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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What is the weirdest/dumbest army list idea you've ever had?
Vet and despoiler only drop pod assault

## Allegiance
Allegiance: Loyalist
VI: Space Wolves

## HQ [530Pts]
2x Centurion, Cataphractii [175Pts]: Cyber-Familiar, Cortex Controller, Forge Lord (Machinator Array), Flamer, Meltagun
• 1x Forge Lord [20Pts]: Legiones Astartes (X), Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Combi-Bolter, Grenade Harness
Praetor, Cataphractii [180Pts]: Warlord, Crown Breaker
• 1x Jarl [150Pts]: Grenade Harness, Master of the Legion, Jarl, Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Power Weapon (Power Sword), Combi-Bolter
Fenrisian Wolf Pack (5x Claws
• 5x Fenrisian Wolf [5Pts]

## Elites [495Pts]
Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talon [495Pts]:
• 3x Castra Ferrum Dreadnought [495Pts]: Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon, Gravis Chainfist with in-built ranged weapon, Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Havoc Launcher

## Troops [260Pts]
2x Tactical Squad [130Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
• 1x Legion Tactical Sergeant [2Pts]: Chain Bayonet, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Power Armour
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [22Pts]: Chain Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Augury Scanner
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [12Pts]: Chain Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
• 7x Legionary [12Pts]: Chain Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter

## Heavy Support [1710Pts]
2x Leviathan Dreadnought Talon [855Pts]:
• 2x Leviathan [540Pts]: Atomantic Deflector, 2x Leviathan Siege Claw, 2x Heavy Flamers (2x Heavy Flamer)
• 1x Leviathan [315Pts]: Atomantic Deflector, 2x Grav-Flux Bombard, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Calivers (2x Volkite Caliver), Phosphex Discharger
I tried to think of a list that was truly... dreadful.
I have a Hedonites army for AoS and a Tau army for 40k, feeling like I need a HH army. What Legion is right for me?
I'd say Emperor's Children because you sound like a faggot, but I'll say Iron Hands because you deserve to suffer.
>What is the weirdest/dumbest army list idea you've ever had?
I am Stormwing anon
No, I have not built them but I'm so tempted even now
There's a player at my LGS who plays female Ultramarines and posts matches with them to Instagram.
Give me some subtle ideas on how to mess with this person in a way that it'll get posted and only /hhg/ would recognize it.
Shoot him.
Build a better-painted Ultramarines army with clever conversions and excellent basing,
Then get more Instagram followers than them with your nicer Ultramarines army.
Play against them with melee World Eaters with as many power mauls as possible hehe. Make sure you win
Primary: EC
IIIrd Company Elite
1x Legion Praetor, sonic shrieker, master-crafted nemesis bolter, WT: Stoic Defender
1x Legion Armistos, lascannon, sonic shriekers
1x Legion Apothecary, sonic lance
1x 2 Legion Techmarine, cognis-signum, sonic shriekers
1x 5 Kakophoni sgt w/sub-sonic pulsers
w/ techmarine
1x 5 Kakophoni sgt w/sub-sonic pulsers
w/ techmarine
20x Sunkillers sgt w/sub-sonic pulser, 1x 2-section defence line
1x Aquila Strongpoint

2x Legion Typhon, searchlights, sponson culverin, pintle multi-melta, blessed auto-simulacra

Allied: IH
1x Cataphractii Iron Father, thunder hammer, grenade harness, combi-disintegrator
w/ Morlock Retinue, 5x Morlock, 1x volkite culverin, 3x graviton shredder, 1x legion standard, 5x chainfist, 1x nuncio vox

2x Legion Despoiler Squad, drop pod, 1x artificer armour, legion vexilla, 2x power weapon, 2x volkite serpenta

