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Shameless repost Edition
Who the fuck was messing up the last few OPs? sub-Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Are the latest rumours believable?
As believable as the thousands of nothing speculations that fly through here every year
Bundo's back

2nd question: were any of the early 3e rumors actually correct?
And so is Big Drokk
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latest rumors in question

as opposed to the previous list
>GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

>Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
>Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
>Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
>Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

>After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
>Akhelian High-Lochian
>Akhelian Knights
>Endless Spells
>And Soulblight following after with:
>Wight King’s Court
>Grave Guard
>Corpse Cart
>Endless Spells
>Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

>Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
>Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
>Freeguild Bombardier-Major
>Botanite Apothecary
>Lector Unberogen
>Devoted Acolytes
>Outstrider Cogfort
>Dispossessed Gearwalker
>Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
>Dispossessed Ironclads
>Dispossessed Drakegunners
>Highscryer Outpost
>Endless Spells

>First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

>Late Spring will have:
>Temple Guard
>Endless Spells
>Slaves to Darkness:
>Chaos Lord
>Chaos Sorcerer
No not really I dont even think they were worth a TQ.
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Hello friends, this is my first completed model after deciding to get into this hobby. Wanted to get some practice before getting Skaventide.

Any tips / feedback?
Odo exists
Wasn't the allied order mega always technically Bundo?
Damn. I was really hoping this whole "giants for everyone" crap would die...
Oh isn't the fake then? Because if Skaven win the contest then they said they'll reveal more.
we only started getting accurate leaks way after the teaser trailer for the starter reveals, with some dudes leaking the units' visual descriptions to some random youtube channel, they were accurate enough to mention the kruleboy hero's mount, but no one got anything accurate for releases after that, we had lots of speculation about a miredrake for the wider kruleboy release, for example, of course that never came to pass
I might keep my fat, midget, finecast guy then haha thanks for the warning anon!
Grunnock was cut off but that's him. All of them have the Timber! rule.
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That's literally the main point of the kit
>>Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there
What? No it isn't, everything posted is just wishlisting
you've done a good job keeping the various colors "in the lines"! lots of places look patchy and could use another thinned coat or two (blue, red especially). The metallics look a little bright and clean for a stitched together mad scientist creation but that depends on your own vision for the mini also. The skin looks pretty bad, looks like you maybe tried to add a wash while the underlying paint was still wet? icky looking. overall a really nice job for a first mini though
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>season of warcry inside talaxis
my heart cannot bear another year of seraphon terrain that I have to get from scalpers or by splitting boxes if I wish to get a slightly reasonable price

but at the same I really really want that crash landed temple ship board
It's blantantly fake. The only Skaven and SCE model from outside the starter were knight azyros remake and ratgre hero.
Think about how much stuff launch factions got that wasn't in starters
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What are your favorite type of model to paint?

For me it's basic troops, batch painting 10 Vindictors/Bloodreavers/Ardboyz/Mortek Guard etc is just relaxing.
Big models stress me out because they *have* to look that much nicer.

Pic related, been batch painting the Khorne Spearhead today.
>What are your favorite type of model to paint?
I despise painting and it actively ruins my day when I have to force myself to do it. Odd that I chose this hobby considering that, but I love the gaming side of it so that's why I tolerate destroying my own happiness to get stuff painted.
Scales, skin, anything organic. Hate metallic paint and nmm rarely ever looks good outside of one highly lit photo at the perfect angle

Interesting, I bought a bunch of Seraphon and discovered that I hate painting them, I much prefer armor, cloth and human skin.

I like painting Tyranids just fine though.
Seraphon are a shit range
Went to the local Car Boot Sale (flea market) and got an Ironjawz Megaboss, Weirdnob Shaman, and 4 Brutes for £2 total.

Can't complain when at retail price it would be £28, £24, and £40 respectively (though I am missing one Brute)

Which is insane prices really.
Small heroes.
With mass infantry i feel like i need to rush through them
Who gets to surf the buzz lightyear car
Wtf what car boots are you going to where they sell warhammer models
You’re a shitty OP with a weird shitty thread question.
That's some sovlfully bright red
Why do they bother leaving this stuff on the website when you can't even get it anymore
Shouldn't the year 4 minis be out by now
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This is in Hull and it's only the third or fourth time I've come across genuine GW stuff. It's rough as dogs but I like it lel, proper slice of life stuff.

Sometimes seen the odd boardgame miniatures and stuff like that too. And generic sci-fi spaceships and terrain pieces, and Hot Wheels I use for Gaslands.
I'm gonna drive over and FUCK. YOUR. ASS
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um sir kindly finish your art
fake and gay
To trick retards into subbing
maybe they're unlocked as you subscribe?
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Made me curious and they didn't crop it out.
This bothers me now
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Got some figures from the D&D Fantasy Adventure Board Game, and the older Dragon Strike which was similar to Heroquest.

The lady said the whole lot for £1 so I just shovelled it into a bag without even looking lel
It looks fine?
Fuck you guys I can't unsee it now
>This Year Two miniature is only available to Warhammer+ subscribers who subscribe between the 25th of August 2022 and the 24th of August 2023
There's literally a random out of place scribble on there
A sketch lair must have gotten activated on accident and slipped through unnoticed
Yeah strikes me as a genuine mistake and it probably drives the artist mad
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Yeah he’s a great little mini, I did actually drop him badly enough to snap his staff while painting mine
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wtf is the model on the right? I want that
oh boy, he so damn HORNY
The Glotkin sorcerer
oooooh.. guess I'd just never seen him not on the big guy.
I hate it and wish each faction would get their own.
>wish each faction would get their own
Wait so you hate that everyone gets a giant, but wish they made even more giants for everyone?
if you're patient you can get him on his lonesome from ebay. I think I paid around 15-20 usd
so ogres and maggotkin are the ultimate hobby factions in aos right?
What does that even mean
Depends on skill level, the two you listed do have pretty easy swappability and extra bits, but really any range can be customized. Just depends on experience and time
They are high on kino scale.
What makes one army more of a "hobby faction" than another
Not just in AOS but yeah they’re fun, this is my scraplauncher
that fucking rules anon, so much fun!
looks sweet.
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Shout out to that last anon in doubt of my weather. Just had to stay up until 5am to prime.

Can’t wait to shit these threads up with my Masque and Blissbarbs

Amost pre-ordered those unit cards, but $35 for 2 armies was fucked. I’ll make some on my own time for that price.


Rumors are stupid. If I cope hard enough X will happen!
is that Celcius? if so you have my condolences
Thanks anons! It was a fun little project
>If I cope hard enough FEC will get a major release
It happens
>If I cope hard enough Skaven will get a major refresh
It happens
I wonder what i'll wish for next, as clearly GW have direct 1:1 access with my thoughts

Converted to C for then specifically, yes.
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>all the dwarfs in CoS are gone

so, why didnt they go when the rest of the WHFB stuff got cut in 3rd?
Dark elves are still around and they had the most non human models in the army
beouce they are just repackaging them into diffrent boxes and square bases, Beastmen need all their Finecast models turned into Forgeworld Resin which takes time which is why they got squatted but the CoS dwarfs did not since that's all plastic anyway
from what i heard it was rules, not models on the webstore
I need to get my hands on this little fella
>Beastmen need all their Finecast models turned into Forgeworld Resin
The resin hasn't technically been finecast for a while now they're not changing them for old world unless they're doing an actual update/reimagining
will KO be cheaper this edition since shooting is nerfed and they dont get to interact with the new free endless spell lore system?
anon please wish for plague toads and/or pestigors
Plague toads are awful why would you want those
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Finished up my footboss today, got leaked warscrolls saved and just waiting for points tomorrow to play my first game of 4th on Tuesday.

Post models for 4th.
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I like fregs
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I feel like I'm eating well for the start of 4e. Everyone shitting their pants over GSG not hitting like trucks is a WAAC faggot who isn't fit to chase the Bad Moon
They still hit fairly hard, they just removed everything else. I want to play my Manglers without feeling like I'm putting an overpriced aleguzzler on the table.
Do we have a imgur for the compiled SCE warscrolls?
Right after I finish my models for 2nd and 3rd
>they still hit fairly hard

m8 manglers average like 5 damage a turn. they hit about as hard as a minimum squad of liberators or steelhelms. less than half the damage of 5 boingrot bounders.

the bosses on manglers are a slightly different story, but the non hero manglers are truly pathetic. i wouldnt take a mangler unless it was like 80-100 pts.
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its spookin time
unfortunately with that new warscroll i think i'd prefer the aleguzzler over a mangler
nice work anon, shoulder skull in particular looks excellent
bounderz and squigherd still hit, that's what I meant.
I do wonder if they're going to point these so 4x is a list staple. I doubt it given how strong teleport whenever the fuck you want is.
went to the local shop to play games of spearhead early, the store was packed with players, fun mode.

notably all TOW stuff was sitting in the back in the last chance area, while multiple people were coming in to preorder skaventide. guess TOW is SELLING FAST!
As with everything in 4th, it depends on which heroes unlock them. The Knight of Shrouds on horse is almost certainly going to do it, but what else? And is the Knight of Shrouds going to unlock other useful units?
Should've stopped after the first sentence
KoSS is going to be good regardless because he's both hero and cavalry.
i think reinforced squig herd are going to be an absolute menace. if you cant cleave all 24 wounds down in a single go, they just regenerate 4d3 models a round. virtually immune to plink and chip damage and if you try to fight them to death, even if they dont get to attack you're still taking an average of 8 mortal wounds just for the hassle of killing them

thats an excellent chaff unit. shame about the scoring but thats what stabbas are for
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AOS4 is saved! this guy bought five boxes!
Singlehandedly making the Burning Head worth using
be better than them anon, cmon
lol holy fuck, hope you can't legally take five in a list
they mentioned in one of the first aos 4 articles that you could run a list thats all doomwheels.

its legal. weather or not its actually good is another story
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5 in a squad actually makes them look fun desu. I wasn't sold on them before (not that im ever buying 5).
get shot scrub.
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im guessing Reikenor is another leader option for them and also bladegheists

you know what, you guys are right, its really not any better when we do it.

