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Pellaeon-class Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93262715

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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TQ: Do you love Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers? Do you use them in your games?
No, what are they?
Can Darth Vader do anything sexual( that doesn't count as fatomasochism) after what happened to him at the end of the sixth movie?
Ugly ship from a Legends version of Star Wars taking place like 140 years after the Battle of Yavin. No one ever sets their game in Legacy so no one would ever bother with that piece of shit ship.
Thank you for the detailed response, it really helps.

Let's say that they don't have a spiffy navicomputer and are just having their astromech Droid and pilot take care of it together. How does that look to the party in character?
Are they first jumping to Christophsis, dropping out of hyperspace out into real space in in the vicinity of the planet, spending 30 minutes or so doing new calculations to Mon Gozza, and then jumping again? Rinse, repeat till they get to Kashyyyk?

If I'm picturing that correctly, is it really worth going over the journey or should I just "screen wipe" to when they get there.
The only real hook I can think of is that the players have to land on one of the planets along the way to refuel in which some shenanigans inevitably happen.
Cancer and dark times upon you! Why another faggot Pellaen-class thread? Fucking again?! Fuck you and fuck all of you piece of shit holy motherfucker oh yeah!
he fucking died in the sixth movie
>is it really worth going over the journey
I don't know your current storyline or what the players are doing. If they're in a rush, then trying to sidetrack them could make for an interesting dilemma. For example if they're on their way to rescue someone, only to get caught up with someone in need of rescue. What are your players doing?
sometimes I feel bad for the resistance animated show

it got dealt such a bad hand
>was a kids show when animation fans wanted a kids show trying not to be one
>released in the middle of sequel hate
>the one thing that would have made people watch it was cut because it would have been the only thing people watched it for
>I feel bad for [DISNEY SLOP]
I don't, the only fanbase they had were Reylo shippers, then they literally killed the ship and the only group they had good will from. Retarded company
I was talking about the original trilogy being free films and the equal Trilogy being filmed four five and six
Revenge of the Sith
Retarded way to talk about them
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The first previews for set 3, twilight of the republic, the clone wars set. Coming in the form of convention-exclusive alt treatments (hence the black and white frames) of two set three cards, Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress. Obviously, these versions won't be legal for use in organized play until the normal versions release in november.
No. Better question, why did Anakin never use his infinite resources in the Empire to clone himself so he could harvest organs, limbs and skin to repair his body? Cloning Force sensitivity couldn't be done at the time, but he doesn't need his new lungs to have a high M count.
Is there any called a conduct in the Sith that you can't have sexual relations with someone your training in the ways of the dark side?
I don't know what you said with that ESL gibberish but I think sith ahsoka is a hot as fuck
I heard somewhere get Vader source of power was often at time Sado masochistic hatred he had for everything including the pain he was having as Vader all the time. one thing about being a member of the Sith It does not encourage you to be mentally healthy.
Code of conduct, teachings, something important like the rule of two, in the safe that you cannot be boning your apprentice or student/ subordinate, anyone else you're using Sith/dark side training with.
I feel like Sith should explicitly be having a immoral sexual relationship with their apprentice. The whole thing is already an abusive relationship anyway
So a random thought I'm musing, that doesn't have a lot of basis to be honest other than just how I feel with what I've seen across Star Wars.
But I feel like Dark Jedi make better Sith than full Sith do. With the exception of good ol Sheevy P most of the Sith we see are middlingly competent and don't really come off as particularly cunning. While I feel like most of the dark jedi we see are rather brutally and ruthlessly effective in achieving their goals.
And there's exceptions to both, Maul turned out to be pretty dangerous and scheming in post PM stuff and on the other end most of the inquisitors (all former jedi as far as I know) are a bunch of ineffectual thugs minus like...two of them. But I feel like mostly it holds up.
In universe I can see it maybe being that the dark side benefits from a little bit of discipline in its use. Using your emotions rather than letting them use you and all. This is based on nothing but my own vibes so feel free to disregard that as horseshit. Out of universe its probably that Dark Jedi carry more narrative weight and impact than just another Sith so it would be a real shame if that guy turned out to be a chump, so they get a little juice so that their role in the story matters some.
But I'm not sure, does anyone else think this holds water? Or am I just completely talking out my ass?
I think you're saying that because the contrast between the jedi's past and the jedi's fallen future is bigger than seeing a sith introduced as a baddie and always be a baddie. The sith are always doing vile shit, but they never cared that they were so it's ordinary. A jedi starts cutting down people for fun and it's a big deal
That could very well be.
I've also considered that maybe I just personally find Dark Jedi cooler and it's biasing me against true sith.
If you imagine palpatine as a cackling liche, dooku as a vampire, maul as a demon and grevious as a wight then they become much cooler. They're classic fantasy tropes but their aesthetic is a little lost in translation between genres.
During the time of Star Wars Clone Wars how many former Jedi who walked away from the order were there In the galaxy of fighting competency? Because honestly I could see the Republic armies trying to recruit them into position even without doing it with the Jedi Council. I mean didn't delete the enemy side basically walk away from the Jedi Order himself legitimately before starting the whole Galactic War?
>But I feel like Dark Jedi make better Sith than full Sith do.
The most successful Dark Sider in the galaxy is Set Harth, AKA the Dark Jedi twink that bamboozled the Banite Sith out of essence transfer and lived as an immortal adventurer playboy vacuuming up Sith lore for like 2,000 years.
I like to think his last known identity is Tyber Zann
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>Bribery was Mind Trick all along
Just look up how he looks. He'd be a spot-on appearance for him.
Also explains why a fucking immortal Force User like Urai Fen.

But no, it probably doesn't follow. Because why then track down Silri to unlock the holocron?
Cause he knows Sith holocrons tend to have a built-in troll function that could fuck him up. God knows he died several times to that, or was trapped for a few centuries. So this time, he does it differently and gets some hapless Nightsister to do it for him.
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So why did he let her run off with it after cashing out on the Emperor's vault?
I'm DMing my first campaign after being an off and on player of EotE. I'm looking for tips and media to consume to fit the vibe of 5ABY Jedi Order. I'm already reading Thrawn trilogy, playing Jedi Academy, and I finished KOTOR 2.
Aren't all Jedi competent fighters? How'd they make the cut if they weren't? I thought all the shit Jedi no one wanted to train were forced to dig ditches on some backwater planet.
I'm guessing if you read the Jedi Order your you may not consider being a physically fit for immediate combat your top priority anymore and also when they get old even Yoda a bit before he got on his Deathbed was becoming too physically uncapable to fight I mean most of the guys in the order are probably meant to be able to fight at a moment's notice but being a member of EX Special Forces doesn't require you to always remain fit especially compared to being a member of Special Forces who's supposed to be ready to be sending to combat out of woman's notice. But the point is one about the people from the Jedi Order who that's voluntarily and all that before the Clone Wars started cousin such a wall like the Clone Wars they seem like someone you would want on your side especially considering you might get some insight into the mind of Dooku.
I think it's an open question if his dick got burned off.

