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>actually hitting the point where I have too much stuff
>too many rulebooks, too many miniatures

Any tips on organisation and such? I've bought a load of Really Useful Boxes of various shapes and sizes.

Was considering putting all my miniatures in a spreadsheet too.
Why don't you try actually finishing painting what you have before you buy more slop, you pathetic consoooooomer
Try finishing a single model you loser. Focus on 1 army and finish it.
The 5s method. It's an industrial cleaning technique to know and order what you should have. Easy as "everything in its place and a place for everything". Pick out the stuff you use regularly, put away the one that's infrequent, get rid of the very infrequently used. Then just put things back after you use them. Ez.
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Forgot: You can use post-its to red tag/yellow tag the items that should be tossed/kept but put away respectively during Sort.
This is why i never cared for the "GW is too expensive" fags.

The limiter will always be shelf/storage space. GW knows.

After the 2nd Warlord you tend to start running out of space.
>the way that people who weren't priced out buy so much stuff means that the people who weren't priced out are imagining it
Do you even economics bro?
what part of it is hard for you to understand?
It's kind of like how the expensive part about classic cars isn't the classic cars, which you can get for a song, or the parts, which are abundant, or even the labor, which you mostly provide yourself, it's having a parking space for it, preferably in a garage.
Like if you are getting priced out of Warhammer because a box of troops is $60 instead of $40, you probably don't have anywhere to put them, anyway.
Give me your fucking money you richfag, you obviously don't deserve it since you're spending it like crazy on new armies constantly without ever painting them
No I think the limiter is realizing you spent 500 bucks entering into a game and then you play a few rounds and it sucks and the community sucks. Something doesn't have to be very expensive to not be worth the money.
>Something doesn't have to be very expensive to not be worth the money.
the MD 20-20 rule
>literally not one single fully painted army or unit
>keeps buying more
Average 40k fan LMAO fucking classic
based game player over art project painter.
This is why you buy only elite and monster mash armies. Hordes aren't worth it, both from points per $ ratio and points per space.
You could stop buying children's toys.
I might start selling painted models on ebay so I can buy new shit. I'm pretty mediocre but I don't think it matters.
Unpainted miniatures get shoved in a box under the bed, only finished models remain on shelves

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