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Ironjawz da best! Edition

▶Previously in the Mortal Realms:

▶Latest news:

▶Official AoS website, Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs::

warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ [Rest in Peace soon]


▶Thread question:
Have you finished painting the army that you picked up at the start of 3rd edition?
Yes and No. I was finished painting my army by the end of second edition, afett third I had to start over. Now I've only got the right arms on my corsairs(swords instead of crossbows), my cannon, and new fleetmaster.
roools fo de stinke, just for dos of ye who dinde see it.
File: IMG_4651.jpg (1.46 MB, 3007x3951)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB JPG

Got into AoS in February, so I wasn't around for the dawn of 3rd, but I've gotten (currently) about 1500 points of CoS painted and working my way though the HoS Spearhead in preparation to buy Masque and probably Shalaxi depending on the final reveal. Not trying to meta chase, but I'm not gonna drop $60-$130 USD on a model that's borderline deadweight.

>pic partially related: Shardbringer I need to highlight/shade up a bit. Was properly based after this photo.
Does anyone have the new Cado novel? I'm set to purchase the Last Volari, so that one book would round off the sharable novels here.
RIP dispossessed all gone & ready to be rebox for TOW now

hope for nu-city dwarfs down the line
>Be GW
>Squat the Scourge Privateer city
>Squat the Phoenix Guard city
>Squat Wanderers and Phoenix Guard
>Keep Scourge Privateers, give them a new city
>Don't squat Dispossessed like Beastmen or Bonesplitters despite being in TOW
>Still remove them from Age of Sigmar storefront

I think they're gonna do something dwarf related now that we know Cogforts are specifically created by them. Either that or GW's machinations are simply beyond the mortal ken.
CoS are human army.
No fuck you.
Yes deal with it. Go collect your naked midgets
Why do these dumb fucks insist on giving them rules but making them impossible to find. Just cut them out of CoS already or readily stock them, they're cool models, fucking support them you hacks.

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