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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0
> Dragon Magazine Index
> Web Articles Orbital Flower Index PDF
> Errata

>3e Resource Index Version 2024-04-17

Previous thread: >>93260481
Thread Question: Every campaign I've seen go to the Underdark petered out there. How was your last foray into the caves below?
That guy is not the only one that posted preposterous shit.
Nice argument. In the meanwhile, please learn to play and ask your DM to create varied scenario, not MMORPG tank&spank.
Your entire posting history is a dishonest rephrasing of what other posted.
>That guy is not the only one that posted preposterous shit.
meant for >>93288742

I really have my hands full today.
oh. I had one queued up to post when we hit page 8. alright. that works.

TQ: I was DM. I handled it as a depth crawl to a productive under-dark city ruled by a dracolich. the players then made their way back, and swore never to go back to the underdark. They almost died to random encounters twice. a pocket of poisonous gas in the tunnels fucked them up a bit, and then they picked a fight with some heavily armed duergar rothe farmers and got beat up a bit before starting a stampede and getting trampled by miniature cows.

It was fun.
Contain your autism to last thread. This one is one is for a fair and honorable scub war.
Guy you accused of lying here. yet again thats not my post. You're not adorable, you're obnoxious. If you want to argue with me do it in the dying thread, don't shit up another one. go on. I'll ride it out there with you, you fucking lunatic.
I was about to head into a meeting and figured I'd fire it off at 7. Then the meeting got cancelled so I'm here anyways.
Shut the fuck up and stop engaging. This shit has gone on so long that whoever is at fault doesn't matter any more.
How the fuck are monks getting the highest dps?
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I just said I'm not willing to continue arguing with him here and if he wants to argue with me he can do it in the other thread. Calm your tits.
That works. Funny your TQ was about "how did it go when you explored the underdark". Mine was " how did it go when you last explored the wilderness".
Rather than throwing out the system, what tweaks do you think could save the ToB?
While I've never found the calculations, Colossal Monk 20 is a contender for the highest base weapon damage in the game, and they get Flurry+Snap Kick with it.
>How was your last foray into the caves below?
Was DM, it was almost a decade ago, and a near-tpk forced two players to roll up new PCs. The party made it back topside, but retired the band after the following session. The most success I've had with the Underdark is using the third edition sourcebook and starting the campaign down below, but players eventually tire of the setting.
>Make the maneuvers learnable like spells, from manuals, and just require one feat + BAB to start learning them. Maybe a total of three feats for a whole set.
>1-3 styles. Make it highly accessible to all martials, not so focused on new classes.
>Rework the refresh and encounter power nature of the system to be something more character-immersive.
>Maybe actually require you to get a good set up for the maneuver. or give them a chance of injury, or whiff punishing counterattack opportunities if you use them at a bad moment or spam them. stack miss chances if you fight predictively.
>rewrite any particular broken maneuvers.

Something like that
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Sure sure, remedial. Sure sure.
Greater Mighty Wallop + Decisive Strike + AoOs is pretty up there.
>>93289027 contd.
Which is to say, it would be a massive redesign, I'd be tossing out most of the book.
Case in point.
I wanted to do opener-tempo-finisher style combos.
-You must always start your chain with an opener maneuver - most don't deal much damage but have battlefield control, movement, some kind of defense buff and so on.
-Then you can use any number of tempo maneuvers, this are basically damage dealers with some stuff on top, mostly debuffs, trips, pushing enemies around and so on.
-Finisher can be used only on a round after you used tempo and does something brutal depending on the style. It's basically those things like Setting Sun eternal throw, Diamond Mind concentration pinky finger strike explosions and so on.

So the standard cycle is:
1st round - opener
2nd round - tempo
3rd round - finisher

By the end of rotation at least one enemy should be out or crippled if you chose the maneuvers right and dice didn't fuck you up.
That conflicts with the tempo of 3.5 combat, is the problem. Finishers are cool but less cool when all they do is close out a fight you've already won.
Maybe make it a way of putting non-magical conditions and ability debuffs(not damage/drain/etc because then immunities would fuck martials).
I've seen d20 called shots systems that do similar.
Don't forget size increases. A Colossal monk with belt will be rolling entire handfulls of dice each attack.
I'm seeing a distinct lack of fanged ring and wraithstrike to that anon
Well standard combat is 3-5 rounds. So having a 3 round rotation should be more or less okay. Especially since you don't need to hit all strikes on the same target. So you can use opener to get in place, battlefield control and so on, then smack some mook with a weaker tempo attack and then use finisher either on the head honcho or a group of guys if its an AoE.
Or if you don't want to close the combo you can just use tempo strikes non-stop.
it would be handy if this site took webp. They're so much smaller, and I wouldn't need to convert shit that's already in webp.
I like ToB but the biggest problem is that it doesn't fix existing martial classes, it replaces them. Adding ACFs or variant rulesets to let other classes use maneuvers/stances without having to waste feats or item slots would help, but ultimately the problem is that the entire rest of the system attempts to stick with the power levels that were set by the core rulebooks and that's not really in ToB's purview to fix.

Setting that aside, it also needs a shitload of errata. PDF related from the Min/Max Board's unofficial errata forum seems pretty good.
>it replaces them
Not that anon, but hey, at least the system is something the other martials can interact with thanks to the whole non-initiator classes counting as 1/2 an initiator level, so that's something.
But yeah, I get ya.

>Setting that aside, it also needs a shitload of errata.
You can say that again.
Also, thanks for the PDF.
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Our games dont peter out when we go to the underdark but we tend to only go down there to fuck with drow or mind flayers and then leave right away.

So one of my players decided to make a truenamer. Its too early to say what we really think of the class but we both agree that the limitless use of utterances kinda saps the fun out of the game for the bith of us. He said something about limiting the uses per day but im not entirely sure what would be a good daily cap per level. I was thinking of just going off the SpD for bards.
Our Dumbass DM that follows CR religiously nearly TPKed our entire party with an Urophion because it was 2 CR under leveled for our party.
It got the surprise round thanks too a +20 hide check and some mediocre perception rolls on our part. Both our wizard and cleric failed the fort save(cleric rolled a 1), so the wizard was paralyzed and the cleric's base STR was in the negatives. The next round the barbarian and rogue go first, but don't do enough damage to 1-round it and end up getting mind-blasted(cleric managed to not crit-fail this time). Our dumbass cleric decides to spend his standard action escaping the strand(gets his highest roll of the night on the STR check and manages to succeed). The start of next turn the strand is back as a free action(fucking dumbass), he fails his for again, and gets to be the first person eaten by Extract.
The only reason this wasn't a complete TPK was because the wizard always had a teleport + silent teleport ready. After paying to rez the team and grabbing six disposable hirelings, we took our time to piss on that thing's corpse.
Is this the same DM as the AMF golem? Are you sure the DM isn't just trying to kill all of you?
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I've ran an evil campaign for our players. One player played a Thayan noble who had a fetish for elves so the character started amassing huge amount of elf slaves in his house. I decided to allow this but spice it up with a Szarkai in the mix (albino dark elf). Fun times were had. They were able to detect the Szarkai much later in the game because players realized they had an extremely racist High Elf that could easily recognize different elves by their ear shapes.

