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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Secutors edition

Last Thread: >>93266629

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Who uses what 'Mechs?
>Xotl's Faction Random Access Tables (June 2021 update)

Unit Design Software Options
>SSW Mech Designer
>SSW GitHub Updates
>MegaMek Lab

>Megamek - computer version of BT. Play with AI or other players

>How to do Against the Bot? (updated 2-20-2022)
(Current 3.21 rule set included in mekhq package)

>Rookie guides

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders
rebrand ly / BTmags
rebrand ly / BTdrop
rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonSnordDropBox
rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonSnord

>2018 to 2020 Battletech PDFs & E-Books
https://tinyurl com/2p8p7cew

>/btg/’s own image board:
>More goodies! Updated 2020-05-17

>Most Wanted PDFs & Epubs
I like the federated suns.
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just look at this cheeky little shit. sniping with that erllas and waiting for someone dumb enough to venture too close to walk into a wall of autocannon brrrrrt
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what is better than a hunchback?
FOUR! hunchbacks!
Is this what an alpha strike card looks like? Where's all the weapons and the weapons and the tables? Do you have to download them from the website?
right there on the card. 2 damage at short range or within 6", 1 damage at medium range which is 6" to 24".
I thought wolverine actually did drop at least one nuke
So it has 1 weapon with damage drop off?
to put it simply, the AC10 does 1 damage at short and medium range, the small laser does 1 damage at short range but 0 at medium. that's why you get 2 damage at short and 1 at medium.
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alpha strike cards look like this, you get colourful ones in the force packs too. and free PDF downloads for their CBT sheets.
So you what if you run out of ac/10 ammo? I guess heat isn't an issue if you're only generating 4 per turn.
For most weapons, ammo isn't tracked.
>ammo isn't tracked
Jesus, Alpha Strike really *is* cancer for shit players.
yep, ammo isn't tracked typically. as for heat, you use that number next to OV on the heat scale. if you got say a 2 then you can increase your heat scale by up to 2 to potentially deal 2 more damage. your mech has to be a real heatbox to get Overheat Value in alphastrike, like the awesome 8q doesn't for instance.
It wasn't for me, that's for sure. I did try out a couple of games, and thought it might be nice if you needed to ease someone that had never played a tabletop game before into it, but that's only a point in its favor if they need to learn basic wargaming skills.
So you literally just alphastrike with every weapon every turn?
Isn't AS battletech for children under like, 8, who can't understand CBT?
it's for people who won't learn anything unless it looks like warhammer
so yes
Yes, basically. CBT with some mild simplification is probably better for learning to play Battletech, but I would say AS is simple enough to teach kids basic things like phases, measuring, points-based army construction, etc.
basically, which is why its highly recommended to use the variable damage rule or the multiple attack rolls rule. that way instead of rolling one pair of dice and dealing say, 10 damage with a turkina and wiping out a medium or potentially a heavy mech in one shot, you might deal only 4 damage instead.

it's great as an introductory tool at lgs's. with classic you play 4vs4 on 4 map sheets and it looks boring to an outsider because there's not as many minis compared to the warhammer tables. with alphastrike you can have company vs company sized games in a relatively short amount of time, those sized games usually go for 1 to 2 hours.
The formula for converting BT unit stats to AS does take into account how much weapons the mech can fire without overheating when calculating its standard damage value (Awesome has damage value of 3 because while it does eventually overheat it can still deal an average of 30 damage per turn due to only needing to drop 1 PPC every 3 turns. Meanwhile Masakari 5's standard damage is 5 despite it being able to theoretically do 70 damage in one turn due to it not being able to fire all its guns without a massive heat penalty). IIRC the damage value also takes into account the mech not having enough ammo to last through an average BT game by applying a reduction factor to the value.
If a mech has more weapons than it can fire without a major heat penalty it's given an overheat value which lets it increase its damage by up to its overheat value in exchange for taking the same amount of heat (AS heat scale goes from 1 to 4, where 1 to 3 give increasing penalties to movement and shooting and 4 is automatic shutdown).
not necessarily. you alpha with all the weapons of that range bracket, without "overheating".

here's a bunch more cards so you can compare and contrast all the different features.
wrong. alpha strike, with hex maps and hex movement, and variable damage and multiple attack rolls rules. THAT is how you get people to CBT
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July the 8th. I can't wait to get the email saying my regimental backer kickstarter is being shipped today.
Too bad the only thing worthwhile going on is that Kickstarter otherwise there would be other things to do
I know friend, its so good to see CGL are keeping to their own set timeline and shipping by June
Honestly I'll be fucking shocked if i get my stuff before new year
Cgl's incompetence is beyond measure
there's plenty to do, like planning on paint schemes. come to think of it i haven't really thought all that much on vehicles. Would it be better to do them in various camo or in parade schemes like the mechs
i didn't get back into the hobby until after the clan invasion kickstarter was done and over with, did that one ship late too? I know the dice manufacturer they chose for it was extremely shit with all these trapezoidal dice i keep finding on ebay, but not sure bout the rest of the issues with that kickstarter
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I love the republic
Some people already have their stuff, but even ignoring that, do you not know what 'Estimated' means?
CI had some delays, but not especially bad ones considering other fulfilled projects I have been a part of. Mercs had shit out the door in June like they said in their first estimates, but histrionic queers keep shrieking that they haven't gotten their stuff yet.
why do you keep posting these, at least the bushwacker was new
>I can't wait to get the email
Reset the shipping schedule!
Battletech override is the only decent version of battletech.
trying to bait people into criticising the paintjob
Alright, time to roll up that Blakist stay behind death squad MekHQ campaign I've been thinking about for a while. Fucking Pubelick, so help me Blake.
So are all the sword of light units other than the 2nd designated jobbers?
Depends, which of them are black dragons?
Somebody help me understand NARC missiles and NARC-equipped launchers please - the rules say that “regular” missiles don’t benefit from NARC’ed targets, they have to be “NARC-equipped” missiles. But as far as I can tell these have zero BV difference from regular missiles, it’s just a separate ammo type. Is it just to prevent stacking from Artemis missiles or special munitions with NARC bonuses? Is there any reason *not* to take NARC-equipped missiles for every launcher if your force contains any NARC ‘mech at all, or am I forgetting some rule like “NARC-equipped launchers explode and kill your dog if your shoot them at non-NARC’ed targets” or something silly.
>Is there any reason *not* to take NARC-equipped missiles for every launcher if your force contains any NARC ‘mech at all
no, afaik. Even if the target has ecm you can fire them as regular missiles

