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>world has no humans
>its more fantastical

how is this a bad thing? most humans are just shitty self inserts anyways
>is nogames
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>removing humans from your setting will stop le self inserts and make everybody's characters more interesting
Retard. If you actually used or had a setting, most of the "diverse" races in it would just be slightly quirky humans anyways, but you don't have a setting because you don't play games.
What makes you think removing humans will remove self isnerts?
What makes you think people who plays freakshit has any different approach to character creation than if they made humans?
They choose to make humans boring.
who are you quoting?
Not if you play Star Frontiers.
non-humans are just furries and snowflakes anyway
>medium is about doing whatever you want
>people are doing what they want

How is this a bad thing? You can just do what you want for your own games anyways.
>pointless non-topic
Yeah, im thinking fpbp
All you did was just make human the go-to unique special snowflake species for shitheads, dummy
>how is this a bad thing?
It's not, anon. Do your thing.
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>first post
>is best post
But anon, if I don't include humans in my tabletop I won't have an outlet for my absolutely patrician HMOFA fetish xD
>how is this a bad thing
It's Epistemic Genocide against marginalized Black Crip Transwomen Of Color and other Minoritized Bodies.
Without humans your setting can't be Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable. Limiting your setting to nonhumans systematically excludes Historically Marginalized Folx.
Representation matters, chud!
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So, Gamma World?
If you can't roleplay a neutral male human fighter then you can't roleplay an elf or whatever freakshit you fetishize
Humans built the machine you're posting on chud.
Removing humans doesn't automatically add fantasy, What it does is remove ease of self-identification for most people, forcing them to identify with someone who isn't like them.

Humans hate being forced to recognize that people don't have to be like them to be *people*.
Anything that hard-filters mudcore "enjoyers" is a net positive to any game.
Congratulations. You no longer have point of reference for your audience/players and they don't give a shit about your world or game!
>world has no humans
>its less relatable
>how is this a good thing? most non-humans are just special snowflakes anyways
Just go all weird. Play that Hollow Knight game some fa/tg/uys made. No humans, no mammals, you are a worm with a funny mask.
Just make the humans interesting.
Don't let the current day california subhumans tell you that you can't or else it's "muh unrelatable".
You dont actually have to worry about that unless you aspire for capeshit disneyslop type of fiction.
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>today I'll try making one of those bait threads I hear so much about on the 4 channel
fuck off OP, your endless menial faggotry has no place here.

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