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How different does a system have to be for you to effectively be a different system?

We've heard people screaming the difference between D&D 2e vs (3,5,pf1) vs 4e - being either COMPETELY different. Or obviously so similiar it hurts.
D&D 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder 1e. Effectively "The same" yet I've heard if you mix the system for long enough the cracks become apparent.
PF2e vs... all sorts of thing.
Blades in the Dark not being like PbtA at all.
Just saw a thread on DC20 being like 5e (Not that I know anything about DC20)
Fate is the same as Burning wheel (Which I personally don't see how anyone can make that connection)
I've heard it compared that the 40k RPG was "basically the same as D&D"
And the most generic one I've every heard: "If it used levels and HPs it's basically D&D"

Those are some things I've heard said outload out in the wild. Just word of mouth mind you, Take them or leave them, I'm certainly not going to attempt defending or arguing any of those.

What's YOUR divide on what makes a completely different system? Or make them effectively the same.
If it has a different resolution system, it's a different game.
Unironically, when I feel like it.

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