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Previously: >>93238694

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.
http://www.tappedout.net (Dated but functional)
https://www.archidekt.com (Feature rich but poor optimization)
https://www.moxfield.com (Good balance of features + performance)


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

What is your favorite Universes Beyond set?
it's not technically UB but i like the dnd sets, desu
Hate UB.
Hate play boosters.
Hate Modern Horizons.
Hate planeswalkers
Hate mythics.
Hate damage not being on the stack.
Gay Bolas
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
1v1 edh is the gayest shit.
Princess Bride
I really like the reimagining of existing cards with the "Godzilla treatment".
>Hate damage not being on the stack.
Fucking die, you cancer piece of shit, I'm happy as fuck that ruling is NEVER coming back. And if you're the type that wants it, you're the person I would play my most UB-stuff, cEdh deck, either original or reprint. Fuck you.
I've been kicking around the idea in my head of makin' a full proxy commander deck in that style.
Though I'll also make the same deck with real cards so people have no reason to bitch.
I use Wesley as the head of paper fynn
Fuck meant pauper
It was never a ruling, it was part of the rules. Rulings are card specific clarifications on how they work within the game rules, if there's a need to clarify something.
dualcaster mage, heat shimmer, twinflame, molten duplication, fervent mastery

congrats you've got a two-card combo with a way to tutor it for under $30
Thoughts on this guy?
Put more interaction in your decks and some cheap combos.
Does anyone have any decklists or commanders for chaos, that isn't shit like scrambleverse, board wipe tribal or flip tribal (some flips are fun)? I want to storm goblin game, or use , or prisoner's dilemma, hive mind/shared fate/ian malcom. Maybe Teferi's puzzlebox and time sifter. I want chaos and maybe burn w/ kaervak. Maybe cruel entertainment or game of chaos?
he rocks, I like switching him out with Kresh in my Jund deck but I don't really like his art

He's a fun commander that can go from harmless to #1 threat in a single combat phase.

As long as you fine with him being stolen, enchanted(exile).....etc you will have fun
This. Drop 10 cards and put in slightly more removal/interaction.
Go down in price you faggot
fell asleep reading this card, eldrazi faggots deserve their high prices
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>What is your favorite Universes Beyond set?
Doctor Who. I have made like 10 decks out of Doctor Who commanders.
What bothers you about Ulamog?
Anon quite clearly explained that he has narcolepsy and can't read multiple sentences without falling asleep. Him and many other anons read so slowly he can't make it to the end of the card before falling asleep, due to his profound mental retardation.
Seems based. Would probably be a better commander than Disa at least.
>Go down in price you faggot

Then what?
Peak of each game
Credits roll so you can stop playing that shit game
Orphan and Gehrman
Sword Saint
>Elden Ring
>another filtered by DS2
fitting for someone who can't manage to post in the correct thread
I don't see that card going below 40
NTA but best part of DS2 was Mejula. It's in my top 10 comfy Vidya locations
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Is he at least decent? Is it just throw all the swords in it voltron or do you go ninjas?
Picking up a gift bundle tomorrow. Buddy pulled this and the Emmy from his regular bundle so I have my fingers crossed. That bastard has all the luck for pulls though
Hate it all you like, it was useful for teaching people that there WAS, in fact, a correct way to do things. Is it better now IMO? Yes. Was it a good teaching tool for me? Also yes.
Ax is an easy pick. Jerks go for Cephalid Constable.
I hate FIRE design.
Why is this here?
You also forgot DeS.
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must buy Assassins creed singles?
Ive got in my cart:
Smoke Bomb
Crystal Skull
what else /edhg/?
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oh and my bundle and single collector pack pulls SUCKED. $20 value from like $150 spent.
but it was fun i guess.
Imagine if for MoM the phyrexians just invaded the multiverse with perfectly crafted little fuck machines
What's wrong with dimir?
Cover of darkness and reconnaissance reprints
>he fell for the "ds2 is bad" meme
Which youtuber gave you that hot opinion?
I think the worst thing about doublers is it brings out retards like you who can only think in terms of goodstuff and/or tribal
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throw this bad girl in there
I buy.
boring as fuck.
Never played it since the fanbase is insufferable.
Does Mill ruin friendships?
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only if you also exile, then we will have to fistfight
commander is such a horrifically bad format for casual players that I am genuinely completely confused as to why it seems like all the new players are flocking to it, and it seems like what is getting new players into the game.

to be specific, what I mean by casual in this context is people who are new, or don't play a lot, or don't care too much, basically people who are probably not very good at understanding Magic and the rules of Magic. Those people wanting to play commander is a fucking joke. It's a format with (arguably) the LARGEST pool of cards where you have to keep track of your things and THREE opponent's things and where weird rules REGULARLY come up. I can not think of a worse way for a new player to be introduced to MtG.