I've made a short 3page comic about this
They managed to come out of it (mostly) alive and were able to come back more prepared.
Sounds like the DM is doing a pretty good job towing the line.
I'm assuming he knew that the wizard had an out at least.
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The High Elf in question was a disobedient slave type who pretty much bullied other slaves and was generally used by the players to annoy other house guests (other PCs/persons of interest). It produced a huge fuckup when they had a guest who was extremely important for their mission to be on her good side and the problem was the VIP hated elves.
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For her contribution to detecting the drow impostor the players awarded the High elf her freedom but she was quickly beat up/bullied by the dark elves when they realized how she knew so she had to stfu about it.

The mechanics of detecting the Szarkai revolved around standard spot/sense motive/disguise/bluff checks and they became harder and harder every time they revealed her disguise. We played 3.5e
That's 3.5 for you haha

The monsters often give as good as they get.
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Is it ever correct to use level drain against your players when they don't have easy access to Restoration?
If it's a shallow enough dungeon they can get access the slow way.
The DM made your party roll a 1 and make terrible combat choices?
the Fort save?
Doesn't that thing have sub-3 digit HP? Shouldn't the mind blast have provoked AoOs?
Define no easy access, not available from their own cleric? Not available in the nearby town? Not available in the nearest city?
Let's say for this discussion that they don't have a cleric or paladin and are in the wild so it'd take more time than they have to get to a caster with appropriate levels.
Without the negatives turning permanent? Well, permanently losing a level isn't so bad you get more XP to catch up.
Unless they were together larping as -2 int party, there is no excuse for at least the wizard to not actually be prepared for potential threats.
But then again most people that didnt have to go through DMing at least once end up being that party member whose XP is better fed to item creation and fully replaced by a single greenbound summon of preference.
Do you know how it used to work in say, BECMI?
how much of a difference does that make. has anyone graphed it? How much do you actually catch up over time?
No, The moment that the wizard was down and the cleric was almost down, the rest of the party basically panicked and made a series of bad decisions(wizard was basically the party dad).
We probably could have killed it, but to answer: >>93292605 both the rogue and the barbarian spent their move action running at the thing and only had a standard to make 1 attack + AoO when mind-blast.
Barbarian wasn't a charge build, he was going for some kind of twf thing instead. Yes, fighter would have been better, but he was going for a flavir build and wanted a duel-axe viking(I'm still convinced he got the idea from skyrim no matter how much he denies it).
Sure. Just let them know what they're risking and give them a chance to run away.
In a combat heavy campaign, it's only 2-3 sessions in my experience.
I think level draining undead work better if clerics are banned entirely. They should be used sparingly, but no easy restoration causes undead to go from being a slight annoyance to putting the Fear of God into your average player.
You should also let players make their super-special roleplay or optimization build beforehand. a player sweating over their dead character being un-rezzable only to end on a cliff-hanger is an adrenaline high that rivals hard drugs, they'll be clamoring for more game sessions like tweakers needing a fix.
It sounds like the wizard was the only one prepared. They got paralyzed on a surprise round, and I imagine expected the cleric to use spell-slot to un-paralyze him rather than waste a standard action. They then teleported out when the full incompetence of their party was on display, or teleported sooner than that to avoid being an easy Extract target.
Restoration is a level 4th spell. The lesser version doesn't work on level drain.
That's reaching level 7th.
Sounds like the PCs need to find a grimoire containing instructions for a restoration incantation that any class can attempt.
That is quite the amazing quality comic. Who is the artist?
For the record, harem high elves should be reward with extra dicking and elevated harem position, not 'her freedom'
>Who is the artist?
I'm the artist.
>elevated harem position
No, this one was picked to be annoying and annoying only before it backfired on the party.
You are really good. I love the detail in the faces, really helps me 'hear' the tone of each character. If you've got a gallery anywhere, I would love to see more of your work.

In general, wish there were more comics about the hobby that were focused more on the 3rd edition.
I came into the hobby so late, Pathfinder 1e was already done when I discovered dnd for myself.
I don't understand your point?
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> If you've got a gallery anywhere, I would love to see more of your work.
Thank you, but I don't feel comfy sharing my portfolio here, since I usually do something much, much different for commissions...Also I haven't updated my portfolios in years since I've been burried under NDAs from different works. I can post more D&D stuff sketches and stuff from the campaign I've ran and also other campaigns where I'm the player (picrel), since I only ever post that within my friend group.

>In general, wish there were more comics about the hobby that were focused more on the 3rd edition.
I also came in very late. I started playing D&D just 4 years ago and I was lucky enough to start with some oldfags that got me hooked on 3rd edition. I was able to successfully convert a couple of zoomers from 5th ever since.
For roughly 1/3rd of the non-epic game, the "cleric fixes level drain" is not even a thing unless the party finds one in the wild.
The majority of level draining undead are over cr 7 anon. The problem begins and is magically solved within 1 or 2 levels.
Regarding Restoration - in my game the material requirement of 100g of diamond dust, on which I insisted, proved rather troublesome for unprepared players when they ended up level drained in a far of wasteland which had no shops around.
They ended up having to summon and bargain with lesser outsiders to ferry them these material components, spending significantly more than 100g.
With sufficient incentives not to procrastinate, logistics are still quite relevant for the group in low teens - especially when we make use of henchmen, contact system from pathfinder, mercenaries etc.... Every 'quest' is time gated and every spell slot is under consideration
Wights are CR3. Vampire spawns are CR4.
Spectres are CR7, which is a "boss" fight for lower levels unless you are one of those retard that think there is only 1 type of encounter, 4 PCs vs an equal CR monster.
Awesome, that totally disproves that the majority of energy draining undead are >7. Three monsters to choose from is such an overwhelming variety.
It also doesn't fail to adress my main point that certain classes have easy access to a magic solutions to what should be brutal and setting defining mechanics
I've come too think most full caster classes should be npc only. The balancing mechanics for most of them require too much book keeping(literally) that easily slows the game down.
Half-casters and varient magic like warlocks/binders/etc are fine(except incarnum, fuck incarnum).
>Thank you, but I don't feel comfy sharing my portfolio here...
That's a fucking shame. I also really enjoy your artwork there. Feel free to post around here more often. Would love to see more.
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I think I love everything about this PrC.

Except. It doesn't seem very combat worthy all by itself. What could I do to fix that?
I hope you are not holding out a trove of lewd artwork on us, anon. That would be downright immoral.
Just Planeshift motherfuckers.
-Living got to the Plane of Vacuum.
-Undead to Lightning or Radiance.
-Evil outsiders should be just dropped straight on Pelor's doorstep.