But in universe narc ammo might cost more money or be rarer or something
No, you have it right. The distinction matters a lot more for campaign play, where NARC missiles have a higher cost and lower availability.
Double the price if you're doing accountantech. Though still cheap compared to stuff like tandems-charge.
That sounds terrible.
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no. the bushwhacker is old.
wrong. I like them. i think they are cool mechs. I love stompy robots. that is all the reason necessary.
My group plays hexless classic as well. It has advantages and disadvantages IMO, the bigger 48x48 play area is cool but I really don’t like the imprecise movement and wonky ‘true LOS’. It’s also way easier to move straight and rack up TMM’s.
that's like, the worst of both worlds. holy shit.
Just ignore him like everyone else.
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silly question, ALL of them are secret black dragons.
You know you don't always need to say "YoU aRe WrOnG" when someone says something
You know you can just add more sheets for a larger play area, right? 51x44 is common for my group, 51x66 if we're doing 3v2s.
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yes i do. i reeeeeallly reallllly do. also.
>"shut up. you're not my mom."
Is space combat fun? I'm not talking about battletechs fighting in space (which eventually I might try), but rather warship on warship/dropship/asf combat.
WarShipAnon was going to streamline and reorganise it so that it was less convoluted and the book made sense... but then a certain bunch of faggots invaded /btg/ and mass reported him until he quit.
why are your washes always so weirdly oil-slick shiny? do you not shake them beforehand to mix in the matting agent?
>not "catamites"
One job, anon.
That didn't answer my question. People always say battletech is basically a historical navalgame, and CGL is putting out that other naval game, so is their OG blackwater naval combat any fun?
I really live the new maps that CGL has put out, not a fan of the mats, is it worth picking up the old map packs on ebay? I can see that heavy/light woods aren't labeled, and they use contour lines for elevation instead.
Yeah I know that, but most of the scenarios we have are based around either 48x48 battlemat or 2 standard map sheets.
Vanilla? Lmao, no. I did a build of Megamek years ago that was pretty fun. Dialed down damage on capital weapons, made it so ASF had toHit mods based on how much they'd moved so light fighters were actually worth a shit, and gave all droppers the Narrow/Low Profile quirk so if they're lucky they'll shrug off a capital hit or two. Most fights between anything with decent armor ended with combatants taking enough damage to thrusters and other important componets that they managed to limp off the battlefield with heavy damage instead of turboexploding like the ones in Exosquad.

People here didn't seem that enthused by it, but people here are gay as Stone anymore and even back then were at least as gay as Furry K. Even NEA seemed meh on it.

As an added bonus/horrowshow giving ASFs movement based toHits made them borderline unhittable on ground maps unless you had a mech with AA quirk and/or LBX cluster ammo. Really drove home the calamity of not having air superiority though,
I did see the doubled c-bill cost mentioned on Sarna, but I don’t run campaigns at the moment, so not really an issue. Good info though, might have to build around NARCs more often in the future.
just dont try it during or after the jihad, everyone and their dog has ecm
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Found the old pdf for it. If CGL wants to rip parts of this off and make things actually fun then be my guest.
>Mechs have the power of stars under the ass of their pilots
>can only move like 60kph on assaults if you're lucky
D...do the writers not know what kind of juice nuclear fusion produces?
Is it a limitation of the power supply or a limitation of “we can only make this thing move so fast or it breaks its own myomer muscles from the sheer force exerted”?
that's faster than modern mbts and much faster than their "Real" top speed
Gameplay says otherwise. Hell, sicking a fusion reactor in a mech is a terrible waste of energy. They don't even use a fraction of a percent of it.
I mean mechs take damage from falling down, I can only imagine they'd rattle themselves apart going any faster than they do.
It's a stylistic holdover from a time in scifi when nobody really knew, and '(cold) fusion' was technobabble for 'unlimited energy'. It's the same zeitgeist that gave us micro fusion cells and fusion powered cars that you had to refuel in Fallout.
helps a ton with logistics not having to refuel, and lasers need a lot of energy
What scenarios do people play?

Or do you just smash action figures together?
Its not nuclear fusion.
Whatever MekHQ throws at me because I'm too unsociable to interact with people anymore and even if I wanted to I don't have time during the wague nightmare that is my life.
smashing stuff together works pretty well, whoever has relatively better short range has to close in or get slowly poked to death and not moving is generally not worth it because you won't get any tmm.

I beat this guys comstar team last week so this week we are doing a rescue mission where they are sending a rescue force
>waste of energy
what's being wasted? you can run a nuclear reactor like forever on a small amount of uranium
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>Be me
>Tired of 40k
>Warhammer Fantasy died ages ago
>Tried Kill Team, got turned off by it due to it reminding me more of a Moba videogame with all the special abilities and constant updates
>Generally all just feels like metachasing videogame shit
>Nobody plays the smaller games around here
>Hear about Battletech
>Fucking simulationist wargame from the 80's
>Still actively supported
>With extensive campaign rules
>With extensive ANYTHING rules
>Also comes with an RPG
>Under CGL (love me some Shadowrun)
>Cheaper official miniatures than anything GW
>No official requirements for models and plenty of .stl files for me to print
>Start looking for players
>Oh, we play Alpha Strike
>You should play Alpha Strike too, Anon
>Read the AS rules
>No extensive tracking of weapons
>Stupidly simplified damage
>Does ammo even matter
>It's literally Kimble-tier compared to BT
>Oh yes "Classic BattleTech" is too hard and takes too long

Anyone else feel this pain? If I wanted to play stupified wargames, I'd have stuck to modern 40k. So many people seem to think that being able to play the game "fast" is the most important thing. Is the average modern "wargamer" just not cut out for playing anything that requires over an hour and needs you to actually keep track of things?
The funny part is that you can 100% play the average CBT scenario in an hour or two.
Which ones do you like most

I don't even understand what you're trying to tell me


I'm starting a league as the solution.
I will drag the 40k spergs into a good game.
In one hour? From the first roll for initiative? How many turns?
Assuming lance vs lance or equivalent, four mapsheets, forced withdrawal, and some type of objective that can be captured/stolen/destroyed to end the game rather than it being 'kill everything', 10-12 turns.
Luckily for me, nobody around here plays AS. Most of them play babby's first introtech deathmatch, but at least some range into standard rules and a few objectives beyond doing damage to enemy mechs.
>>Under CGL (love me some Shadowrun)
The fact you list this as a positive point makes me think this is bait.

