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It's The Police Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
Call of Cthulhu: No Time To Scream announced for November.

Current Book Club Topic:
Who Goes There by John W. Campbell
New Book Club topic needed. Give suggestions.

Questions for the thread:
>Have the authorities (in instances where the players aren't the authorities) ever successfully taken down the horrors in your game?

Questions for Horrorverse refugees:
>Thoughts on longer Book Club topics in the future?
>What do you think of the Thing as a novel/film?

Previous Thread: >>93209195

Please try to keep arguing to a minimum. Don't respond to bait/drama posts.
And as usual, try and keep it alive, or at least undead
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Book Club starter questions:
>What works?
>What's cool about it?
>Why is it so effective?
>What is the best part of it in your opinion?
>Thoughts on the characters?
>Is the villain effective?
>If you had to pick a moment that really scared you, which would it be?
>Is there anything you feel could have been expanded upon?
>What would you change?
>Would you use it as inspiration for a game?
I keep trying to come up with a Judge Dredd one shot or mini campaign with some horror and influences that isn’t Judge Death related or just werewolves like the comics. Anybody have any ideas that sound like a fun supernatural police procedural?
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Haunted vehicle murdering people ala Christine? Could start out as a standard police procedural with a vehicular serial killer on the loose, only for the players to eventually realize no one is driving the car.
Judge Anderson story about Alice in Wonderland back around prog 1060 or so.
Prog 414 had a story about a juve pyrokinetic I think.
>Have the authorities ever successfully taken down the horrors in your game?
No, they've never successfully taken down the players.
They actually already have a storyline about a rogue Lawmaster bike killing people… but it would be fun to ripoff.

Those both sound fun too. I’ll have to do some lore reading and thinking…
Dredd + Innsmouth but make it in at he Cursed Earth or Undercity. Mega-City One does allow mutants, but as long as they stay where they’re supposed to and aren’t actually monsters acting on behalf of an evil god.
The thread question for me thinking: suppose the authorities get called, they arrest the cultists, the bad guys all go to trial and get sent to prison. But nothing supernatural came to light, so as far as the prison system is concerned they're just normal convicts. And if they start running the cult from inside the prison, now it's a lot harder for the Investigators to get in their way.
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That could make for an interesting set-up, especially if you had it be the sequel to an initial adventure. The players think they've won because they got the cult arrested, only to realize now the cult has somewhere secluded and safe from the investigators to continue their rites.
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>Have the authorities (in instances where the players aren't the authorities) ever successfully taken down the horrors in your game?
My last six games with major horror elements of some kind:
>Authorities were the horrors. Character assisted in taking them down, then discovered many worse horrors and formed better authorities. Campaign ended with him on the exceptionally long and brutal path to maybe success.
>Basically the same as above except there were so many authorities and every single one was awful or stupid or corrupt somehow. 40k levels of corruption. Character became a horror to fight another horror in an eternal war that he might someday eventually win through techno-magic fuckery.
>Hell no. Character was a horror (nicer one) who worked with other horrors (mixed bag) to kill the worst horror by tricking it into eating itself.
>Players were the authorities and used to be the bad guys before the horrors showed up.
>Players were the authorities and also horrors.
>Game with horror elements but not really in the horror genre. My character’s arc was going around befriending or “hiring” all the worst horror shit while slowly losing his mind before either irreversible insanity or divine intervention turned him good at the last possible second of the game. Shifted the entire setting toward goodness or ushered in the horrors for real depending on how you feel about the fictional utopias and dystopias and cults I stole heavily from.
The authorities fucking suck. Use alternatives.
Thank you for doing this when I couldn't.
What system did you use?
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How much of Lovecraft’s original works have you read?
I’ve personally read all of the stories he published under his own name and written solely by him. Even his non-horror stuff (Sweet Ermengarde is actually pretty funny). Still need to read his collab/ghost writing works, like The Horror in the Museum. Also, as far as his poetry, I’ve read Fungi from Yuggoth and Nemesis.
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So I want to introduce the keepers of the faith in my game, and for those who don’t know they’re ghouls under New York.
The way I have it roughly is that DG and the keepers worked to kill the “heretics” in the past, but after a recent necromancy ritual the ghouls now want DG and the agents to bring them all responsible as well as the ritual book. They will offer help, but if their request is denied they are going to go on a war path since the humans are not holding up their end of their tentative alliance.
The problem Im racking in my head is how to have the party have a conversation with this cult of monsters while also keeping it scary or at least on edge. I DON’T want them to think the ghouls are friends, but I also don’t want them to try and murder the keepers without even a word between them.
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>Have the authorities (in instances where the players aren't the authorities) ever successfully taken down the horrors in your game?
Usually it’s dependent on the “scale” of the response
A sheriff department may be able to stop the horror with their response of being more human and such, but a full SWAT raid more often than not are jobbers to show the destructive nature of the entity. The point is that brute force alone is not going to cut it, and you have to be smart if you’re dealing with the unknown
Who should roll the sanity loss?
The player or the Keeper?
Depends on the table
Personally as a keeper I already have to deal with a lot, so if the players are able to lighten the load I let em
NTA, but I'd put money on WoD/CofD.
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How do I keep myself interested in CoC when I'm nogames?
I've been doing deep delves into OSR stuff simply because there are things to argue or discuss due to how vague and honestly terrible the source books are written.

