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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Smoke Kitties forever! edition

Last Thread: >>93235037

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Trent won
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>Promised final shipping date+4
>Still no news for EU/UK backers
So CGL shills, care to defend this now? The old "akshually they said by June" doesnt cut it any more.
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>there isn't even an Atlas mural on your game store's wall
>Promised final shipping date+4
where'd they promise this?
How would you guys feel if the battlemaster had a smaller cockpit? It just seems really big and exaggerated.
its a dual cockpit
I think it's fine. First, a lot of the time it's dual, and second, it's a command unit in a setting where you still eyeball a lot of things. Having a big dome of a cockpit that doesn't obstruct vision in any direction makes sense.
They promised on their own KS page and on all social media platforms, shipping WOULD happen in June. The CGL shills here were very proud to keep reminding us that this was the promised month all along. So, where is it? Or are we just memory holing that little promise, just like all the others?

Its iconic to the mech, and as >>93243941 says it was always a dual cockpit/CC/general command mech.
As someone who has no skin in the game either way, did they say everything would be shipped in June, or that shipping would begin in June? They technically accomplished the latter.
Fair enough, but the OG neurohelmet was so big you could not look around without twisting your body since it only had a front window.
How do you guys decide what mechs you want to take? I have a 7k BV game this Sunday and I'm not feeling inspired. I don't know the terrain, but I know my opponent's mechs. I don't want to just build a counter list, but I don't really have a vision for this force.
Just take mechs you like and feel like using simple as. I had a 7k game recently and took a bruin, ursus and adder.

If it was today it would probably be a peacekeeper, kheper and Marksman MBT
Normally I decide which house I want to rep and build from there, I usually don't play as grab bag my dudes.
Both of those lists are flavorful, first one has two rasalhague dominion mechs and one they have access two, 2nd one are all republic of the sphere units.

Later Era MULS usually have like 600+ mechs available to a faction so there's plenty of options
To be fair the big cone helmet basically just existed for training/to scan your brainwaves iirc, and when Star League fell people made do with what they had. That doesn't mean there weren't other styles of helmets even in the Succession Wars Era. If you were important/rich enough to have a Battlemaster, then odds are you have a better style helmet too.
All they said was "Shipping in June"

Also, >>93243854 is the same guy who was insisting earlier that they'd promised March and failed to deliver and now he backpedaled because that was obvious nonsense. Whining about this seems to just be his current hobby
That's a sick Atlas but also total Marik death. I wish the Clan Invasion corridor had come through the Galactic South so that the Canopians Capellans and FWL could suffer the brunt of the invasion. Let the Ghost Bears wipe out their fellow furries, the Wolves can have the Capellans, but I want Clan Nazi and Clan 56% to hit the Free Worlds League, Crichell and Showers in a decapitation race to see who can behead more Mariks.
Yeah, my current problem is I'm not sure where I want to start. All I have right now is "7k BV, 3028". I managed to coax some more info out of my opponent and they're going for a Steiner force, so happily that means I can pick between Dracs or FWL and have that as a starting point. I'm not as familiar with the FWLM as I am the DCMS, so I'm leaning either FWL employed mercs or DCMS.
And yet people lose their shit every time someone is not using the battlebucket in art or videgames.
FWL don't have that many unique mechs in 3025, but the Awesome is a good choice
>Also, >>93243854 is the same guy who was insisting earlier that they'd promised March and failed to deliver and now he backpedaled because that was obvious nonsense. Whining about this seems to just be his current hobby
But that wasnt me, you deflecting shill. Surprising isnt it, but theres more than one Bong who is pissed at being massively oversharged on "local postage" then just not having his stuff sent through by the promised date, or any word when it will begin. Especially when the Yanks are already getting theirs.
>All they said was "Shipping in June"
Well its July now, and still no word. So even by your own argument, they are late.

Shipping in June. Which implies the parcels will be sent in June. Not July, or whenever they actually to bother sending them out. I bet B&N will be stocking the stuff stateside before we see ours.
I believe they have a number of good variants for the more 'generic' mechs, but I might just be thinking of the WVR-6M and applying it to everyone.
Yeah because those people are secondary retards that want everything to stay the same despite knowing nothing about the actual lore behind those things. Those are absolutely the worst kind of people.
They have variants but not really entire mechs, the Marik marauder with 2 large lasers is really nice, has way less heat issues than the other ones
I'm slightly annoyed I gotta have a whole nother log in for the backerkit website to get the PDFs. Just email them to me!
the cookbook seems very basic. It's just very normal recipes for very normal food
>Well its July now, and still no word. So even by your own argument, they are late.
They didn't say shipping to YOU in June. They didn't say shipping to the UK in June. They said shipping in June.

And wouldn't you know, they shipped product to backers in June. They did exactly what they said they were going to. Fuck off to your irrelevant country and cry about it.
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Caleb sama i kneel
Yeah, the only fun parts are the flavour text and the drink section.
Do you legitimately not have anything better to do?
>finally get TSM mech into melee, tsm activated on top of hill ready to kick
>he takes 20 damage and falls, doesnt get a chance to kick
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I would've loved it if they had done like four or five recipes for a few factions to really establish different cuisine styles in the universe. Clanners pickle everything, Canopian cuisine is the least healthy parts of French and Italian cuisine, here are the five recipes all Mercenary cooks know to feed people for cheap. stuff like that would have been more interesting.
I decided to roll my force instead. My plan was this: Following the standard weight distribution for each house, I'd roll 1 mech per 10%, rounding up, so I'd have 10 mechs to choose from and work from their to build my force, rerolling mechs I don't have or that are already painted up in different colors. I rolled 4 lights, 2 mediums, 3 heavies, and 1 assault, rerolling multiple times because I only have 2 panthers and no unpainted Atlases, though taking the AS7-A I rolled initially would have been pretty funny. I ended up with the following mechs to choose from:
Light Mechs: PNT-9R, PNT-9R, JR7-D, WSP-1K
Medium Mechs: WVR-6K, PXH-1K
Heavy Mechs: DRG-1N, CRD-3K, LCN-25-02
Assault Mech: CP-10-Q

I started to do the same for the FWLM, but then stopped and realized I didn't have much on their light mech table.
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Why Trent now looks like the guy from the Powder movie?
>The advent of fusion power in 2020
gubberment secret
>They didn't say shipping to YOU in June. They didn't say shipping to the UK in June. They said shipping in June.
"Shipping in June" implies that global shipping is starting in June, otherwise they should have said "American shipping starting in June, rest of the world later" which they did not, ergo the global shipping date, as implied, was June. You can deflect and lie all you like, it changes nothing.
>And wouldn't you know, they shipped product to backers in June. They did exactly what they said they were going to. Fuck off to your irrelevant country and cry about it.
Now now Shilly-tan, thats not very heckin wholesome of you is it? Careful, you might bring a worse name to big daddy CGL, and cost them those much needed sales. And if that happens and Loren does not get his 2nd Porch, well, thats not a good look now is it?