i did also see a dude's kharadron flagship take a dive off a table, felt bad for him
how the fuck does anyone have it yet other than youtubers? did street date get broken already?
>did street date get broken already?
Yes. Around here stores got it even before the preorder date. Basically everybody that pre-ordered it from a LGS already had it for at least a week.
Any of the DoT warscrolls leak?
man, and my ass has to wait til this weekend, sucks. oh well, gives me time to paint more of my stormcast in advance
Damn, that's heartbreaking. How bad was it damaged?
1) metalics could use some nuln oil or ratling grime for shading. Former gives it glossy finish while the latter matt
2)skin's looking too muddy and bland. A few highlights could improve it
3) gas tanks aren't that well cleaned up from the sprue. I recommend giving the future models a more thorough cleaning
Remember, Practice makes perfect
Well GW have yet to send any beg email about it.
I wish ogres could be used as mercenaries.
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don't worry it floated back up onto the table.
I've gotten 4
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Should I try to find sylvaneth battleforce if im new to the faction or the vanguard. Also should I paint them as fall or spring colors?
>Dispossessed Gearwalker
>Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
>Dispossessed Ironclads
>Dispossessed Drakegunners
Utterly and terminally delusional.
Not sure if this is trolling, fake and gay, or industrial grade copium, probably all combined to be honest.
>Chaos Dwarfs teaser on April 1st
>April 1st
Yea I'm sorry but I'm pressing to X to doubt on this one
>new fly high rules state that your flight stands can no longer snap
Truly the buff all KO players have been asking for
>he's trying the exact same bait again
trying to signal-boost this hard after it didn't get much traction?
What shithole part of Arizona did you choose to live in that is hell
Votann were teased on April 1st but they've already been teasing Chorfs for years now.
But GW announcing the return of a dwarf faction to their games would actually fit with what they have already done:

>Votann were teased on April 1st but they've already been teasing Chorfs for years now.
tbf they were also teasing the return of squats for a while as well (although for much less time than chuardin, granted)
dorf players are the most fun for GW to troll, simple as. I want chaos dwarfs as much as the next beard enjoyer, but I fear the monkey paw curl ala nuSquats
I am fully willing to make my own if they fuck them up. I just need the base (read: an actual set of army rules) upon which to build.
Yeah thats true, I was thinking more in terms of models with the Hobgrots and Warcry warband.
This s also true lol.
Good Lord where do you live? The Mojave?
Whatever nuchorfs end up being, they'll be better than the previous iteration simply by not being resin.
i didnt get a super close look but he def had the balloons snap off and looked like it cracked somehow?

feelsbad but also he kind of deserved it, he was showing up with a primed-only army
I’m glad other anons leave off some of the Megaboss gubbinz. That necklace always looked superfluous.
Are points coming out tomorrow with the index releases?
Hmm, would some old Chaos Warriors painted suitably gross work as Blightkings? I have 5 already but I could probably reinforce them if I dug out some old Chaos Warriors.
Hot enough to make you wish for a nuclear winter.
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I think with some creative use of extra bitz and appropriate basing they wouldn't be too small looking. pulled pic from a google search
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Great! Another new project to start...
Wait how the fuck is kroak back in AoS
He got on the spaceships with the other lizards and flew away as the old world fell into the prolapsed anus of chaos.

He died once, but he thought that was fucking lame so he got on the Lizardships into AoS.
I love all my as-yet-unrealized projects and model backlog, never understood why most people moan about "piles of shame" and shit like that. It's stored future fun! Bursting with potential and cool ideas.
Most people I know have Piles that they almost never interact with beyond adding to it. Dudes with several thousand points of armies just NIB/NoS and still pre-ordering shit.

>consoom new plastic
>dont open new plastic
>see more new plastic
>consoom new plastic
for me its another reminder that I have no friends
>go to LGS once a week
>buy a box of models and/or some hobby supplies
>talk with staff a little
besides the pharmacy for my meds and the grocery store I don't leave the house otherwise.
so you guys are talking about the pile as a proxy for other personal problems, it seems to me, and not a problem in and of itself

Spending money on shit you don't intend to use doesn't get any better by giving it a cutesy name.

If you have a pile of anything you need to reevaluate your investment in the hobby.
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>deepstrike 7" away from important thing
>it immediately redeploys
so these are just like garbage now right?
but I have a pile I do intend to use, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. it's not "an investment", it's shit I bought for a hobby I get a lot of pleasure and gratification out of
who cares, nothing matters anyway.
plaguebearers are fun to put together

I meant moreso a time investment. I don't understand buying shit and not cracking it open sooner rather than later. I've got like 15 models to work on and that already seems a lot. More power to people who can see a pile of work and just shrug it off.

Nihilism is for pre-teen dweebs.
Or fight an army that doesn't have 10000000 movement tricks up its ass. Every army, except GSG, has a weakness. For Stormcast it's overdeploying units, whereas for CoS it's hero sniping, and Kharadron it's concealing terrain.
>pre-teen dweebs.
so some faggot complaining about what people do with their plastic toys.
its one trick that everyone has, that completely counters the units entire design.
I guess that's the difference in perspective, I don't perceive my hobby as work. If it gets repetitive or frustrating, I just stop for a while and attend to other interests. The spark inevitably returns
Well, they can only redeploy once. So maybe drop something else in to bait it out first like prosecutors
They do it after everything deepstrikes. There is no baiting.

I don't either really, I see the work that goes into it and just want to get to it. Stuff sitting and waiting just never sat too well with me. Probably just because I like to get my work done ASAP so I can enjoy whatever it produces.

Welcome to 4chan, kid. All we do is bitch about the creators of our plastic men and the other fat fucks that are here to do the same thing.
It's still a bait because the prosecutors force the issue. If they don't redeploy the prosecutors 100% get in along with the annihilators like 60% get in. If they do redeploy, the annihilators drop to like 30% depending on distance, but the prosecutors are still like 50-70% chance to get in, so with the prosecutors present they may deem the command point not worth the risk since there's a good chance the unit will still get charged
Makes sense! The journey is the destination for me, I do get a nice feeling of accomplishment from finishing an army project, but it’s fleeting and quickly replaced by the desire and excitement to start the next one.
An average redeploy of 3 or 4 puts annihilators on 16.6/8.3%. It puts Prosecutors on 37/26%. Now you'll have two dead units exposed. I think the whole strategy of deepstrike charges in general is dead.

I'm slowly shifting my pace and perspective back. After taking awhile to do the CoS spearhead (I'd rather chop my cock off than paint Cavalry again) I've been enjoying my Hedonites outside of 2 models I had to rush for various purposes.

Got The Unmade on their way from GW for my next bit of side-work. I'm finishing up my Slaangor and need a distraction to procrastinate on my Blissbarbs because The Masque isn't going to last long.

I just like painting, even if I rush it sometimes in my zeal.
We haven't even seen their warscroll, or the Lord Imperatant one.

>Deepstrike 7" from two different units.
>Charge the one the opponent doesn't redeploy, using it to slingshot the unit to the other if necessary
Remember that now you only need to be within 3" to attack a unit, and you can pile in towards any unit even if you are engaged only 0.1" with a single miniature.
Selling fast?
The goal isn't to charge anything, its not to pile-in one guy into range, its to charge the big thing with the glass cannon grandhammers and then they die afterwards. Its impossible to play them the way they were used in 3rd because of redeploy, which seems like it was just overlooked. They aren't groundpounding or you're taking fulminators or reclusians or something instead. Imperitant is pick 3 drop 7" once per game.
what changed with redeploy? how is it different from 3rd?
>its not to pile-in one guy into range
Anon you don't understand. With how the new pile in works, if you have even one guy in combat range you can reliably take the whole unit and pile it against the unit and with small units reliably attack with every model.
If after the charge you have a single model within 3" and the entire unit within 6" (not wholly within, just within) you can do that easily.
In 3rd you needed to end a movement within 9" to trigger the chance of a redeploy. In 4e you can just do it on one unit after the opponent completed all of his movements and deep strikes.
You aren't going to get your unit into their mannfred or whatever you need them to kill unless they straight up let you. Their reach is a whole 1" more than it was. They can't move through models. The opponent has a ruler and a brain. You're coming up with a list of requirements to make this unit do something worthwhile that weren't there before.
>Their reach is a whole 1" more than it was.

You are still not grasping how pile in has changed. Anon it's not a small thing, it's fucking huge.

Also again, do we even have their warscroll?
Probably selling faster than whatever dogshit you play
>dominion prices are rising back to msrp
Well now im never going to buy it.
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This hobby was never for poor people. Look into collecting hot wheels, or hunting for cool sticks on the ground
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Would any kind anons have Dawnbringers book IV pdf? thanks
Here you go anon, just need 60$. You do have 60$ don't you anon?
go back to 40k or the tow general to parrot you no models.
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>Cope, seethe, etc
Poors deserve the rope
rather buy models and paints than a book, you do have models and play games... right anon?
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I do actually, and because I'm not 14 or retarded I have the means to buy the models and the books I need to play
eh, gw degen business, im skimming a pdf
>more poorfag coping
You're going to be telling me in ten years that the bug burgers taste just like beef
He's such a sassy little guy.
Someone should take this guy as a chaos lord. Longer sword or back banner could probably take him up to the height you'd want for a close proxy
Rent free
Stay seething about your dead game towtranny
>No u!
Not an argument sigmarxist
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Points this afternoon
Jesus Christ is this real? Releasless Warcry beats ToW 3 months after launch?!
>having to listen to other IJchads whine and mehpost about ardboyz
>its 40 wounds with a possible 6+ ward, +3 rally from the boss, and doing mortal wounds to whoever charges them before they get attacked
It’s like pulling teef trying to convince people that IJ are top tier if you can grok the game-plan. Boyz on point, big beastys sweep flanks, Brutes play free safety with da great big hand, and probably Lauchon the Soulseeker and the bridge to move everyone around.
Someone was trolling with the fucking ogre reveals, everything looked like utter shit and now with everything leaked they got a second wind. I guess points can still fuck them over but thats true for everyone.
Plug all the stuff into Google trends yourself if you don't believe it. Unsurprisingly the playerbase that let their game die once due to lack of purchases are doing the exact same thing yet again
it's funny coming from someone stretching kits and using cheap proxies
I still don't like how fragile they are. They're grot levels of squishy, which just feels totally wrong and is directly contradicted by their lore which explicitly states that in addition to any armor they wear, their skin is several inches thick and practically rhinoceros hide, which is why they can live in the tundra and mountains almost completely naked
>conversions costing more than the initial kits is stretching kits

