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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

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Embryo Machine Translation

Previous Thread: >>>>93219314

Thread Question: What's a mechanic you like (presumably from a game you like) that would work really well for a mecha game?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GIotvR6aEw
>https://pastebin.com/E2wi55AZ (embed)
Blah. I fucked up the intro copy! Sorry gang.

As for the TQ, I think mmmmaybe the GYRO mechanic from Masks might work well for a Power Rangers/Super Sentai type game...
Man, I would love a good Power Rangers-style TTRPG. That'd be so great, i've always loved Power Rangers.
Well... There IS an official Power Rangers RPG. But I wouldn't call it all that "good."
It's over.
Is the system salvageable or just not worth trying?
Could always try to work some super robot or kaiju system into something resembling Power Rangers.
Captcha MMTG, how fitting.
>It's over.
What's over?
Anon, please stop polluting the thread (and the world) with your AI-generated slop.

It's basically Renegade Games 5e cludge, the same one they're using for the Transformers and GI Joe RPG's. So it's essentially D&D with tweaks, but since it's still D&D they had to have classes and so they decided that would the colours.
So, you literally can't be whatever colour or whatever achetype you want, and hell, you can't even be a White, Silver or Gold Ranger from chargen at all.

I sort of forgive them doing this in Transformers, since functionalism and arguments over alt-modes and purpose was a big part of how the civil war got started in the first place.
What utter dogshit. I'm glad that I never looked into it, that lacks any charm whatsoever. And thanks for the heads-up.
>It's over.
What did you mean by this?

Like I said, I kind of don't mind the Transformers one, as class based systems was a plot point in the setting anyway.
Plus, I kind of liked how they made Megatron work similar to Shao-Khan in MK with his statblock. In that, he's basically going to easily wipe the floor with you non-name nobodies, but occasionally he will take a round out to go YOU SUCK where you MIGHT have a chance to at least beat him enough for him to retreat.
Plus the latest book did give us the rules for Headmasters, Powermasters and Combiners, which fills in a lot of the obvious gaps from the corebook. But it's all dependant on how well you can tolerate the basic system.
Honestly, it's fucking dumb that Renegade even exists. Hasbro already HAS an RPG division, it's called fucking Wizards of the Coast. I do not understand why they didn't just go to them and get them to do it.
Hell! WotC have been known to do well with licensed stuff in the past. Off the top of my head both Netrunner and the Battletech CCG was designed by them, so it's not like their isn't precedent.

But then again, Hasbro have been hellbent on making dumb decisions in the last decade, hence why they're losing money hand over fist in almost every division.
I don't really get it, either, but both Habsro and WotC are retarded so I won't try to get it.
Regardless, I don't like the DnD system. So even if this were a better adaptation of said system, i'm not interested.
Do you know if Battle Century would work well enough, by chance? If not, do you know of any indie systems that emulate Power Rangers/Super Sentai?
>So it's essentially D&D with tweaks, but since it's still D&D they had to have classes and so they decided that would the colours.
>So, you literally can't be whatever colour or whatever achetype you want, and hell, you can't even be a White, Silver or Gold Ranger from chargen at all.
Except you literally can use any Role you'd like, and then just describe your character as having differently colored spandex. Granted this image is from a supplementary book, and not the corebook; but any sensible game-runner should allow this kind of thing even if it wasn't officially stated in a company-released document.

