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Looking for a cyborg on a motorcycle with a gun for an arm. It was a lead/pewter mini from the 80s or 90s. Anyone ever see it?
/awg/ or /grog/ might be a good place to ask.
The mini sounds radical and I want to know what it looks like too.
They took Elmer Fudds gun? The fuck? Did they also disarm Yosemite Sam?
Subject sounds Shodowrunesque; I know Ral Partha had some bikers in their Shadowrun line. Check the Lost Minis wiki.
Yes, actually. Per word of artist Ryan Khatam, there were at least one or two shorts that were never completed due to them having too much excessive gunplay and violence in them. It was likely one of the contributing factors to the decision to remove firearms outright in later in development.
My hatred for Commifornia grows by the day. Fuck those faggots for pushing their own retarded sensitivities onto a classic cartoon.

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