But yes, for some people more of a bad game is preferable to less of a good game. one of the guys I play classic with is trying to get people to play AS, he’s not even a new player. Pretty much the only point he stresses is the fact you can get two games in in the time it takes to play one game of classic, it’s bizarre.
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Give me a list of those scenarios
Anon had an 'instant action' pdf a couple of threads ago what was pretty good at generating them, look in the archive. Other than that, look through the trove for scenario packs.
10 turns in one hour? I was doing a 6v5 recently, 4 mapsheets, and I thought we were doing decent at 4 turns an hour when we got to the shooting.
Anon, you are using a STAR to move a few tons of metal. We have diesel engines that do that as of right now and they do it just fine.
The trick is to print out references, get a deathbox, and spend the opponent's turn figuring out your moves and modifiers.
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Hence the name...
Agreed, anyone who likes 6e SR is a shill or a sponge. Anarchy is better than 6e and that is saying something

Good tip ty
Saying "forced withdrawal fixes it" is total bs though, everyone just walks backyards one hex a turn and continues taking shots - just now they usually miss due to range.

I want it to work RAW too, it just doesn't and we should admit that
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For me it's been around four hours, but admittedly it has mostly been Succession War Deathmatches with the occasional artillery bombing/convoy truck run/base destruction to learn the rules of those and to learn how to balance campaigns... Mostly with my brother, as again, nobody else seems to actually want to play the game.

Babby's first deathmatches are fun, though I do think that moving to scenarios and stuff with forced withdrawal will be more interesting.

Well see I wanted to complain about the fact everyone plays AS. Otherwise, I would have continued with
>Notice Sarna has an ad for a queer book anthology
>CGL keeps getting shittier with each rulebook they put out
>Who the fuck is this Rem Alternis person
>All this fucking DEI/SJW bullshit
Man I just want to play a game about big robots in the future with politics being about politics, not identity politics, but I guess Americans can't write fiction that isn't set in [current year].
Assassination missions I would say. Just get in, shoot some guy in the face, and get out.

Anyone know if MekHQ/Stratcon will integrate player created scenarios or do I actually have to dig into the code for that?
A clear plastic box with compartments, like a tackle box. You put a pair, or two pairs, of d6s into each compartment, and when you shoot you shake the whole thing to get your to-hit result and location for several weapons instantly. You can reserve one of the comparments for crit rolls too. If you remember the location charts, you can resolve one unit's shooting in under a minute.
Every other mech having unpadded MG ammo in the torso really speeds up games as well.
It doesn't 'fix' it, but it elimitates a step of decision making (and gets units out of combat) thus speeding the game up a bit.
What praytell is a battletech override?
That's actually a really good idea compared to rolling to hit, rolling cluster, rolling hit location, checking for crits, etc.
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Also definitely need more Crouching Tiger Afghanistan Death Corridor missions too. Not sure if this is a custom map or just something the generator kicked out but this is fun.
I stopped playing during Shadowrun 5th edition, and have not heard anything about 6th edition that makes me want to try that instead of 5th.

It's a moot point anyway, since at this point if I asked for players in Shadowrun, I'd probably be asked if they could play some DnD Cyberpunk conversion instead because god forbid someone play a game that isn't DnD.

>Forced withdrawal
It just basically needs to be roleplayed out, sadly. When I was playing OpFor in the few games I've gotten to play, it has meant jumping the fuck away, or if no jumpjets, running diagonally while torso twisting for potshots. But one friend who is a bit of a shitlord basically took it to mean exactly that, backing one hex with his Warhammer every turn.
I used to play with a guy who had one made for each 'mech in his lance, with labeled weapons and a little bit of decoration, but that was before you could take pics with a phone.
Quality post thank you anon.

One of the best quick maps is the kurita tunnels from Solaris VII
Did he only play 4 mechs? Or did he have dozens of these? I might looking into one of those top opening screw organizers, just do weapons sequentially, one color dice for to hit, one color for location per box.
He had an OC single-lance merc company that he really liked playing, and the fancy boxes were for that lance.
>Hexless classic
Why the fuck though
The Instant Action mission pack made by some anon here has become the standard for my group.
Battlemaster 1G
Warhammer 6K
Catapult K2
Hunchback 4G
How do I shave 100 or so bv off of this lance?
A mix between alpha strike, destiny and classic. Everything hosted at the death from above web page.

It's like playing alpha but with guns intead of damage value, and a simplified mech profile but with all the major points of classic.
Why the fuck are all these faggots so fucking obsessed with a game being "faster", why not just roll a fucking d6 and on a 4+ I win, otherwise you win. That'd be even faster.
reduce piloting skill by one on the unit least likely to get shot at
Ignore shill gaslighting attempts like >>93275470 and >>93275453. America is starting to see stuff being shipped, cgl just barely made the promised shipping date for them. The rest of the world? Nothing, not a peep. No-one has heard anything at all since the daylight robbery that was the "local" shipping charge, and naturally people are getting a bit unhappy about it. Perhaps if we had some communication things might be different but there's been total radio silence. Apart from the shills frantically gaslighting anyone whom speaks out that is, which only serves to make people more and more worried.
If you honestly think battletech classic or alpha can be considered great game systems in the year 2024 of our lord and savior, you are being dishonest to yourself or have not played anything else in the last 40 years apart from 40k and battletech.
>America is starting to see stuff being shipped, cgl just barely made the promised shipping date for them
Sadly that's above average for Kickstarter. Most are months late to even start, after several delays ahead of time and one or two delays right before the deadline.
You're in the wrong thread.
I play Infinity, Necromunda (the old one), mordheim, Frostgrave, and CBT.

