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2025 edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
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Now that we know everything that's coming out in 2024, what set from 2025 are you looking foward to?
wotc will ban nadu, we can trust them. they would never do anything immoral
I want to play at Anime Expo. How does it work? Do I bring some commander decks and hope for the best? Or must I bring standard?
End of the world. Nuclear holocaust would be nifty.
I'm curious about the Death Race set and see if my boy Tezzeret will have a chance in it, i like Tharkir too but i dont have much hope for anything WotC could do at this point
deathrace is about it, bring back greasefang
i unironically have faith Tarkir and bloomburrow will be so 11/10 knocked out of the park it will save the entirety of the decade for me
Here to stay.
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>Talking with friend who plays casually
>try to explain the absolute state of modern
>"But anon, how come no one saw Nadu coming?"
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the final fantasy set will make the one ring and nadu look like a fucking joke
When even /tg/ can make the basis of list upon spoiler seasson.. There is no way they didn't overpush nadu to be a combo piece.

(Watch as they ban the nantuko)
If you ban Greaves, Outrider and Shuko, Nadu is basically neutered
I honestly expect a 50/50 chance that the Death Race will be secretly set up by Tezzeret for some scheme that clashes with Jace and Vraska's nonsense.
This game has unironically been killed by the colors red, black, and green
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Leave Nadu to me.
Until they stop printing MH3, at least.
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Get fucked bird
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Exclude lands from this dataset. Nonlands only will give you a better picture.
>despite only being 6% of Modern legal sets, direct-to-modern sets make up 36% of played cards
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dryad hebes
She's in her 20s, anon. Everybody in Strixhaven is, except Zimone.
Well, actually, Quint might be in his 30s.
>her tindr photo vs. her in real life
ok well she looks young there
Definitely return to tarkir, maybe dragons will be a playable deck in standard
>2025 consists entirely of either soulless dogshit or returns to planes that I liked and that WotC will ruin on the revisit
Great. Fantastic. I'm thrilled.
how broken will he be?
Will we ever have a turn 4/5 format again bros? Or even slower?
In lore he seems like a powerful character so he will have a high mana value and be unplayable except in commander.
I'm thinking they'll print 3 different versions and none of them will be good.
MTG is at its best when the format is turn 6-11.
he will replace sorin as the only good mardu commander
only looking forward to final fantasy. death race is going to be shit. first set of the year is always meh, a vehicles focused set is going to be gay as fuck (and the best limited decks in the set probably won't even have vehicles, which is going to be hilarious when the fastest deck is a bunch of weenies that outrace the cars) and the creative is going to be stupid, continuing to break away from what is acceptable in magic worldbuilding, putting more modern shit in, while STILL pretending that guns aren't allowed in because it breaks their worldbuilding. tarkir is going to be bad and will shit on the memory of it, it will have all the dragons from DTK and just be a big dumb timmy set, try and bring back wedges but will be like a modern 3 colour set (look at ikoria or capenna for examples of that shit), and there will be nonstop posting about rakshasa's not being cats. space opera set has the issues of death race breaking away from the previously established style guides for magic worlds while still pretending guns don't make sense in any mtg world for creative reasons, will also likely tie into some mass effect secret lair or maybe even commander decks. return to lorwyn is going to shit on previous lorwyn and might even bring back day/night (which is a garbage mechanic), it will be the modern magic way of just doing straight references to folklore/legends and trying to be as in your face as possible about it, rather than be subtle, and they are going to have a bunch of humans on the plane because omenpaths allow for that not. probably won't even have a scarecrow subtheme.
final fantasy is unironically the only set i am looking forward to next year, and i think UB has no place in magic. that's how far we've come.
you mean edgar?
Mucho texto
Innistrad Remastered might be cool, just because we might get Madness and Blood Tokens together. They're a lot of fun to use alongside each other. Return to Tarkir's probably going to be shit. The clans were my favorite part of it, and without them, it's just dragons. Dragons are cool and all but having just dragons and nothing else isn't enough to carry a set.
FF will be neon dynasty with known charcters.
and neon dynasty was good.
magic world building is shit, final fantasy is the only glimmer of hope on the horizon despite UB having no place in magic. grim.
was a good set despite the complaints about theme and aesthetics, speaking of which my boy Kaito is in duskmorn for some reason, hopefully he gets a planes walker card.
thats based though
>Leo faces Kefka
> my boy Kaito is in duskmorn for some reason
so they can do references to japanese horror. possible more modern japanese horror like the ring and the grudge, more likely though references to hausu/house.
>was a good set despite the complaints about theme and aesthetics
yeah, because the aesthetics are shit for magic. but aesthetics in FF are great, and UB isn't tied to magic's retarded creative direction, which is okay with stop lights, cars and highways, neon signs, mechs that look like gundams, and soon to be CRT monitors, but is not okay with a flintlock pistol for a pirate or a six shooter for a cowboy because "it doesn't make sense to have a pistol in a world with magic".
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Hoot-anon, can we talk about your fevered visions list? I played fv in inistrad/kaladesh and it was one of my favorite decks. You posted your list in another thread but I couldn't make out some of the cards. Do you have a link to the list, rather than those pictures you post? Fucking shame vision skeins isn't pioneer legal
>lgs doesn't have singles available for purchase in store, instead storing them at a nearby 'warehouse' which i believe is just a small office
>requires you to order through their clunky website then pay a $2 pick up fee in store or $6 courier fee to mail it to your home
>place order for a bunch of stuff i need on wednesday for an event on sunday
>its currently friday 6pm and its still marked as 'processing'
>online team doesnt work weekends
why do they insist on using this needlessly convoluted system when at any other game store i can just walk in and buy whatever i want
winning store credit is pointless if it takes multiple days to process an order of ~10 cards
Innistrad remastered is just going to be more blackwashing and historical revisionism. They need to fucking stop ruining the setting. They're not competent, the dumb faggots at retards of the reef do not understand the original inspiration of the plane. They don't understand anything at all, they're peons.
>his lgs has a website listing cards they have for sale
You're lucky, at least you can check what they have without needing to go there in person.
>make it as difficult as possible to sell things
the best LGS in my city stopped hosting magic events and then started again, but now only runs commander, but has actual bulk boxes with the occasional 'just for fun' gem like random one-ofs in russian, korean etc. also 8 minutes after making my post i received an email saying my order is ready for pickup so that's good at least
I have a 68% winrate across 162 games in standard with trailblazer combo according to untappedgg, which is far higher than any other deck I've played. 84% on the play, 53% on the draw

