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>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93216301

>TQ: Do /yourdudes/ have a nemesis? Lore only or are they an army of you or a fellow player?
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dwarven Melee Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Them Like Nigga Walk Around Haha
walk over, walking around is too slow
>posts african pet
>Walk Away From Them
And get shot.
>Like Nigga Walk Around
And get shot.
Perfidious Albion Giant.
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Putting some little uglies together.

/mydudes/ are my own hold of Dwarfs, a stack of Black Mountain Liberals (by Dwarfish standards) who struck it rich in the Border Princes with a combination of trade and luck. They wear a goldsteel alloy style plate armor that is a mix of unique precious metals found in their capital Hold, and their heraldry is referential to Karak Hirn, their closest Greathold.

Because of their location, their enemies are typically Bretonnians and Wood elfs to the North, Orcs to the South, and the Beastmen of southern Athel Loren and surrounding highlands that occasionally rampage out of their stinking dens (these all being most of my local play group)
Anyone happen to have the most recent TOW dogs of war PDF that was being worked on?
You can buy separate dedicated heads for that
Buy an ad
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What are the odds of dwarfs next week? surely the AoS fags should be sweet for a few weeks
you can buy dispossessed if you really want to get a headstart.
Nah I just want the new lord for fun. Maybe some MTO metals.
Dwarven Melee works because everyone is coming to them to kill them for having the best stuff to steal. The entirety of modern Dwarven history is bastards attacking the dwarfs so as to steal the things they make and use that stuff to kill more dwarfs with there own rune axes. And cutting there beards so as to shame them before they die.
Naggaroth, fuck yeah, here to ruin your motherfucking day yeah!

Happy 4th of July Amerikaners!
My money is on an August release.
didnt they state they were releasing army boxes for everything this year?
i'd assume not. they haven't done a HH christmas box have they?
And somehow these look better than GWs "Brettonians"
How do I motivate myself to paint again?
start simple, something easy, that you aren't particularly going to care too much, maybe a one-off zombie or goblin, or a piece of scenery
Motivation is for faggots. If you don't enjoy the hobby why do you force yourself to continue spending time on it?
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Perhaps appropriately, but the only Lore Attribute we've gotten for evil magic is a machine gun with CN's ranging from 7-13. Fantasy america gets machine gun magic, I guess.
I like to come up with a little story about a regiment or a character before I start painting. You could try that. Unfortunately, I enjoy painting for painting's sake, so it might not help you.

Do magic mushrooms.
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Pick something simple and easy to paint like a large model that's mostly one or two colours
Anyone remember that guy who had a magnetized orc warboss on chariot? On a plank or something?
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part of me has always wanted to make some AMERICA delfs
Tomb Guard and Necroknights/Sepulcar Stalkers back in stock for TKingers
Dude i swear these Tomb King kits fucking suck, they're the worst things ive ever assembled.
I think Settra is the absolute worst kit in the entire current GW catalog but other than that it's an easy range to build.
Yeah its easy, just fucking insanely annoying. I was trying to put my stalkers on their bases but their tails would never touch the ground properly. Ended up just putting my phone on em to keep em down.
The mold lines give them character
bump for this. love dogs of war, bringing them to ToW would be neat
just loads of rapid firing crossbows as the theme or what?
You don't need motivation. You need discipline.
I quite like the tomb scorpion, a little greenstuff and superglue and the legs go on easy
Could the arm be stopped by the rope unfurling to its maximum length? Let's say it's made from gromril thread or whatever so it doesn't snap.
>Hold on Babe, new Tilea's Troubles just dropped.
Do they need to touch the base perfectly? You're going to add sand to hide it anyways, right?
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So, how are Chaos Daemons in ToW these days? As in, a pure chaos daemon army with no mortals at all. Curious about trying that sort of army but not sure if it'll be good or not.
I care more about having fun in the game than winning, but I also don't want to lose every single game I play.
Pretty sure pure demons is all you can do with them. They suck, like almost every other setting that hosts them.
>They suck, like almost every other setting that hosts them.

NTA but they're fun AF in AoS. I play pure Nurgle or pure Slaanesh Daemons sometimes and they're great.
Unlike Wood Elves (my WFB main faction) who are fucking SHITE in AoS but great fun in WFB.