What do you (actually) play
Aye, but the Clan ks was better run than this, and out the door largely on time. And that it's only one small portion of the backers getting anything...
I get advertising your own shitty homebrew, but someone else's?
Swap out the BattleMaster for a Marauder 3R. You still get a good Command mech, but better long range capabilities, for 300 less BV.
Okay so what should I play instead of Battletech, give me some examples of actually great game systems
No one ever comments on my shitty homebrew. I reiterate this place is the gay.
forced means FORCED. as in use the full amount of at least walking movement to get the hell out. could also throw in a morale check too if he keeps being a shitter too
AS is more popular at my store, but Classic is still played. However the entire BattleTech scene at my store is miniscule compared to 40K.
40k gets like one or two nights a month at the nearest store here, and BT is totally off the map - most of the rest of the time they just play card games. It was pretty disappointing to learn.
I interpret it as having some leniency for strategic movement like you can move less than full speed or not straight back to cover, as long as you end up moving toward the map edge. It's not that complicated but retards have to fuck it up and play everything as a hard rule because winning is the only way they can have fun.
This. Forced retreat does not mean a dribbling retarded suicide sprint. If you're trying to get out, you're trying to get out.
If I want to set BA and infantry into an ambush against a Battlemech, should they aim for the legs to topple it or aim for the head to try and disorientate and potentially kill the pilot?
Outside of organized wargaming nights I think there are at least two games of 40K being played at my store five days a week. The whales swim freely around here.
The store I go to, Sunday afternoons, is about a dozen unwashed cardfloppers screeching at each other, a D&D 5th ed group, and maybe a 40k group in the back room. None of the staff members even knew what battletech was.
Yeah, God help you if you actually want to get in to historic wargaming these days. Wanting to play BattleTech is hard enough, but imagine what *those* poor bastards must be feeling.
Nothing. We don't play at stores because the environment there just isn't conducive to playing a game that takes half a day to resolve and uses a mountain of chits.
I can't find anyone around that wants to even play Battletech, let alone the notions of historical that oddly enough isn't Gulf-War like. It's only DnD and Warhammer here.
What are IWM's minimechs used for?
As someone who has also posted shitty OC, nobody commenting on it is just about ideal: It means that it's not broken enough to require fixing, not fucked enough to become a shitposter magnet, and is simply being enjoyed quietly by the people for whom it was intended.
It sucks to cast something out into the void and get no response while drowning in your own anxiety, but sometimes no news is good news.
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Have anyone some photos of the IWM model for the Concordat Frigate? The only one i found its this pic, the sourcebook imagine, and some fanpics made by Eldonius.
every lgs near me is like this but half are even without the random shitty grey tide 40k game. i'm in a dead zone in the uk for tabletop gaming.
If you need to play on tiny hexes? Like your dining room table is too small to accommodate a full-size game?
they're for battleforce, a long dead spin off game
BT is miniature-agnostic, anon. If you want to use a mini because it looks funny, nothing is stopping you.
Do you have a GW store?
Do you guys really want the mouth breathing magic players, the histrionic dungeons and dragons dorks, the 40k kids, and the mid-witted warmahordes players playing battletech?
Hey btg. Ive got a game coming up, but my group wants more standard variants than custom. Any suggestions to fill the other 3/4 of the lance? My budget is 5000 bv 3100 or older tech is.
The only one nearby no one is actually allowed to play in lol
because nuln oil is glossy and shiny. I like it that way.
That's not true. It used to be, but now it's required to use only CGL minis and decals, and Mechs cant be converted with any components from any other gaming companies. By the letter of the rules posted at our LGS, we can't even use IWM minis or mech parts. CGL only.
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the actual REACTOR is tiny. the little fusion bottle is a tiny ass magnetic field with a small fusion explosion, which almost ALL of the power from, goes right back into containment. then there is a metric fucktonne of shielding around it etc. the leftover power generated is enough to power the mech for practically forever. BT fusion reactors are actual magic BSsince they are like 99.999999% efficient with a fuel source that lasts foreverer.
Infinity since n2,
40k 4th, kill team (current)
Epic 2nd, armagedon, a bit of LI
Aeronautica imperialis 1st, gotic
Battlegroup (ww2 15mm)
Force on force, 7 days to the river rine.
Battletech classic, alpha and now overdrive.
A little bit of morheim and ancient historics.

Of all those games infinity was the best specially during early N3, current N4 has been mediocre.
Battlegroup the best ww2 I have tried, I have to try Chain of Command.
Kill team has a lot of shortcomings but is quite clever and innovative, not the best game ever but it has been nice.

Battletech classic is a museum piece, it's a dinosaur. I have played tournaments and presented the game to friends, it's not a great game, it can be enjoyable don't get me wrong but in all honesty it is outdated, a game crushed by it's own weight.
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Red Arm Gang represent
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the red arm mafia gonna git chu
That's your LGS being dinguses. Tell them they're compromising the IP by excluding the proper rights holder's products.
But those are the official rules. This guy at the LGs is a demo agent, and those are the rules that he said were official. It's a whole set of official play rules that were intended for Alpha Strike, and which are now supposed to apply to all Catalyst products. Some group up in Minneapolis wrote them a couple years ago and now they're considered official and any stores which want to stock Catalyst product need to agree to use them.
Was hoping for a light mech, highly mobile with tag or narc systems, a missile boat with lrms and ammo tonnage to spare, and some sort of mid-long range sniper. Speed isn't essential as he'd be in step with the missile boat.
Which store?
In their dreams. The AS350 ruled or whatever are not official. They're made by a group of 40k refugees who were so beaten down by James that they're bringing his policies with them to other games. They didn't even intend for those rules to be enforced anywhere except tournaments, and even at tournaments, only a handful of demo team members have ever run them. Topps and IWM wouldn't allow it, it's too big a violation of their contractual obligations.
I hope they push it and then Topps yanks the license from CGL, that would be hilarious.
Seeing this and >>93274906 stinks since I liked the model-agnostic thing BattleTech had going for it - I remember seeing posts and such about how dudes were playing with weirdly-shaped cheetos and rocks in the middle of desert storm for example. Not like CGL can tell me how to play in my own group or like I'll run into it since none of the stores near me run CBT or AS anyway, unless I were to go into Portland. Plus what the hell do you do with stuff that doesn't have a mini?