but yeah nadu too broken for arena formats with thoughtseize and mana drain lmao
UB come with some built in protection from Wizard's fuckery, there's only so much they are allowed to get away with when collaborating. I used to hate them, but how things change. I have no faith in the car set, but I'm really hoping Takir is going to work out somehow someway.
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What about it?
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Nadu was a mistake, He was supposed to be a mythic, not a rare
It feels like every time i see thunder junction cards i discover a brand new creature type that has exactly 1 card and that will never be used again. Viashino died for this?
>making the insanely busted card more expensive sure would have fixed it!
This is your brain on findom. Gobble up your slop, paypig.
It's okay to sometimes do it for flavour reasons. "Protection from coyotes" was pretty funny.
Very nice of Zimone to befriend a group of special needs held back adults :)
so is pauper now also mh3 block constructed? heard the commons were pretty powerful
we don't know, we have no decklists
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refurbished familiar is dumb as hell, really fun to abuse it if you can return it to hand
>think nadu wins with thoracle
>watch a game to see how broken it is
>instead it's looping channel lands to leave opponent with basics and an army just to pass the turn
this gave me braincancer
bring a battlebox
do not engage with commanderites
Everyone saw Nadu coming, problem is there's no good counterplay to someone who makes value whenever you target him. Edicts won't work against a field of Dryad Arbors, and Wraths are too slow
no, lands are cornerstone of decks and so they count too
fuck Urza's Saga and fuck the dual artifact lands
Nadu gives mega value and that mega value can be used however you want to.
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Sir, please, may I have more Bloomburrow story?
>bounces all your permanents with Otawara
JUDGE! my opp is tryin' to bounce my lands!
heh, nice dq there, chump. better luck next time
Explain to me, logically and rationally, why Fable of Mirror break is not a kindred goblin enchantment
When you don't care about gameplay balance or overpowered cos you (ie.wotc) don't care about tournaments anymore...
Sorry sweetie but I'm a regular top 8 finisher at the PT level and that means I can't be a cheater. You, however, are trying to use judge calls to get me unfairly DQ'd, enjoy the trip home ;)
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9 times... It comes back 9 times...
How many new cards will Foundations have and how many of them will be busted? Considering it will be Standard set that will remain 5 years and that will be half reprints too like Elf or Omniscience.
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Where's my monogreen angel? It's Jade from Warframe.
>3 mana 1/1 that might block/be sacrificed 9 times
wow, be sure to carry removal for this beast
17 time under Doubling Season
maybe more with Proliferate
Uh anon with Doubling Season it would go infinite I'm pretty sure.
Infinite what? The Cat? LOL2CAT?
Shut up.
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*exiles ur stupid cat*
wait so it enters with 8 counters, then if it dies it returns to the battlefield on endstep, and it enters with 8 counters again as per it's "enters [the battlefield]" ability?