Just pump the DC a little and add some debuffs to the target.
It's not really meant to be a combat class so much as a band-aid for muggles, I think, so maybe some kind of concealment effect would keep in theme and mechanical structure while offering a relevant combat ability.
Its pretty overpowered for combat, given that by level 4, you and your group can explore any 'dungeon' while maintaining a comfy adventuring day, resting every time in the safety and comfort of your preferred plane, have near instant access to every major trading hub in the universe and always have a way to quickly evacuate your party out of most troubles.

The universe is your magic mart, and you can bring in any tool you need, including reinforcements to tackle any challenge. As a DM, I am already hating this class.
>Awesome, that totally disproves that the majority of energy draining undead are >7
That's because it was a retarded point to begin with.
What actually happens in the game is that level draining enemies appear early, so if after a while the cleric gets a counter, which is not free, is not a problem.
It's like complaining about how teleports "ruin the adventure". The teleport is supposed to START the adventure at those levels.
Cannibalize this:

"Trivializes retreat for recovery" is AVOIDING combat, not being overpowered within it. Also, Teleport has a minimum 3% chance of being kicked to an unintended destination and Plane Shift gets no closer than five MILES from target. Plus a Travel Cleric does it sooner than most because of Spring Attack's +4 BAB requirement.

Not to mention that you have to let them into two non-home planes to qualify for it, provide them the surplus of disposable income to pay for tools, actually let them locate a seller for the most-effective ones, and have the dungeon do nothing with the days if not weeks bouncing around to prepare.
Anons, the class comes with zero protection from the planes you shift to and all the major "magic mart" centers are in hostile planes. Don't be the same kind of DM as thevidiots that use to rave about how "overpowered" warlocks were compared to fullcasters.
>ruin the adventure
No, just ruins the challenge and possibly the tone. If you were trying a horror campaign for example, then clerics absolutely ruin the tone.
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>I hope you are not holding out a trove of lewd artwork on us, anon.
Nope, I don't do lewd stuff...unless you're muslim and consider naked ankles and knees lewd. At most you'll get dark elves in some dark elven clothes.
> Feel free to post around here more often. Would love to see more.
I think I will, since I risk getting banned on /pol/ for too many elves. I'm also scouting for ideas for new campaign so I guess I can drop some of my stuff here.

Should I start posting/talking about my current campaign comfy elf ranger (picrel and same one from previous post) or post about the stuff from the evil campaign i've ran (the comic in my first set of posts)?
You can only reliably use Planeshift or Teleport 4-5 times a day, more if you do have a really friendly DM, but that's not exactly a Usage amount to be slinging teleports frivolously.
Look anon, banning specific spells is perfectly plausible. Even official setting did it all the time.
In fact, I still remember my 2e Ravenloft book with a list of spells working differently or not working at all.
I think the ability of the cleric to make the drain less dangerous is overstated at level 7th, and comes after several levels in which it was an issue so it makes sense that is lessened after a while.
But you do you. You could in fact have a look at the book above.
Are you that 2etard anon that was banging on about wish needing to be "open"? 3e is an edition built on power fantasy and mtg style feature creep, not the "are you feeling lucky, punk" style of 1e/2e where players regularly sacrifice party members to progress and get a chance at better stat rolls.
>2e Ravenloft
You mean 3e?
You can laugh but I have a cursory knowledge of that one. Is the S&S one right? I remember skimming through and loving the age categories for vampires.
No, the 2e Ravenloft. Domains of Dread.
>3e is an edition built on power fantasy and mtg style feature creep, not the "are you feeling lucky, punk" style of 1e/2e
I disagree. 3e has some of the most high stakes, rocket tag combat of any edition.
Which was built on the backs of not playtesting the game.
>Is the S&S one right?
nta but... fragile low level characters and SoDs are not exclusive of 3e. 3e added higher crit chance and multipliers, and easier ways for the SoD to get off.
Then again, older D&D has HP limits after level 9th so an high level damage spell is a nuke. I remember meteor swarm in BECMI, as an example.
This kind of brings me to a question that stumped me as a DM in my own campaign - what exactly is stopping good aligned parties from using celestial realms as their home base?

There has got to be some places in Elysium or Hyboria that are like local cities - presumably safe for 5 km around.

Re: Cleric - unless I am misunderstanding Prestige class system, those requirements can be fulfilled by Level 4 as you only need a BAB +4 for Spring Attack
>Dodge (PH) , Mobility (PH) , DEX 13, Base attack bonus +4,
So if I could play this as a player, I would be picking Chaotic Good aligned Fighter, taking this from levels 5 to 8 and by level 8, any time a combat goes against me or I am feeling tired, I am Plane Shifting out of there targeting my bed which would just be a harem pile of nude Eladrin Coures in some cozy glade on Arborea and if I have to jog a few miles to that glade, no problem.

>"Trivializes retreat for recovery" is AVOIDING combat, not being overpowered within it.
same end result. Being able to easily withdraw from any combat means that I might not win every fight, but I will never lose one. Any proper adventuring party would be grateful to have me just for that utility alone.
>Should I start posting/talking about my current campaign comfy elf ranger (picrel and same one from previous post) or post about the stuff from the evil campaign i've ran (the comic in my first set of posts)?

Not sure I got an answer for you. Is your stuff 3.x specific? Maybe start a new thread post some of your stuff if its not D&D specific? I know a lot of /tg/ers would really appreciate it.

Don't post it all at once, maybe just your first set of stuff, and wait a day or more to post the next set. Or just post what you feel is right man.
There are ways to shut down planar travel and fights you can't afford to run away from. The wizard can also just cast plane shift normally next level.
Sorry, I meant cleric. Still, the point is that by the time your fighter is finished setting up the angelic lesbo harem getaway, the rest of the party will be about ready to show up with housewarming gifts.
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>Is your stuff 3.x specific?
Both are 3.5e. The evil one I ran for two years is homebrew set in forgotten realm (border of Thay and Thesk) and I know evil campaigns are somewhat rare and I think people might find it interesting despite the artwork.

The current one is some preset campaign that our based DM converted from 5e to 3.5e. Something...something Avernus. I didn't look it up because I didn't want to spoil anything. I just know it has a lot to do with demons.
>This kind of brings me to a question that stumped me as a DM in my own campaign - what exactly is stopping good aligned parties from using celestial realms as their home base?
Their ability to stay Good enough for the Celestials to not mind ignoring that residency there is supposed to be posthumous, which is not trivial. If you're looking at the LG corner then there's a nonzero chance of Inevitables poking their head in about it.

Also not as big as you make it out to be, as any party high enough level to do this has enemies high enough level to hunt them down anyways. The Celestials will obviously be better than typical Humanoid guards, but there is only so much better they'll do at stopping the obligatory assassins.