The idea of trying to manually run a CBT game with things like smoke, fires, gravity, weather and all seems like a slog, so for that especially megamek is nice. I guess it's the consequence of trying to simulate more and more stuff, though.
There are heat constraints, weight and mass constraints, and more. A 100 ton mech doing 96.4km/h won’t handle the same as a 25 ton mech doing 96.4km/h. The amount of stress inflicted by heavier chassis makes them poor subjects for your dumbass snark.
>can’t use the only company with rights to make miniatures
No way.
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It's now past 5 pm on July the 8th. I don't think I'm getting that email today guys. I just want my stuff..
It would help to post your list anon.
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Namefag is a retard, and nobody is surprised.
>falling for bait of this quality
no way
I guess im lucky that the only ppl that play around me (all four of them) are grogs from the 80s that HATE AS with the passion of 10000000000 Suns.
Owens is a decent tagger, 35 tons, 7/11, 7 tons of armor so it can take a hit or two. TAG is fixed equipment, and one of its configs has a narc as well.
There’s also the ostscout 7k, 8/12/8, but the tag is the only piece of equipment mounted on it.
They’re both fast, cheap, and fairly durable for light mechs.
At this point, I'll take anyone, even YGO and Pokemon players, if it means I can teach them how to play right
Just crib your rule book off someone else and 3d print minis/buy them second hand/from alt producers on Etsy and eBay and you can play current year battletech without supporting a company that is far too concerned with current year identity politics.
The ones that aren’t retards, yes.
Inside many a dorky Warhammer nerd there’s a steely eyed MechWarrior trying to escape.
Try this:
Longshot 3C
Archer 9K
Marauder II 4K

Go and honor the Dragon
>warmahordes players
>players plural
>He doesn’t know about IWM
Hello 40K tourist
do they honestly deserve to be remembered when they can barely put out 8 minis a year now?
>The idea of trying to manually run a CBT game with things like smoke, fires, gravity, weather and all seems like a slog, so for that especially megamek is nice. I guess it's the consequence of trying to simulate more and more stuff, though.
I would love to see a system that does it at a lighter weight.
I can't imagine playing CBT without fire and smoke.
Does it stop people from sitting in heavy woods?
NTA but it definitely stops infantry from sitting in buildings thinking they're going to indefinitely nibble you to death, little charcoal bastards.
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Finished a Blakist Griffin.
so i ended up getting a rifleman and a blackjack, so i decided to add couple more mechs and make a davion lance. problem is, i can't come up with a good theme or an idea about their /mydude/ characteristics. what's their cliche?
Nuln oil is not glossy if you shake it up properly.
>Rifleman takes crit to UAC5 last mission
>can't replace it currently and also forget to reload the other UAC
Running dangerously close to Quikscell most scandalous of bitches one armed Rifleman meme here
Which is a worse example of just because the rules allow you to, doesn't mean you should? The steiner crusader with a heavy gauss rifle, or the stalker with a heavy gauss rifle.
>I don't know what the word 'Estimated' means, and have never backed a Kickstarter before.
they might got the gloss version
Portland ME?
Read last thread and I'm flattered that some people think I'm the lead art director, demo team lead, marketing lead, and social media lead. Am I secretly the boogeyman Rem?

For those curious, I'm the miniatures production art director for BT, so I do about half of the redesigns and oversee all the 3D sculpting and tooling QC.

I've never had a single word in printing policy or tournament rules.
>Pay 90+ for shipping in late may.
>Won't be receiving product till at least September at the rate of shipping.
Your fault for giving money to a company known for financial crimes.
>I've never had a single word in printing policy or tournament rules.
You vocally went after people who 3d printed minis that CGL wasn't providing. We have the goddamn screencaps. You called everyone who owned a 3d printer a criminal. And you made everything look aesthetically identical, and made putting big decals on minis impossible. Those are all perfectly valid reasons to want you gone.

That said, I don't don't know what the people who blame you for Wolfnet or AS350 or social media stupidity are on about, though. Those fags are being completely retarded in a manner hithertofore foreign even to these halls of stupidity. Rem doesn't need anyone's help to come across as completely unprofessional, clueless, and hateful against anyone to the right of Stalin; nobody should be blaming you for her.

Oh yeah those idiots who DQed NEA model because it has bits from another game.

What a bunch of tools.
Get 2 more mechs without arms so when any of your guys fail PSR’s you have to do the wiggly worm to get up. I suggest Yeoman and catapult.
If this isn’t a LARP, bro I like your art but detest your politics by extension of the company you work for. Bring back Pardoe you bunch of faggot worshipping troon fucktards and fire your cunt of a social media manager.
You're not Shimmy. From your mouth, you tell only lies.
>pay like 5 bucks for shipping on some printed models
>got them in a couple weeks
>print my own
>get them in 4 hours
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>pay $5 a model if you know where to look
>get stuff that hasn’t been released yet that ‘fell off the production line’
>We have the goddamn screencaps
Post ‘em brother, things need to get spiced up around here.
when you become a bondsman, are you required to tell your captor your and your former faction's secrets and such when asked?
seems dishonorable
What's the best pre-dark-age non-custom variant of the Rifleman? Feeling kind of hungry for megamek lance ideas.

That's something I'd like clarified too actually, the most I remember is the time in the show they captured Kristen, I think, and she tried to be cooperative. My memory might be wrong, though.
Mods won't allow them. You can't share Facebook screencaps because peoples IRL names are in them and they consider that doxxing now.
ragic being weird for anyone else?
Yes, a smoke jaguar bondsman did so for the northwind highlanders.
What is the best ruleset to use if I want to employ VTOLs like the Igor, infantry, tanks, artillery, and of course mechs, but I also don't want to spend 20 hours resolving one scenario? I was genuinely thinking about writing up some house rules and just doing my own thing so that large battlefield scenarios are possible and not bogged down by autism.
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Last thread the anoms here managed to guess the CBT stats of the basic urbanmech LAM (UM-A07) from its AS card.