If nothing else, anon, at least Daemons have a lot of fun and good models to choose from.
>NTA but they're fun AF in AoS.
Ok. I want to play them in ToW though.

>They suck, like almost every other setting that hosts them.
Any particular reason...?
You don't even have the option to mix mortals and daemons. It's so dumb. I'm looking forward to everyone going back to 6th edition so we can mix mortals, beasts and daemons again.
I mean, anyone who's not a complete retard is going to be fine if you drop demons as allies into a warriors' army
>So, how are Chaos Daemons in ToW these days?
Bad. Demons are a legacy army and not a very good one at that.
the fuck is the penultimate word on that banner? Everstifen?
everstrifen, I guess
like forever at war
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Mucking about with some Wargames Foundry Swiss (eight front most) and Perry's European mercenaries (six at the back). They look pretty good on 20mm bases when ranked up.
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Whelp, aussie pike block.

Poike blauhwck.
this is how you poke someone's eye out
>hmm is this in line of si- ACK
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It's great, with these longer sticks you can stab folk further away.
Does anyone happen to have the Coursairs of Captain Flariel?
Pikemen shouldn't exist in rulesets that require base to base contact.
Sticks are sharp, enjoy your paint jobs whilst they last.
Certainly should stick to more port rather than charge.
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Maybe we add a couple 40 mil bases between us.
>Tomb Guard and Necroknights/Sepulcar Stalkers back in stock for TKingers
Tomb King Chads stay winning. These slaves will do well for my army.
>everyone in armor
>that guy wearing his shirt in the middle
Combined profiles are a mistake, all the WAPniggers who asked for them should be shot.
>You don't even have the option to mix mortals and daemons. It's so dumb.
Really? That is pretty fucking stupid, yeah.

>Bad. Demons are a legacy army and not a very good one at that.
Damn. I might still play 'em, but thanks for the warning anon!
>I might still play 'em, but thanks for the warning anon!
You can do SOME cool shit with them (keepers with the illusion assailment spell will rape shit to appropriate levels) but on the whole units are overcosted and undertuned, the limited tactical flexibility is on full display and your best core unit is the fury (which is genuinely quite good) but your other infantry kinda suck.

Magic attacks also seem to be a lot more common and you get literally no saves against them, so playing vs dwarfs or high elves or chaos warriors is a bad time.
Hmm, my main opponent (I.E my brother) plays Wood Elves if that makes a difference. I'm thinking of playing mostly Slaanesh and Nurgle with a tiny bit of Tzeentch if that is possible.
If this is a shite idea that will simply result in boring matches let me know anons.
From what I understand mixing gods is heavily discouraged because force org slots depend on general, and then characters depend on units taken.

if your general is a bloodthirster then you can take bloodletters and flesh hounds as core, but otherwise theyre special, bloodcrushers will also be special but otherwise rare. Same goes for the other gods.
On paper its actually quite a clever system, it allows for mixing and matching while rewarding going all in on one god (which is less flexible tactically but rewards you with higher power units in more affordable slots) but its very restrictive compared to many armies and many of those units arent very high power anyways.

>wood elves
I dont remember if their special arrows count as magical attacks, but if they do you are in for quite a bad time imo (unless you spam furies, seriously those things are dumb, 12ppm for S4 Ap-1 flying skirnishers with furious charge is crazy, also swiftstride)
Seems like you could just add some empty filler bases to the front of the unit so they don't mash things.
A well-oiled machine, except for Jerry who woke up late.
>From what I understand mixing gods is heavily discouraged because force org slots depend on general, and then characters depend on units taken.

Just checked and you're right. There goes all my interest in playing Daemons I think. Shame :(
Yea, its hard to mix gods if you arent just interested in taking the most basic stuff.