man why do new card designers not know how to word a card, first it was the energy wheel of fortune, now this, what's next??
can you read the card? It only enters with 8 counters if you cast it. If you reanimate it or whatever it won't have the 8 counters
It only enters with 8 "if you cast it" you intentionally obtuse moron
oh yeah i didnt notice that
they should've put the "if you cast this" at the front of the ability because it's kinda important

also don't permanents by default lose counters when they exit the battlefield and enter another area? does the "with one fewer counter" use the fucky memory rules or something, since 1 fewer than none (the amount that it would have while in GY) is still none?
Why is the concept of just doing what the card says simply elude you?
>Can't read the very first line of text
Yugioh is next door
>what set from 2025 are you looking foward to?

Nothing, Magic is in a nightmarish state and it's impossible for it to ever recover. Even if WotC gets a new owner Magic still can't recover because doing so would require declaring thousands of cards nonexistent.
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>Game so powercrept that there is a 50% difference in winrate if you go first or second in standard
because it's written in a bad way and i don't like that it's badly written

i miss when this game was good
>50% difference in winrate if you go first or second in standard
[citation needed]
>he didn't watch PT
When are we getting a pregnant planeswalker that loses her baby every time she planeswalks, but she has to be pregnant to planeswalk so she has to get pregnant with a new baby in every new plane?
>He isn't native English
Are you stupid?
yes i don't watch nu-magic competitions
i believe the "going first is better in standard" but a 50% difference needs a citation so i can repost it and laugh at arenababs
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about 130 games with most being bo3
alright that is good stats thanks
how did WotC even manage to make a standard this bad?
And where's the source for this?
These rates don't add up to 100% though
Arena probably. Disregard it. The meta is just too different, and the f2p environment even more so.
>you have to ignore the data because it's from Arena!
>what do you mean why? You just do okay!?
Nigga I play Arena and I will concede instantly if I have to mulligan more than once.
Happened in PT
Happens to me when tracking stats
They aren't supposed to. The top deck there wins 71% of the time going first and wins 25% of the time going second
>buddy bought me a MH3 play booster for my birthday
>1 rare and it's Emperor of Bones
>2 foils, Retrofitted Transmogrant and Mountain
I didn't even pay for this shit and I feel ripped off.
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sorry your friend got scammed, it's a nice gesture of him at least
but honestly, stop buying sealed product
What about the other 4% though
I stole it
I'm sleepy tired naptime boy
What is the best deck for putting yourself to bed
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Her right knee and LCL are fucked beyond repair, rip to this woman
Jap mtg twitter is hilarious
Sephiroth is the most Abzan character there is.
We don't speak moonrunes
I fucking hate anime please God no more weeb sets no more weeb secret lairs no more weeb UB I can't take it anymore
Why are you on an anime website?
Why are you on an anime planet
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Why are you?
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>I think there are many reasons why MTG is not so popular, but one of the reasons seems to be that the story is difficult to read. It is difficult for people who are not used to it or who only read light novels like me. I understand what is written, but I can't read it easily. The wording is typical of English, and I can't understand the last two sentences of the image...
oh boy, they actually give a shit about the story. may their souls rest easy, those foolish japfriends
Me on the right
We need the animation for the "Destroy all humanity, it can't be regenerated" manga. Or something similar but with less romcom bullshit and more MTG gameplay like what YGO had
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We pretty clearly already have a Ring reference.
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Duskmourn's qualify will be determined by the size and exposure of the Elvira reference's boobs.
This, but Morticia and Wednesday.
If you wanna see them that back just google, she did a nude photoshoot at one point.
they better put Olivia Voldaren in there
way to miss the point
Stop sexualizing Wednesday. She's a creepy little girl and she shouldn't ever get older. But double-yes on Morticia.
>Stop sexualizing Wednesday. She's a creepy little girl and she shouldn't ever get older
but that's exactly what makes her sexy
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Turns out they DID print new companions...
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But I like creepy.
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>not legal in any format
>some promo printed for WotC workers(?)
and why should we care?
You have to go back.
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Is an horror movie set but sadly without the sex...
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Since somebody else posted the link I'll just go ahead with recapping.
The ratfolk in the cave where the gang all washed up do NOT care that they had no choice in the matter, though Mabel at least tries to advocate for negotiations, before an older rat hermit-like guy, Coffey, shows up and mentions that they were brought by the River, so they deserve hospitality. The gang all accept, though Helga's privately anxious and Ral's openly upset, and follow Coffey to the rat village, built in an old insect nest. The rats here are lorekeepers, they keep and preserve history. They make their way to Coffey's place, and meet Tucker, a molefolk of unclear relation to Coffey, before Coffey starts talking about troubles they've had recently from mercenaries, including a red-hooded weasel that Helga's seen in her visions, who turns out to be Cruelclaw. They all end up discussing about Cruelclaw and coming to the conclusion he's somehow responsible for the Calamity Beasts rampaging, likely with a stolen egg from one of the Beasts. The gang agree, after some bickering, to find Cruelclaw and whoever hired him and put a stop to him, and Mabel suggests that Helga uses her visions to try and find him. Ral sees Helga's drawing of the weird dragon-like bird and finds it familiar but can't place it, before Helga gets to work. It doesn't go anywhere for a bit before Zoraline helps her calm herself, and Helga ends up sketching a place all present (except Ral) recognise, the city of Fountainport, where King Glarb reigns.
Mabel and co all head out immediately, and Coffey advises that they sent some of their own to try and track Cruelclaw too, and to try and meet up with them if possible. Hugs and Gev know a shortcut to Fountainport, though it's more dangerous, because a beast LIKE a Calamity Beast, but not quite, is rampaging there, according to Tucker. Ral theorises it's from another plane and when pressed on that pretends he didn't say anything, and they decide to brave it anyway.
Finneas tries to ask Ral where he's from but he only says he's from very far away. Mabel and Ral end up talking about missing their husbands on this trip, and Gev just spontaneously shoves himself into the conversation to mention he misses his own old home.