With CoC, I read the book, and it's all... pretty much solved. The only difference I make is some changes to full-auto firing guns and thats it.
I'm bored.

Does anyone find the CoC monster books good? I was thinking of dropping money on them but they are kind of expensive and honestly... I don't really see CoC using a lot of monsters in anything, so I'm kind of curious if I should be placing a ton more monsters and combat in my CoC games?
This has been brought up before. Yeah, there’s very little to discuss mechanically in CoC because it’s not that kind of game. So we mostly discuss inspiration stuff, stories we’ve read and opinions on modules. I enjoy it personally, because I fucking hate discussing shit like “builds” or “the meta,” but it has its downsides.
As to your other question, I did get Malleus Monstorum. The main benefit of it, I find, is as a source of inspiration and a resource for obscurer parts of the Mythos. If you have especially veteran CoC players who know Deep Ones, Shoggoths, Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep, it can be good to read through the book and find some really obscure god or monster to center an adventure around. Hit them with Yidhra or Iod or Groth-Golka and take them by surprise.
I will say it’s funny the second volume of the book is a bunch of detailed stats for all the deities, when most of their stats and abilities can be summed up as “You fucking die.” But nice to have. I’d say try to buy it used or on sale.
Don't know anything about the Keepers, but I've had similar challenges to tackle.
Arrange the scene so that the agents never see their faces. Very dark environments, lighting limited to highlight agents, and only ghoul hands are briefly visible near things like windows and countertops. Use claustrophobic rooms and maps if necessary to limit possibility of agents escalating. Agents should walk away wondering if they spoke to a ghost or spirit rather than something flesh and blood.
Malleus Monstrorum is pretty good. It has a range of monsters from chuthulu mythos and folklore as well as a ton of info to build off of such as multiple masks for nyarlethotep and references to what the entities look like vaguely to describe to PCs. But don’t just make the games shooting galleries, or monster of the week games. Have them build on each other even if it’s just a single entity and build the whole scenario around what it is, what it can do, what it wants etc.
If a weirdo asks you if you’ve "found the Yellow Sign" in passing, is it already too late for you? Can you still escape with your sanity and life?
If you can flee, shut your eyes and ears and hide yourself away maybe just maybe you can escape and the onus can fall on the shoulders of another
But it's never certain, and the pulling tide of Carcosa can be gentle and easily hidden at the start and you will never know if you're actually free of them until it's too late.
>The Borellus Connection was supposedly released despite it not being posted in the Green Box or anyone posting any photos of it
Does anyone have a link to whatever is the biggest/most complete MEGA drive for CoC/DG stuff?
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Depends on whether you let it dwell on your mind. If your reaction is "Huh, that's weird," and go on with your life, you're fine. But if you start thinking "What's the Yellow Sign?" and keep doing so, then it takes root.
r3br@nd <dot> ly <slash> thegreenbox
Speaking of, has anybody checked out "5 Acts: The King in Yellow" playtest? Mechanically it didn't seem like my taste, but I liked the element of going back and saying "but what if there's nothing supernatural, and our characters are just crazy?" That seemed to get Chambers in a way that other games don't.
Well, they’re probably going to meet in the old subway tunnels so that’s perfect for low lighting. I’ll flash a gun but the real danger would be that there are 3 other ghouls hiding in the meeting. That way if things go well they just talk to one guy painted in shadows, but if they go poorly they are chased by 4 ghouls out of the subway. If things are hunky dory they’ll give a the location of an old phone booth they use to talk, but if it’s bad then the NYC ghoul wars start
I think this would be a great setup for a game. You could even have the players run different characters, say a few different prisoners and even a guard or two. Lots of evil shit happens in the shadows in prisons. You could even have one of your previous investigators get locked up on purpose to try and tackle the problem from the inside. A routine shanking could be a lot more kinetic if some sort of ritual is involved.
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how would you stat him for CoC
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Something like this, as a first crack. Though his skillset would be more than I could fit with the character generation rules. He's pretty competent at most things, and a savant at others. I'd also give him some points in Cthulhu Mythos by the end of the first season (first episode, really.)
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This got me thinking. We should create and stat up a theoretical Call of Cthulhu Dream Team of existing paranormal detectives.
I would like to propose pic related as the next member.
Scully is actually probably more useful than Mulder due to having First Aid and Medicine.
But Mulder should have a high mythos skill from all of his previous encounters into the phenomena. Come to think of it was Mulder or Scully the better shot? Was there anything related to that info in the show, I don't remember.
seems pretty decent anon thanks! also always include sunflower seeds to mulder's inventory
Argue scenario/puzzle design instead of being a mechanicsfag

