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My gniggas, it is that time again. It's time for the gnome renaissance. Gnomes can be cool once again. Discuss gnomes, promote gnomes.
A redcap murdered my sister.
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So, what ethnic stereotypes should gnomes take after?
THAT'S A DWARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!!!
Bro's I wish I was a gnome so bad. I just want to pick a big blue-berry off a bush and carry it home to feed me and my gnome-wife.
I just want to sit on a giant mushroom and tell traveling humans about how the bears have been cranky lately and it's better to keep to the south road at the fork.
I just want to visit my best friend who's a snail and invite him to come with me to the court of the elf queen to ask her to fix the crack in his shell because he's too embarrassed to go and ask by himself.
I want to play polo on the back of a mouse with a big mallet and painted chick-peas.
I want to be the last of the old white-beards in my tree colony who remembers the Auld Magic who has to find a suitable apprentice to pass the deep lore on to so it doesn't die with me only to discover after a series of tests and trials it was the most unlikely of the gnome youth who had the goodness of heart and true-ness of spirit to be trusted with the knowledge.
Tiny nisse-gnomes are based. Child-sized WotC gnomes are cringe.
They live in forests, anon.
>Tiny nisse-gnomes are based. Child-sized WotC gnomes are cringe.
Both are cringe. The optimum gnome height is 90 cm, body type average but sinewy.
Jews, naturally. The diaspora suits them, as well as banking, accounting and jewelmaking.
If you managed to do this without it just being a bunch of antisemitic memes it could honestly be interesting. But I doubt this is possible, particularly here.
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Saami, Evenk or any other nomadic peoples of the Taiga biome. Also, Rien Poortvliet is mandatory reading.
I suppose somebody has to post this song...

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>But you only need the light when it's burning low
>Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
>Only know you love her when you let her go
>Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
>Only hate the road when you're missing home
>Only know you love her when you let her go
You can call a gnome anything you want. A coward, a swindler, a reaver, a pervert, and it will wash off him like water off a raincoat. But the moment you call a gnome a gnome, he freezes in fear. A panic that he's been found!

Pretty much.

Yeah, you're not fooling anyone Dave. Time to finish the job Kargoth started!
>gnomes are small magical people and artificers
>gnomes are small fey
>gnomes are small bankers and merchants
>gnomes are earth elementals
Real shit
>not child-sized
what did he mean by this
I love this one. He made several, IIRC.
kender are kind of gnomes
>complains about oversensitivity
>filename directly equates jews to skaven
I know what you mean but also you're a fucking retard
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She deserved it.
I always felt like Gnomes need to be 1 foot tall at the most. Never liked the DnD based pink hair 4 foot tall midgets.
I think gnomes are the opposite of hags. Both are twisted faerie land reflections of how society views wizards and witches respectively. Gnomes with their tiny stature, grey beards, pointy hats and strange habits are just as people picture the doddering old magicians. It's also why you don't see female gnomes
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I need this proud gnigga with round ears
Thread theme
You gno, I use Jewish gnomes and Romani halflings a lot. Both are clannish diasporic peoples with strong senses of community and… complicated relationships with their neighbors/host societies. The difference is that gnomes often occupy high wealth, but low to medium status professions (a jeweler may work in fine/precious materials and charge a pretty penny, but they’re still an artisan; a moneylender may move large amounts of liquid assets around and take a sizable cut, but in many premodern societies bankers were one rung above untouchables), while halflings occupy low wealth/low status professions. I can imagine a human or dwarf king allowing gnomes to settle in their cities so that the king can take out loans, only to kick them out again so the king doesn’t need to repay it. Rinse and repeat. I imagine this cycle of pogroms might lead to a desire among many gnomes for a gnomeland, a retvrn to the ancestral burrows promised to them by their gods.
based and gnomepilled
I'm shocked to see someone on here who knows about this. Sounds like it could be interesting in a game too, with different opportunities for players depending on where in the cycle of being kicked out they are.
The Gnome volk will have a Gnomeland!
And the Gnomeland needs breathing room to survive and prosper!
The Gnome volk will march into the pages of history upon the corpses of all who would hold them down!
Hail Gnome!!!
>gnome crowd cheers deliriously
I thought it was common gnowledge? Another plot point might be picrel, the emancipation of the gnomes into equal (rather than second-class) subjects by a visionary emperor, and the conflict that might create.
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>we must secure a gnomeland for our people and a future for gnome children
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>because the beauty of the pure gnomish woman must not perish from the earth
So are they jews or are they germans?
Do it yourself you lazy asshole. Paint.NET is free.
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>gnomes are small bankers and merchants
If you don’t want to make them Jews you could make them Swiss, “Gnomes of Zurich” and all. The gnome burrows are united in a loose confederation, and their gnomeland is easily defensible, which is good considering they lie between at least four perpetually warring kingdoms; because of this, the vaults of the burrows are great places to keep your money safe. Furthermore gnomes are industrious, worldly success is a sign of their gods favor, while indulging in luxury is detested.
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>gnomes are earth elementals
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Should the Paracelsian elementals be playable though? Don’t really seem like good player options.
The idea of a sapient snail disturbed me greatly.
French hands typed this post
The folklore gnomes were tiny people that live in your walls and tidy up for a bowl of porridge every day.
Anything that betrays that spirit is cringe.
Taking care of gardens or forests is also acceptable.
as a jew i like gnomes being jewish, i just wish gnome designs weren't limited to just dwarves with hats and whatever the fuck >>93249602 is
>Gnomes can be cool once again.
They can't actually since that would require them having ever been cool to begin with.
>>93245808 (OP)
>Gnomes can be cool once again.
They can't actually since that would require them having ever been not cool.
She’s breedable, Jewanon
Phuck Gno!
Gnomes simply don't belong in epic fantasy with spirit summoning and fireballs.
They're for cutesy settings like >>93246218
eh, not my type. she looks like like a 50 year old wiccan who doesn't bathe or shave her pits
What's the difference?
we put overrated pastries in the oven and they put us in next to them.