I am voicing my displeasure over being overcharged for postage then apparently being treated as a 2nd class customer, as, apparently, is every none-US based backer. We paid as much or more, we should be treated the same.
and im off work with concussion, you have no idea how boring sitting around doing nothing is
>not being American
It's really your own fault
The only good thing about America are the firearm and freedom of speech rights and the national parks, goddamn those are beautiful and I would rather move to Czech for those.
Got bored, came up with a quick list for FWL (or aligned mercs):
>AWS-8Q 3/4
>TDR-5S 3/4
>WVR-6M 4/4
>OST-4D 3/4
>Total BV: 6987

Kinda generic or boring, but it should take on just about anything your opponent might bring. Just don't expect to do well against a Steiner Scout Squad or a wall.
Scroggins wanted to be in the book.
>surely a mob of known fraudsters, located on another continent and in a vastly different jurisdiction, will treat me fairly as a customer despite me having zero recourse if they don't

How stupid can you be? Don't buy from CGL, don't back CGL, don't engage with CGL if you're not within mortar range of the porch.
Are you the guy I was gonna come back in a week and laugh at? I think you are. Anyway, they started shipping in June and your neetsquealing babybitch sucktit whinging just really warms the cockles of my balls.
Anyone have a good sheet for an Anubis?
good sheet?
Record sheet loadout. Like how the crossbow is normally a piece of shit but then there's the crossbow E which is death incarnate
stock one seems pretty decent, lrm 20, very fast and very hard to hit at long range with the stealth armor for under 1k bv
>All this nonsense speak
Im sorry you have the brainrot Shilly-tan
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Finally got in last week's delayed game last night. 16000 BV, Ravens vs. Bears, from memory
>stone rhino, kingfisher a, vapor eagle, horned owl, warhammer iic
>summoner prime, stormcrow prime, stormcrow tc, whatever timber wolf has two erppcs, vapor eagle

We both agreed ahead of time to conduct ourselves as proper warriors, so no melee attacks, dogpiling, or other dezgra shenanigans. It was also agreed that the two Vapor Eagles, both with 3/4 pilots, were going to duel. What then resulted was a game where I won initiative exactly one, and only one, turn.

There was a turn or two of jockeying before the action started, so let's skip right to that. The Kingfisher smacked the Timber Wolf with an ERPPC shot and a peppering of LB/10X buckshot and got decapitated in response by my opponent's first roll of the game. It looked like it was going to be one of those nights.
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Will Battletech and Shadowrun ever be free from CGL? IDK about Battletech but last time I checked Shadowrun the only qualification needed to be line developer was willingness to do it for free.
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Stone Rhino and Whammy are holding back and slugging it out with the Summoner and Stormcrow Prime. The Vapor Eagles are dueling and I'm landing more consistantly. The Horned Owl jumps into cover and takes a cheeky LPL shot at the now-unengaged Timber Wolf, not worrying about the Stormcrow TC behind it because it was already otherwise engaged. Imagine my surprise when it broke zell to backshoot my Horned Owl, coring it out. That's what I get for trusting Ravens.
Shadowrun already is, the game is functionally dead and nobody playing it cares about new product. Battletech, unfortunately, has been a success, so it's likely Topps will let Loren keep the license for a long time.
Anon is talking about the Clan omni, although two LRM20s with Artemis don't sound terrible, all things considered.
>light mech rolls up on your fire support heavy
>eats 40 clan LRMs to the face
>repeat this until harassment leaves or dies
>continue fire support mission
I assume it's too expensive at 1600 BV but I'm bad at gauging stuff like that.
Hell I could do that. In fact I will do that. Mercenaries diet is mostly based on the world they're on, right? As well as how well off they are?
Wait, it's 1800BV. I was looking at the 1.0 value.
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I'm totally justified in dropping zell at this point, but I realize that I'm probably not going to win this one and if I'm going to lose, my preference would be to lose honorably. The Vapor Eagles continue their duel, with the Raven mech going internal on its torso. (Note that I jumped my Vapor Eagle to the other side of the mountains in the middle of the map. He'd already broken zell to kill my Horned Owl and while I wasn't sure that he'd do the same here, I didn't want to give him the opportunity. Fucking Ravens.) The Stone Rhino and Warhammer back up to the table edge to cover their rear arcs. They're losing a lot of armor, but they have a lot of armor to lose.
They'd probably need to pay an actual chef to do that, or at least someone who can look at the different cultures that make up a faction, the staples that grow on their primary worlds, and come up with something interesting and tasty.
that's Shilly-sama to you, boy
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The Raven Vapor Eagle shuts down from engine hits. My Vapor Eagle jumps behind the Raven's Timber Wolf, which had broken line of sight like the coward that it was to avoid the beating it was taking from the Warhammer.
>check math
>pulse lasers hit on 5's
>already running hot, but i've got the timber wolf's rear and hitting on 5's
>time to push that heat
>proceed to whiff everything but one mpl shot
>timber wolf pilot probably didn't notice he was being attacked
>this is battletech
>this is why i drink
The Stone Rhino and Warhammer are doing work to the two Stormcrows. I think it was at the end of this turn that one of the crows got decapitated by the Rhino.

All of a sudden, we're 3v3. I'm back in this game, but not by much.
I feel like recipes common to all, or most, mercenary cooks would be made out of things that are easy to find, keep well, and don't cost much. Barley, spelt, rice, canned beans, and panzerwaffel, shored up with spices from across known space and whatever local staple they can get their hands on. Half of each recipe is probably a list of substitutions.

>Clan Steel Viper has many of my favourite Clan Mechs
>They banish them back to the home worlds then split up their mechs among all the other factions.
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This is what I'm looking like going into the last few turns of the game. The Warhammer was a bit of a good news bad news situation: he took out two arm actuators, making the "PPC or MPL" question much more tricky, as I'd be looking at a +2 to hit. The following turn he blew the damaged arm off, making the Whammy heat negative on an alpha. At least I no longer had to worry about what I'd be shooting each turn.
Produce, fruits, cold meats, dairy, I don't expect the local mercenary to have these on hand. Eggs possibly since they don't need to be kept cold. Breads, grains like you said, cereals, dried foods, that I could see. Lots of spam. Lots of jerky and dehydrated fruit.
>Topps will let Loren keep the license for a long time.

Shame, but on the other hand I can dye my hair pink, declare myself a woman and fill Battletech with my political power fantasies and fetishes.
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The other Stormcrow goes down from a headshot. The Timber Wolf and Summoner, realizing how damaged the Warhammer is, focus it down and shoot its other arm and a leg off; the pilot makes his seatbelt check but he'll play no further part in this game except as an initiative sink. The Stone Rhino and Vapor Eagle both focus down the Timber Wolf and destroy it. At this point, we're about a half hour from last call at the bar and I point out that while his Summoner is still in fairly good shape, it's no match for a fully functional Vapor Eagle and a mostly functional Stone Rhino. I offer him hegira and he accepts.

The Ravens proceeded to complain about the 37th PGC's disgraceful actions and double teaming the Timber Wolf. The 37th responded with its own complaints about the conduct of both the Stormcrow and Timber Wolf pilots, stated that neither of them has any business operating an Omnimech and instead would serve better as infantry, where such shameful behavior wouldn't be so easily seen. Insults were hurled, names were called, and it was decided that this could only be resolved by combat. Next week's game will likely be the same forces.
>smash up ten expensive mechs over something unimportant
>disagree about whether the precise method of smashing was honorable
>smash up another ten mechs to settle the question
>just as kerensky intended
All in all, peak clanner retardation on display at its finest
I dunno I played a chaos campaign recently and this thing was an mvp.
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>don't fund something
>it never happens
The answer, as always, is that it's Reagan's fault.
Topps owns the IP, and from their perspective the money is rolling in and things are going great. They don't care about anything else.
i think you deserved it for some reason
Actually it's the privatization of the federal reserve by non-americans that is at fault.
Speaking of Battletech and the UK, does anyone know when we are actually going to get a retailer restock? I know a lot of the lance packs are hard to come by right now, and most of the books are difficult or impossible to find, ive been looking for a Campaign Operations book for months, but the only option is a £50 US import from Amazon, and I balk at paying near 2X retail price.
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>heard you've been talking shit about minorities, white boy
its so weird for a khan to be an elemental riding into battle, he's so vunerable and its kind of unglamououis
Practical fusion power is probably impossible as neutrons will eat the expensive core of the reactor in any arrangement. Even proton-boron produce neutrons by side reactions.
It's the other way around. He's not a khan who chooses to be an elemental in the field, he's an elemental who happens to be khan. Clan retardation? Absolutely.
Actually we've been 20 years away from Fusion power for the last 40 years.
It is still June. Check your calendar and stop complaining.
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>When the CGL shillies come here
>When they shill but are kekked out of heres mercilessly
WHY dev make and shill atrocious dumpster fire game ? Paid by shlomo I see?
WHY shill agenda when know going to be ruthlessly kekked at with the cheekiest banter.