The best defensive strategy remains gigastronghold in a Demiplane.

>Re: Cleric - unless I am misunderstanding Prestige class system, those requirements can be fulfilled by Level 4 as you only need a BAB +4 for Spring Attack
I said MOST for a reason. The standard progression is 1st, 3rd, and every 3 levels thereafter, so any full-BAB character without a bonus feat at 4th cannot take Spring Attack until 6th, which sets Jaunter Plane Shift back to 10th.

I genuinely wish [Tactical] feats shared this quirk so the Fighter could theoretically have three where others only have one.

>but I will never lose one
You will if the loss condition is external to the party. You can only Plane Shift eight creatures total, and cannot transport particularly large objects, so there are a great many cases where "retreat by Plane Shift" is fail-forward rather than actual loss prevention.
>Their ability to stay Good enough for the Celestials to not mind ignoring that residency there is supposed to be posthumous, which is not trivial.
Truth to be told, there are many non-celestials and non-fiends in outer planes in D&D. I frankly was never a great fan of it. But it happens.
I would suggest to make it a sort of reputation/honor thing. Characters can find a residence in certain part of a plane, but they must complete tasks and quests from a specific outsider faction, follow the ethos, and behave.
Has 3e any quantifiable reputation mechanic with a given guild or faction? Not essential, but due to the nature of the game, I think it makes sense to ask.
>Has 3e any quantifiable reputation mechanic with a given guild or faction?
Yes, age of worms adventure path has a quantified reputation system and across supplements there are several associations with point mechanics needed to rise in rank.
>Has 3e any quantifiable reputation mechanic with a given guild or faction? Not essential, but due to the nature of the game, I think it makes sense to ask.
I think there was something in Unearthed Arcana, but honestly, I would probably steal from Stars or Cities Without Number.
Affiliation rules from the FR books that expand on the PHB2 rules for it, easiest to find in the Drow ones, but also exists in one of the GH Hextor+Heironeous and in Complete Divine along with later used in Gates of Slaughtergarde and (very loosely) the by other anon mentioned Age of Worms.
There is a lot to dive in, thanks.
>>Their ability to stay Good enough for the Celestials to not mind ignoring that residency there is supposed to be posthumous, which is not trivial
anything in lore / fluff that indicates that on the plane of Chaotic Good, the locals would actually care about that?
That's not GM gotcha mechanics.
3E's low level characters are less fragile than what came before, though, and it only starts getting more lethal than AD&D past level 7.
Are there better homebrew mob rules out there? The official ones in DMGII are shit.
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Just stopping by to say once again how much I love the Draconimicon.
I used this:
Mob/Squad has HP equal to the sum of its parts - so 10 NPC with 20 HP is 200 HP total.
Small AoE attacks deal double the base damage. Large AoE attacks deal 5 times the damage.

Whenever squad attacks you use the best attack bonus and the worst damage. So if you have a mixed squad where some people are +10/+5 - 1d10 and others are +3 - 1d6 the result would be +10/+5 - 1d6. Squad makes only one attack routine against each enemy in contact.

The also get additional circumstance attack bonus on top of their base feats and abilities:
+4 if the squad is in contact with the enemy
+8 if they are partially enveloping the enemy from the sides
+16 if they are completely surrounding the enemy and he is also flat footed and can't use evasion

Squad breaks down and runs depending on its Will Save Bonus
Will - Damage dealt to squad in % of HP
+1 - 10 %
+2 - 20%
+5 - 30%
+10 - 40%
+20 - 50%
+50 - 60%

Fanatics(see Epic Diplomacy) and mindless squads do not run.
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Useful! Writing this down!
I actually like that. At high levels you have a way to come back, at low level you still fear a greataxe dropping you, but you usually have a leeway and you go into negatives if dropped.
In the same way, 4e and 5e have no actual level drain, AD&D and BECMI/BX/RC level drain is too punishing, 3e one is still fearsome but not too punishing.
If you aren't going to post it anon >>93303939
I am going to
I don't really browse /tg/ much these days outside of this thread, so I didn't even know that thread existed.
I did. I can tell you, there are other 3e books over there, that also gives me joy.
Iunno. Just start posting from the start my man.
Someone posts a 3e book, I check the thread. It's as simple as that.
less weeaboo fightan magicians/anime shit
more realistic western martial skills shit
fit it to existing classes, especially fighter
I like the concept of stances, counters, boosts, and moves
I just really didnt like the execution
>less weeaboo fightan magicians/anime shit
Have you ever looked at western mythology? Japan copies a lot of it's "Weaboo anime shit" from the west. Forcing martial to stick to muggle realism when standing next to the magical reality warpers is part of what caused the horrible drop off at high levels.
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I dont care about higher levels. I don't go past 12th in my games. Regardless, no ur rong; the anime shit has you walking on air and throwing fireballs and teleporting through shadows and other wizard shit. Throwing your sword as a line attack and then it comes back to you? Blegh.
Oh, I see. Are you the same anon that was starting shit last thread? Could you just not?
Silence, BMX biker.
That was me, and you can see this is impossible - I care a lot about epic play.
My take would be more nuanced BTW, regardless of the very in-depth criticisms I have for ToB, because (as an example) there would be maneuvers existing in ToB which I would insert as base combat mechanics.
Which is exactly what I did for my homebrew.
I'll never forget finding out about that video back in the day.
It's so good.
The video is cool, too bad too many took it too seriously. See >>93314408
It's been years since I saw that. God, it's still so great. And still a perfect example of why "No no, you can't give me magic powers, I need to be able to compete as just a guy with a sword!" doesn't make any sense at higher levels of D&D. Just cap fighter & co at level 6, and then make them go into a PRC with a reasonable spell progression, and let them keep their full BAB since they'll always be a few levels behind in spellcasting anyways.
>>93314529 contd
(Or accept that at higher levels Jim the mundane Sword-Guy, is inevitably a sidekick.)
Need some help with Poison ideas, as 5e is lacking for any options outside the poisoned condition. One of the players took the poisoner feat, and I want to make a few sources of poison that could inflict the following:
How readily are poisons available, can they be harvested? with a nature check or poisoner's kit.
Does poison stack? NO
How is it applied? injury

Feeble - reduces STR score by 1d4
Clumsy - reduces DEX by 1d4
Sickly - reduces CON by 1d4
Dim-witted - reduces INT by 1d4
Foolish - reduces WIS by 1d4
Dullard - reduces CHA by 1d4

How long should these last?
1 minute, 1 hour?
1 second. 1d4 with no stacking and being applied on damage you'll kill whoever you are fighting faster than they take effect. They are fucking useless.
That's lazy. Implement abilities that are high level versions of fighty and athletic stuff like parrying rays, blocking dragon breath and reflecting spells with your shield, jump for hundreds if meters, craft magic arms and armor (it should be a martial prerogative or preferential option), reduce size limits for grapple trip etc, send hordes panicking with a warcry, and so on.
The problem is that this is doing nothing for the ongoing vertical mobility, strategic relocation, obnoxious defensive layers, and more typifying optimized high-level combat. There is only so far you can stretch "apply exaggerated normal thing slightly unusually" before you have to start wiping your ass with the mundane for basic applicability, somewhere around the point Silver Dragons get casting worth mentioning.
Eh, just have even more superjumps.
what's the super jump for long distance reconnaisaance? do you also have one for creating artificial life? how about mind reading?
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That should be in Skills.

