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Previous Thread: >>93218431

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>40k Music

>40k Art

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder
Reading what one anon said in one of the previous threads about the rulebooks not having many procedures i decided to spend the afternoon making this to be able to play out mass combat in only war without it being as wishy washy as it reads in the core rule book
There is literally an action in IM that is "I want thing to happen, GM make some shit up and set a test for it."
Thank you! This should really help smooth things out, and it's good to have it so easily accessible.
Why did the previous thread start autosaging so early? It was only at about 170 replies.
There's a 1 week time limit for threads on /tg/
Why aren't there any 40k rpgs where a lasgun will reliably one-shot most unarmored enemies, or where boltguns will reliably two-shot or even one-shot marines like in black library novels?
Play wrath and glory, multiply the damage of all weapons by 1.5. For best results, play with grim and perilous mode.
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Rogue Trader question: is there an expanded Warp travel incident/encounter table somewhere? If not, what would be some good things to add to a table of my own creation?
Rogue Trader: The Navis Primer is all about expanding warp travel, psykers, and navigators. I would advise you to ignore the expanded warp travel rules though, they are nothing but autistic calculations that make any game worse.
I think you'd be better off looking at homebrew stuff and tables for that. The FFG ones are just a little predictable and boring.
>autistic calculations that make any game worse
Finally, some good fucking mechanics.
I wonder how Cubicle 7 would do them today. Besides IM's "roll navigation (warp)".
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>Dark Heresy player accidentally founded a chaos cult
basically there was this crazy crusader who hung around with the party sometimes

party member writes him an anonymous note to say "hey stop being a drunkard and make something of your life"

skip 3 years later (ingame) in another campaign and the guy had founded essentially a new church under the ecclesiarchy thats fully sanctioned etc with no hint of corruption or perversion of the imperial faith, which uses the symbol that the party member signed the note with (a rose)

however said church/cult/whatever has been suspected of kidnapping a lot of psykers and has grown in power a lot, very fast
party has just discovered a mass corpse pile and stolen nova cannon ammunition, with the area that was used in marked with their sign