I do think its an interesting system, and wish more armies had that level of force org stuff going on, but in a world where those factions DONT have that stuff going on demons need to be pretty damn cracked to justify the added hoops (and they are not)
Yeah I think I'll find another faction to play. After looking through their PDF it's just not what I want from my Chaos army.
Thanks for the help anons!
Best of luck in your search.
What sort of army are you looking for? If youre interested in a faster style monstrous army (that pairs well into beastmen) how about beastmen?
I'm actually thinking Beastmen yeah. Goes really well with my brother's Wood Elves and could be pretty fun. Plus, I like the models and there's a lot of potential for fun and interesting conversions.
Yea. Beastmen in general are major winners of the edition, beyond being very strong (arguably strongest army in the game atm) theyre just very well made, units are unique and functional and they have lots of different ways they can be built.

Theres maybe one bad unit in there and thats centigors, but even then im sure theyre usable seeing as theyre cav in the cav edition.
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Hey /wfg/, I'm trying to wrap my head around a little mystery.
These are the first special characters, apparently picked by Rick Priestly, that appeared for the Warriors of Chaos list in Warhammer, with their 1994 Army Book. All these characters had models in production, a profile, and were legal in all games:

-Mordrek (Undivided-sort of)
-Egrimm Van Horstman (Tzeentch)
-Arbaal the Undefeated (Khorne)
-Aekold Helbrass (Tzeentch)
-Scyla Anfingrimm (Khorne)

The book explains the presence of Scyla Anfingrimm, the presence of Mordrek is very flavorful and makes sense as a "posterboy", and Egrimm is the big centerpiece model, riding a dragon, most expensive unit in the whole game.
Aekold is (probably) there as second-in-command to Egrimm, as they are sometimes shown in the same army (kind of like a Crom/Archaon dynamic, maybe?).

...now Arbaal is there as a big physical warrior, as a combat alternative to Egrimm's magic, right?
Because for some reason they gave Arbaal the rule "he can never be the general".
In fact ONLY EGRIMM can be a general, and all the other characters can not.
This makes sense for the Spawn-people (Mordrek and Scyla), and it makes sense for little Aekold.
Why THE FUCK did Priestly decide that Arbaal could never lead an army?
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These news please Settra greatly
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He's too angry to take command of an army. He exists only to kill for Khorne.
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but why would you decide to include two Khorne characters (foregoing any Slaanesh or Nurgle representation)... and then for one of them
>He exists only to kill for Khorne.
...and the other is SCYLA ANFINGRIMM?
These are the first five characters for Chaos and he makes two identical and redundant already?

What was Rick Priestly thinking?
What should I play to have a painted army on the table fast?
Probably flavour, like that other anon said.
Ogres or WoC probably.
Because the rules for early warhammer, and early warhammer characters especially, were very "vibes based". They didnt put much thought into aarbal in terms of a functional game unit, they just gave him some shit which seems cool. Its why the destroyer of khorne magic weapon makes him worse at fighting than he would be with a hand axe (and the normal number of attacks a chaos lord gets).
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It's like having enough money for two soft drinks, and buying a can of Sprite and one of 7Up

also, it says right there in the flavor text that Arbaal "led a hundred daemons to the assault" in one of the most important conquests of the Warriors of Chaos, but now he can't lead?

I am angry, I am upset, and most of all I am confused, because I was THIS close to being able to understand and explain why and how every single Champion of Chaos was designed, but this asshat "can't lead armies" meaning he's essentially a mounted Aekold when list building
If you want the army to be actually painted? Undead.

Skeletons are the easiest thing to paint quickly and to an acceptable standard. Ghosts are super easy too.
maybe the models came before the fluff
I don't think so, because Egrimm's model came out two years later and it's different from John Blanche's concept art which is in the book alongside the stats.
Also, Mordrek (which I believe to be a beloved creation of Priestley, deeply flavorful and fun) never got a model
>In fact ONLY EGRIMM can be a general
This is probably the key to it

chances are they devised these characters as a sort of "mercenary" for your army, rather than as characters to base your army around, while engrimm gets an exception simply because he costs so many points that it's unlikely you're going to have other characters that could reasonably be a general
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Here's the explanation for Scyla Anfingrimm being in the first Chaos book btw:
you couldn't include units of Spawn in the army, becoming a Spawn was something that could happen to your characters.

