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Was it kino?
No; aside from the mediocre narrative as told through the lens of 'a totally real campaign of DnD' (it's voice actors playing roles as their job), almost every
ttrpg campaign ever run has suffered from a case of 'you had to be there'. The fact that this story is essentially a product meant to advertise another product detracts from any sincerity it might have had.
The animated show? It was alright. Its nothing special, its not Arcane or even Edgerunners, but its a charming enough fantasy flick and as someone who isnt a fan of critical role I found it watchable.
Some stuff felt weird (like the "no you cant kill the evil doctor lady because reasons!") probably as a result of it being an adaptation of a campaign where there would have been added context but said context was cut for pacing/relevance reasons, but it wasnt too bad.

6/10 (7/10 if generous) I will probably give season 3 a shot.

If you mean the podcast/pnp thing? I tried getting into it but I just couldnt. It felt like jumping in mindway through a story in a bad way and the pacing is so slow that I just couldnt bear with it.
Arcane was pretty decent. Sucks that they ditched it.
I liked it honestly
For someone with absolutely no idea of what either D&D is, nor any idea of what Critical Role is, it's very much not going to work, it rather requires some foreknowledge. The problem there becomes if you have foreknowledge you then have to accept that a lot is changed for the sake of being changed, for convenience, or for copyright reasons. It's honestly the most blatant with the character dynamics the cast has, which for the most part is very much pre-established and not very developed - the only thing really to get on that front is the budding romance parts, and even then that's barely there.

So what is serviceable? The action, primarily, is actually surprisingly good, with some of the fights they get into being actually genuinely spectacular fun to watch, and while they absolutely do do Marvel quipfaggotry it could be way, way worse. The other part is the voice acting - Taliesin in particular absolutely howls his heart out on occasion in the first season but overall the voicework is a definite strength here.

Honestly, give the first couple episodes a go, see if it works for you. If it does, you'll probably like the rest. If you don't, you in all likelihood won't like the rest. But it's at least worth a shot, for what that's worth.
I liked it. We don't really get a lot of party based traditional d&d style fantasy content anywhere anyway. I think drawings were good, actions were good and voice acting was good. I liked S1 story more tho.
difference between vox machina, vox populi, and vox media?
One's a radio, one's a fallacy, and one's literally a U.S. government sockpuppet in the shape of a media conglomerate.
No, and calling it mediocre is higher praise than it deserves. If you like dick jokes and potty humor and are a fan of Zack Snyder's character writing, you’ll enjoy this show.
Honor Among Thieves is leagues ahead of this drivel. And that movie IS mediocre.
I dropped it less than 5 minutes in.
Season 2 is November this year.
Catchy theme song, and reminds me of back in 2016 when I decided to try 5e and was pleasantly surprised, playing with my friends after work when I worked part-time and still had a soul. Other than that, complete shit.
Watched one episode with no real knowledge of it. It's decently produced, but written like a greentext summary of a game expanded back out into a script. Nothing really makes sense or flows, it just bounces from scene to scene.
If I know about DnD but not anything about critical role will I be able to understand things?
That's also how their web show is.
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I hated it and i hated that my friends liked it a lot. It's one of these things that makes me feel alienated from the rest of the world, maybe 13-20 years old me would have enjoyed the show, even loved it, but 35+ years old me can't stomach this kind of shit and i can't fucking understand how anybody else in the same age range can.
Yeah. And you'll be having fun recognizing all the abilities from 5e getting a spin that fits the story.
>blind rage renders you immune to charm as per rules, so to counter the vampire's charm, a dumb barbarian just closes his eyes and starts swinging like a madman.
And then you'll realize how much they are dancing around the trademarks.
Yeah, Vecna has already made an appearance, but fuck me, is the show dancing around it.
The second season is coming out shortly? If you mean "they announced the second season its the last season" then thats because the story is going to finish.
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It's just an abridged adaption of a midlevel DnD campaign with some homebrew. If you know stuff like DnD barbarians rage then you'll quickly grok what's going on. Knowing more specific rule interactions like >>93250121 mentioned add an extra layer to it, but it's not really necessary. In fact, they're often very liberal with abilities for the sake of their story so it might be better to not know how things specifically work if you're bothered by stuff like that. I sort of was and ended up going down a rabbit hole that spoiled where the story was going.
>bear as companion for a ranger
>int 8 barb acts like he has int 3 or 4
>atheist cleric
>half of them are "chosen one" of their respective religions/cultures
I assume they're based on a game done by 12 year olds right?
No, Californians. And don't badmouth Grog. Him and Travis are the GOAT.
now I feel bad insulting 12 year olds...
Which of them are supposed to be chosen ones? From what I rememember of the show the bard is just some dude, the barbarian was a minor relation of his chief until he was kicked out for being a wuss, the half elves are just some random orphans and the cleric was some random chick from a village the barbarian was raiding.

