems to be the cost of creation, rather than the resulting value.
We let them win due to sabotage from within.
Thus, you lost.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

You know, it occurs to me you could probably go there and make an OC waifu who's literally an onahole.
I don't know why you'd want a waifu from that setting, but you could do it.
You mean that the North agreed to a peace which preserved the independence of South Vietnam, which was the US' goal, and broke it only after the US left.
Reminder that America lost the Space Race and it was only thanks to violently shifting the goalpost repeatedly and screaming loudly about their """victory""" that people think they won it.
>You know, it occurs to me you could probably go there and make an OC waifu who's literally an onahole.
I cannot argue with that logic, even though I'd want to argue against it.
The race was to put men on the moon retard.
nta, but the space race was the race to get someone into space. Burgers just moved the goalpoast through the Moon Race.
>Ive never been attracted to xenomorphs.
Nah, that was only decided when America lost the initial Space Race when the USSR ended up being the first to put a satellite and living man in space. America seethed and shifted the goalpost hard towards the Moon Race, then sacrificing several lives and running development at hyperspeeds to just barely put a man on the moon purely to crow that they actually did manage to win the Space Race.

And we haven't been back there since.
Yeah, sure, Vietnam broke their deal and suffered a moral defeat or whatever I guess. Whatever. What's much more important, though, is the fact that Vietnam wanted the country to be unified the way they wanted, and the USA wanted that not to happen. The country was unified in the way they wanted. So, who is the victor, and who is the loser?
Outside of the practicalities, Vietnam lost completely.
Know that you do whatever you're rolling for slightly below average.
Try slightly harder next time.
Reminder there are two crewed space stations operational in the modern day: the International Space Station, and China's Tiangong Space Station.
Usually they arent cute and adorable girls so much as horrible monsters.
>Usually they arent cute and adorable girls so much as horrible monsters.
Again weak,
What i wonder is what a sexy Predator would even look like.
>America chose to hold back out of the kindness of its heart
Open up e621 and find out
>Coping this hard
Anyways, back to Destiny discussion.

I can think of a whole host of lewd potential for Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence, but what about Shaped Finality? What sort of lewdity can one get up to with Darkness, which is generally focused more towards simplification and collapsing possibilities?
We barely even got any America-centric jumps like we usually do. Jumpchain really is dying.
Shit delete delete wrong pic!

>>93248296 #
Apparently the ones in oocs dont have a gaping maw crab mouth, they have a basically human mouth with the whole crab things on the outside evolved to hold food while hunting. Kind of like in this pic.
Kind of boring, ngl.
To people that know Destiny better than me, the adaptation of the Hive derives from the sword logic or is a different ability?
I stubbed my toe today. Jumpchain really is dying.
My Hero Academia

Origin - Student

It Might Be Destiny
Push Through
American Dream (100)
Cool (100)
My Way (200)
Old Fashioned (300)

All Might Memorabilia
Scholarship (100)

Quirk (Manifest + Trigger = Quirk Replication) (300)
The user can, by consuming a target's DNA, copy their quirk factor for up to 24 hours and gain their quirk. They can copy multiple quirks at once, however troubles arise once more than one is copied. The user's mental state and control over the quirks will become more and more shaky as they copy more quirks. If 5 or more quirks are being copied at once, not only will the user be very shoddy in their control of their quirks and even their mind, but their body will begin breaking down from the strain of possessing multiple abilities. Mutant type quirks can be copied, causing the user to gain the same mutations, though results of mixing mutations are dangerous.

Vigilantes (but actually even earlier)(+0)
Bitter Rivalry (+100)

Jumper is getting transferred to the best American hero school several years before MHA in order to become the apprentice and eventual sidekick of Star and Stripe.
Eh fair. I do like how in the story they love to ritually hunt their husbands, theres an entire city level devoted to shit like that. Just a sprawling underground fake city built entirely so you can fall from buildings or crash through windows or jump from tree to tree without needing to worry about getting hurt.
It's 90% Sword Logic, 10% a natural Hive/Krill thing. Krill were capable of adapting to different morphs to fit certain rolls even before they got Sword Logic, but after attaining Sword Logic they proceeded to hypercharge their constant adaptation and morphing to become increasingly lethal and survive harder and harder.
What did you expect from a literal reddit jump?
Thanks, I know nothing of Destiny beside my two seconds on tvtropes and the jump itself, so I ask some questions.
The author was based enough to call himself KKK and say that legbutters are an evolutionary dead-end.
No problem, I know a significantly larger amount of Destiny now than I used to so I am happy to answer questions. Any other curiosities on your mind?
The praticalities are the only fucking thing that matters you retard
>(Manifest + Trigger = Quirk Replication) (300)
>The user can, by consuming a target's DNA, copy their quirk factor for up to 24 hours and gain their quirk

The question is, would the US have lost 'Nam if it weren't for libtards protesting against shit they barely understood? And the answer is, "No."
Are Ahamkara as powerful as they seem? Being one of them seem really OTB to me.
Stardew valley. There's a self-improvement perk, a farm to work on with whatever appeals to you, and a nice little town to work on your social skills. It's my go-to 'learn to be a functional adult' jump.
Other than Metroid, what jumps can I go to pick up biomechanical power armor?
>in a Shard jump
No, that's hecking impossible!
I need my aliens to at least have a human face in order to find them attractive.
The fuck is that?
Using Cosplay Expy to get a Stellar Blade Raven sounds fun.
Because I am a cruel and unforgiving jumpmaker who demands you go out and actually earn the coveted title of Tarnished, Lunar Consort, Giver of Piggyback Rides

Draco is a bad artist even as a Beast who copies other Beasts instead of coming up with her own gimmick

Yes but it fucking hurts, like throwing out your back every time you so much as cast a fireball, and yes.