Hold the line lads. Globo homos running out of tricks. First they take based tomboys away now they try to take robits. Execute order KeK.
What's funny is that's the clan that got genocided for chimping out.
Also, Smoke Jaguar? Should've just named them Black Panther and cut the thin pretense.
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Its July, you malding shill. July. I know your desperate, but you cannot gaslight people on the month.

>i think you deserved it for some reason
"Err... umm.... errrr..... I know! Akshually its YOUR fault that we-I mean CGL cannot keep to their promised schedule (that they only barely made for the NA backers)... N-no dont ask how! Its just your fault okay!"

I find it hilarious, they are so desperate that they are resorting to name calling and trying to gaslight people as to the month, holy shit.
It's like that thing with how we had digital camera tech as early as the 80's but just never did anything with it. Odds are if Chernobyl didn't happen we could have had the current crop of nuclear reactor tech by the 90's.
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So I'm planning an Alpha Strike campaign and I was wondering if picrel is too big for a naval laser/NPPC? I know they are over 1000 tons, but are there any resources for actual size?
sure do love having to wait another few weeks because qml wants to have 'good metrics' by getting small orders done first instead of the larger orders.
Can't help you, this is a Battletech general.
>It's like that thing with how we had digital camera tech as early as the 80's but just never did anything with it.

Just like we could have steam power as early as 1st century, eh? Other tech to make it practical jut didn’t exit back then. Remeber the pathetic storage capacity of HDD and floppies? I don’t becaue I was 2 then 80’s ended, but I remeber it was quite limiting even in the 90’s.
Fresh, probably not very since they're mostly water by mass. Potato starch, on the other hand, is very useful. And it's all soups, stews, baked beans, and scouses. I imagine spacefaring cooks to be a lot like maritime ones, a guy who can make maybe ten things, but he can make them out of literally anything he gets his hands on, including chalk and branth fodder.
When you think about it, this progressive shipping system really is more fair. People who put less money down are more likely to forget and walk away from the franchise. Better to get them their stuff first to give a positive impression, which is important since BattleTech needs more players. The people who got the big boxes and have been here forever should already know patience from the Forever 3067 era.

This is a good thing.
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I prefer CBT, but it's summer and my kids don't have the patience for combat math yet. Using AS as a gateway drug.
You should take care of the whales otherwise they might swim away.
Swim away to where?
They have the Awesome (self-evident), Trebuchet (good), Orion (upper end of okay), and Hermes II (cheap).
>but everyone can use those!
The same is true for all "exclusive" mechs in 3025. The Dragon is on the mercenary MUL. The Zeus is well loved by mercenaries. The Raven was such a fuckup in its original configuration that it got captured enough to be a regular Davion mech. Etc. Nothing is exclusive in the late succession wars, there's only more and less common.
As a business, absolutely. Personally I'd prefer if everyone swam away for a couple of years and roll the dice on a new license holder.
Humans can live on a dropship, so a lot of shit can grow there. The problem is the efficiency of hauling soil or hydroponics plus water and, eventually, the resulting biomass, vs cans and powders. Theoretically, at least. Practically Battletech engines are wizardry so I can see a crew growing things on their ship. If I had to choose with limited facilities, thought, I'd rather grow a herb garden and some hardier spices.
Well, CGL is cancelling the order of one of their biggest whales.

But yes, i will prefer a couple of years of silence if we get BT to have a new licence holder.
What is the best way to thin your paints?
Oooh, could you take a closer photo of that Atlas?
paint thinner
Dip brush in paint on pallet, dip brush in water, mix on pallet, repeat once, swirl around a bit, look for consistency like skim milk, test paint on hand or pallet. If it goes on smooth and thin, then it's thin enough. My pallet is plastic and has little divots, so to my eye, I often look for it to just barely pull away from exposed plastic. If it pulls too hard, it's too thin, and if it doesn't pull at all, it might not be thin enough.
Add water to pallet, then drop paint into the water. Mix with your mixing brush. If it's too thin add another drop of paint, if it's too thick, add water mix until desired consistency.
Thanks for the advice mates.
They stated that shipping would start end of may beginning of June.

Then Rem said it got delayed because some of the books didn't arrive but everything else is ready to go.

Then a week later Rem stated that it got delayed again because the dice wasn't there and everything was ready to go.

SO yeah.
>pour billions upon billions of gubmint money into spaceflight for half a century after the moon landing
>nothing happens until F9
Then you get shit in your recycled water/in your filters that isn't supposed to be there. I'd rather have my hypothetical shipboard garden separated from vital systems. Maybe devote some unused part of the ship to it, like a part of those aerospace decks a lot of SLDF-designed ships have. I'm a firm believer in 'don't fuck with it' when it comes to shit that keeps you alive, at sea, in the air, or, especially, in space.
I hate Boeing and the ULA so much it's unreal.

Growing anything takes too long and foodstuffs should be relatively cheap. Any place that needs to import food probably didn't survive the fall of the star league.
Alphastrike is just as fine as classic. for the size, a battleship is like 1.5 km long, so i'd say that's a good mapscale size for a planetary based anti-warship weapon.

are you intending it to be an objective they have to destroy that can fire back at them? if so, naval ppcs deal 100 ground based damage. 10 classic damage = 1 alphastrike damage, so that thing will be able to deal 10 damage in a single turn. additionally, even if you're playing with variable damage rules capital class weapons will deal full damage if their shot lands. so quite a potent threat for them to deal with. at least it'll be easy to hit
>Estimated Delivery (June 2024)
I'm so fucking glad that people self-report their idiocy like this.
watch this so you know what to look for while thinning

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It'll be an objective they have to destroy. It's acting as an space defense battery to prevent dropships from touching down near the capitol city.
>They have variants but not really entire mechs
Flea, Hermes 1, Hermes 2, some Guillotines.. they still have a good chunk of stuff kicking around that almost no-one else has got.

Not so much on droppers, but a couple of jumpships have full-on greenhouses on board.
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Fucking autorotate
Tell me more about this, genuinely don’t know what you’re referencing
Everyone has Guillotines. Not only are they on the Inner Sphere general list, they're even on the Periphery general list
>the standard heavy mech of the SLDF, built with mostly off the shelf components with a reputation for reliability
>ever going extinct
It's like finding a Lee Enfield in an Afghani or Egyptian or Fiji armory. It's a cute find but you shouldn't be at all surprised.

They (allegedly) cancelled David Vivas pledge. Vivas is a huge whale, and the Mod of one of the biggest (if not the biggest) BT Community in Discord and Facebook.

Vivas is a grifter that had some issues with CGL a couple years ago, and lately have been criticizing CGL and Bryan "Fotch is Trans" Young.
>ERotic PPC
I wrote a Battletech match report like, two months ago. Might write more if I feel like it. Will need to print out terrain matching the mapsheets for it though, it will make the pictures make a lot more sense.

I used to write these for 40k games too but getting a fun game of 40k is becoming more and more difficult so I'm glad Battletech exists.
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I feel that same pain every time I phonepost. It just never fails to amuse me though.
4chan strips all metadata (don't complain, that's what stops people from doxing you). Digital rotation is metadata, so off it goes. Just physically rotate your camera so that side is up, or run the image through an editor so it saves it as a "natural" up instead of a tagged up.
The “Everything BattleTech” guy? Oh he’s a turdburger. I could give a hot wet fart what happened to him or his pledge.
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Kek. Thanks for the laughs anon. I really do like that Atlas. Did you brush or airbrush?
He is not the first guy that got his KS pledge cancelled by CGL because wrongthink, and will not be the last.

Again, people dont learn that CGL is lead by a thief, and managed by retards and woketivists. Stop giving them money, you fools!
Cancelling the pledge before you're charged is one thing. Cancelling it after you've been charged is another. Has there been anyone else who's had their Kickstarter cancelled in the last couple months?
Sauce? This sounds spicy.
You'd think this would be bigger news but it got a little traction and then sort of faded. Not even the usual CGL haters have caused their usual stink
I literally do not care about e-celeb drama. Nor have I given a dime to CGL in the last decade.

