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What's the best way to portray Satan, physically? As a horned demon? As a regular dude?
Typically the later, then the former.

Depends what he's trying to do at any particular point. One form for talking, one for everything else.
vanilla no dlc
My grandpa always had dreams about the devil whenever he was stressed. He’d be a handsome man dressed as a huaso (Chilean cowboy) in the town he grew up in during the 30’s. The dream was always my grandpa seeing the town slowly unravel until just he and the devil remained. The dreams always ended the same way, with them making eye contact and my grandpa KNOWING that the devil had seen him.
You oddly enough, grandpa always said the devil was an ok dude, just doing his job.
This but he should alternate between businessman and dragon. The red-guy-form is like splitting the difference.
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What about a six titted xenomorph queen?
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He's the one you least expect.
Immaculately beautiful. A perfect angel with black wings. Because he was, right up until the fall.
>see pic
>be reminded of how fucking painful it has been to watch Tim Curry degenerate since his stroke
The Prince of Lies should have many forms, but the most imposing should be the least true to his nature. He should take those forms to bluster and to intimidate, but they should be lies. The mighty bellowing dragon, the red-skinned giant with ceiling-scraping horns, these should be how he presents himself. But his truest form should be broken, crippled by the fall. Old and pained, never quite right again. The only thing that should remain the same between the forms should be his eyes: burning with arrogance and ambition and still, after all this time, refusing to bow.
an incorporeal aether
satan is a feeling.
a confluence of event oft mistaken for "synchronicity".
satan is like a general feeling of unease.
something is off.
satan isnt being.
it is being itself.
like a feeling of depersonalization or derealization
Angelic handsome man. He just feels like a generic baddie if he's a big horned monster guy, maybe that can be him after a transformation
>What's the best way to portray Satan, physically? As a horned demon? As a regular dude?

Devilman and LOTR got it right: physically an absolutely stunning, beautiful, androgynous/hermaphroditic being, that completely embodies the idea that when God said "let there be light", they meant Lucifer. Intelligent, eloquent, extremely charming and likable, but under direct scrutiny is a deeply flawed, selfish, entitled, desperately unhappy, lonely and confused, emotionally vulnerable man-child, who lives in a constant state of projecting the absolute worst onto everyone.

Satan/Lucifer is extremely hyper-competent, an unquestionable savant, but at the same time completely crippled by their total lack of emotional intelligence, empathy, trust, and emotional vulnerability.
It's kind of the idea that Satan is, in some aspects, simultaneously the weakest AND strongest 'Demon' in Hell because as powerful as they are: their fear of God, and their desire for forgiveness from God, is probably the greatest out of any Fallen Angel. For a lot of reasons, but the big one is that Lucifer acknowledges in some capacity that they're wrong, but won't ever conceded the point because they can't comprehend the infinite salvation and forgiveness of God, because Lucifer would never forgive Lucifer if they were God, so they just suffer.

To such an extent that Lucifer *aggressively* can't even trust his own 'fellow' Fallen Angels because he's perpetually paranoid of them finding out he's a failure, a fraud, and a loser.
A tiny black beetle, like an ugly little cockroach, something completely inconspicuous and unworthy of notice, that can cast a shadow on someone, making itself appear as something increasingly horrifying and large the more said person focuses on that and loses track of reality. The light of Jesus's presence doesn't leave shadows, so the satan is powerless whenever Jesus and his angels manifest, and thus pours all his effort into trying to make sure humans forget that's a thing that happens.


Have known people that have been demonically attacked spiritually or physically. One of the people I've known my whole life and trust most actually personally got attacked by satan and his angels in person in a no holds barred murder attempt. My guy literally laughed and sang through it cause the Holy Spirit showed up and no-sold the whole thing.

Since then my dude's life, mental health, peace, habits etc. have all just soared in quality. He's stronger for what he's endured and said himself that he'd go through it all again (he's had attacks from the demonic all his life until this) to know Jesus as he now does. The devil was scared of mah boi for good reason.

Tldr the devil is a cunt and subhuman scum and could not deserve he'll more. Total contempt for any media that tries to portray 'it' as likeable, impressive or as anything but the pathetic fucking loser he is.

Christ is King.

Down with satan.
read paradise lost, or listen to an audiobook next time you have to travel long-distance
I generally don't because the entire concept of satan is tupendously retarded. So, this satan fucker is kickled out of heaven because he refuses God's order to bow before Mankind who God made superior to the angels. The way that humans are superior to angels is that humans have will and reason, but angels only have reason, as servants God's will is their will. So, for satan to rebel against God, God has to will for satan to rebel. So the whole thing is just fucking retarded. The only thing stupider are retarded humans who worship satan, a being who according to the source mythology is lesser than humans.
But just a devil or demon or evil god, well I dunno, I could portray that any number of ways. Think outside the box.
Christianity has people who just sit around all day trying to cope with the plot holes, like as a full-time job, no wife no kids just cope.
>Christianity has people who just sit around all day trying to cope with the plot holes, like as a full-time job, no wife no kids just cope.
Well, it's only Catholic clergy and I guess Orthodox monks who do the no wife and no kids things, I know because I grew up Cathoic, but now I just call myself Pagan which just means I believe in Something, I don't know what but I know it's none of that weirdo bible weirdness.
In Paganism its like, yeah don't take any of this literally, it's mostly allegorical, except all those stories about Zeus fucking various women, those were just various localities trying to shoehorn their hometown hero or demigod onto the big stage of the Olympian pantheon.
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Unnerving used car salesman.
Thinking about it, start out by portraying him as like a weak, unassuming, nebbish non-threat, and the more like whomstever starts giving him more and more power over themselves, then he starts getting more and more creepy, imposing, powerful, dominating and shit like that. Because satan is kinda like vampires, he can only come in where he's invited and he only has that power which people give over to him.
Y'all need more in-depth biblical scholarship and historical context.

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