And this is mostly beside the point, but it's not like this whole issue is being alleviated by WotC. No, it's being exacerbated, it's being ACCELERATED, with their millions of releases every year and an obligatory commander tie-in to every single one.
Theft does. Any time someone steals a card I wish I had, I focus them the rest of the night.
God damn, and I just finished building Don Andres...
it's easy
>much easier to associate/relate to a deck with a commander, like your "hero" in overwatch of LoL
>non-competitive, social format means it is for groups of friends first and foremost, not something to play with randos at the LGS
both of these points are why new players flock to it. they get to play with all their friends and get to have their "hero." unlike decks in other formats where you say things like "this is my cheerios deck" or "i'm playing the rock," the naming conventions of decks require more intimate knowledge of the metagame.
He's awesome, like a hybrid of Mimeoplasm, Jarad, and Xenagos in a way. Big flings, baby.
I have him. Put in as many card draw sources/Haste/Extra turns. Don't go all in on equipment, just stick with Fire/Ice if you have too.
He should of been 4 color desu.
Casual players play kitchen table mostly.
what i’ve noticed is that people stopped asking what cards do anymore. everyone just accepts however the fuck people say cards and interactions do. even for myself. text keeps getting longer and more retarded. everything goes infinite with everything with the amount of play testing with actually does. only actual autists learn more than top played edh rec shit.
I think that there are a lot more of these casual players out in the wild (that is, not just playing solely in their own homes) than you realize
Most magic players have never been to an lgs to play and don't play any sort of constructed format according to Maro
I can't be assed to read every single card in every player's deck when half of them are double sided and have 8 lines of text on each side, not counting lands thats like 500+ lines of text per player. I'd be better off just reading a whole book instead.
Thinking of going from Esper Urza (Chief Artificer) to Azorious Urza, but I'm not 100% sure which one I wanna use. I really like Lord Protector being a cost reducer and a melder in the command zone, but Prince of Kroog gives me an admittedly slightly overpriced copy ability.
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UB is still banned in our playgroup and I'm extremely thankful it is. It shouldn't be mixed with UW and being able to just ignore the powercreep and whale fishing those sets promote makes the game more manageable as a hobby.
Any anons make a deck in every color combination?
Autism speaks
How do they keep track of those kinds of things?
LorT of course. UB probably already peaked here.
Marvel is probably going to be huge too, but i hate that shit, its gonna be a lot of Cope&Seethe on my part
No but it does mean you get hated out
nah, I have 2 golgari and 2 orzhov decks and I will probably build another one of this color combination
yeah, but not because I'm planning to. I just like building decks.
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I'm thinking same as >>93249161 , but Final Fantasy set could overthrow those in near future. This will heavily depend on which of my favorite mainline games get more spotlight on sets.
>65% creature cards are just final fantasy 7 characters
I'm gonna lose my shit if there isn't an absolute fuckton of FFX or FFIX stuff, which are you hoping for in particular?
Just relegate FF7 entirely to a weirdly upcharged Commander precon with alternate commanders Cloud and Sephiroth with a shit ton of flavor. I'm so sick of FF7 right now.
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>which are you hoping for in particular?
First I'm interested mostly for some old traditional themed like first FF to FFIII. OG Warrior of Light would be cool as legendary creature or commander. After that my hopes would be not in particular order
If they are planning to make four precon products like usual, I'd hope they plan to feature one mainline FF game each different precon. Challenge is that it's hard to guess which games outside from FF7 and FFXIV would fill mainstream appeal criteria.
I'm hoping that characters I like get good card effects. I've been waiting for the desparked Wanderer to get a card since we found out about them and what we got was pretty disappointing. I'd be sad if the FF characters I liked also got boring effects.
Won't the precons probably be like the Doctor Who ones with like 1-6 7-12 13-16 and Villains?
Yeah it'd suck if they got boring or useless effects on iconic characters
I think X and IX are the two next most popular games, so I'd assume they'd get their own decks. At least I'd hope for that, or even just giving FFI-III a combined deck since they were simpler games, despite their good quality.
I have words about this, but there's no denying it'd make money so it should get itself entirely relegated to a really spicy precon.
Post deck and this shit better not be some archidekt cedh deck, post actual cards owned by an actual human
I have no idea where that line is drawn but gimme a minute to lay out the cards
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That would be bit disappointing if wanting to build deck centered around single game, but I guess it's necessary evil to get people buy singles or boosters.
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Okay so it's all laid out. Right now it's 92 cards because all of the black/multi-color on the right are the cards I haven't replaced yet
I'm hoping Zidane is Naya
Zidane gives me Boros vibes, but I could totally see Naya.
>hurr idk wat cedh is
>Force of Will
>Force of Negation
>Off-color fetch
>On-color fetch
>Cybermen Squadron
>Mox Opal
>The One Ring
>Roaming Throne
>Blue Urza
>Esper Sentinel
>Urza's Saga
>Smothering Tithe
>ignored mana drain and mana vault
also like half of that isn't cedh and the rest of his deck is shit
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>half of that isn't cedh
This pile of shit doesn't even have a wincon, guys.
I understand you fully anon, but
>Cybermen Squadron is cEDH
is it that good?
Mycosynth Golem and cost reducers make it so he can play the card for 0 mana and then attack everyone with Karnstructs. Remember that Karnstructs with Myriad all get stronger from the other tokens.
There's the obvious curiosity and specter effects that go bonkers with him out. If you have 5 mana and draw 4-5 cards in a turn you should be very close to putting the game out of reach when your next turn comes back around. My issue is that this could very likely make you archenemy at some casual tables since they'll clock you as a threat since you're 1. Dealing damage and 2. Getting significant card advantage. You'll have to be resilient to being hated out by the table and turn those big turn 4-5 combats into wins quickly. That's at least my experience playing Jeleva and that deck has a similar timing for popping off in a way that scares casual players more than it probably should.
I see, thanks. Now I have a reason to run it in my shitty mono white artifact deck.
I agree that commander is an awful format to on board into. A few new players who swung by my playgroup really struggled with the complex board states and understanding where there deck strategy slotted into the roughly one million active mechanics being pursued at the table.