That said, I think what would kill his sex-drive would be the MASSIVE depression he has.
Resistance is unironically the best produced Sequel-era content. I loved it's artstyle too, it reminded me of all the flash-animation stuff I played with as a kid, and I think it's unironically the best artstyle the cartoons have had (though I do appreciate the art in Bad Batch).

It's funny that it's actually a pretty compelling spy drama that grinds to a screeching halt anytime the plot of the sequel films has to start happening.
So Anon's, caught up with Acolyte. What did people think of the reveal for what the Jedi did?

I felt it was a bit underwhelming. I like that everything went to shit because things escalated rather than the Jedi decided to go in to do some warcrimes. About the only decision that isn't defendable was Torbin thinking he could just run into the Witches stronghold, kidnap some kids, and he could go back to Coruscant and eat some Kornmino Dogs. Which also explains why he specifically felt so much guilt that he was willing to commit suicide over it.

And I understand why they wouldn't have explained everything to Osha at first- it would have been a lot to take in. But still, doesn't feel like it's TOO big a revelation.
The irony is that in a lot of my games with my players, despite Dark Side women wearing either skin-tight jumpsuits or metal bikinis, they're actually pretty conservative, while its the Jedi that get really fucking freaky. Not sure what's up with that.
That's actually true to real life. The blonde bimbo Stacy is gonna be pretty boring in bed cause she knows she doesn't have to put up much effort in that regard, while the girl next door is a freak into BDSM.
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I think it was about as far as you could push it without making the Jedi straight up evil. My main gripe was how contrived some of it came across. Like Torbin acting so rashly to get the twins just seemed like an overreaction and very un-Jedi even for a padawan. I mean sure Aniseya got inside his head so that could've been affecting him still but we don't get any indication of that, like him hearing voices and being continually haunted by her to leave, that would've sold it more for me. And then Sol's attachment to Osha felt a bit forced. He's definitely projecting a lot onto her but she was drawn to the Jedi already as we see from her diary. I think one scene where they actually met and talked in the woods would've helped establish that bond and his concern for her better.

A lot of this series issues come down to the short runtime for me. I don't see how they can wrap everything up in one more episode. Plus for a show that was originally marketed as a Sith-centric story, the Sith have barely been involved and Qimir might not even be a legit Sith anymore if he was discarded like Maul. I'm assuming they're saving more of the Sith stuff for season 2 because Headland said she wants to keep working with Jacinto, but they shouldn't put all their cards on a potential second season that might not even get greenlit.

I'm guessing in the end this show's first season in a roundabout way will be about how the Sith are pulling the strings in the shadows, experimenting with the midichlorians to create life aka the twins, setting up the birth of Anakin down the line. And Sol might take the fall for all the Jedi Qimir killed which becomes the scandal that leads to the Jedi getting more senate oversight..
>all of Episode 1 is filler
I didn't watch the last 3 episodes after I realized this, and I won't tune in for the finale.
>Like Torbin acting so rashly
Nah. Jedi being dumbasses is just being lore-accurate.
>very un-Jedi even for a padawan.
Sure, but the Jedi frequently don't live up to their code because it's a hard code to live up to. I think more he was just in a panic because he was a young man who wanted to go home and wasn't stop to think very hard about it. Which makes him a bad jedi, but it makes him human (which makes him a bad jedi).

I hope they don't set up a plot connection with Anakin. Him and the twins both being force-babies is enough for me. If someone can use the midichlorians to create... life, then logically someone else at some other point could also do it. More than that and I feel you are drawing lines that don't need to be drawn.

On the note of the senate- that plot-point has me intrigued. It sounds like the Senator just wants a thorough look at how the Jedi operate, which to me seems fair. But I wonder how much more there is at work, and how that might impact the Jedi of the Prequels.
Sith are eextremely sexual, but not in a lewd way.
Resistance and the Phasma Nobel were the only two Sequel shit that I actually liked, bummed out that Resistance was canned and that the Phasma novel meant jackshit since they immediately got rid of her character in tlj.

>Like Torbin acting so rashly to get the twins just seemed like an overreaction and very un-Jedi even for a padawan.
If Carrie-Anne Moss just gave her padawan a couple of Force handies this probably could of been avoided.
>falls into a pit

somehow...phasma has returned
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How did these slugs survive for so long, and even have a giant fucking space empire? What the fuck?
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They trade the finest wares ini the galaxy, with the number of questions asked being 100% negotiable.
They live a long time and are ruthless in toppling their leaders who fail.
The cartels survive regardless.
I've been wondering about Star Wars from a grand-strategy angle- if you were to split up the major factions into sub-factions what interesting stuff you might come up with.

With the Empire I think it makes sense that for as autocratic as they are they'd be quite decentralized. Running the Empire is hard. Meanwhile the Rebels are officially an Alliance, so it works there.

For the Empire, I was thinking you'd get-
-The Empire, officially based from Coruscant
-The Inquisition, led by Vader from Mustafar.
-Imperial colonies like Imperial Kashykk who'd have to fight Wookie Rebels.

Any others spring to mind?
All of you convert to Islam right now!
A number of reasons:

1) They are the oldest continuous civilisation in the galaxy. They predate the Republic by thousands of years. They broke the back of the Tionese Empire when the galaxy was still young. In the minds of everyone, Hutt Space is a thing that has always existed.

2) The Hutts were originally a brutal conquering race that enslaved entire species and struck fear into the hearts of everyone. They may have "disarmed", but there are still gigantic doomstack fleets on their sacred worlds. The Hutts are a sleeping bear nobody really wants to poke.

3) The Hutts are very, very smart. Their lifespans last centuries. Their plans last even longer. They have adopted a very effective foreign policy of making it easier for outsiders to bribe them into complacency than attempting conquest. They're also very good at pretending to be someone else's problem. Even Tarkin and Palpatine ended up deciding it was easier to just bribe them than attempt conquest.

The end result is "well, they've always been there, anyone who has ever started shit with them in the past has died badly, and it's more profitable to be friends than enemies anyway."
Hutts can also swallow a person(s) whole.
If they're so smart, why do they make themselves the main representations of crime across the Galaxy? Any non-hapless or non-dumb evil government would take the chance to Iraqi Freedom them to hell.
For the Empire you could have dozens of factions easily, depending on how granular you want to get. Especially if you go with the post-Endor period. But even before, you have multiple Oversectors being led by Grand Moffs with systems Moffs beneath them. And naturally there are tons of organizations which each run with their own forces as well as standard Imperial forces.

For example, you mentioned the Inquisition and Vader. Well really Vader would be his own faction, in the form of Death Squadron. The Inquisition would either be a faction to itself, or fall within the Imperial Intelligence faction.

Rebels would assumedly work as a cell system where each disconnected faction can confederate with the others and absorb them. Then there are third factions like the CSA, Hutts, Hapes, etc.