Let the man without sin throw the first stone.
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Happy 4th everyone
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy

lol at him trying to get his money back for the Clan Invasion KS as well

I look forward to picking up his stuff on the cheap
This is very cool, curious as to what tools you used as I would like to do something similar for some of my pick-up games.
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You’re gonna overload me with Schadenfreude, baby, cool your jets
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I can post bullshit by Valk or Bryan "clan whore caste" Young to balance it a bit....
>Reminder that there are people who give CGL one dollar on their KS projects just so they can schizo-post on every update.
Canva and a Sony EOS2000 camera.
best use of giving a dollar to CGL
finally got around to finishing up my scorps
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and the AIV urbie my buddy made for me
Believe me when I say that everybody would be much happier if they took their own advice and did not give CGL any money. Seeing these retards take time out of their day to 'take a stand' against a company that, evidently, doesn't even WANT their money is so strange. Then when the pledge gets cancelled, they cry and say that they're going to 'get their CI money back too' (???), and I think that really says it all - that they have mush for brains. Dumb, counter-productive behavior that goes against their own stated interests, while simultaneously informing everyone that yes, they do indeed have extra/insufficient chromosomes.
are these the scorps that fought bears and falcons awhile ago?
Nice cammo. Is a particular Scorp galaxy, or your own invention?
CGL canceling orders.
CGL canceling their biggest payers.
Valk being Valk.
I hope in five years this is just a retarded memory.
goddamn, those are nice.
That is creamy my good man.
In five years we'll all be gone, and for the whales and the shills that remain it's going to be business as usual.
Some water + a bit of glaze medium.
I hope I'm not gone, but there's a chance I will be.
I miss FASA.
What, you're incurably sick too? Tough it out and keep living out of spite.
supposed to be seeker galaxy, last thing i recall them doing was stealing kerensky's orion from solaris
oh yeah, i was that guy in the 3 way clan battle a while ago
If he misses FASA he's probably aging out of life soon along with all the other grogs. In 5 years he'll be in his mid 50s, prime time for table jockeys to start having heart attacks.
Nice job Anon. I like it.

With any luck, duting those 5 years Loren will "intermingle" his funds with CGL´s and use the money from the KS to build himself a new house, and create a "Forever 3152".
Would you play an ASF Focused game with the gameplay of Ace Combat or Project Wingman?
yes those are fun games
Black primer, gunmetal base and metallic black details. Just brush work.
I can't find the image so just image I posted that one that says "I don't give a fuck what cunts on twitter are doing"
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Never leave home without it.
Vivas got his pledge cancelled because someone framed him as the owner of a pdf sharing telegram and cgl took that info at face value since they hate him lol.
Ironic, as the only battletech pdf group on telegram is private and therefore the material shared on it is not spreading.
Is that a Shadman IIC on the right? How's it run on the table?
Putting together a list for a 5k IS only 3080 game

Gone through a couple iterations but here's what I have so far, all 4/5. Any suggestions?
>Bushwacker BSW-S2
>Centurion CN10-W
>Crab CRB-27
>Axman AXM-1N

Had intended to paint these as ComStar (one of the ComGuards Armies with some desert camo undecided as to which) but I'm finding the faction specific units really restrictive especially since I'm trying to piece something together out of force packs I already own.

Nothing here seems exceptionally rare except for the Crab. Would this be fine "fluff" wise? I know by 3080 ComStar is in a total decline, but we play all over the place with Eras and I wanted to make an thematically appropriate force to complement my Jade Falcons that's also not boring as fuck to paint like my current IS Mercenaries.
>I'm finding the faction specific units really restrictive
All factions can use all mechs.
yup, it's the new catalyst dougram iic, used the base model in an ilclan era match a while ago and it holds up well. still mobile, jumps, and the loadout is nothing to sneeze at
By 3080 all of that stuff is old and busted, which is thematic for comstar. 5k BV is crazy low for that era.
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Our Saturday semi-pick-up game parameters are determined by random rolls on a tables that the guy who hosts it made. Era, BV, Factions allowed (IS, Clan or IS, or Clan only), % of allowed custom units, highest tech level/availability and the mission we're playing are all rolled and published on monday. We just show up with lists and models.

Last week was IS and Clans, 15k, 3100, highest TL experimental and up to 100% custom units. I showed up with picrel and my opponent conceded on turn 5 of a fixed 10 turn game
Take your meds dude.
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please post your mechs, tired of performative freaks who never shut up
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>>93247743 WIP Mercenaries
why does it look like the coconut has been fucked?
the harvest wasn't so harmless i guess

snazzy spider
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Here's everything I have currently fully painted.

My mercenaries, The Cutting Edge on the left. First mechs I painted after taking a long break, they don't look great IMO though some are better than others, contrast was clearly a mistake.

For my Jade Falcons I have almost all of Alpha Trinary, 9th Talon Cluster on the right. I have a bunch more stuff unpainted for both IS and Clans but my current long term project is to finish the entire cluster. Just have another Timber Wolf and 2 light mechs to paint to finish off Alpha Trinary.

The Night Gyr is actually the Star Captain of Bravo but I really wanted to play with one and the Night Gyr A has quickly become one of my favorite mechs. The dopamine from hitting both shots with a UAC/20 is hard to beat.
man, i only play 3025 but gotta get this clan mech for the glory of zeon alone
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Someone tried to make a freespace2 total conversion like that back in ancient times. Didn't go anywhere sadly. ASF's just aren't iconic enough to get the same sort of enthusiasm.
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Wip Donegal Battemaster
Does anyone know which sculpt is better? I cannot find other photos that have the sculpt labeled to actually compare, but they are specifically listed as original and resculpt on IWMsst2s
why does that bushwacker have arm cancer?
while i personally don't use contrast paints, i think they ended up p nice on your mechs, looks like lizard scales

dig the dusty pale blue

always enjoy seeing freehand emblems, you're way more brave than me for doing those
When I’m doubt, I’d go with the resculpt. Have you checked camospecs? They’ll sometimes have different angles of the models used on the IWM website.
Pink cockpit is an interesting choice. Would like to see one with some jeweling, might look turn out really good.

Perigrene is a really good sculpt that's actually fun to paint.

Really solid, I LOVE the orange tufts and puddles on the bases, it's a really minor addition that really brings a model together.

Exceptionally clean look over all, solid, professional. LAMs are awesome too.
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3rd Benjamin Panther and 2nd Arkab salvaged Wolfhound.
Love the color scheme on both of them, the Panther in particular really pops out with red.
I like these a lot, but I think the wolfhound could've used a bit more contrast. It looks good, but the techniques seem almost a little dated, like something you'd see in a early 2000's rule book. Not sure if that was your intention

For the Panther looks like you had some issues with priming due to the grainy texture. Otherwise very well executed.
Those are some sick looking seekers anon. Always good to see more Scorpions in here.
I definitely agree, it was my first mech in the pattern. I’m still sort of developing my technique on that scheme.

Yeah, I had a bad day of priming, but I didn’t feel it was bad enough to warrant stripping. It’s pretty hard to notice at tabletop distances.

Thanks, I’m pretty pleased with where I’m at with the Benjamin scheme, thanks in part to feed back from here.
I would suggest getting a solid base coat, using a dark wash and then layering over the wash again with the base coat before you add the pattern. It's clear you did some of this but not a lot of the wash survived so the model ends up looking a little flat.

