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I just bought Paranoia Core Starter Set, how much did I fuck up?
As long as you don't read past your clearance level, you are not a traitorous mutant commie
>"red clearance edition"
>it's white
Is that the one that replaced communists with terrorists? If yes, then report to the nearest euthanasia booth.
What's wrong with that? I have some communist friends that I play with, no need to antagonize them for their views
Because Alpha Complex hating commies while being a command economy where the leader is your friend or else, there's only one political party, all citizens are equal but some are more equal (decided entirely by how trusted they are by the party), the most powerful are unfettered oligarchs with wealth the regular people can't even imagine, and the secret police have secret police is really funny.
Them hating "terrorists" while all those other things are true isn't. Also it's not any more contemporary than hating communists at this point.
None of those things are features of real communism, arguing that it's funny that the computer hates communists while being a fascist dictator is stupid, those are distinct things
If you brought the edition where the commies are all terrorists instead you fucked up, it's shit
You're supposed to make your "real Communism has never been tried" jokes more obvious.
Because of actual rule changes or because one word is different?
Just the general attitude of coming into one of of the least politically correct games and insisting you're modernizing and "saving" it while taking out the best jokes and putting gay sex in instead
>stop being homophobic
It's definitely gay when the setting goes from "no sex due to general medication and propaganda" to "haha the friend computer thinks gay sex is wrestling haha isn't that funny you can now have gay sex in paranoia? What a witty and insighful change you can have the gay sex"
The gay sex thing annoyed me personally because I've used the suppression meds as a plot element more than once. One time where they accidentally stumbled on a high ranking swinger's club made up of yellow and up who had altered their own pharmatherapy to remove the suppressants. Stumbling through all the innuendo while understanding absolutely none of it and thinking they'd found some sort of secret society with strange codephrases and secret handshakes was a riot.
The other time was when they were ranging faaaaar from Alpha Complex and their vehicle ran out of the components for a number of standard drugs, including that one. Sudden onset puberty is always funny.
Which is messed up by sex being a known thing that everyone does, even if it's only homogay.
Now everything has to be less co-ed and you can't do fun plots with the suppressants because nobody's ignorant of that stuff.
paranoia commies have always been a parody of the McCarthy communist witch hunts. makes it a lot more fun to treat them according to their description in XP:
for ULTRAVIOLET eyes only
The Commies don’t really know much about historical Communism, which was a dead doctrine long before Year 1 of The Computer. However, The Computer’s intense persecution of Communism has led to its revival. (Certain citizens conclude if The Computer hates Communism that much, it can’t be all bad.) Communists have tried to reconstruct Communism from the few sources they’ve found, but many celIs have little idea what it’s all about.
with that in mind, i agree that removing the title bad guys for nondescript terrorists (basically every secret society was already a terrorist by the way) is a decision lacking in SOVL
That's also part of the joke. Nobody knows what communists actually are, but Alpha Complex is Stalinist in all but name while also witch hunting them. There's layers to it.
The witch hunt leading to a revival of communism is a fantastic criticism of the red scare, which goes to show you the people who made the change are FUCKING STUPID while playing right into the hands of early 2000s propaganda. There's me critiquing it from leftwards.
Oh, so you're STUPID stupid. Don't worry, I'm sure a youtuber will make a video essay that explains baby-tier literary analysis of a comedy TTRPG game to you any day now. Keep waiting for spoonfed content.
Your friends sound absolutely fucking miserable if you really believe they'd take offense to what is basically agitprop containing an obvious satire of McCarthyism.

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