Kitchen table is the best intro for new players, so much so that I'm honestly considering building a few casual 60 card decks that cost ~$10 that I can just hand to newer players if they want. I started playing back in '09 and it's hilarious how cheaply you can build some of the top standard decks from back then sans maybe 1 or 2 expensive lands or eternal format staples.
No joke, seeing the list put like that, I could definitely see it. I've really never known where to draw the cedh line since it's just edh but decks are better, but pulling those cards out probably makes it pretty clear I'm punching above your average decks.
Guess this is my cedh Urza then lmao
>Things to remove
-Cards that cost more than 3 mana. Get rid of all but your favorite big stuff and lower your curve
-Goodstuff that doesn't work with your theme
-Cards that do nothing unless your winning already
>Things to add
-Fast mana. no matter what your deck is, you should have at least 7 cards that cost 2 or less and boost your mana
-card advantage. Card draw wins games
-A way to kill people. Infinite mana combo, overrun, tainted struje, sorin
-a couple cards that give you outs when you're way behind, like board wipes and insurrection
-3 or 4 instant speed removal or counterspells
-repeatable removal
From what I'm getting out of looking at this, it's just sorta general artifact good stuf focused on Etb effects?
>gandalf, elesh norn, panharmonicon
>throught monitor
>urza lord
>urza, prince
>dusk rose
so you copy and make a bunch of copies of artifacts with etb effects to copy and then win with karnstructs?
Seems cool. Lord Of Extinction and other similar cards being in his colors means he's going to be able to jump to big numbers fast and him being in red mean you can give him haste and swing in very easily. I'd have built him if not for the fact I already have a deck that uses Lord Of Extinction, Cruel Somnophage, and the like as an endgame plan. Still sort of tempted to build Coram but so much overlap makes it feel like it may end up playing a bit too similarly. At least Coram can use cads with big printed numbers which does make him jump high faster.
casual player here. for me, edh is basically a board game I can enjoy with the shittiest of decks, together with the biggest scrubs, and everyone has fun.
60 card formats are anti-casual. if you have no idea how to play magic or how the deck actually works, you will just get your shit kicked in in all 60 card formats, no exceptions.
you cannot bring your own brew to a 60 card format game without knowing any meta.
you will never win a single game in any 60 card format if you have no idea about the meta. nobody brings a shitty deck to a 1v1.
you may not like it, but these are the reasons why every casual plays edh instead of regular magic. only a tiny minority cares about finding the next meta and playing this game competitive.
That's the gist of it, everything else is more or less in service of getting out Cybermen Squadron and just punching face with a ton of big constructs. Duplicant, Meteor Golem, and Dusk Rose function as the main repeatable section of removal while the instant speed counters are more for stuff I can't handle like a Farewell or the like.
Worldwalker and Smothering Tithe are mostly there just to vomit out a ton of low value tokens that can buff up the robots even more. Currently looking at a list of things I may want to add in like
>Emry (recursion)
>Cyberdrive Awakener (flying)
>Darksteel Forge (durability)
>Mycosynth Lattice
>Karn, the Great Creator
>Thousand Moons Smithy
>Cyberman Patrol
>Grand Abolisher
>The Reality Chip
>Myrel, Shield of Argive
Unironically, Coram is one of my favorite new decks to play. He's able to explosively scale, almost never misses a land drop since you can steal other people's milled lands, and basic protection can turn him into a powerful slugger.
I'm currently 1-7 with him, but honestly I kill 1-2 players almost every single game that he's in. Last time I was playing the only reason the Eldrazi player won and wasn't eliminated is because I flipped my Yargle and Multani during the attack and the mono-white player Swords'd him to keep the guy in the game (he had 3 commander damage already, and 18 would've knocked him out)
Fully recommend, there are few things more fun than bashing someone over the head with a shovel
Why do you have Sound of Drums in that deck?
One of the games I almost won but ended up losing I had my Silent Arbiter out and someone gifted me a funny goaded creature with Jon Irenicus. As far as I know, I have to swing with the goaded one and not my commander, so I couldn't win, so I decided that I'd just goad him myself, double his damage, and prevent that from ever happening again because the card has its own built in recursion.
tl;dr: i'm coping and seething
I pulled this guy recently and have been thinking of building a Jund deck, though not sure where to star that wouldn't just be buying the precon.
Though I already have a bunch of decks I want to build at some point, like a landfall deck and something to do with all the Eldrazi I've pulled from MH3, including the full art Ulalek, so it might take a while before I get to it.
>repeatable removal
Haven't really heard or seen this much. I've seen a few times where people use a creature that can be tapped to kill another creature, and I have some decks that can bounce or resurrect permanents with removal as ETB, but usually the advice when it comes to removal is to include Swords/Path, Beasts, Assassin's Trophy, Pongify, and other similar cheap instant-speed removal your color combination has access to.
>guy is playing mardu board wipe tribal
>casts farewell twice
>just keeps using board wipes, doesn't care if things get countered
>after the last farewell resolves he taps for 8, casts armageddon and smothering tithe
I recently built an Isshin samurai tribal deck that I've been wanting to get since the neo kamigawa set came out.
I've only tried to do some solo play testing / test hands and I'm really hyped on Conjurer's Mantle. That card with Isshin out lets you dig 12 cards down for action with an attack step, gives +1/+1 AND vigilance.
That card is fucking wild in this deck.
The deck is very vulnerable to flying shit though, but that's how it goes.
Very excited to try the deck out in an actual game. It looks very fun so far.
I want to shake that guy's hand
Yeah, he had the same mood as you, kind of a bitchy cynic that it's epic to the max to run as much removal as possible with no win condition other than tutoring for smothering tithe. Cool dude, he wasted our time and will probably get banned from another store having a sperg fit when no one wants to play with him
I need to put together a deck that's essentially training wheels for a new player.