so now the party has to try and get this info back to the inquisition that these guys are up to no good and are probably doing something very heretical
Now hold on. We have rules for creating Chaos and Xenophilic Cults, both in Dark Heresy, Black Crusade and homebrew. But what about creating Imperial cults? Has anyone done work on that?
Solo player here, does anyone have a bunch of roll tables they use? Could be simple word oracles to environment descriptions and encounter tables
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Is W&G getting an expansion for chaos PCs or should I just take the chaos NPCs from the rulebook and use their stata to homebrew something for my players?
Literally go back to the last thread and fish for links.
Links for what.
Absolutely nothing. Definitely don't look for your fucking self.
If you don't want to help then why bother replying, just to feel like a smug asshole?
My bad for thinking you can connect a reply to what it's replying to, and find a link chain talking about the same game in one whole thread.
But I'm still going to operate on the assumption you have a brain to figure that much out, and the ability to pull the other fist out of your ass long enough to use a search bar.
Shame you didn't connect the dots yourself to realize the original question was whether W&G has a official supplement or not and that perhaps the question was whether it was a link for something official or homebrew. But go on, waste your time trying to be a smartass fuckwad on the internet for no reason instead of just answering a question like a normal person, because you got mad or something.
In the time it took you to wait for and solve multiple captchas and type all that shit out you could of just ctrl f'd and linked whatever post you were talking about you fucking retarded mongoloid
Oh yeah - I went and looked at it twice. Imagine how easily you could have done so instead of having your li'l melty.
So you wasted more of your time and still didn't add anything, cool. By the way >>93315728 isn't me.
So did you.
I'm still waitng for someone to answer so I have to keep checking the thread, replying to you helps kill time. You're the one going through previous threads and replying to me when you could be doing anything else.
If you say so, champ.
I see your wit reached it's peak sharpness. Nevermind, I'll just repost the question again later and ignore you.
I'm already looking forward to you having nothing to say when your peak was the starting blocks.
We're done with primarchs returning right
What's the current count?
too many
If it's not more than half the loyalist primarchs, GW is slacking.
tourist question here:
if an orc believed somebody was stronger than they actually were, would that make that person stronger?
The power of orkish belief is generally overestimated and overstated, especially on a single ork basis; the common example of mechanicus priests not being able to determine why an orkish gun fires says less about the power of orkish belief and more about the competence of mechanicus priests.
I mean, ork weapons do fire bullets out of barrels that have no feed mechanism in guns that have no ammunition receptacle, but quite frankly that could be explained by orks having instinctual technological knowhow and accidentally putting portals to munitions lockers into their guns.
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Can Felinids come from natural birth between two parents or are they only able to be felinids because of the circumstances of their homeworld? I'm in an RT game and I think it'd be funny to have my guy have a catgirl breeding program going on back in his territory.
Official line?
Yeah planet Carlos is where they come from, but if my Trader takes a few hundred thousand catgirls off world and puts them on one of his, can he produce a stable growing population? Or is something about planet Carlos unique in what makes Felinids?
I don't know
They're a strain of abhumans. That's where they came from, but the planet itself has no effect on whether they remain cat people. That would be like saying humans that are bred on other worlds stop being human and become something else.
So a colony of Felinids in another system would be fine and produce more Felinids?
No. Ork "imagination powers" are vastly overestimated and misrepresented by memes based on vague snippets of lore. You'd have to be a Weirdboy or the leader of a large Waaagh! to actually manifest and wield waagh energy. Regular orks don't have looney tunes style reality warping.
Yes, just like a colony of chimpanzees taken to another planet with an appropriate climate and biosphere would produce more chimpanzees. There's nothing planet-specific that makes them an abhuman strain.
That's what separates an abhuman from a regular mutant. Abhumans are genetic variants of baseline humanity that are stable and reproduce. Mutants are baseline humans that were exposed to any number of toxins, plants, minerals, spores, or varying degrees of chaos corruption and have been altered from the baseline because of it.
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Imagine if they're like metroids and they take change based on the planet they live on
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I'm not sure I like this map format. It's definitely more interesting and cartographic, but it's also really hard to read. I think the icons for the different planets are either too small or too numerous to be easily differentiated compared t the colors used by FFG
If you're the same person who posted this on the subreddit then I'm wondering if you have plans to expand it out so that it can get merged with the mass combat systems of like Black Crusade and Rogue Trader.
BC's system is way too streamlined and RTs is just a lil too far into clunk.
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I've been working it out over the last couple of days playtesting it in my own little solo campaign to see what works in terms of balance as well as not being too clunky. originally i had everything simulated down to the trucks in the rear being represented on the map but quickly found that to get overwhelming after the battle got larger then a few companies. Right now i'm trying to find the sweet spot where players and GM have enough options to take either more narrative or simulationist approach and am taking notes as i'm playing it out to be refined later.
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i've since dropped the idea of distribution platoons being units on the map and instead have made it so Logistics Companies have 3 actions per turn (representing 3 platoons moving) where they can within a radius resupply friendly companies automatically (your basic combat arms company can carry 3 days worth of supplies, but if they are more aggressive they spend a days worth of supplies per attack, this is all to create limitations and organic objectives in targeting supply depots or finding a more defensible area to move a supply depot up to, i'm still working on what to do for terrain for this like hills, rivers, prepared forts ect)
>if my Trader takes a few hundred thousand catgirls off world
Do they have a few thousand felinids? Are felinids catgirls or is your rogue trader in for an unpleasant surprise?
Anyone got a link to His Glorious Shield for IM?
Do you play in the official background setting or do you heavily modify it to accomodate your headcanons and stories?
The only official stuff is in the background.
Always craft a planet/city/ship etc to my tastes, with accordance to small starting input questionnaire i give to players.
Currently running a hastily create Hive World sprawling around excavations and planet cracking.
Frontier justice, overabundance of vehicles and hand guns and lack of options to relax and variety of food due to Administratum error create somewhat biker gang setting
Would you be wiling to share rhe questionaire? i'm soon going to run a sci fi game (not 40k, but it's irrelevant) and resources to make my players help me make new planets would be very useful.
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I couldn't find any assets used in some of the more flavorful maps posted ITT so I had to make my own, r8 and h8.
No. As another anon said, it takes a weirdboy to do anything truly zany with it.
The example relevant to this 40krpg thread would be that ork weapons are unreliable, unless used by an ork. The waaaaaghfield for the average ork is pretty much just WD40, it's not a cheatcode that would auto-win the setting if only they just used it right
Or for the average quality of ork craftsmanship, will fail to function in short order unless used by an ork.
The worlds are spread out very evenly. Normally you'd see clusters and voids on the map.
Depends if you count demons
2 loyalist 2 demon
Gulliman Lion Mortarion Angron
The rest are fucked off
I wpuldnt mind perturabo coming back to the setting as the champion of vashtorr as a chaos god and trazyns fulgrim coming back and fighting fabius bile, but all the other returns would be so boring.
4got 2 add
>inb4 vashtorr cant/shouldnt be a 5th chaos god
Greated horned rat as 5th in aos slaps and they could actually wrote vashtorr in compelling ways unlike slannesh. Plus if a dark mechanicum army drops my life savongs r gone
Fuck Vashtorr ever even existing, and Trazyn isn't far behind.
vashtorr is cool. he also plugs a huge hole is CSM lore regarding daemon engines. you just gotta let him cook.
Vashtorr ruins the admech for me. We already have a plotline of 'the cogboys are unintentionally feeding a horrible elder god-thing of technology'. It's the Void Dragon.

