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Shitposters aren't even making posts anymore.
More like AI lmao
Would, next question
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I expect by 7th edition we're going to be looking at something like the infographics show or a grubhub ad.
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I don't think they used the exact same chart Blizzard does, but I guarantee that all big companies use a similar one.
You are dangerously deranged. Did you not hear about how every professional and major corporation was calling Blizzard a pack of absolute morons for this?
Was that before or after Blizard made a fuck pile of money?
After. Blizzard has lost so much money since the ignoble death of Overwatch 1 and fart in the wind that is Overwatch 2 that I hear they're teaching about it as avoidable self-sabotage in universities.
Yeah, of course they're going to SAY that.
No company wants the bad PR of looking at something deeply unpopular and saying "yep, that's based and we all do it".
Blizzard are a pack of absolute morons for exposing their sociopathic approach to diversity, but if you think other companies aren't trying to minmax this shit when there's Blackrock ESG money on the line, you're retarded.
The whole thing does have a certain "Springtime for Hitler" vibe to it.
I still don’t understand it. Is it supposed to measure how diverse a single character’s (example) race is? Like being black makes you more diverse than white? What is the goal of this?
>Overwatch was having trouble
>What a sad sad story...
>What is the goal of this?
From the point of view of Blizzard, it's to get Blackrock ESG money.
From the point of view of Blackrock, white genocide.
Yes, blizzard was literally trying to create a retarded "diversity" quotia to "prove" how "diverse" their characters were. Of course, the actual "diversity scores" were never meant to be seen by the public for obvious reasons but a slide deck for an internal presentation got leaked
appealing to americans
to figure out how it is related ask bing what is american culture centered around
They look pretty like pretty much how you'd expect people equipping the few magic items they've found to look like. But at least they can dye their gear so it fits a color theme, if nothing else.
You guys talking about how she(?)'s kinda chunky? Nothing weird about tha- oh wait, she's an elf. Yeah, that's kinda weird.
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should have used ai
Based on what i have seen so far, it seems there is no direction, the anachronism has been dialed all the way up, theme is all over the place(5e had similar issue in its art, but not as strong), and there is no unifying art style.
This feels like a rushed hack.

I can ignore the weird hands and the fucky details but what the fuck is wrong with her face? I thought that was AI's forte?
AI Slop and almost trying to encourage extreme oddball characters for reddit thread fodder. It's dialed up to an 11 so we talk about stupid gimmick characters like- idk
>Bruz'wayn the Orc who makes a grappling hook and utility belt to fight crime.
Hot new caste system just dropped
>what the fuck is wrong with her face?
maybe the AI took "porcelain skin" too literally
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>wotc art direction
>Did you not hear about how every professional and major corporation was calling Blizzard a pack of absolute morons for this?
>that I hear they're teaching about it as avoidable self-sabotage in universities.
No, never heard of that. Do you have any source on that other than "trust me bro"?
Citation needed, because what I saw was a bunch of companies praising Blizzard for this absolute retardation.
The goal is to make investors happy, while also not alienating audiences too much.
Notice how none of the characters have maxed-out diversity. This is because audiences don't actually want to see a fat, black, autistic, elderly, nonbinary lesbian from a third-world country with all 4 limbs amputated.
I like this fat lady, and I also like Kinnan, I think they're both good art. But the language they use in the brief here (and for Kinnan) really shows you how there's no artistic vision coming down from the top, there is no 'explicit art direction'.
>Art direction
I just remember during the MTG Forgotten Realms set the director said they wanted diverse body types for women and all men either need to be "diverse or gay and kissable "
Oh hey Pyromage Rosanne
Reminds me of the original author for Wonder Woman and the extreme detail he would put into describing how he wanted her to be tied/chained up, saying that drawing the chains in any way but how he described would ruin the story.
That shitty AI in Opera GX generated this with the first simple prompt I fed it.
And it looks like complete ass.
What is your point?
It looks like ass because its AI, but the actual direction of the art (while generic) looks miles better than the "direction" WoTC provided
>It looks like ass because its AI
Technically it looks like ass because it's unrefined AI.
I actually love this one. Even though the prompt is so meaningless, the art is actually well-made.
It's not a fat chick which is the only point it has in it's favour.
Just say you don't like the kind of people it depicts and stop using words like art-direction.
I know I hate seeing fat pigs, ugly people and nogs taking up every character spot but I'll just say how it is.

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