What's a good commander that doesn't have too complex mechanics but rewards interactive play
He went there, got his shit in and nobody stopped him. I respect that.
I can see them more likely being themed around things like Fallout's, or perhaps where spin-off games might get their time. They said it's only mainline games for the main set, at least.
At the very least he's core-white (you don't need a reason to help people), and his general impulsiveness and showiness is a very strong secondary red. Where's green come from for Naya apart from "is a monkey"?
Being honest, the reason I could see it is because I couldn't see him really being blue or black, beyond the fact he's a thief, but we never see him as a "bad" guy in just about any light, so I'd say Boros is the most likely. Naya just feels like it's still in the 'spirit' of the character while doing the thing where Wizards LOVES sticking 3 colors on new commander options more than dual or mono colors. Thank you for quoting that line to me though, really takes me back to the title cards and the song playing when you let the screen go to it.
just don't play creatures or win on the spot bro ;)
That all said, if any character is definitively three-colours, Sephiroth is Abzan.

no, he ran board wipe, as in all permanents and land destruction
I could definitely see him requiring White/Black, and Green is an unironically super interesting third color. Fits in my head, at least from just my memory of original FF7, as the remake is some of the worst tripe I've ever wasted money on and I didn't play the side games (except Dirge of Cerberus, I LOVE that shit)
heroic intervention
teferi's protection
Well, at the least he's Golgari (very influenced by his nature and Jenova in a Green way, self-interested in his own goal of the 'Promised Land', etc.) and white is more because he's such an order-focused soldier, even as the villain.
Post shitty mono white artifact deck cause I also have a thousand moon smithy list
Just got some tax return thing so might buy this and my Roxanne list
You seem like a fag dude
a player teferi'd during farewell AND countered wrath of the skies, then he cast farewell again with recursion.

>haha dude check this deck out, I just keep destroying things because I have like 3 creatures and 20+ board wipes and then 20+ removal, bro just stop being a fag and let me just keep spamming board wipes bro, like cmon, just bro it up and let me sit here and have fun bro I'll keep removing your stuff while you sit there and do nothing because I only run board wipes, so I have nothing to remove or a strategy to develop until I tutor for smothering tithe, hope you brought like 30+ pieces of protection
This is actually perfect for that wtf
should have seen armageddon coming and teferi'd on that
What are you running tonight at FNM, anons? I'm wanting to brew a new deck but I'm pretty light on ideas.
I just assume anything that has more than one line of text is kill on sight, mostly because that's true of my decks.
well, yes, if you know their strategy and were aware of mass land destruction, but the shithead doesn't even have a strategy to really win other than swinging with his commander afterward. The game kind of 'blew up' after the shithead cast his commander w/ treasures from smothering, then had it immediately pathed, and he got bitchy because it was removed, ultimately it was a stalemate and the board wipe tribal bitch whined that his commander was his only wincon for commander damage, and it kept getting removed.