Anyway, then a dragon shows up, though bird-like, and Ral warns everybody to stay the fuck away and be quiet. They try to sneak past, but Zoraline sneezes awake after some flowers irritate her, and the dragon narrows in on them.
Ral can't do much against the dragon itself, but storms ARE his area of expertise, so he concocts a plan. Finneas shoots a copper-wire-wrapped arrow at it and Ral unleashes his own storm at the dragon while everybody else runs the fuck away. The dragon, deciding this isn't worth its time I guess, just peaces out. The party all huddle under a boulder as the storm gets worse, with Ral eventually showing up looking totally fine, and Ral works to dismiss the storm.
Everybody's all pretty happy to be okay, and then they make for Fountainport.
>four wings
>fins and spike
Cool kolaghan dragons, why is it here?
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That's probably the overarching question of this Dragonstorm arc. There's only one more story for Bloomburrow which feels WAY too short, but hey. I assume we'll get some answers and some further questions (Cruelclaw may well be somebody from Tarkir for example).
sephirot is clearly esper
Half convinced Cruelclaw is someone we already know, I just can't think of anyone with a three line scar on their eye.
Sarkhan DOES sometimes have a weird fucked-up eye but he's not scarred, to my understanding. It can't be Ajani because Ajani's still sparked, and also... Wouldn't do that. Tibalt would be a real left-field one, and he'd have the scars from his 'supposed' death, but I think they're sticking with him being dead.
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>Sarkhan is the villain not because he's evil but because he's just like "FUCK YES DRAGONS EVERYWHERE"
It'd fit.
>no scarred eye
He could've gotten it more recently, but that's kind of a cop out.
>Dragonstorm arc
But we only see like one dragon in this arc? When did the Dragonstorm arc started because I ain't seeing any dragon doing shit for a while now
This is the first of the Dragonstorm Arc, it ends with Return to Tarkir. Duskmourn might have a sudden dragon in it too.
Unrelated but why are black/red the storm dragon colors? Storm should be red/blue
>This is the first of the Dragonstorm Arc
Huh, neat. Ah shit they are goin to ruin Tarkir again aren't they? Fuccck
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Why put this dragon related shit when Tharkir is around the corner?
>nightmare dragon
jesus, budah, allah, spongebob, anyone please if we get something like this make it good and playable not like fucking strixhaven dragons
>Instantly know a Kolaghan dragon even when its in another form
Remind me, why the fuck do we care so much about magic lore when it is nothing but shit?
It's probably precisely because Tarkir is around the corner that we're getting dragon related shit. They want to make it the setting for the climax.
We will return to Tarkir in next year's winter right?
Because Tarkir was a wedge plane that got turned into ally pairs.
Fuck, I hope they don't kill off Ojutai, I honstly don't give a fuck about the other elder though
Yes, but I though red/black is associate with hellfire, not storm and lighting, that shit belong to red/blue
literally to set up going to tarkir are you retarded or something?
>1 year of storyline that is just tarkir dragons fucking shit up
>gotta go find out why
>return to tarkir
>2 weeks
>still no online data
Please Daybreak...
Did Atarka swim? I feel like that'd be an easy Jaws reference.
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Probably being threatened by WotC's lawyers under the claim that publishing metagame figures would damage sales of MH3.
>We are returning the page to its previous functionality - the Top 32 decks of Scheduled Events and a selection of 5-0 LEague lists will be displayed going foward
damn, the age of darkness returns, but I guess this is better than having no decklists at all
fuck wotc
I could see Atarka just sort of no-selling Duskmourn's horror.
Just look at the damage Ravnica guild pairings have done to people's minds. Red has always had storms / lightning clouds / bolts since Alpha.
So they just want to prevent people to see how fucked up the meta is? Can they seriously be this fucking evil?
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No fucking way. What an abomination of a statement and asspull to go back to the drip-feed of decks instead of full data. WotC continuing to be stuck in the dark ages...
>Can they seriously be this fucking evil?
never heard of stockholders and capitalism before?
its giving me the hebrew jeebies just thinkin about it
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>Can they seriously be this fucking evil?
>if you ban three irrelevant weak cards the actually broken card is fine until some nerd finds another way to break it
>never heard of stockholders and capitalism before?
Stop spouting buzzwords you stupid fucking child. Do you think a million corners were cut in the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear plant because of "stockholders and capitalism" too?
maro chill out dont you have an announcement to be typing up for duskmourn's halloween horror nights crossover or whatever?
>companies being legally required to pursue government rationing credits above all else is capitalism
Without capital there is no capitalism
Central banks are the opposite of capitalism.
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No, they're just incompetent. Everyone knows how meta looks, from the 3rd party datga.
I'm convinced that Chord is the correct ban if not Shuko. It just gives the deck way too much flexibility, that guy who mainboarded one copy of Stormdrake fucking dunked on EVERYONE at that event because of Chord. Don't you remember the one hero SSS player beating Nadu with Harsh Mentor? He lost his top 8 win and in to Chording for Stormdrake to take the Harsh Mentor. IF HATE CARDS WERE SYMMETRICAL AS THEY SHOULD BE IT WOULDN'T BE AN ISSUE BUT THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN.
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What a bunch of clowns
Neither Shuko nor Chord are the correct ban
They're not banning Nadu.
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You know what is the correct ban? Pic related faggot, is the only right answer is 2+2 there is no other correct answer
>2+2 = Nadu, Winged Wisdom
Math sure has changed since I was a kid
Obviously, which is why it's pointless to say what the correct ban is when we know they won't do the correct ban
Yes 2+2=4
The correct ban in Modern right now is as obvious you can't come with "MMMM maybe one of the 2 is affected by some extern factor so if we change it we can get a 5 result or maybe the 2 is what people want to believe but for real is a 3" whatever stupid excuse of an answer you can come too is retarded and fake
Nadu Summer! Hope you're all enjoying your Naduuuuuuu summer! Can't wait to see what Nadu gets up to at the next big paper event! Nadu Nadu Nadu! Yay for Nadu busting up the stale old meta and bringing some excitement back to Modern!
birds are important.
>Nadu another bullet on the Modern Corpse
And this fags if why you don't play such shitshow of a format.
Remember that poster who said MH3 was a weak set and then MH3 hit the format about as hard as Eldrazi Winter?
>a fucking 3/4 for 3 with flying
I'm still fucking mad
Nadu won't be banned until a year from now.