Now let´s do it again with the enhanced variant (S-UM-1 XLA) printed in the back of said card!
>VTOLs like the Igor
There's no such thing. Vidya secondaries leave.

Another Maine anon? You Southern Maine local?
Mmm, energy weapons. Still a 6"J in movement, just a 3-3-2 now in attacks, no overheat value thing, same armor - AECM tag with Fuel4. ECM energy urbie is what I see, same engine as before for 3-5-3, no iJJ.
Why is the urbanmech lam not carrying nukes?
Initial dickery with the 3-5-3 engine and the 6.5t standard armor gets Angel ECM, and I threw in a CERPPC with a Heavy Medium and came out with a 3-3-2 damage set at 28 PV.
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Given that he spends very little time painting or playing, I'd assume that this leaves him with plenty of time to shit up the thread with repetitive pictures.
I should mention that if I swap the CERPPC with a CLPL it still comes out as basically equivalent in alphastrike terms.
LAMs don't get to mount artillery, apparently, otherwise it could do it if it shaved down to 2 tons of armor, composite structure, and a small cockpit.
Is the chainsaw a good melee weapon?
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No but it looks fucking awesome.
LAMs don't get a lot of things, and one of them is anything that exists in more than one hit location.
no, it's a tool
need to consider that this is an experimental urban lam from the st ives thing. So it could be using a Grazer
If they actually make a blazer LAM and it's the non-canon UrbieLAM I could probably make up a really dramatic lie about it.
Why? That bans basically any and every meaningful tech advancement besides DHS.
Almost like the people making the rules didn't like them or something.
Why would you make rules for a unit you hate? Isn't it an easier answer that CGL is just incompetent at writing rules and screwed up the LAM rules?
>Why would you make rules for a unit you hate?
Ask the ancient one, Herbert of Beas.
I'm fiddling throught IS weapon combinations now, trying to work within the constraints of about 7 tons free given Angel ECM and 6.5T armor as a requisite. I might actually have 8 tons free since the Alpha Strike card doesn't seem to care whether I have a small cockpit installed or not.

The vibe I get is that LAMs rubber band between frustratingly overpowered and super weak and have been disdained because they're kind of a pain in the ass to actually play and to play against, which works agains them.
It's obviously a TSEMP.
i don't know the alphastrike conversion rules by heart but i imagine adding a small cockpit is just a point value cost increase to the mech
>they're kind of a pain in the ass to actually play and to play against
And yet we have units with 9 IJJs and clan pulse lasers leaping into heavy woods, and that's fine somehow.
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If you think N3 was good you were either shit at the game or enjoyed wafflestomping noobs into the shower drain of hard knocks. Either way your opinion is suspect.

Now playing one gw game for every non gw game, that moves you from suspect to victim

Also this took me forever to find so I'm posting it in the thread again
Blazer doesn't work with the tonnage window the ECM Urbie-LAM exists in, unfortunately.
Hence how I figured a few threads back that Partial Wing IJJs are spiritually LAMs anyway.

TSEMP shows up on the 'Special' entries and doesn't contribute to the damage brackets - I need 3-3-2 to match, and I think the bitch is that the ECM Urbie LAM has to deal 25+ damage in short and medium, and then I think 15+ by long range. Do that, and the 25+ becomes 3, 15 becomes 2, so on and so forth.
Pulse lasers were a mistake, they shouldn't be a flat -2.
This man was touched in the 12 location at max range
Not my problem, doesn't exist in 3039
N3 let me field 30 orders worth of Ariadna, which makes it automatically better than any version since.
Well in eras people actually play, those things do exist, and where they exist there's no valid reason to punish LAMs except for hating what they used to be and haven't been since 1994.
The invasion may have happened in 3050, but almost all clantech was invented in the 2800's.
Clans? Improved Jump Jets? Pulse Lasers? I don't know what kind of lostech you're talking about, but we've got dracs and caps to fight.
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that's why i thought it might be using a Grazer and not a blazer. urban lams were first mentioned in the st ives thing, and that also gave us this monstrosity.
Not directly, I think, but in terms of allowing you to fit an extra ton of equipment maybe. I think in CBT small cockpit actually discounts your BV by a decent amount, but I may be wrong
Haven't we all?

So far my findings indicate that in the energy bracket, the only weapons that can actually reach far enough into long range are PPCs and ER Larges, and that PPC capacitors do not affect MegaMek's calculations for AS cards.

A double LPPC + double medium does 2-2-1, double medium VSP does 3-2-0, PPC and a Medium or PPC and a small x-puilse do 2-2-1, ERPPC and ER Medium does 2-2-1, so on and so forth.

So far I'm doubting that it's possible to pull off the 3-3-2 damage profile without clantech weapons.

The ER and Pulse versions have the range brackets but I'm not finding useful stuff on how much it weighs beyond a roguetech entry claiming it's seven tons - and even then, the Grazer here doesn't seem to be doing the raw damage needed per ton to push into 3-3-2 with other IS weapons.
It's those things the Death Commandos use.
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Wait i just realized what's wrong. Look at the other LAM's. They're all heavier than their base models. And Urban LAM might actually be 35 or 40 tons. shit actually the one in megamek is coming up as 35 tons. I'd trust their weight suggestion since i don't know if theres construction rules for building a LAM
There is, but they're not variants of regular mechs which is why they're usually heavier. They're entirely new units that are "based on" the original. You can't refit a regular mech into a LAM.
What I recall is that LAMs tend to allocate a percentage of their weight to the landing gear and such, but either way I'll see what I can do with five tons more:

A heavy PPC is juicy since it does 2-2-2 by itself, but the ten tons leaves no space for anything else;
ERPPC + Triple Mediums does 3-3-1;
ER Large + LPPC + 2x Mediums does 2-3-2;

The rest of the stuff after that hasn't come as close and I'm still working with a small cockpit. If I start to sacrifice armor, however, and go to 5 tons from 6.5, I go from 10 tons free to 11.5:

ER Large + Light PPC + 2x Medium + a Small + one extra DHS yields the 3-3-2 at 28 PV, getting the first IS-tech only match for the Alpha Strike card at the cost of that 1.5 tons of armor.
Streamlined a little, HPPC + 3x ER Small also gets us to 3-3-2 at 28 PV at 24 heat over 20 dissipation, which I'm happier with because it goes back to the Urbie having a giant gun.
LAM construction is actually fairly simple, and you can probably fake it in standard construction software as long as you leave the right blanks.
A standard LAM (which Urbie is, since it has three forms) uses 10% of its mass rounded up to nearest whole ton, then 1 crit in the CT, 2 crits in the side torsos, and 1 crit in the head. They must have lower arm actuators, but don't require hands. They must have at least 3 jump MP. Every LAM comes with 1 ton of free fuel that doesn't take up weight or crits and can buy more fuel in 1 ton and 1 crit increments. You may mount up to 20 bomb bays for 1 ton and 1 crit each. Your weapons do not need to be symmetrical.
Now, for what you cannot do...
You may not use Hardened Armor or any other armor that takes up crit slots
You may not use torso mounted cockpits or cockpits that take up extra crit slots
You may not use any engines except standard and compact, and may not use a supercharger
You may not use any gyro except standard, compact, and heavy-duty (but at least heavy-duty is resistant to loss of transformation from gyro hits)
You may not mount Primitive components except for weapons.
You may not mount any weapon that must be placed in more than one hit location, but may use weapons that are optional to split, as long as you do not split them. You may not mount any artillery except for bombs in bomb bays.
You may not mount anything that goes in more than one location, unless it's optional and you opt out. Surprisingly, you may mount systems like TSM and MASC as long as all of their crits go in one place.
You may not mount backhoes, bridgelayers, combines, dumpers, external stores, internal cargo (except bombs and fuel), mechanical jump boosters, partial wing (booo, I wanted a dragonfly), or jump/drop packs.
And finally, you can't mount anything that would require a pilot check except for physical weapons. No Heavy Gauss.
I haven't seen the MegaMek build for it, but I was happy with my attempt yesterday since it seemed to work out as a straightforward snub PPC urbieLAM that ticked the relevant boxes, even at 30 tons.
i'm getting 3-3-2 with just an IS ER ppc and a light ppc, then again i'm not using megamek's conversion thing. but yours definitely fits an urbanmech better witth the small lasers
No actually, LAMs were nerfed as hard as possible by a line dev who hated the idea of them so that no one would bother using them. If anything LAMs in the beginning were really good, to the point that a lot of people hated facing them.
Oh, and 55 tons is the max.
Still, I'm looking at their melee abilities and hoo boy. So first off, in AirMech mode, you're swinging with your aerospace pilot skill. You also crash if you miss with any melee attack at all. And you do half damage (round up), because we can't have nice things.
Now the good news. AirMechs are 1 level tall and at a minimum are 1 level above the ground and can gain or lose elevation pretty much at will. That means their kicks are at head height any time they want them to be. A 55 ton TSM LAM kicks for 11/2=5.5=6X2=12. Twelve damage exactly.
Oh, and they have an AirMech ram that does boatloads of damage but requires a high roll to even attempt and also does damage back to the LAM. I think it might be exactly copied over from Aerospace ramming, although it's not quite as suicidal as long as your target isn't big.
People keep teasing this stuff and I look on ebay and aliexpress and can't find any of it.
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This was told to me secondhand so correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently the dev in question actually was a veteran and knew his way around tanks, so he was really autistic and hated the more outlandish stuff in the setting. LAMs were just the start, he wanted to slow down mech and get rid of JJs and fists and other stuff and basically turn mechs into how they function in the MW videogames. Slow, clunky, basically a big turret on legs, etc, but he got resigned in too late, so the damage was done on LAMs.
Most of the time it's the tabletop equivalent of "my dad works at Nintendo."
No wait, that math ain't mathing because we can't have nice things. Fucking 11 damage with TSM. Fine, give it Talons. Then it's 16 damage. Fuck you, Herb.
That's kinda what I figured. Apparently there was a guy selling bags of factory rejects a couple years back from what I can tell.
If you're struggling to understand why people would claim I orchestrated AS350, just go a few steps past how you exaggerated my statements on piracy, which are not what guided company policy.

What I did say is if you're gonna do piracy, just be comfortable with it. It's clear what it is. At the time people had gone from skillful garage kitting and small runs to running public facing webstores selling MWO rips in bulk, all while claiming they were breaking no IP laws. The old kitters were honest about what they were doing and weren't antagonistic towards official IP/devs over it. A lot of bootleggers lost their easy incomes due to my teams work, so it's understandable how many people raged at me.

Pardoe is too busy making his competitor Land and Sea which will surely be a success. He chose to go.

Got you senpai, my FB posts are public so you should be able to dive my page to find it. The btg discord stalkers go to an unnecessary level of creep on me.
Make LAM savannah master and I'll personally forgive you for all your sins - real or imagined - except the creation of a LAM savannah master because that will be an impossible abomination of the highest order and utterly unforgivable.
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A poorly lit photo of my latest omega galaxy wip. The night gyr is one tall bastard.
I think someone should chop the urbies feet off and give it Savannah master hover skates.

I also dislike that CGL is refusing to release the Urbie LAM sheet. These joke products are such an investment (though easy and very profitable) that we can at least humor with some sheets while still calling it non canon.
Jesus fuck that is such an amazing an simple idea.