I'm actually getting more pissed off because, what person what would make a deck like that?
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>wanting to teach interactions
I would suggest Gisa or pic related
Yeah I wanna build him myself.
>Mono color so no expensive manabase
>Most fight/bite spells are inexpensive commons
>Same with most protection spells.
>Can employ minor +1/+1 counter synergy which isnt tough in green.
>Can easily be upgraded if the player enjoys it with stuff like Hall of Gemstone, Sylvan Library, etc.
I could see golgari or abzan, I think white suits him pretty well though for both the angel aesthetic and his methodical nature after losing his shit in that basement
That's just a high power deck, not cEDH.
I ran a Liesa deck during nuInnistrad that was full of board wipes and forced sacrifices, people hated it because no creature could stick.
now I gave the commander to another person and he turned it into boardwipe tribal with some land destruction. people hate playing against it but most of the time he dies by turn 5/6
There is objectively no "line" where cedh begins and "high power" ends. His deck is just a shitty cedh deck.
He's probably gonna wind up just as Orzhov though. Or five colour for some bullshit reason.
Pretty much guaranteed, Orzhov to cast, some terrible Wubrg transform ability into the crazy form from the end of the game or something else stupid. I never like the idea of companies like Wizards touching IPs I care about, especially when the company that has those IPs has also given up on giving any actual shit about their quality too. Final Fantasy peaked between 1999-2001 and has been on a steady decline ever since. With the remake out there, I can't even begin to imagine the tragedies we're gonna get in "joke" cards and shit. Or god forbid they practically ignore some of the best shit because the old ones are "bad and lame and dumb and not modern enough" now.
Yeah you're definitely not a fag
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Tifa will become black and have small tits
Aeris will become a Latina
Yuffie will be fat
Games get incredibly stale if at least one player doesn't try to win or create chaos in some way. Creature stalemates are boring. I don't care about winning so I always end up being the one who shakes shit up when playing with my friends.
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There it is. Turns out I had a Fierce Guardianship in my binder, so I cut Metallic Rebuke for it.
>Yuffie will be fat
I will lose my MIND, Yuffie is my favorite FF7 character other than Cid.
I of course meant to type "if one player doesn't try to win with something other than just creatures"
Dude playing boardwipe tribal? It's fun to face down something like that once in a while and see how it goes. Variety is one of the most fun things about this game.
>Aeris will become a Latina
I wouldn't mind that actually
Maybe her ass wouldn't be concave anymore if she was Latina
Creature stalemate exists because you forget at the end of the day creatures are for attacking and you'd rather hold them back for effect.
That's true, but you usually end up in a stalemate like that because attacking would put you at a massive disadvantage. It's a circle that starts feeding itself until somebody (99% of the time me) just say fuck it and go all out.
But I don't mind that, I'm just happy to have fun with my friends.
There is a vaguely defined zone of "bad cEDH" decks that are simultaneously too good for your average commander game but too weak to cEDH, but proper cEDH might as well be a different format from regular commander in terms of metal and playstyle.
Regular commander decks, even strong ones, tend to be built around their commander's abilities, and more often than not even if it's not the deck's primary wincon they still include creatures to act as blockers and deal damage, as well as removal to deal with opponents' permanents.
In cEDH your commander could as well be a piece of paper with the word "Dimir" scrawled on it because it's purely there for color identity purposes not like you're ever going to cast it, and the average deck is the Thoracle Consultation combo and 97 cards meant to produce fast mana, fetch those two cards or counter the opponents' Thoracle combo. You pretty much never see creatures outside some cheap manadorks and nobody runs removal because you're supposed to counterspell everything before it even hits the board.
Is it me ore does Temur has too many dragon decks? I thought Jund is the one that focus on dragons
Only if you have a friend who struggles with simple arithmetic yet insists you must shortcut to the point when you only have your reshuffle con as your only card in the deck because muh probabilities
It's not a dragon deck unless my Drigga Niv-Mizzet is in there.
You sound like a dumb and salty faggot.

>In cEDH your commander could as well be a piece of paper with the word "Dimir" scrawled on it because it's purely there for color identity purposes not like you're ever going to cast it, and the average deck is the Thoracle Consultation combo and 97 cards meant to produce fast mana, fetch those two cards or counter the opponents' Thoracle combo. You pretty much never see creatures outside some cheap manadorks and nobody runs removal because you're supposed to counterspell everything before it even hits the board.
You're a retard who has never played a cEDH game. cEDH decks never run a commander just for color as that's a dead card in a format where every 1 of your 100 cards needs to matter.
>when /edhg/ talks about cedh but has absolutely no idea what cedh is
Why? Genuinely, what do you gain out of it? Not a single fucking thing in your post is correct, outside of the first sentence where ya a highly tuned deck is not necessarily going to compete with actual cedh decks but even then your classifications are dumb! Cedh runs lots of creatures, they just also have value, some decks literally win through attacking with their commanders though so you're absolutely wrong and removal is LESS yes but only because a lot of the relevant stuff happens on the stack. You will be hard pressed to find a cedh deck without a sweeper or two
No budget is generally more cedh. He doesn't gave transmute artifact, mishra's workshop, grim monolith, led, mox diamond, etc so I wouldn't consider it cedh but just high powered.
Most people build their cEDH decks where their commander can tutor the piece or is part of the piece. Even Toxrill players still cast Toxrill. Thoracle + Consult/Pact is usually used as a secondary wincon.