And they will never learn their lesson and keep making 3 mana Simic cards that give too much value.
What's the matter, bro? You scared of overstatted value engines?
A bunch of retards were calling it a weak set. Apparently the last two cases "more like Commander Horizons lul, where are the Modern playable cards???" didn't teach people their lesson. Can't wait for Modern Horizons 4 to roll around and it all happens again.
>Can't wait for Modern Horizons 4 to roll around and it all happens again.
you mean final fantasy right
UB sets I think are more Commander-focused overall, admittedly. LOTR had two REALLY big outliers, and a few good additions here and there, while... ACR has literally nothing that's playable in any 60-card format it seems.
>ACR has literally nothing that's playable in any 60-card format it seems.
FFT will be a tentpole set though, big enough to be drafted just like LTR
>UB sets I think are more Commander-focused overall
So are Standard sets. So are Modern-specific sets.
I actually hate Magic, but I am also addicted to it and Magic lives in my head rent-free.
I meant by comparison to the norm.
>Modern Horizons 4
>Tons of UB
How the hell can Modern survive
what do you think its been happening since 2019
Wizards will never have the sack to officially support a format that is legacy/modern with no supplemental sets and it breaks my heart
Take the Pioneerpill. This is the last vestige of pure MtG left, not corrupted by supplemental products.
>ruins your format
just you wait until pioneer horizons comes out
>PH1 is a pretty weak set on the whole, I can't see it doing much to Pionee-ACK!!!
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not so fucking fast you birdfucker
I remember you, Arena player.