DC 1-30 is human level
DC 30-60 superhumanely good jumps but the rules are more or less the same
DC 60-100 can jump in all directions for the same distance and don't need a running start so can routinely move for 70-100 ft per jump

DC 100 can jump anywhere you can perceive within 3 rounds or jump for a set distance with some scatter - 1 round to get ready, 1 in transit, 1 arrival. You see that moon? You can jump there.
some abilities are too gamrbreaking to be allowed as at-will abilities player side. Like, how do you run a campaign for PCs who have this "jump to the moon then back town to anywhere the moon can see" ability, at-will? That's basically like the 2e Githyanki at-will plane shifting. How the fuck do you prep a campaign that can handle that? Such abilities need to be limited use, just so DMs can keep up.
How is it worse than being able to planeshift 5-6 times per day per full caster?
The character even won't be able to take more than he can carry. Though if it's a party's bruiser he probably can lift the whole party or at least half of them.
Hell, Astral Caravan is a level 3 power.

By the time it comes online there are ways to deal with it and spending whole round on prepping the jump is more than enough time to fuck up the character with some prep from the baddies.
Were the D20 Star Wars games good expressions of the 3.x base rules?
>6x a day planeshift.
that sounds awful too. I've never had players load up 6 of those a day, even if theoretically they could. Most of our games do tend to wrap up around 15 or 16 though, rather than 20.

>ways to deal with it in combat.
my concern is having material prepped for all the locations they can go to at the speed and frequency with which they can get there once they decide to go, not that it's disruptive in combat.

>astral caravan
Doesn't have the same issues. It will take in-game time to go places in the astral.
I've heard good things but never tried it. I heard KotoR uses it though.
So, my wife got me to install instagram. anyways. I came across a user called 'master in martial arts'. he frequently posts videos of flicking a card or a leaf and having it fly by and cut or embed in stuff. likewise for shooting short plant stalks at things.

Is there anything you guys have seen in 3e for weaponizing small bits of plant matter as projectiles?
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There's the master thrower prestige class, and that has all sorts of fun trick shots you can do. Like a lot of PRCs it's not "good" but it has full BAB at least.
To be fair Timmy 3.5 is one of the most fun ways to play
Hmm. Thanks. Not quite what I was looking for, but I may rework this into some slightly more competitive combat options for my players.
>my concern is having material prepped for all the locations they can go to at the speed and frequency with which they can get there once they decide to go, not that it's disruptive in combat.
I don't see any more problem with it that with Overland Flight, Teleport, Plane Shift and so on. Ultimately the Jump is at least limited to a single Plane even if you can try and visit other planets, assuming they exist within this crystal sphere. By level 15-20 you can just straight up get enough speed to outrun most creatures, including flying ones, and just walk everywhere.
>6x a day planeshift
Remember, the plane shift spell has a small forked metal rod focus component made of material attuned to the target plane. The focus section at the bottom of the spell entry indicates DMs have full control over what plane(s) the caster can access. I have fond memories of Planescape (or similar) games with at least one character carrying a keyring loaded with different rods for different planes. There's also the matter of where the casters and their passengers end up since plane shift is not exactly precise.

My experience with rapid plane shifting and adventuring:
Back in 3.0, plane shift was bard 6, cleric 5, and sorcerer/wizard 7. When 3.5 removed the spell from the bard's list, I decided to just change plane shift to level 5 for bards, clerics, sorcerers, and wizards (because fuck clerics). Unearthed Arcana later provided an option for recharge magic, but I added a cooldown of 10 minutes to mitigate losing a frightened or insane party member spamming plane shift every few rounds.
Different groups varied, of course, but the novelty of bouncing all over the planes wears off quickly when the landing is often a rough one that also triggers a random encounter roll. Additionally, parties with lots of retainers, hirelings, and followers were even less likely to spam plane shift. In the end, it still depended on where I permitted the caster to travel either by knowledge (the planes) checks or focus requirements.
What do you prep for their "landings"?
Assuming the standard 5d100 mile drift doesn't drop the group somewhere interesting like a yugoloth's parlor, roll for possibility of climate hazards appropriate for the plane, and then a roll to check whether or not there's a random encounter. One hilarious TPK involved the group ignoring fleeing enemies on Acheron and camping right in the path of an incoming cube.
That's just the Great Wheel scenarios. My homebrew planes are usually worse.
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Is multiclassing (outside of dips) ever worth it?
You can have IL 17 for 9th-level Maneuvers with 6 levels of another class, which goes well beyond "dips" into stuff like a whole Monk fighting style or 5th-level Powers from Ardent.
This isn't PF1. Youre often better off switching to a PRC at level 6 or so.
So... Something like, a random hex generator and a default encounter table with environmental hazards for each plan they can go to?
That's almost exactly how I do it. Once a caster reaches a level capable of using plane shift, I preroll three templates with vague values for each hex (weather conditions, encounters or resources, etc.) and wait until the character(s) actually learns about the planes. A caster that only knows the names of the planes runs the risk of ending up in the far realm, plane of mirrors, neth, or somewhere equally strange and dangerous. Once the character bothers to learn something about a potential destination, I'll use relevant encounter tables and environment hazards per plane the character researches.
I don't spend all that much time on it beforehand, because newer players are just as likely to freak out at the chaotic mess they've wandered into and try to shift back to world ASAP. Also, I keep the plane's map hidden from players and make them draw their own while still using smaller maps for combat and site-based exploration. They might be able to buy a map from a native, but such maps are never as good as something they'd find back home.
I jerked to Drow of the Underdark dozens of times as a young teen when I got the book.
Nah, that list could go on. Say in pf1e you can sunder spells.
You are being intentionally obtuse.
Most of the people that complain about 3e magic have a cursory at best knowledge of it.
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Orc Fighter 1
11 hp
init +2
Spd 20ft
AC 18 (+2 dex, +2 shield, +4 armor)
Javelin +3 (1d6+4), +4/1d6+5 within 30ft
Spiked Gauntlet +5 (1d4+4)
F+3, R+2, W+0
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot (could swap with Javelin Focus)
speaks orc
chaotic evil