You might also consider picking out the weapons or actuators with a different color to add some visual interest.
Thanks, I’ll try that.
I wanted to try not picking the weapons and such out. Most actual military vehicles are one solid scheme, but clearly they aren’t meant to be aesthetically pleasing.
It has that orangey-pink sunset hue in real life, going to fade into a dark orange I think and then jewel
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Used the same color on this cockpit
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Reee-posting from a few threads ago, most of my 1st Genyosha
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And most of my Donegal Guards. Ill have to do similar shots of my other units too.
i know the battlemaster is good but damn i just can't like that jellybean cockpit
what subfaction should have been left independent?
>free st. ives
I really need to get back on the grind.
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Bubble canopy anon, fighter jet style.
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What FF armor does to a mech.
Thank you. Have a Nightstar, on me.
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This pic ACTUALLY made me stop, MAN that's hard to look at, in a very purposeful way. Kind of fitting honestly but it makes his complete reconstructive surgery in a throwaway line in Forever Faithful all the worse, but FF is so fucking bad I barely consider it canon anyway

>its so weird for a khan to be an elemental riding into battle, he's so vunerable and its kind of unglamououis
You forget.
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I'm still poking away at my pile and opted to try a mech in red, though feeling underwhelmed on how the MAD-IIC came out. Maybe the turquoise scheme on the others just feels more striking with the red cockpits, even if it's kind of messy and splotchy. Not pictured is my Nova since I bungled a cockpit touchup real bad and had to banish it to my jar of simple green - it's the one mech that has given me the most trouble so far.

Neither pictured for that matter is a bungled attempt at glowing hot heat sinks I tried on the Marauder - it got messy, and I definitely need more practice to pull color blending off.
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New Target
it looks like the cockpit has been painted as armor and some armor has been painted as the cockpit
We got infantry yet?
not unless your kickstarter order was less than $40 and you live within 50 miles of a qml fulfillment center.
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It's not just sexy, it's also one of the best lights of its era; it can tear apart any other light that it can catch, and when it's done raping lights it's an annoying little shit that can harass the hell out of much heavier mechs. Given its production year, it certainly saw action against 3025 vintage IS units, so there's no reason that it can't appear on your table.

>except maybe for the fact that even with a 3/4 pilot, it's going to be more expensive than most 3025 assault mechs
>it's not all unicorns and sunshine when you play clanners
I don't think CGLiggers have made actual infantry minis that aren't BA
I honestly just used some of my Extra 3D bases with I and number on the base.
Just get some Death Ray Designs infantry.
They're better than anything CGL will ever make in their chinese sweatshops
Why was Comstar squated?

Killing things off is the only trick that CGL knows.
>Killing things off is the only trick that CGL knows.
But they're not even GOOD at it!
so they can be reintroduced

who said they were?
They were too cool to be left alive
I mean they only betrayed the innersphere like... 5 times, it would retarded for anyone to trust them
Which is only like half as many time as the inner sphere betrays each other
i bet someone will paint the new hatamoto-chi in white, red and blue and do gundam vs. zaku with them
They couldn't prop up their favorite pet-faction Clan Woofs without killing off the faction that stopped them previously.
Everyone in battletech is constantly betraying each other, nobody trusts anyone.
The collapse of the star league saw the great houses wage apocalyptic war that shattered absolutely everything for the sake of selfish total domination of the inner sphere for hundreds of years.
The ideals and honor of the clans were shown to be completely meaningless only a couple decades after the clans were created, abide by only when convenient and the right people are watching.
Comstar died because they left themselves too vulnerable to too many opposing factions at the same time, the great houses weren't allowing comstar to exist because of trust and out of the goodness of their hearts.
The jihad was pretty bad
The succession wars were worse.
nobody in universe cares about the succession wars while the WOB are the boogeyman that everyone hates, literally hitler
man I kind of feel the mc going trent
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I love my boys. Big MAC all the way baby!
That's pretty obvious. They want a Trent who isn't tainted by being written by BLP.
Is there an example of Silver Hawk Irregulars from Shiloh? They use quartered tan and orange, but quartered which way?
Everyone hates everyone, that is merely the feelings of the masses.
The house lords and khans were given an opportunity to destroy an opposing faction and took it, they will do the same to any other in the inner sphere if circumstances allow.
Haven't seen any examples, but in traditional heraldry the order the colors are named determines where they appear in a quartered blazon. Tan being first it would be in the upper left and lower right of a shield when viewed from the front, so that would correspond to the mech's upper right and lower left, if the same rule is applied
The Capellans are next now that Comstar is no longer running interference for them-- having prevented their total and righteous destruction at least twice now.
If you think about it, Xin Sheng is the gecko shedding its tail, a desperation ploy in the face of certain death.
Following up on this, the Tikinov 1st through 4th Republican and mercenary Khasparov's Knights also use quartered schemes, have examples on campospecs, and in all examples the first color named is used for the 'mechs upper right and lower left.
Works for me. I found one image someone did on the OF, but it seems like he doesn't like the scheme and just winged it to say he had at least one from each silver hawk member.

Myself, I just have a Griffin with a bright tan basecoat that doesn't work for what I was going to do with it (It was an experiment for a different way of doing Regulans, but it came out far too light and doesn't match my existing Regulans), so I figured I could start on Silver Hawks using it.
machine gun arrays are awful right? like worse than just having the machine guns on their own
are any of the hellbringers worth the bv?
Yes, they're bad but iirc, the tacops rapid fire machine gun rule makes them pretty mean
No, you're paying 2k+ BV for something with 128 points of armor and insufficient heat sinks.
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How much blackpilled ropemaxxing is going on in the clans, given their hypercompetitive you-failed-at-life-if-you-don’t-have-bloodname-by-19 culture and the fact that they are GMO so any failure is seen inherent in the blood and fundamentaly unfixable? I guess like 10% end their life by their own hands at minimum.
o found my missing morgan kell archer. Now to finish painting it. It has to red and black right?
A lot. The dumbasses would have conquered the IS easily if they had stayed with golden century tier shit (is mechs but built to clantech) and focused on transport capacity for a far, far larger force and stopped all the nonsense.
NICKY K is the retard who killed the clans at birth. Their mutant freak corpse has been twitching ever since as it dies slow.
Any failure in life can be offset as long as you die doing something cool enough. They try to pull some borderline kamikaze blaze of glory shit, not basic ass suicides.
This. A standard suicide is basically admitting you're a weak faggot and a failure at life. A WITNESS ME suicide attack taking out an enemy gets respected like "weak or not, at least he had a warrior's heart"
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My campaign group is silver hawk irregulars, and we have several mechs painted in shiloh colors. I'm not the one who does it, so they're just part of group shots, but i'll post a couple examples.

This image has our Shiloh Wolverine, in the middle right of the city, facing away and to the right of camera.
More in the other castes, because that attitude is compounded by pressure not to be a burden because of age, and the state's refusal to allocate resources to those it deems defective or past their prime, even if it'd be trivial to make them productive again.
some of them are like 1500
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Warhammer in the back is also in Shiloh colors.
And all of them will die to a stiff breeze. The only reason to bring a Loki is fluff. Falcons love them, because they allow a Falcon warrior to any% speedrun their kill or be killed philosophy.
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Bottom left Orion is also Shiloh colors, but with a yellow lightning bolt over top of them.
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This looks cool enough for me to give quads a try
errr, bottom right. stupid rotation.
i just wish there was a 3d printed xanthos. and imp. current metal ones suck asd
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Rough base coat for Shiloh. I'm kinda colorblind, but I can at least see the difference between this tan and orange.
Brigade Models (the Brit company), GHQ, Heroics and Ros, and a whole bunch of other companies make excellent 6mm metal infantry for cheap as shit. You can also get 10mm guys from Dream Pod 9 and Reaper, among several others. I like to take a 15mm hex and put 3-4 models on it, since infantry stack anyway. Same goes for power armor, 2-3 light or medium ones to a base, one assault armor.
are introtech 3/5(/3) AC20 mechs doomed to suck?
Not if the enemy has to come to you.
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IWM Xanthos resculpt is pretty recent and actually cool model
most of them are at least decent, atlas and king crab have some ok ranged support fire with lrms and large lasers
yeah it looks better than XNT-30
Well, it looks like PGI actually pulled out some stops on their voice direction this go around. Was one of my biggest worries after MW5 and the honestly abysmal effort they put forward there. Hopefully they got a decent writer or two on staff as well.