The poors love to make up nonsense excuses as to why they have nomodels or nogames
Cheap plastic spiders and turtles aren't arachnarok levels of expensive? Neither are wolf riders compared to bounderz.
The point is you're a stingy cunt but even the chud beggar is being beneath that
Those are the actual spider rider kits you secondary, and the wolfriders cost more to build then actual wolfriders and were built before snarlfangs even existed. I'll give you the turtle cause he was a sculpting project that I did for fun, but everything else is built out of the box or made up of more expensive parts
big blocks of liberator stat line crap has never been good, I don't have confidence it is now.
Meh, its a new game. Its not about save stacking on big monsters and scoring faction battle tactics anymore. It could very well be that 180 wounds of gluttons can just easily steamroll elite low model count armies.
>Google trends
Is that how you coping with diminished sales?
>literal asspull with no basis in reality
Are you sure it's aos players coping
>>literal asspull with no basis in reality
>almost a year ago
when is this supposed to update btw
Freshest source untill the august.
Meanwhile for the recent year all initial SCE were axed (while Karl Franz and Steamtank is still around) and 3 armies were transferred from AoS to ToW.
What part of this info points to TOW not being dead I don't see what you're doing
>AoS outsold by 90s cartoon merchandise
How the fuck do you people keep making two statements that have absolutely no coherence with one another
Damn its fantasy battle all over again
If people aren't searching Google for TOW to find rules then they certainly aren't playing it lmao
Or just checking new releases.
Orcs and Goblins came out later and Dwarfs are about to come out soon. 0 interest shown
So what time does the ordertide drop today?
Probably the same time as any other community article would
It drops tomorrow, today are battle profiles and key rules
>continues with mental gymnasstic
>continues with extreme projection
>no u!
Not an argument.
No more than what your arguments were.
You should do some mental gymnastics yourself anon and learn to spell the words in your shitposts before baiting
>You should do some mental gymnastics
M8 it's not me who tries to prove that Google trends reflect sales numbers better than actual sales chart
The sales chart that shows no actual sales numbers of any kind? Sure anon that's a real good dataset
Please show evidence of TOW sales on the chart so we can compare and contrast these with the AoS sales.
Otherwise you're the one who has no argument.
>Sure anon that's a real good dataset
Well much better than yours.
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>Please show evidence of TOW sales
Besides 3 AoS army went to ToW
That sales chart doesn't include either aos or tow. Obviously aos is going to sell less than 40k, and also obviously it's going to sell worse than three of the biggest fandom IPs of all time. Your argument has no legs to stand on aside from baseless claims with no tangible data behind it. Google trends doesn't directly translate to sales but it does show the level of interest in a certain topic.
If you could point out where are the sales numbers anon I'm not seeing them
>no u
You're really scrambling now huh
>and also obviously it's going to sell worse than three of the biggest fandom IPs of all time.
Nice damage control
I'm unsure why you think some random blogs list of their favorite things translates to real sales numbers
>some random blogs list of their favorite things
Damn you are getting desperate
>This chart of the Top Non-Collectible Miniature Lines (hobby channel) reflects sales in Fall 2022 (September-December). The charts are based on interviews with retailers, distributors, and manufacturers.
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I kinda pity the fool.
5 years of hype only to end up with a wargame about as popular as Warhammer Underworlds board game past its prime
A literally who can type whatever they want on their angelfire page, it doesn't make it tangible or real though anon.
The copium huffing is insane. These guys let their game die due to lack of sales and cried that it was actually far more popular than it really was, and now the cycle continues. I wonder how long until they sell worse than dice in gw stores
There is no redeploy in 4th, it's just a free move regardless of if you deepstrike near them or no
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here's all the yanwbringer books we have
the last one is still missing
Day of reckoning my lads, points will be out.
Which army do you think will end in the gutter? Which will be undercosted to hell.
And how long will GW Take to put out their first errata?
I dunno but I hope maggotkin ends up being more hordey.
Can he do it?
Stormcast and skaven will be shit except 1 specific unit they want you to spam. No it isn't in a starter
I know how it works, that's the point of the post. Its still called redeploy.
We're getting points? I thought we were only getting the indexes this week without points, and every point next monday
I'm still drinking the kool-aid and hoping my grots end up alright. Sneaking suspicion that they'll be middle of the road for points, but low power in terms of warscoll stuff
Lol no
He has no penis so no
I've seen some dudetrustme that suggests teclis went down 200 points so for busted my money's on elfs

For trash? Put all the destruction armies on a dartboard and throw, you can't miss
I think deepkin looks like it has good rules and will be tanked by points specifically. I predict seraphon will be too cheap initially. Nighthaunt is going to be the S tier faction, everyone is sleeping on it. Manifestation lores will look diverse initially and then it will turn into everyone running 90% morbid and 10% of list taking bridge.
He never died in End Times.
Not even retconed or something, ET explicedly has him fuck off before it all explodes

maybe these guys get 3d6 charge like Yndrasta,
Points aren't today
Teclis went down a lot because it sounds like he just dies, I heard 5+ save. 6 Longstrikes blow him up.
All of those anons are retarded its already been posted in the thread.
They played some in one of the miniwargaming videos and he was still rolling 2d6 for them. It didn't sound like they had any shenanigans that were any different to help them get in.
>ET explicedly has him fuck off

I guess you drop down 2 units then at different locations and force the opponent to spend a CP and choose their redeploy wisely.

not amazing but it's something
By White Fang Iron Jaws will be an elite and very small faction and KB numerous orcs
>A literally who can type whatever they want on their angelfire page,
Then why you screech so loud whenever someone mentions "selling fast"?
A community article is your hard evidence? Are you actually a child?
At least post something that's not a marketing piece like let's say a shareholder report.
get a headpat? maybe
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GW is the master at wording the things weird. Points today, and every day after the scrolls of an GA. Which doesn't matter because all of it leaked anyways.

A man can only huff so much copium. I really hope the manglers dirt cheap. Since the scroll is so disappointing. A 5+ save for a fighty monster?
But then again if they are cheap enough to field 3 or 4 this could be very cool
>A community article is your hard evidence?
Why not. If you already tried to use Google trends as hard evidence
So AoS is number 2. That's pretty good. Thanks.
he refused to die

I'm less worried about the save than I am the damage profile.

Hell, the regular manglers don't even have impact hits anymore. The things literally flying through the air as a pair of spikes balls and chains and fangs don't do impact hits. What the fuck is that warscroll
>So AoS is number 2.
Used to be
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He promised he would be there at the very end, he's not the kind of frog to break promises.
No I'm using shareholder info and sales charts from retailers like the one posted above.
Search trends aren't hard data but indicative of interest. Just like website and video clicks.
>No I'm using shareholder info and sales charts from retailers like the one posted above.
So sales from 2022 are hard evidence, while sales from 2023 not?
>I'm not mad you're mad!
Lmao even
What sales from 2023?
The ones that show that AoS is selling and the ones that don't even show TOW?
compared to WHFB which wasn't even charting for over a year before it died I think AoS is doing rather well and the evidence shows that.
Even if it does drop a position or two, fluctations are well within the expectations.
This doesn't seem real, why would the faction packs cost varying amounts
Because the varying amount of cardstock, yes they are that petty welcome to Warhammer
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>The ones that show that AoS is selling and the ones that don't even show TOW?
>compared to WHFB which wasn't even charting for over a year before it died I think AoS is doing rather well and the evidence shows that.
Coping again?
Preorders are already out, you can check for yourself.
Some factions have a ton more cards.
File deleted.
I seriously dont understand the need to try and jerk off these ips so much.
Its damage profile literally needs to go up 250%. There's no reason it should be hitting like 5 liberators.
That top chart is from 2013 retard, that's meaningless given its from ten years ago
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And now show WHFB for 2014.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that AoS is the better and more popular game compared to TOW?
Why are you coping so hard?
>And now show WHFB for 2014.
In the same place as AoS in the second half of 2023 and now new edition repeating the fate of Dominion.
>Why is it so hard for you to believe that AoS is the better and more popular game compared to TOW?
Because all what you can show is Google trends, as your last straw
>Why is it so hard for you to believe that AoS is the better and more popular game compared to TOW?
>AoS have 2 failed editions in a raw
>ToW starters sold out instantly
>1/3 of AoS main faction was chopped off
>3 AoS armies transferred to ToW
>everything is fine goys
But none of the AoS editions flopped except the first before the GHB.
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It just didn't sell. For a looong time.

You still haven't shown a shred of evidence that TOW is selling well. A marketing piece on a marketing platform is not evidence.
>>1/3 of AoS main faction was chopped off
Marines also lost like two third of their models. Are you pretending 40k is failing?
third editions seems to have been a general drop off in sales at least if we look at the ICv2 numbers everyone in the thread likes to post.
Please see >>93274497
Shareholder report clearly confirming most successful fantasy edition launch ever. Specifically not just AoS, fantasy as a whole.
>>ToW starters sold out instantly
This was very much a location based thing, and GW never had much of the resin kits to sell out to begin with. Im saying this as a person who is invested in both squares and rounds, but you are omitting alot of important contextual notes that would give a different impression than you are trying to convey.
Alchemists workshop had an allocation of about 100 for TOW and sold out. It's had an allocation of just over 400 and has sold 220 of those.
Sorry pal.
>3 years and a new edition later
>still posting about sales vibes of Dominion
This got old in 2021.
>It just didn't sell. For a looong time.
>Year durring ET
>Long time

>Marines also lost like two third of their models.
Only after they recieved primaris whi were practically replaced original marines in all roles.

Still no numbers? Shame on you.

>and GW never had much of the resin kits to sell out to begin with.
>Im saying this as a person who is invested in both squares and rounds,
What's the point of lying in the internet, are you insecure so much?
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This obsession with sales is making these threads dull.

Fuck off with that shit and post models.

Pic related I'm batch painting the Khorne spearhead, hoping to get it done by this weekend.
>It's had an allocation of just over 400 and has sold 220 of those.
for Skaventide?
if that's the case could of cut Skaventide production by 150 and not lost an in store sale then and still have units left to spare.
it really depends if GW thinks Skaventide will have a long sales tail and will continue to have steadily sales or if all the interest for the box was in the first pre-order window
selling out generally means interested in a product has exceeded expectation in which case more of that product will need to be produced for it that interested.
I guess jannies should try and make a /tg/ biz general so people can bitch about sales and production data to their heart's content whereas everyone else con post models and battle reports ect.
No sorry. Still no numbers for TOW. Guess it just didn't sell.
>insecure so much?
says the dude who is in the thread of a game he hates so much, while trying to push a false narrative that suits his own needs, lmao.
It's the only thing they have anon. If they had games to play or models to paint then they would be busy
>Only after they recieved primaris whi were practically replaced original marines in all roles.
You mean like what happened with SCE who had an incredibly bloated roster to begin with?
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Working on this guy for now, hoping to finish him by the end of the week
Agreed, selling out is a market inefficient outcome.
I think they're trying to avoid made to order style launch boxes because it's an inefficient process especially if you're already manufacturing capacity restricted.
Given that the set includes the vanguard stuff and will most likely feature in the next hachette periodical they probably do expect to sell or use the contents somewhat medium to longer term.
>says the dude who is in the thread of a game he hates so much,
[citation needed]

>You mean like what happened with SCE
Quite opposite
Nice, that shit pops.
Been taking some army shots of my current lizards
And a pic
Unlike ToW Warcry is actually a good game
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Today's the day it will finally all make sense.
im so fucking tired of this dripfed content
I dont give a fuck about skoyven just give me the rules already
So weapon options are now gone right?
I can now give my unfinished Brutes Choppaz instead of spears
Holyshit thats sloppy
HIlariously thats years old already
What TFW are "battle profiles?"
I still dont see it.
Some are gone, some others remains
Theres nothing to see. Digital art is cheap and nasty and they've zoomed in for proof of this fact.
look at the bottom right part of the shoulder pad here >>93269723
>>Dispossessed Gearwalker
>>Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
>>Dispossessed Ironclads
>>Dispossessed Drakegunners
No way there will be a Dwarf-Redemption Arc. Once the CoS book drops Dispo are going to TOW exclusive.
>The Red Skaven Army ain't real
>The Red Skaven Army can't hurt you
I seriously like the vibe of that picture. Curious how many points these are
No one sane is going to fake this pain in the arse of an excel, especially as it is released each monday after the snday announcements and is available for free to download on the warhammer business. This should be common knowledge here already.