I assume you'rd talking in like a Total War Warhamner sort of format.
I figure since Vader leads the Inquisition, and he has a castle on Mustafar where the Inquisition is based (on the nearby moon) it makes sense to keep them the same faction.

I was imagining things in a paradox grand-strategy sort of way. Habitable planets would be the land they control, while non-habitable planetery bodies are like static resource buffs.

Obviously the major teams would be Rebels and Empire (and you could expand this maybe for other periods- like Confederation and Republic) but there could be fun room to let things take an alt-history scenario run off the rails (maybe an empire faction hops the fence and joins the rebels to keep their territory intact). Third players like the Hutt's or the Chiss would probably function more as diplomatic go-betweens.
>Imperial Intelligence faction.
Non-existent, there's only ISB.
In NuCaon they attempted to expand when the Republic was dealing with the Nhil crisis and raids on their new territories in the Outer Rim.
The Hutts found that though the Jedi were weakened, they were still a match for the Hutt’s elites and the combination of Republican security forces and local planets could halt and beat the Hutt’s disorganised mercenaries and thugs.
With conquest stalled and reversed, the various Hutt factions withdrew individually, weakening those armies who had yet to return to Hutt Space.
Ok vorefag.

>Slavery and running completely legit casinos is a part of our ancient and rich culture. You're not a bigot are you, chancellor moralfag?

>This land has been Hutt clay since the dawn of time and has run on Hutt law since the dawn of time, inshjabbah. You don't see us going into your lands and imposing our laws there, do you?

>We control the spice. You wouldn't want to wage a war without half of your pharmaceuticals, would you? Of course not! No need to rock the boat, we have a good deal. Ohohohohoho.
Why doesn't the US make moves on Saudi Arabia then?
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Just got out of a hella of a session, boys. Got do to me the old "confront your inner fears in a hall mirrors" trope while on Zeltros. It was fucking based. My GM is so much better than me, and I brought him into the hobby. Hella proud. Don't give up, bros. No games can be temporary if you try and believe.
the clothes all look so dman fake in this
how do you make CLOTHES look fake!?
is it just how tick the plastic and "metal" is?
you are retarded
if a woman is a freak because she likes freaky shit
is your ideal sex lying there not doing anything?
maybe. but its not mine, its not most peoples.
who the fuck is like "gee i want to have sex but i sure hope i can put in the minimum of effort for ti to be interesting to whoever im fucking"
you want your partner to have a good time, you dont aim for the bare minimum of them getting their rocks off, but you also should be having fun too. like jeebus fucking christ this isnt complicated
One of the many worldbuilding mistakes. Hutt was better off remaining just a mob boss title, as Lucas had originally intended. Over time they became a race, and eventually one of the galactic powers. Ridiculous. However, considering that the problem with Star Wars is the scarcity of strong galactic factions, we are holding on to what the house offers.
>You don't see us going into your lands and imposing our laws there, do you?
The problem is that yes, yes they are. Hutts are doing their shtick on fucking Coruscant.
>We control the spice. You wouldn't want to wage a war without half of your pharmaceuticals, would you? Of course not! No need to rock the boat, we have a good deal. Ohohohohoho.
Spice is just drugs. I have no idea why no one blew up all supplies of spice, on places like Ryloth.
>Zeltrons 91%
Christ imagine the smell, no wonder planetary invasions of that place fail. Also where did you get that pic from?
>No RIP Eeth Koth edition
fuck you
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>desire to play the nu battlefront games
>that filesize
guess i'm not gonna be playing them then. seriously, why can't these guys learn to compress audio for once
what does EA gain by allowing you to have other games installed?
Just want to thanks all the anons for helping me out with my republic commando campaign, my players are really enjoying the custom enemies and the commando rulebook.
thats small for new games now
Spice is space opium, a vital component in space morphine.
just note that this game has a bunch of easily solvable problems to actually play
like you need to disable discord overlay and launch it in a certain directX version
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Hutts are woefully misrepresented in Star Wars. They're stereotyped as criminals, but the reality is vastly different, nigh Hutt in proportion we can say. While their commercial activities are demonstrably at odds with Galactic Republic standards of legitimacy, none of their cultural imperatives or traits are in defiance of their own civilization's laws or mores. Within Hutt parameters their activities are not criminal but rather wholly legal and the pursuit of them is frequently laudable. Dismissing this as merely characteristic of criminality's rejection of social strictures is poor reasoning because, unlike examples of organized crime in Earth's past and present, the Hutts' ways predate the introduction of Republican laws criminalizing their deeds.

I posit that it is far more reasonable to see the Hutts as a parallel civilization of unadulterated capitalism existing within a racial and tribal hierarchy whose social order prioritizes dominance over other species. These species fulfill the function of servitude for a system which is built upon a precept not of the individual as a citizen but rather upon tribes and clans as the quantum unit of society. Insofar as the individual of subject species does exist for Hutts, it is not as a person entered into a social contract whose purpose is mutual or reciprocal. No, the individual in Hutt sociology is a unit of labor, bricks in a pyramid which exists to facilitate ascension of the Hutt species. We might not approve their civilization but we ought to appreciate it as a civilization, not dismiss it as a lawless underworld. Actually, in Hutt Space, "crime" is the lawful overworld.
A) "now" in this case is 2017
B) it actually wants 90 gb, not 60. It was probably 60 gb at launch.
oh and
C) There are still hackers blatantly cheating because this is like 3-4 Star Wars games ago for EA and they do not give a fuck.
I'm just saying any triple a game is usually 120 gigs+ at the moment, pointing out how ridiculous its gotten
Silence canonfag.

Unnecessary since both Vader and the Inquisition have other home base planets. In fact if you pair Vader with Death Squadron, he could act as a mobile Mongol-like faction, similar to such armies in TWW like some of the Chaos groups. Since Vader himself would already be the prima facie lightsaber guy, he doesn't need help from any Inquisitors in that regard anyway. At most, give him a Secret Apprentice(s) mechanic. In fact obviously his campaign goal should be to depose Palpatine, which causes an Imperial Civil War scenario.

For the Rebels, it's a question of time period. Obviously the movies have the Rebel Alliance already pretty much together. But if you start early in the timeline just after the Clone Wars, there's a lot of room to begin as one of many isolated rebel groups and work to link up into one major movement. That time period would also involve CIS holdouts and CW-era tech for the Empire. A main mechanic shared by all Rebel factions would be moving and taking territory in stealth, before you found the Alliance and go into a full war. So on your map, you would start as a hidden faction, able to see other Rebel hidden factions, and your job is to bring them together.

Conversely as the Empire you would start as one big faction with majority galactic control, with your only opposition being CIS holdout regions. But over time you actually grow more and more disunited as ancillary subfactions are founded in your territory, each with their own motives and drain on your collective resources. Your main objective is to conquer holdouts, initiate Imperial Militarization, and to wipe out all Rebel elements, which can be revealed through various means.