The closest to a chosen one would be the dude with the gun, and thats more just "designated protagonist" due to the season 1 plot than actually being chosen for something
>>bear as companion for a ranger
Isnt that just a carry over from them originally playing pathfinder before porting their shit to 5e?
The druid, the gunslinger and the cleric are chosen one
Don't forget the rogue and his vague shadow goddess.
He's INT 6 I think. Or 7.
>they rolled stats
but int 6 or 7 isn't retarded todler tier either
Assuming 1 int = 10 IQ then that is pretty much drooling retard tier. 60IQ people are dumb.
That's not how it works, first IQ is for humans Ravens and Octopuses are really smart animals able to complete manual tasks better than humans with IQ 70, yet they have like Int 2
Rolling you can get Int 3, people with IQ 30-40 can't even walk, talk, or eat by themselves, much less perform any task. And a character with int 3 can walk, talk and still recall information (with a -4) or do manual jobs
The gunslinger isn't the chosen one. In fact, his character arc is more or less done and now he's taking a backseat.
It's the druid and the rogue that are the chosen ones, because their players had MASSIVE main character syndrome during the campaigns.
And Pike is just bumbling around.
100 IQ + (int modifier × 10) works better
>atheist cleric
she literally talks with her god in the first season
>>atheist cleric
Isnt there a whole arc about her going to her monastery to commune with her god over a crisis of faith?
Arn't there a number of fantasy animes/light novels that started from the writer's own game?
It's been a while, and I'm not going to rewatch it, but I recall her completely ignoring her vows and religion, just ignoring her goddess, etc and only going back to them when she lost her powers, she couldn't even hear or understand what her goddess told her over how much she didn't care. But again, I could be remembering wrong
Anyway, if you prefer, rather than atheist, lets call her agnostic cleric
>lets call her agnostic cleric
But she also clearly isnt.

You could say she isnt very devout, which would be true in that she seemed to take her connection and powers for granted until she lost them, but thats not the same thing at all.
So now we need a trillions seriesed novels to follow.

Unless the podcasts already count as the novels.
It came out years ago. They could have capitalized on the hype but they buried it instead.
Someone is missing here. Gilthanas? Tika? Kitiara? IT'S TRIGGERING ME
It was better than the actual thing it was based on. Turns out a show about voice actors works better as a show than a TTRPG.
>>It came out years ago
Yea, and it takes years to make a season of arcane.

>They could have capitalized on the hype
With what? Low effort spin offs which degrade the prestige of the show? A video game?
(INT score + 10) * 5 IQ is more granular, also takes in consideration standard deviations.
If you're going to watch "cartoon adaptation of a TTRPG campaign," you may as well watch the original.
I've never watched it but I guess it was shit like basically everything else Amazon funded.
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No, not at all. But it was enjoyable to watch and that's good enough for me.

>A video game?
Can you imagine, a video game adaptation of the hit Netflix series Arcane? Impossible.
A person can watch two things.
A person can count every blade of grass on his lawn AND his neighbor’s lawn. But it’s also perfectly fine to tell him that maybe he shouldn’t waste his time doing blatantly retarded things.
Why is it so fucking ugly
This isn't the first time this art style has been around. It's the same design principles behind nu-Voltron and its ilk: everyone is trying to channel Avatar.
Looks better than anything you could do and better than anything gaygag's faggot ass had in his shitty books.
It's that "vague anime-adjacent" look that Avatar popularized.
It is a DND show with Melenial Humor. It's 24 episodes, go knock it out instead of playing hearts of iron.
Seethe critard, critical roll is garbage. Go roll a nat 1 yourself.
I accept your concession, nogames.
Yeah, and they mostly suck for exactly those reasons.
Voltron has that Allura design, couldnt care less about whatever flaws it has its okay in my book.
>a thread about a show about a show about a scripted fake TRPG
Do you even play games?

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