Kinda hope the MC doesn't go the Trent route. We already have Trent, and he's a good character. I wouldn't mind a Jag game where the player just gets to Jag out and be the bad guy (with side dish of noble intentions).
I hope that trend of better voice direction in games in general continues.


Vidya devs need to pull their fucking heads out of their assholes and stop adding bloat. Uncompressed everything, eleventy trillion polygon stock assets littered all over levels.
The stupid assbags need to optimise their shit.
At this point shimsham probably changes cockpit designs just because it makes people lose their minds.

Also fun watching you guys constantly shit on FD's and Brads redesigns until you realize it's theirs then you've gotta quickly backtrack out of shame. It's basically a rule that no matter how much an artist is "our guy", the moment they get the canon seal of approval you unavoidably hate them.

Maybe why upcoming fan artists have stopped coming here. Used to be so many.
This so much, dear God is there so much unnecessary bloat because they can't clean out their games. 60 something gigabytes is ridiculous
Tell us you're a poor and can't afford a good computer and internet without telling us.
Yes the balooning file sizes are a little silly, but that's a major first world problem.
What the fuck even is this mech?!
But if devs do that they're going to get lambasted for not having the best inner ear textures!
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Here we go, i fixed it in 10 seconds in MS paint
You can send me the paycheck now.
So you can only see down and to the right and left?
Yeah I used to think that until I got fiber installed.
>game weighs 30gb
>start downloading and go make a sandwich
>it's installed by the time I come back
>a mod fucked up the files and i can't be bothered with it
>fuck it, nuke the whole thing and reinstall, go make myself some tea
>it's installed by the time I come back
Bingo. Because adhering to ones fragile nostalgia feelings comes before practical engineering.
The Dragon Fire looked like absolute shit. No one played it.
Samefagging again shimmy?
You can easily update a design without making it completely unrecognisable.
However you need to not be a completely talentless hack
Looks like clan invasion is the most played era for /btg/
Makes sense. It's probably the best era to play.
I'm just surprised civil war edged out introtech
Clan invasion is the most asymmetrical era, so it makes sense people like it the most.
Civil war is mostly all the familiar 3025 mechs but fancier
FCCW is a good time for mech play and a bad time for lore.
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If it was supposed to mimic that cockpit then you should have moved the windows up, where they are in the edited picture is too low to see out, unless the mechwarrior is laying down in there.
Still missing the most distinctive feature of the Dragon Fire, the dick gun.
Probably the worst example is Cities Skylines 2, which chugs even on top of the line computers, because the devs decided that, in a city-building game where you spend most of the time zoomed out to large enough distance that people are barely visible dots, instead of replacing the citizen models with low-poly ones when zoomed out the game should rended every single one of the thousands of people living in you city as a high-detail model with even the individual teeth modeled and textured at all times.
It feels to me that with modern games no longer being limited by available memory on the physical medium the developers have completely forgotten how to optimize their games and just assume every player can borrow a NASA supercomputer with unlimited memory in order to run the game without slowdown.
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damn right, dick gun! dick gun! dick gun!
The fucked up cockpit distracted me from the real problem
This is completely wrong at my games store. Only old grogs care about invasion or Fedcom civil war or succ wars. We all play Jihad and Dark Age or after.
Your spine would hurt like crazy after spending few hours in that position.
count yourself lucky, plenty of 3025 only grogs here
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dick gun dick gun
Best thing to do with a Hellbringer is to make your own custom variant, strip off half the weapons so it can sink properly and then up the armor. Then it just becomes a regular clan heavy.

In stock configurations it’s outshone by the Summoner and Timber Wolf and bunch of others. You’re not exactly starved for choice as a clan player in that weight bracket.
Anyone have any good tips for memorizing the hit location tables? I've played about five or six games so far and that and the cluster table are the two common things I still have to look up.
Bring LBX autocannons. You'll have it memorized in short order.
Honestly? Just have quick reference sheets. There’s an option in Megamek which will print your record sheets out with the hit location table, cluster tables with sizes for your specific weapons, and total heat generated by your mech + it’s total sinking compacity.

Certain one’s you’re gonna remember just because of frequency, 7 is center torso, 6 and 8 are side torsos, 2 is floating crit, 12 is head. On the front/rear table at least. Otherwise
I would not worry about having it memorized, relying on memory adds an unnecessary margin for error when you COULD just have a cheat card already open.
i kinda dig the hind cockpit
>gonna play battletech rpg soon
>minimal battletech experience besides the shitty harebrained game and tex talks
>recently finished Macross

Any chance I can talk my GM into leting me have a LAM? Are they any good in Battletech?
>Talking your GM into letting you have a LAM.
Good luck.
>Are they any good in Battletech?
Sadly no.
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that depends entirely on the year the game is set and how lenient the GM is.
they're most common during the star league and they're still rare, most of them effectively cease to exist at some point or another during the succession wars. there's a small window of time during the jihad where you could possibly nab one of WoB's spectral LAMs, but those also more or less stop existing after WoB is officially defeated.
LAMs as a class of mechs all have numerous and crippling restrictions placed upon them, they require good design and specific circumstances to be worth using in combat at all.
If your GM is the gleefully sadistic kind, he'll give you a LAM no problem. LAMs are a logistical nightmare, and what you get in return is a unit that only really works if you use the atmosphere maps on top of your battle field alongside a bunch of advanced and optional rules.
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Voice acting and writing take up negligible performance in this day and age unless you're putting together a New Vegas style open world RPG where everything is checking a bajillion scripts and there's so much dialogue that you have to institute hard limits on how many lines an NPC can have (this is part of why Ulysses had to get shunted into a DLC: he literally talked too much). In a game like Mechwarrior it's a rounding error unless the devs do something particularly stupid.

Pre-rendered cutscenes are just video files. The assets used to make them usually aren't in the game at all.

The issue isn't bloat, the issue is that a lot of studios just don't bother to optimize at all or aren't capable of it. That's why MW5 runs about as well as soft cheese despite playing like a game a decade older than itself. It doesn't hang for three seconds on enemy spawn-in because they included intro cinematics for the DLCs, it does that because something in the basic systems is a bit fucked and PGI couldn't figure out how to fix it.
>When the seething troonoids shill that bloody pile of kekking crap
Top Sodding Kek! The salt levels of these shilling troons are rising lads!
I imagine Shilly weeping as he reads this thread, his tranny shills thoroughly routed and rekt.

Top Bloody Kek lads. We did it. Victory is in sight.
According to one of the optimization mods, part of the problem is that all of the in-game objects (mechs, buildings, etc.) and parts thereof (individual weapons, e.g.) still have all of their geometric, model-based colliders enabled and calculated constantly, despite the fact that MW5's hitboxes are completely separate and unrelated, meaning those colliders serve no purpose but to waste cycles.
I.. What? What? I'm no game designer but I'm pretty sure you're not suppose to have those calculated if they're not in use, right?
Ideally nothing that isn't in immediate use takes up cycles. This is not practicable because of things like load times and the fact that steady loads are better than spikes. What PGI did, however, is fucking it up beyond all mortal comprehension, presumably by pasting code straight off of stack overflow or github.
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Finished a second set of minis this week. Per suggestions I had received on the first one's I made sure to do more highlighting on these, and did the wash a bit differently. I also did the hands in metallics where applicable since that had been suggested, and I did a different color of flock per NEA's suggestion on the matter. I think it turned out better than the first round, but I'm still open to suggestions for improvements to try for the next round of minis if anyone has any.
LAMs suck because they're hamstrung by shitty rules. Which is really unfortunate but there's plenty of optional house rules which make them not-totally-garbage. you'd have to research and talk with your GM.
maybe its just the lighting or brightness but i feel like it could use a few more different colours, looks good though
if you're inexperienced you have no business touching LAMs. learn the basic tech things first don't go chasing the shiny things. You're new so you're going to fuck up. A lot. Even with an assault or heavy. And when you fuck up you want to be able to walk away from it with a functioning mech. LAM fuckups lead to dead pilots or a broken exotic mech you can't afford the repairs and even if you can will put it out of action for a very long time.
They are admittedly very very green and not much else.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
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I'm trying to make a lance that includes the peacekeeper, it's an OK mech but its way overpriced.
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Shrapnel 17s Markslaughter Files is pretty fun; I'm really glad someone thought to do a 50s PI film as a battletech story.
well Falcons picked up the Crossbow after some Wolf made the rememberance for killing an entire Lyran company in one, but the birds give them to 2nd line troops. They also picked up Battle Cobra after capturing the Comstar line.
just searched up the battle cobra, holy cheese.
Whose that guy on the right?
looks like an enforcer
Yeah it's an Enforcer.
7 is CT. Low numbers to right side.
I would have been nice if low numbers went left so
I could remember it as "Low Left" "LL" but no, it's the opposite. Low Right.