For a full galactic war scenario I do think the post-Endor period is the better setting since galactic power is more clearly divided. And definitely in any period I would prefer Hutts/etc to be fully fleshed out factions and not just weird diplomacy groups.
I don't know what kind of antique you're running, grandad, but times have moved on a little since the days of punchcards and it's pretty normal to have a 1TB boot drive and even a supplementary 1-2TB game library drive in modern machines. If your Amstrad or whatever doesn't have enough storage to install the game it was never going to be able to run it anyway.
Disney just needs to fund a high budget sequel to Empire at War and they'll win 90% of the goodwill back from the autist community, but they refuse to do so. Why do they hate us bros?
This is why I don't want to game in 2024. I have a top-tier laptop, and a 10 year old rig, the former should run anything, and the latter'll still do things like Dicefront but I don't want to bother going through the hoops of installing a 120+GB game. Just fuck that.
RTS is a dead genre, just like MMO. Millennials aren't the market anymore, its zoomers, and they do MOBA shit for them.
I'm pretty sure they just looked at a bunch of Twi'lek cospplays and stuff on etsy and went 'yeah let's just use this'
They did the same with the Mando armors
I don't even know what this means

what would real clothes look like
i have 6 terabytes of space on my PC (4 terabytes are full of 3d printing files and porn) but i do not want to waste a 10th of a drive on a game i won't play all the time
Rts just fractured into a bunch of sub genres, but the "comp stomp ai on a big map with zoom in battles" is still a popular sub genre of rts. Total war still sells tons of copies to zoomers.

Just ship Empire at War 2 with the prequel era included and you've got the zoomer audience
What, did you think they could make good propps for a show with a budget that dwarfs most actuall movies?
The money is not for making a show for some nerds, they gotta launder that and put it into their own pockets.
>market to zoomers
Yeah let's market to the people who famouslly have no money all the time, this is going to go just as well as making a TV show for all the gay trans black latinx people, I'm sure they'll turn up any day noj4ssw
w to throw their money at Disney.
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First pack.
>Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada,
So, what's going on with this whole mess? Is the community developing a way to keep going? I know all the ship stats and rules are out there, but is there a competent 3D printing scene getting off the ground? I want to try it a bit but do not want to get fleeced on the secondary market too badly.
Long live the samurai!
Long live Johnny Silverhand!
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>Is the community developing a way to keep goin
Yes. Who knows if it will work.
I just figure since there'd be similar themes that having a darth vader faction AND an inquisitor faction doesn't add much. Him overthrowing Palp's could be one of the alt-history scenarios. Though Vader is NOT a diplomat or politician, so it'd be tricky getting allies to back him. I could see Tarkin though working with him since the two get along and I can see Tarkin being self-interested enough to think he could end up on top. So on that note, I think Tarkin getting his own faction could make some sense if there's enough flavor there.

The Rebels would need some sort of spy mechanic to them to go along with them being underground. I figure that Alderaan and Chandrilla are the big guys in the Rebel Alliance who have their own planets and armies. But they obviously would have to do any operations on the down-low which would limit them. But they would essentially spend a campaign uniting the other Rebel cells into their factions, and giving them supplies to keep surviving.

I don't know if it could translate to tabletop, but to talk about the Paradox inspiration, in HOI4 they have a 'government in exile' mechanic, to simulate for instance, the Free French continuing to operate after the Nazi's took over France. And I feel that'd work well for the Rebels- where they host 'rebel governments' that claim certain imperial planets (say Rebel Wookies and Kashykk) and giving them guns to do operations to fuck over the Imperials.

Other Rebel factions I could see are Rebel Clones (who we see Rex and Echo work with in Bad Batch) with their goal being the retaking of Kamino. They could have a substory of gathering disparate Kaminoans. And I could also see integrating Rahm Kota's militia from Force unleashed.
Campaign timeframes I could see being the Mandalorian Civil-War and maybe Naboo Crisis which act as a prequel of sorts to the clone wars with different sides backing the conflicts. Then the Clone Wars obviously. I don't know if there's a best 'starting point' to the Rebellion era, I like the idea of the Rebels starting with nothing and having to slowly amp up Rebel pressure until they reach the actual war in the original films. And it'd be nice also to see the Empire doing cleanup of the CIS and entrenching their grip on the galaxy.

Imperial Warlords era could be fun too- but we'd need to essentially write fanfiction about them consolidating into the First Order. I'd even be open to ideas on the Sequels era, but I think there's just way too little info to go off of.

Anyway I just figure the Hutt's wouldn't get directly involved in a conflict and therefore wouldn't work as a 'complete' faction, I feel it's too out of character to come up with scenarios where they topple the Empire and take over the Galaxy. Hence I think they work best as a 'third party'.
Why isn't their territory shaped like a skiff barge? Everything hutt-related NEEDS to look like a fucking skiff barge!
>I just figure since there'd be similar themes that having a darth vader faction AND an inquisitor faction doesn't add much.
Nah, Inquisitors also do a bunch of spook shit and weird Force stuff in addition to standard military ops and Jedi hunting. Whereas Vader wields a lot more direct authority, like a cudgle. They'd be very different mechanically.

Like I said, I was thinking a lot more Total War than CK2 or something, especially since a Total War Star Wars is in the works. So I figure if there can be like five factions of Wood Elves, you can have as many Imperial subfactions as you want.

For the Rebels there are a bunch of good groups, especially if you use the EU. For example there was a whole Kaminoan rebellion in BF2, alt history it out and the Rebellion would have clones all over, plus Rex's stuff of turning clones from the Empire. And there were absolutely tons of early rebel insurgencies, for example Naboo threw the Empire off world while backed by a bunch of Jedi.

In fact Jedi cells could be a big thing, confederate enough together and you could get an early refounding of the Order.

Naturally CIS holdouts turning into Rebel groups also makes sense. Clones and droids, fighting together.
So is the Pellaeon-class a Hutt design?
Can't see why you can't have both.

Have Vader with the 501st and a fleet of star destroyers as the sledgehammer, and then all the spec-ops inquisitors and purge troopers as the scalpel.

As for Imperial Subfactions, I'm just wondering which ones have enough identity to be fun.

Imperial Kashykk would naturally fight the Wookies, focus on industrializing Kashykk, I wonder if they could be straight up combined politically with the Trandoshans, certainly they should get access to Trandoshan units.

Wonder if the ISB could also be turned into their own faction with their own planet, or just folded into 'mainline' Empire. Same with Tarkin.

I think it'd be smart to combine 'refounding the Jedi Order' with Rahm Kota's militia, seems to me there's enough synergy there. I could also see some other factions having some Jedi Generals too.

For the CIS, I think one could probably have the big players of the CIS, Trade Federation, Banking Clans, Techno Union, etc. function as 'exiled governments' for the Rebels to recruit. On another thought- a good imperial subfaction would be whoever has to occupy former Confederation territory- maybe that's where Tarkin should get stuck, don't know if there's lore that would say otherwise on that.

