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How do you play a rebel PC without making them cringeworthy?
copy paste Sasuke, lay on the tragedy for their background, but do not allow that exposition to ever come from themself.
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You start by finding better influences for cool rebels.
Start with knowing what they're rebelling against. A "rebel without a cause" gets tiresome.
Make them a rebel without making them a “rebel”. A teenage girl or a suave rogue unconsciously imitating Fidel Castro or a cringey do-gooder are all very embarrassing. Make him a ruthless and determined individual with a *very* good reason for rebelling and a clear end goal, helps if he is from some specific ethnicity, house/clan, or cult , helps more if he has a personal grudge with someone at some level of the regime. Like Dagoth-Ur.
Make them fanatical about something. Be it politics, religion, or whatever. You also have to make sure that whatever they are fanatical about is something that will allow then to function as a party member and it should be the reason why they are "adventuring".
>not cringe
Make them noble in their intent, but make them blindly hateful to the establishment they resist.

I made a rogue character who was basically evil Robin Hood. His ideals were a literal eat the rich anarchist, and his goal in the campaign was simply to get the wish spell and use it to kill off the entire aristocracy.
Are rebels cringe?
Make them a rebel in a more classical manner, and for blatantly selfish reasons.
>Knight trying to gather support to go usurp his 'Tyrannical' Uncle's titles.
>Uncle is... Just kinda ruling normally.

Honestly a solid base for a LE/NE character that could fit in a reasonable party.
A rebel against what? General rebelliousness is associated with cringey teens because it's empty of real stakes and value, they're mostly rebelling against their past self and their own upbringing and perception of the world which is clashing with adult realities they were ill prepared for and are still rejecting.

But like an actual rebel isn't a character it's just a state a person is forced into or falls into. Because what makes someone rebel is a bad situation and pressure, but the amount of pressure is different for everyone so some people will see the signs of a bad thing and rebel against what it will lead to, some won't until the bad thing actually happens and they're forced to accept it as reality, and some won't until pushed to the absolute highest point of desperation.

What the fuck is a rebel besides all that OP?
Have them join up with the dominant authority instead of being rebels.
OP, you seem fragile.
Remember that Castro and Che didn't abolish the Batista administration and kick out most of the American gangsters and foreign influences exploiting Cuba without killing a shitload of people. You can argue that plenty of them deserved it (I would, personally), but this also unfortunately included the families of some of their political opponents (and the families of a few American gangsters), who most likely did constitute "innocent people."

Revolution is never bloodless, and the defenders of the status quo often have some pretty legitimate grievances with even the most righteous of revolutionaries. The IRA killed civilians while opposing the tyranny of the British empire. The American Civil Rights marches only worked as well as they did while remaining peaceful because Malcolm X was waiting in the wings and couldn't wait for any excuse to start shooting.

In tabletop RPGs, Spire: This City Must Fall understands that the revolution will not be civilized. Being a rebel sucks because being the good guy means being an underdog in a city where underdogs get shot behind the chemical sheds. You're fighting the good fight, doing what's right, and you're going to die. Actually, you were dead the second you joined up. It's a long war, and you are not the chosen one. The best you can hope to be is a single cobblestone on the long road to a better tomorrow.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, and the enemy has hundreds of times more guns than you do.
The noble outlaw/rebel prince archetype is the only non faggy way of doing it
Make them big guys
Why would you? You're not writing the next great fantasy series. You're playing a game. Embrace the cringe. Be the mary sue. It's a game with your friends.
Your mother mated with a Scorpion.
This might be cringe but depends where your PC is starting, you could go with a mover e.g. What happens in Andor, more political well beings of/with the civilians.

Star wars in general/Vietnam rebels just vs the Big bad status quo

I do agree with a bit
Sasuke which is more revenge/vengence based imo. or Civil war cover up to keep that status quo in check like his brother Itachi.

maybe Have your PC starting within the Status quo but sees the wrongs of the 'empire' or its Unyielding uncaring lack of change and you want to do something about it.

Depends on the game layout more than your character imo. Circle hole, square peg.

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