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Why did he need 1500 mirrors?
He needed to do some self-reflection.
If I had to guess, trying to build Archimedes' heat ray
Because he was tweaked out of his mind on ADHD meds and he felt like it was the best idea ever.

t. someone who wrote 100 page rpg book while tweaked out of his mind on ADHD meds.
I honestly feel bad for the guy.
His introduction to most of the world was when he was fucked up from cancer, stress due to cancer, and drug addiction.
I'm not gonna pretend that he didn't act like a complete retard and that he didn't make his episodes hard to watch, but he really fucking lost out on a golden goose because of something that was mostly not his fault. Mostly.
Because Percy invents things, so he wanted to invent things.
The same way Vex had a pet, so he wanted a pet.
The same way Grog had a bag of holding that he pulled things out of as a gag, so he wanted a bag of holding to pull things out of as a gag.
The same way Scanlan made horny jokes, so he wanted to make horny jokes.
Nobody liked Tiberius, so Orion tried to copy things people liked about other characters.
>I honestly feel bad for the guy.
I feel bad for him too, but he was still an idiot that deserved to get kicked out.

>he really fucking lost out on a golden goose because of something that was mostly not his fault. Mostly.

He was struggling yeah, but.... fuck. Remembering him makes me sad even tho I'm glad he is gone from the group.
I dunno, plenty of people liked Tiberius at first. But I think that as of the Biarwood arc, everybody started to grow sick of him. Also, I find it funny that it was both Orion and Marisha that had a very, toxic, disruptive playstyle, but it was only Orion who got the boot, while Marisha continued to be a total cancer for next 2 campaigns.
Also, also, I suspect something went down with Matt and Orion behind the scenes, because Matt was unusually petty towards Tiberius in later episodes.
You can tell everyone was sick of his shit right after the K'Varn fight. He acted like the biggest meta gamey bitch throughout that entire thing and im pretty sure there was a shot of him and Matt having a heated discussion in the after show clean up. His relationship with the group started disintegrating from there as his "main character" shenanigans increased. Im still pissed about the Vex arrow moment,
>His relationship with the group started disintegrating from there as his "main character" shenanigans increased.
To be fair, that can be attributed to every CR cast member, outside of Travis, who never cared about the spotlight and was content causing shenanigans as Grog. Marisha and Liam are especially guilty of forcing themselves into spotlight. I remember how Travis and Sam were laughing their asses off when Marisha declared Keyleth in what she thought was her moment to shine, a "true leader of Vox Machina".
Honestly, I think it was only Taliesin who managed to steal the spotlight for a bit and make it work, because everybody loved Percy's arc.
>Also, I find it funny that it was both Orion and Marisha that had a very, toxic, disruptive playstyle, but it was only Orion who got the boot, while Marisha continued to be a total cancer for next 2 campaigns.
Liam also metagames, fudges his rolls, is creepy towards Laura, and has MC syndrome.
Orion's real problem was 100% behind the scenes. And we'll probably never actually know what it was.
I can bet your ass it had something to do with Marisha, given how touchy-feely she and Orion were from the start, and how vindictive Matt was towards Tiberius even after Orion had left.
The difference is Orion was actively being disruptive to other people's enjoyment of the game with his quest to be the main character while Marisha was just RPing cringe that made other players laugh. He actively fucked the party over in the K'varn fight while trying to play grab ass with the mindflayers and refusing to engage until the very end where he stole the kill and then acted like a massive salty bitch or when he stole the limelight from Vex with the arrow shot or holding up the entire session because he wanted to make a ridiculous death ray out of mirrors.
>while Marisha was just RPing cringe that made other players laugh.
I dunno, between the Wind Walk debacle, the Kraken fight and the goldfish jump (yeah, it's not as disruptive, but they still wasted a Revive on her for no reason), she had plenty of situations in which she royally fucked over the party. I guess the difference is, Orion was deliberstely disruptive, while Marisha is simply not a sharpest tool in the drawer and/or usually stoned out of her mind. But she's disruptive cancer nonetheless.
Yeah thats what i was getting at. Marisha is just a retard who doesn't know any better while Orion knew exactly what he was doing and being disruptive.
Marisha pulled off the biggest turnaround I've ever seen for Season 3. Laudna is a really good character, unlike Keyleth and not!Korra.
Too bad C3 sucks ass so hard even Sam Riegel left.
Sam dropped? I stopped near the beginning when Robbie was still around
He deliberately got his robot character killed because he was so sick of playing him. But y'know, it's Critical Role, you are obligated to play the character until your final days, otherwise the fandom will sperg out, like with Molly. God, that was stupid.
I am suspecting Travis will be next, because he's REALLY done with Chetney.
rip FCG, frankly I expected Travis to drop before anyone else since he seemed pretty done with it towards the end of the last game
I guess that's the result of picking a shitpost char just to fuck with the rest of the table and then realizing you are now stuck with this character for 3+ years.
I guess the only ones that worked so far were Grog and Scanlan.
Yeah maybe for the first 3rd of the campaign but shes now back to being insufferable again since she "died".
He looks like the bad guy from Far Cry.
I've actually watched this episode. Tiberius was buying the mirrors for Percy's machine. But...
The machine Percy was building broke
Since when the fuck was Tiberius there to see it? Why didn't Percy go to Tiberius and tell him to forget about the mirrors?
nacho varga
What the fuck are you people talking about
You guys do know the wrestling is fake right?

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