If I see another adventure where it's "follow clues from a to b to c then a monster shows up" I'm going to CHIMP
>Speaking of, has anybody checked out "5 Acts: The King in Yellow" playtest?
Upload it and I will.
Scully managed to shoot Mulder in the shoulder once as an aimed, non-lethal attack so that has to count for something. They don't really get into many prolong gun battles. Her CON and brawl skills would both be much lower though, because she gets knocked out every three episodes for the first four seasons. Her profession would probably be better suited as "Forensic Surgeon", and her EDU would be significantly higher. I gave Mulder tons of luck by virtue of him surviving decades of investigations, though.
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What are some of your “handcrafted” horrors? Creatures or beings that either relate to a mythos or folklore mythos or are just your own mad creations.
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>GURPS (specifically post apocalyptic)
>nWoD/CofD Mage
>The Pathfinder Kingmaker module but with the loose structure of the “secret ending” from the game stacked on top and a bunch of stuff tweaked to make it actually possible to sort of almost kinda run the barony without tons of meta knowledge and luck.
>nWoD/CofD Hunter game
>PARANOIA: High Programmers in an extremely goofy but then deadly serious scenario where Alpha Complex is under attack by aliens. It was more like a game of XCOM 2 set in PARANOIA than an actual game of High Programmers.
>GURPS (post-apocalyptic again, same universe as the first game)
I read Dream Quest way back when and Call of Cthulhu. I think Hypnos once as well IIRC.
Had a go at statting Kolchak. Probably a little generous with his physical abilities, but he does to get up close with his monsters and tossed around a fair bit, so figured he's a little tough.
Couldn't figure out how to insert a picture in the box in the top right.
Surprised how little Occult/Cthulhu Mythos I ended up giving him, but Kolchak tends not to know about his monsters until he starts looking into them. His strength is in his research, not his prior knowledge.
Very nice!
Look to Delta Green for story ideas and then just cyberpunk them.
The PDF is 20 Mb (upload limit is 8), but it's free to download from nilhemoth.com if you give them a burner email.
You could have posted the google drive link they give you
Having skimmed it I think mindfuckery is cool but this is a PBTA Writer's Room simulator instead of something with buildup and payoff.
It also explicitly doesn't try to make things subtle so you might as well go "what if this was a dream?!" after the players engaged in a capeshit battle using the magic powers.

