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is getting attacked on sight for playing a non human race even a fun mechanic?

even if it's a weak af human going up againts a demi human for some reason it just slows don't the game and becomes annoying
put some points in Stealth or Disguise and it stops being an issue
Depends vastly on the game itself
If its like >>93250001 then its just a character creation tax "if you play this race you have to dump X points to be able to play the game.
Other times its part of the game and you're expected to be able to work around it - or maybe everyone is non human and its a key part of play.
Most of the time its someone playing dnd and their DM puts a fun penalty for wanting to be an odd race rather than just talking to the player like an adult.
No one does this. Even in real life, humans don't attack things on sight the things they hate. Even poisonous bugs or whatever.
not OP but I've had people discuss this happening in a game - and the fact that people dont work like that never changes the GM
Shit GM then, desu ne
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Players dont play as monstrous races at my table. You've got humans, elves, dwarves and halflings, literally zero reason to play anything else. Simple as.
Obviously the GM should've told the player that a race that gets attacked on sight isn't viable for player characters, then if the player insists on playing it anyway he gets to have a learning experience.
by the same logic you don't need other races when you have humans
apples and oranges

It's not fun for GMs; it's not fun for players. Just don't allow your personal definition of freakshit in your campaign from the get go.
That was a government coordinated effort to destroy a hostile polity rather than the villagers showing up with pitchforks and torches to chase off Frankenstein
Bro they didn't hate buffalos. They hated another group of humans that had a different government with which they were competing. And they didn't even kill that other group of humans on sight, they tried to eliminate their food supply and demoralize them into abdicating the contested territory. You provided proof that the poster you replied to is 100% correct.
Not really. Even if you dial it down towards simply being confronted by the guards and undergoing an interrogation, it either ends up wasting time, getting handwaved, or with the player having to create a new character.

Playable races need to be able to exist in population centers without causing major issues. If a race can't do that, it shouldn't be playable.
I disagree on the grounds that there's tons of campaigns that go nowhere near population centers (unless they're raiding them). War campaigns, borderlands campaigns, underdog campaigns, bandit and pirate campaigns, tomb raiding campaigns, etc etc etc.
You will inevitably be confronted by the players at one point or another beginning to butcher the mob/ the guards/ the soldiers/ the locals, for even if you try to hide, sooner or later you WILL fail a check. So unless you plan a "slaughter every racist human and overthrow the racist government" campaign, yeah, it will be annoying, if not outright game breaking.
As another anon said, it doesn't even make sense a portion of the time because some weakling isn't really going to go and try to fight a player character in a group just because they are a race they don't like on account of being literal weaklings. Most common people are not even considered level 1, and then you're having to deal with the group too potentially.
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It's kind of tedious to do the whole song and dance with every new settlement. Make some concession to the fact that the character needs to keep a low profile, and move on.

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