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Cadians in Combat Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you use your imagination when you play 40k?
Can I buy that from GW?
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Post minis (even if they are a wip)
Of course, that's a big part of the fun
I couldn't imagine not thinking about /yourdudes/ clashing with the opponent's army and wreaking total war
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Did these the other day
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Here's all I've got painted so far
As long as you don't have a ton of flaky ass shit like basing stuff, you should be able to run your minis through water gently and the dust goes off.
I'm too afraid the evil water will steal all the paint from my funny little models.
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Just started working on these Meganobz, how do they look so far?
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Since dark eldar don't use wrathbone doesn't that mean it's possible to reverse engineer their tech?
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Could he take down the ruinous powers
It absolutely will not as long as you've primed them. You do prime your models right? Either way, just let them air dry fully (long) or use a good air blower on lower settings followed by a final air dry. I've done it without issue for years now.
didnt realise that blood axes used meganobz desu, nice work anon
unboxed only 1/10
trim and fill the sprue gates and sand the rims with a 1000 grit
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Just basecoated these with this weirdly awesome blue, it doesn't quite capture on camera but it's so vibrant.

Also, I want to ask how do you all feel about the Eldar refresh? (So far)
Yeah, I'm just getting back into 40K after a 15ish year hiatus. Need some extra bases from Amazon so I can figure out how to best use some crackle for dry desert bases.
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First shirtless hombre painted up. I rarely ever see these dudes painted.
lookin' good. where's Azrael?
Not much done judging by the age of some of those models
They're firing laser guns. Why would there be muzzle flash?
I think you might have went a bit heavy on the purple, maybe consider doing a bit more for secondary colour(s)?
laser superheated the gasses in the chamber and they ignited
Good enough for me.
Hes painted to a much better quality that my friend did for me as a gift before Adepticon last March.
anon I've only recently started painting, much less playing the game again
this is a decent chunk of the Tyranids I own
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biiiggggg smiles
I like the solo Ripper leading the charge.
You should get him based and named.
post yours then
Not an excuse
>that book
You lucky man, anon.
I'm fond of that little guy as he was intended to go on my Hive Tyrant's base, but while the digestion pool was sculpted with him in mind the capillary bits winded up curving just far enough to where I couldn't fit him in anymore and I couldn't find another place to put him on it. So instead I decided to just make him a token for the Hive Tyrant.
I don't know what name I'll give him, but I'm going to take the piece of meat from the old Kroot sprue and turn it into a plate of BBQ Ribs that he's going to have with him.
>tfw that old tyrant guard

ive still got that one somewhere, honestly prefer those ones over the newer chunky guard
How bad are the moudlines on those new Cadian models?
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It's not, it's just an explanation.
I probably could've gotten more done by now if I didn't spend about 2 hours on each Termagant, but I think it's worth it honestly. I'm pretty happy with how everything looks so far.
I found that thing at a used book store what must've over a decade ago; I had no idea what a steal it was at the time but I'm very fond of it. The Hierodule was something I'd always wanted so I was very glad to finally get my hands on a genuine one, and I got it at a really good price too only for GW to discontinue and legend them a few months after I obtained it. I'm hoping it gets a plastic kit so the rules won't just be scrapped in later editions, but it's still kind of a bummer.
Doesn't change how cool it is though, I still think it was worth it.
There are almost none
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Had fun with these guys. Can’t wait to paint up the other 5 some day in the future.
Nice face on the sniper, need to lighten the skin a bit though, looks too washed out even if he’s supposed to be brown.
If I was going to have a full squad I thought it'd be cool if I had one of each since I'm very fond of all the Tyrant Guard models. Having it in my hands now, the OG one has got some genius bits to it, like how the weapon is a gun that's shooting tentacles to make a literal pistol whip, or the shield having holes in it for the spines to shoot out. Love the face too. I must admit my favorite one is the 4e one though, since that's the one I had the longest and I just find it really endearing to look at.
I wish they'd give Tyrant Guard the ability to have spinefists again, but I don't think it'll happen unfortunately. But at least they got some nice weapon variety now.
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Was thinking an Idiocracy style comedy with Gulliman would be fucking great. He wakes up from the coma and takes in how weird Imperium has become.