Nta but uh...how powerful do they seem to you? To make a long story short, just think of them as dragons to the Guardians' dragonslayers that also have arbitrary wish granting powers depending on someone else carelessly wanting something not necessarily in their best interests. They can do things with their wish powers that almost no other characters in the setting can like resurrect someone by ripping them straight out of the Traveller's Light or create a path into the Traveller, but Oryx canonically just showed up and Took one and one still dies to a fireteam of 4-6 Guardians (it's just that death doesn't mean they stop being able to grant wishes, sense things and do weird paracausal stuff. Just not the physical moving around parts)
>I picked it up from the wayback machine the other day. Need to check to see how old that version is, but it works so good enough for now.
It looks like the difference is the mega version has some additional features but only supports 2.5.
Out of cruel space
First contact soldier free
High functioning 700
Axiom free
Axiom enhancement 500
Adept+ 100

Axiom totems free
Space magic for dummies free
Material supply 0
Guns and gear free

Facehuggers (nice kind) free
Your household free

Not actually taking any of the oc companions I dont think. May change my mind, do have 300 stipend for that but honestly it would be more fun to find people in jump. Especially since jumper already is running around having fun stupid space adventures. Will have to buy or build a spaceship at some point, my horse cant carry too many people. This would actually be a really solid first jump. Gonna have fun introducing aliens to the shadow wizard money gang.
It's Stormfront jargon. I'd say don't worry about it, but it's what the firing squads will call you as they shoot you, so.
Shard, what defense do you present to the accusation that you are a spiritual burgerlander?
Both yes and no. The trick with Ahamkara is that their power is dependent on the wishes they grant, and the wishes they grant are dependent on the desires of their prey. If your prey doesn't have strong desires, you can't grant strong wishes and you get less out of the wishgranting. If your prey has absurdly powerful desires you can basically warp reality to your will, but that comes with the dangers of actually having to deal with such absurdly strong-willed people. And how much power you get out of wishes heavily depends on how exactly you grant those wishes. It's not exact, but think of it like this: the more power you invest into actually granting the wishes without twisting them or taking any shortcuts, the less power you get at the end of things. Say some guy wishes you to bring his dead sister back to life. Sure you CAN consume possibilities and shift reality until their dead sister spontaneously pops back to life, but that's extremely expensive for you and will leave you with effectively dregs of power left over for you to consume. It'd be a lot, LOT easier if you just give him a facsimile of his dead sister who acts exactly like said sister-that saves you like 90% of the power of the wish, letting you eat the rest of it and get nice and powerful from it. And of course-all of this is predicated on the fact that you aren't contesting some other paracausal efforts. Other paracausal beings are capable of fucking with your wishes and even outright negating your efforts if they're strong enough. Even if someone were to wish for it, you wouldn't be able to just kill Savathun or something because she's just too paracausally powerful for you to eat. If the Traveler didn't have a portal carved into its side and actively wanted you to come in and stop the Witness, Riven would have had no chance of opening a portal into the Traveler's heart.

So basically Ahamkara are absurdly potent, but they've also got some pretty specific and notable weaknesses.
I have ribs. I have potatoes. I have some chips. I have a lets play of VTM Bloodlines. Happy America day, everyone.

Hows yall's night going?
Yes it's the wishgranting that I'm interested in, I think it would be interesting being an ancient being hated by half the factions of dark, sealed that tries to escape by carefully answering the wishes near his prisons.
I'm watching Independence Day and doing some writing for my chain. It's comfy.
If you're a Scholar of Perseverance and you get frustrated and exclaim "oh, fuck me!" will your Shine causes shenanigans?
>I have a lets play of VTM Bloodlines
Not the actual game?
My body is a machine that turns steam purchases into unplayed games.

Also I can't play and eat at the same time.
I'm not sure if I understand well, both the freebie of the virtuous worms and yearning for nurture give you the ability to bestow sword logic and gain darkness from it, right?
Uh, I don't like most burgers? The food that is.

Right. It's also implied by Savathun that you can bestow non-sword logic too like her shitposting style but it's not clear, and regular violence sword logic is the safe bet.

>yearning for nurture
Yes, but also it just lets you beam ludicrous amounts of general all-purpose life force/energy to various things.
>Uh, I don't like most burgers? The food that is.
This is disturbing news, what about barbecue?
Varies. Keep in mind I live in Asia and finding a truly authentic BBQ is like trying to find a girl with fat tits here.

>Asian girls don't have fat tits?
Only the fat ones, is the tragedy.
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>Only the fat ones, is the tragedy.
Food illiterate
>Asian girls
I think this is first time you have expressed interest in women that aren't 2D
That's because shard likes pale Gothic girls with mental issues
I believe that last time I spoke on the matter was to bring up that after going to middleschool/university in Britain, coming back to Asia feels like Superman awakening from the Black Mercy and realising his planet was destroyed after all. I still visit Europe for...reasons on occasion, I just don't get much out of talking to the thread about anything not related to my jumps or my chain.