2x Legion Assault Squad, 20 assault marines etc

etc etc

can't decide whether to put squad smashfucker in a Storm Eagle to come down with the dope pods or use that slot for jetbikes

maybe Drop Pod Assault on the AD? that way I get pods AND a Storm Eagle, but then where do the assault marines go? into Reserves like assholes? weak, also kind of want armatus necrotechnika on something, maybe on a front-line Typhon

anyway the plan is at 4k points you see this small fort village set up on the other side and you think hey, that's only three units, hard targets but easy kills inside

and then Iron Happenings

so you're caught between pinning/titan-killing shooting squads with solid cover and angry roboys with a techmarine and an apothecary in every pod, tanking overwatch on 4++ cyber-familiar boarding shields with 5+++ for the wounds that get through, real glass hammer + glass cannon shit

but honestly who plays 4k meme lists
unironically this

destroy him online, where it matters because it's forever
Wait outside the LGS and beat them to death when they come out.
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>Figured I'd give my veterans power swords because I might as well go for some rending wounds before they're all beaten down by power fists or thunder hammers
>Probably gonna go for a mix of power weapons because those are the bits I have and it matches a squad of individuals more
Should I just give them all double lightning claws and a heavy chainsword because I'm allowed to do that too.
Link his insta here, or show pics
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Blackshield destroyer-based force with weapons of desperation so they're all dual wielding stubcarbines
How dull
Yeah? How about you say that to my face, bitch? Don't make me unleash the beast...
How droll
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>3rd company elite EC allied with Morlocks
Mental illness is punishment enough.
Is this player in the room with us right now?
oh faaaaaa

I was so busy trying not to say generic hammersquad I forgot to check Allegiance

ah well, no harm done, at least I didn't order thirty grand of plastic crack for meme reasons ho ho ho ho ho
got done with my final shift at firework warehouse (july 4th shit was insane)
cant wait to spend my paycheck with bonus pay on some chang recasts to fill out my BA army. too drunk to go work on spartan. life is good
A 5000 point army of blackshields Melee Veterans and Terminators riding in land raiders, Spartans, and a mastodon as a center piece. Everything would be themed in a mix of pirates and mad max, with the warband leader and his retinue riding in a howdah on top the Mastodon.
I'm considering throwing this squad of Iron Warriors into the stripping bath and just not bothering with Hazard Stripes at all.
Fuck me running even with 2mm tape I can't pull off straight lines on the shoulders, and ho boy have my attempts at legs been awful.
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Been putting 20 man tac squads with chain bayonets inside of a spartan for a fun melee and shooting threat inside of my traitor Ultramarine + Militia list. Just realized I can expand my 10 man Nemesis destroyer unit to a 20 man and have them do it instead. 32 harrower bolter shots, 4 rad missiles, and then STILL charging with pistol + chainsword for more attacks (and with the bonus of rad-grenades.
Someone stop me. Someone tell me painting up 10 more boys is a pipedream and a bad idea I'll only use once or twice.
Well, how about you post them so we can have a gander? Also, what seems to be the issue?
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So is the new Indomitus Terminator armour kit kosher to use in Horus Heresy?
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Here's a helpful chart
Would the Horus Heresy have gone better or worse if the primarchs had an Imouto in addition to all the other primarchs?
"As the cost of the galactic civil war mounted, it became necessary to develop expedient solutions to plug gaps that had formed in Legionary arsenals due to losses, or simply to increase the number of serviceable troops in any region, in order to overwhelm the highly capable enemy forces that operated within them. To do so often meant compromise, since the resources in both time and materiel to produce the equipment previously relied upon by the Legiones Astartes was simply not available. Indomitus pattern Terminator armour was the result of such a compromise, offering neither the outright protection of the Cataphractii suits nor the technological advances of the Tartaros pattern armour, but instead promising plentiful supply and less reliance on costly and increasingly sparse resources."
What's the point in having little pits of magnets in the termite drill weapons if they're not deep enough to fit any magnets, and drilling them deeper will push through the plastic?
All it does it make a tempting false option.
Use the old metal or plastic terminators, just don't pretend that the trannyscale models fit in with heresy.
Shave off the Crux Terminatus and some odd Primaris elements introduced, notably on the legs. Maybe cut away some height if you're concerned about that.
do u know why they started calling them power fists and stopped calling them power gloves anon
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As in each primarch get's their own little sister, or as in just an extra primarch in general who so happens to be a girl? It'd certainly be a different outcome in many ways if the first option; assuming they have similar enough capabilities to their big brother counterparts, there's a lot of room for different outcomes, to the point I'd argue that the traitors would have more of an assured victory
>2v1 on the Emperor with Horus and Imouto Horus working together
>Istvaan V could have been ended far more quickly and efficiently, giving the traitors more time to prepare
>White Scars might have been able to be delayed more to the point they can't make it to the siege in time
>Certain fights and duels might have ended differently; Fulgrim and Imouto Fulgrim are likely those weird type of siblings that never like to be seperated, and so maybe he wouldn't have been defeated at the Siege by Dorn
If you mean the second option however, I'd say it would have gone the same
I'm sorry anon, what's that in english? I'm not familiar with asiatic pedophile jargon.
Reminder too coom before posting. And to take your weaboo trash elsewhere.
>anon didn't even make the question remotely sexual
>anons proceed to make it a sex thing
The dichotomy of female primarch haters being more weird and pathetic than the people that bring them up is always so fascinating. also
>>pretending to hate japanese shit on the site that's weeb central
most the primarchs basically did have female underlings/family they held affections for from Cyrene to Lotara and Roboute and Perturabos adoptive families. The only 'male-driven' part of the heresy were the rivalries between brothers but it probably would have happened anyway.
Yes but now imagine they have to share a little sister primarch
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Reminder that Garro wounded a Daemon Primarch and sent him packing, sacrificing his life to save the Imperium in his own small way.
We should all aspire to be like him.
>volkite culverin
>45" S6 AP5 Heavy 5
>volkite veuglaire
>30" S6 AP4 Heavy 5
Bizarre. You're trading 15" of range for a point of AP in the space marine game. Why would you ever want to use one of these on your Moirax? The generic infantry weapon shouldn't be superior to the special snowflake one of a kind super vehicle weapon.
Is it technically posssible to put a rapier crew inside of a transport because of the infantry sub type? I browsed the artillery subtype and legion artillerist rules but couldn't find anything specifically saying it wasn't possible as such
>comparing marine things to non-marine
Found your problem. The mech book was cooked up in about 2 afternoons after they were half a year late. Now compare their melee weapons to marine dreads'.
Posting femarch shit or anything ”what if we made this character/legion/group but with FEmAle(!)(?)” should be a bannable offense.