I feel like the best way to make gnomes earth elementals is to give them the stereotypical gnome apperance but make it clear that those bodies are actually ceramic garden gnomes possessed by elemental spirits
You mistake dwarfs with gnomes. Gnomes are like peasant scandinavians.
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>doesn't shave her pits
>implying that isn't hot
>he doesn't gno
Get the fuck out of here.
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Phuck YES
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>So, what ethnic stereotypes should gnomes take after?
1920s Eastern European proletariat.
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Weeb here, would you consider them to be gnomes or are they not eerie enough?
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>what's the difference between elves and skaven
Very christian of you.
Jews. Like in Arcanum
Whats the coolest myths and old fantasy stories where gnomes are featured heavily?
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>Eerie? My good boy, I'm a respectable artificer.
At least in Finnish folklore, the gnomes were often depicted as powerful beings that one should not disrespect, lest horrible consequences follow. Stronger than a grown man, and able to bring misfortune and ruin to those who raise their ire, they were no joke. Even if the house gnomes just left due to not being respected, everything they kept out of the house and its surroundings (pests, wild animals, disease, evil spirits, etc,) would bring ruin.
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They are just slightly shorter dwarves with magical affinity. They are only "cutesy" if you insist on giving them a retarded body type for some reason.
Having high magical power is fine. Just not the kind that has a numerical level and range.
That's the thing, they AREN'T. You had to change them beyond recognition to fit them into a setting in which they don't belong.
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Cringe /tg/ take. Gnomes should look like picrel.
Why make them into dysfunctional gigamanlets instead of a respectable normal race that you can actually play as?
The melty dwarves are neither flavorful not evocative. They blend into the drab background of kitchen sink settings.
Pointy hat gnomes are whimsical. They add to the fairy tale esthetic of their world. They're suitable only for a certain kind of setting, but that's exactly what makes them recognizable to that kind.
Soft worldbuilding like that can be nice if you want to make a miyazaki film with gnomes but it has little bearing on creating a playable rpg world
If you want your RPG to be about battles and prophecies, don't include gnomes. Or not as a playable race at least.
If you want to play a gnome, find an rpg setting that includes talking animals.
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They are based though, as are gnome illusionists and bards

Other gnome career paths include banking, accounting and jewelry as well as other handcrafts

Truly, the urban gnome is peak kino
I wish more people used paracelsus gnomes. They have the ability to "administrate over solids", meaning they can cause liquids, gasses, and illusions to become solid, or turn solid objects into illusions. this is what makes gnomes such powerful illusionists
Sorry, I played Arcanum, total gnome death. Throw the smurfs in there too, God will know his own.
Would you allow players to be salamanders, sylphs, or undines?
Lol, lmao even
Always gnomes
Only gnomes
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Illusion affinity is one of the basic gnome features popularized in dnd and it can be considered one of the certifiedly based gnome representations. In warhammer illusion spells are represented by the grey school of magic, hence the grey robes here.
Here is a start, some gnomish holy days. Based on Faerun, because its the best known, and a calendar needs a pre-existing history.

Lunar New Year: moon 1 (march/april); each moon begins on the newmoon (opposite of full).
Skipping: moon 1 (april), days 14-25; celebrating the creation of the Trail of Mists, escaping the Time of Bondage in Netheril.
Tenday: moon 3 (may/june), day 6 ; celebrating gnomes first being taught by the Lords of the Golden Hills (their pantheon).
The Seventeenth: moon 4 (june), day 17; morning the devastation of Lantan
Day of Disasters: moon 5 (july/august), day 9; morning the many disasters that have afflicted the gnomish peoples.
Day of Creation: moon 7; days 1-2; anniversary of the creation of the soul-gems of gnomes; celebrated with firework-like bursts of illusion magic.
Day of Atonement: moon 7 (sept/oct), day 10; repenting the cursing of the gods during the Bondage; a day of fasting and apologies, a day to repair the world.
Tenday of Gathering/Pavilions/Tents: moon 7 (sept/oct); day 15-25; communal celebration.
Eleventh Day: moon 7 (sept/oct); days 26-7; guards the Gathering from being disturbed by mundane distractions; yes, the Eleventh Day is two days - this kind of thing happens over 4000 years.
Dedication: moon 9 (dec/jan), day 25; Celebrating the founding of the first temple to Gond in Lantan; lighting candles, singing Dedication songs, playing mechanical games, and giving gifts.
Tenth of the Tenth: moon 10 (dec/jan), day 10; a day of fasting to morn the fall of the First Temple (of the Lords of the Golden Hills) to the Netherese Empire.
Day of Trees / Feast of Baervan Wildwanderer: moon 11 (jan/feb), day 15; a day to plant trees, gather fruit, and eat a dessert made of grains, dried fruits, and nuts.
(cast) Lots: moon 12 (feb/march); Telling the story of the escape (and earlier capture) of Garl Glittergold by Kurtulmak. Celebrated with funny tales, wearing masks, tricks, and alcohol.
pic not related then?

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