I also dislike Vashtorr because it's a cop-out on the matter of innovation. Lack of innovation in the admech shouldn't be because everything you do that's not steeped in religious terms is one dice-roll away from turning into a demon and eating your face. It should be because anything you try to recover from DAOT technology has a significant chance to be a malevolent AI shard hell-bent on being the biggest problem it possibly can, and because of the massive institutional weight of a galaxy-spanning cult hunting down and killing anyone who violates the dogma too blatantly.
cawl DIDN'T ruin admech for you? id rather just cut my losses with admech and flesh out new areas of the lore.
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The decadence of Imperial society truly boggles the mind.

The PCs have just arrived at Gabriel Chase, spoke to their Inquisitor on the matter of the Keystone. The Inquisitor was quite excited to allow the 13th Hour to commence so he could observe the Tyrant Star and take readings, and more importantly, so he could acquire the Keystone for himself. The PCs then chased down Larax Melua, the walking ghoul with his heart ripped out, and followed him into a rumpus room where they found a secret room... Full of cultist corpses, all of them with their hearts ripped out as well.

The plan I've got for the next session is that the PCs are going to investigate one of the nearby Stone Gardens, which are revealed to be Aeldari ruins from Lu'Sanad (the feared and "haunted" Craftworld of the RT trilogy.) They are going to encounter agents of Korrad Val, the "Faceless Host," a Chaos Lord (originally Red Corsair) who is hunting for the keys to Lu'Sanad as both extreme offering to the Dark Gods *and* incredible weapon to use against the Imperium.