Scalemail, Heavy Wood Shield, Spiked Gauntlet, x8 Javelins
outside of dips and theurging, pretty much no
you *can* go half/half in barb/fighter, rogue/fighter, and a few other things and be alright, but it's not optimal
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outside of a paladin being able to summon/dismiss their special mount (which is only 1/day), was there ever a reliable way to do mounted combat in most situations? I know small characters on riding dogs have it easier
A couple of class trick could turn that from 9th level maneuvers and 3rd level slots to double nines very easily. Supernatural ardent lets any build get 9th level manifesting for a 2-level dip, and still have the ability to learn any psionic power as long as you know psychic chirurgery.
You can use the 4 other levels for whatever.
Does phantom steed work? There's a whole class around that right?
>2 level dip and a feat to be a better psychic warrior than the psychic warrior class could ever dream of being.
Why do half-caster classes even exist? Cleric a couple spells from being a better paladin than the paladin, Druid is a feat or prestige from being a better ranger than ranger, and a number Transmutation spells can easily make wizards or sorcerers better eldritch knights than eldritch knights. The only one that gets a pass is the bard, and that's because they have the option of going full-caster.
it sure does
the caster can give the steed to one specific person on casting
good catch
Question for lorefags: was there ever an in lore explanation for the transition from 3e>3.5e, or did psions just one day stop being a joke and start wrecking ass for no reason?
Supernatural Transformation setting ML by HD is far shakier than "forgot to have a Maximum Power Levels Known column" Practiced Manifester cheese.

PsyWar gets a lot more PP, feats, and powers on-hand to work with than minimized Ardent dips that make deep Fighter shenanigans and PP loops practical.

The Cleric/Paladin relationship is a weird one in the deeper optimization because the Paladin picks up minors in Bard and Wizard to hyperbuff the party better, for more fights, and through more dispells than the Cleric can hyperbuff himself.

Rangers get the same minor in Wizard feat and with Dragon Magazine get the incredibly cursed "full casting to 5ths then fuck-all" spell progression of Mystic Ranger to use that on.

It's very reliant on the "combat as war" style of play where spell slots are a harsh logistical constraint.
That's what ardent is for. Magic mantle + other mantle for Psychic Chirurgery. All of the RAW is very clear, the ability to Manifest Psionic powers is an innate psi-like ability. Psi-like abilities are also spell-like by normal transparency rules. If the DM wants to play with transparency, Magic Mantle ignore setting transparency and sets it to full for user.
The DM can rule against it as always, but that would be homebrew.
>PsyWar gets a lot more PP, feats, and powers on-hand to work with than minimized Ardent dips
Only if other-anon is wrong, but if they're correct, then the ardent would have PP equal to a manifester of their HD. Psychic Chirurgery also renders powers known redundant. Initiators also get a bunch of bonus feats as well, and the feats unique to psychic warriors aren't better than general or fighter bonus feats in most situations. Honestly, even if otheranon is wrong about the ardent bullshit, Psywar is pretty shit in general.
Just make it like Pathfinder where it doesn't actually remove levels but they just sit on you permanently til you pay to have them removed.
A couple videos bresking down the prestige class.
Caster supremacy doesn't exist in lore in 3.5 DnD.
Druid. It's not like the fucker needs to be in a human form to cast with Natural Spell.
Eberron is Magitek, all the top dogs in Faerun short of deities are casters, Athas is ruled by psions (casters with another name).
Psi-Like abilities actually went unmentioned in the transparency rules breaking them as qualifying for Supernatural Transformation, and the Ardent's shenanigans can be shut off by referring to XPH pages 54 and 63 to disentangle base cost as class level and Augmentation.

>Only if other-anon is wrong, but if they're correct, then the ardent would have PP equal to a manifester of their HD.
Even ignoring the above, ML only keys to bonus PP for high ability score, most of it is a class feature.

>Psychic Chirurgery also renders powers known redundant.
It's an absolutely lunatic expense given it's a Telepath 9th Power and costs XP in bulk. I used the "on hand" phrasing because floating Psychic Reformation is VASTLY more practical for this trickery.

>Initiators also get a bunch of bonus feats as well, and the feats unique to psychic warriors aren't better than general or fighter bonus feats in most situations.
Only Warblade gets a good volume of feats that's limited to mostly poor ones, while the PsyWar can take everything needed for a PP loop with theirs then go cherry-picking Fighter Bonus Feats without a Fighter level prerequisite for near-zero cost to chaff-clear.

>Honestly, even if otheranon is wrong about the ardent bullshit, Psywar is pretty shit in general.
The greater number and variety of feats than Warblade alongside more general applications of Powers in greater number than those Maneuvers make for a much smoother time getting up to heinous shenanigans, if not nearly so heinous as the full casters.
Paladin ON Druid is in fact the final form of mounted combat.
>breaking them as qualifying for Supernatural Transformation
Then why are there feats in complete psionic under the impression that transparency applies to feats?
Complete psionic was edited by retards
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>Eberron is Magitek
Speaking of Eberron, funniest piece of trivia:
According to Keith Baker, the author of the setting, states that the setting is not intentionally any kind of punk genre and is instead a mixture of Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Lord of the Rings.

>Pic related
No one else agrees with him.
With sour grapes to boot, hence several of the "just good" Powers getting gutted.
Keith was literally trying to make a 1940's europe setting, but with magic and everyone playing tries to make it victorian-era steampunk.
>According to Keith Baker, the author of the setting, states that the setting is not intentionally any kind of punk genre and is instead a mixture of Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Lord of the Rings.
I absolutely get that reading through the core book. I never really got into Eberron because of secondhand steampunk cringe - but I cracked open the book and realized "oh, it's 1920s/30s pulp and noir - down to mob debts and secrets they tried to leave on the battlefields of the Great War". That's when it clicked and I actually liked Eberron.
I think he was going more for a post WW1 feel with the last war and everyone trying to make sure that there is peace. That or post Napoleonic wars which also had stop major wars thing happening.
That's unfortunately common. So many normie D&D fans are endless fonts of cringe that spoil the setting for everyone else.
Except Faerun, ed definitely made it his fetish setting.
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>ed definitely made it his fetish setting
>pic related
ed wears his fetish on his sleeves and while I'm disgusted by it, I can respect it.
Sword&Sorcery deserved better. Scarred Lands, Dragonmech, Ravenloft, they just kept making bangers for 3e and were forgotten.
Not sure why that post was deleted, but Dragonmech is hellabased.
Dragonmech's obscurity is a god damn shame. I've ran a game in the setting, with Mech focused combat and it was kinda cool.
For a while, everyone was pitching Eberron as "the steampunk setting". I'm not opposed to it (Free Dragonmech), but that Girl Genius cogfoppery just doesn't really spark excitement for me.