For all I know nearly every burger and BBQ I've eaten is a lie anyway.
How the hell is he still on reddit?
I had chili dogs and ice cream and nobody I know has lost fingers to fireworks yet, so I'm having a pretty good day.
>ice cream
You were supposed to be straight.
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Unfortunately every nearby camping location has been booked back since like, May, and I don't even need to look to know that the nearest range is packed to the brim. Which is unfortunate, I had a new drum mag for my Saiga that I wanted to test.
However, its a beautiful day and I'm having something suitably greasy for dinner, so it's still a good day.
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just gonna take this shit lying down?
Ew, I can smell from here
Does taking the Vex capstone just make Vex spawn/turn things into Vex around me?
I'm assuming those discordites are talking about the Kult jump
If the Awoken was the result of both light and dark conflicting with one another, what would it result if both light and dark moon together willingly?
discord really is a retirement home for washed up jumpmakers, huh?
elitist washed up jumpmakers.
read the top reply.
Cooked some unintentionally apropos burgers and followed them up with a reasonably patriotic sundae. Caught up with Konosuba and now it's Explosion o'clock in at least three different directions here...

Kind of wanna make a build but the ideas/jumps coming to mind are heretical af.
Purplish pink.
It's something you do manually.

Unfortunately, elitism and gatekeeping is based. If only they weren't pozzed, they'd probably be the most based community.
I'm clueless what jump this is referring to?
Making a nude mod supplement. Will hopefully post it in about an hour or so when I either have enough stuff in it or give up.
it has to do with miquella.
Shard, if I make a puddle of radiolaria with the Vex capstone, approximately how long would it take the Vex to grow into a planetary army from that singular puddle?
You don't need a mod to take your clothes off.
Do it nerd.
Some people need perks to wipe their ass. Never underestimate the ineptitude of zoomers.
In the jump for destiny the light you have to start at the date above a scenario to take it?
The worst part of jumpmaking is being bombarded with too many questions to go back and fuck around in my chain, especially for an IP other people care about.

What and then do absolutely nothing with it? Same length of time as a normal Vex puddle.
Why not make a whole 'lewd mod' supplement?
>What and then do absolutely nothing with it?
Yes. Would it make a difference if I told the Vex to multiply and build up rapidly to [planetary scale] before going back to doing simulation stuff?
>Same length of time as a normal Vex puddle.
Approximately how long is that?
Because I'm shitposting. You're more than welcome to take what I make and rework it into something actually good, but I'm not that creative.
I have been toying with the idea.
Time to procrastinate harder.
I'm going to make something so terrible you feel compelled to fix it.

Unless I also procrastinate, but given that I'm six perks in over the past half hour I think I'm good.
>Would it make a difference
Absolutely. The regular Vex take days to terraform entire planets, in their numbers, so-call it a few weeks if it's just the one puddle with no outside help and assuming no paracausal opposition
>Approximately how long
Probably months, just under a year, again assuming it's JUST the puddle to build up to everything given when Vex go big they also generally go hard bringing everyone. Vex are very corruptive and infectious and stuff but like...it's a puddle dude
Not him but can you timewarp in an already corrupted planet from a timeline where the corruption was completed?
Alright, so what I'm hearing is Standard Operation is probably 10 months to planetary superiority (assuming no paracausal interference), cut down to maybe 1 month if Directive: Achieve Planetary Dominance is given. Assuming they're building up from nothing but a single puddle. Honestly that's a very good turnaround on achieving planetary dominance from effectively zero resources.
With enough infrastructure probably. If the Vex have enough infrastructure to basically turn the entire solar system into a Vault of Glass then they can probably rewrite the timeline internally to make it so the planets were always Vex planets. Assuming no paracausal interference. I think.
What's confusing? They gain access to their quirk for 24 hours.
>I have a lets play of VTM Bloodlines
Whose? I like Cryaotic's even though he got busted for grooming or something.
>How's y'all's night going?
Fireworks near where I live were a bit short. Could've been worse though, it was almost rained out.
It's a catch-22 from the perspective of humies where you need the resource capacity to build the planet in the first place, but from the perspective of the time travelling Vex there is no meaningful difference. The best way to make sense of how a nonlinear species perceives reality is probably just, more Vex = more <fun>