Oh also Thrawn also makes obvious sense for a Imperial subfaction, maybe put him in charge of Lothal.
I just googled Zeltros because I didn't want to post without a relevant image.
You have the wrong idea. The point is to squeeze as much money out of the player as possible by selling them as many different factions and heroes as possible. So if you can possibly come up for an excuse for multiplicity, you do it.

Imperial Kashyyyk was controlled by a bunch of fucking FREAKS in the EU, as in the planetary governor was a Nightsister Prophet of the Dark Side that was fucking a Grand Admiral to get him to spread the Dark Force religion throughout the Empire. It was also invaded like four times. Fertile ground.
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>the planetary governor was a Nightsister Prophet of the Dark Side that was fucking a Grand Admiral to get him to spread the Dark Force religion throughout the Empire
Alright, throw me some names.
Merili and Pycatti Syn.
Reading up on her. Nightsisters are just feminazi Sith with the serial numbers filed off. You can't convince me otherwise, now. Nightsisters are literally just Sith.
did anyone ever make up stats for mangler cannons? I feel like we did ages back
So it would seem.
Well she is. Or not, she's a Prophetess.

But if she weirds you out, don't go reading Sariss's backstory.
cringe. they really think the fan life support shit could be the "best" chapter of the game's history? lmao. look at any other game that ended up run by fans. hell, even within the star wars sphere, just look at the old star wars ccg (the one that used mostly screenshots from the films, yeah it's still fucking supported, and look at how popular it is nowadays lmao). games don't GROW under fan management for many reasons, and in some cases they even completely fall apart due to internal drama, because fans are, by the most literal definition of the word, unprofessional
these people are either delusional or dishonest. play the fucking game if you want. disregard fan projects like this and just do what you want. you don't need a bunch of retards trying to start the "best chapter of the game's history" or whatever bullshit they said
Honestly lad I think you're taking it so literally and being weird. Of course it won't be the best chapter but they can at least try to keep tournaments and other things alive. They are just trying to be upbeat and you're overreacting. If anything it's attitudes like yours that really destroy fan projects because you're reacting in a hostile manner to what? People just trying? Sure it won't be perfect but it's something. Chill out lad, they might do some good or it'll be entirely forgettable.
Whatever they do will be better than just giving up. The game is actually good, and it is lllargely Disney mismanaging the franchise on top of AMG migmanaging the game that made them close it down.
And Diney probably saw that literal money laundering in 'TV show' 'production' allowed everyone involved to get rich fast, before the whole thinng crashes and burns.
>feminazi Sith with the serial numbers filed off
You're just discovering this now? Savage's origin story didn't make that plain enough?
Cool. Is there a blog/site/forum that one can follow?
You being a bit of a Debby downer.
They're not JUST feminazi Sith, they're feminazi Sith with bullshit world-breaking powers and clear favoritism from the writers.
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None of you faggots ever talk about actual games. Go to /v/
Make me, bitch.
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>The dreadnaughts will continue until this *traditional games* general talks about actual fucking tabletop games.

In other news, what's your favorite game to use SW:Armada ships in that isn't Armada?
Rathverse 1.0
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Do any anons have tips on how to run space combat encounters in Edge of the Empire? Someone made a pilot character so I need to work in some more of that into my sessions now, but they've always been my weakest area of the game as a GM
Use a different system.

Yes, I mean it. FFG even says to use something better, space combat in their system is shit. It was also shit in d20 and SAGA too. You have to go back to like, WEG to get something even halfway reasonable.
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Thoughts on High Republic ships?
My workplace is going to do floor renovations so I have time (about a week I think) to read Star Wars comics online.
I plan on reading the EU comics.
But before I do this did the EU continuity at least end on a high note?
Go fuck yourself bitch nerd!
Also later I’m going to post pic of my newest purchase of the 501st clone trooper.
Which era would you pick to read? The Clone Wars? The Great Jedi Purge? The Old Republic?
>Use a different syste
Okay, but how does that even work in practice? How do I translate skills from the FFG game into a whole other system for a specific type of combat? Do I make them draw up second character sheets in the WEG Star Wars system which we solely whip out for space combat?
>FFG even says to use something better
Wow. Was this something a designer admitted after FFG closed up their RPG wing?
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Fair to middling. Vector is meh, and Really don't like the Longbeam or the Ataraxia, but the rest I would love to see more of. Post 'em if you got 'em.
The Legacy era was the latest in the in-universe timeline, and that wrapped up with Darth Krayt's defeat.
I intensely dislike the Longbeam, and some of the stuff like the Emissary and Starlight Beacon look like they're from way further in the past than the High Republic era is supposed to take place, but some of the Correllian-style designs like the Purrgil, the Paladin, and the Medical Frigate look cool.
Commander Faie deserved better.
What's that ship? What do ya use it for and what era?
Assuming the Rebels got the jump in an ambush how many X-Wings and Y-Wings would it take to actually be a threat to a Gladiator-class Star Destroyer?
Not sure, but even lardass Pirate Lord Kybo Ren was able to commandeer one in the Tammuz Sector
>Kybo Ren
So do the Knights of Ren exist in legends? Was Kybo Ren a Knight of Ren?
No, Jar Jar Abrams probably just remembered Droids and took the name as a le epic reference.
Somehow, Valkorion Returned
This is a reminder that the CIS were the only faction capable of invading and holding Zeltros
Wait, what, again?
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Yup. All he had to do was change his name, and nobody noticed it was him!
Nah lol, just replaying the mmo with a new character and I forgot just how many times he/Vitiate died and was reborn over the course of the whole story
>Its Valkorion all along
Nah, but he did have a neat suit of armor in his quarters which probably helped inspire them.
>and nobody noticed it was him
Well he was afk for 1000 years, so everybody who might have known him was dead.
Nice. Hibbeler is one of the few good artists. I have no idea if that leader is good though

gonna keep or sell?
>t. paypigging shillfaggot who tells people to "just do what you want" then whines endlessly about "support" whenever anyone suggests playing anything except the Current Thing

Epic. Mordheim. Battlefleet Gothic. Necromunda(pre new-ed). Inquisitor. By any reasonable measure for many years Battletech. I know more people playing WEGD6 Star Wars now than I did in the 90's. You're objectively wrong, and fan management is the best way to run things - most of the time that can be decentralised, but for some systems like FFG's shit and Epic having a centralised "authority" colating and updating rules so events are all on the same page is useful. Just like with the other examples, you'll end up with two or three different versions from different groups that cater to different "taste blocs" on how things should be, and people can just pick whichever one works for them.