So they added Scyla in the book so the player would be able to field (maximum) one Spawn of Khorne from the start and play around with it (Scyla).
They probably picked Khorne because they had that beautiful armored model ready (it seems to be the earliest model they made, in 1984) and they didn't want to sell a super-mutataed goopy mass of tentacles of any other Chaos God because they were still heavily encouraging making your own.
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>Just played a game of Oathmark
>It's better
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I think it must have been a rather late decision, because in the "Chaos General" section, it says that "Some of the Special Characters given later may serve as an alternative General"...
and this is untrue!
They write "SOME" but in the end, only ONE has that possibility.

I think something must have happened, there has to be a reason, Rick Priestley probably realized at the last minute that only one of the characters he had picked could be a general.

That choice must have come rather late, and I'm squeezing my brain and reading the book over and over trying to figure out why.
I'm developing an obsession with this, because it is the last piece of the Chaos puzzle: why did he decide that of the two big characters riding monsters, only one could rule an army;
then he wrote that Arbaal was a leader in the Siege of Praag, and then he wrote that you could NOT field him as a leader?

Everything else in the book makes perfect sense, that single line is driving me nuts
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Ok I am officially going insane - in 1998 Tuomas Pirinen comes along and "fixes" the Special Characters - now there is one Champion for each God, there are two big Demons - one who fights and one who casts spells, and they add Archaon to make sense of Chaos Undivided.

Guess what?

At page 1 you get a picture of Aekold Helbrass leading a force of Chaos Warriors, and Arbaal leading a force of Chaos Warriors.
All the new characters can be the general of your army.
They took special care to open the book with them both at the head of an army, and they took special care to make sure that they could never do it ingame. They could change it, they decided not to.

they are taunting me
>It's like having enough money for two soft drinks, and buying a can of Sprite and one of 7Up
Don't be a dingus. Just because both happen to be unsuited to lead armies doesn't mean that they are equivalent in purpose or theme. Besides, your reasoning is based around the notion that they are made to be taken together which is not the case. The fact that they happen to share the same mark doesn't in any way suggest that they're a pair.
It's fully plausible that the fella' just came up with some cool characters which he statted rather than plan their creation from the ground up.
have you tried sending a message to the guy?
what if he was meant as a battle standard bearer at some point?
>Arbaal was a leader in the Siege of Praag, and then he wrote that you could NOT field him as a leader?
Besides, there are different types of "leaders". Given that we're talking about a champion of Khorne it's quite reasonable to assume that the kind of "leader" he was meant to be would be the inspirational hero kind who commit great deeds on the field of battle and in so doing inspire those accompanying him rather than being a commander which is what a general is meant to represent.
He's busy working on Trans Crusade and getting his ego fluffed in the Mordheim FB group
The characters were all modeled by Aly Morrison, who is credited as "designer" for them all in old catalogues (Aekold, Egrimm, Arbaal, all of them) .
He says in an interview
that they used to work as follows: they had a huge pile of concept art by John Blanche, and they just picked the most inspiring pictures and made a model.
They were made under the "Marauder Miniatures" studio, which was a mini-studio like Forgeworld that focused only on Fantasy while the company was shifting to Space Marine and 40k wank.

So I think Rick Priestly just chose a few designs that he liked, and this explains why there are two Khornates, two Tzeentchians, and zero Nurglites/Slaaneshi.
That's fine, that makes sense.
Does anyone have a collection of Fantasy audiobooks handy?

I do long drives and I'm keen for something to listen to in order to get hyped to paint my O and G when I get home.
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Yes but do you see the mystery?
Rick Priestly is not a fluff guy, he is a crunch guy, he writes rules, he does balance, he doesn't write fluff, he doesn't do art. That's who he was and who he is.

That's why he didn't choose one champion per God: he didn't care about the fluff, he just wanted to make things good to play on the tabletop, and make some money selling minis.

The book is exclusively his, it is one of the few Army Books with only one author.

I can see what he was thinking with Mordrek: he is a fun hybrid between a spawn and a Chaos Warrior. He is chaotic, inhuman, random. He is so mutated he can barely think.
Very fun! Can't be a general! Makes sense!

With Egrimm: the biggest guy we've ever built! Super expensive in £ AND in points! He casts magic on a dragon!
Very fun! Can be a general! Makes sense!

With Scyla: it's a Warrior-Chaos Spawn, but it doesn't look nonsensical! Also, you can deploy it from turn 1! Very unique! Very fun! Can NOT be a general! Makes sense!

