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Dat Gap Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>DBZ Fusion World
>Magi Nation
>Neopets TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
In this era of game revivals, which /acg/ would you most like to see return?
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Which one(s) would you run?
Depends on the meta, but probably 50/50 split of takedown and rivals fall, without any other context
i don’t need to wish, no more.

Z’adok and his nefarious Sutek arise from the Swamps of Brinewater with only one goal in mind, to drown the world in the crimson light of the Blood Moon! Much like the moon sways the tides, Z’adok commands his fellow Suteks to war with a combination of magical attacks, cunning maneuvers, and vile battle tactics that find joy from preying on exhausted enemies.

Z’adok’s playstyle is very similar, with an emphasis on maneuvering himself and his fellow Sutek (with cards such as Hunting Staff, Skulk in the Shallows, and Teleport). In addition to being dastardly agile, the starter deck and Z’adok both specialize on spending or stunning their opponent (with actions such as Venom Spray and Z'adok’s Limited Order) and then taking advantage of their opponent’s position (with cards such as Backstab and Shadow Bolts). In sum, the playstyle is highly synergetic, with an emphasis on maneuvering Sutek into the right position, finding vulnerable prey, and then capitalizing!

“Do you fell Bascaron pull our tides? Can you hear it’s request for blood? We shall give it what it demands, and we shall feast while we bask in its approving glow!”

– Z’adok Prey Herder
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This seems really good, but can G/W take advantage of it?
Aquarian Age or L5R. My enjoyment of these were like 4 degrees removed from a real scene so being able to find or force one with actual meta and brewers or even just casual jank at a friend’s place would be cool.
Duel Masters (Then)
If it is old L5R then there is the software Sun&Moon that have really good UI made specially for the old game.
If it is for the LCG or just irl play then you are probably better with aquarian age (it should be easier to find product)
That's just bad art, the legs don't bend like legs, she looks like a floppy doll that's supposed to be doing a split.
L5R and 2004 era VS System
I want a Battletech ccg remake except that it plays kinda like a non lcg L5R.
Strongholds as house/clan, two decks to use, mechs as personalities and different resources favoring certain Strongholds. The Fate deck and a lot of other elements of L5R would need very little changing to fit a Battletech theme.

Either that or just a straight up Shadowrun reprint. We could have new art from whatever artists are still alive and active from the last time there was a Shadowrun tcg. Any dead artist gaps we fill with cheesecake.
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I would love to see ScoreZ/GT return. You could literally just reprint all the existing cards exactly as they were, and I'd be happy, because more people could play. Tank the value of my collection to pennies if need be, just make the game more accessible.
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Picking over some Japanese lists, I'd bring back Card Hero because it was a weird moment for Nintendo and I never got to play it.
Aquarian Age is a close second but I'd say Monster Collection/MonColle, despite apparently being one of Japan's bigger card games and inspiring YGO it's somehow harder to find info on than even more obscure TCGs, to say nothing of finding singles regularly priced. Plus the whole idea of moving cards across a board seems like an untapped niche, even if it's for good reason.
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>every blue card revealed so far has the Satan City tag
>this card would be stronger if your leader had the Satan City tag
>blue leader is inexplicably Goku instead of Saiyaman, Videl, or Mr. Satan
Are leaders now in the Battle Area?
I might be retarded actually. Either way the leader should have been relevant to the cards that are being printed.
We're absolutely getting a Satan City field card though
I want .hack//ENEMY to return just because I'm a .hack fan and I want to be able to play the card game with other people.
Fusion World is shit
How dead its WIXOSS as a franchise?
Has anyone played the Fullmetal Alchemist tcg? I have a rules question.
Event cards played during the search phase that modify attributes - does that effect end before or after the victory step?
Dragon Ball got colourless cards before One Piece?
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What's better to have stashed away for a rainy day?

Warlord Saga of the Storm booster display
Warlord Box of Greed

I already have one of each added to my pledge. I have enough for one more but I don't know which of either of those two I'll kick myself for not getting a second one of while I had the chance.

Also Warlordians, pledge manager charges soon. Be ready.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Warlord Saga of the Storm booster display
You have the 20 box toppers (mostly rares) and full art. You can probably flip the box toppers as tournaments start. (also box toppers make it a first print run box, for collectors)
Boxes will eventually be reprinted, but as before, the ones from the kickstarter are essentially first printrun (alpha) boxes because of the box topper (what will differentiate them from future print runs meant for distributors is the pack of box toppers)

>Warlord Box of Greed
100 cards in a stud cardboard box. About 50 cards are as of now $3+ and all of those see play in the All sets allowed set. (right now with inflated prices the singles inside of it are about $3k in value, will go down in time, but for how much?)
This box will only be available during the kickstarter.
A few cards they can probably see a reprint but most of them will not be reprinted for a very long time.
The thing with the new edition is that there was a time skip of maybe 100 years, making almost every named character dead for them to be reprinted in the new edition. Actions and items can probably be reprinted but I doubt they will right away.
A true collector's item.