IIRC, doesn't he find all the space marines wearing skeletons/skulls on their power armor quite crass and strange?
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One of my marine's bolters fell off so I had to proxy an eldar shuriken gun. Feels like heresy.
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Cherubs fuck him up a fair bit, the skulls and bones stuff was already pretty common during the crusade.
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>To get access into the Super Secret Do not Distrurb™ traitor base, the Iron hand has to remove his (iron) hand and program it to unlock the doors walking Thing style
Could it be kino?
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Too lazy to take a WIP shot so have an old one, but I am back on finishing my tentacle face bugs. I have 4 leapers, a neurolictor and a second lictor to finish. Currently working on a leaper alpha.
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Red heads
Would it be bad etiquette to play a deff dread/Boomdakka Snazzwagon in a 500 point game?
They are fun models
No? Those are exactly the sort of vehicle models you should be expected to field at 500 points.
Would be sick. Especially if the hand returns and he’s pulped lol
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those are clearly Kommandos
>I'm pretty happy with how everything looks so far
You really shouldn't be
what blue?
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WIP wulfen
Old assassin. I know transitions are chunky, but I still like how she came out.
I don't know why this dude is going after you so hard, but your nids look fine.
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Can someone explain how to play Sisters like you're talking to a five year old?
>Can someone explain how to play Sisters like you're talking to a five year old?
May I speak to your husband?
I'm a dude
And single ;_;
If you look good in leggings maybe you won't be anymore.
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Too fat and hairy
Nid bros, how big are your zoan units? I usually play at 1000pts, and I use 2 units of 3, but I'm not sure if one full unit is actually better
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It’s a struggle every time not to make pew pew noises. And I have a 70 page pdf about stories I’ve fashioned from games.

Cool Nids, what actually happens in that book? I’ve heard “Jurassic park with nids”.

Anyone else who can, post cool Nids.
Big unit with a neurotyrant is most powerful.
Maybe its because its standing straight on its hind legs but that old Tyrant guard is really unnerving. No eyes, massive maw of teeth, really eerie.
I'm probably going to paint mine soon; I'm planning to field one unit of six with a Neurotyrant to lead them now that they can attach to it since the +1 to hit sounds like it's going to be great fun to use. If you're not going to do that though, two units would probably be better so the opponent has to split fire to kill them.
Thanks anon. I wasn't really taking anything that guy was saying to heart though. He's probably just messing around.
It's OK anon, just do what /yourdudes/ would do to get a partner.
I should say, it turns out you can kill a Zoan blob with a single squad of assault intercessors on an objective. So be careful around breathable ruins so they can charge without getting overwatched.
Great suggestion, thanks anons!
>I’ve heard “Jurassic park with nids”.
Pretty much.

Mechanicus have some nids in cages to study. Don't notice when some gaunts develop the organs necessary to reproduce and then their offspring burrow out and go off to infest the planets biosphere.
Next thing they know the admech base is getting assaulted by a full on tyranid swarm including biotitans.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Glad your Salamanders are still around as well.
And yeah the book's story is pretty fun. IIRC, essentially an Inquisitor goes down to a planet with some IG and the Red Scorpions to investigate and finds the Magos had been running experiments on the Tyranids to study them in captivity only for them to start breeding underground and flood the planet; the Inquisitor dramatically underestimates the number at first but once he realizes the full extent he tries to leave only to discover all his reinforcements have been delayed and his ships can't take him off the planet anymore. The Red Scorpions lose a Dreadnought and some of their members but manage to regroup with the survivors, and promptly ditch the planet since the Inquisitor told them not to try and rescue their fellow battle brothers, essentially leaving him to die. He and his remaining forces bunker down and expend almost all their resources they have left to barely kill the Hierophant Bio-Titan, prompting the Inquisitor to be relieved at first, but then he sees two more in the distance and just gives up in despair.
It's eventually revealed the Inquisitor's mentor who promised him aid if he went to investigate the planet backstabbed him by deliberately underplaying the threat level and then requisitioned/sabotaged his support so he could run his own studies on the Tyranids, and is trying to find a way to make a new kind of Space Marine that's more resistant to the Hive Mind via the Red Scorpions. He's implied to be assassinated for his efforts.
Honestly part of why I love it so much.
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>post cool Nids.