Ressources>Guidance Docs>Order Forms, usually the uppermost .xls file.
What da fuck is this red? I like it, you working at Ferrari to get this or can you provide a color name?
Points and regiments

it's Vallejo game color bloody red.
It's a very nice red but I think my phone camera may be doing some trickery to it as the image seems more saturated than real life, I'm a techlet though so I dunno how to disable that.
Did brutes and Gore gruntas keep theirs?
No, theirs were merged. The ones that weren't are the rare exceptions.
they'll return with battletomes
No way. They're not immediately going back on such a huge gamewide homogenization
Rosters are regiments for armies actually

The end is here
If it makes you buy more shit yeah they will sucker
>This unit will move to Warhammer Legends on 1 June 2025
>This unit will move to Warhammer Legends on 1 June 2025
>This unit will move to Warhammer Legends on 1 June 2025
Rotigus jumped to 500 points what the fuck
>Freeguild Veteran
>Chaos Chosen 32mm bases
What? I thought chosen were on 40mm's
Nah, they're committed now. IT would be too cartoonish to go back

Just be happy you can now freely choose to always go with whichever option you think looks cooler
They are. Day 1 errata fodder
i am pleased, at least in soulblight point costs for units have stayed mostly about the same but named characters are more expensive. points inflation is annoying
>Yndrasta is 340

jesus that is way too much for what she does, I've played a few games of 4th using the old points and she tends to whiff and die when you send her into a monster.
Seems pointless when most regiments are ANY
>Chaos Lord on Kark 250
>Daemon Prince 280
Damn, guess it'll be too expensive to run both now, just finished up my karkadrak aswell
You can add killaboss with stabgrot almost anywhere but not murknob? Weird
Also, everything got more expensive but the boltboyz, so we still might be shooty
James are you ok?
>Sludgersker is 320
>swamboss is 60p less
Holy shit
Damn this thing really is a first draft, and we're the proofreaders
So specifically SC that are gone officially:
>Lord Exorcist
>Astria Solbright
>Aventis Firestrike
>Gav Bomb Sureheart
>Knight Heraldor
>Knight Incantor
>Knight Venator
>Knight Zephyros
>Lord-Arcanum (all)
>Lord Castellant
>All the old Paladins (Decimator, Retributor,etc)
>Evocators (foot and mounted)
>Well, it's about time for us to start picking points for Gits!
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Did this really need to become 'abilities' too
>those Seraphon points
god damn this economy
>Nighthaunt points
pretty decent
>Lord Regent up 80p
>Banneblade up 60p
>Dawnriders up 80p
>Caligrave up 40p
>Only points that went down were for Teclis, Avalenor, and Spirit of the Mountain
Fuck off, GW, I'm still not running the shittier twin.
Jesus this is fucking awful.
>Underworlds entirely legends
Squatting soon
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Oh boy, imagine rules-pedants taking this diagram literally
The hero version is more powerful but requires a dedicated regiment
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>two HUNDRED and 10 points for 5 dawnriders
We've already seen their new profile, they're massively better now.
Not sure if they're 80p better though.
Also other random legends units that aren't squatted factions or UW:
>Blue Scribes
>Bladebringer on Hellflayer
>Bladebringer on Seeker Chariot
>Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh
>Exalted Chariot
>Plague Priest
>Gutter Runners
>Censor Bearers
>Crypt Ghast Courier
>Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig
>Madcap Shaman
>Aleguzzler Giant
Literally false exactly the same except one is an agitator, whatever that exactly means.
No way in fucking hell are the zombies still worth 150 ponts as they are James. Everything that buffs them is still dogshit and the subfaction isnt enough to help them either.
>Literally every hero is ANY + 1 fluff unit
Literally what is the point of this regiment shit if I can take any units with any heroes?
stormdrakes look ridiculously overpriced.
>500 points for a nerfed Leviadon
And people were saying it would be an auto-include for Deepkin.
They don't get massacred by battleshock anymore, all chaff gets much more valuable thanks to this
The idea with the regiments was good, James. What have you done?
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>BTs are 410, 440, 470 and 510
fair, shame about the underworld units
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>mollog to legends
>zarbag to legends
>kunnin krew to legends
>every underwolds kit to legends...

Looks like they'r destined to be trophy/vanity proxxies like full art lands in MTG. Their sculpts were so cool and full of character but I really wish the produced more. Regret not getting that looncourt at my LGS many months ago...
normalising it so they can make it more restrictive with actual battletomes and new releases

you'll hear shills saying "of course it's restricted, it would be too strong otherwise", but the new release is also going to be strong regardless and forcing you to buy the new overpriced hero sculpt
Fuck, faction terrain is free again. Hoped we'd shaken off that crap.
its uh, its been free since third buddeh.
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Am i reading this right? you dont get access to them unless your doing path to glory?
Yes, I was hoping it wouldn't be this time.
It means that it can be added to other regiments as a unit instead of having a dedicated regiment, literally what I said
I think the first regular battlepack is going to tell us what the game's overall generic spells/prayers are
if you ever treated underworlds models as anything but neat alternative sculpts you have no one to blame but yourself
>>Bladebringer on Hellflayer
>>Bladebringer on Seeker Chariot
>>Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh
>>Exalted Chariot
These better get replaced.
He's been hit by...
He's been struck by...
A smooth squig and boss
Chasing after the ToW audience
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How many ghosts is enough ghosts for the new edition?
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>Coven of Thryx can't be taken in BoK anymore
It's over.
You don't get any generic stuff by default.
You will have your faction spell lore and there might be something extra in future battlepacks
the points are all fucked up, slaanesh and sylvaneth look unplayable some units like Stormfiends, Cavaliers, and Chaos Knights are incredibly cheap.
Heroes look so expensive basically across the board.
Very interesting! New name for Skryre Acolytes, and it seems they'll have a weapon team attached (return of the mortar?)!
fuck you so much james I'm keeping mine on 32s
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Could be worse I guess.

Deepstriking heroes is gone, only units can join the regiment with the runesmiter and he can only deepstrike units from his regiment.

We're fucked for drops if we want to bring all the boys tho. Battlesmith, Runemaster, Runesmiter, Runefather. We're already at 4 drops.. add the exile and we're hardcapped at 5.
>Heroes that have compulsory regiment options cannot be taken as auxiliary units
What are "compulsory regiment options"? Do we have an example of these anywhere in the battle profiles?
Gunnar brand has "Singri Brand (required), The Oathsworn Kin (required), Any Darkoath" in his regiment options
>Webspinner Sharman Doubled in points

