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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93234216
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I'll do a build tonight.
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V2.2 List of Blessings

To help me with this list, I plead any Unblessed builds that update to link to their previous one and link to my list as well. New builds, returning builds, or updated builds that already have a blessing, please also link to my list.

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Dark Sovereign, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Apex Hunter, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Spirit Force, Patriarch Dragon, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Ungraspable, Overlapped Technique, Unending, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Red Ravager, Chimeric Manipulator, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree

41 multiplayer; 18 singleplayer; 59 total

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Dark Sovereign, Apex Hunter, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Patriarch Dragon

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Unending, Overlapped Technique, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Chimeric Manipulator

13 multiplayer; 6 singleplayer; 19 total
Multiplayer: Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Spirit Force, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Ungraspable, Red Ravager, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree

29 multiplayer; 12 singleplayer; 41 total

Creeping Conquest (MP)
Arcana (MP)
Empyrean Prince (MP)
Elder Son (SP)
Hoarded Technique (MP)
Man of the Purple Rose (NEW-MP)
Ungraspable (NEW-SP)
Overlapped Technique (SP)
Kingmaker (NEW-MP)
Song of the King (NEW-MP)
Grand Harbinger (MP)
Protocol FULCRUM (MP)
Tortured Armaments (MP)
Unending (SP)
Endbringer (NEW-MP)
Vampire Emperor (SP)
Dismantle Ego (NEW-MP)
Spark of Light (SP)
Dark Justice Nightmare Strike (NEW-MP)
Pale Rider (NEW-MP)
Dark Sovereign (MP)
Magnificent Titan (NEW-MP)
Scattered Spirit (NEW-MP)
Red Ravager (NEW-SP)
Storm Knight (NEW-MP)
Apex Hunter (MP)
Chimeric Manipulator (SP)
Lingering Magic (NEW-SP)
Wyrm Hunter (NEW-MP)
Repeated Armament (NEW-MP)
Dread Legate (NEW-MP)
Black Fire Imbue (NEW-MP)
Forced Destiny (NEW-SP)
Draco Warlock (NEW-MP)
Leviathan Pursuit (NEW-MP)
Stoic Fighter (NEW-SP)
Sunward Traveller (NEW-MP)
Master of Monsters (NEW-MP)
Red Mist (NEW-MP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Peace (NEW-SP)
Judgement Storm (NEW-SP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Father's Paladin (MP)
Exquisite Puppeteer (MP)
Spirit Force (NEW-MP)
Tour of Sin (NEW-SP)
Patriarch Dragon (MP)
Entropic Generator (NEW-MP)
Calm of Thanatos (NEW-MP)
Transcendence Through Death and Destruction (NEW-MP)
Evolving Hunter (NEW-SP)
Colossal Strikes (NEW-MP)
Pillar and Foundation (NEW-MP)
Ascended Ensemble (NEW-MP)
Lord of Winds (NEW-MP)
Center of Knowledge (NEW-MP)
Astral Star (NEW-SP)
It Will be Spoken (NEW-SP)
Destined Decree (NEW-SP)
Grand Master (NEW-MP)

why on earth cant you use something like rentry to keep track of this shit instead of spamming a build list text wall?
4chan X
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>Beg Entropist Anon to come back
>ooops monkey paw moment he was working on anime franchise shit the whole time
I'd literally cry.
Id be fine with it if its a good anime franchise like Sonic. I like to imagine being a mayor in a village where Sonic and his friends live.
I still want to call this the Remnant Chronicle.
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This cyoa is not a natural author formation, someone autistic built this.
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I prefer this one.

