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what system's good for weird scifi?
bro i have so many dice you're telling me i can only use the squares?

Zev is life

Try the old West End Games D6/Star Wars system - very cinematic and easy to use for nearly any rpg purpose.

Let go, anon.
Jerhume /tee gee/

For weird scifi, I feel like you can go in two directions. Either you take a very "hard" system, and be prepared to have rules that say "X thing happens", OR you have a narrative system that leans into the weird.

Option 1, you have something like paranoia or gurps THS, where the mechanical outcome of a roll is fixed and you have to live with the results, which gives you the sort of black comedy outcomes of lexx. You'll need to have GM rulings on the spot for things you didn't think of.

Option 2, you have something cinematic/narrative that allows for dumb weird shit to be made up and narrated as makes sense, with rolls to resolve narrative tension that comes from those. You won't quite have the same mechanical impact of "You get shot and die" much of the time, but it'll be easier to adjudicate all the stuff that just comes up in play.
Mothership will do in a pinch, but it's more Horror/Sci-fi than Weird/Sci-fi
Ubiquity if you plan to play it really weird
OVA if you plan to go anime-tier
GURPS if your players are autistic
Divine Shadow was so villain idea, especially for weird silly series like this
Solar system?
ackshually, the solar system means "the system of sol"
sol being our star, of course
star system is the astronomically correct term heh
Alpha Blue.
Define "weird"
Hey i just made a new system of weird scifi could anybody interested critique / review it.
The best system for you is still Traveller
Neat - nicely written, and very imaginative.
The character sheet's borderline is wonky.
3rd sentence in Contract of Play section has the word "imagining," which should be "imagine."
Probably other small errors that I missed while skimming; but the writing is good.
I can't comment on the rules; it looks like you covered most things.
Nice job - do moar.
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Thank ypu. Made the changes on my master copy.
>do moar
What would you like to see developed further? Would a map of the station or info for vehicles be useful, or maybe a fluff story? Im really scared of bloat.
Any? Sci-fi is just fantasy with tech. Wait, is this setting weird or... "weird"?
why does it sound latino? shouldn't be the system of sun?
>anon discovers latin
>why does it sound latino
Don't check scientific terms for many things like species names
the Romans (latins, latinos) invented the sun, so they got to name it
i wanted to bang zev (not xev) so hard when i was in high school
and i still do
All eve by the Zev Zev
All eve by the Zev I lay
I found her fist inside my neck stump
And pleaded for it to stay
Personally I hate fluff stories and almost never read them.
Might be necessary to fully flesh out your setting, tho.

I like more vehicles and maps. My style is to provide all the tools and goodies for players, and then let them do as they will. Not everyone does that.

If you're scared of bloat, then edit ruthlessly.

Some sample adventures and ideas wouldn't go amiss (unless they're already in there and I missed them).
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