Would fit better for a Don't Rest Your Head game since you have built in sleep-deprivation-hallucination as an excuse for the wacky shit that might happen.
I got a few.
>A 13-year-old boy possessed by a demon who tricked him into letting him possess him by posing as the ghost of his dead twin brother. The demon's true form is just a mass of veins and meat with 12 spindly arms and a snake erupting from the center; the snake's head is featureless except for the mouth (which has a big orange eye in it) and little tendrils that stitch the dead brother's face to it. The demon possesses people by manifesting as a black cat that literally crawls into their throats; the dead brother's vengeful ghost is also a part of this cat, much to the demon's surprise.
>A telepathic teenage girl possessed by something she mistook for an angel. The "angel" is actually an interdimensional entity resembling a giant spider made of glowing black filaments; when provoked, it bursts out of the girl's eyes. The "angel" has the power to trap entire towns in a pocket dimension where it manifests people's fears as monsters. It can also induce unnatural rage in people, resulting in most of the town killing each other or being killed by the monsters.
>A serial killer with psychic powers who plans to summon a god using a giant mermaid-like flesh golem made from the skins of his victims and various fish. He's slowly mutating into something resembling a zombie Deep One with tentacles.
>A witch who eats the souls of children to extend her life. She plans to sacrifice enough children to unleash a sentient plague on the world.
>The ghost of a Satanist witch manifesting as a giant fungal colony. She is able to manipulate the spore clouds produced by the fungi and use them to possess people.
>The Aggregates, creatures made from the ghosts of the victims of massacres. Their existence rips holes between the spirit world and the physical world, causing a spike in supernatural activity. Each state has its own Aggregate; I've come up with five so far.
>Connecticut (Mystic Massacre) has a hideous mass of hundreds of blackened bodies, conjoined and melted together by still-burning flames. It's crowned by scalped heads and firing its own limbs as arrows. The monster breathes flaming gunpowder as its scorched flesh bubbles and pops around the swords sticking out of its body. Small bodies erupt out of the creature, stretching the charred skin as far as it can go before being sucked back into the asphalt-like abomination.
>The Maine Aggregate (Norridgewock Massacre) manifests as a serpent rising from the Kennebec. The serpent is made from blood and is filled with the bodies of dead Abenaki. The serpent is crowned with the crucified and scalped body of Sebastien Rale, a colonial French priest.
>The Massachusetts Aggregate (Battle of Turner's Falls) manifests as a series of wetus, domed huts used by some Native American tribes. Shadowy arms erupt from the wetus, grabbing the Aggregate's victims and drowning them in the river. As the victims are drowning, the river's waterfalls pull them apart as their bodies smash against the rocks.
>The New Hampshire Aggregate (Oyster River Massacre) is a giant made from ash. It is able to split apart to attack its victims, controlling each section of its body telekinetically. It dismembers its victims.
>The Rhode Island Aggregate (Great Swamp Massacre) is a frozen giant, heavily injured and walking on its hands and knees to support its weight. When sufficiently angered, it can stand up. It has the power to control water, freezing it into weapons or simply freezing its victims.
*Kennebec River
For the Book Club, I'd suggest Shadow Child by Joseph Citro. I just read it last night and it's a pretty good novel about fairies.
New DG book is out. Contains
>A victim of the Art
>From the Dust
>Jack Frost
Gonna have to wait for the green box to pack this one but I remember hearing Victim before around here and sounds entertaining.
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Forgot to say. The cover art isn't shit for once.
>A humanoid robotic assassin with realistic looking skin printed over an unbelievably heat resistant skeleton.
>Upon entering combat, the robot’s skeleton starts heating up rapidly to make any physical contact harmful or deadly.
>Causing the fake skin to boil off her face and body.
>Has some short-term predictive abilities (based on statistical modeling - gets better the more information she has about someone) along with the standard abilities you would expect from a Terminator ripoff.
>Doesn’t make the classic Terminator mistakes though. Like, if she has someone’s arm in a grip, she’s tightening her mechanical hand as hard as possible to take the arm off. Same thing with a grip around someone’s head.
>Would die in absolutely spectacular fashion if superheated and then rapidly cooled down again. Probably built to fail-deadly and make recovery of the internal components almost impossible.
I thought it would be funny to imagine someone kicking a deadly robot into a vat of molten metal, like the end of T2, only for it to climb back out significantly more dangerous than before. To kill this thing you have to go in reverse order. First the vat of lava, then the truck of liquid nitrogen.
I'll upload it to TGB later this evening after work. In the meantime, here is a temporary link:

unploadnow [dot] io /f/nm4qRq1
Bunch of crap art inside though.
Top guy looks fine, bottom guy has wrong-perspective-face.
Top guys is a phototrace
Bottom guy is San Andreas screenshot trace.
Does /hsg/ prefer the players to have institutional support confronting horrific things? Like Delta Green, or similar anti-paranormal spook agencies? I've started to feel conflicted about it. Any success stories of casting the players as average people?
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Cowboy Route
Like wild west?
I don't think it entirely matters. Scenario design is more important, and you can have interesting scenarios whether the PCs are US Rangers, US NPS Rangers, or New York Rangers fans.
Detwiller hasn't seen a black man since defecting to that Canadian island.
Terrible CoC discussion in progress: >>93303179
Down to personal preference.
I like the idea of a big spook agency due to my nostalgia for scp and the cold hard attitude of agency's like it is more scary than any monster imo
But I wont shit on the other side at all. Individuals fighting for humanity is just as cool in its own way
Private sector cthulhubusters cleaning up after the official Agency because someone brought the male prostitute (cultist) to the anomalous object lockup.
If you have a decent PC, play through Trepang2 on hard or above difficulty with the volume cranked up and no spoilers. Strong institutional support with lots of guns does not cancel out horror at all. Also it doubles as a big long reference to my favorite SCP MTF.
I like institutional support but on-their-own against the supernatural. Current game they're police detectives, so they have some advantages but also some red tape to deal with. And of course the prosecutor has no interest in hocus pocus theories he can't take in front of a jury.
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I wouldn't know I haven't played Corruption of Champions in over a decade and my laptop can't seem to support it anyways.
I prefer if it’s a smaller group supporting them. Not an all powerful shadowy organization, but something like a paranormal investigation club or something like that. Provided easy motivation but doesn’t give the players too much power or comfort.
Friend of mine wants to try out Call of Cathulu, or at least browse through the rulebook. What edition is it even in, and would anyone have a trove of the required PDF’s?
7th edition is the current edition. However, unlike DnD, Call of Cthulhunid backwards compatible with all previous editions.
I don't do the trove stuff.
I do have access to a bunch of stuff, I'll throw the basics into a temp host link for you.
gofile (DOT) io/d/NDnDYu

All you really need is the Keeper Rulebook. Investigators Guide has more professions for fleshing out characters. Malleus Monstrorum are the monster books.
What do we think about Mothership?
Seems kind of boring to be honest, and overpriced for the print version.
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I'm trying to get a CoC game together but it's been rough.
How can I increase my Keeper skills without actually playing? I've never done it before.
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How would you map or keep track of movement inside of a liminal space? I have in mind a scenario where the PCs fail to get out of an area in time and it transforms into a combination of Silent Hill/Backrooms
I like it a lot, but it definitely has some flaws. I've said this before in /hsg/, but 0e Mothership had a bunch of different philosophical influences, and it doesn't always integrate those into each other successfully. 1e is basically those ideas mixed with the most common 'house rules' adapted in, along with new stuff. As a result, it has lots of good ideas that congeal into an okay game. It's at it's best when you run it fast and loose, and only look at the rulebook when you really need it.

As for "expensive," I don't buy things, and I encourage you to do the same.
You roll dice to see where the hell they are
Is that a typo or do you mean https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/product/128524/Cathulhu ?
i started the Thousand Empty Lights story for mothership at work last night to try it out, i dont think its bad. but im new to RPGs and i have a soft spot for space horror
What I might do: come up with a list of 15-20 areas, in order by depth. When the PCs travel, they specify whether they're descending (down the list), ascending (up the list), or moving around on the same level. Roll 2d6. The first one is how long they travel, in hours (scale to taste). The second is how many levels they move up or down the list. For "same level," 1-3 is up, 4-6 is down (4=down 1, 5=down 2, etc.).