I would choose:
even = booster box
odd = box of greed
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I missed in my advice attempt.
I find it hard to get two boxes of greed because I'm not playing the old format, unless it is destined to live up to its namesake. I think the fact it's the only true exclusive though makes me think differently however. Right now I'm at 2 booster displays just so I can jumpstart my collection. Fortunately they are planning on doing full retail release and not milking endless kick starting, so there's hope that I can get my other cards later. If that's the case, makes box of greed the given to sit on an extra one, as a greed giver when times are tough.
Box of Greed is the safer bet, imo. Maybe stash the box toppers too, individually, and crack the box.
Yeah. The only diference between picking booster boxes in kickstarter and later are the 15 ish box toppers that we know 2+ are rare cards and about 6+ are common/uncommon (and all are extended arts).

Picking 2 booster boxes is probably enough to make a playable deck, imo, so if you want to play in weekly tournaments the extra display is better.
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Friend got me an autograph card as a gift. That's pretty cool.
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Fucking horrible card frames. The box for all the text is way too big and ugly, the multiple colors in the text is ugly, the font is shit... dogshit. The art deserves better.
I really wonder if Moncolle or Aquarian Age could have their rules updated or altered just enough to not be bogged down by decades old bad ideas but also not lose what made them unique. I don’t want Aquarian Age slapped onto Duel Masters or Moncolle restricted to Z/X’s 3x3 grid, but I’m also not sure I want a system where you card advantage resources ramp board presence and combo pieces can be fully reduced to turn 1 by a random basic wipe effect (AA) or the whole contrived system of needing ritual location cards or whatever they were (MC) to cast rituals.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

Artistic Alchemy, Major Armstrong
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit attacks and wins a battle, you may remove 2 Alchemy counters. If you did, stand this unit.
Frogposting retard.
It really just comes down to 'don't print cards that will fundamentally break your game.' For Moncolle, since redoing rituals is not an option, maybe take out needing the circle and making rituals once a turn? Then you could emphasize item use which has stronger per-card restrictions.
easier said than done. it's easy to criticize games that are already broken, but the truth is the more balanced your game is, the smaller the margins for what "breaks the game" become.
Trash fucking card not gonna lie never going in my druid starter
Lots of Fusion World leaks today
The toilet
>so many card games
>no one to play them with
The worst thing mtg did was take over the entire space, but then fail to commit suicide properly, so all that's left is the husk known as EDH rotting away in every LGS. It's so hard to get people to try something new (even if they don't have to pay anything), they'd rather continue playing something they claim they hate.
We're living in the worst (alerted) time line. Pappa Hasbro sent a message to the Time Institute Travelers (TIT)(TIT) and got them to slightly alter their course that was headed for annihilation.

I mean, we all saw the same events unfold. Everything was going down for them, and then it miraculously recovered. I blame TITs; there's no other explanation.
>It's the weekend of the prerelease and no SWU fans are helping newbies study for the event
You hate to see it. One would even say you WarsHeads dropped the deathstar.
SWU is already collapsing around me. Attendance is too low to fire events at most places that were hosting originally, only 3 of the 12+ store disc*rds I'm in have any discussion of it at this point, even with prerelease coming.

Wonder if it would have happened had they been able to put out new product as quick as Lorcana and Ravensburger or if the art wasn't mostly dog shit
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Some black cards that will be coming but we haven't seen text for yet.
Personally I'm a big moustached Vegeta fan.
Yes! A thousand times yes. They get what they fucking deserve, which is speculative investors instead of players. They're rocking the boat this early in its release cycle, that's how you know they're panicking.
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Baby Goku is on play add an energy marker if you don't have one and place a card from your hand on the top or bottom of your deck.
Kid Vegeta is just a shitty 2c 15k crit.
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And here's an auto 4 of in every U7 Goku deck.
Just say the word you fucking pussy.
They don't censor the word nigger here and your retard ass puts that xD
It's to prevent browser searches from lighting up the post. Same reason we say Rubby at Alpaca Interspecies
This and it's a subconscious habit from other site names causing posts to be rejected as spam.

The term is "mustachioed". No, really.
Calling all star nerds. What the fuck do I do?
i knew black was going to get a 1 cost energy marker creator card. lucky that it's in the starter deck so it wont be an expensive chase card.

even with the bans/limit red will still be decent. i am looking forward to set 3 meta. seems very rock-paper-scissors, which is way better than any t0 format. wonder if FW will ever get a sideboard, which also means they would be Bo3 instead of Bo1.
Play a different game and stop falling for FFG's bullshit
Thoughts on cards that have things printed on the back of them instead of just a normal card back?
In the main deck:
Fucking hate them. Literally worst idea ever. I can't think of a single idea to integrate into core game design that would make me lose interest without even looking at execution.

Not in main deck(e.g. in an extra deck or as a card that starts in play):
I like it.
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It's fine for stuff that uses the double-sided card for something amounting to a token or game piece but one of the worst idea ever for cards in a deck intended on being sleeved /shuffled.

I really like the idea of double-sided full art tokens, in general.
Just now leaving the card show. Man, what a fun time! I bought waaaaay too much stuff (as one does in this situation), and I can't wait to get home and go through it all and remember what all I even purchased.
Also, holy shit there were so many adorable shotas and lolis running around the entire time. It was nice.
basically what this anon said >>93255700
not if it's meant to be shuffled in, unless the card being marked is somehow the point.

but for other cards there's a lot of good reasons you might do that. the flippable avatar cards you see in some games where your character switches between modes are a great example, like the hero/alter-ego in marvel champs, or the car/robot cards in transformers.

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