Yeah, it's easily within Supreme Commander standards.
For 9anon
Stop procrastinating
Reminder that anything that even LOOKS like a Vex would turn into a real Vex, even a completely normal Statue or hologram.
>Gohan would turn into a Vex from being forcibly stuffed into a comically low budget Vex costume
Is there no way to revert someone trapped as an animal via morphing from Animorphs?
I generally understand how Vex work within linear time, but how do their nonlinear time abilities work? Let's say I have 1 Vex unit at Time=1, and every time unit I move forward by multiplies my Vex units by 10.
Would it be possible for Vex at T5 to send Vex units back to T1, and effectively rewrite the timeline so that T1 starts at 10 units instead of 1? Then, once they hit the new T5, could they do the same thing? How many times could this cycle iterate; could it reach effective T1=infinity?
Bit of an odd question, but...why is the Winnower/Darkness okay with new Paracausal bullshit in new jumps/multiverses? I thought the Winnower absolutely fucking hated the rules changing, but suddenly its extremely interested to see how the Darkness would interact with other rules/laws that are utterly foreign to its home multiverse.
>Manifest Mods: At will, you are able to lewdly modify any piece of media you can perceive in any way you desire, as well as undo these modifications. In addition to directly editing a piece of media, you can manifest file packages that apply your desired changes to a particular piece of media, allowing you to share your mods with others. These mods are universally compatible, so you don’t need to worry about them breaking peoples’ load orders.
Just a start.
Wait, does that even include pictures? Are they like weeping angels?
Good, good, let the lewd side of the force flow through you.
Not with what you can find there, discounting outliers like that one thing with the butterfly, but you might be able to figure something out with tech or genius perks from other settings.
All the implications about iterative mass production are validated by all Vex lore tidbits from Unveiling to the Clovis arc to even stuff from the Awoken tidbits. That is, in fact, why they won all the previous games. They mass iterate, spread everywhere in time and space, and go back in time to do it even harder.

They don't do that in this timeline because being unable to do the equivalent of 100% speedrun of perfectly modelled paracausality is making them turtle and do relatively small, cautious things like turn planets into machine worlds instead of dogpile the universe out of fear that, I don't know, Oryx will start Taking Minds and figure out how to hijack their everything. Because apparently Guardians are easier to simulate than Oryx.

Presumably if you take the Vex to somewhere like Sonic (without the capstone) they'll also default to hiding because of the blue hedgehog defying all the models. Maybe set up a few secret models and try to bribe him with rings to research him (that inevitably turn out to be treacherous and full of radiolaria pits to exploit Sonic's inability to swim to turn him into a Sonic Vex), or create the Vex version of Metal Sonic and try to form an autistic rivalry with him.

Because the Winnower is, for all it's inherent violence and narrowmindedness, not a hypocrite about the strongest having the absolute claim to existence. There are things stronger than in the previous games. They beat up non-paracausal things. This is, in the Winnower's eyes, good even if the initial rule change was an abomination. Because it cannot be an abomination by definition if it expressed itself through violence and domination.

>It was the gardener that chose you from the dead. I wouldn't have done that. It's just not in me. But now that they have invested themself in you, you are incredibly, uniquely special.

The Winnower is kind of a cosmic DBZ fan.
Half my jumps are QQ jumps, bruv.
The Vex Pattern is absurdly virulent. Anything that contains even a part of the Vex pattern or even simulates it in any way (including pictures, yes) will become aligned with the Pattern and eventually transform into a true Vex. Any communication they do contains the pattern and infects everything they try to communicate with, turning it into more Vex. Anything that is exposed to their Radiolaria converts into more Vex. So on and so forth.
It includes radiowaves and light, so yeah. Even Guardians are merely resistant, not immune.
Is it strange that I just want to take the vex capstone perk just to see osiris pulling out his hair and foaming his mouth on my antics?
Yes. Osiris gets humiliated far, far worse in canon, you are just a drop in the figurative bucket of humiliation he is due for.
Well fuck. I've been underestimating the Vex. I'm genuinely considering going all-in on Vex at this point. Except there's still things I want besides Vex too. Fuck.
>Vex learn to infect a soul
>This generates more Vex
That's literally what they're trying (and failing) to do in canon. They can infect literally everything else in existence, but paracausality stymies them because they can't simulate it 100%. If they ever figure out how to perfectly simulate paracausality, poof. Entire universe is nothing but Vex, has always been nothing but Vex, and will always be nothing but Vex.
I hate all this Dalek shit.
So you're perfect for the job?
>Sees a Super Predator
>Immediately thinks of Doctor Tranny
>i'd dress differently providing I got a bodymod or a beauty perk so I wasn't fuck ugly, I know how to dress well I just don't because there isn't much point most of the time.
Definitely this, especially in fantasy worlds where the characters can dress as crazy as they want without anyone finding it weird. I'd also be way more talkative and outgoing since, despite being better than I was as a teen, I'm still terribly introverted.

With the pic I legit read bodymod as boymode. Not wrong with wanting to change your gender, but it is a cute image.
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Already three and a half perks in.
Just be warned that it'll include some stuff inspired by the NPC Kan Mod doujin, and there'll be some overpowered stuff. It will very much be something not to be uploaded to any of the drives.
Anyway, off to work I go.
Does this picture generate more Vex?
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply but Vex are definitely a Dalek knockoff. I also hate Daleks, Timelords, and everything Dr. Who
Not in our reality, because the Vex pattern doesn't exist here. But if someone were to try and draw a picture of a Vex in a universe where the Vex pattern was an actual thing, yes it actually would.
Does this include the British?
Would an accurate description in a book of Vex turn into a Vex?
It should because accurate words are also images, which is why iconoclasts are retarded.
Not a fan
Actually no it wouldn't, unless it was an absurdly, ridiculously accurate description. The trick with Vex is that they have no symbolic language or semiosis; all communication for them IS the thing they are experiencing. Fire is communicated by experiencing fire or simulating it to 100% accuracy. Another issue with them is that all Vex are fractal expressions of the greater Vex pattern, so all Vex contain all Vex contain all Vex. When you communicate with the Vex, you BECOME the Vex because the Vex don't communicate, they Vex. Everything the Vex do is part of the goal of spreading the Vex.

