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So I was thinking about making a new RPG that is basically a dice pool system.

The lore is interesting however I want to know if the combat is OK so what does /tg/ think?

I start posting character archetypes since [REDACTED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED]

Basically the game has every player have a human character(summoner) who also summons and controls a Yokai (magic beast).

Yokai combat basically happens at the same time and here are some basic classes/archetypes you can wrap into whatever fluff you made up for your character.

Yokai classes incoming:

Yokai class red
Characteristics giant strength, lots of HP has true strike ability.

Strength: 4
HP 14
Hits on 3 4 5 6

Special: True Strike +1

Lets say your are fighting a generic Yokai (white)

it has
Strength 3
HP 9
Hits on 4 5 6

You lay out 14 D6 for your yokai HP and 9 D6 for your opponents HP.

You take 4 D6 from his HP and roll them.
If you manage to get a 3 4 5 6 you take them away this HP was lost and give back the ones who did not roll the correct number. Since your Red Yokai has True Strike you also remove 1 HP AKA 1 D6 from the pool of your opponent.

You opponent does the same to your HP only he takes 3 D6 (because 3 strength) and must roll 4 5 6. No special ability so nothing else.

This continues until someone reaches 0 HP.
Combat is calculated at the same time. This means that both Yokai can die at the same time.

There is also a class for your summoner the advanced classes (for PCs) are better then the basics ones (for NPCs).

The summoner for the white Yokai is a basic NPC so he has no ability to re summon his Yokai and loses the battle once his Yokai dies.

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The summoner of the red Yokai is
Class: White Walker -> Paladin

HP 7
Pain tolerance 9 Nails
Nail on 5 4 3
Damage on 3 hits; Hit on 6

Special ability:
>"God of the stream!"
4 times before a medium rest this character can re roll his hand.

>"Say NO to damage!"
4 times before a long rest this character can change the stat values of 1 rolled dice to what he desires.

The cost of re summoning his Yokai is 2+4 D6.
Previous thread
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Next Yokai class Green.
Characteristics evasion from enemy hits. Low HP.

Strength 3
HP 6
Hits on 3 4 5 6

Once per turn you can re roll your opponents entire hand.

>"Slips and tricks"
you can change the values of 3 the dice the enemy Yokai rolled by -1.

Evasive does not prevent damage from true strike.

Same story like before you take the dice responsible for opponents yokai your opponent takes the dice responsible for your yokais HP and you roll.

Lets say you are fighting a while yokai. If you do not like the outcome of his attack you can re roll his entire hand. Once every turn.

Or change the values of the dice he rolled by -1
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Next Yokai class blue.
Characteristics Very strong damage. Low HP.

HP: 7
Strength: 4

Special ability:
>"Burning Damage"
Increase the value of the dice you roll by +1 for 3 your choice.

So what do you think /tg/ ?
I know I need to play test the values and maybe fix some numbers however I think the base idea has some potential.
Your feedback?
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Next Yokai class Yellow
Characteristics : META/Utility Low HP Special nuke ability.

Strength 2.
HP 4
Hits on 4 5 6

Special Attack:
Yokai explodes at target dealing massive damage and killing itself in the process.

Also does great area of effect damage damning everything including allies.

[This attack calculates after the enemy attack]

12 points of direct damage to enemy 7 points of direct area of effect damage to other Yokai in area.

Special passive ability:
>"explosive personality"

If killed the yokai explodes dealing 5 points of direct damage to everything in the combat area.
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No feedback?

I was thinking to use D12 because love D12 however a D12 dice pool?
What do you think /tg/ ?
I wouldn't, because I despise dice pools.
>because I despise dice pools.
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>medium rest
NTAYRT, but there are so many shitty games from the 90s that use dice pools, where the designers tried to be clever - but didn't actually understand the probability distribution functions of their own core mechanics. Those odds are hard to audit without a chart in front of your face. Sure, exploding successes and things like that are add some exciting friction to outcomes; but when you start getting into shit like rerolls, or different combinations of faces doing different results, just trusting the TN guidelines when you see editing mistakes in the text is a tall order.

The apotheosis of awful dice pools by people whose """creativity""" far exceeds their numeracy is Cthulhutech's Framewerk. Do you actually trust that what they say is a "Hard" task is numerically unlikely? I sure don't with their poker dice.
What did you mean by this?
Hmmm how are dice pools difficult?
You can use a D6 as a D2 and the hit chance is basically 50:50
What are the odds of making a TN of 7 with a 7-d6 pool where 4s and 5s are 1 success, 6s are two successes, you critically fail if you roll more 1s than successes, and you can reroll 2 dice? If the core book says that a TN of 7 is good number for a "normal" challenge; do actually believe that?

It's those kinds of things that make dice pools annoying in practice. Especially when you're getting started with a system and have to trust the designers.
>7-d6 pool where 4s and 5s are 1 success, 6s are two successes
LOL that is retarded Try this.

D6 as basically a D2.
1 2 = failure
3 4 5 6 = success

Lock has a challenge rating of 5 so you need to roll 5 successful dice. The bigger the skill of your character the more D6 he can roll with special abilities like re rolling all of whatever he threw once per round or focus abilities where he can +2 to select dice once per medium rest.

>What are the odds of
You need a skill rating of 10 (1 skill = 1 D6 for you) to open this lock on the fist go since it is 50:50 (not really LOL) this is the probability. Opening with a skill rating of 5 is like wining the lottery.
You notice that my system does not have a true 50:50 or D2 since it favors the success of the player.
>dice pool system
strike 1
>The lore is interesting however
not telling us your lore, strike 2
>game has every player have a human character
strike 3 you're out
Yes, indy dice pool systems are often retarded.

If you think your crunch is so good, just post anydice.
>not telling us your lore, strike 2
Lore is in the previous thread.
Only the thread was ruined by some autist who spammed
>What if I make a indestructible yokai?
>Checkmate atheists!
Regardless how many times I told him that it is impossible to make a indestructible yokai.

So I started posting stats for the monsters to not get autists like this in the thread.
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HUH first time I hear of this.
How do I use this website even?
I'd try the Articles, Documentation, and Function Library links first.
>Articles, Documentation, and Function Library links first.
Looks like a lot of D&D autism.
Meanwhile in the real world I tried my theory of >>93252412
9/10 I succeeded
1/10 was a failure.

Exactly like expected in my system.

>I'd try
Why not roll 10 D6 and see if you get 5 successes? It literally works.
Then link the thread in the OP next time you insufferable cunt.
>Then link the thread in the OP
It is in the next post
>Previous thread

> you insufferable cunt.
LOL sorry last thread got this triggered autist. I do not want this repeated.

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