The agents are in the process of killing the Pilgrims of Hayte that had aided them thus far, finding no further use for them beyond liability. The agents are at the ruins to retrieve the spirit stone of a Spiritseer that was embedded into one of the statues, placed there by Erasmus Haarlock as a cheeky joke so the Spiritseer can witness the Tyrant Star (the ghastly shell of the Craftworld, which was warped and twisted by the vile Yu'Vath) reap a world. Upon defeating the agents, which should be a pointedly difficult thing to do to represent the Host's more potent training and equipment, will acquire the Spiritseer's stone, which will serve as analogue to Anaris in RT's Warpstorm.
Cawl can be lumped in with and ignored alongside everything else that came after Cadia asplode. Vashtorr existing affects the entirety of the setting.
Also, by all rights Vashtorr should be one of Slaanesh's, because Slaanesh's birth is what set off the whole Men of Iron going nuts with chaos corruption shebang, which is the single greatest event in all of lore that combines chaos and technology and therefore the most likely impetus for his creation. Necrons do not into chaos and thus don't count for it.
slannesh is about sensory experience if vashtorr crosses any wires its tzeentch
>Slaanesh's birth is what set off the whole Men of Iron going nuts with chaos corruption shebang
tbf, I lump that under my other category of 'fuck all that' for going into any detail.
>Slaanesh's birth is what set off the whole Men of Iron going nuts
That's off by millennia though. Slaanesh's birth created the Eye of Terror and settled the warp, making the great crusade possible. Well after the end of the Dark Age of Technology.
Is it worth it to separate the different Ogryn strains, mechanically? Might be a good way to explain the disparity between the OW-style, Darktide-scale Ogryns with 40St/T and Unnatural +2 alongside the more standard 1E-style Ogryns with 50St/T and Unnatural +5.
>Slaanesh's birth created the Eye of Terror and settled the warp,
Because the chaos and turbulance were being caused by Slaanesh's birthpangs, that was indeed millenia long. This is basically confirmed in the Mecharius books. It was the earthquakes that precede the volcano erupting.
That was something known to me when I was making it, I wanted to space them for readability.
>Is it worth it to separate the different Ogryn strains, mechanically?
Are they different strains, or just different ogryn being different ogryn? No one calls that xbox huge Space Wolf that needed his armour resized a different strain; he's just that fucking huge Space Wolf.
>Slaanesh's birth created the Eye of Terror
Re-opened, technically.
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Are they making a Chaos focused rulebook for Wrath and Glory like the Eldar one or should one just homebrew the missing bits?
Definitely not.
So no new rulebook for now? Shame, guess I'll just hack something together. Thanks anyway.
Just started a Rogue Trader campaign, things have already gone massively off the rails in the second session. As they docked at Footfall for the first time I did a gag about the ship being commed by Pradeesh from Mechanicus support calling to inform them that they had detected that the ship's cogitator had unhappy machine spirit saar. They promptly abandoned all their other plans and spent the entire session tracking down the call center so they could massacre the scammers with a squad of Ogryn.
LOVE stormtroopers; hopefully we get new scions models

Check out Doctors-of-doom dot com. There is a massive Homebrew for playing as Chaos. as well as other useful stuff.
So are all wars basically over in under a year in 40k? There seem to be very few that last even remotely as long as IRL wars do. Like is it possible for a planet to know Tyranid invasion for years? No, right? Surely at some point the hive fleet in orbit would be defeated and then that's it, as the planetbound ones go feral?
I mean it's been literally tens of thousands of years across at least a million planets - realistically way more. Look at how many planets have inexplicably given rise to Ogryns and Ratlings. Logically there must be at least a handful of worlds producing abhuman strains more or less identical to those of Carlos McConnell.

Also we don't even really know what Felinids look like. So yeah, I'd say call your Felinids something else and just use the existance of the Carlos ones as justification. That way if/when GW ever reveals them in canon, you don't have to worry too.
Thanks anon, I will check it out.
I like a lot of these planet names.
It is pretty common for wars to go on for years/decades/centuries in 40k, you just don't hear about them as much since BL likes writing about decisive victories for the Imperium

Nids are a bad example since they usually invade with overwhelming numbers and achieve victory fairly quickly. But if they are somehow driven off, the residue infestation can linger for a long time

Some of the more recent lore suggests stable abhuman strains descend from deliberate genetic modifications during the Age of Technology. So theoretically many different types could occur beyond what appears in the official lists
What the different between this thread
and this?
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How should a 2.000pt fluffy Tallarn IG army be ?