What the fuck?
>New name for Skryre Acolytes
It's the old name from before
>and it seems they'll have a weapon team attached
No, they are a weapon team.
I hate points.
looks like it just shit like the blacktalons.
What's your alternative
yo, repost the chaos knight profile if you can.
nothing this general would like.
This general is quickly filling up with things people don't like
>Not even out
>already 8 pages of errata
And that's not counting the errors that some translations apparently have.
>Put together sample list
>Empty 40-50 points
Lord Regent is now inhospitably costed. She better be getting some kind of buff or she's sitting out the start of the edition.
He is the only unit that gained a new gimmick, slinging himself around the battlefield to objectives and spiders. Also seems that 5 OC isn't a typo and counted into his cost
okay so I guess my warp-grinders are doom-flayers now
They want you to pay out the ass for a bunch of heroes that do barely anything. No one is paying 160 for a Lord of Pain, 180 for Cado, 190 for Wight King, 260 for Sekhar, 190 for an Ogroid, 170 new Clawlord, 170 Lord of Blights/Plagues, Knight Questor 150, Terminos 170, Epitome 200. These are all instant shelf tier.
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they really need to take another look at hero's for some factions. ESPECIALLY MAGES. Endless spells might cost nothing to take, but they aren't free if you dont have anything to cast shit with.
>Endless spells might cost nothing to take, but they aren't free if you dont have anything to cast shit with.
I think that's the point anon
Why isnt the charge +rend just under the attack profile like the damage?
Well I'm fucking glad that I didn't glue my verminlord together yet since it seems I'm going to be forced to make him a warpseer now
I would still magnetize him, if thats a thing.
it's a really tricky kit to make modular unless if you go lazy and just do his right hand
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Hmm. FEC getting hit hard by the 40k box-contents-only mallet.
Best theory is that these profiles are designed with the rule that every unit has to have at least ONE 'ability' on its card
Charge +rend isn't one of the universal weapon abilities.
Did anyone actually do the submerged Troglo apart from that one guy in the original post? Or should I look into magnetizing the head vs the carno?
why do you think that, skreech and warbringer are supposedly good.
Well, I don't use named characters, so Skreech is out, and my units are mostly Skryre and Moulder, so the Warbringer is out.
thanks. The metallics are leadbelcher / balthazar gold with nuln oil on top so not sure how to bring it down further unless I'm using the nuln oil wrong. Didn't seem to make much of a diff when I applied it and I thought I was being pretty liberal.
I mean with that requisites what you were thinking of making him?
wait i am a retard with 0 reading comprehension.
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Hey look, they "solved" the 2 Horrors problem
I was going to build him as a Warbringer, because I like the punch-blade.
Think im just gonna stick with spearhead for a hot minute.
So if it says "Any [KEYWORD]" does that include applicable heroes too or do I have to kill myself for daring to own more than two hero models
The latter.
Ill be at your funeral man, sorry.
Can't you just give him the punch blade anyway? It's not like it makes any difference
Heroes that can join other heroes' regiments are explicitely mentioned.
How are ogroids looking? I have a myrmidon and one unit with falchions and was thinking of grabbing another unit
So... I can't take a Warlock Engineer in an Arch-Warlock's regiment? Isn't that kind of the perfect exemplar of a hero being able to take another hero? That was literally the first thing I thought of when I read that some heroes would be able to take other heroes.
Hopefully your actual book wont be as half assed as this list was man.
so much for shrimple then
This is already causing more confusion than old listbuilding ever did
just put clanrats in his regiment.
Thanks mate! I'd kill to get this saturation in rl. I assume your Phone has no IR filter and the paint reflects some of it quite well so things add up and look more red than in RL.
Apologies for acting so querulous, but this shit has felt like gut punch after gut punch:
>My warlocks aren't wizards anymore, except the boss, who's been downgraded to a one-cast wonder
>My engineers now exist solely to buff a unit that I don't own or like
>I can't even take all of them without insta-losing the game because of the broken drops system
>I'm going to have to rebase all of my converted acolytes because they're on the still-totally-incomprehensible-to-me 28.5mm bases now
>Warp-grinders are gone
I only want to take note of this because some morons back in the day refused to accept that Kurnoth Hunters were Kurnothi.
so much bullshit, yet they saved sylvaneth monstermash by letting treelords join ancient treelords and durthu.. so easy 10 monster heros in 5 regs.
>Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof 220
wtf he's like practically the same warscroll.
losing warp-grinder sucks, it was such and iconic unit, I remember one time one of mine high rolled to hell an destroyed a 150 pts model after delivering 10 censer bearers to the frontline
>220 for gluttons
>260 for Gorgers
What in the godamn fuck
>everything is super expensive for no reason
I mean you wouldn't want people to buy models for their armies or anything like that.
Between that and "Whoops you can only use two
or three specific units if you use this hero" this shit seems like a counterproductive recipe for disaster
Removing allies was a mistake
The choice of the optional hero can be baffling too. Take KB, for example. You have murknob, a standard bearer and a candidate for a Killaboss or swampcalla, a supporter and a cunning advisor. Instead you get a killaboss on foot, who should be a boss
They're around
>My warlocks aren't wizards anymore, except the boss, who's been downgraded to a one-cast wonder
There have been already discussions on it: It looks like GW used the Wizzard Rules for Warlocks to show off their Warpstone Fuckery as Magic and decided to tone down on it. I know that the sole name Warlock implies Magic and some dark pacts with gods but the name is stupidly inappropriate for a unit that is basically an engineer in the weapon industry clan.
>My engineers now exist solely to buff a unit that I don't own or like
Sorry to hear that mate, it's always annoying when new rules fuck up a unit you like
>I can't even take all of them without insta-losing the game because of the broken drops system
Doubt on this. Instead of ruining it for yourself with that mindset please try to give it a chance and run a few games. Drop system is odd but we simply cannot tell where it will settle
>I'm going to have to rebase all of my converted acolytes because they're on the still-totally-incomprehensible-to-me 28.5mm bases now
This is fucking annoying and I feel your pain but I guess noone will really have an issue with using the old ones.
>Warp-grinders are gone
...for now but Skaven are among the first two books and will have many new and reworked sculpts so a plastic warpgrinder is not off the table
WTF am I supposed to do if I have like 140 points left over but no slots left in my regiments? This sucks. This fucking sucks, man.
Lmao sure hope nobody wanted to play blades of khorne.
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>paint my maw krusha all week
>its not feasible to use

welp, here comes all infantry Weirdfist IJ
You used up 5 regiments with 5 leaders and 16 slots and still have 140 points?
Split one to get more slots or use an aux detachment like a big boy.
He's trying to min on drops like that Karens who use 10 coupons to get a 3% discount.
What’s the damage on Hedonites? Cant look at the docs until after work.
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In terms of random rules changes, it's worth noting that none of the Warcry bands can be reinforced now. Not a huge deal but it does limit their use some since they can't ever really be anything but an MSU chaff unit.
>waacfag crying
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Suffer from the regiment keyword mess but I guess masochism is something you need to be into to play HoS lately
Yeah I figure some people are going to get real sweaty over it at first, first turn priority is certainly an advantage but at the end of the day having the units your army needs to function is more valuable.
No, I mean that my regiments' stipulations don't allow for adding any of the units that are cheap enough to fill my points. Clanrats are inexplicably 160 points, so I can't plug any more in.
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Frostlord on Stonehorn 360
Fire belly 140
Butcher 140
Iron blaster 240
Gutbuster 240
Gluttonsx4 880
Exactly 2k Neato
Where are the free warscrolls
Why give points to shit I dont know the stats of
Impossible to tell until we play with them, but they don’t look too different point wise, but who the fuck knows how the new rules and magic will be with them.
wtf is that
Are you this retarded on purpose? Read, dipshit.
>Whoops you can only use two
>or three specific units if you use this hero"
What heroes are like that? Seems like I dogged a bullet because my armies are mostly "infantry hero can take infantry units, mounted hero can take everything"
The edition hasn't even technically started
anyone got maggotkin leaks?
>Mannfred suddenly 50 pts cheaper than Neferata
Was he nerfed or was she buffed?
What exactly are you trying to do, if it's Verminous Stormvermin are 140, 140 for Plague Monks if Pestilens, 130 for Night Runners if Eshin, or 130 for Acolyte Globadiers if Skryre
So all I can figure is GW is terrified of running into another situation where people start complaining about bloated model counts because of point cuts being used for balancing. So they are starting everyone out erring on the high side so when they cut points later it won't be so egregious. It also has the added benefit of making it cheaper for a new player to make the jump from a spearhead up to a full 2k army when the kits give you so many points.
Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (General) - 320
Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty - 280
Arachnarok Spider with Flinger - 290
Skitterstrand Arachnarok - 250
Spider Riders (Reinforced) - 220

Webspinner Shaman - 140
Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty - 280
Spider Riders (Reinforced) - 220

2000 points even... but I'm not happy, because I still feel the Sword of Damocles over my head. Will Spiderfang even survive all of the way through the edition?
i like the game but every shitty, petty jab at GW is valid and welcomed because they are fucking gay

selling fast btw
Nevermind, I just realized that I can move my Stormfiends to my Master Moulder's regiment, and then put more Acolytes in the Arch-Warlock's.
They aren't specific, they're extremely general. I suggest trying to do example listbuilding before you comment about it.
Clawlords can literally only take two units.
allies aren't necessary, the extremely lenient system aos was using was an anomaly compared to other war games.
reinforce a unit tard.
you're beautiful anon, thanks
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I cannot fucking wait to put this down on the table on Saturday and turn my brain off.
This drip feed thing is fucking stupid. What, are they worried their servers will crash from people downloading a couple of pdfs?
It's a marketing thing. Generates a ton of buzz because people are talking about something new every day.
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Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Some fuck on the marketing team or something is REALLY into daily webpage view counts or something related to those metrics. Probably so they don’t axe him because he could point at his daily view average as “results”.
I just won't play the game at all if I can't have the things I want in my army at a normal game size. I have armies for basically whatever game and finite time for wargaming, there's no reason for me to waste time playing a game where I have to play an unsatisfactory feeling army list.
I cannot wait to not play against this list
General Regiment; 500p
- Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed
- Dreadblade Harrows *

Regiment 1; 810p
- Reikenor the Grimhailer
- Bladegheist Revenants*
- Bladegheist Revenants*

Regiment 2; 370p
- Guardian of Souls
- Spirit Hosts
- Chainrasps

Regiment 3; 320p
- Kurdoss
- Myrmourn Banshees

2000p on the dot, NH seems unaffected by point changes
>they don’t look too different point wise
considering they were completely crutching on having overpowered faction rules and now they're functionally playing without any that's kind of a problem.
KoS and Dexcessa look ok. Shardspeaker is regiment tax but not too badly. Foot Archers, Maybe Daemonettes, Hellstriders, and Slickblades look playable. Maybe a unit or two of Twin Souls. That's about it.
Which realm has the most naturally occuring candy?
Kurdoss isn't a warmaster? Funny if true, the man can't catch a break.
Ew, play something else instead
>prevent warcry warbands from being reinforced
I cannot imagine a reason for this beyond wanting to discourage sales
Her damage looks to have gone way up.
nope, only Olynder is.

i will spam my lists now

General Regiment: 1440 p
- Slann
- Starpriest
- Kroxigor Warspawned*
- Kroxigor Warspawned*
- Saurus Warriors

Regiment 1: 520p
- Starpriest
- Raptadon Hunter
- Raptadon Charger
- Hunters of Huanchi withStarstone Bolas

1960 p
That sucks but it's more a problem of Skaven being a range that used to be divided into 5 macro factions that have now been gutted by resin removals.
I would agree with that in theory but in practice it seems more like most people are just annoyed or angry at their updates so its kinda generating negative hype.
Seraphon is harder to include good units now

General Regiment:820 p
- Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
- Saurus Warriors
- Saurus Warriors
- Astrolith Bearer

Regiment 1: 1020 p
- Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon
- Aggradon Lancers*
- Aggradon Lancers*

Regiment 2: 150 p
- Starseer

1990 p
>Waaaaa this model that i love and I have painted may not be the absolute best pick so I will not play it waaaaa
I dunno nighthaunt has been dodging leaks. Olynder doesn't look like she's worth 300 fucking hundo, that's for sure.
So, the new rules seem kinda shit. I don't know how they managed to make 3rd ed even worse, but here we are.
This general is full of waacfags who will call you no gaems for daring to suggest using a sub optimal unit
General: Trugg
Dankhold Troggoth
Dankhold Troggoth
Rockgut Troggoths*
Rockgut Troggoths

Regiment 1 Dankhold Troggboss
Fellwater Troggoths
Fellwater Troggoths
Fellwater Troggoths

1990 pts. No thoughts, only mushrooms nao
Probably a toss-up between Chamon and Ghyran, all things considered.
General Regiment:630 p
- Megaboss
- Brutes*

Regiment 1: 520 p
- Warchanter
- Brutes*

Regiment 2: 400 p
- Warchanter
- Brute Ragerz*

Regiment 3: 300 p
- Weirdnob
- Ardboyz

Regiment 4: 130 p
- Weirdnob

1980 p
It really is just 3rd but simplified (I didn't like battleshock but its clear they removed it because it was kinda funky for new players to get their heads around)
Pennies aren't candies, chamonite.
You mean... fruit?
The index they wrote is extremely transparent in their attempt to get people to rebuy their IJ armies that were just pigs and a mawkrusha, but you go ahead and blame the people getting scammed.
>How dare they try to make more than a single unit viable
Just wanna make sure im doing this right