It’s always just blatant /lgbt/ troll bait, coomer brainrotted fetish pushing or both.
Usually meant to ”provoke le /pol/chuds” by activist secondaries.

Also post models, if you don’t everyone should consider your opinion less than trash.
Ask him/it/thing if him/it/thing supports Palestine and get him/it/thing thrown out of the store for antisemitism.
If they refuse to throw him/it/thing out then report the store to the ADL.
Now compare the conversion beam cannon found in the mechanicum book, and the conversion beam cannon profile in the marine book.
Mortarion is just a jobber.
For the sake of fluff and display boards/dioramas, which xenos were and weren't around during the Heresy? Additionally, did they have access to the technologies that their 40K counterparts do?
They're identical. S7/9/12, AP-/4/1, Heavy 1, Blast 3", Blind.
>major species present
orks in huge numbers, eldar in very small numbers with the split between craftworld and comorragh not being as strictly defined as it is in 40k
>minor species present
rangda, jorgall, laer, kinebranch, slaugth, khrave, megarachnids, hrud, and dozens of others from the black books with single appearances that exist only to get murdered
>species NOT present
tau and client species, tyranids and genestealers, necrons
There seems to be a mistake, the third and fourth from the right are supposed to be on the far left of this insane.
>manlet retard didnt use tortuga bay marines
meant for
Pretty sure it's possible yeah, though why you'd want to do something like that is questionable. Suppose technically it means they can be put inside buildings to serve as a stationary turret of sorts...?
>like the idea of templar assault
>ten templars with shields in a stock land raider is 515 points
>no vexilla, no hammer on the sergeant, no pintle weapon, no hull lascannon, no melta bombs, no apothecary, no plasma pistols
This is crazy expensive.
Thinking about demon proxies.
What models would fit well with the other aetheric dominions beyond those that are clearly meant to represent the standard chaos gods like khorne, slaanesh, nurgle and tzeentch?
Such as Malevolent artifice, infernal tempest, ravenous dissolution and formless distortion?
Specifically demon brutes i guess, so models that fit on 50mm bases or that size range i guess.
>IF player
>Complaining about his army being too expensive in points when bringing an elite melee unit in a land raider
This has to be bait.
Scratchbuild your own, and make them esoteric in form.
Played against a guy that used Age of Slopmar models and they looked really good. Dryads as lessers, treekin as brutes, treemen as sovereigns/behemoths, and a giant beetle as an arch daemon.
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Don't those look quite awful though? Like the sculpt concepts are fine, but they all look so puffy and bloated.
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I like the sound of that, personally I was just going to use the Slaughterbrute and the new Darkoath critter. Any photos of your game?
The powered armored marines and the saturnine Terminators lol like spite, but I like their tartaros and Cataphractii. Baseline Tartaros was unacceptably tiny even in the old scale, let alone the 2.0 scale, so I'm glad I've finally got a version of them I can jive with just in time for them to be ass.
their terminators mog gw and fw
Only if you like your models in low resolution primaris scale.
They are stupidly oversized and the detailing is horrible.
Say what you want about GW, but their terminators are far better than that trash.
t. manlet retard trying to cope with his cata being shorter than nu beakies
This but also for the usual 4.
I've been wondering, is there anything that describes the start of a Legion? Not when they find their primarch, but way back at the beginning from the unification era. I have one mkiv boxnaught in my force and my lore for him was that he was one of the first Legion praetors on Terra, but I'm just realizing that it doesn't really make sense for the first command staff of a Legion to actually be from that Legion, they're more likely sent from an older Legion like the Dark Angels.
all the legions were created at the same time.
>Why would you ever want to use one of these on your Moirax