Which units should I include?
It should definitely include wrong general, sir
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Sometimes you just have a Recidivist kinda day ya know?
Could use the various scifi world and adventure generation tables from Stars Without Number and grimdark them up as needed.
Oh fuck no. That's a paypig ride until they Rhana Dandra the setting.
>/40krpg/ vs /40kg/
One is for the TTRPGs specifically and one is for the wargame and general lore discussion.
>until they Rhana Dandra the setting
probably never going to happen, the closest we will ever get will be more timeskips anytime GW wants to make major changes
For readability there are some other options. Rather than using this cartographic projection, you could do something like a subway map or cluster chart instead for each sub-sector. If you use this kind of map players will think these are actual positions of the planets/systems.
So uh, what’s the difference between a psyker and a sorcerer? And why you can become a sorcerer but not a psyker?
>Sorcery, viewed in an objective and abstract way, can be seen as the application of warpcraft, occult formulae, and the exercise of will in order to achieve immediate physical and mental effects much like those of psychic abilities. But unlike the usual psyker’s disciplines, all that is required to perform such baleful miracles is an understanding of the secret and sanity twisting knowledge of how to do so and the conviction and stomach to put such knowledge into practice.
You don't have to be a psyker to be a sorcerer.
So...can I ask lore questions here ad advice on doing my homebrew stuff or is that the other place?
Hit yourself with an rpg book and a tabletop book until you can answer your own question.
If the homebrew stuff involves the RPGs, then yes
But.../40krpg/ said the Cubicle 7 40k rpgs are le bad compared to FFG! Noooo!!!!
>40k rpgs set in the grimdark 40k universe where "you shall not be missed" are less deadly than fucking AD&D

What the actual fuck?
the whole ttrpg industryy has taken nose-dive, those aren't awarded for being good, but for being least garbage
Dark heresy experience
>get shot by an autogun
>you can shrug it off
>get shot by a boltgun
>you can shrug it off
>get shot by a plasma gun
>you can shrug it off

Lore experience
>get shot by an autogun
>bruised bones and wheezing at best, dead at worst
>get shot by a boltgun
>ripped in half
>get shot by a plasma gun
Warhammer rpgs, down to fucking wfrpg 1e, have always been less deadly than early D&D editions. Their lethality is a meme. You can literally tank boltgun rounds to the chest that penetrate all your armor in dark heresy. It might as well be like the fallout video games where guys are tanking rounds to the head repeatedly
They're passable and on a release schedule that can charitably be described as passing as promptly as the hundred year war.
The baseline lethality of 1d10 plus whatever is a meme. If you start throwing around more d10s or multiple hits with decent AP (which you can throw around with non-standard ammo!), you stop brushing it off as 'not a real hit' and get into criticals soon enough. Crits are the point where you really got hit rather than had an almost serious experience.
Oh yeah, and stuff like Blood Loss in DH1 will fucking kill you if your lucky 10% chance comes up every five seconds.
They're each a good baseline, the problem is that they're missing the MEAT. They have little to no content, especially IM, because cubicle 7 is too busy fucking around making 10 zillion rpgs (including shit no one would ever play, like a doctor who rpg) and trying to give them all support, which just results in all of them getting very little support.
>it's lethal if you get hit a lot...
That's true of everything. Also, WOUNDS being "not a real hit" means that everyone is just near-missing each other every single fight, which is fucking retarded and seems like a monty python sketch. This is bad design, designed to appeal to snowflakes who will cry and get snot everywhere if their beloved OC dies.
There's a solution.