General Regiment; 1,220
-Great unclean one (480)
-putrid blight kings (200)
-putrid blight kings REINFORCED (400)
-plague bearer (140)

Regiment 1; 780
-lord of affliction
- (1) pusgolye blightlord (130)
- Pusgoyle Blightlord (250
-plague drone (180)

I have no clue what im doing , but a great unclean one bringing back a plague drone seems really strong. Something is probably gonna get changed there at some point. Also uh rate dis list por favor.
Warcry has been nothing bad a negative for mainline AoS all of the warbands should be explicitly illegal for matched
Well, those regiments make Darkoath seem dead on arrival.
Bloodthirsters are 440+

I haven't seen the warscrolls but this is good, Bloodthirsters felt puny in 3rd.
Too late, they've already sold them.
Pretty fucked desu but thats why you don't by new models at the end of an edition.
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>Hedonite points finally posted
>heroes and named characters got universally raised

It’s so over
The boomthirster was revealed during the faction focus
>I haven't seen the warscrolls
The one with the giga axe looks like extremely brutal
No candy
Sorcerer on manticore - 500 points
Sorcerer on manticore - 500 points
Sorcerer on manticore - 500 points
Sorcerer on manticore - 500 points
Simplified? You have a ton of tactical plays now in the core rule. This will be WAY more hard to master than 3rd
Daemon Prince - 280
Soul Grinder - 330
Soul Grinder - 330
Soul Grinder - 330
Soul Grinder - 330

Centaurion Marshal - 180
Mindstealer Sphiranx - 170

Our battle will be legendary
Warcry needs to eat shit and go away forever.
They didn't attempt that, they nerfed what people were already using and wrote the entire army around brutes.
Lack of any morale is pretty simple. And even GW refer to it as simple (not simplified) so I'm gonna go with simpler than 3e for sure.
Go suck on an exploding mango, gyranite.
Putting the old Archaon on horse on the appropriate base and using it as a daemon prince
Yes or no
Yeah, but morale and weapon ranges are the only simplifications, while the rest of the core rules are way harder now.
He is a great chaos lord on mount...but not really a daemon prince
I will never understand this. Battleshock was super simple and elegant – you fail battleshock and a bunch of guys book it, get dragged down and trampled or otherwise become irrelevant for the battle.
I really don't see it. Everything is either simpler than 3e or the same. Can you point to something more complex?
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Have faith in the spidergod anon.
How quirky and unique.
Wut? He is like 280 points now...what did I miss?
Guess I’ll finally need to buy a KoS or some more Entrapturesses, because Chariots can’t take Cavalry in the same regiment.
Whats the point of all this regiments shit? Do they gain extra abilities if close to the leader?
Just checking, there's no "Rule of 3" for units in AoS is there?
Cp management is harder.
All the new stratagems that make your opponent able to play in your turn make the game immensely less predictable and harder.
Double turn is way nerfed,along with most of the "unfair" mechanics like massive MW spamm on units.
Army compositions have rules now, they are easy, but they are more complex than before.
I could go on but I need to play some more test games to be sure about the more subtle rules
The new commands alone are more complex than anything in 3rd by a lot.
Because everybody and his mother had a way to ignore it or was incredibly resistent to it. New OC system is a lot better because it actually has a bunch of abilities that can interact with it in a meaningful way.
If you don't learn how to play around enemies counter charges, redeploys, sudden spells, break trough and so on, you will be absolutely destroyed. Playing without being extremely good at predicting those is very hard and will make the game quite complex
Mechanically it was easy to understand and smooth, but its one of those abstractions I think was hard for new players to "get". I know when I first played it was a little hard for me to get why my super elite soldiers just vanished.
The general's regiment gets buffs when near the general in the current season rules, but other than that it's just list building restrictions.
So cut down on the abilities that negate Battleshock. This is hardly rocket science. OC is utterly abstract and game-y, not to mention decidedly boring.
>OC is utterly abstract and game-y,
Lol, no more than old battleshock. You would have a point if we were talking about WHFB morale.
Did anybody actually enjoyed Battleshock?
Wait, so you *must* pick Regiments? Am I reading this right?
Stealing ideas from Conquest. I think this works for some armies like SCE but really doesn’t for others.

You mean a system that not only bogged the game down massively, but also felt entirely divorced from reality?
instead of losing models in battleshock it should have given you a decent debuff, like for example a broken unit cant claim objectives or not use their champions for command abilities. control feels not as gounded in the world of warhammer.
Thanks for showing a photo of a profile they showed off in a faction focus
>Cities Tzeentch Kharadron and Dok criminally undercosted
lmao so much for no shooting meta
That ability is cancer
I don't understand your question. Are you just now looking at the way 4e lists are built?
Not pictured is their 5+ ward to make up for the armor save
It had its share of problems which is why I didn't like it either, but it was absolutely less gamey and abstract than Battleshock by virtue of actually having units running away instead of vanishing into thin air
>3 wounds
>marginally better melee weapon than Brutes
Still pointless.
I am honestly so sick of random 5 wound heroes who do 1 semi-cool thing costing the same as entire units of troops. These were already incredibly hard to justify in AoS listbuilding and most have jumped 30 points or more, and for what? I really hoped to see a decrease in costs for these types of units comparable to 10th ed 40k.
Does anyone have the StD warscroll leaks? Specifically warriors, chosen, daemon prince and the karkadrak
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Things may be liable to change when warscrolls drop tomorrow but here's what I'm thinking for boatboys.
I thought it was 1 ship per regiment now?
id be fine with expensive hero's if you could stick more than 1 in a regiment without taking up space, and if the prices for actual units costed less.
Points feel way too high
Brokk is exception to that
Game is cheaper to play.
The amazing thing is most of them just keep getting worse, becoming more simplified and losing abilities while the point cost keeps going up.
>chaos knights are 100pts more than morbheg knights and 50ts more than dawnriders
>too cartoonish to go back
Who do you think you're talking about?
Addendum, things kind of depend on what the Endrinmaster does now that they're no longer required for battleline stuff, I could maybe fit some Thunderers in the gunhauler for funsies.
I dunno Wrekkaz seem better to me than the Ragerz, and they're 10 points cheaper, and they look cooler.
I wish my rats still had it as a flavor thing, but I agree it's better off gone. Or, at least prefer that it is.
>Thanquol costs 10 more points than a screaming bell and will do on average 1 less wound per combat while not providing a buff anywhere near as good as the bell
>night runners are still blocks of 10
>And are ridiculously overcosted along with the deathmaster for whatever they'll do given they'll have skaven survivability.
Strike First on them is huge.
The Arch-Revenant in Sylvaneth costs 170 fucking points now.
Yeah it dumb, wight king gives one unit +1 to hit and cost as much as the graveguard he's buffing.
So 2500 point is going to be the new standard game size, eh?
I think the writers just hate trees or something.
>Pig Boss

>10 ardboys
>10 brutes
>6 pigs
>3 Wrekkaz
>3 Ragerz
>big pig
and yet this list cost like $600.
My list for fourth is like 50 points more than it was in 3rd lol. I expect some heavy changes for it though if I'm gonna be honest.
No reason to do that, play with less models.
Think the hero-regiment thing just doesn’t work with how they’ve written most armies and expect it to be abandoned into the edition. Some armies face restrictive choices, others just have ‘lol your heroes can take anything’. Regiments don’t give or even represent any kind of synergistic buffing or ability choice. It is a surface level copying of Conquest’s hero-warband system but it doesn’t have anything like the same depth or theme.
Thirsters cost more than vlozd now.
So it's good I didn't buy anything but a Skaventide split with my friend? Wait for more info to come out?

.t Nu-player but experience in 40k and TOW.
Sure but spearhead already existed, alongside Warcry or just playing at a lower bracket.
Yeah it’s fine. The SCE side of Skaventide represents a pretty solid chunk of a full army with these points. All armies got points increases mostly, so armies will be smaller.
>can no longer reinforce Warcry bands
He does about twice the damage if you count his gun and rampage, and he's +1 to cast and he heals.
>Battle profiles: Beasts of chaos
Why did you buy more than one for warcry? They're not really AoS units
They will be receiving rules support for a year via free downloads, but after that they're done.
Alright, thanks.
umm it's July 2025, I can't play against your BoC that's illegal
>Scinari are probably the central cornerstone group of Lumineth
>Not a SINGLE leak or preview of them
>3/4 of them went up in price, Cathallar remained the same but likely had the biggest rework
>we gave BoC and Bonesplitterz points and rules
>but next year they’re DONE
I don’t understand squatting entire armies if you’re going to give them rules. Just… keep giving them rules? Makes zero sense
In July 2025 all remaining BoC players will be forcibly injected with CIA mind control The Old World hypno drugs.
>you can rally heal monsters
Ruh roh.
Lumineth are overall outrageously cheap, cry more you whiny little elf favourite fag.
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>my 1700pt kruleboyz list is now 2100
Fucks sake why did they double the dogs cost and make sludgefucker so expensive
>so armies will be smaller.
Unironically, I foresee standard battle points values just going up like they did for WHFB 8e. Easier and more fun to just raise the standard rather than cut beloved units out of an army.
Pretty much everyone's armies went up, don't feel called out.
anon 8e made the game too expensive and killed it
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I for one welcome our glorious, overcosted points overlords.
The points aren't my main concern, it's the rules for them.
Loreseeker and Enlightener going up 10p each feels like it fits due to Endless Spells being free now, but the Calligrave going up 40p makes me wonder if they kept Erasure the same.
I just really want to see what the Cathallar does now since bother Aetherquartz and Leadership are gone.
Internal & External balance seems so uneven, comparing three different armies I play.

OBR has extremely elite costed units for non existent healing. Their shooting unit is 280 points, something that can be shut down by charging an endless spell into. Most of the armies stats are subpar, and the ones that aren't are extremely expensive. They priced kavalos extremely cheap so I expect to see a lot of spamming of kavalos, Nagash is also pretty stellar.

SBGL death rattle in 20's means their recursion rule is non existent. Blood Knights are fuck awful. Zombies are still king, nothing really changed.

SCE is looking really good but stormdrake guard and draconiths are so expensive. Grandhammers suck again. You're going to see a lot of palladors and prosecutors on the table.

LRL looks like they got off pretty damn good, would love to hear their designers reasoning. Nobody is fooled by hidden buffs. Casually dropping 12 mortals and then another 6 for infantry just for charging in and chosing a vanari facet you're going to choose already isn't justified. Blood knights look like absolute garbage no matter which way you spin it.