With Aekold: it's a champion with a gorgeous model that represents a minor character! He's just a badass chaos dude, like Slambo! He's a smaller dude with no mount - not very expensive, but lots of flavor!
Very fun! May NOT be the general! (...this is already kind of restrictive and harsh but it sort of makes sense).

...and then we have Arbaal!
He's a big melee warrior on a big melee monster! Large, expensive, he could probably kill Van Horstmann in a duel! The players buy him because they want the BIG WARRIOR on the BIG MONSTER and they don't want to cast spells like pussies! They want the biggest baddest melee fighter the Warriors of Chaos have to offer! Fully human! No mutations or magic!
...may NOT be the leader of your army!

I don't get that. It almost makes sense for the fluff, but it doesn't work with the "crunch", I don't follow the reasoning of Priestley, who surely was thinking about gaming and not about lore when he picked these characters.


Here you go. Some interesting hints mentions of Albion, a hint at a proper Dark Magic lore (I guess the guys here giving High Magic a ward save for a turn as its attribute were a bit too conservative)

Don't mind the size, I had to rip it out of telegram, bookmark and OCR the thing.
The reality no one wants to admit
And while I'm thinking about wfrp, 2 things:

Is Naggaroth anon still around?

And there's a new interview that is mostly fluff with Dave Allen. The tl;dr of line relevant stuff is: No current plan for giving other provinces the Reikland treatment. Dream project is a brand new and original campaign, which may or may not be in production but probably isn't. New lore is done by checking the back catalogue, baking in plausible deniability and asking GW who sometimes say yes and sometimes insist on editing things that don't noticeably change the structure. Which would probably explain that 'gender neutral' wood elf, I guess.
bump for this, driving 5 hours tomorrow night
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I actually enjoy this version of the G&F books more because the voice actor is clearly having the time of his life.
Trolls. My current list is 18 models. And the classic trolls paint up fast, if you can find a recaster.
Better how?
I have only looked into it a bit and it turned me off with the "quality" stuff and "you can only they roll 5 dice,"
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>Warhammer kiddie discovers command friction
Buy an ad
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>can't even be assed to sculpt on a pair of shoes
I like command friction in games. Shitty role to activate systems are garbage.
Like, legitimately worse than pull from a bag activation.
Chaos corrupted bretonians?
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Devilishly delightful idea, Anon.
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Nice rank and flank game
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Love those shields, sharp highlights.
The issue here being? Do you think that just because you end your movement into the flank arc of an enemy unit that they're just obligated to stay there and wait for your next turn so you can charge into them? Or do you find it unacceptable that an unengaged unit can have spacial and situational awareness? Or are you just repulsed by the idea of having to plan your movements out better and support your unit with another unit?
The Facebook post comes out as a bit of an asshat, but it is weird as fuck that you could maneuver behind a unit into its rear Arc, then have it immediately activate and charge your flank.

It weirdly means, because you can wheel then charge, having your enemy in your rear Arc is a great place for them to be, as it means you can get a flank charge on your turn.
I think this is fine as long as you bill the game as a skirmish game and not a rank and flank.

Like the ranked up formations are just there to speed up the movement of models, but it's assumed everything moves as a blob. Which seems like it might be the case given that the movement trays in the image are for staggered rounds.
Would you say there's a certain painting style that captures the middlehammer spirit? From what I see it's more muted in tone and range than the 4th edition style which is very vivid and colourful.
It doesn't immediately activate, if it has already been activated nothing will happen as both teams have been activated. It it's yet to be activated, on its next turn it can make a maneuver and turn around, but this in theory is leaving its back now faced to the bulk of the enemies other units. Since it's not engaged by another of the enemies units, why would it not have the chance to out maneuver on its own turn?
The movement trays in the pic are not what's authorized in the rules, the rules use 25mm squares like TOW
This FB whiner is making up hypothetical situations that would likely never happen in an actual game just to try to find loopholes and technicalities lmao, definitely raised as a Warhammer player
>this in theory is leaving its back now faced to the bulk of the enemies other units.
Except it's not even doing that. It's offering them their flank in order to charge what was behind it in the flank.