Well I think it's cool. Shame the rules have been dropped.
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Reposting my Boyz. Ultraorks coming up soon
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I mean technically I used the body of a psychophage for Shuugash here lol
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Made this picture 30 minutes ago, don't know where to post it.
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This gave me a chub.
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Here's my coolest nid yet.
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That is a really fuckin cool Nid holy shit.
A bit thick on the lines at some parts, but not bad anon not bad
those tentacles are quite nice
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probably one of the best paint jobs ever in these threads anon. amazing work. posting random smol guys
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Thanks bros. Never let them tell you you're too inexperienced to do cool stuff.
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Hi praise anon, thanks a lot, I'll cherish it.

Now I gotta think up what I wanna do to go even further when I paint the rest of my nids. The only other big models I got on the horizon are a pair of hive tyrants and a norn emissary. I can see myself doing a similar pattern on the hive tyrant's wings, but I dont think the emissary has much room for freehanding.
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Need to take a new photo, but this is what I’ve got
NTA but I think it'd be cooler if you kept the pattern for the Deathleaper. You don't need to try to push yourself to go big for the rest of them.
Tyranids are tailor made for kitbashing so why not kitbash one of the Hive Tyrants for your fleet? I made my Hive Tyrant the ol' classic, but that's just because I genuinely think that look is so bloody awesome that I want him to be that way and he's my favorite guy in my army. But I did kitbash my OOE-Carnifex a lot and gave it the DoW2 treatment and it's a contender for second favorite among my guys. If you think it'd be cool I'd suggest trying to just have fun with one of the Tyrants you've got and see if you're happy to either have it as the classic treatment or make it more personalized.
You could even use parts from the Norn Kit that you didn't use.
I want to buy a IG combat patrol set to play other sci-fi skirmish games. Never played or bought WH40k before.

Is this a good idea? The minis in the box seem good, with a mech even (which is what I need) --sentinel, I think.
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Thats very true. I havent actually decided what I'm gonna do with the hive tyrants yet. So far I only considered that I definitely want 1 to be winged with the tail and such, and the other footed, maybe with the cannon. I dont even know if I can use both in an army (not like Ive played any games yet, I just enjoy the painting/building of the models) But I definitely want to kitbash one of them somehow, use all the extra bits to make something fun.

And yeah since I want the deathleaper to be the leader of the army, I might keep his cloak pattern unique. Instead what I wanted to do for a while is give the winged hive tyrant a bee wing pattern like pic. We'll see how that goes when I get to it.
I'm presuming you're aiming for Vanguard when you do play? Having play with my guys a few times, the Hive Tyrant is pretty boss, and yeah you could use both of them an in army (though I don't think most people would). Winged counts as VI so it'd fit with the Deathleaper more.
If you can find some plastic insect wings you could also try to substitute those for the normal ones for a more bug-like look. But giving the wings vein-like patterns would also be pretty gnarly. If I had any big winged Nids I likely would try something like that too.

There are better alt minatures than what that comabt patrol offers. Go to the alternative war game thread and ask for more recs.
uh oh gw piggy meltie
Yeah aside from deathleaper and a neurolictor, all my tyranid models come from the leviathan box + the christmas battleforce. So when (if) I get to playing sometime this century, I should have a good enough mix to be able to try out all the different detachments, starting with Vanguards.
Sorry, no 3000 points of gaunts for the endless swarm here.
Vallejo cobalt blue
Nta but I don't really like these at all. I don't really like the first party guard models to begin with but I find something is always lost with the 3rd party stuff
Yeah, the price.
Turned out really cool anon great work. I'm glad you stuck through the process
and the art direction and quality
Why they so arms
heroic scale a shit
You can just, do patterns on other parts.
Spots around the shoulders, back of the head are common.
Carapace plates are somewhere you can just do what ever.