Kindly limit your faggotry to sucking cocks in truckstop restrooms in future.
What the fuck is that Corkscrew ship?
How did someone look at that and think it looked like a good idea? It's like something from a 60's B movie.
That's what makes it good
Get back to /pol/, retard
Or just use one of the many homebrews lying around for FFG. It's not like fans didn't realize it was broken. It and auto fire were probably the two things just about everyone agreed needed fixing.
Might be as low as a squadron of each. Gladiators are neither durable, bristling with point defense, nor carry enough TIEs to overwhelm 24 rebel starfighters.
One squadron of X-wings is enough to create problems for ISDs, Gladiators are losing to less than half of that
Gladiators actually have more point defence than ISD's. They're better equipped to handle fighters due to the fact they were designed as wartime escorts from the get go.
>install point defense on ISDs
>make VicStars, Venators, Gladiators all other irrelevant ones obsolete
ISD-1's had PD, but it wasn't a whole lot. Enough to take out anything that slips past the escorts that it should have as a battleship.

Of course, then Tarkin decided that having escorts implied his capital ships needed escorting, which insinuated weakness. Can't have that.
Arquitens are fine, though?
Arquitens are in a weird space. They're perfect for mulching corvettes and frigates, but they don't really have Al that much vs fighters. Just their four turbo turrets.
That's why Raider Corvettes exist
Hammer Time!
Why did Kyle Katarn join and became a Jedi?
He noticed what kinda booty Luke was pulling, so he decided to join the faction where booty was good.
How did he even meet Luke?
Probably at some stormtrooper killers anonymous meeting.
Raiders are absolutely based. Raiders, Gladiators, Interdictors and Impstars are all a good admiral needs.
The Star Wars version of 4chan?
People jerk off point defence too much. Look up how effective anti-air guns were on the WWII battleships and then get back to me.
No, think more Alcoholics anonymous, a sorta place where they try to help you get rid of your addiction.
In this case, your addiction of depopulating stormtroopers everywhere you go.
Replace that with Arquitens.
I've played 3 full army games of Legion and don't know if I'm having fun
A reasonable take. The best point defence is your own fighters, then?

Nah man, Gladis are faster, have more firepower and hold 8x as many fighters.
No, Gladiators are supreme.
>Wow. Was this something a designer admitted after FFG closed up their RPG wing?
Pretty much, yes. Space combat was fucked. Players knew it and designers knew it, but there was no money to fix it so they didn't.
That or deleting the ship launching fighters with octuple barbet turbolaser batteries before reducing the planet it's defending to slag. Big guns beat everything. Even Rogue Squadron knew to fear the Imperial Star Destroyer
Tournament I assume?
What felt wrong and unfun?
What were your lists?
What were your opponents' lists?
Did you have more fun playing Skirmish or Initiation games?
Casual games, playing Rebels. Exclusively played against Krennic and Death troopers. Today it was awkward deployment and my Luke couldnt catch Death Troopers with the objective even with burst of speed.

I don't mind losing but my units just seems to suck compared to the Empire, like its just so crazy how strong Death Troopers, Mortars and Shore Troopers are compared to my veterans. Outside of Jedi Luke, its such an uphill battle to get anything done with them. My Chewbacca got punched to death by Del and Gideon even though he has 4 red dice, just because he has white defence dice and they kept succeeding their saves and I was failing. It doesn't feel like star wars so far.

Pic related is my list, spent a lot of dosh and time over a few months painting and prepping. People told me my list is fine (one guy said I should get a party bus) but I am just not having fun ultimately, I even nearly won one of my games.
The issue with that is Rebel fighters have hyperdrives and tend to keep their carriers or bases hidden. Good chance their carrier isn't even in-system.

You need the defences to survive their attack, bloody their noses, THEN chase them back to their source.
Not a rebel main, but I can see a few ways you could improve your list. Rebels live and die by the amount of dodge tokens they have.
>Rebel veterans always run situational awareness, so a stray crit can't just delete them
>Rebel officer always runs vigilance and portable scanner to maximise your dodge token generation
>definifely swap the mind trick for force reflexes, so Luke can feed his deflect. Consider swapping BOS for force barrier for a more defensive Luke. Alternatively, Into the fray to tenacity for a more choppy Luke.

>one guy said I should get a party bus
Absolutely. It is amazing for the cost. Death troopers are also much less effective into armor, so you'll be able to both hide your boys, and deliver the melee killer up close.

On the topic of the matchup, DTs aren't that bad when they are outside of range 2. And range 2 is exactly enough distance for a double speed 2 move to make it into melee and chop them up.

I dunno how I feel about the medium blaster. Many players use it, but in my games it's usually just a free kill.

Hope that helps, anon.
All of them.
Tell the imperial player to stop being a meta fag, hes already playing the best faction
I mean the first thing to ask yourself is do you generally enjoy "modern" game design? You can tune your list all you want but if the core gameplay loop doesn't vibe you'll never feel satisfied. I bashed my head off Legion and X-Wing for a year before some old grog at my club brought in his old WEGD6 rulebooks and a fan conversion of Wings of Glory and I realised the issue was just that I prefer the more classic approach to all the chits and doodads and aura/keyword stacking and turn zero bidding etc etc.
Everything is gonna be alright!
All shit.
Yeah that's kind of a common issue, Rebel stuff is quite frail, requiring careful maneuvering and good synergy while Imperial units are just made of sterner stuff. Playing against another Rebel might help you understand their strengths and shortcomings better.
The list looks good on paper and Wookies and Luke should be able to tear shit apart in melee, the issue is getting there which is hard even with Burst of Speed and Force Push in 800pts format.
Against Deathtroopers, in my experience the best thing is to leverage Pierce (especially from snipers) to force them to play more carefully.
I know it will sound like 'git gud' but one thing with Legion is that while listbuilding is important, knowing how to pilot your list makes a world of difference.
>focusing fire on a unit to defang it or wipe it off the board
>prioritize unactivated unit to limit return fire
>never leave a unit out of cover
Another thing is objective, playing with your opponent's objectives inevitably means playing to their strength. That's probably the hardest thing when starting out, knowing how to pick your batte deck and how to bid.
Finally, an issue of Legion is that it is a wargame in the end, meaning you can get fucked by the dice and will probably get schooled by more experimented wargamers with better table awareness.
>>93334472 might also be right, sometimes a game doesn't work for you. I know some people prefer Shatterpoint with its tougher but less numerous units. The issue is that you can kinda only play with others what game is actually being played at your local scene...
Same thing happened to me so I just stopped. It was an okay way to hang out but I just moved on (I only play unlimited now, but this happened back when xwing and armada were still alive)
Because your apprentice stabbing you dead during an intimate moment is one of the top ways to be betrayed, dumbass.
Make the relevant piloting skill add setback die to incoming gunnery checks on top of the shields and other bonuses, minions add +1 setback for every minion over 1 in the group instead.

Works really well in my experience because holy fuck vehicle combat with anything less than a literal tank is just rocket tag.
And because I am dumb, this means add setback die equal to ranks in the relevant piloting skill.

Again, works fairly well in increasing survivability but also setback/boost die are fickle bastards that several of my players hate with a passion.

