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people be saying "freakshit races should be removed from fantasy settings" yet they go balistic when they find out a game master removed Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves as it didnt fit the setting or if they are a race they're not a pc race (ever)

why are OSR players like this? let alone alpha tester dnd players
>still trying to force "freakshit"
Everyone knows only trolls bother with forced meme phrases like that. You've failed.
Did the mean osr grogs get your feeling since you keep making these threads now? Adorable <3
those are just shitposts here, nobody actually thinks that
Are you the reason /osrg/ got shitcanned?
>a game master removed Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves as it didnt fit the setting or if they are a race they're not a pc race (ever)
For years I have limited players to only humans, but in recent years they've beat me down and I allow "human with animal ears+tail". It's fine, whatever, if that's the only compromise I have to make it's fine.
there should be no humans in any game ever
This but unironically
Because they hate anything interesting and want fantasy to be boring generic slop.

Remove, all, standard, fantasy races. Elves: Gone. Dwarves: Gone. Orcs: Gone.
As far as I understood it, the reason behind the freakshit complaints comes from the problem that people, especially in modern D&D, have a reductionist view of fantasy race and how to make characters. You can make an interesting character that is just a human or an elf instead of going out of your way to play a freak because its the only way you can think of make your character interesting.

As a GM I never limit my players to only playing conventional fantasy races like some do, but I always demand they give me a good, interesting, and fleshed out character for the race they've selected.
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>people be saying
No they don't. You're literally the only one in 12 years that have said that.
>yet they got balistic (sic!)
Ignoring the fact that no-one actually says that, if anyone were to say that, they are likely not the ones that would "go ballistic" over having them removed. But regardless, "freakshit is annoying garbage" and "classical fantasy races are unnecessary" are completely different camps. They may overlap, but there is nothing that necessitates them doing so. Your dichotomy isn't just a strawman, it is fundamentally false even if your strawman wouldn't be what it is.
>why are OSR players like this?
Because you touch yourself at night.
What’s wrong with playing as a human?
It's uninspired and shows very little passion on the part of the player
Tell me WHO your character is, not WHAT they are.
>why are OSR players like this?
Because they're humans. Humans hate change.
Banning any race at your table is objectively good. It doesn't matter which ones, because it filters players and ensures group cohesion.

Anyone who says anything differently just has a personal preference and lacks the cognizance to notice the "personal" part.

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