But Scarface or the Maltese Falcon meets sword & sorcery is something a lot more appealing to me.
White Wolf kinda imploded
S&S was canned before that.
How did the mech combat play? I feel like the "mech jockey does the mech combat at the rest of the party are trying to board?" is the mode of play that makes the most sense - mostly martials and a lot of gadget use: rust bombs, etc.
I'm trying to remember the name of a book from this era with a short section on spicing up dragon encounters by giving them extra tricks to surprise your players. Does anyone know which book I'm thinking of?
Most likely the draconomicon?
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>mech jockey does the mech combat at the rest of the party are trying to board
It depends entirely on the mech the mech jockey has. My players had an Ashigaru so they could explore the two dungeons I planned for them to start with so they could get enough starting capital to be able to explore the whole Mech thing. After that, they decided to pool together to get a fancier mech since they thought they could just steamroll stuff with a super powerful mech (not incorrect on that note). So they upgraded to a Ch'i'rin and just spent their turns manning the various weapons and firing them, doing maintenance on the mech mid combat (Make Whole spam kept the mech going in one encounter I think), and hurling spells and rust bombs outside of the ports whenever they could get away with it.

Eventually the game kind of just fell apart because the Mech eventually become unbearable to repair and heal all the time as group of level 5 characters and most downtime was spent repairing the mech as opposed to pursuing the plot. I feel like this was a failure on my part, but I wanted to play as close to the system as possible :(
>pic related
First place I checked, it was close but not quite what I was after. The one I was after had IIRC rules like "sometimes dragon crossbreeds get both parents' breaths+immunities, give +7 CR" or "this dragon has learned how not to fly like a jackass" along with some longer drive-by and aerial rules for them.
You should have attached them to a city-mech with repair services(for a fee) or a faction that'd repair at market cost for loyalty. Then the player would be spending downtime persuing the plot or be playing sections where they aren't ubered up because their mech is in the shop. That way, they wouldn't be invincible for their level, wouldn't spend their entire time doing repairs, and would get that rush of taking their big iron brother to wreck face in an area that was bullying them when they were mechless.
Did some digging, you might be thinking of a section from an earlier edition's draconomicon. 2e in particular apparently goes into crossbreeds, but I don't have it on hand.
You might be thinking of the Slayer's Guide to Dragons. A d20 sword and sorcery published by Mongoose but written by Gary Gygax himself.
Neither of these was it but the Slayer's Guide was closer to the general design style of the book I remember so it's probably something from that era.

God I hope it's not some random dragon magazine.
>Slayer's guide to dragons
Holy fucking shit worm dragons are overpowered. They're like if tiamat and a nagahydra had mutant demigod babies.
Did they ever give an in-lore explanation for why dragons went from having hoards of millions of gold pieces they could literally sleep on to suddenly living in such poverty their entire hoard could fit in a backpack? Same answer.
Welcome to Gygax Style D&D where the devs don't feel like they need to police DMs on balance, monsters are terrifyingly powerful, traps actually kill rather than just annoy, and it can be expected that the game world adapts to player decisions rather than rail-road them into following the author's shitty fanfiction.
That's probably exactly what happened - Tiamat is known for her "breeding charts" as in trying to create a perfect dragon breed by fucking anyone with potential for producing interesting offspring.
>Tiamat is canonically a template-stacking optimizer
Sometimes I fucking love the writers.
she's already 8 or 9 things in one
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I could have done a lot of things to make that situation more bearable, but I was a dumb kid at the time with my friends and they wanted to play giant mech dungeons and dragons 3.5e.
Fwiw, they weren't exactly invincible for their level exactly and rival mechs, in groups, could very easily down, break or ruin their mech in a way that made downtime fairly prohibitive. In hindsight, I could have used those downtimes during repairs to run more dungeons and cramped quarters areas so they had an excuse to venture out into the world outside of mech combat, or pushed situations where they had to fight in smaller, individual mechs. The rest of the party was fairly ass at piloting mechs compared to the mech jockey, but they still could if push came to shove. Maybe I'll ask folks around on one of the 3.5 discords if they want to do another Dragonmech game?
Dragonmech imo kinda suffers from the Cthulhutech problem of being two different games. There's the street level game with steamborgs, coglayers, etc doing gritty urban stuff like it'Shadowrun - then there's the mech game.

Both are cool modes of play, but mixing them seems hard.
Yeah, you need to choose which part should take the focus if you are doing a game like this. A military campaign with players leading a mercenary mech band or being part of some military would have way less problems with repair and downtime since you would have support personnel to do it for you.

So you go something like social-mech combat-debriefing/downtime-social-mech combat. With occasional foot slogging mission in case of some underhanded bullshit being done against the players or them trying to do the same.
Anabasis would work.

They're mercenaries, but on the losing side, and they have to walk their mech back home through hostile territory.

I've also considered Steampunk Muv-Luv as a mode of play. The Lunar Dragons certainly lend themselves to that.
Who the fuck wrote weapons of legacy? Who edited it? Why the fuck did they think a magic item that nerfs your stats and buffs the shit out of any monster that kills you was "balanced"
The same people who wrote Monkey Grip feat and Truenamer probably.
Monkey Grip has a niche for sufficiently advanced size increases like Greater Mighty Wallop or Psychic Warriors augmenting Expansion, as it tops out with +9/-2 from Bastard Swords going from Gargantuan to Colossal. PA multipliers on Shock Trooper compound harder, but for a single feat on a one-handed weapon it's hard to beat.

Truenamer's problem is that skill bonuses are a minefield of horrifying blowouts all over the system. The sort of complex analysis needed to figure out how the fuck to get it "just working" out of the box with clean ratios just doesn't fit in Tome of Magic's development. It's conceptually trivial because you can just inline bonuses for the Truenamer class to set it apart from the often-ignored feat access, but figuring out how much "should" be inlined and what type is a monstrously loaded question.
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Hey guys
I'm still making Prestige Class reviews on YouTube.
Heres one of my more recent ones

I know I've posted them before. But I have a specific question:
Usually I record the video then spend a half hour to an hour editing in the captions and such. I've considered changing to using OBS and cropping to a smaller part of the screen to make it fairly aesthetic and readable, then just going through the prestige class and having raw video instead. It'd be easier, and possibly more satisfying, than what I've been doing so far.

Downsides are, it'd feel a bit less artistic (I'd make sure my scrolling and zooming were deliberate and aesthetic as can be) and I might get nailed by youtube for copyright.

Would that be better compared to the current video format?
Why do you need to do your subtitles automatically? Do the automatic ones not work well enough?

You can do pretty simple video and it's fine. Have you ever seen a "Dungeons and GURPS" video? They get the job done. OBS may also be fine.
And I'm still watching and liking them.
I'm fine with the current video format, but I think you should at least test the other format out.
*Why do you do your subtitles manually*
Not subtitles or captions in the traditional sense, but I will copy the table for a prestige class just to list the features by level. I don't know if people actually watch them. I don't put in effort to actually list out the text of each feature. So maybe trying OBS would be better.