because it wipes void armour and scout armour and anything worse than those and anything that dies to it causes another hit on the same unit, instead of just wiping 2/3 of 4+ saves the same way, with 5 shots at BS4 you average 5 kills and can make 10 kills on SA, from outside the effective damage range of their lasrifles and chargers

or you can just walk over to those scouts harassing your flank and murder them with Greuso when they try to shoot your robots in the back or charge in with melta bombs

it is unless the vehicle has the Infantry Transport rule which prevents Bulky(X) models from embarking, and of course if the artillery are all destroyed then the remaining crew are removed as well
Saturnine looks so tiny next to Indomitus
Ignore scale autists or weirdos who think a square belt buckle means primaris but you should at least remove the crux terminatus. Luckily for me, I’m working on blackshields and shredded the crux terminatus pauldrons to look like theyve been wrecked in combat, skipped pauldrons entirely because the arms have extra detail for hydraulics under the pauldron, or used 3D printed cataphractii bits nig rigged onto the suit. Mk3 helmets also look good as a nig rigged helmet option if you have old style helmets to spare
>with 5 shots at BS4 you average 5 kills
Right, but I can get 15 shots at BS5 for 145 points in the same slot if I take myrmidons. Why would I want 10 BS4 shots for 200 points instead? The veuglaire is a unique gun on an expensive platform and it's objectively shittier than the culverins in the same slot in every regard other than AP (that doesn't matter in the game where 9/10 battles have every single enemy unit at a 3+ minimum).
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>t. Tortrannybay slop enthusiast
Death to all trooscalers
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Can I get some criticism and tips on how to further weather and grime the black parts of the armor on my deliverers? I feel like I’m happy with everything but that. I used Tamiya panel liner to add a subtle brown that I like, but they still look a bit too uniform. Any tips on weathering darker armors specifically?
Morty looks like a fucking soijak


>Malevolent artifice
Random mech + flesh parts
Color the metals like flesh and the flesh like metals

>infernal tempest
Anything elemental-looking

>ravenous dissolution
White and black

>formless distortion
Chaos Spawn
Post the models/link the insta or stop schizo posting.
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Why does everyone complain about Brutal, but no one complains about Destructor?
Destructor is after the saving throw as clarified in the last FAQ so it's technically worse than Brutal against models that are affected by instant death.