https://imgchest.com/p/bp458vjv245 for page 5 because it's too big.
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I don't like the bonus to roll stuff and the retarded time skip lore that comes with it
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IDK how to make this funny.
100% pure block of wretched whore
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Do people still run online games of the tabletop RPG adaptation? I haven't been by the Power Armor page in ages to check.
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>t. 0^0
>Entropist Anon comes back with a huge 20 page OC
>It's a HxH franchiselop cyoa with no waifus and no minions
I'd quit the general unironically.
huh, seems pretty neat. Don't remember or recognize it at all.
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skill issue. i was there when it got posted
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Ah, the skill of being there when it got posted, boosted by wearing the Ring of Being There When It Got Posted +5.
Still can't believe Entropistanon fell in love with Sukuna so hard he introduced an entire minion path based on him.
Build review anon when?
Sure, I'll do it. Dunno how long it'll take since there are so many though.
He was cool.
Take your time, these are old builds after all, a new one was even on the way.
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Why did he have to put this crap in a necromancy themed cyoa?
that and the limbus company reference that takes up a quarter of a page is pretty wack
What was that?
the harpoon on pg2
>love necromancy
>wasn't here for Entropist
>hear about it every thread
>read it
>becomes one of my favorite cyoas
>but can never get a proper WB
Kill me
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would drace even be capable of making full use of arcane magic if given the power?
She'd probably be good at using it to dispel other magic, attack with raw magic and amp her other magic.
Nta, I don't know much about limbus, does the harpoon come from there?
Yes, she would be ridicously good at it too, but capped by her lack at initiative with experimentation.
You can make a build even without those WB, and if EntropistAnon ever return ask him to update the WB
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Ask the thread to bless you. It'll be great, I pwomise!
I'm so sorry bro
ok, i guess those points would not be wasted especially since she could also convert souls to mana more efficiently and therefore indirectly increasing her already great soul storage in a battle
>the limbus company reference
>What was that?
>the harpoon
>does the harpoon come from limbus?
It's taking a lot for me to not be mean to you right now
nta but what is the appeal of limbus company compared to other gatcha games?
If you want to be official.
Sorry, I was more asking some information about it, I expressed myself badly, thanks for the effort.
>appeal of limbus
the appeal is that you played PM's first two games and this is your only outlet for new content
>compared to other gatcha games
I don't know the appeal of gatcha games in general
Reminder that limbus company was supposed to play like a darkest dungeon kind of game and not be a fucking gacha. Truly we live in the worst mirror world.
>cyoa full of giant women
>best girl is a gremlin
Why were the waifus so tall in the first place?
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Why be an Entropisst when you can be an Angel?
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Why be a smelly human when you can be a cat?
Better powers
Better theme

Would choose to be an entropist over an angel even drunk
falista and ebon are both dragons so for them it could be attributed to that, elain is just a big living shield.
i have no explanation on why ester is so tall

angels cannot planeswalk
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humans have
* smarter minds
* better lifespan
* fingers for keyboards
* better vision
* better society. You have a lot more options as a human in a human community, than as a cat in a cat community. For example you can buy things like lawn mowers. There is nothing comparable that a cat can do
I guess the two dragon gifts are more like amazon women because of their race. You could decide how tall black dragon minion would be with rejuvenate but thematically they would be tall.
Elaine is a big shield
Ester is normal height desu, 175 cm is average man so she is a tall woman but I have seen plenty of girls that height even in my class growing up. Is tall but not damn she tall. Here fall Sangra and Koryuu too, and to a lesser extent Alta.
Nida is also almost like Ebon, I guess for the mommy fetish.

They could be separated by man height standards. as entropistanon was probably average height and wrote them in tall small and average.

Small: Drace, Ectos and Astra
Average: Alta, Koryuu, Sangra and Ester
Tall: Nida, Ebon, Falista
Fucking Huge: Elaine

