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File: fabulous.png (208 KB, 286x407)
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How is it / sell me on this.
I'm a big hater of Final Fantasy aesthetic- but I'm a big fan of systems that embraces game elements.
It's only superficially Final Fantasy. Gameplay-wise it's more of Honkai Star Rail clone. Which is not an endorsement, as you can imagine.
It's Ryuutama with Omega Fantasy's combat crudely bolted on by Italians.

I could recommend an actual JTRPG if it interests ye.
>I could recommend an actual JTRPG if it interests ye.
Please do?
So far my campaign has been going well, but a fair chunk of that is owed to my players who have really tried to embrace the aesthetics and melodrama.

On the mechanical side it's fine, perhaps a touch vulnerable to combos and synergies (and thus reliant on them) but it's avoidance of tactical positioning and it's use of flexible character building have helped my players have fun with their characters and adventures instead of being too concerned about optimization or spending 5 minutes on each player's turn.

Mind you this may be extremely conditional - my players are already invested in the game so they might be looking harder to have fun than some groups might.
since its setting agnostic by design, you could easily play it with any sort of aesthetic.
I might get a chance to play it soo. Read the book and it looks pretty ok. I imagine it would be a good rpg for either newbies or people who want something more casual, without going completely rule-light.
It does have clocks and "spend points for narrative declarations" mechanics, which never worked for my groups
>clocks ..., which never worked for my groups
Under what circumstances do clocks not "work" for a playgroup? Aren't they just a visualization for how much time/progress needs to pass/happen before X happens?
What do you mean? How does it work?
Are you saying it's not good then? Would just the base Ryuutama be better?
>I could recommend an actual JTRPG
I'd be interested if it's translated.
He's probably going to say Sword World.

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