Thus, if you DON'T accurately depict the Vex, or only use symbols and symbolic representations of the Vex, it wouldn't contain the Vex. It wouldn't be part of the pattern. If you try to draw the Vex or take a picture of them or simulate them, that's part of the Vex and they proceed to spread and replicate. But if you abstract and symbolize them, then it keeps them at something of a remove and thus they can't infect that thing. Theoretically.
A drawing wouldn't be 100% accurate though
It doesn't need to be. As long as it's like...1% accurate, the Vex pattern will adjust and correct until it rises to 100% and becomes a true Vex. There IS a cutoff point where an inaccurate Vex depiction won't become Vex, but it's goddamn hard to find.
You could probably use it as a brute force harem effect.
You could also probably figure out a slight modification to allow for taken to be waifu shaped rather than vague shadow monsters.
By that standard I'm not seeing a meaningful distinction between an innacuate drawing and an innacurate written description
Isn’t the Vex TOO corruptive for hentai shenanigans since any women you infect would just turn into one of the boring robots?
The difference is that symbols are not the actual thing. Symbols are representative of a thing, but aren't actually it. If a single symbol was descriptive enough of the thing-like, say, logographic languages (such as chinese or kanji)-then there might be some issue with trying to describe the Vex. But if it's a phonemic language (like english) where each letter describes a sound and have no inherent meaning, then it's generally a lot safer to encode information about them.

Effectively, the more accurately you describe the Vex, the greater the danger grows. But if you write about them in plain english, there's basically zero danger unless you go into a ridiculous deep dive into the exact quantum mechanics of how they function to the point of describing them in such detail that you're effectively recreating them in text.
With Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence you define the Vex pattern, and can thus prevent them from infecting things if you want. And mostly I've been thinking of lewd uses for ontologically locking my actions. Like ontologically locking a woman in orgasm so they're stuck in a never-ending orgasm.
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What happens if I make a mental image of a Vex? Would it burst out of my head?
Depends on the accuracy of the mental image, but generally no. They'll more swiftly convert the rest of your mind/body into Vex, because your body represents valuable resources for spreading the Vex pattern. Assuming you can form a mental image of them accurate enough to contain enough of the Vex pattern that you'd begin conversion into a Vex.
Additional reminder: While the Vex CAN spread like this, they're currently focused on turtling and figuring out paracausal bullshit. So while yes, they could spread through communicative/symbolic bullshit, they really don't want to right now and just want to keep poking the Light/Darkness with sticks until they figure out how to simulate them.
I've made a new OC companion option. Three guesses what it's based off of.
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Murder Drones?
Initially I thought you were referencing the Stand User of 「Charmy Green」.
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I'm bring the chaos gods (Warhammer and Elric) and Q into the setting just to spite them
Good night thread.
Sleep tight, WoL!
It is partially a reference to that. There's many layers to this companion option.
Also: Paracausal bullshit stumps them. They can't simulate it 100%, so they don't even bother trying to simulate it, so paracausality gives you a fighting chance of resisting their influence/infection. It doesn't grant immunity mind, just resistance, but the more paracausal you are the more you can resist and the better you can break their simulations.
They would trump the Q or at least exist in a mode similar to them; the Vex are adapted to ontological combat and exist in a state very, very similar to the Q. Just with much more autism. The Q are fundamentally based in reality and manipulate its laws with absolute perfection to be effectively omnipotent; this is also what the Vex do, and if anything the Vex do it better and are far more adapted to ontological combat.

The Chaos Gods would stump them though, due to being paracausal-existing outside of and superseding the normal physical laws. They would turtle on some planet/collection of planets in 40k and poke the Warp until they get a perfect understanding of it. Once they do, it's back to total universal assimilation.
Why even worry about power levels when you can go to CAT-astrophe and have beach parties with cute catgirls?
Night, WoL!
How powerful does a jumper need to be to tell first world nations and/or china to stay the fuck off his lawn after they discover he has actual magic?
I'm retarded, I meant codependent
I'm not worried about powerlevels, I'm interested in using Vex ontological locking via Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence to do lewd things like permapreg or infinite orgasms.
Farewell. Hope the festivities won't bother you.
Because I want a big ship and a bigger island, both full of cute Catgirls. As such I need to be ready to fight multiple Krakens during my stay there.
>Once they do, it's back to total universal assimilation.
Why so you autismos always assume that your vex/daleks will always trump every other reality warper
The word 'Vex' has been used 100 times in this thread.
I'm not saying they would figure out the Warp. They haven't figured out Light/Darkness yet after all. But that's literally just their standard operating procedure.
>Can't simulate [thing]?
>Study/Test [thing]
>Achieve perfect simulation of [thing]
How vexing.
Because Gohan LOST.