Jeez, Dark Age is nearly at Star League
Remember: there was no way to say "I don't play this era" on the poll.

The Chancellor will buy you a new spine.

True, which basically turned it into "rank by how much you like them" rather than actual play.
How do you play the Age of War? Infantry, Tanks, and Warships?
To be fair, what do you actually get in the star league era? A small amount of standard rules level equipment and a fluff justification to have less ramshackle unit organisation? Why bother compared to playing IS forces in the clan invasion or just a fluffless pickup game determined by rules level? Unless you're doing a specific scenario or historical campaign, the era offers very little. Age of War at least gives you novelty trash units, and the rest of the eras are either simpler or give you more to work with.
How large do the warship and drop ship miniatures get?
which means jihad and below probably aren't played at all and ilclan is the home of 40k refugee newfags while real Battletech fans play 3025-3067.
WarShips I believe are the same size as the Battlemechs while the Dropships are somewhat reasonably to scale depending on what you get.
Look, I play Jihad because the funny new robots look neat. You can take your weird ideological crusade and see if it takes hold at your LGS

But don't be a flaming homosexual about it here. Being angry about [thing] is not discussion.
I've never once played 40k and I mostly play ilclan, jihad, and unspecified era pickup games. Although those last ones are organized by someone else and I don't set up my games like that.
Would love to have a to-scale Warship. As big as one of those gunships from Warhammer.
Ilclan is trash. Jihad is where it's at because I can use all my Legions Imperialis Dark Angels as Word of Blake mercs because a winged sword is a winged sword.
You mean that Tau monstrosity? That's actually about 2/3rds the size of a to-scale warship.
The most practical way to use something that big is as a series of mapsheets.
Numbers don't lie, you're a freak or a liar.
It's right there in the numbers, (You) take your weird homosexual crusade somewhere and try to make it stick, fudgepacker.
>Word of Blake
There is plenty enough religious zealotry bullshit IRL, don't need it in my game during relaxation time.
The numbers I've seen have most 40k refugees playing introtech and clan invasion. Introtech if they don't go beyond the AGoAC box or they're surrounded by grogs, or clan invasion because clan ultramarine has the iconic mad cat that they're familiar with.
Nice anecdote.
That's hard data, boyo.
And arbitrarily picking out the fifth most popular era as being the one for newfags is a thorough statistical analysis is it?
I just think bad guys are fun, but I have standards so I can't play Capellans.
That's Xenopax, IIRC (good mod). They also have the collision boxes for all weapons active all the time, even if those weapons are not installed, so the game is constantly checking for hits and collisions on stuff like AC barrels that didn't exist because you MIGHT have one installed in thaf spot. At some point. Eventually.

Aim points for some mechs are fucked too. The Nightstar is a deathtrap because the CT aim point for NPCs is situated directly behind the cockpit, so they just blast you in the face with whatever they happen to be holding if you're facing them. There was an issue on the Crusader for forever that caused some of its locations to be struck twice when taking damage, which made it as fragile as a mech half its size. I think that was fixed at some point.

MW5 is just generally a mess. Hopefully the Clans expansion gives them an opportunity to un-fuck some of their systems.
Lol, no.
40k refugees are followers of the "Company product is be-all end-all, current company edition is only edition" cult nonsense. Without 40k refugees and invasive fags, cgl would have already dropped the ip.
None of the 40k-cum-BT players at my shop play ilClan, it’s all clan invasion. Do you actually know any of these 40k refugees, or are you just conjuring up a bogey man to get angry at?
The only way to even play ilclan is to be deep enough in the game to have all the rulebooks and the era books and be able to integrate all of those. 40k refugees playing using what's in the BMM. They're not picking up total warfare, tacops, interstellar ops, the era specific books, and the 31XX TROs.
Until CGL makes an actual rulebook that's up to the era's standards in one package, nobody new is going to be playing then.
Nice anecdote.
Nice anecdote.
I don't think you understand the word "Anecdote"
fedsun units active during fccw that aren't the crucis lancers or BoG?
> 40k refugees are followers of the "Company product is be-all end-all, current company edition is only edition" cult nonsense
Nice anecdote, troll-kun.
Seriously, try a bit harder.
Oh? So you have data behind that assertion? Because so far it sounds like you're talking about an individual you met once. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you haven't just imagined them.
No, that Imperial one.
Look, I'd be fine if the models were like... As big as an original Gameboy.
With this much willful ignorance of common knowledge, I have empirically determined that you are a tranny.
>common knowledge
That's the sorriest excuse for an anecdote I've ever seen. I'd crown you king anecdote, but I fear you'd be too busy thinking about trannies to attend your own coronation.
Also it's really funny that you're crediting 40k refugees with having the most advanced collection of rules and units in common use. It takes work and dedication to play Ilclan.
Her ass should be higher. Presenting to be bred in the name of the Chancellor is something that Capellan girls of all ages should practice.
>the most advanced collection of rules and units
Complexity doesn't make something advanced.
But then again I'm talking to a queer newfag who only invaded a /tg/ scene to participate in destroying it, a degenerate simpleton who doesn't even have surface level knowledge of the most common /tg/ subjects.
Well, it's not a warships per-se, but this is what an invader looks like to scale against some of the common dropships. You can see mechs down at the bottom in front of the Union.
>Complexity doesn't make something advanced.
But it does make things harder to play, so at the very least they'd have to be house ruling all this Tech that the BattleMech Manual doesn't cover...
Nobody knows what you're on about since your claims are based on your imaginary experiences and not anything provable.
KS came in can finish my cappie company how's this sound:



>Would love to have a to-scale Warship

It's fun to have but storage is a pain in the ass. Toronto BattleTech did a TRO 3057 Aegis in Mech scale as a flat surface, but Dave had to get rid of it when he moved before covid.

We built a freestanding Mech scale WarShip something like 15 years ago, that turned out to be a flaming dumpster fire. And I mean that literally. We were putting rare earth magnets into the bases of the Mech minis, and were planning on running an electromagnet down the spine of the ship, fundamentally replacing the KF core. The idea was that minis could be placed in any orientation on the three-dimensional surface and the magnets would hold them in place. The whole thing was powered by a couple of car batteries in the base, and we built the thing out of foam and foamcore. The problem is that a magnetic field degrades exponentially over distance, and so even using the introbox plastic miniatures, we still barely had enough cling to hold the minis on the surface while they were upside down. On top of that, as it turns out, a four and a half foot long, 5 inch wide, copper wrapped electromagnet generates a lot of heat. This led to the problem which resulted in the very literally flaming dumpster fire, seeing as how we picked up the mini by the base and threw it, whilst on fire, into a dumpster.

That said if you think you can pull off building one, please go for it and take pictures. To this day I regret not photographing our attempt, because we never got around to actually painting the thing before it turned into a future Hindenburg.
What Cyclops are you thinking? And you probably don't want the Hunchback in the same lance as the Goliath. With the Cataphract and perhaps the Vindicator there, the Goliath has plenty of bodyguards who can still contribute damage at range. The Hunch cannot. The Hunch wants to be in a lance that will get stuck in.
>car batteries in the base, and we built the thing out of foam and foamcore.
OOOF, You didn't breath in that smoke I hope?