You don't tell them this is how it works, but you do make it clear that up/down/sideways are the main navigational choices. Make sure there are reasons to go either direction - areas to avoid, areas that are safe, areas that have things they need. Add random encounters, maybe. Have groups of areas with similar aesthetics, maybe (eg. 1-5 "office building," 6-10 "industrial," etc.). And make sure your individual areas are interesting enough to be worth the trip.
Deep ones are always underpowered in Call of Cthulhu. A deep one shouldn’t be a mook; he should be an immortal psychic-sorcerer-scientist who’s been at this longer than your bloodline has existed and a sneering contempt for the prarie apes who think they rule the earth. The deep ones are older than humanity. They are a genuinely superior species who regard humanity as the British regarded the Mau Mau.
Have the ghouls know things about the players they shouldn’t. They ate the corpses of their relatives before this meeting to learn about them and put them at ease. This failed miserably as humans don’t like you honoring their ancestors by devouring them.
I imagine there are some Civil War battles that might make for gnarly Aggregates.
Watch Seth Skorkowsky on YouTube. Also, some actual plays of the game.
I just finished my first delta green mission with my friends. I think running FULMINATE was a bad idea for the group as one player is way to trigger happy. Gonna run music from a darkened room next though were you cant really shoot the house and shooting people will lead to prison.
People seem to be having fun and I'm trying to whip a player into shape and not a "its what my character would do" guy. Shockingly talking to people like adults works. Who would have thunk

(art) https://www.tumblr.com/sermna
If only my group wasn't 40% flouride I could run The Sneed Out of Feed....
Anyone know a decent actual play of Deadlight?
I listened to one that was mostly playing the module straight and it turns out that not having regular encounters with the Monster makes the module really boring (as I've also experienced in person), but on the other hand it can easily kill anyone it wants, barring liberal interpretations of its Weakness.
What's the monster, and what are its motives? Not familiar with the scenario, but general advice I've heard is to remember that the monster should be afraid of the humans. Maybe not literally fearful, but more interested in avoiding them or scaring them off than in actually killing them.
It's an invincible energy being

besides being banished via ritual, it's only weakness is electricity and that can potentially protect you if you're in the Diner if you take the before mentioned liberal approach and have it avoid the building due to the electric wires in the walls. Otherwise it's very much NOT going to be afraid of puny humies.
Explain what happened that you feel went wrong. I’m an experienced handler with several very enjoyable runs of Fulminate under my belt, and going murderhobo is extremely unlikely to be an effective resolution. The kynani are very tough, there are a bunch of civilian witnesses, a half dozen park rangers (NPS Law Enforcement) and then Brandon himself. Upsetting any of these groups with irrational violence should have immediate consequences ESPECIALLY Brandon the telekinetic claymore mine.

Really curious for some details here to understand how it didn’t feel enjoyable for your table.
You see the player didnt care about people seeing him and the brandons had been neutralised by removing the stones.
He just wanted to be wacky crazy that doesn't really work for the mission and I tried my best to stall him as he was desprate to abandon the entire party in the ranger car. If I didn't do some gm fuckery the entire party would have had their first characters killed on the first mission which would have not been fun for people just learning the game.
Again I spoke to the guy to simply remind him that he's not the only person at the table and he seemed to understand
The Laundry Files are probably the only piece of media that got this right.
Agreed, but I also think that Deep Ones should think humans are neat. They look at us like we look at a cool friendly cat you'd find on a walk.
The entire point of Esoterrorists is that having a major benign organization backing you up does not change the impact of the horror at all.
Shouldve let him run off on his own and get Moon Children'ed anyway just to specifically punish him. Unfortunate example of a new player not really understanding what DG play is supposed to be about. Hopefully they adjust accordingly or leave your group before everyone is soured on the game.
It was also his first ttrpg. I wanted to handle him with kids gloves. Hopefully he adjusts his behaviour or I will send something spooky after him or just have him go to jail