Without counting for Elaine, who is an anomaly and kirilia and Bloom because they can be whatever. They are tall for women but balanced to male standards, which i prefer
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>the best example for things to buy he could think of was a lawn mover
The other anon clearly does not like it so it falls onto me to give you a real answer. The appeal is that is not a coomer waifu gacha and instead focuses on story. That is it. That is the difference.
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Daily reminder of how hard tok got FUCKED by entropist.
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I don't want to be forced to be a good guy. Some shit even requires me to be vegetarian, never have sex, or live in poverty. I want to have fun, not be the fucking heaven police.
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Anybody know who scion & manila start are?
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>Same introduction
>Just looks better and not a generic black background
>Still no choices on the FIRST Page of a CYOA.
>Still forces you into a role of an Investigator in what is supposed to be a CYOA and NOBODY wanting to be an Investigator.
Why is Italics such a hack? Why do fags even like his shit? Entropist, Tok, RoseAnon all do better than this and for a first page.
Who is the purest cyoa author? I realize this may be an impossible or redundant question to ask, since the majority are clearly still maidenless virgins
>the majority are clearly still maidenless virgins
Just being a virgin doesn't make you pure. Look at Tok.
Tok is NOT a virgin, anon. He is a fucking plague spreader. He has no issue fucking prostitutes. He is pure disgust. Have you seen his greasy buttplug? I hope not, for your sake.
>nobody took Nigeria
Thanks for the 200 million souls keep fighting over India lol
PCA or Gil obviously
Whoever has sex first loses the purity contest
India is mine, mortals.
ok but I'm taking brazil
You can't take shit without a name, faggots.
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this is an old version of the map
this is a map of the starting hunting zones the first few days, before the events start manifesting, so you will need either a dragon or to take a fucking plane to go to Nigeria.

also overall population is not the most important factor, density is what matters the most, Nigeria might have 200 million inhabitant but the capital has only 1.69 million people living in it.
compared with turkey where only 86.3 million people live in it, but Istanbul, the capital has 16 million people the most efficient choice is obvious.
I'm FUCKING working on it cunt
Yes, the problem at the start is reaching places. That being said, I am of the opinion that mutiplayer earth is very dangerous and some sons are going to die. Mainly the ones that took the mirror assassin drawback.
Never knew there was another map, you never know when something new comes your way.
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just 7 guys took mirror assassin.

also I'm quite surprised that almost no one took ebon. I feel like the "ruling an evil empire" was a turn off for a lot of people that would have otherwise picked her.
This really shows that most people do not actually want to be THAT evil.
do you think the korean cyoa community is also dying or are they prospering while the rest of us decay?
This show people have bad taste, Falista being that low is a crime.

Also, why is Bloom the third lowest? she is a gift tier inmortal being while being also a reusable nuke against strong enemies and is part from the Pleasure Realms, the biggest counter to True AIs which are one of our three counters.

The True Goddesess dont look like a problem because they are focused on their groom and in fact usually form alliances with Sons, even if an enemy, outside of the dimension she embodies she can't trap you and force you to use your phylacteries and extra lives. So she is an avoidable problem.

True AIs and Tempered heroes would be the ture enemies, having the counter to one of those two is just too good to pass out, its a safety messure
>why is Bloom the third lowest?
Most people think she is a trap. Either The Prince hiding or a spy of sorts. There are many hints in the cyoa to the fact it should not be possible for her to be a trap but some suspicious wordings are there and the new addition in 2.0 that makes pleasure target a required drawback to have her legitimately only made anons more suspicious. Harem can bypass that but most people did not want to risk it. Personally it's much simpler, I don't have a "perfect girl" in mind, so I don't know how she would end up being.
The real answer is that bloom requires pleasure target drawback.
They made fan content to JRPG Traitor, have dedicated threads to franslating CYOAs posted from here, they liked Italicslop.
As I pointed out she does not really, if you want her without the drawback you can get harem, and harem is a really good perk anyway that a lot of people took.
Harem does not work for getting her, little bro.
The real answer to winning a rock paper scissors game is being two of them. Just become a tempered hero.
I never noticed that was added. It's a retarded change that takes away the main use of the perk, now that explains why nobody wants her.
black dragons in general where not that popular it seems, the description of falista where it says that she may even defy you to protect her children maybe was a problem for someone (but it could be resolved just by slightly altering her soul with soul magic)

i would not take true goddesses of of the list of threats.
in the true goddess description of the cyoa its written that almost all multiversal factions despise them so much that they are even willing to ally with you if that means getting rid of her.
someone does not become so hated by just doing nothing
Author realized bloom was op and people were using harem just to get her. The same way people were using commander not because it had anything to do with their builds, but rather because it was optimal for getting the most amount of gifts for less points. Basically, both got nerfed because they were meta or something, idk. Author clearly liked theme above min-maxing. This is also the same reason succubus got an upgrade, since many were picking her because it was an easy gift point.
All of those are called retarded knee-jerk reactions.
She is clearly related to the Prince, maybe a daughter, sister.Whatever soul tampering made the Prince find you the best thing in the world probably also worked on her, family thing?. But she is not the Prince or his subordinate or anything.
This was confirmed by the author when he said the fahter knows exactly what Bloom is, also wouldn't present to his son someone that would betray him in any capacity and that doesnt love him. Also is confirmed all gifts from all sons are female (the author doesnt like traps). Also EA i think picked her in both of his builds.