They also did a number of things that devalue them this edition, tying them to drops for the most part and also making the edition more killy, rally work on units with better EHP and cp more restrictive makes them feel like a waste of command points if they'll get wiped anyways.
>why didn’t my dogshit army stay cheap when they made it good
Welcome to the krool real world, kruleMAN. You’re all grown up.
I get people wanted Dawnriders to be more knights less scouting cav, but spamming them looks so obnoxious. Just another take on spamming mortal wounds with LRL.
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>Chaos spawn - 2100 points
Yeah I don't think its a good thing for the game health-wise but I think its what will happen.
-Slittaz x10
-Slittaz x10

Bolt boys x9

Bolt boys x9



1960 total
I hate it.
>people kept talking up chaos knights as being OP
>two-hundred-seventy fucking points for 5
Bruh… they lost all mortal wound protection. I don’t think you can even play these in the land of free endless spells.
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My DoT for some reason mostly went down. There are a few outliers that went up, like the Changeling, shaman ad exalted flamer, but I see a lot of point drops across the board.
Still not DoT leaks. Now I'm worried that every warscroll will be dogshit hence the points drop.
Zombies suck dude, people are going to be spamming graveguard and black knights. Nef with 10 Blood Knights is going to beat everyone's ass again. I agree skeletons suck. Vengorian Lords suck.
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They didn't make it good. The warscrolls are all either nerfed or the same as they were and they were shit to begin with. Gutrippaz are 10 less than ardboys with half the save.
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I dig it.
>CoS points went down
Excellent...time to fit more shooting in my army, enjoy getting shot off the table faggots
Anyone got Nurgle points?

>jokes on anon
>horde of plaguebearers with perma flies
>I don’t think you can even play these in the land of free endless spells

Endless spells don't work like that anymore. They have actually attack profiles now.
"Win at all costs". It's what people say when people are upset something gets dogshit rules/points so it isn't fun to play with and people are upset. Some people just use the game as an excuse to show off their painting and think anyone wanting to have an interesting game instead is bad. When the people who enjoy playing an interesting game are upset the diorama fags get upset despite their clear lack of care for the gameplay for some reason.
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Sweet that IJ went back to their 1e internal meta where Brutes were awesome and gruntas sucked. Only 3e WAAC fags are mad about this lol
Someone feels called out
I have no past experience to go off for Fyreslayers, but I'm happily building and painting them and I've just been able to build a 2000 point list on the dot with everything I have built and (mostly) painted. I'm eating good tonight it seems
its all in the pdf bro, the notable cost decreases were for blightkings and plague drones. Also I hope you didnt build a rotigus.
Did I enjoy when two of my overcosted battleline died and I lost another two or three because I have 5 bravery and their babysitter hero got sniped and I spent a command point keeping this from happening with the other battleline? No, I really didn't.
I don't own a GUO/Rot yet so I'm safe on that
ya seethin' son?
Why do you care what people think about points and stats if you think caring about it is bad? You call anyone who is upset about points/stats a WAACfag, so if what you put on the table doesn't matter to you why do you care if it matters to someone else? Genuine question. Because if you want to run cool models that aren't technically "good" I don't care at all, it's cool seeing a theme army.
Yes, yes I am. Gutrippaz stupid pieces of shit I fucking hate them.
Seriously, why do you care if it doesn't affect you? It's a very simple question.
That's like saying why do you care about someone stealing if he's not stealing from you. But I wasn't even the guy saying waacfag, I was just laughing at how the mere mention of the word made you sperg out in defence of it.
Akhelian King -20pts (220->200)
Akhelian Thrallmaster +30pts (100->130)
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea +60pts (290->350)
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm +50pts (280->330)
Isharann Soulrender +40pts (100->140)
Isharann Soulscryer -10pts (130->120)
Isharann Tidecaster +20pts (130->150)
Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers +0pts (110->110)
Volturnos,High King of the Deep +50pts (220->270)

Akhelian Allopex +40pts (150->190)
Akhelian Ishlaen Guard +20pts (160->180)
Akhelian Leviadon +100 pts (400->500)
Akhelian Morrsarr Guard +10pts (160->170)
Namarti Reavers -40pts (160->130)
Namarti Thralls +10pts (110->120)

Oof, big point hikes almost everywhere. And the cheaper Reavers are offset by the big range nerf and loss of defenses.
Thinking this
>general regiment
Glottkin 550
Lord of Blights 170
Blightkings 400
Poxbringer 130
Plaguebearers 140
>2nd regiment
Lord of Afflictions 220
Pusgoyle Blightlords 380
>total of 1990
They will have the life suport cut near the end of the edition, not at the start
Not even that long. They only promised support for the first year of the new edition.
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>They're not really AoS units
>chameleon skink update
>gorger update
>water temple soldiers
>Nurgle light mortal infantry
>freeguild crossbow replacment
>breaker boss on foot
>vampire unit on foot
Warcry is adding AoS units now
I just think it's a stupid concept. There's meta sweat lords net listing GT winners and they should be mocked but that guy who built a maw crusha and was upset it was garbage isn't that. I don't see why people enjoying one part of the hobby more than another is a problem. Painting and building something cool only to put it on the table and watch it do a whole lot of nothing sucks, it's more fun when your cool big guys are useful pieces on the board that aren't hurting your list just by being there and I think most people can agree with that.
Is there anything in the new force org preventing me from just spamming the optimal unit?
Like taking 4 big monsters and not giving a fuck?
How the Storm Eidolon consistently gets away with being the better and cheaper option, I don’t know. I built mine as a Sea Aspect because I like that one better, but I’ll gladly use it as Storm.
they arent priced for aos thats for fucking sure. Gorgers are an exception though.
You need a hero to lead each battle formation and can only have three units in each battle formation and only certain heroes can lead certain units. So your favorite monster probably has a hero tax to take it.
The water temple abomination isn't a real unit
>Nerf Aspect of the Sea
>+60 points
Why does GW hate this model so much? It's literally never been worth it's points in any edition.
The guy is freaking out and wants to shelve his newly painted model before even playing a game of 4th edition. We both know what kind of player he is.
Based, I remember that stupid argument.
Most warcry units are good or decent in AoS anon. What are you even trying to say?
>that guy
Warcry needs to GO
So should be okay as long as monster is a hero.
$60 for ten 28-32mm units are dumb, even by gw standards. I dont think even 40k has sunk that low.
I wish I was an Ironjawz player kek, I'm a Krulecuck
Killteams cost $70 for the same thing and most new 10 model kits for AoS literally cost $60.
Gutrippaz at +20 and boltboyz staying the same but lacking mw is such a joke
>Warcry needs to GO FASTER and release more awesome warbands
I agree
There's no reason for it to exist in its current form when kill team does. They need to turn it into a full on mordheim/necromunda style game or something and give it a niche. Right now it's one foot in pick up skirmish and campaign but doesn't embrace either enough.
>Killteams cost $70 for the same thing
still dumb.

>most new 10 model kits for AoS literally cost $60.
oof if true.
20+ slittaz for a fucking chaff unit
>oof if true.
Serious question anon, have you just...not bought any standalone unit kits in the last three years? We're talking about late 2E pricing here.
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A-at least there's no battleshock...
any FEC fans list building at the moment? I like that you can take horrors and flayers in units of 2 now, saves you having to buy awkward amounts of their sprues to get good unit sizes. I think I'm going to spam Cryptguards for the most part
That reminds me, tomorrow we ought to get the warscroll for the Twistweald warband. The Teratic Cohort warscroll was posted yesterday. Hopefully the box won't be much longer.
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Warcry GO to the polls
I only ever buy bundle boxes yeah. Sometimes I pick up secondhand stuff.
Nighthaunt looking kinda fun this edition.
Gutrippaz being £37 is criminal when I can still buy dominion sprues
I keep saying it needs to reembrace it's gladiatorial combat roots. Arenas filled with traps, open the doors to let in beasts onto the battlefield, hit and run combat on the move rather than getting stuck in.
>used to run treelords as battleline
>whelp, they are hero now or have to join hero, forget oakenbrow
>dreadwood fucked up too

Oh well, I guess I will run maggotki...
>goa point increase, glottkin point increase, blightlord point increase
Well, at least blightkings are cheaper... I will probably have to meme with Avengorii...

>1000 pts of Lauka Vei with three terrorgheist
>pump pump pump inflation, now 1160

I feel fucked over.
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GW make KB unplayable Again! GJ GW!
Seems everyone is getting fucked, you're not alone, anon. This is a full blown orgy all factions included
>Gutrippaz Unit size 10
Deepkin probably eat a lot of saltwater taffy don't they
The army rules are good, retard. Cry more.
That would be fun, I've always liked the idea of the interactive terrain and wanted more of that. It really just needs a better identity other than "It's AoS skirmish"
Why can't you reinforce them then? It's like Underworlds, different game but you can use them as a token gesture
The mawcrusha isn't even garbage you deluded waacfag, it just isn't a definite auto include anymore. You people are the second most obnoxious group in this general aside from the TOW spammers
It's stupid they aren't just treated as chameleon skinks. Just do what Kill Team does and let the warbands that are obviously meant to be regular army units be regular army units like with Kommandos, Kasrkin, yaegirs, etc
Fuck you, I want skirmish battles in the mortal realms, 40k sucks
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it gets far worse in leafbux
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>Canadian and Eldar player
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I'm just gonna run my old metal Epidemius model as a Horticulous Slimux. Just need to make him a base adapter.
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naa was just the first awful priced box I saw when I checked the killteam page lmao. I play nurgle.
>metal Epidemius model
Please post pictures.
Disdain for being an Eldar player revoked.
Which faction has the Eldar players for AoS?
Lumienth in my experience.
We need more monsters that are just monsters and not some dude riding a monster
>unfun to play against, usually with bs rules that can shut down the enemy with no counters
>able to do everything, and able to do everything well. The only restriction is points
>donut steele characters out the wazoo
Lumineth for sure
Those aren't usually the type to follow orders and battle in formation with a warband.
Meant for >>93278036
I play ogres, if you couldn't tell
Vulcha 290
Bolt 110
Bolt 110
Bolt 110
Bow 160