The Q KNEEL to a random black space bartender and grovel in TERROR at the Borg ever reverse engineering them, they're pathetic. Some of the random bullshit in NuTrek could probably mog them.
Are you feeling Vexed?
Is it starting to vex you?
At this point why not just make an Andy and Lyly?
How do you determine who wins in a battle of reality-warpers?
this is important because if what is holding them back is their own confusion a jumper with irresolveable|irrecoverable can just go 'it's fine guys, 99,9% accuracy is good enough.' and then just zerg rush all of reality with things more virulent than the fucking bydo.
Because the game isn't done. Nemlei is pulling a Toby Fox and releasing updates basically saying "development is going well!"
This was Shard’s plan, he fused with the Vex and wanted to spread the pattern.
The trick with the Vex is that CANONICALLY they achieve automatic victory on a universal scale immediately and retroactively...AS LONG AS there are no paracausal elements. They are a perfect causal predator, able to bend the physical laws of the universe to achieve total retroactive dominance purely by the design of their base Pattern. The problem is that they're a CAUSAL predator-as long as it exists within the normal laws of physics they win, but once you step outside the normal laws of physics they begin to stumble. If the technology is advanced enough to warp and rewrite physics they'll have a hard time with you until they manage to reverse-engineer that technology; if you're using magic or spiritual bullshit or some extranormal laws that supersede physics then they're completely clueless on how to react and default to just sitting in hardened fortresses and trying to figure out what the fuck you're doing until they finally get a 100% accurate simulation. There is no guarantee they'll ever get that 100% accuracy either, though it's likely they can get up to like 99.9999...% with enough time. Due to Vex Autism though they'll not even consider acting until they achieve 100%. And their efforts to figure out paracausal bullshit may end up infecting them in turn, because while the Vex are perfectly adapted to the causal universe, they have NO adaptation to paracausality.

The Vex are powerful, no doubt about it, but their bane has always been paracausality. They achieve automatic retroactive victory in "mundane" or even most sci-fi universes, but the moment you introduce something that breaks physics they run right into a brick wall.
It turns into a drinking contest once they learn they can't best each other with reality warping.
>Jobs to one chraze guardian dabbing on you
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Can I get anyone who knows basically anything about exalted IE, more than me to answer this question about the Heroic Mortals gauntlet? >>93247513
How hard would it be for a high level earthbender with good artistic skills to recreate Mt. Rushmore but with all the Avatars (using those statues in the Air Temple as reference)?
doesn't matter lol. i'll fucking do it again.
So they lose to friendship?
I'm the one who mostly plays with that exploit, and the trick I use for it is that as a Fae-blooded the Grail is one of my Graces and is thus effectively an innate part of my mote pool. I can tap it like an Exalt would tap their periphery mote pool. And the trick with the One Ring is that it ALWAYS has one Mote in it, so I can put one mote into the Grail-which can hold an infinite number of motes-and there's still a mote in the One Ring. So I put another Mote in. And another. And another. Rinse and repeat until my Grail is filled with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of motes.

I figure that if you're attuned to the Grail it should be able to work the same way. Or at least somewhat similarly.
Probably not hard? I imagine it would be more a matter of time investment than anything else since being an Earthbender means you don't need to worry about having all the tools and infrastructure needed to do it the normal way, especially since high level earth benders can move and shape a lot of stone quickly and easily. I figure a few weeks or so assuming you're going for high quality reliefs, most of which will probably be detailing.
Not unless friendship is a genuine paracausal force. So they do lose to friendship in Kamen Rider Fourze, but they don't lose to friendship in something like Nanoha. They lose to magic in Nanoha though.
I have four copies of the One Ring. I get how it works, I just need help with action economy.

So like. Can I have it in my backpack or do I need it in my hand?
unironically nakama power would be pretty good against vex. the problem is they have an inexhaustible stream of more vex.
Pretty sure you'd need to be wearing them.
>Trying to fight friendship with an inexhaustible stream of potential new friends
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>Not being the MC’s Mad Scientist friend
I'unno. I've always defaulted to thinking I need it in my hand, and specifically touching the One Ring while I do this. Easy enough if I hold the Grail like a wine glass while I go around doing things; this lets me wear the Ring AND hold the Grail AND have them touch all at the same time, in addition to looking pretty stylish. At the cost of always having one hand occupied.
Willpower and Energy
>if you're using magic or spiritual bullshit or some extranormal laws that supersede physics then they're completely clueless on how to react
They don’t actually have a problem with magic or spirits, their problems only come from things that
1. Can completely ignore cause and effect which magic in most settings don’t actually do
2. are more REAL then they are
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Oh! Another important note: Vex can and have canonically been "neutered" by paracausal forces. Infusing Radiolaria with Darkness can pacify it and make it safe for human exposure; this allows human minds to be hosted on Radiolaria safely. This is how the Exos were made, and the Exos aren't spreading Vex everywhere they go nor are they ticking Vex timebombs. They're just living their best lives.

So with some Paracausal influence it's entirely possible to prevent Vex from memetically infecting you or even physically infecting you. Depends on the strength of the influence of course-Clovis Bray was using a locus of pure Darkness to "clarify" the Radiolaria, and normal Ghosts can generally give you a few seconds to stand around in Radiolaria puddles and heal you from it safely-but generally speaking if you have some paracausality you can make it pretty safe to interact with the Vex.
...I feel like that would actually work pretty well with the blade of sake.