>Have you ever seen a "Dungeons and GURPS" video?
I have now

>And I'm still watching and liking them.
Thank you. It means a lot you guys still like them.
>I'm fine with the current video format, but I think you should at least test the other format out.
Alright. I'm willing to give it a shot. Maybe for a class review instead of a prestige class review. The idea of interrupting a perfect string of videos that are all similar. with a few that have a major format change as an experiment, bothers the autist in me.

But I'll give it a try. Unless someone else posts compelling reasons why it is stupid.
I don't think I'll understand it till I see an example.

A core class review version sounds like a good plan.
One benefit that 3e had over PF1 was the material and focus components were specified at the bottom of the spell entry with ample room for detail. This compelled the reader to dig deeper, whereas PF1 simply added a reduced version to the top components field which eliminated key details. Some of it had to do with not importing certain monsters from D&D, but I suspect it was primarily done to save pace.
An example of this is Animate Dead. In 3e, the spell required the caster to place each onyx gem into an eye socket or mouth, but PF1 only requires the caster touch the corpse. Convenient for players, but it would be a nice touch for a new GM to add to scenes describing necromancers reanimating corpses.
What's the most stupid and overpowered rules interaction anons have found?

Mine is finding recursive level calc boosters that cause infinite CL. Prime example is bloodlines, they add Bloodline Level to all level based calcs. Add a class like legacy champion or uncanny trickster that increases the class features of another class and does so by a level based calc. Take 1 bloodline level, use LC or UT to advance bloodline, take another bloodline level. Bloodline now advances LC/UT which also advances bloodline which also advances LC/UT which advances... etc.

Thatnks to blooline advancing All level based calcs, this recursive loop now applies to caster level, binder level, bardic music advancement, rage advancement, etc.
Good luck actually playing that infinite caster level character even if your dm allows it. Anything with CL/area is a no-go unless you're find with affecting the entire plane you exist on and many cl-rounds/duration spells lack the (D) label that'd let you end the effect without casting dispell magic(which you now does dispell your spells thanks to an infinite CL check).
This character would need to stick almost exclusively to spells with a maximum CL cap most of the time to not accidentally screw themselves over.
*which now doesn't dispell your spells.
This makes me think if having a house rule like
>Caster levels can't ever be higher than a character's ECL +3
Or anything of the sort wouldn't be a decent default to allow some shenanigans at the table without breaking everything.
It straight up makes some gimmicks useless probably (circle magic?), but I wonder if these gimmicks are anything a given table would want anyhow.
Now I'm stuck wondering if a character with infinite CL can overcome a golem's infinite spell resistance.
You'd also fuck over a number of anti-caster(dispell checks) and anti-SRresist check) builds that do see common use
By RAW? No. Personally? Fuck No. Golems and AMF are some of the few "get wrecked" options that can challenge competent casters.
So, how was your last session anons?
In ours, during the chunnin exam where we were facing off against the Undertale inspired One Piece Admiral alongside other groups (npcs), the Akatsuki attacked and killed her.
Put this on an undead tsinted scholar.
Now you arbitrarily high spells per day, arbitrarily high save DCs, and infinite CL.
Every spell you cast is is now a No Save, Just Die.
Why are so many anons typing in "Engrish" lately?
Could you elaborate, please.

I'm ESL and I've been here from the start of the current incarnation of this general, although this is only my second post in this thread, so I don't know if you are even referring to me.
Builds for getting around spell resist use caster level checks(CL+d20) to function. Spell resistance for encounters at apropriate ECL are set at a number that guarentees 50% spell failure rate(10+current level). Builds for getting around spell resistance typically need to be in the +5 to +10 above level range to work.
Same applies to dispell builds. Dispell magic is an opposed caster level check(CL+d20 vs CL+d20), so they need to be even higher above standard cl at their level to be reliable.
Dogshit. You still gain way more than you lose. Your buff spells are now permanencied for free and undispellable, you can reserves of strength so many spells that'll give infinite attributes in other areas, and all your spells are effectively SR:no(except against golems and demi-liches).
This is comparible to ascending to god-hood(You're weaker in some areas, stronger in others, but a fight would be mutually assured distruction).
Man, I'm running aground at the last stretch here. Psionic disciplines are way less interesting and evocative than spell schools so it's much harder to design features for them.
What are you trying to do anon?
Finish my homebrew overhaul. I'm at 50k words and have everything but the psion class and a couple of metamagic and metapsionic feats done on the mechanical side.
>Golems and AMF are some of the few "get wrecked" options that can challenge competent casters.
Uhh you just fly, or teleport away, then come back and summon monsters to slowly wear it down. Few golems have ranged weapons that I recall. A wizard with summon monster and some buff spells could rekt a golem no problem. Even if it didn't, the golem doesn't heal, so you can just come back later.

And that's just solo. In a party, what happens is the caster uses his buff spells on the fighter and he kills it in 1 or 2 rounds.
Yeah, only some of the weirder golems like shadesteel and prismatic do much of anything to casters who aren't dumb.
What exactly are you trying to do to psionics that you've already overhauled with magic?
For example, did you change metamagic is some way? Is this a mechanical, Fluff overhaul, or both?
We need more information to help you anon.
Maybe anon meant both in combination? Like story anons were taking about some threads ago of someone getting TPKed by what the DM thought was an under-CR encounter when he gave a golem an AMF item.
The caster is essentially screwed unless they have Orb spells or an archer/thrower to buff into temporary demi-godhood.
It's specifically the psion class. I need to come up with 3 abilities for each of its disciplines, similar to what you see here https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm but more evocative, flavorful, and useful.
The psionic disciples are basically the magic schools slightly reshuffled. The only differences are that Necromancy and abjuration were taken behind the shed and shot, conjuration was split into Metacreativity/Psychoportation, and Enchantment/illusion were merged into Telepathy.
Basically just take magic and make a 90's Style of Flash Gorden, John Carter(not the new movie), and the Star Wars expanded universe. All the above use magic, but it doesn't Feel like magic.
I mean in that case the golem wouldn't really be that relevant since any spell effect entering the AMF would blink out anyway...
I'd look at PF1's psychic class and archetypes. To me, psionics is just another vein of magic, but that class has a lot of "mind magic" ideas to plunder.
There are a couple the spells have funky line of effect rules that get around AMF, but most of them are SR:yes. Can't remember which they are though.
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Eberron question: Is it too on the nose to use Cima as a disgraced Karrnathi captain/commodore running a fleet in the Principalities?
Maybe, but I'd expect the PCs to treat her differently because holy fuck there's no way they'd be as retarded as Kou.
I mean she did kill his mentor.

Spoilers for the 0083 Rebellion
Unless you're reading the manga-re-do where Gato rescues Kelly and Kelly kills Burning. Making the death Kou's fault. But Kelly defects and saves Kou with a transfusion. Then the three of them have to fight Gato together, it's fuckin sick. Nina is also somewhat less of a traitorous bitch but still kinda bounces between wanting both to live and Gato to die.
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