Which I think is fine, if you want a game where every unit is what would be considered skirmishers in WHFB. Like it worked fine in 40K when you just mash blobs into each other and stuff like ranks and facing don't matter.
>It is unlikely a unit would be behind yours
Seems like a weird game.
>The issue here being?
That as presented individual units cannot outmaneuver other units.

If you get a unit behind an enemy unit (something which should be quite hard) the natural assumption is that this is rewarded, not punished.
Refer to everything written after "The issue here being?" for the response to that. If you want to successfully flank a unit, you need to put in more effort. Either have a second unit, or draw them closer to you so you can charge them instead of moving to end your turn in their charge range.
>If you want to successfully flank a unit, you need to put in more effort
>than getting into its rear (something which in any system with movement matters is hard)
You are also entirely missing the fact that "the unit can avoid being flanked" and "the unit can punish you" are separate things.
Git gud. Your opponent doesn't owe you an exposed flank because you want to do something but couldn't get in position and range to do it last turn.
>Your opponent doesn't owe you an exposed flank
Then they shouldnt allow you to move a unit behind them
You shouldn't end your turn in charge range of the enemy if you don't want to be charged by them.
If you want a system with 360 charges, rank and flank isnt for you
If you want a system where your opponent just sits his units still and lets you do whatever multi-turn manoeuvre you want without any reaction on his part, then die and leave my hobby alone, weakling. Go play some RTS on easy mode and quit whining.
>heraldry on capes
that's fucking neat
Joseph is a complete cunt no matter the game or topic he's discussing I've found.
why do you keep putting rounds on even shittier rounds
In real life, if you get behind a unit not engaged, there is nothing stopping them from turning around. This is realistic.
How is he being a cunt? He gave a simple and polite answer clarifying the rules, the WHFB retard then spazzed out and accused him of ruining his own game, to which he still responded politely whilst not giving too much attention to the negativity
Anybody have a guide for kitbashing ogres they could share? Anything would be nice.
In real life, formations do not charge backwards
The chad state trooper: tough leathery soles, marches barefoot from Altdorf to Praag with a song on his lips.
The virgin historical: must be supplied with Tilean loafers at the state's expense. Gets blisters and sores after one day of campaigning.
No but they can turn around and fight someone standing 2 inches behind them ....
Wrong thread buddy
comfy backyard
You still posting in the wrong thread.
Also, why are you even wasting time to post? Shouldn't you be busy assembling and painting new Chaos gurlboss?
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>...may NOT be the leader of your army!
Again, nothing about him necessarily suggests that his intended purpose was to act as the general of an army. In fact, given what you said about it being a crunch guy coming up with him who also decided to expressly state that he can't be the general it's abundantely clear that his purpose is not that. At this point you might aswell ask why giants can't be the general of a WoC army. After all they're big centerpiece models capable of one-shotting characters.
>posts AoS minis in WFG
>thinks his opinion relevant
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Posts your minis bub.
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In real life you wouldn't stand and watch the enemy unit as it walks in a circle to face you
NTA but it has happened, people are retarded and if people arent told what to do anything could happen.
Exactly, in wargaming due to it being an abstraction we are forced to use turns to represent real actions, so it has to be expected that, had this been a real battle, whilst the enemy was slowly walking behind them they used.this time to wheel their formation
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Did the base sizes change for ogres at all between TOW and previous fantasy battle editions?
I don't think so, they were (mostly) on 40mm squares yeah? That's what they're (mostly) on now.
>No but they can turn around and fight
You're moving the goal posts though. Pretty much every game lets you activate a unit and turn it around to face an opponent behind them.

In Oathmark, you can turn around, crabwalk sideways and charge your opponent in the flank.
No idea you can't.
Oh hey it's him again. Sup non-Warhammer anon?
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What are you working on?