I saw more Breach lines than I ever did Thoracle lines in my cEDH stint a year ago. I don't know the meta now, admittedly.
>What is your favorite Universes Beyond set?
Baldur's Gate, followed by LotR
Doctor Who for me
ironically I'd never watched the show but the cards intrigued me so I binged the remake series and I really liked it a ton which just made me like the cards more
>if he doesnt have this exact list its not cedh
opinion discarded
you are completely fucking retarded and i am amazed your able to breath on your own
that deck is absolutely cedh no matter what cope you have about your bad decks with broken cards not being competitive, nto every cedh deck needs mana crypt or uses it because not every single crd is the same in all of these decks shut the fuck up
The deck is not cedh no matter how angry you get anon. If he brought it to a cedh table he would be shut down and stomped
>almost no tutors
definitely not cedh
>doesnt know anything about cedh
>autist refuses to acknowledge that people dont like playing against board wipe/mld tribal
I keep up with most tournaments and try to keep up with the cedh metas from around the world. I definitely know what it is, much better than you some whinging faggot mad he saw some expensive cards
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Am I a bastard man for playing this deck?

I'm just going for pick-up games at the shop or with friends. I'm not after building binders and playing penny stocks.
He's a modern power crept value engine card, so boring as shit that brainless retards will think is fun.


I have a destruction deck and have won w/ decree of annihilation w/ smothering and form of the dragon
What is he the power crept version of anon?
are you a bloody indian basterd bich?
Carrion Grub
>same ability
>better stuff stapled on
>2 additional colors
Unironically nice catch, anon.
Ok. So?
People also hate mill, theft, landfall, storm, combo, and reanimator decks, are those also banned from the format now?
>mills less
>more colours
More like the legendary version of it I see absolutely no power creep there. You don't really understand how cards are designed. What's more accurate is you say the general sentiment in this thread was largely positive towards the card ans you being the miserable waste of resources that you are have to go against the grain because it makes you feel important or special, pro tip it does not!
More colors and made legendary is power creep, it also mills just as many cards just from everyone's decks while offering the ability to steal both a land AND a spell each time it attacks rather than just on entry. your seethe and lack of understanding of basic reading and power to cost ratios in power creep is pathetic and retarded
Blame WotC for making creatures both the best spells and enchantments to exist in the game.
No? More colours allows for the card to do more because the act of having more colours makes it harder to cast and therefore justifies it doing more, same with legendary. I repeat, you do not understand how cards are made in magic the gathering.
>bunch of useless words because he is objectively wrong
>if i just stick my fingers in my ears and scream "no you're wrong" i win
can't engage with you, you're actually a child
>Other people's opinion is supposed to dictate my deckbuilding
I forgot the part where people's feelings where my problem. Play what you think is fun, and I'll do the same.
I literally spelled out crystal clear why the card is allowed to do more under the justification of MTG design. What yoi are accusing me of is what you're guilty of when you literally just repeated what I said but went "ermmm actually that's powercreep" (it's not) and then proceeded to make no arguments lol. You aren't good at this
>More colours allows for the card to do more because the act of having more colours makes it harder to cast and therefore justifies it doing more, same with legendary
This retard sincerely believes we are still playing 2015 Magic. News flash retard: Triomes exist, and they're fetchable.
>continuing to pretend to be right
>if I just pretend to be witty and go "gottem" i win
Dude, I know you're being facetious but "it's a significantly stronger version of X card" is what powercreep MEANS.
No.... that is not at all what power creep means lmfao
Alright here's my budget brew
1/3 of the deck is instants so I feel it will be good at teaching holding up mana for either single target protection, fights, or throw damage spells
Oh so you're just playing pretend
>There are retards ITT that think more colors on their Legendary Creature doesn't make something power krept
You guys genuinely just dint understand the words you use. In order for it to be powercrept yes it would need to uahe the same mana cost, because that is part of design theory. Sorry you know fuck all about the game
It's a do thing twice card, not much space for nuance there.
Yes, people don’t like mass board wipes w/ no win condition. Make your decks, but dont whine when people dont want to play with you.
I just want Ivalice stuff, it's the FF setting that clicked the most for me.
.....are you stupid? Coram and Carrion Grub are perfect night and day examples of power creep
How can you continue to post when you constantly prove that you’re just a stupid retard that only throws in goodstuff?
Hey man, you look like you know deck building

What would be a good commander for a ‘chaos deck’ that plays like a spellslinger without using things like warp world or scrambleverse? Like crackling spellslinger on goblin game or prisoner’s dilemma
Because I enjoy posting in thread
You know, I never played Tactics, which I heard also takes place there (as a kid I didn't like grid based games like that) but I really enjoyed the setting in FFXII barring how the combat was my second least favorite next to FFXIV. The place felt very lived in and like it had interesting and good views of "on the ground" culture.
>w/ no win condition
But he did have a win condition: Commander damage. The some retard decided to Path that commander to make the game drag on longer instead of taking the L.
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Got tax return today so decided to gamble a bit. Was gunna get a mh3 box but lgs is sold out. Instead just got 2 boosters and 2 AC boosters. I must say the card stock for the AC cards is noticeably different from normal mtg cards. No curling on the foils though which is nice cause they generally curl absurdly where I live
Casual players having a fear of scooping/accepting a loss is probably my least favourite thing about this format