The perfect girl is the worst part, as a lot of us dont have a perfect but I still dig it the eldritch being madly in love inside the coccoon.

The counter to the AIs and she being an inmortal beast that nukes out strong enemies is just the cream on top
Son-tempered hero hybrid never happened before in whatever krillion years existence has been... existing and even the build made for that has a lower chance then 8B humans in earth
>The perfect girl is the worst part, as a lot of us dont have a perfect but I still dig it the eldritch being madly in love inside the coccoon.
If there was just a way to turn her into a pseudo Astar 2.0 it would be better. If I don't have a perfect girl she should realize at some point and stop trying to be that right?
And that is one of the reasons the author got shat on out of here. Fun policing is not good.
The whole point of being perfect is that she is perfect for (You), retards. It does not matter if your human brain has never sat to think about it. She would be perfect when you meet her and that is also part of the horror aspect.
Nah, this is an entropist cyoa. Not a tempered hero cyoa. Now BEGONE, powerfaggot.
if i remember right, the True goddesses have almost all the "common currency" in the multiverse. They are the hoarding billionaires.
Rich almost inmortal sentient dimensions who probably are spoiled and their grooms are so dumb one of them asks for a wedding gift to kill a race of humans when he is anyway going out of the planet and not coming back instead of anything else is probably a good combo to not be the most pleasant group. Still would ally with one of them if they are chill enough to simply dont fuck up things
I found the whole pleasure dimension thing much more interesting than anything else on the lore. Most cyoas with coomer options go hard on the fetish and porn shit but entropist is pretty subdued when it comes to sex stuff so it having an entire realm focused on it lets it explore other parts other than just sex. There's also the part where the author is fiercely anti gay so having a male troon option makes no sense. I'd take Bloom just out of curiosity despite not having any clear woman in mind. I really want a pleasure themed cyoa but I guess that's never gonna happen huh.
>She would be perfect when you meet her
No? She takes months to get there, what the fuck are you talking about?
nah, that is a good thing. You are already a demigod of death, the guy trying to also be the protagonist of berserk while his life is easy thanks to everything the father gave him is wrong in many levels, stupid and greedy
I do not understand how can they be more hated than machines. Those fuckers not only sound evil as fuck, but also incredibly powerful.
I see I am talking to a retard fun policer.
she is great, especially for utility since there is no limit on how many skills she can have, but what if your concept of perfect changes over time? i guess she would change in personality and physically too, but what about her powers? would they change?
They would probably change. The point of her is that you have no real control over how she is. She also looks creepy as fuck, according to the cyoa, in a way you can never get used to.
That's even worse. Imagine this eldritch monster slowly becoming the partner of your dreams. Since she's perfect you would love her the most but at the same time you would never be able to get rid of that feeling that there's something terribly wrong and at times you see the real monster from the corner of your eye.
they are not. They are despised by a lot of factions (althought they tend to hire sons) but AIs, demons and demiurgues should be the most hated as they are just simply evil. The sons are also despised by almost everyone else.
Father side is neutral. Mother side is "good". Prince side is hedonist. Hound is kind of neutral if you dont touch kids. AIs, demons and demiurgues are torture freaks
AIs were said to be so evil, they make demons look good. If anything deserves to be destroyed in the multiverse, it is them.
I'm surprised Novelty wasn't picked more, it's really good for keeping you doing what your build is designed to be doing.
I imagine it's the difference between deliberate cruelty and careless cruelty. The groom just up and dooms over half the Earth's population for no fucking reason and the Goddess cares so little she doesn't even personally handle the whole thing. Imagine that level of frivolity at a multi universe level.
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We need a new WORM Cyoa. Plain and simple.
So the average cyoag poster?
Yes. Contrarians do be acting like that
Original settings are always better than fan cyoas
Go back
>Father side is neutral.

