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>What is Shadow of the Demon Lord?:
Shadow of the Demon Lord is a horror-fantasy tabletop adventure game that presents a world standing on the brink of annihilation. In this game, you and your friends play characters charged with fighting back against the spreading evil, whether that involves tracking down potent relics, exploring ancient faerie ruins, journeying into Hell to bargain with the Devil, or battling demons and the cultists who summon them. The system is setting agnostic and has a wide variety of possible details for your own world.

>What is PunkApocalyptic: the RPG?:
Another game using the Demon Lord Engine. Text trimmed for text length constraints.

>What is Shadow of the Weird Wizard?:
It's a high fantasy game running on the Demon Lord Engine. It's similar to SotDL, but without the horror elements and the power levels are higher.

>Trove Link:
r3br@nd <dot> ly /SDL

>Reference Table:

>Simulacra (5etools for SotDL)
pastebin.com/5yj3vYRj (embed)

>Roll20 statblocks
r3br@nd <dot> ly /SotDLBestiary

>Latest Releases:

>Current Kickstarters:

"Still waiting of weird ancestries" edition
Thread question: Between SotDL and SotWW, which lore did you prefer?

Previous thread:
>Thread question: Between SotDL and SotWW, which lore did you prefer?
Weird Wizard without any hesitation. It keeps a lot of the strangeness and the style from SotDL, but drops all the apocalyptic bullshit and lets the setting's potential flow freely.
What are some lore highlights for you? I've been going through the books and so far nothing has really hooked me. Might also be an unfair comparison since I'm a big fan of the sotdl lore, which has had the better part of a decade to flesh out the world.
One section from "Mood and Tone" really captured my attention:
"This realm defies both reason and expectation, as the laws governing nature seem relaxed here. One can find islands drifting in the skies, rivers of stones tumbling down from mountains so tall that they climb above the blue dome of the world, their peaks touching the infinite dark. Entire forests uproot themselves and migrate with the seasons, coastlines redraw themselves daily, and the seasons might change without warning."
The passage "entire forests uproot themselves and migrate" especially taps into something I've added to my games no matter the system to give the impression of a shifting wilderness unconquerable by industry. I would say that one line sold me on the series. I'll probably have to make big changes to the higher tiers to help players reach the Weird Wizard's level of power, but I'm sticking with this if only for ideas to snatch.
Speaking of lore, did the original homeland of the Kalasans get revealed yet?
Same for me, I felt that even early on the base book the lore of SotDL captured my attention. Didn't really get this feeling with Weird Wizard
Only "across the Sunrise Ocean lies ancient Kalasa, sworn enemy of the Empire against whom they fought a century-long war until it abruptly stopped" is mentioned in Secrets under Lands of Legend.
Speaking of the connection to Shadow, WW and SotDL are in the same universe or multiverse right? I remember reading somewhere that the "Weird Wizard" was possibly one of the Tower Wizards that somehow teleported himself to another world. There's also Lord Death's relationship with "Abaddon," is Abaddon a demon prince or is it all a misinterpretation or false stories so that Lord Death can maintain the image of being the top god?
>Speaking of the connection to Shadow, WW and SotDL are in the same universe or multiverse right?
Yes, same multiverse.

>I remember reading somewhere that the "Weird Wizard" was possibly one of the Tower Wizards that somehow teleported himself to another world
Probably the other way around but SotDL's version of the character from Dungeon of the Damned, and This Unwholesome Thing seems like a pretty different take on the character than SotWW's.

>There's also Lord Death's relationship with "Abaddon," is Abaddon a demon prince or is it all a misinterpretation or false stories so that Lord Death can maintain the image of being the top god?
Abaddon is the Demon Lord, the connection seems to be mythologising. Although it could be deliberate misinformation on the god's part too. Both would make sense

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