Anyways, needing to hold it in one hand to pull motes out is good enough. Be confusing, but good enough.
How does one set up a business relationship with Batman? I wanna sell him gadgets and a mega amped up suit, but I don't just wanna outright tell him I know he's Bruce Wayne.
Also they'd likely lose to a man with a gun.
I'd argue that there's plenty of forms of magic that supersede physics, and when I was talking about spiritual bullshit I was mostly thinking things like Bleach or xianxia. But then we're getting into the issue of what exactly defines paracausality. Far as I understood it paracausality is effective some force/law that exists outside of and supersedes the normal laws of physics. This would obviously be things like Light and Dark, but also Ahamkara Wish Magic. Plenty of forms of magic in fiction would also qualify by that definition, as well as psionics, certain spiritual settings, and the like.
Gohan would lose even if he had a gun.
Basically if you are in a hard sci-fi or similar jump/place you are the cosmic nightmare that devours existence enslaving all while a high fantasy/ soft sci-if/anime nonsense world like fairy tail, epic dnd, legends Star Wars, or other such places you are still a extremely dangerous cosmic horror but now they actually have a chance to win instead of being doomed to lose. Example you go to eclipse phase they are fucked and they know it if they know anything about you, you devour everything assimilate the heat death and do whatever you want really if you want to, our entire species may offer themselves as your slaves to hopefully survive while if you end up in DC/Marvel you are definitely in the big boy tier and everyone takes you damn seriously like non jobber Galactus but there are now forces, people and so on that can be a actual threat or problem. Paracausal/ reality warping stuff is more or less your biggest problem though the vex capstone does help a bit with dealing with that.
They job to people who just have guns and shittier elemental powers than AtLA. Clearly paracausality isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Tell me you've never played Destiny without saying you've never played Destiny.
Satan bites shitty bait
No but that's gameplay and it doesn't count because gameplay can't show all the crazy high level shit characters can do, except when Sephiroth does Supernova that doesn't count because it's TOO strong even though in the new FF7 he's now a Multiversal being of some kind.
>They achieve automatic retroactive victory in "mundane" or even most sci-fi universes, but the moment you introduce something that breaks physics they run right into a brick wall.
Does this mean that the Vex would unironically get BTFO if they tried to invade the Pokemon world?
Yes, unironically.
I think you basically just draw them out like you do your essence pools just feel the notes in the cup and use them just don’t overthink it.
Has anyone ever copied Gohanposter's gimmick for a chain but applied to a different character? So like instead of spending your whole chain tormenting Gohan, you would do something like companion Korra in Jump 1 then spend the whole chain raping her, and every aspect of your build would be used to further her sexual humiliation and degradation?
No, because that's genuinely retarded.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

It's time.
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Please masturbate before you post!
What would Homura react if you gave her a Holy Grail ala Fate?
Just find him or send a message to him while he patroling, or leave a brochure at the bat signal or give it to Gordon, once he hunts you down or you go to him make the offer.
they have before, thing is though, after a while you run just run out of bulelts.
Please delete your posts so other, more deserving people can post images, it's not too late
Clearly it ain't.
All the effort that goes into gohanposter's eternal autism could be much better and easier spent by making Korra the perfect companion of your chain.
Not that I would, I hated that show.
You have three seconds to shoot down Pixy before V2 begins reentry.
...Why is it so friggin small? And how do I make it print the various details larger?
Tell me what image you want to post and I may consider it.
There are plenty of magics that can MANIPULATE physics and causality while still existing in it, not IGNORE them like Light and Darkness can.
It's a specific but very important distinction because the Vex will completely master the former like any other force in the universe and immediately start going Vex'ing time and Vex all over the place.

To put it in a way everyone on JC can understand, if Entities from Worm could beat it then a Vex can too.
>Can completely ignore cause and effect which magic in most settings don’t actually do
Characters in Destiny generally can't, either. Their causality manipulation isn't even Sidereal-tier. If you could completely ignore cause and effect, you could do shit like blowing up planets lightyears away by sneezing on some random hobo's footprint. The closest anyone gets is the Ahamkara eating shit to grant wishes. Anyone else will have to, at minimum, travel somewhere and hit it with an attack or spell.
Yep that is basically Arceus and his kids proceeding to beat their ass.
Korra was just an example. It could be shit like (non-sexually) torturing Marche from Ward.
How would DIO Over Heaven do?
Shard, if I call forth the Vex and give them the directive of "gently love, care for, and pamper all sapient life as its caring stewards", with specific notes to not do the whole "drug them endlessly" bullshit or the like, would the Vex be capable of understanding such directives?
I have no sympathy for your complaints about having to constantly answer questions. Mainly because you reward them by answering regardless of how retarded/fetishy/canonically-ambiguous/easily-researched/etc. it is. Most other jumpmakers have enough of a spine to just leave the retards be.
I hate when 99% of the options in a CYOA are just straight game mechanics.
I don't require sympathy. We're all ultimately alone on the internet.

Only barely. They would try but their basic framework for how to relate to existence is incompatible with voexistence.