Skumm 260
Killaboss 130
Slittaz 100
Gutrippaz 170

Shaman 120
Bolt 110
Gutrippaz 170
Monstakillaz 120

If only you could take murknob instead of stabgrot as an optional I would swap monstakillaz for gutrippaz and be really glad with that list. I will probably go more into melee after get punished for excesive shooting
Then we make an army that's all monsters and the bigger monsters bully around the smaller monsters into doing their bidding
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Who will bully the bully monsters
Now do Kraggy.
Sylvaneth costs actually don't look too bad, apart from the Arch-Revenant and maybe the Kurnothi Hunters. Alarielle is amazingly good for her points.
>90% of the Eldar roster currently sucks in 10e, but still gets nerfed because the remaining 10%
>Their infantry is exceptionally bad and their vehicles crumple faster than other factions, as they're forced to be the 'glass cannon' faction in an absurdly lethal edition
>All of their characters get treated like shit in lore and on the table most are literal wastes of points, with the best one no longer even being sold
Eldar wish they could be lioe Lumineth are.
These are very cool. Source?
Monstakillaz seem pretty no brainer. Basically getting gutrippaz on a budget, getting rend is huge too.
They have a d6 double conditional teleport now that's worse than the bog standard ass teleports half the game just has already, whoopdefuckingdoo.
>The mawcrusha isn't even garbage
prove it.
It is a shame that we got absolutely nothing out of Ghur besides some stupid endless spell "unit"
The juice is in the strikes last trick. You can take a charge, strikes last them, whiff your mortals, and die on the swing back the end of the combat phase now.
Artist goes by voxbelicosa.
Drycha at 310 is sad, my poor girl. You got nerfed way too heavily to still cost that much.
Yes let us see if an unreliable once per turn strike last can carry the worst faction ever that lost the only thing it had going for it and went up in points everywhere. +110 on dogman is surely worth the +1 to hit he now gives out on rendless chaff.
I'm gonna run the thaumaturge in my StD and you little pipsqueaks aren't gonna stop me
I know but I don't like them. Stupid micwd units with trift shop killaboss. Grot is a cool token, no problems with him
Reread the post you are replying to
They just forgot to adjust the points for the stuff they heavily changed bro, math is hard. You know like Tempestors losing half their damage and a wound and then just staying 210 somehow.
Gutrippas are ugly
Blame GW for thinking rend is too strong for crit (mortal) but only for kruleboyz
I just want Aspect Warriors to be fun and Banshees to not be a waste of points.
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What kits have bare male feet that would be stormcast size
I hope they retune her down the line, I love running Drycha.
Anon asking the important questions
Kiss my ass eldarfag
something greenskin, or maybe ogres related.
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we got like a handful maggotkin posters here so I figure I should post the point change comparisons.
Please tell me this isn't some fetish thing
Don't ask questions if you don't want to know the answer
No I just assumed it would be easier than finding a sandaled foot that size
I always forget about plague drones existing I don't think I've ever seen them on a table
It's "slickblade seekers: the faction" now lad.

take 60 of them, hope you go first, and just keep the opponent pinned in their deployment zone long enough to get a 10 point lead.
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I never realized that he could throw it
There are already things for that. Big game should encourage buying more thing.
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>Arch-Revenant got a 50 point increase
>According to leaks, doesn't seem to have gotten a buff of any kind; she may have even lost her +1 Attack command ability
Maybe she's pretty good in comparison to other heroes that have faced nerfs? She's my favorite model so I'd like to keep using her, but 50 points is not insignificant, especially in the face of problems Sylvaneth are potentially going to face.
Nah thats a terrible mindset. GW can sell new products that have synergy with old stuff better than just increasing the bar of the game.
Anyone have lizard scrolls? Troglodon? Scar vet? Kroak?
My current cope is every faction seems to be having the same complaints so maybe it won't be as bad as it feels on the table since most are way toned down/costed up
WFB combat resolution is dogshit, but it's a very direct and literal attempt to represent morale, so it gets some points for quality of simulation.
Feelsbad for BoN enjoyers but overall seems fine
It's weird that they made this guy have a theridons-specific ability whilst keeping the RoR that includes him but no theridons
Yeah it looks like they wanted to lower the power level for every faction. Probably more balanced but I prefer DOTA balancing where every hero is broken in its own way.
Fellow slavefags is it worth running a myrmidon now if you intend to run a 6 man theridon unit
It's a reasonable point of view at the moment since most units are taking hits one way or the other. It's really one of those situations where games are going to have to be played before any proper judgments can be made.
The mortal hero's kinda got a slap on the wrist, you're never taking them as is.
He hits pretty hard now but how many points is he?
OK so I never take him ever.
>the only way to get ogroid theridons in your regiment
OK so I guess I never take them, either. Thanks GW!

He costs 200 fucking points dude. A sorcerer is 120. Belakor is 2 of this guy. Just run chosen instead of theridons.
Wait. I just felt a sudden rush of fear. I need to check how much the new daemon prince cos-
God fucking damn GW can you not overcost heroes into the dirt one fucking time! Just once! This guy has sucked shit for (prince of khorne excepted) 2 fucking editions. You gave him a decent looking scroll and then you made him cost 300 fucking points, rendering him completely unusable. Who costed this shit?!
beasts of nurgle got a pretty big rework.

they can charge in the opponents charge phase now from what i was reading, and slimux brings back dead beast units on a 3+, so the points bump may be justified
The Arch-Revenant really specifically and weirdly got targeted with a massive points hike. The other Sylvaneth heroes mostly seem fine for their points. She also has the most restrictive choices for any regiment. More than any other unit, the Arch-Revenant's points increase makes no sense.
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Like most of what is costed here looks fine. The Treelord Ancient might be a bit overcosted, and Kurnothi are probably overcosted, even if only relatively, by being on par with the Spiteriders and Revenant Seekers who seem much better than them now. But wow they just jacked up the Arch-Rev's price for no reason whatsoever.

This is also why regiments, in the way they have chosen to do them, are retarded. You can't launch a hero-and-units regiments army-building system and then drop a faction where it's like "anyone can take anything except this one specific bitch".
its the slaangor faction.
They’re now worth taking for the “if you think they look cool” factor which is really all that matters
Slaangors make no sense
>>the only way to get ogroid theridons in your regiment
That's wrong though. Abraxia, Archaon, Be'lakor, the Gaunt Summoner and the DP all have the opportunity to take them (since they all have the "Any Slaves to Darkness" option in their regiment).
The Knight Questor just buffs Soulsworn and he's hanging out in the launch box.
Ogroids are cool who cares
I'm begging, literally begging, tearing at the skin from my hands and begging the GW points guy to just cost heroes appropriately.

Yes it is fine for Be'lakor and Prince Vhordrai to cost 400-something points, they are extremely powerful units. No it is not reasonable for Random Foot Asshole #5 to cost half of that, especially if he ends up costing more than whatever unit he is thematically associated with.
Heroes are just expensive now because they're supposed to be one or two per regiment and usually only 2-3 are taken in total
You don't play a hero for their scroll unless its caster or does something absolutely insane. You take what units you want to run and then find the best hero that fits the requirements of putting everything into as few regiments as you can.
This is true although it's really just an indictment of how bad GW is at game design. This is probably the exact opposite of what they intended when they thought up regiments.
I think their algorithm for pointing heroes is just fucked. A number of these things have reset back to their costs at the start of 3rd edition, when they were unplayably high and spent a whole edition getting crept down to become playable again. Feels like they just reset without considering anything else.
they can't make him cheaper or you fags will spam them.
Melee kurnoths are completely overshadowed by the bug cavalry now.

The bow ones are somewhat interesting.
they don't want people playing kurnoth apparently, evidenced by their weird left field armor save nerf.
that probably just means most foot heroes are going to be shelf sitters this edition.
the regiment system kind of prevents spamming automatically
He's not even a wizard, 280 points is ridiculous. He can spike some mortal wounds, is decently mobile and has a fun buffing ability. At 280 he never sees play.
Slaangor do nothing well and they aren't cheap. There's no situation I can think of where you wouldn't rather have something else.
Blissbarbs, Twin-souls, slickblade seekers, even fiends are interesting because they have a strike last ability.
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These Maggotkin costs are way too fucking high bro :(
People will slap fight twice on him with MoK and he makes his points back in one combat while giving you your broken blob of knights or chosen.
Don't care, still running my Treefu
>fight twice
>makes his points back in one combat
Fighting what, lol?
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This guy is sure as shit is seeing play.
He'll be following bricks of Nurgle Warriors around all edition being obnoxious as shit.
>Fighting what, lol?
he'd be 14 attacks at damage 3 crit mortal probably +1 hit or +1 rend, so anything he wants.
>damage is d3 and d6 instead of 3 and 6 like the leaks said
fuck me for thinking the soul grinder would EVER be good
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>they're already using the "companion" rule to mean "attacks we don't want you to buff" instead of "attacks used by THE MODEL'S COMPANION"
>I will never have to see that ugly ass model on the table again
Why does it consistently always have the nurgle gun in AoS regardless of its mark
>The whole ass 2nd edition stormcast line got squatted before this piece of shit got its well-earned retirement.
I'll still use it. Cool model and cool lore matters more than rules to me.
It's also used for mindless beasts/savage monsters to mean that they are too savage to actually benefit from orders, direction etc.

And it makes sense. Like, if you buff a Ghoul King on Terrorgheist the Ghoul get buffed but the Terrorgheist no because it's supposed to be a savage animal, so why a Terrorgheist alone would instead be different?
Then why does the Soul Grinder, a sapient daemon capable of signing a contract, have it while the Fomoroid Crusher, a tortured beast that's been driven to a mindless fury, not
>oldblood on carnosaur 50 points MORE than a slann

the absurdity of that aside, its so fucking lore breaking. that some saurus general should be considerably more rare than one of the handful of limited edition single print alpha release immortal frog wizards that can move mountains with their mind and only rouse from meditation once every several hundred years.

these points are whack man
Do ogroids have horse dicks or human dicks
Pig dicks
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I still can't believe they're just flat out fucking dead...
I got frogs in my backyard, dinosaurs are extinct.
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Rolled 2 (1d6)

2 ancients and a durthu lets u bring 3 treelords for free and remain 3drop.

sylvaneth got one of the best "monster-battleline" regiment rules.
Fyreslayers need to use all 5 regiments + 1 aux to bring 6 magmadroths
dont they have legends rules or are you only playing on tournaments?
DoT looking reasonably priced.
Because clearly GW see the Soul grinder as more of a rampaging beast and the Fomoroid as more of an angry giant.
I mean, MoK, and charging...
Probably will come back at some point
Did this faggot purposefully make himself harder to crop out? Comparison in pic rel

I chuckled
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I have the Spearhead so I already have 5. I’m sure hoping Sigvlad Burgundy looks good on the other 4, I painted the champion for a contest and that was enough for the moment.
Don't do that it looks actually shit and as a unit that can act as an arcane vassal it's pretty cheesy to model it a half inch of the base when the full model is 3.5 inches tall
How I thought regiments would work
>Skyre hero, take 1 Skyre unit and/or 1 unit of clanrats
>Moulder hero, take 1 Moulder unit and/or 1 unit of clanrats
How regiments actually work
>Skyre hero, take whatever you want lol, no restrictions. Also some clanrats I guess
What's the point of this change if its so half arsed
Where's Grinkrak?

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