I have started painting my slightly converted black orcs for my chorf army
Question about WFRP. Are there any special rules for traveling upriver? Should it be slower and more difficult? Or just handwaved for convenience? Complications are only fun up to a point.
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Mostly done painting some river trolls.
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Fresh new Sylvanians, hot off the press
>Forecastle doesn't actually sit flush
Kind disappointing.
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What the fuck, when did Warhammer get this expensive? I remember when you could get two metal shamans for less than £10.
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>when did Warhammer get this expensive?
Congrats on coming out of that 15-20 year coma, Anon.
I dunno man, I'm literally priced out of the official mini's. I just go for 3d printed ones now.
>Fresh new Sylvanians

I don't see 'em. You posted some random historical game pic anon.
>I remember when you could get two metal shamans for less than £10.
Still can senpai.
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Not gonna lie, the Maggotkin of Nurgle in AoS look pretty fucking awesome. Kinda tempted to build a Nurgle focused WFB army now.
Gonna have to look and see if I can play the models/proxy them in a Chaos army.
it's not impossible to put them on 30mm bases to count as nurgle chosen
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Well, we know they fit on squares in 8th at least. I don't know if any of these units exist in TOW or can be proxied as anything in it.
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Huh? It's suspended on top of some beams, it's not supposed to be flush with the deck

Seethe and cope paypiggy
None of the usual GW shills can match this guy's soulfull hobbying.

He also posts here.
Get an ad, soi tuber
>It's suspended on top of some beams
I think I would put them on 40s and use them as ogres.
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Do it anon! They're my main AoS faction and I think they look fucking sick.
As these two say, they fit on square bases and it'll be a fucking amazing army to have on the tabletop. If it wasn't for me owning them in AoS they'd be my main faction in WFB.
Right now I'm doing Wood Elves which is still a lot of green and brown but looks different enough to stop me getting bored lol
>Seethe and cope paypiggy
I genuinely thought you posted the wrong pic. Fuck you then, wanker. Get aids.
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It's how they were build, retard
Some were. Most weren't. It's still a goofy design.
AH HA! The insecure dude with a mediocre body is back begging for attention and compliments!
Hmm... getting more and more tempted now, I gotta admit. What do you lot think the Harbinger of Decay, Pusgoyle Blightlords and Maggoth Lords (Orghotts Daemonspew) could be used as in ToW? I don't think Pusgoyles or Maggoth Lords exist in the new rules.
No idea who this fucker is.
No interest in finding out.
Piss off.
This. Eceleb bullshit should go and stay go.
>Harbinger of Decay
A Chaos Lord mounted on Daemonic Mount.

>Maggoth Lord
Gorebeast Chariot...maybe?
Daemon Prince...?
They all seem like a massive stretch but it's all I can think off.

>Pusgoyle Blightlords
No clue. They don't fit anything in ToW chaos list.
>Harbinger of Decay
hero on demonic steed
demon prince (winged) or hero on manticore (it's a bit of a stretch)
chaos giant or demon prince (wingless) or hellcannon for the barfing one

add in an allied contingent of demons for plaguebearers, guo and rot flies and you're set
Don't be a pussy, anon. Show us the rest! There's places on 4chan that allow that.
I think I recognise this photo from a gay dating app
>Dick Covered
Body doesn't matter if you're so small below you've got to hide it to avoid ridicule.
>still won't even base the models properly

This isn't /awg/
>plays WHFB only using 3rd party/perry
>is fuarking shredded
>actually posts his models, all of which are fully painted
The King of /wfg/
Last time I did I got banned.
Okay these actually look pretty good desu
Not bad anon.
Not bad at all...

On another, wargame related note, I must say those look good even if they are AoS things.
>plays whfb

Immediately incorrect
Too swole to control
>On another, wargame related note, I must say those look good even if they are AoS things.

TY bro.
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My friend's Dreadlord on a black draon is my arch nemesis. Worst thing yet is that I gifted it to him for his birthday.
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Grail Guardian ready for now.
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>>plays WHFB
That weapon is retarded and impractical
He is Grail Knight so he will still wreck everything
My dad and I watched some of his terrain videos the other day, he really enjoyed them. It's fun when your family understands your hobby.
What did I miss?
Sexy dude showed off his body for us.
Anon showed off some decent Nurgle dudes.
Other anon is considering using Nurgle AoS dudes in AoS.
I like how you are changing their identity every time you post them. Almost as much as those imaginary formations that you shift in your head to get the advantage over your opponent, since they never know where the imaginary square actually ends.
I'm pretty sure that wreck is actually missing most of its top deck. Ribs usually do not protrude over the main deck, which means that the deck we are seeing is actually level -1, and most of the top part of the ship has already eroded, leaving only a piece on the front.
Take your meds
That's the top desk, which has falls down to the bottom over the last few hundred years as the boat has collapsed
They were averlanders just a few days ago. I remember them also being middenlanders and stirlanders.
Makes sense. My point was that originally the deck was higher, possibly flush with the "forecastle" deck.
Man I wasn't expect wfg to be gayer than aosg
>Man I wasn't expect wfg to be gayer than aosg