Break into the studio, kill the designers, steal their money, take over the company at gunpoint and then use the money to republish the RPGs to be more lethal and lore-accurate, while making character creation faster to compensate.
>"it's lethal actually and it's very common for characters to be critted"
I don't think they're bad systems-wise. They're lacking in lore/flavor and what they've been adding through supplements hasn't been impressive in the same way FFG's were. I put down about 25% of that to their bad formatting, which makes reading the rulebook hard.
It sure does sound stupid when you miss the point and greentext like a retard.
Yes, the weapons that do multiple d10s of damage are relatively lethal for Dark Heresy 1e characters.
Yes, dropping those characters' wounds to the point of dealing crits will rough them up.
Yes, rolling multiple d10s with multiple hits does tend to righteous fury more often than rolling 1d10 once per attack.
Well, DH1E-style crits have the weird hurdle of requiring you to confirm the crit by rerolling the attack's target number. Then you have to roll high on the extra 1d10. I wouldn't say an average +5 damage every 20 or so successful hits is monstrously lethal.
For OW/BC-style crits, a 1d5 on any crit table will never outright kill you. It can be pretty inconvenient since you're getting stunned, fatigued and maybe blood loss (which fatigues you instead of a dice roll to outright kill you in later editions).
For the numb nuts complaining about damage in DH1&2, remember that healing severe and critical wounds is a significant cost. You can't compare it to any form of D&D due to the variety of potions, spells, scrolls, and other ways such characters recover from injury. [Spoiler]Also, it's your table. If you want the PCs to die every time they scrape their knee, you can make it so. Assuming you have players in a game, that is.
Enemies can't fucking trigger righteous fury you fucking nimrod. Dumbass.
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40k RPG General, I come before you seeking aid.

My gaming group has suffered the dreaded bait-and-switch, and now I must convert an experienced character from a pulp fantasy system into FFG's 40k system. The GM has given little guidance, stating only "no Deathwatch, no Black Crusade, no xenos." Best the group has figured out, we are going to be at Rogue Trader starting level, but are allowed to use Dark Heresy and Only War stuff as well.

Assuming we're starting at 5000xp, which chargen rules should I use for maximum flexibility and power in making my character? What books do I need to find? He was a pulp sorcerer, able to make people's hearts explode, so you might think "Psyker." But his most-used skills were social, encouraging his friends and intimidating his enemies. And he was a decent doctor and alchemist. Having looked through the Rogue Trader careers, none of them remotely cover this guy's capabilities, especially not at the start.
>The GM has given little guidance, stating only "no Deathwatch, no Black Crusade, no xenos."
Your gm is retarded since the power levels and what you can get between DH1e, RT, OW, and 2e are so different.
Good on you for quoting the part that says when they can.
Your GM is fucking retarded and you should probably find a new group
>we are going to be at Rogue Trader starting level
I don't think any of you really understand what that means, or how each system you're roping together puts different value on 5000xp. Or how OW & DH2e have different system expectations from RT & DH1e.
But read through the alternate career ranks of Hostile Acquisitions, Into The Storm, Faith & Coin, and The Navis Primer.
I'm so sorry anon. Your GM is fucking retarded.
If your character was the designated leader, go for a Rogue Trader with the witch-born lineage for your psychic needs, if not figure something else out.
Thank you for the book recommendations. I've started in on those

Hmm. Witch-born makes him an unsanctioned psyker with bare-bones power. Not ideal, but it at least keeps some of the flavor. And while Rogue Trader has some social options, I was going to leave it for another PC that was headed into a command role. Though if he wants Arch Militant or something, then I might go for RT
I do appreciate the suggestions
There's also Radical's Handbook / Disciples of the Dark Gods from Dark Heresy 1e for non-psyker sorcery. Forsaken Priest or Malefic Scholar.
So how it works in the core book is you add some corruption and the chaos keywords of choice, maybe some mutations, but otherwise use established archetypes. Could use Abundance of Apocrypha if you dont want to convert from the new book. If when we will get an actual chaos book is unknown, cube 7 dont have very good communication about plans beyond 6 months or so
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