Technically yes, I'm using a 5c commander in the Atraxa space but not including any white cards
It'll only be FFXII that has it, because it's only the mainline games.
You know, I saw this in the discourse and realized you're right. I'm thinking of putting in a few for some specific pulls
>Trinket Mage
Mox Opal, Mana Vault, or Sol Ring, with Esper Sentinel being a good pull too if I need the draw
>Trophy Mage
Pretty much exclusively to grab Simulacrum Synthesizer because Karnstructs are my wincon but also for Worldwalker Helm for double tokens and Sculpting Steel if I already have those
>Treasure Mage
Cyberdrive Awakener or Cybermen Squadron so I can use them to win
Any of the above with enough mana
>Whir of Invention
Same as above
and then some more stuff to streamline drawing like Transplant Theorist so I can just rummage until I get what I need to punch hard enough to win the game.
I'm a legacy player and my brother agreed to play magic with me. Now, of course, I want to get him into legacy but he seems more interested in goofy tribal stuff and is a little intimidated, but seems like he's okay playing edh. Is there a way to introduce him to magic through edh but help him skill up to play legacy? Like is there any precident for this sort of thing?
Edh is harder than legacy anon
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I mean, maybe? I told him legacy is pretty easy, you just pick a meta deck you like and try your best until you learn what you like. I also told him that because legacy has better answers it'd be easier for him to stop whatever I'm going to do, but he didnt buy into it.
Just get a mana crypt
>just get a 250 dollar card
no fuckin' thanks, and the only version I'd want of it is one of those cool alt-color ones from LCI. Specifically the purple or blue ones. I just couldn't imagine spending money like that on 2 mana, even if I know how powerful the card is.
Proxy it
I don't mind when others do this but I personally don't like to/want to proxy anything. I don't schizo about people proxying or anything in real life, but I definitely prefer it when they aren't proxying the real shit and it's more of just "This card is 10 dollars and I don't really wanna buy it right now".
You're out of touch old man
I imagine the 3 of the commander precons will be
FF14 with the scions having their own version of partner
A job based precon with onion knight and/or Bartz with the jobs acting like the backgrounds from Baldurs gate would be neat too but I doubt wotc would do something fun like that
Lmao the deck is literally just a good stuff pile, it's not cedh. It's higher power than an average deck, sure, but the only way it wins in cedh is if the game gets grindy and he gets ignored. It's fringe cedh at best, and that's being very generous.