Are there any supplements or pre-made campaigns for running something like Marble Hornets/Tribe Twelve?
That’s what all the NPCs are for. Have it go after them first and use those Chase rules.
Ran "Edge of Darkness" yesterday.
Party was a butcher, a private detective, a doctor who works for the mob and an occult professor who moonlights as a charlatan fortune teller.
They found all the clues beforehand but got really stuck on trying to get De Vermiis Mysteriis from Dr. Armitage, to the point one player even pulled a gun on him. But eventually they got the point they're not getting it this adventure.
I had the son of Professor Merriweather harass the party and even show up to the house... which resulted in the private detective knocking him out and them tying him to a chair. Later, when they started the ritual and the monster started leaking acid from above, random chance resulted in the acid eating through the lawyer's bindings and him running out the house, upon which he got torn apart by the monster.
The party struggled with the humanoid zombies I sent after them, but oddly enough managed to completely swiss cheese the zombie bear, getting two impales on it before it even got up. I let it get two swipes in, both of which missed, before falling apart under the hail of fire it was facing.
Two party members (the butcher and private detective) ended up going indefinitely insane during the finale, but I kept rolling low for how long their bouts of madness lasted, neither getting more than two rounds. One tried to flee and later developed pyromania, while the other just started screaming, interrupting the chants.
When the monster got pulled into the ritual circle, it took the guise of Professor Merriweather and tried to convince the party that they were tricked and sending his soul to another world. The two insane investigators believed him until the occult professor fired a shot through its head, proving the illusion false.
Even when they dispelled the monster, they were so freaked out they continued chanting all the way until morning, which was cool of them to play up how freaked out they were.
Anyone got recommendations for a one-shot with Pre-Gens? Call of Cthulhu would be nice but similar systems are fine as long as they're easy to teach

Been meaning to run a game for a while.
Been looking at used bookstores by me and there are a few used CoC and Delta Green books by me
Is Extremophilia any good? I dont actually have any DG adventure books so that one caught my eye.
FYI, if anyone needs a horror RPG PDF, please ask.
I used to help out the PDF thread a lot until they told me what I could and couldn't post due to some jackass fuckhead that browses the thread 24/7 and reports anything he had input on.
None of them were horror related, so I'm sure we are safe, it was all D&D rip off garbage.
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Is Cults of Cthulhu a good reading for resources on creating non-Cthulhu cults?
Yeah it can be applied to non-Cthulhu cults easily enough. The adventures included are also pretty good, and the original cults they came up with are pretty creative.
I just came up with one for Vermont, based on the Royalton Raid.
>While not as powerful as most other Aggregates, the Vermont Aggregate, made of the spirits of the four victims of the Royalton Raid, is exceptionally fast. It resembles a velociraptor-like creature made from four scalped corpses. Two corpses make up the torso and limbs, with two of their legs forming a tail and their heads biting onto the other two's legs, while those bodies make up the head, with their arms fused together, forming a "jaw" made of hands; the hands pull the Aggregate's victims towards their hidden fused faces to be eaten. The creature is also able to fire musket balls, half an inch in diameter, from its mouth.
Would you give me a suggestion for what system to run a 80s slasher game in
Fear Itself.
These are metal and steal-worthy, just wanted to let you know.
For as much as I don’t like WoD/CofD stuff, Hunter: The Vigil has some pretty cool slasher content. Using those but making the PCs regular people could work.
Im gonna run music from a darkend room in delta green but for some bizarre reason I said the whole game will take place in 2005. Should I cut down on the amount of deaths or change the dates of the deaths?
This got announced. Interesting they're giving Gaslight its own Investigator's Guide. They didn't do that for Down Darker Trails or Cthulhu Dark Ages.
Victorian horror stuff is more popular than cowboys and medieval. Simple as
Thanks dude
Most of its just stolen from random movies/books/games and mixed together
Here are some I came up with:
>Human-sized puppets that are themselves the 'arms' of some large networked extradimensional entity. The puppets project a field of elation that makes it impossible for normal people to notice when they're doing abhorrent things like torturing and killing children or animals in the street, or skinning people alive. The puppets themselves look bizarre, kind of like Mr. Blobby crossed with Chuck E. Cheese mascots and inbetween the seams of their suits, you can see tangles of red meat and human faces peeking through. The goal of each Puppet is to kill a set number of individuals to let their main body enter this dimension.
>A void in the universe shaped vaguely like a cartoon fish complete with eyes and a mouth that look drawn-on. It acts like a blackhole and pulls in anything that it gets close to, at which point they're crushed and spaghettified by being drawn through its 'mouth'.
>The First of the Lesser Dukes: A giant horse head walking on a cluster of human fingers with a crown of naked human bodies floating above it. Both the crown and the head itself constantly leak trails of blood, that attaches itself to anything in the area and spreads like kudzu, absorbing plants, people, animals, and even buildings in large enough concentrations.
Thanks anon.
Can it be saved?
It can't and we should just let it die imo.
There just isn't enough interest to keep these until post or time limit.

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