Also, weapons with Destructor are a lot less common than weapons with Brutal. There's no units that are easily accessible by all legions where every model is equipped with a weapon that has the Destructor rule.
trips of truth ty anon
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t. manlet who's terminators are literally shorter than power armor marines
Alpha Legion had the biggest marines, so their smallest Primarchs could hide among them (before it was retconned into being literally magic lmao).
So, who's got the smallest marines?
Some good techniques in this video (you don't need to actually use enamels, this can all be done with acrylics or oils):


I think your model looks great, but if you wanted to take the weathering further you should try varying the age of your chips.

Fresh chips: Black > Silver
Old chips: Black > Brown (then > orange if you want)
Old chips that have recently been weathered further: Black > Brown > Silver

You can also add a lighter version of the armor color to represent scuffed paint (in your case you'd want some kind of charcoal / off black color). So Black > Charcoal > etc.
Night Lords
World Eaters. Manlet rage and all that.
>So, who's got the smallest marines?
pissbabies because they are extremely dysgenic. d*rn's wall rats dont even have glands and shit.
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Please tell me that's not an actual video someone made.
Iron Warriors are mentioned in one of the 40k novels to tend toward shorter/stockier size as a geneseed effect. Don't know if that's geneseed degradation or how they always were.
When I try putting the tape on, the first two lines of it are straight but they always start to curve at the top, so my lines don't look straight and have varying widths.
I think I should have done these with the shoulders not on the body to give me more working space, but with every body completely assembled now, I can't really do that.
I flipped through my copy of the Liber Hereticus and saw on the IW page that there are some instances of doing one thick yellow stripe between two fields of black, and I think I'll do that for the remaining marines and just let this one squad serve as a testament to me trying something and it not working out.
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Every day we stray further from the God-Emperor's light.
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average smurf fanboy
Loyalist RG/Sal + IW/Mechanicum vs. Traitor DG/NL + WS/Auxilia
How do I make this an evenish fight? And how many points until it becomes a diorama instead of a tabletop game?
average nu mk3 enthusiast
Do you put the pistol holsters on every Tactical, anon?
I would have, if I didn't buy mine pre-built. Should print some holsters and throw them on there
I wouldn’t weather it any further, looks perfect as they are.
God i fucking hate wokes.
Anon I follow her she knows she's trolling by the way she posts. Just move along and get back to keeping out the people who actually want to change the lore
She plays at my store, anon.
She's not trolling.
Is it a natal woman or a tranny? A real woman putting effort into converting all her marines into females is based ngl
>well painted as far as I can see
>took the time to convert minis to his own liking
>doesn't give a shit about what someone else is going to think
>actually plays

This person is based and better than 99% of people who come on /tg/
Actual woman.
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Other than Templar Assault, are there any other good fluffy army styles for low model count, elite melee armies?
any legion and fury of the ancients :^)
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>high-grade copium from a legion that was still a couple kids playing with firetrucks while their big-brother legion was conquering Oort Cloud
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The Unbroken Vow
>Disregard objectives
>Annihilation is the objective
Found the tranny
Yes. And grenades. If they aren't wearing a helmet, that's magclamped too. Ideally they all get a knife as well if they don't have a chainsword, but sometimes that's difficult to fit. Emperor forgive me, but the Assault Intercessor's pouches-and-knife bits have been a godsend.
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I've bought my first airbrush to get through these knights. I edge highlighted the Castigator before deciding it looked awful and painting over them, so now I'm going to practice on some spare armour panels, then do the armigers, add some better highlights to the castigator and do the Lancer.
Tonight I'm trying it for the first time with some spare armour panels I hand painted up to match what I've done so far
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No class tonight so some rare painting started. Lots of mook tanks on the assembly line
You sprayed it red and spilled leadbelcher all over it?
More or less. Prime red, slap some metallics around with a brush, do a wash, go back in and clean up the red. Not perfect but that's the way I've done it for 10 years
Suzerain/Praetorian/Assault Squad/Despoiler Logos Lectora

save the Retribution Strike for the turn when most of them Charge, then switch to Hold Fast/Regroup next turn depending on how that goes, alternate with Retribution Strike

your Elites will be hitting at WS6 with at-Initiative AP2 and 4++ saves (for Suzerains)

it's not super low count because you're forced to take additional Troops, but for an Allied Detachment that could be a LR squadron in Heavy Support for the Despoilers, a Storm Eagle in Fast Attack (in normal Reserves) for the Assault Squad and a couple of Suzerain squads in Land Raiders with a Praetor or Delegatus + Command in another