The entire point of including white in a cedh deck would be for stax and protection, and the only stax piece in the deck is Elesh Norn, which is incidental to the fact it doubles etbs. No silence, no rule of law, no drannith magistrate, no ranger captain means he can't stop a combo win outside of the counterspells, and he's still missing excluding counters like flusterstorm or mindbreak trap.
I want ff2 and 4 to have decent representation. Especially 4 because it’s my favorite. I have ideas in my head of what I would like the cast’s colors and effects to be but I imagine they’ll be pretty generic and boring
>describes cedh
>it's not cedh tho!!
>flusterstorm one of the worst counterspells in the game
ok the one ring is definitely not cedh at all nope
Anon why don't you tell the class what cedh means to you
competetive high tier powerehouse edh, that deck is top end
>>flusterstorm one of the worst counterspells in the game
Are you fucking high? Flusterstorm is amazing, but it's only as good as your group. Unpopular opinion? Both Fierce Guardianship and that new counter that needs you to sac a creature are lower mid tier.
>that deck is top end
My man.. that's just not true.. I really like my Urza deck right now but there's no way it's a legit contender for high tier cedh. I'm about to spit some more tutors into it, and I'm interested in some of the feedback I'm hearing from this argument, but I'm legit not gonna defend the argument that my deck is something that'd compete with one of those Kinnan psychos.
I got a copy of Flusterstorm for grabbing a MH3 box in my LGS and a copy of Mindbreak trap from the newspaper things in Thunder Junction, would you recommend me using them? Unless they pay 1 feels weak, but I'm assuming with Storm it basically acts as a Counterspell, and Mindbreak Trap seems wild but I'm no good at knowing when to use something like that.
>doesnt recognize his own cedh deck
your gonna make people hate you at youre lgs
2 mana counterspell is objectively better than needing 10 spells to make one counter work
Flusterstorm as a tempo card is pretty meh. Where it's amazing is countering someone else's counters to your counters. You can, in theory, counter multiple spells with it too. Mindbreak trap is similar, but it's insanely powerful against combos because it's exile based removal and completely free.
I might have to get out my mindbreak trap at least, I always fret over someone just comboing off and winning a game. 99% of my plans to win with this deck are just big robot punches, so I imagine that'd probably be where I'm weakest.
You dont really know what you're talking about. You dont hold up flusterstorm as an answer to something your opponents are doing like a normal counter, rather you save it for when there are tons of things on the stack to force through your own cards.
>still worse than regular counterspell
at this point your just looking retarded
>only stax is elesh norn
>didnt see rhystic study or smothing tithe or mimic vat or cybermen squad
Cedh is a mixture of speed consistency and how effective your gameplan is really. And I'm pretty sure you're just hoping to spam the boards with tokens which is a decidedly non cedh wincon
>when to use
I save my combos for protecting my win attempts or shutting down a retarded card you know will just accrue value or win the game for them.
Depends on a variety of factors, but why not both?
Eh, not really. There will always be people frustrated with mill. Regardless of how good or bad it is. Honestly, you should just play him anyways. I have him in the ninety nine of of The Master Transcendant and when I get The Mothman out he usually makes a sizeable impact and is fun.
Pretty much that's the plan, my only infinite in the deck that'd potentially win me a game (and not even, really) is this silly 4 card combo with Krark Clan Ironworks, Urza Prince of Kroog, Simulacrum Synthesizer, and Worldwalker Helm. If I can get Urza to go off like once or twice, I can generate infinite map tokens/karnstructs repeatedly, but even then I don't have any real wincon with that if they don't have haste (they don't). I could swap in Knight Paladin for a 5 damage across the board ETB and just spam-copy that with that combo, but that means I've got a 5 card combo as my wincon and that's probably pretty laughable.
Is there anything in particular you'd recommend? Like as an alt wincon, other than Mechanized Production (which obviously has to survive an entire turn cycle so that's as unreliable as it gets)
That's fair, and being able to exile remove something just because you don't like it if it's some ultra value piece is pretty good value even if it isn't used to end a combo win
None of those are stax pieces anon. You kind flubbed your troll with this post
>Smothering Tithe isn't stax
nta but come on, fella
Nah I think it's a perfectly valid wincon. Requires you to control the board beforehand so you have the ability to actually connect to win. No haste no trample it's chump blocked into oblivion. Could try throwing in a crashing drawbridge and like dragon throne of tarkir to help them connect I guess. I got a mono white deck around the gnomestructs from Ixalan plays different but similar end goal and it's just fine
It's not. Now if smothering tithe said you do not draw unless you pay 1 it would be approaching stax. Please learn the game before you try discussing it much appreciated
I appreciate that, a Crashing Drawbridge would be a surprising card to pull out of nowhere to win like that too. When I was using Chief Artificer I relied pretty heavily on the Menace.
Based taste in Gnomestructs, btw, I was gonna put some stuff like Thousand Moons Smithy in this deck but I ended up not bothering to focus harder on my specific goal. Gonna pop in Mindbreak Trap after I get back from my LGS though, gonna pick up like a pack or two of Assassin's Creed and some low-cost tutors for this deck.
>buying UBshit
No one cares anon. All you do is simply make yourself angrier and angrier each day
I never opened my Necron Dynasties because apathy, what should I do with it?
I've never done the precon babby thing, but does it hold up against current year precons?
It IS kinda annoying when a precon shitter joins a pod and ruins the experience for everyone, so maybe having an unmodified one is a dece strat.
Nah precon only shitters need to be abused til they make their own deck or quit
>Smothering Tithe
I am so fucking sick of you manchildren redditor faggots call every speedbump, hatebear, or essentially anything that inconveniences you "stax."
Swear to fucking christ above we're going to reach a point in this format where the communities so soft that targeted removal and pillowfort cards like Ghostly Prison are going to be called "Stax pieces."
Kill yourself and stop poisoning this format with buzzwords you clearly dont understand in the slightest
Nice double standards.
how do u define stax then, tard?
>namefaggot is also a gigantic paypig
Lmao. Post physique you fucking lard.
>owning cards bad
why are you in a card collecting game general if you dislike ownership of your cards?
Resource denial. Smothering Tithe is a tax effect, but it doesn't in any way deny you resources.
that like a way too limited and not accurate definition
Stax are game pieces that screech the game to a dead halt. Winter Orb, Smoke Stack, Stasis, etc.
Cards that mess with a certain subset of cards are called hatebears. They are not Stax.
Cards that make things more expensive to play (Thorn of Amethyst, Little Thalia, etc.) are tax cards. They are not Stax.
Smothering Tithe literally does none of these. It does not inhibit your decks speed or deny you resources or slow the game down. It simply accelerates the person who played it if its tax isnt played.
It doesnt stop you from doing anything, so it isnt Stax.
Stop being a faggot.
Precons are fun though.
that's one of the strongest precons out there
>defending a namefag
>defending a namefag paypigging for UBshit
>supporting UBshit in magic
>defending giving money to wizards to make more UBshit
Stop being a fucking consoomer.
this thread is in no way focused on collecting. there is even a proxy link on OP
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does this work like I think it does?
this GAME is focused on collecting, anon
where you TRADE
and COLLECT cards
ive been playing for 20 years and some faggot sissy bitch who cant handle some rando buying and actually owning their cards is not gonna pretend hes a real player in MY thread
I like to see neat cardboard and I've been here way longer than you. Post your own cardboard if you're going to be such a stickler.
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We're still here
We're thriving
>defending yourself under anon
Nope. Just a genuinely old faggot who likes cardboard.
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What a mismatched assortment. What are you building?
Keep on being mad! I'm sure you love waking up each day to get angry at card games

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