There's also striping or banding you could do on the limbs.
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Combining the official wulfen arms and heads with reiver bodies.
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Last thing I added to my lamenters back in may
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Fuq thought I cropped that one already
where are your bases
Fuck you mean bases bro it's a tank lmao
Everything is painted and highlighted what are you on about
it doesn't hover zoomie
Nice work, the yellow is smooth.
Those checks are well done.
When you need to do something, use the special dice
-10VP because sad boys always suffer. Thems the rules
It's a tonk, it doesn't have a base.
>it doesn't have a base.
Then the model is not counted as "Battle Ready" because you have to have basing to achieve that as per GW, ergo -10vp
Models without bases should be legends desu. Especially something like the defiler or the baneblade.
They don't need an extra -10vp to lose/suffer if im rolling the dice.
Thanks anon I picked lamenters cause I love painting yellow, and checks seemed like a significant enough challenge to keep me engaged.
I'm not putting a base on something not intended to be used with a base. Also I only play with my friends so I don't really have to deal with autism appeasement rules like the -10vp deal or no legends in matched play
>Thanks anon I picked lamenters cause I love painting yellow, and checks seemed like a significant enough challenge to keep me engaged.
You should ignore the checker and work on learning to paint yellow without it looking like shit instead
Relax Anon, it's just some trolling.
No one actually thinks tanks need bases to count as battle ready
I do, but only at tournaments because it REALLY upsets the "Pro Painters"
>Bringers of Flame, Penitent Host
Your girls are going to die, so they need to kill something worth more points than their squad before that happens.
>Hallowed Martyrs, Army of Faith
Your girls are going to die, so you need to make sure they die in the most frustrating manner to deny your opponent's scoring.

This is clearly an oversimplification, but you can generally conceptualize their detachments as aggressive or grinding. Acts of Faith is a fantastic army rule that's always relevant, but since it's basically cheating, Sisters don't necessarily get fancy toys for cheap.
They absolutely need bases
There you go anon you got your 4chan internet point
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>citadel minis
>not Games Workshop minis
So if the paints and the models are both citadel, is Games Workshop just the publisher? Could they theoretically publish other company's minis also?
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God the new Cadian models suck fetid ass.
Ok grognard
>I don't know what name I'll give him
I propose Lil' Bob.
Would the new Cadians look better if their gear designs stayed the same?
Yeah, desu most 28mm units look like ass apart from the gsc ones. Idk how they did it.
Possibly. Those chin straps and the kneepads are particularly awful looking.
I'm gonna be honest I don't know why GW changed the look of the gear of the Cadians when it was the proportions that were the problem with the previous Cadian models.
It became more iconic than the Cadians in their first iteration given how long they had been around for.
Maybe it was change for the sake of change. I couldn't tell ya.

I remember an anon saying he was going to commission STL makers to remake the previous Cadians with the new Cadian proportions and had like 1KUSD on offer and everybody who offered to work for him bailed out and refunded his money so he gave up.
>he's a grognard for preferring the the previous Cadian design over the new ones
I remember when preferring firstborn marines over the Primaris made someone a grog.
What does grognard even mean at this point?
I dont know
Citadel is technically a subsidiary of GW that produces their in-house minis and is the brand used for their hobby supplies.
>Could they theoretically publish other company's minis also?
Yep. They started off making minis for D&D and other TTRPGs in the 70s, well before Warhammer existed.
They have done licensed minis and been commissioned to make minis for other companies. They were making minis based on Star Trek, Judge Dredd, Doctor Who and even Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit before the movies came out. GW managed to get the license to the movie's depiction so that they could publish the LOTR strategy battle game; later the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. They also distributed specialist minis like Chronicle Minis, Iron Claw Minis and Marauder Minis. Though all those were eventually just folded into Citadel's main line.
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>literally the same models but with kneepads
>this ruins the model somehow
You niggers will complain about anything.
Autism knows no bounds
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finished the army list, but now working on alternate loadouts for them. Converting some flamethrowers so I can run these units as catachan if I want.
You are playing with (quite expensive) toy soldiers that probably took at least hours buiilding and painting, you better be using your imagination.
>literally the same models
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these really look like shit.
Some people like to pretend they're playing chess when playing 40k when in reality the most soulful way to play is by imagining your writing a narrative for your guys with every turn
I agree the ones on the right of each image look uncanny and dumpy. Proportions much less cartoony and retarded on the left
Slow down a little anon. The colors are great but you're getting some bad coverage on some of them. Give the red on the gun another coat after it fully dries and a few of the helmets.
the point of the image isn't to make them look better
I gotta go to sleep rn but please tell me more what you mean by striping and banding, im unfamiliar, and I'll look into it tomorrow.
that guy is the kneepad autist
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retvrn to tradition
The ones on the left are realistic but are still failures so now they look off in their own way. litteraly nothing more than just a sidegrade.
>standard uniform is green