Red/Blue is artistry. See Strixhaven or Capenna. Storms or other things are secondary
no need, Foundations are our Horizons
Foundations is standard legal tho so not exactly a supplemental set
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It's actually about posting on 4chan
>NOOOOOO a TWO mana bird can fuck me
Can i suggest you to step up your game?
Never happening at least until 5 years, the only thing you can expect is foundations.
Summarize it for me, make it snappy.
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What if I spoiled you the overarching plot arc.
Ratfolk take them in
They figure out need to go to Fountainport to track Clawdude
On the way to Fountainport they encounter a dragon-bird, a dragon from Tarkir transformed
Ral drives it off with lightning
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I too can't wait to play magic to wind down in between bashing people's skulls in with nail bats and bartering water for fuel with gas town.
Whoa, what an impressive story. Thanks anyways, anon.
rats good, weasel bad
macguffin egg needs to be rescued
they head to frog city
kolaghan bird attacks
Helga continues to be the best character.
I mean "Jace and Vraska try to do Tarkir time travelling to fix the multiverse and cause even more problems" makes some sense.
Unplayable in constructed
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This is sad and pathetic.
I've won from a mull to 3 with Convoke before
Opponent didn't even have a bad hand, I just drew perfectly every turn
Is confirmed the bird is Kolaghan?
Unlikely things happen, doesn't mean you should expect it or bring it up in conversation like it matters.
I regularly win on a mull to 5
Conceding because you have to mulligan probably means your deck is shit or you're shit
Nah, but it's pretty clear that it's at least one of her brood.
We know there's a Legendary Bird Dragon in the set, and that COULD be Kolaghan (they didn't have Elder in the typeline for Zurgo and Ojutai, so there's precedent for not having it if it can't fit), but it could just be a random member of her brood that just flew dumbly through an Omenpath, because... That's sort of Kolaghan's MO is just fly and the horde just follows.
>Legendary Bird Dragon



Bird power bro.
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>an older rat hermit-like guy
You don't say?
How will they design a busted RB bird that gives plausible deniability?
I kinda like this plane's story so far. There's a good mix of characters being in the know and characters being fish out of water. It does have the typical MtG story "we have to see a new location every chapter, sometimes 2-3 in the same chapter", but so far everything is working. Mabel is a proper warrior (except in creature type for some ungodly reason), Helga and Gev are ADHD/autistic like most MtG players, Finneas is a jolly companion, and I can't wait for Hugs to go straight Bloodwrath. Zoraline is kind of vaguely powered and not pulling much weight, but I'm sure we'll see more. Ral being constantly exasperated to be an otter is funny to me, and I look forward to him having to eat minnows or something.