Only my oncologist knows for sure.
I mean, seeing an oncologist in the first place isn't a good sign...
What warships have even been fought on? I assume the objective is to carry marines to the airlock closest to either the bridge or the engineering center so they can get in there and fuck it up since otherwise you'd just be shooting at it with other space forces?
What the fuck man. This is some mad genius story. It's a foam ship and you were using purely the magnetic field of the electromagnet to keep the mechs attached? What would happen if you brought car keys near?
You ever kill a warship with a hatchet? Has anyone? Wouldn't it be cool to be the first?
I saw it in VOTOMs once and now I want to do it here.
it's an introtech unit primarily so I was just going to use the bog standard or the 10-Q, the Goliath was a surprise edition from a salvage box so it means I don't really need the Q.

Hunchback was supposed to be the COs bodyguard initally.
>What would happen if you brought car keys near?
Well like he said, magnetic fields degrade exponentially over distance; IF it got close enough to stick it'd be damn hard to get off, but it was an electromagnet so you just shut off the juice.

>You ever kill a warship with a hatchet?
No, but I know a guy who probably did it with a Vibro-Bat'leth...
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It seems to me that a mech that can latch onto a hostile warship would be able to eventually tunnel through the armor using weapons and fists and dismantle the thing from the inside pretty much unopposed.
I can say with certainty that you do not want the 10-Q. It has seriously anemic firepower and there is no range bracket that it feels good to use at. The 10-Z is a natural pairing for your Hunchback however.
I imagine the inside is full of bulkheads of similar BAR rating and also defensive marines. Maybe BA. It'd be slow going and you might end up in a position where someone with a support laser can just bore through the back of your mech's head unopposed.
>using a hatchet to cut through a metal hull
Solid cannon shot against ironclads. I doubt you will be any more effective than that.
I've wanted to do a campaign where we fight on a flying block of ice ever since MW2 Mercenaries
It doesn't seem likely anyone is going to be able to get into melee range of the mech unless they're specifically in BA. It's going to be thrashing around in the path it's bored out and surrounded by jagged metal and flying globs of molten metal.
You know that hatchet works against BAR 10 armor, right? It'll smash through literally anything, given time.
I think there was a LAM squadron during the succession wars credited for boarding and destroying a Kuritan carrier and it seemed like one of those kickass limited use cases a LAM would have, so there's kind of precedent for mech boarding actions. Mind you I don't think most of that squadron made it out, but still.
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Warships are BAR 10. It would just take a while to eat through the section in question but if ASF can damage a warship then so can a hatchet.
seems like a tactic that worked a lot better before ships had BA marines to defend them
Considering the obscene cost of warships, all of the LAMs could have been lost and that trade would still massively favor the LAMs. Even a small corvette will be at least a billion c-bills, probably more.
Yeah I figured as much it was more for novelty really
We need Omni-LAMs that carry BA in little open topped seats on its back like an 80s action toy plane.
As someone taking a 10-Q to my next game, that's disheartening to hear.
Have fun regardless. You're still a 90 tonner with a fat kick. It's the one thing you have over your natural competitor, the Orion.
Hell, I would have a model hanging from my ceiling.
Yeah I would have just stuck with the 10-Z. Close Quarters you make people shudder.
The 10Q isn't bad. You have 232 armor and can fire all CQC weapons and stay heat neutral. Like anon says, an 18 point kick is also fun.
>10Z makes you shudder
The ac/20 is cute but 160 armor lmoaing at your life.
I rolled for it.
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I've fallen really behind on painting.
Then the dice god giveth and you have no reason to complain. Go kick something for us.
Didn't realise Capellans were so cute
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Don't let the Sergeant find out about this conversation.
I'll let you guys know tomorrow night if I managed to kick anyone.
>FedCom got kicked out of the Sarna March by ZdG like THIS

Hate fucking is a thing.
What's next on the docket?
The Cyclops 10-Z and its other variants are command mechs.

If your walking into active combat and not having it sit back giving commands well your in for a shit show.

I will convert her to the Mercenary life.
I need to finish detailing the lyran lance, and then I think I might paint a drac lance. Not pictured are another ~20ish mechs that haven't been assigned yet.
Gentlemen, what is good in life?!
I think sloths are pretty neat
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To crush your enemies
To see the clanners driven before you
so, they suck unless you use some advanced rules/quirks?
He's saying they have a specific campaign purpose. They're not meant for clobbering time. Knowing the backpack folds into a full command tent should clue you in on that, though.
is neurohelmet tied to a specific mech or a specific pilot? like, if you transfer from mech a to mech b with the same neurohelmet you used for the mech a, how will it work?
it has 4 tons of AC20 ammo. that's 8 shots if you're using a mix of precision and AP rounds. Or if you want to play it conservative, 2 tons of precision, 1 ton of AP, and 1 ton of standard ammo gives you 11 total shots, far more than the mech will survive to shoot.
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>a specific pilot
This. It's specifically tuned to your brainwaves, even training ones. This why most pilots have personal helms even if all they can afford are the old indestructible buckets. It's also why they can identify if you can pilot mechs at all. If they can't attune a helm to you, you got a screw loose in a big way. Remember, plenty of psychopaths and such tune in just fine.

>if you transfer from mech a to mech b with the same neurohelmet you used for the mech a, how will it work?

Pretty much fine. Any differences are a result of two things.
1. The pilot not being used to the new mech
2. The new mech not being used to the pilot (DI learning of pilot habits is a process)
From what I recall of the first couple GDL novels, no to the latter - you do have to tune a neurohelmet to sync with your brainwaves, but you could hypothetically hijack a Drac marauder so long as it's not password locked or booby trapped, and so long as you have the time to actually tune the thing.
You can run untuned helmets but you take feedback damage and piloting malus. You see this in Double Blind where they jack the pirate Clint without time to retune it.
can multiple pilots share the same neurohelmet to pilot a mech in turns?
It would only be tuned for one of them, and the others would have splitting headaches and hear a nasty electrical buzz when trying.
Maybe if they were identical twins.
It's a Dragon Fire
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My brain felt an itch to know more and so to scratch it I scrounged around for the First Succession War book - this would've been in March of 2814 during the first succession war when the AFFS was pushing to liberate Robinson from the Dracs.

The Davions showed up with a frigate and two destroyers escorted by six carrier dropships, and were up against the block-II carrier New Samarkand - formerly flagship of the second fleet - and the destroyer Shōwakusei. Half of New Samarkand's fighters were planetside, leaving an even 36 ASFs aboard to answer the presumed 36 the Davion formation was mustering from their drop-carriers.

The Davion fleet however replaced half their squadrons with LAMs upon figuring out that New Samarkand was over Robinson. When they showed up, the Destroyers tangled with eachother while the ASF equipped dropcarriers rushed ahead and dumped fighters in 2:1 odds to tangle up the Samarkand's squadrons - and once they were deployed, they rushed the LAM dropships on a near-collision course with the Samarkand, and dumped three squadrons of LAMs - presumably 18 of them, assuming squadrons go by sixes.

The first two squadrons basically peeled out and ran strafing runs, covering the third's landing. Third Squadron marched on the hangar bays, lost three by the time they forced their way through the doors, but even at half strength they had a goldmine of ammunition to detonate once inside those bays.

Three mechs went in, three mechs gutted the ship, and three mechs made it out. A Drac flagship died by three for the price of three.

If LAMs ever had one glorious moment in the sun, this was probably it.
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This is actually kinda sick.
The point of the Cyclops was to allow Battlefield commanders to be in the field during active combat but not in combat. Its there to protect the Commander until Reinforcements arrive.

Its not designed to go smashing and when the Computer it was using started to go extinct do to the Succession Wars it was utilized as a bait mech to trick OPFor into traps.
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missiles or autocannon?
iirc, a "squadron" could be either 6 or 18 ASF in the standard SLDF naming scheme, for whatever reason. I dunno if the Davions use that though, and three groups of 6 makes more sense.

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