Thanks for the replies. Mind trick has been good because of You Serve Your Master Well, and everyone has told me to take burst of speed but reflexes is tempting. I'd need to look at barrier again.

If I get the bus I'd have to replace chewie or wookie warriors, any suggestions? How would I use the bus exactly, just a moving LOS blocker for my melee? Yeah the medium blasters go down pretty hard but got good use out of one in a game. I'd also like Lando but he's expensive.

And yeah, I actually play Shatterpoint too and enjoy it quite a bit outside of stupid meta shit like every game. I have enjoyed the skirmish games of Legion much more so maybe there is something to that or maybe the Krennic gun line isnt fun to play against with my list. I am going to a tournament to learn more so I'll be playing against a bunch of different people.

For now will just focus on getting better with what I am using. Hopefully get some more casual opponents
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Good luck, anon.
I also find myself enjoying skirmish quite a bit, especially with there being fewer cases of losing the game on mission selection.

On the topic of force barrier, you can do a nifty trick - wait with Luke's activation until you spend it on defending an ally. Then, immediately activate Luke, and recharge it with Master of the Force.

And yeah, I'd drop Chewie for the Bus, and stick the wookies into it in your games. Especially since you aren't using any of his command cards.
The bus ALWAYS runs the Gonk droid upgrade, and there are several other builds once you grab the shield generator.
Not to defend post-original-trilogy worldbuilding, but basically all of society for thousands of years was essentially organized crime.
Like feudalism is just a protection racket with a coat of paint.
If you can, try borrowing somebody else's army, might help figure out if it's a list or list quality problem
Nice Omori reference
The best defence is to destroy the Rebels with overwhelming force so they know that any attack on the Empire will result in the deaths of everyone they know. Fear will keep them in line.
Weird way since RotJ is 'Episode VI' in the text crawl at the start.
I am convinced that the majority of TCW fans (you know the type) havent actually watched the show, or at the bare minimum only watched ahsoka essential episodes or some shit

you can ask basic questions about anything outside of ahsoka/rex/maul/anakin and they just flat out wouldn't know
I watched it as it aired but nowadays there probably are a lot of people who only watch the "essential" arcs on streaming. You'd think with the way people talk about some TCW they got a lot of development in the show but desu Ahsoka and Rex didn't actually have many stories that were really about them, especially Rex.
that or they do not care for characters outside of those and try to make lore arguments when only knowing half the facts
Has anyone ever tried a reversed morality SW campaign? Say all the worst things people said about the Jedi were true, and the dumbest interpretations of the Sith. IE, Jedi are oppressive and support a corrupt regime, Sith fight for freedom and to "break their chains." So, a massive, overly-rigid Jedi Order, and Sith fighting for the freedom of individuals and planets from the Republic.
Resistance, like the two animated shows before it, suffered from the early episodes feeling like embarrassing kiddy shit, which progressively got better, but not enough, and the Star Wars hype was at a relative lull compared to the other two. I really feel like Filoni had to make the initial episodes dogshit to get the rest past the execs or censors or something. Only reason or excuse when he clearly knows better. Or maybe he’s just got a thing for redeeming absolutely unbearable characters.
>Or maybe he’s just got a thing for redeeming absolutely unbearable characters.
Highlights are Mortis, Maul and Mandalore episodes. Everything else is meh. Triple Ms are very good, and reason enough to have TCW into Legends.
That's a rather novel opinion. Mortis felt to me like one of those weird Star Trek ToS episodes where Kirk and friends encounter some kind of alien god, then leave and never mention the incident again.
Mortis is very popular. But the best episodes of the show are when Obi-Wan fakes his death and goes undercover.
sick of these morons
I wanna take just a minute to talk about Grey Jedi, and their benefits.
I will tolerate Nightsisters as 'grey'.
Nightsisters are just Sith. There's absolutely nothing different between them. They're a clan of Sith witches. Dathomiri Witches, I'd understand as being different, but Nightsisters are quite literally just Sith.
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Pablo Hidalgo is a faggot.
The grey jedi are a retarded power fantasy for those who want to be sith without paying the price.

Every "grey" individual has to eventually go back to the light, fall to the dark side, or become apathetic like yoda.
The dark side is like heroin, you can't use it "in moderation"
'Light' doesn't mean 'good' and it definitely doesn't mean stoic paladins. The Prequel era Jedi were failures. Which is why the NJO is superior in every way.
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What species in your estimation produces the best space babes anon? Traditional Twi'lek? Sephi space elves? a blue girl group? something more obscure?
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here is your grey jedi you ordered
Life is good!
Zeltrons are up there. Twi'leks are a classic, of course.
Mirialan for green skinned girls.
Zeltron for pink skins.
Sith pure blood for red skin and tiny chin tentacles.
Pantoran for light blue skin and normal eyes.
Chiss for dark blue skin and completely red eyes.

Take a pick.
>So why did he let her run off with it after cashing out on the Emperor's vault?

Probably playing the long game. Worse comes to worse he can probably raid the thing from her tomb in a few hundred years.
Plus, it was the emperors vault, what's one holocron versus potentially Sheev's entire collection?
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>paella-class edition
The Dark Side is a literal perversion of the objectively true and correct path. It's not debatable, it's not open to interpretation, you are literally torturing the life energy of reality in order to inflict agony and death on other beings.

You can be an edgy faggot who rebels against Daddy if you want, but the moment you step over that line and use your negative emotions as a conduit to the Force instead of tuning in to it from a place of peace and emotional balance you're on the path to the Dark Side and if you refuse to acknowledge it your fall is inevitable.

Good Guys murder people with glowing laser swords and blasters, not with spooky mind powers.
okay but the nightsisters use the dark side for everything and are not exactly evil

if the dark side comes naturally to them and they can use it without being corrupted by it, how can the dark side he a perversion of the force?
If the Dark Side was an unnatural corruption, why do living things naturally have negative emotions?