Wasn't there another rodent in the Bloodburrow trailer? Reckon it might be one of the rat scouts?
1BR bird with Thoughtseize ETB, except has Dash - Discard a card.
It's more that I'm dreading how rushed the final chapter will be, why the fuck is this only 5 stories.
Post art that makes you want to say the K word
Well now I'm positively quelled
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What's the k word?
how did thalia manage to tame a giant murderous swamp frog
The frog basically just... Didn't eat her because it found Phyrexians tastier, and she just took the opportunity to hop on.
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It's the other way around, she got FROGGED and it tamed her
I find it funny how most of the names so far are just either normal or fantastical names (Mabel, Helga, Finneas, Gev, Coffey, Tucker) and then you also just have Glarb and Hugs and Cruelclaw.
Cruelclaw gives Redwall vibes, so it felt like it fit.
what a fucking joke
Yeah, Redwall villains are of that vibe. It could be a red herring and he's actually from off-plane, like Tarkir (Tarkir goblins tend to have names in that vein), but who knows.
That could actually be exactly it, I don't think we've seen any other weasels in the story and if a kolaghan dragon flew in maybe some of the horde followed. Maybe the "egg" is something from Tarkir too.
A couple nameless weasels were mentioned in Mabel's hometown, so they exist as part of normal society. The egg is probably actually a Calamity Beast's egg though, otherwise there's sort of no point to anything from the plane.
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Hugs is a special boy.
He honestly seems fairly smart. Just... Quiet. He's had maybe like three lines so far? Zoraline speaks about as much but she's asleep most of the time.
Tarkir dragons very much don't lay eggs. That's kind of the whole problem they present.
I lay eggs.
>Jace is a fox
>Vraska is a lizard
>Loot is mysterious

Are we betting Loot remains Loot, Loot becomes some obscure animal, or that they'll never be on screen even in a side story and we will never know?
I think Loot's sort of already 'animal enough' for Bloomburrow to go "yeah you're fine". Whereas somebody like Ajani it'd try to make him fit in a bit. Might even make him not a cat, because cats are all Calamity Beast-sized, at minimum.
The third, of course.
>Vraska is a lizard
what when
Ral ended up stumbling into Helga, who has visions that she draws in her journal, and encountered a drawing of a fox in a familiar blue cloak, and Helga mentioned that fox, in her visions, was accompanied by a green-and-black lizard with yellow eyes and a strange creature she couldn't quite discern.
>All this gay shit and asspulling
>Seer has visions of important things
>This is asspulling now
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>ACR has literally nothing that's playable in any 60-card format it seems.
basim is actually doing well (as I predicted), wish decklists were up so we could see if any other card is doing as well as he is
Huh, really? Feels very 'basic', but I guess just a simple beater they have to answer can do a lot.
Oh, the cycling probably factors in. I admittedly had to read Basim a couple times before I noticed "draw a card" snuck in there.
I know it exists, I just can't find it: Whats the CR rule that says if a card changes types, any text on it that refers to its original type still works?
>magic: the gathering is now fatal push, the ring from lord of the rings, and random muslims

wa wa wee wa
Free him.
>Opponent Force of Vigors Spike's Mana
>Has Halfling to force through Nadu
>Spike has the Subtlety for Nadu
>Opponent just plays Vexing Bauble and combos anyway

Truly a showcase of Modern Horizons 1-3
oh God the small creature is Loot...
the card draw is the most important part, that's why I was so high on him, if you can cast at least one historic spell every turn, he's insanely efficient at just 2 mana

don't forget that final fantasy and marvel are coming out next year, I'm pretty sure we won't be far from having a competitive modern deck that's only UB cards and fetches
>700.7. If an ability uses a phrase such as “this [something]” to identify an object, where [something] is a characteristic, it is referring to that particular object, even if it isn’t the appropriate characteristic at the time.
Imagine that's a rule that'll see more mileage when Foundations changes [CARDNAME] to "this [card-type]".
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This set will be incredible.

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