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How do you stop murderhobos in your games without making the enemy invincible for whatever reason until the end? Sick of people just killing every npc they instantly see and I want to punish them accordingly.
You should instead play a game you like with people who agree with you about what the game should be.
No, I don't like this idea.

How about fucking off then?
This idea is worse than the last one.
1. Make murder illegal. In most societies it is.
2. Set up a "Flaming Fist" type organization that murders murdeters. All "I SERVE THE FLAMING FIST!!!!!!" style.
3. Send wave after wave of these assholes and their employees after the pcs.
4. Give them no easy out or refuge.

Eventually, they'll die or stop being dumbfuck, or they'll rage quit like faggots and you'll be free to make less toxic friends.
I dunno I'm pretty confident in it
I like these ideas. Aside from being hunted are there any creative punishments that could ruin their game and make them hate playing the game?
Don't play with dumbasses you dumbass
Make worse murderhobos who rape. Normies hate rape.
>le make it be like a vidya gaem xD
Fuck off
Problem is, when you start murderhobo-off, there's no winners. The campaign becomes boring both for you (because you're stuck playing same "o no guards are chasing you" shit) and for them (because now they face consequences of their actions).

So instead if murderhobo-off, talk to them. Or stop GMing for retards.
Make some NPC retired adventurers (stats as high level PC) that can fight back when provoked.
Extreme breaks of algnment and you become an npc
Have you tried not playing DnD?
That's genuinely one of the few systems where this could be an issue, because of its stupid level scaling where either your adventurers rape everyone to death, or every random town guard has to be level 6 to deal with shit. Atleast in something like Exalted, the setting supports this kind of ridiculous powerscaling.
Most other systems have a more reasonable power scale where most people's threshold for "Oh fuck I'm dead" is 3-5 decently armed dudes.
Have you considered just having news get around that they're a bunch of crazy murderers and have people either avoid them or try to kill them on sight? This might sound like you're playing into their murderhobo ways until they realize that they cannot get any of their shit repaired or rest in towns or approach merchants or do have anything to spend their shiny gold on. If murdering everyone puts their character, gear, or loot at risk (the only things a murderhobo actually cares about) then they will eventually learn to stop doing it, or die and get fed up with the game and quit. So a win-win either way really.
"Hey guys I'm sick of having you kill all these NPCs, can you cut that out? I'm going to quit otherwise"
Make them so hysterically invincible that it loops back around to comedy.
You could just not play with retards but clearly you don't play at all and just get mad about how you imagine other people do it.
How about every time they kill someone they are brought back in a new, way more powerful form? Maybe they turn into a random creature each time they die?
Have you considered suicide?
Local ruler's knights and wizards and several other adventuring parties hired by the families of the murdered NPCs now on their back.
These are not balanced encounters or some shit, they're as strong of a reaction to a threat as your world can logically produce.
The campaign is now about them desperately running away from several dozens of equal or higher level NPCs, who are generally not planning on giving them any semblance of a fair fight or taking prisoners
Yes, it does me no favours.
Make your NPCs likeable, friendly, supportive, useful, and attractive.
Have a small child attempt to teach them how to be nice. If they attempt to murder it, BOOM, it was the setting's Lawful Good God in disguise who then smites their ass for being an evil cunt.
It doesn't work. I've literally had them just kill everyone in a one shot before any of them even spoke to an npc.

I like this. I'm just going to have to start killing their characters too.
It does work. You just don't know how to do it.
I don't believe you. Let's end this there.
Sounds like a you problem. It's obvious that it's combat that your players want. So give them more combat.
No he's right, you're just too stupid for it
Apply consequences. Next question?
The smarter people in this topic have already proved you both wrong by providing real answers. I just feel embarrassed for both of you honestly.
I once had a GM who arbitrarily let PCs get hit by lightning, if they annoyed him. Still less bullshit than this >>93251411
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>organizations which hunt and punish criminals only exist in video games

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