Also the game system doesn't have too much in common with 5e D&D besides using a d20 in it's rolling mechanic, and having attributes and skills (which is fairly ubiquitous in all sorts of different games), as well as using advantage/disadvantage. Sure, adding another die/dice to a d20 isn't that far off from adding a flat skill/attribute based bonus, but I think it's different enough to warrant classifying the game as something beyond just a 5e reskin.
There are at least a few different games designed to emulate Super Sentai...
While not as on-brand as it was in the system it comes from, I really loved the way Deadlands Classic used poker cards for its magic system. I could see something similar working in a mecha RPG as a way to determine the effectiveness of Pilot abilities (call em wild cards) where when they use the ability you deal them 5 cards (maybe allow to discard 1 and draw 1) and they use the best poker hand they get from that to determine effectiveness.
>the latest book did give us the rules for Headmasters, Powermasters and Combiners, which fills in a lot of the obvious gaps from the corebook. But it's all dependant on how well you can tolerate the basic system.
They didn't have at least combiners in the core book? Now I'm worried that they don't have combiners in the core book for Power Rangers too...
>Honestly, it's fucking dumb that Renegade even exists. Hasbro already HAS an RPG division, it's called fucking Wizards of the Coast. I do not understand why they didn't just go to them and get them to do it.
I know RIGHT? Whyyyyyyyyyyy!?!
>Plus, I kind of liked how they made Megatron work similar to Shao-Khan in MK with his statblock. In that, he's basically going to easily wipe the floor with you non-name nobodies, but occasionally he will take a round out to go YOU SUCK where you MIGHT have a chance to at least beat him enough for him to retreat.
So it's written into the rules that he'll sometimes skip a turn to just gloat? Wacky. Not wholly inappropriate though.
>Also the game system doesn't have too much in common with 5e D&D besides using a d20 in it's rolling mechanic, and having attributes and skills (which is fairly ubiquitous in all sorts of different games), as well as using advantage/disadvantage. Sure, adding another die/dice to a d20 isn't that far off from adding a flat skill/attribute based bonus, but I think it's different enough to warrant classifying the game as something beyond just a 5e reskin.
True... Though it also has Races and Classes and Feats...
>functionalism and arguments over alt-modes and purpose was a big part of how the civil war got started in the first place
In IDW's comics, sure, but not in most other continuities
I'm writing a mech wargame, and I'd like some opinions about my dice mechanics.

One, which I'm happy with is having weapons roll Xd6 vs TN, and each success does a point of damage.

However, for pilot skills - like piloting, ballistics, melee, etc; while I want to use 2d10, I'm not sure whether I should pick Roll-under Stat+Mod, Target 20 roll over, or something else.

I think roll under stat gives is a good balance of numeric flexibility and being easy to read, Target 20 ends up being slightly more convoluted when adding up bonuses. However, I'm not sure mixing roll-under 2d10 and roll over Xd6 is ergonomic. Consistently rolling over would probably be more ergonomic, but I think figuring out modifier deltas might feel finicky.

What do you think?
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Henshin! A Sentai RPG
(from Cave of Monsters Games)

Ultra Fighting Teen Heroes Go!
(on Itch.io, from Mr_Ray)

Super Happy Sentai Hour: Gestalt Edition
(by Stupid dice studios)

Mecha vs Kaiju: Sensational Sentai Squad GO!
(by WrightWerx)

Sentai Strike
(by Skortched Urf' Studios)

Tezca Sentai
(by Axo Stories)

Teens with Attitude
(by David Brunell-Brutman)

Mega Kisses - Adventures in Fandom
(by Machine Age Productions)

Go Go, Kobold Rangers
(by Night Owl Odysseys)

Power Rangers RPG
(by Renegade Studios)
Savage Tokusatsu: Kaiju, Mechs, and Heroes for Savage Worlds
(by BPB Games)
>Prometheus Exo Armor isnt in the 1997 Jovian Chronicles game

why does that game have too be lame and gay. I wanted to fly around in my not!gundam why did you have too do this too me dream pod 9 whyyy
>the latest book did give us the rules for Headmasters, Powermasters and Combiners, which fills in a lot of the obvious gaps from the corebook.
Which book was that? I'd be somewhat curious to check that out
ok its late for me so Im going to ask this here and then wait for a reply or two before respnding in the morning but im making a setting thats tonally a mixture of Front Mission and Armored Core and I need opinions on the generic brand name for mechs. im torn between making it a acronym, ala "Omar" (One Maned Armered Robot) or "Panzermench" which I may or may not of taken from a Germanic Techno Industrial band after I watched a true crime documentary.

Yeah, but those parts were the best parts of the IDW comics, before everything turned into thinly veiled gender politics allegories anyway.
There were parts in early IDW Transformers where you really felt like they were trying to make them as alien as a race of machine life-forms who don't age (and actually have a religious creation myth involving them killing their god of death to explain why) don't reproduce sexually and can transform into something else as a matter of relgious certitude should be to us.
As opposed to how they're usually depicted: Basically humans in a costume who can turn into a truck.
I've gotta say that I love retro Japanese mech designs, they're just oozing with personality and are so charming. What a great picture, Daidenjin especially looks awesome here. I love my square, blocky boys.
"Panzermensch" would work well. I also thought about some take on "Bügeleisen" Which vaguely translates to "Walking Iron" as a semi-nod to both AC and FM, though the term itself seems to actually refer to clothes irons so it might come across as goofy to german speakers. Then again, I'd imagine "Wanzer" is also goofy. Slightly butchered German just works so well for FM and clones.

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