So much so that the weight of my retardation is suddenly apparent.
nah you just need to look up 'battletech kickstarter' on ebay and find the miniature listings from china and send em a message.
The Horned Owl really does look like a Zaku, huh?
How many Shadow Cats do you have? I'd order again from them but I don't need any more Clan duplicates lol
NH Seacoast
Rereading my post I can see how it may have looked sarcastic, but I was talking about IWM.
So here's a rule that might not have ever once come up in anyone's game ever.
LAMs have "improved WiGE" movement in AirMech mode. Normally a WiGE must move at least 5 hexes to remain airborne, but a LAM can hover if it doesn't meet the movement threshold, given that it spends 5 MP to do so. Since the canon LAMs are all at least 5/8/5, they go at least 2/3/15/22 and if they didn't fly at least 5 will have 10 or more MP to hover with. The only way they'd have less is to lose jump jets, and they'd need to be down to just two jump jets to be able to move less than 5 and also not have 5MP remaining.
The Urbie LAM might actually be able to hit this very specific threshold after it loses a leg or gets one of its jets critted off.
It's a great weapon for fighting woods.
Mechs? Not so much.
So unless you're planning on Total Treant Genocide, you're better off using a Hatchet
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My eyes were playing tricks on me, it took me a second to realize it was an actual mini and not a paper stand. Nice work with the paint, it's really clean.
8D or rifleman C (clantech refit but not the same mech as the rifleman iic)
Peacekeeper. 3k BV for something worth like.. 2k. Way too hot, has 4 main guns and can't even fire 3.
Trying to balance my lance for a 5000+2000 game. Thinking of going with owens 1a, maurader 5r, and naginata c.
The 2000 point limit custom I just went with 50 ton 5 7 1. 169 armor, a streak srm 6, four light ppcs, and a master c3. Ferrofiber armor and hd gyros are the only nonstandard innards. Any obvious weak points?

>be me
>tired of GW price gorge
>tired of AMG and asmodee bullshit and how they treat star wars games and swLegion is getting a ridiculous power creep
>sold all of them, doom gloom might quit the hobby
>friend keep pestering me to try BTAS
>played a demo
>really love it
>looked at CBT
>love it too because i played Titanicus but its a slightly extensive and longer.

i dunno i think CBT is a nice game to play and chill, have a laugh and dont care who wins because stupid shit always happens. My community has a mix of Alpha Strike and CBT dudes.. so its all good i think.
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>My community has a mix of Alpha Strike and CBT dudes.. so its all good i think.
That's how it starts, but it never lasts. The very existence of alpha strike will always end forever present an existential threat to the actual Battletech community. Catalyst tried to force a top-down replacement, where alpha strike would completely and totally replace Battletech and the game we love would die out for lack of new releases and new players. Now they're playing the long game, where they put both things in front of an already internet-addled and ADHD player base with autism and no attention span, and give people the """choice""" to play a more interesting and detailed game, or play the game where you could be done in an hour and get back to posting on social media on your phone. Of course zoomers are going to choose the second one, and so over time they plan to replace Battletech with Alpha Strike through cultural osmosis and appealing to brainless young people.

Alpha strike must be fought against anywhere and everywhere it pops up, and it cannot and must not be allowed to exist side by side with Battletech proper, lest it's insidious nature strangle the superior game simply by appealing to people who don't like to devote time to a hobby.

If it sounds like a conspiracy, that's because it is one. Replacement theory is real.
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Look ye to the Bay of E
On the shores of far Chinee
Scores of pirates there do be
Join and ye’ll be just like me!

This was a listing for 8 randoms (and yes I got a ShadCat), I don’t know if the seller has a new listing for randoms or what, but follow my cryptic riddle if ye can!
Has Deliverer Anon posted any more WIP’s of the Ganassa commission of Joana?
I don't think so. I desperately want to see her bound and humiliated and taking Horse cock.
>Pardoe chose to go
I highly fucking doubt that given that he’s an OG, and if so the repellent and rampant gay propaganda spurting from CGL’s various sloppy orifices likely contributed to his ‘decision’. You have to understand that constantly hammering on about contemporary identity politics in a game set a thousand years in the future is a turn off for people who don’t give a shit about it and just want to play some stompy robots.
Gay propaganda is out of place in Battletech because it’s highly doubtful that such things will mean a goddamn thing in a hundred years let alone a thousand.
There’s a difference between gay people (homosexuals) and gay identitarians (faggots) and you’re on the side of the faggots. No game needs that shit, especially when sexuality of any kind is basically entirely irrelevant to the setting or gameplay.

And I’m not going to bother stalking you on FB either, that’s just weird and creepy. I respect your right to live without stalkers and angry nerds trying to make you uncomfortable. If only CGL had a similar level of respect for long-term players who don’t want queer anthologies and major characters retconned as trans being rubbed in their face.
People are deserting 40K for idpol bullshit and the idiots at CGL are apparently saying “hey why don’t we incorporate more of that into our product”. It’s fucking retarded. You guys could be picking up tens of thousands of new players but you’d rather make your game about men sticking their cocks in each others’ rectums and potentially repelling the 90% of possible new recruits for whom such things are either meaningless or actively repulsive.
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Thank you Anon
Take your meds man.
AS play groups and CBT play groups, while able to cross over, are two groups of gamers. A presence of AS and lack of CBT is not that AS took it over, it's that the CGL players failed to maintain their play group.

I see it again and again. Players expect game to just spontaneously exist, but no groups exist out of nowhere. They're founded and maintained. If you're not maintaining your local CBT group then a lack of such is squarely on your shoulders.

My local store has both happening but it is dominantly CBT and the players that play both still primarily play classic. Players regularly joining too.

Alternatively, have you considered that your sperg attitude has driven away possible players while the AS players are more chill and welcoming?
looking good so far
Horse is for sweet love making with Sentania Buhallin. That being said, I’m not opposed to your idea, Joana was always in need of a cock-correction.

Though, more seriously I am just excited to see some more art of the character, for some who appears in so many actually good books she has nearly no art.
>you will not be missed
Did you seriously just use the Meme phrase?
>>93283416 was at least subtle with their trolling by being alright with homosexually, but still screaming about "identity politics."
Not horsecock you idiot. Horse cock. There's a difference.
Plant exposed.

People who play AS would want to try CBT anyways and vicey versa and especially those who play mechwarrior games, AS does not emulate well, where else AS is more of my dudes than deep dive into crazy custom mechs and total warfare.

Both plays differently and not everyone will like either. But u gotta understand this too, battletech only attracts a certain age group, so theyre open to play both games.

theres a chinese site called Taobao, get a chinese friend to translate that shit for u. a lot of cheap ass knock offs or factory rejects.
>oh, goddammit. Jannies baleeted the post out from under me.
Who’s trolling? I meant every fucking word. Tabletop wargames are not the place for gay identitarianism.
Statistically speaking there were a couple of hundred gay men at the Battle of Waterloo but nobody wants to see them bundled up into their own special units and given a rainbow flag. Leave your stupid irrelevant sexual politics out of the hobby.

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