Your mistake then anon lmao

You're right, these have been a least five different things in the past month alone.
And we're only five days into this month.
The entire point of the fore and after castle was for the cog to have a platform which was higher up than the Mediterranean style galleys used by the French, thereby giving archers the ability to fire downwards onto the enemy. This is how the English mopped up the French and Genoese navy despite being outnumber at the naval Battle of Sluys
You must be new around here
That design goal isn't counter to having it flush with the lower deck.
Like Japs had a height arms race for centuries and never left weird gaps.
Cogs are primarily merchant vessels and the majority were very hastily converted to have the forecastles just prior to the battle of Sluys, for example, as the English standing navy was like 3 ships if I remember correctly. There is no practical reason to have it "flush" as you say, your argument is purely for aesthetic purposes
I posted my Physique and it caused a lot of blushing

I churn out another 40 troops every week or two, and I paint them different every time lmao, try to keep up
>the majority were very hastily converted
So you agree it would be ahistoric not to be flush, unless you're representing one specific historical battle?
>There is no practical reason to not have holes in your defenses.
Okay. Lol
The defenders were up on the crenulated castles or boarding, not hiding inside?
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>Is Naggaroth anon still around?
No, I generally find the thread to be rancid and I only dip in ever now and then to check for new WFRP stuff. What's up?
>I churn out another 40 troops every week or two, and I paint them different every time lmao, try to keep up

Yet you still can't put even a single one on actual base lol?
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How did Taal and his cult evolve? He seems to be based out of the Elven Kornous, but the name is completely different. Lexicanum cites that the Elves know him as the goddess Torothal, and I vaguely recall reading in some 1e WFRP source that he was originally the father of the rivers, but at some point meta-wise that was given over to Manaan. Something something Old Faith, but I don't know much about that topic. Also, how politically important is his Cult compared to the Ulricans and Sigmarites? As an organization it seems to take second fiddle to the Ulricans outside of Talabecland.
You're grasping at straws mate
>How did Taal and his cult evolve?
In fluff or through editions,?
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My second attempt at painting Sigvald. It's not going well, but that's how it usually goes until I start doing the finer details.
God willing I'll have 20 old-school chaos warriors and 14 storm of chaos-era ones to re-paint soon, assuming I can strip the paint off them successfully.
>Shoots flaming arrow through your tard hole
Psh, nothing personal.
Came out great, other than his arm.
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>is arguing with me about historicity
>flame arrows
Sword too long, looks retarded
he looks a bit thick
>>flame arrows
Implying those weren't fucking real?
You know they were used since 400BC and earlier right?
Either one, both are interesting.
lol, working on his shield separately so I can get at some of the harder to reach areas. I'd say he's only about 30% done.
>Also, how politically important is his Cult compared to the Ulricans and Sigmarites? Relatively much weaker on the bigger scale, but also very strong on small scale (certain communities).
Taal is rather very traditionalistic, so his cult doesn't have such edge in political rivalry with Ulric and Sigmar.
PBK are a perfect way to nurglify your warriors/chosen/characters.
They even fit on 25mm pretty well.
I'm converting my Maggoth into a GUO which could always pull double duty as a giant. The riders make for great bits to further customize warriors/chosen/knights/etc just like the superfluous bits from the PBK-kit.
>Harbinger of Decay
Sorc on steed on daemonic mount.
>Pusgoyle Blightlords
Chariots with or without the gorebeast.
They could also work as Dragon Ogres.
>Orghotts Daemonspew
Giant, Shaggoth or DP. If you go with the vomit mouth for the maggoth it could also work as a Hellcannon.

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