Probably pretty well unless the Vex figure out how to simulate and then assimilate Jotaro, at which point he's fucked.
I really don't understand the point of Destiny. I get that it's a fight between the forces of light and darkness or whatever, but seriously, why does all of this sci fi shit take place within the confines of one solar system? The Galaxy is huge, you have goddamn FTL.
In a nutshell, because the closest thing to God is hanging out in the Solar System and everyone and everything wants to come get it.
The story is David and Goliath writ large. Humanity is barely struggling to survive, clawing for every scrap and win they can get, while interstellar giants come swaggering in and attempt to crush them underheel. And thanks to the Traveler, sheer grit, and a lot of luck, humanity keeps managing to win against gods and monsters it should have absolutely no chance of surviving-often by the skin of its teeth, often with sacrifice, often taking wounds and making bad deals in the process, but still managing to triumph.
>you have goddamn FTL.
The closest solar system is still years away by lightspeed. You need MFTL to actually get anywhere in space.
I'm the last person you could call an expert on Destiny Lore, but I think there was somekind of implication in the background that all, or at least most, of the rest the galaxy had been conquered by the Darkness and the Sol System was the only safe/habitable place left.

However I read this ages ago, and I have no idea if it's been retconned, or if it was even true in the first place.
Humanity doesn't have FTL. Not sure what the Fallen or Cabal use, but every single Guardian jumpship is equipped with an NLS drive.
It is both true and false. The Darkness is not the one doing the conquering, the Witness and it's cronies are. They have become a dominant force in the universe and laid waste to countless civilisations over the course of billions of years while chasing the Traveller everywhere, so they're like actual Power Rangers villains played slightly seriously. There are remaining habitable places but they are far and few between, and even former interstellar powers like the Cabal Empire have fallen victim to the minions of the Witness.

Allegedly there are "Witness-sized things" happening elsewhere in the universe but this hasn't been elaborated on.
Shard, wahappen if I give Guardians Spiral Power?
>...Why is it so friggin small?
What do you mean?
From what I remember the fae-blooded don't hace inherent advantages in possessing graces.
I wonder if they can do that on the Warhammer 40k galaxy. Would the warp screw with them or would the vex stream roll everyone
They do if you invest in so many of the Fae-perks you're basically a fae yourself.
I'm of the argument that the Warp is paracausal and so the Vex would get very confuzzled by it. They'd be able to steamroll the Necrons and C'tan, but have loads of trouble with the Warpy stuff. Probably less trouble with the Tyranids, more trouble with the Daemons and the like, horribly troubled by Orks.
Not Shard, but they would essentially just listen to a few inspiring speeches, skip past all the normal mission objectives & level grinding, then walk up to all the bosses and punch them in the face.

They would also befriend the Fallen and Cabal way faster than they did in canon.
Also Vex are predictable and would never use unconventional strategies and stuff.

A jumper would the Vex capstone perk would ensure that any challenge would easily be overcome, studied, and assimilated.

It would take no t on their part in defeat and assimilating chaos and the C’tan
Would the Vex capstone perk trivialized fighting Chaos?
Even if Chaos is paracausal, I'd still argue that the outcome is basically predetermined. With a human mind leading the Vex pattern you could basically steamroll Chaos effortlessly. And probably the rest of 40k as well.
It was stated in a rumor that there were galactic civilizations left but they just leave the witness and their minions alone as not to get fuck over by them
He was in the pool.
The text size on the version from the mega is at least a size or two smaller than the one I pulled off the wayback machine.
Fun fact for those that might have misunderstood earlier. Shaxx fought an Ahamkara to the death 14 times. This doesn't mean that Shaxx died 14 times. The Ahamkara died, and Shaxx wished it back to life so he could /keep fighting it/. 14 times over.

Shaxx was fucking swole.
No, Shaxx totally died 14 times.
Wonder what the catch is. She already dealt with one wish granter, do you really think she will trust another?

Also nice pic Anon.
Shaxx probably died many more times than 14. How many times has YOUR Guardian died?
Is one way to defeat Chaos and their gods is through a shit ton of dakka, like throwing entire solar systems size ship and weapons at it?
*Happy Khorne noises*
Interesting. There doesn’t seem to be a font size option, so they must have changed it at some point.
So what exactly counts as Paracausal in future settings? Is Reiryoku in Bleach paracausal? Are Servants from Fate? Is the Warp paracausal? Spiral Power? Getter Rays?
Not really that most likely will end with chaos stealing everything, if you want to destroy chaos in 40k you want to get purified or purifying perks/things to deal with them. The warp can be described as a sea overflowing with sewage throwing ships and guns into it are just going to get them dirty and stolen by the sewage elementals instead cleaning it or making creatures to clean it works better. Like actraiser or chibi robo I think have stuff that could help.
You niggas really love yapping about settings you have no understanding of just because they're powerwank fuel
I played the first game, did a lot of studying, and watched a goddamn ten hour lore video to figure out what's going on in Destiny. I deserve to yap about it
I'm so fucking tired of zoomers infesting my board.

>b-but the term was used before
Sure, but don't pretend it hasn't been appropriated by zoomers who deserve to die.
Where do you think we are?
Zoomers are in their 30s already you fucking retard
The oldest zoomer is 26 years old. The youngest MILLENNIALS are approaching their 30s. Dumbass. Not that I'd expect anything different from a defender of zoomers.
I'm putting the pdf compressor in the next thread.
PDF compress deez nutz
Toss in some (embed) too.
It's time for your dick flattening, Herbert.
And you're Gen Alpha.
Because it triggers the shitposter and other people who fear innovation.
Nice fanfiction.
Probably any form of magic. Paracausal is just Destiny's fancy way of saying magic.

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