Delusional. They are evil with very bad pseudo-justifications, like cure-headache-via-beheading bad.
>t. mothercuck

This thing is very fun, but absolutely broken if you play it as is. Just limit yourself to 15- options or something.
Wow, is the 'cyoa' which is just a copy paste from the super power wiki. Truly r*ddit levels
What is left to explore? Previous versions had all the powerwanking necessary, and the Gimel version had all the plot.
>rich setting full of interesting lore
>potential will never be realized because it's only relevant to a single cyoa
Someone should just steal the setting or make cyoas based on it. No one is asking permission to make franchiseslop cyoas so how would this be different? The dlc was really good and that was made by a fan.
Can you faggots go back? Your main cyoa is a joke too. Just look at this >>93252477 thing. The biggest slop I have ever seen.
Cry harder.
>Does not deny being a redditor
I'm not. But you'll see your boogeyman in me anyway.
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They genuinely think that putting everything possible in makes it a good cyoa?
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i agree i think its an investment for the really long term, with it you can avoid burnout and other unwanted distractions and just focus on whatever you wanted.
talented on the other hand works better when trying to achieve short term goals.
it would be perfect to get both.
its stated in the lore pdf that that machine gods mainly stay in their universe of origin sleeping and endlessly torturing peoples. meanwhile even if from what the know goddesses don't do that they do things like casual genocide on worlds not belonging to them, probably fucking up the plans of other factions, i assume you can see the difference.
well i guess we will never know what the real reason is unless he returns
meh, not really
Worse, they think it makes it... fun.

You reincarnate as a highschooler in Worm!
ROLL dice+7d12

What kind of cape are you?
Your rolled dice #1, #2, #3 will determine this:
>1 Mover: An ability that grants a cape enhanced speed or mobility.
>2 Shaker: An ability with an area of effect.
>3 Brute: An ability that grants a cape enhanced strength or durability.
>4 Breaker: An ability that allows a cape to shift into another state.
>5 Master: An ability that allows a cape to control others or create minions.
>6 Tinker: An ability that allows a cape to create or alter devices with futuristic technology.
>7 Blaster: A long-ranged, offensive ability.
>8 Thinker: An ability that focuses on information gathering.
>9 Striker: A melee/touch-based ability.
>10 Changer: An ability that allows a cape to alter their form or appearance.
>11 Trump: An ability that allows a cape to manipulate powers in some capacity.
>12 Stranger: An ability that focuses on stealth and/or infiltration.

How powerful are your respective powers?
Your rolled dice #4, #5, #6 will determine this.
>(1 is weakest, 12 is strongest)

You received your powers rather unnaturally, by an Anon in a reality that you may have imagined entirely. Mutations may ensue, probably related to your powers. How human looking are you?
Your rolled die #7 will determine this.
>1..4: Entirely human looking.
>5..6: Slight inhuman features (eg little antennae on top of the head)
>7..8: Moderate inhuman features (eg head shaped like an ant's head)
>9..10: Severe inhuman features (eg head shaped like an ant's head + ant-like lower body that extends from your upper body like a centaur's horse half)
>11..12: Entirely inhuman and appearing utterly repulsive to humans (eg an ant that looks anatomically correct except for its humanlike size + some disgusting chitinous undulating tentacles extending from random parts)
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Rolled 10, 11, 7, 11, 1, 9, 4 = 53 (7d12)

This is already better than that other abomination of a cyoa that has everything in it.
i actually have a setting where i steal the most interesting things i find in various cyoas and pieces of media
Rolled 10, 3, 6, 8, 9, 2, 9 = 47 (7d12)

