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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
It is no a cliché, bumpfag.
You may not have much in the way of a social life, but that doesnt mean your characters can't.
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Is pic a common cliche in campaigns?
I often subject my players to feasts or festivals after "you did something to help the kingdom" adventures. Once a parade. In fact our last adventure started with a festival. It got attacked by undead but still. My players always seem to enjoy them.
not nearly common enough
It's far from a cliche, but usually it's done to force the murderhobos into an unusual situation.
happened in a game my buddy was running last week, but we were on guard duty, so those with armor got a bit of a pass
turns out the food was poisoned and my character didn't act fast enough to stop a bunch of people from puking blood and dying
Balls, feasts, court functions, tourneys, and other official high society events offer opportunities to role play scenarios that require more tact and diplomacy than a dungeon crawl. You can also dunk of player characters who only took one language

Because it challenges the party to act like socially competent adults (difficulty: Dante Must Die).
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1. Let's you introduce a lot of important political figures all at once.

2. Gives you a chance to put your characters in a more human centric environment develop them as people, explore relationships and take a breather before things hit the fan.

3. Pretty pretty dresses.
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I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart and not as a shitpost. You would know if you played games.
has never happened in any game I've been in.
more than anything else, the ball is a way to push combat off the table.
want to introduce an NPC without the players immediately killing them? host a ball!
want to throw a stealth heist that even the unsubtle members of the party can participate in? host a ball!
want your players to actually try role-playing instead of throwing dice at monsters? host a ball!
Wow janny, you really are on the ball and you work hard. Kek, it wasn't even ten minutes yet. Go take a break outside.
Because putting characters in situations that they are not skilled in can make for interesting storylines and events?
>common cliche
It is?
That's a nice tomboy you have there guts....
want to keep the players from killing people? put them in a room with a bunch of unarmed rich bags of xp!

Because the upper classes in pretty much every civilization maintain a dress code.
He's just trying to spam his fetish again.
It was fun. My character was the only one that was familiar with the 'refined' environment. Me and the parties face ( a former con-artist) played a game of saying the the most obscene lines in conversation, the winning being the one that called the most attention to them.
>why is this such a common cliche in campaigns
Is it? It has never happened to me or my 356 TRPG friends.
You pay attention to women now? What happened?
It is a nice cliché.
I ran a game for some friends where they had to do this. They were spying on the local Duke who was under the influence of mind control. They had to go to a tailor and have fancy clothes made for them, steal and forge invitations. It was a fun series of quests which was a change from the usual dungeon crawl. also a lot of my players are artists, so they had fun drawing their scrappy outlaws in fancy regalia.
It's a trope, not a cliché, and yes it is usually fun.

Unbirth yourself, newfag.
lmao that pic
why do you assume hapless nobles would provide any XP
>more than anything else, the ball is a way to push combat off the table.
It can also set up a kick ass fight scene when and if assassins show up and try to merc people. You can take it a lot of ways.
>Bumpfag has ascended to such a level that he is bumping threads before they even exist

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