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>I've lost my phylactery
This is the one time on 4chan where I feel comfortable saying Kill Yourself
Did you check behind your coffin?
....huh. Yeah, that'll do it.
Commit sudoku, OP.
I've always wondered about that. I was under the assumption you had to be near your phylactery at all times.
If you don't have to be then why not just use your great lich powers to create a demiplane to hid it in?
How does that solve the problem?
He would respawn at the phylactery.
Any chance you've just habitually put it on your forehead without realizing? I do that with my glasses sometimes.
It's specifically Jewish liches that wear phylacteries on their foreheads.
>accidentally bump into shelf
>glass breaks on floor
>soul instantly destroyed
NGL, I've put my glasses on to help me find my glasses.
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Haha, what are you, some kind of crazy person? I've never done anything of the sort, haha.
So Liches don't operate like they do in oblivion, where you can pickpocket their phylactery off them and they just drop dead instantly
I think the reason he's worried about having lost his phylactery is that he doesn't know whether it's intact.... For example, how do you know that YOU don't have a phylactery you've just forgotten about?
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>Not making your phylactery an object of such might and magnitude that it can never be misplaced or destroyed
Litches really are the most pathetic and degenerate form of undeath.
Did you check the demiplane?
In oblivion it only killed him because he was still doing the ritual to turn into a lich
That only worked because he was in the process of becoming a lich, I don't think Elder Scrolls liches need their phylacteries after they succeed in becoming liches although I also don't think they respawn
Ah that makes more sense, haven't replayed that game since I was a child
More like a phy-LACK-tery, ammirite folks?
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Imagine spending decades to become a lichcel
I've lost my red stapler.
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Bro you suck off hobos to live an extra 8 hours every day.
Do eat for pleasure. YOU eat to survive. Pitiful mortal, you fail to grasp even the most superficial and trite aspects of your reality. You writhe beneath your rock and think your slime is the world. Cringe with instinctual fear, vermin, for a god pauses to consider your brief struggle. Pray for apathy - for mercy would be to end your suffering.
>You writhe beneath your rock
now that's rich coming from someone who can't step into the sunlight without combusting
>Campaing Is about a bunch of heroes/villains of old that were resurrected by the lich
>The ritual went wrong and they are all level 1, maybe even in the wrong body
>Lich doesn't have enough resources to redo the ritual so that gotta do the work
>party must go on a quest to recover the lich's lost phylactery

Great post OP, now a have the main idea for my next campaign
So that's why I empathized with liches.
That’s what you get for not using an I-phylactery. Those things come with a built in find-my-phylactery app.
I guess this is the thread for is, but what are some flavorful phylacteries for other types of liches.
For example:
>A painting for an Illusionist lich.
They trick the world into thinking the painting is them, causing all harm to hit the painting instead of the lich.
>An elixir of immortality for a Transmutation lich
He uses a philosopher’s stone or something similar that he has to use regularly to keep his life from disappearing.
>A fated dagger for a Divination lich
He tied his destiny so that he could only be killed by that dagger.
>A mirror portal for a Conjuration lich
He actually hid himself in the mirror’s pocket dimension and summoned himself to the real world. Much like demons, he doesn’t actually die when his summon is killed, he just returns to his dimension. You have to kill him there to kill him for good.
>A stone doll for an Abjuration lich
This doll is keeping their spell of protection against death active. Destroy it to destroy the spell.
>A shining gem for a Evocation lich
The gem is actually a trap for the lich’s soul, and they pilots they body around telekinetically instead.
>A family’s sacred heirloom for an Enchantment lich.
The lich cursed himself with immortality, only by destroying the amulet can you destroy the curse.
>the moon is a phylactery
ok, but only if the world is a vampire
I don't believe it. You sound like someone very comfortable at telling people to kill themselves.
How can a lich not be a necromancer?
Do liches have a brain?
Are you that faggot wizard hat youtuber
That's stupid. That would defeat the whole point. If you need to keep it near you any hero can just waltz up and stab it.
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If he skips foreplay!
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People can know more than one thing. Most people, at least.
Power should come with a price. And if it’s a price you aren’t particularly concerned about paying then it’s not much of a price and so you shouldn’t get much power.
There are no Transmuter or Illusionist liches. Necromancy is a banned school for both of those schools so it’s not possible for a mortal wizard who specialized in either to become a lich.

Or at least that’s now I run it. Or more specifically since I acknowledge that edition changes are things that actually happen in-universe, there *were* no illusionist or transmuter liches. Not until 3e rolled around and freed things up, anyway. Older liches tend to grumble a lot about it. Some take advantage of the fact that they can now learn new magic to pick up spells from schools that were formerly banned to them (Necromancer liches picking up illusion and enchantment spells, Conjurers picking up evocation and divination, etc.), but many still refuse to pick up those spells as a matter of pride.those same liches look down on illusionist and transmuter liches as being upstart kids. You hear a lot of “back in my day” when the subject comes up.

For the record AD&D Illusionists got immortality via carefully crafted simulacrums and illusions so real as to actually be freak; Transmuters just use Polymorph Self to become younger and rituals to make the spell permanent, or else polymorph into beings that are naturally immortal anyway like genies or angels (and again rituals to make it permanent).

Liches look down on them. Transmuters point out that they get immortality AND a functional dick, and while they don’t grow innately more powerful they don’t lose any power either. At that point liches normally start mumbling about distractions and such while the Transmuter goes off to read a book and bang a chick simultaneously.
most people don't even know one thing.

Wasn't there some lich in the 3.5 splats who turned a skeleton into his phylactery, cast a bunch of spells on the individual bones, then spread them around the planes?

I'd almost say these sorts of threads are retarded if not for the fact there was shit like this stated out with epic level spells to let you do something like this.
It has a price, just not a retardedly self-defeating one.
This must be bait.
It does, older editions either had liches unable to level and requiring blood for a spell to refresh their phylactery to requiring sacrificing a heart from a living creature in an elaborate ritual that took hours and left them vulnerable. 3e is the edition that largely took out these older weaknesses, with 5e exchanging life (blood and the heart of living beings) force for a requirement of sustaining themselves on souls.
>with 5e exchanging life (blood and the heart of living beings) force for a requirement of sustaining themselves on souls
Is there anything 5e didn't ruin?
Wouldn't that destroy it?
>just not a retardedly self-defeating one
You know, literally everyone on the planet has something they keep near to them and will die if they get stabbed in it. Several somethings, in fact. Stuff like heart or brain or arteries. And that shot is *near*, as in, inside them. Hell you don’t even have to stab them, just bludgeon them hard enough and they can rupture and kill the person who owns them. And sometimes you don’t even need to do a thing, they’ll just fail on their own.

Liches in this paradigm would be trading all those away in exchange for just *one* thing that kills them if broken, and it never fails on its own.

I think you’re the retarded one for not realizing that this is still a straight upgrade in durability and lifespan.

Sounds like it’s just a reversion to form to me.
Being depressed is largely this experience without the immortality, so lichdom is still a straight upgrade.
>I also don't think they respawn
They definitely can. Mannimarco did it even before the Dragon Break. The one in the Anvil mansion does, too. Gameplay mostly doesn't bother because Bethesda.
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For me, it's Keith Thompson.
What the hell is a "banned school?"
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Aumvor's fragmented phylactery, yeah.
make a new one, bonelet.
Hell, go all out. Make seven.

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