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I have had a campaign concept and am wondering if any systems mechanically serve this idea. The general concept is the following:
>MIB style 'aliens among us'
>PCs are all teenagers/young adults who have been chosen
>PCs are chosen by a specific alien (I'm gonna have a long list of classic Secret Space Program aliens)
>alien gives the human PC powers but is essentially a separate PC the player also has control of
>the game delineates the two as having pretty separate skill sets:
>humans know about earth and have basic skill sets related to that + physical skill sets
>aliens know about alien things/alien technology/etc.
>combat occurs by one empowering the other (I want to give PCs an option between like fusion, psychic connection, alien tech-suit, etc.)
>combat itself is the sort of shounen anime high flying power shit

To summarize:
>a system that supports a single player having two PCs with clearly delineated skillsets
>urban sci-fi
>snappy/flashy combat

Does anyone have an idea of a system that fulfills at least some of these without it just being 'Tell players they have two PCs' sort of deal, something that actually plays with the concept.
Nevermind, OP here. I just realized that Cthulhutech does literally everything I want.
It is absolutely not the SYSTEM you want, but Ars Magica is designed around this idea.

>Powerful Mage characters who dedicate their lives to magical research and perfecting some aspect of the magical arts
>Their non-mage hirelings, servants, friends, etc, known as "Grogs" in system parlance

An Ars game might alternate between Mage and Grog sessions, or might have mage sessions until you decide on a job to send the Grogs on then switch to following the Grogs until their mission is finished.

Ars Magica combat is generally fast if you know the game, but the same is true of almost every system, it's very much a "death spiral" system where wounds lead to penalties.

The main things you might want to take from Ars are how far beyond human the Mages' specific talents and spells can get, but how vulnerable they are outside of that. A mage might be able to work an incredible art that raises a castle from the ground, denies the touch of summer heat to a village all season, or strike a man dead with a column of flame... but any aside from the last is going to be fucked if a man with a sword charges him, and even the combat mage needs to know the attack is coming.

Conspiracy X is a game built around playing agents in a 90s/00s conspiratorial world, and might be worth plundering.

Elements of World of Darkness might be worth looking at for design ideas across power levels.

If I have more thoughts I'll get back to you.

god no please no not that, god no it is a system /tg/ used to list among the worst for reasons, many reasons.
It tries to work across too many power levels and as a result has a shit time at low and high level, the tech is all "drives you MaaAAaaAAD!", the aliens are all evil except for the aliens who are actually genetically modified humans, the dice system is godawful, the skill math is shit, the system itself hasn't had an update in over a decade... avoid ctech, it's shit. Maybe plunder a few ideas but do not USE the system itself.
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I'm sorry. Tagers are exactly what I want in tone and general execution. I have to take the Cthulhutech pill.
then steal the idea and use a different system, I beg you.
Seriously, cthulhutech's framewerk system sucks one of the fattest pairs of nuts I've ever tasted. It's in the tier above FATAL and such, but it's got serious underlying problems in how it resolves things that are impossible to prune from the wider system.

Having its "poker dice" resolution means difficulty numbers are WILDLY hard to set.

In a standard dice pool, you can calculate the odds fairly easily. Even in a WoD style "exploding dice" system, you can model the exploding dice without too much trouble as long as you don't fall into the trap of modelling them tending towards infinity.

In cthulhutech's system, you roll dice equal to your skill, and then do one of the following
>Take the highest individual die
>Take multiple dice showing the same number
>Take a straight of 3 or more dice showing sequential numbers
then add your stat as a bonus
so long as you don't roll 1s on half your dice (if that happens, you botch and get a zero)

It makes modelling the results hard, and that means you can't reasonably eyeball difficulty numbers. It's genuinely a terrible system.
to carry on, if you like Tagers, then what you need to do is read "bio-boosted armor Guyver", which is what Tagers are.

Tager -> Guyver
Dhoanoid -> Zoanoid

If you like what Tagers do, look at Guyver and consider what other systems might do what you want.
Something that supports Henshin Hero style stuff would probably work in general.

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