Praetor hitting at WS7 and Command Squad at WS6 every other turn makes a mockery of a lot of other Legion melee units, and it's fluffy because you're using the Rite ;^)

also you have like five land raiders just in your Allied Detachment all using Strength of Wisdom to improve their shooting, so it's fluffy because who else but a cunt would do that
>Struggling with hazard stripes
>Try tape
>Too stupid to realize I need tape meant to curve on surfaces like pauldrons, ended up with straight tape
>Dad happens to be arrive early for a cookout I'm hosting
>"boy just outline with a pencil, why bother with this japanese bullshit"
>Grab a pencil from the shed
>Perfect lines
Thanks dad.
When I looked at that thumb nail I thought he had penises for arms and I came to realize how rotted out my brain has become. I'm going to take a little break from mongolian basket weaving forums for a little while.
That is all.
Is it printed? There is something off about it but I can't tell what.
Yeah printed. It's not without it's problems but better than the alternatives for my purposes
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Going to add some heavy weapons muhreens to my Iron Hands force and I'm split between missiles or Plasma cannons. I understand missiles are a good generalist option but I love the look of the plasma cannons. Are plasma cannons really that bad of a heavy weapon?
A plasma cannon squad with a techmarine attached is actually pretty deadly, just expensive. The problem is a single shooting phase takes half an hour
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What is on the right here?
The left is clearly a grenade.
So regular squads with just one or two heavy/special weapons are more of a 40K thing?
NBC-mask, or a rebreather. Whichever, really.
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Gas mask
Oh, okay, thanks.
Just trying to kit each of my guys out with grenades and pouches, didn't want to put something on them that I didn't pay points for.
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Plasma cannons fuck hard desu, don’t fall for the “plasma sucks” meme. People pretend like plasma is useless because it’s not AP2 but it’s always wounding on 2’s and becomes AP2 50% of the time anyway because of breaching. The only downsides of plasma cannons are
>rerolls for non breaching armour saves on heavy units
>takes a little bit to solve the shooting attack for them
>can’t snapshot
Realistically, the downsides aren’t that bad. They’re pricey maybe, but you get your worth out of them. Missile launchers are cool as fuck too so regardless you’re making a correct choice. If you wanna splash points on other cool units or wargear settle for missile launchers, otherwise go for the iconic shoulder mounted marine mulcher and start slinging some plasma anon

Honestly all heavy weapons are useful and good; a ten man multi melta squad might be snapshotting if they hop out of a rhino but theyre twin linked and likely in meltabane range, so the 2 or 3 lucky shots that get through will wreck whatever they hit. Heavy bolters mulch auxilia and automata, whilst volkite is great for flexing anti infantry in general. Everyone always sees lascannons as being the gold standard when really you can get a lot done with the other options
Plasma is fine, it's just nowhere near as good as it used to be and is probably overpriced. It works as a general purpose anti-infantry weapon but volkite culverins are better against 3+ and above for half the price, whereas lascannons are better against 2+ for the same price, without having to resolve ten blasts in a single unit's shooting. Missile launchers are better as a general purpose weapon because S8 can both grind down AV14 and ID terminators/veterans.
Veterans, Destroyers, Breachers are the generic exceptions I can think of offhand. Otherwise yeah, mostly. Though that's dying out with the increased push for Primaris.
>it's just nowhere near as good as it used to be and is probably overpriced
Sounds like "plasma is useless because it's not AP2
Plasma Cannon, like all 3" blasts, took a hefty stealth nerf when they increased base sizes as well as the additional plasma nerf this edition. They'll still perform for you, but they're not the most points efficient choice.

Really the only heavy weapons you can go wrong with are heavy bolters, and then only if everyone plays marines.
Hair dye, cartoon shirt, or piercings?
I trust you refuse to play against her and explain why, or are you just a fucking pussycuck who meekly rolls over IRL and comes here to subject us to your whining?

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