I never understood the appeal of Worm but I don't like capeshit in general so maybe that's just me. There's just nothing in it that I find interesting. I know the term gets thrown around a lot but it feels like a reddit thing at its core.
What happened to the anon that was making his OC with a bunch of custom factions he made in paint?
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Of course you faggots have abysmal taste.
And the catposter can't even keep in his mind anything more than 1 page, poor creature.
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>10 changer 11 nearly stronkest
>11 trump 1 nearly useless
>7 blaster 9 considerably stronk
>4 human equivalent looks
So I got some pretty scary powerful form changing power with notable ranged applications and some nominal trump element to it.
>abysmal taste
lmao. How is THIS good taste?
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That's the other cat poster, I'm fine with long cyoas as long as they aren't slop that wastes my time (looking at you, italics).
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 2, 3, 2, 7 = 28 (7d12)

Let's see...
My taste > your taste.
Eh, a disgusting mutant with pretty weak powers. Better luck next time.
Because the catposter is a barely sentient newfag pretending to be an oldfag, who constantly samefags to appear to have greater thread presence. Another one of symptoms of shitposters permanently damaging this general after a series of good CYOAs and bullying authors. Watch as he tries to meekly respond to this btw.
among us
>Catposter is actually every poster in /cyoag/
Kono schizo powa...
Accept your fate, unblessed one
only red ravager is in india. No one is fighting over it
>catposter is the anon shitting on "shitalics" and "entropiss" every thread
I owe Tok an apology.
but I love those names too... they are le funny
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>I'm the boogeyman of the thread now
>cat poster isn't Tok
I'm not convinced
you're giving the shitposter too much attention lol, ignore him and he'll leave like the rest
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>ignore shitposters
Then why did people not ignore wormfags?
you don't ignore wormfags, you kill them with fire
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I want to update my map position
Anyone have that meme image of Italics (Gojo) vs Entropist (Sukuna)?
The strongest failed novelist in history vs the strongest japanese salarycuck of today.
>The strongest failed novelist
Rolled 4, 12, 5, 12, 11, 3, 11 = 58 (7d12)

Come on baby, give me a Chad Stranger
Where does the belief that Italics is a novelist come from?
>Breaker 12
>Stranger 11
>Master 3
>Entirely Inhuman
Strongest breakers are probably people like Ash Beast, Acidbath, Fog... strongest Stranger is probably like Imp? But she's only a Stranger 5. What I'm getting from this is that I'm probably some form of indestructible mind raping monstrosity.
Rolled 4, 6, 1, 9, 3, 10, 11 = 44 (7d12)

/cyoag/ is dead...
It's all up to reddit now
>t. jobber
man my rolls are so shit
reddit is also dead atm.
>t. GOD
Delivrance at last.
>No one fell for his cheap bait so he has to answer himself
lol, lmao even
Oh it's certainly the kind of cape that gets put down by a strong enough Thinker while I'm not in my Breaker form.
Arent all authors novelists?
Here is your novelist, bro
Well of course, if we don't have OC they have nothign to steal lmao
>The perfect girl is the worst part, as a lot of us dont have a perfect but I still dig it the eldritch being madly in love inside the coccoon.
Don't worry about that. She WILL find the buttons that make you tick. She will make the bestest shell for you. Because she loves you a lot.
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Alright. So I'm reading Magi Case and I have a question about mages. How durable are they as people? If I get shot am I just dead or am I able to do Servant tier (I know it's not Fate) durability and be shounen tanky? Get stabbed with swords and keep going? While I'm at it, why do they limit themselves to one spouse if they have a decreasing birthrate?
You are human level unless you use magic.
Jesus christ, that sucks ass. You would expect people who are using magic for centuries not to be an average joe level in terms of durability.

So every battle is basically, shoot first or get fucked and not shounen battles.
fun? That word is forbidden here sir.
It's a deconstruction of the superhero genre, with excellent worldbuilding, lot of teenage drama (which has its appeal) and some eldritch horror material which is sorely lacking in your usual Marvel / DC comic where most villains are your typical mustache twirling cartoony moron.
Tankista would never. Tok would never. Shitalics can't make cyoas.
>You would expect people who are using magic for centuries not to be an average joe level in terms of durability.
Why would you expect this?
>So every battle is basically, shoot first or get fucked and not shounen battles.
Anon told you "unless you use magic" and you're treating it like "never". Just buff yourself, dude.
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Give me planeswalker cyoas.
Oh i remember this one. I hope anon is working on it.
My brother in christ. Make yourself more sturdy. They just told you to use magic.
One nigga has like 7 bodies
Rolled 4, 9, 6, 10, 7, 9, 12 = 57 (7d12)

This is not a cyoa.
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>Rolled 4, 9, 6, 10, 7, 9, 12
>Utterly inhuman ugly monster
An evil computer made of flesh.
>Strong breaker
Can fade out of its physical environment and into the internet, and back, for a time.
>Medium striker
While inside the internet, can punch people through their computer displays.
>Strong tinker
Upgrades own intelligence over time by tinkering.