>green almost nowhere to be found on most battlefields
it's almost like they're models colored to contrast their bases instead of melt into them or something
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We can go further.
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I'm gonna be a fucking faggot and buy the IG battleforce box AND the limited Codex! I don't give a damn if it's overpriced and the book is made irrelevant in a week! I love Cadia! I love Guardsmen! I hate the faggot Nightlord player who said all my guardsmen were gonna get executed for looking at daemons! Fuck you I blew up your dreads! AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!
a decent 3d printer would cost you a 1/3 of all of that.
Unironically the edited Cadian on the right picture with the longer lasgun is a near perfect visual on what the new Cadians should have looked like. Just needs the kneepads removed.

And updated guardsmen from other regiments like Vostroyans (inb4 Les Grognards), Valhallans, Catachan (inb4 Spacenam), Steel Legion, Mordian IronGuard, praetorians, and whatever I may have forgotten to name.

Cadian fatigue set in over a decade ago kind of like Oghram demonstrated marine fatigue.
>Look for starter sets
>Sold out
>Tons scalping on Ebay for 2x normal store prices

Is this typical for 40k?
yeah look for a better wargame. Its overpriced for no reason outside of brit bong land.
it's overpriced in britbongland too
Yes. They under-produce kits to ensure they sell out, because totally sold out in minutes and repeatably selling out are statements that sells well to investors. There's two ways to get kits of 40k beyond that
>pay 2x the prince from ebay scalpers
>wait 6 months and get them 20% reduced in price from local stores

Either way, fuck you and your plans. Look for third party, unless you're planning on playing in a GW store/tournaments then Third Party is usually the best way to go.
Gotcha. I play Army of Faith because I like jetpacks and more consistency. I'll try to keep the idea of harrying rather than trading in mind.
They are horrible
Look into older stuff still on sprue from Imperium magazine on ebay, these should sell for reasonable prices.

Or look into 3d printing.
Ok, after changing my Deathwatch list and tried a different approach, I still got soundly beaten in two turns. I'm not really sure what I did wrong this time, so some feedback on this would be appreciated.

>My list
Deathwatch. Blackspear 1k points

-Gravis Captain with Power Fist (Beacon Angelis, Warlord)
-Chaplain on Bike
-2x Veteran DW Veterans
-2x Vanguards on Jump Pack (storm shield)
-Agressors (6 models)
-Outriders (6 models)

>My opponent's list
Vanilla Space Marines - Gladius

-Captain Terminator
-1 sternguard veterans (10 units)
-1 terminator squad
-1 inceptor
-gladator tank
-predator tank

I leave my agressor in deepstrike thanks to beacon angelis, my opponent leaves his terminators and inceptors as well. He starts the game, he moves his tanks to just barely see my bikes, and he pretty much wipes them turn one. I then try to move and put my vanguards on the NML objectives, and charge the predator to try and block it. However, he moves the tank and puts the sternguard at the center, finishing the bikes and the vanguards (storm shields didn't do shit). I then deploy the agressors and I manage to nearly wipe the sternguard, only leaving the librarian and one sternguard after shooting and charging (which I managed to pull off, somehow). He then counterdeploys his termies and quickly erodes my agressors into nothing. By the end of turn 3, I have only a veteran squad occupying an objective, so I'm screwed. As for secondaries, from the very beginning I got the "destroy units", so I only managed to score at the very end.

I'm not sure what I could have done there. My strategy was to try to occupy as much space as possible from the beginning and try to score early on, but I feel I lack both attacking power and resilience.

Also, if my opponent sees this, good game, it was fun.
you're shit is getting deleted after this month pendejo.
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KEK can you do one with deldar?

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