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File: dragon.jpg (46 KB, 400x293)
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Giant snake.
Giant snake girl.
Giant snake girl with feet
Giant snake girl with feet and wings.
Giant snake girl with feet, wings and large breasts.
Giant snake girl with feet, wings, large breasts and freckles
A killing machine not designed for coomer bait.
A killing machine not designed for coomer bait.
With feet.
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yikes, saurian dragons are the worst
Four legs, two wings, a tail. Must have horns.
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A lot of people think of them as reptiles, but dragons are traditionally magical hybrids. Western dragons are a cross between a snake, a bird of prey, and a big cat. Eastern dragons have many more animals rolled in, called the "nine resemblances". So by comparison, dinos look very un-fantastical.
I enjoy this Grenadier/Mirliton dragon ironically though. It's just silly.
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On the other hand, this dino-inspired dragon works, because it's neither fully dragon nor fully dinosaur.
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Last one, from Alternative Armies.
This one looks good but there isn't really much dragon in it.
Note that both the unironically good dragon-dinos don't have wings, because they're not inspired by pterosaurs and anything else would look weird.
(the previous one was from Dark Sword)
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I always thought this guy looked awesome. Dark Sun dragons are weird but something about them just looks right.
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They're corrupt former humans, and that gets reflected in the designs.
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I'm rather fond of the designs by Rodney Matthews from those old Usborne Books
Basically giant scaly cats with wings.
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I think these would have made good blue dragons for D&D, it never made sense to me that they're one of the most manipulative ones and they look like a big rhino.
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