Many of the Worm wiki examples of Breaker seemed more like Tankista's Changer powers. Confusing.
It will be I who shall defeat the STRONGEST
Because it's magic. You would think the power to make literal fire from your hand without using any chemicals would do something for you over the generations and not leave you squishy.

Also, the CYOA is anime. And in anime settings they never hold up to realism, so you would expect it to bend the rukes in some way and make you more resilient to being damaged.

Not all the magics give buffs from what I am reading.
You say that while posting images from a visual novel where mages are just normal humans except some made themselves more durable with magic, lmao.
All the mages that appear in fate are durable as all hell. Especially if they are teenagers.
>You would think the power to make literal fire from your hand without using any chemicals would do something for you over the generations and not leave you squishy
But there's no correlation between making fire and being durable. You just want to be tough for the sake of it, which is a weird desire when you can use magic to make yourself tough anyways.
it probably just depends which magic family they're from, meirin and edo detectives should have weirdly strong bodies
I do not know about extra material or whatever they came up with later, but in the visual novel, all the humans are just human level. Get hit once in the knee and can't walk anymore, shit like that.
>Get hit once in the knee and can't walk anymore, shit like that.
Kneebros... I can't stop shaking. I'm going down, I-I-I'm kneeling aiieeee
>t. standing before entropist anon
>for the sake of it
No, I want to have cool mage battles instead of getting instantly sniped in the heart and the battle ends in the first five seconds. Mage fiction is supposed to be chuuni kino which why they are usually durable and battles and cool stuff happens all the time.

Yeah, but Chinese is just wuxia shit unironically. And the Edo are furries and furfags.
>doesn't improve his body
>"why do I die in one hit?"
Anon you are being misinformed there is MANY ways to get a sturdier body and some of them don't even need for you to be a user of that magic so it can be outsourced.
Magea should have mage battles and be sfurdy
>Yaga, Howtizer, Malivent, Evoco, Ager, Atman, Aozdou, Devil

Can't gain direct defense. No cinematic fights for them, unless they're very advanced, maybe.
Curses the damage back at you.


Reverse time

Seals rhe damage

Necromancy son

Literal 3rd Magic from Fate

Curse themselves to never die
If your illusion mage is having a "cinematic battle" You're doing something wrong.
They're living cognitohazards which comes with esoteric tiers of durability
Control everything and can infuse themselves with elements
Reverse any damage they take automatically
Deva magic is defensive
Seals themselves to be immune to outside forces, seals attacks coming at them
Control death, which makes it pretty hard to die

You have to be retarded to be as squishy as a normal human in Magi Case.
>Your illusion mage is not making cinema
Mixed up Evoco, but they can just fuse themselves with monsters and/or have a summon running defense 24/7.
Curse of immortality.

Constant vibration spell surrounding yourself? Kinda cope, but it should work.

Summon things that can transform your body and buff you.

Since they're adept at soul destruction and restoration, it's not a stretch to say that they can do soul protection.

Place conditional seals on your body that auto activates against attacks.


Idk. They should avoid getting hit in the first place. Ager can reverse damage, but that doesn't mean much when they're in one shot territory.
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>unless they're very advanced

All this stuff is very fucking advancedю
>Curse themselves to never die
Pretty sure they can't to date. The strongest OG witches discarded their humanity just not to age and the one that kept her humanity lost her womb and is now wheelchair bound.

Damn cripple empty womb hag needs correction )(.
unga bubga strong
unga bunga smart
unga bunga live FOREVER
bunga unga weak
bunga unga stupid
bunga unga die INSTANTLY
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