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>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>find a picture of his family

no I won't fell guilt I will just tell the DM his fantasy world isn't medieval as photos from fucking cameras didn't exist yet
>ignoring the quest hook to wipe out the family before they vow revenge on you
And when did I say it was medieval?
>Magic picture taking machines exist in this setting
>It was a loving letter from his wife(they were literate)
>his fantasy world isn't medieval
Do you think he doesn't know that?
they won't know who it was

if they do it's meta gaming
>fantasy setting with good quality of life and opertunities
>people still can't read

yeah fuck off lol
The picture was inside the bandit?
>they were literate
>people still can't read
Can you?
The ability to infer transitive qualities is turning out to be just as rare as common sense nowadays.
"Within the pouch around the bandit's neck you find a single silver obol. It is thinned from having been pressed and edges have been shaved down substantially. The face has been defaced by a relief of a woman's face, embossed perhaps from a matching raised sculpting. More roughly in common 'My Love Beryl' is scratched underneath.

You do not think the coin will have much worth to any other save its thin silver-- though evidently pure by the detail it preserves. It will fetch an equal coin you think in exchange once you return to the city."

It's not for me to decide whether or not your character feels guilty, but if the bandit had a wood carving, a polaroid photo or a smartphone with a pretty redhead and a baby on the front IS for me to decide as GM. I will tell you what does or does not exist in the world, that's my fucking job.
>he doesn't want to know how such an obviously anachronistic artifact came to be in a low-tech setting
We're obviously dealing with one of those witch doctors who can steal your soul and trap it in paper.
You mean lawyers?
By the laws of my clan that woman is now my wife. I must find her at once.
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>Kill bandit
>look inside
Speak with Dead. Also, before he set off to fight you, he told his entire extended family, his Local Lord, the Mercenary Company he use to fight along side with, the Chief of Police, his best friend the Lord Inquisitor, the Assault Mages Guild (who owed him big time), hired the Assassins Guild to revenge him if he lost, as was well as putting a picture covered in slow acting contact poison in his pocket.
No, the other ones.
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>kill a bandit
>look inside
>it's full of spaghetti
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I actually really enjoy stuff like that, it feels more characterful. Also, I can live out my serial killer fantasies by keeping all that stuff as trophies.
>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>two bandits
It just... doesnt stop
>kill Bandit
>look inside
>no 147 CC liquid cooled single cylinder engine
The drop rate is 0.1% after all.

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