They're not exactly evil...except for the necromancy, the general dark rituals and so forth. I'd argue that they are corrupted by the dark side. They covet power and secrets and are more than willing to use blackmail and murder to further their aims.
Sure, it isn't "We shall conquer the galaxy and bring about eternal Sith rule!" tier Dark Side-ery, but still pretty damn evil.
I don’t care about the specific fight, but uh, Yoda saying one can never use the dark side without falling is obviously wrong even in the OT. The whole premise of RotJ is both Luke being tempted and even using dark side abilities but being fine at the end, and Vader being redeemed to the light after most of a lifetime of being the evilest motherfucker around. Yoda saying that was very clearly, even at the time, trying painstakingly to keep Luke from going the way of his father, driven by guilt from allowing the fall of the Jedi and the republic, and years in hiding from it. He was a dogmatic teacher with centuries of baggage who wasn’t being entirely honest with Luke.
Hani are weirdos but swashbuckling cat women absolutely did it for me
You have a wookiepedia link or a pic or something? I have no idea what species you are talking about.
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Mortis is literally one big dark side cave moment for Anakin, he gets a full story about it because he's the Chosen One. Pretty much the TCW 2008 equivalent of the Genndywars cave scene on Nelvaan. I think people who're frustrated by Mortis just aren't into those kind of force deep dives and Dagobah cave is about as far as they want they type of thing to go. The arc does go full fantasy and it's more metaphor than plot. And I always found the Star Trek analogies weird because Star Wars is closer to Lord of the Rings than that. Even Filoni brings up God in Star Trek when discussing the Force Priestess arc and I'm like, it's more SW Silmarillion? Mythological/supernatural shit isn't out of place in the GFFA, it's never been hard sci-fi.
“Yoda, you seek Yoda!”
>I think people who're frustrated by Mortis just aren't into those kind of force deep dives
I don't mind deep force dives but pretty much all of them descend down into some form of trope or cliche, something that doesn't feel like it fits? I think the issue with Mortis is the idea of gods/demigods (or at least beings with the appearance of that), no matter how metaphorical they really are, it just grinds with some people. The force as something connecting all living things and weird spiritual stuff happening? Fine. No problem with that.
Not all deleted scenes of Star Wars are canon!
The more they try and explain things, the more they add constraints and demystify the universe. It is the history of additional material and extended universes. Star Wars was popular when your imagination could fill some of the gaps.
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Nightsisters are the closest thing to canon SW grey, Ventress even says in the Dark Disciple script her people perfected being able to tap into the dark side without being consumed by it. Clone Wars doesn't go out of their way to depict them as evil either and the Jedi leave them alone If George had an issue with that he wouldn't have allowed it.

I remember an interview Filoni gave after those episodes aired though and he said their magick is like a primitive way of interfacing with the force. And then with the lore that was added later on, I take that to mean they're drawing from environment of Dathomir to use their powers, it's a more localized thing whereas the Jedi and Sith's use of the force is drawing from the universe itself. It's kind of a symbiotic relationship. And the dark side does exist in nature so if you put yourself in tune with that it's less of a Sith thing where you're bending nature to dominate and more a coexistence thing. Because obviously, while Talzin had ambitions, outside of that the Nightsisters were quite insular and kept to themselves, they didn't share the Sith's philosophy of the twisting the balance and disrupting the galaxy. Their planet's aura just leaned more into the dark side and they respected the natural order.

It is interesting though that Filoni introduced the Singing Mountain Clan in Tales of the Empire and they're more light-aligned and don't see eye to eye with the Nightsisters. But I think that sort of ties into the idea that Talzin's dealings with the Sith and the ambitions of the Great Mothers lead the Nightsisters astray deeper into the dark side which was their own undoing, first on Peridea and then on Dathomir. So the danger of sinking into the dark side is still there for them.
I don't think the Ones of Mortis demystify the force much at all. In fact there was a deleted scene in the Yoda arc where the Priestesses basically called the Father a basic bitch but it was removed because Lucas or Filoni thought it'd be too much of a sidebar to that story. Filoni has gone onto say though that the idea was, and he discussed this with George when creating the Bendu even, that there are these ancient beings in the galaxy that are deeply attuned to the force, seem borderline godlike and view things differently to Jedi and Sith but they're not the force itself and they don't have the full picture. The Father had knowledge of the prophecy but his interpretation of it was very literal, thinking it meant Anakin was destined to replace him. And he also feared the Sith exploiting his family which is why they hid on Mortis as anchorites.

That being said it wouldn't reductive even if different cultures of the galaxy embodied the force in different ways and it manifested to them as these deities in a "only what you take with you" sense, because that's only one mask of god which all ties into Joseph Campbell, the monomyth etc. So idk to me none of this detracts from the greater mystery of the force it's very in line with Lucas vision for it in the original trilogy. Maybe the Whills would've muddied that but they remain kind of an oblique thing too since those stories were never told.

The force can be so many things to different peoples and manifests in nature too. Filoni got the idea for the Lothwolves from the Mylaya in the cancelled Kashyyyk Clone Wars arc. Where the Wookiees viewed them as tree spirits and were reluctant to use them in battle because of how revered they were. I think it's the same deal with the Purrgil. And the skelatal kaiju that lived at the bottom of Coruscant would've probably been like a dark side equivalent of that where they represent the absence of any natural life on that world.
People get freaky because they're sexually repressed. Nothing new about that.
>demystify the force much at all
Demystifying stuff doesn't have to be a full explanation that leaves nothing out in its specificity; often it only has to be something tiny which recontextualises things in people's perceptions. The ultimate example of this is midichlorians. They don't contradict what the force is or what the OT said necessarily, but it recontextualises it in a specific way that annoys some people. I fully understand their complaints and I fully understand the arguments in defense of midichlorians. (To be clear I am not trying to reopen that debate, simply use it as an example of what I meant by demystify and how it frustrates some people.) While it makes perfect sense that the galaxy is huge and there is all this other stuff, the more you add the more it takes away from the central conflicts and characters. It is like power level debates and other such stuff which occurs with superheroes and comic book characters. What I am saying is it opens up a new can of worms when you have those borderline godlike force characters in this setting. The detraction often comes from all these attempts by stories to define the force even if, as you say, it makes sense via the fact that the in-universe galaxy would view the force differently. This is kind of a meta textual story issue that the more you might reflect and discuss the overall philosophy and representation, the more you might muddle your central conflicts in the minds of some fans. I mean what do these petty Sith vs Jedi conflicts even matter in the grand scheme of things anymore? When you expand the universe back thousands of years or you have the sequels being the same conflicts over and over again or you have godlike force beings?
My group would never do 'Jedi bad,' but my current group has a Sith possessed shota who loves to yap about slaves breaking their chains while also calling other people weak and stepping on their feet.

We also have a 'light-side Sith,' whatever that actually memes.

Sorry, just got out of work
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I mean with a franchise like Star Wars it's inevitable that you're going get this because they're always introducing new lore, we can all say X or Y is pointless because its an endless cycle of conflict but that's always been the case. That being said I don't think a lot of it makes the Jedi vs Sith conflict look small and petty. Within G-canon I think the Ones and the Priestesses are fine. And it's not like comic books where you have all the gods standing around doing nothing. The family died on Mortis after being in seclusion for millennia and the Priestesses also work in secrecy. The Jedi and Sith view of the force is the central one in SW. Having other cultures with their own takes just adds to the flavor of the setting, naturally other people will have their own interpretations. That's just good worldbuilding. Ultimately we still have the main six film saga and I don't feel the introduction of these elements in Clone Wars has taken away from that. It just gave us a little more information to frame it all. Same with the midichlorians. I can understand people not liking George delving into science with it which he was also going to do with the Whills, but it is more a mythologization of science than anything hard. And then all it does is shed some light on how living beings connect with the force. That's all done in service of the story he wanted to tell though he didn't just do it for the sake exposition. A central theme of Phantom Menace is cooperation, coexistence, symbiosis etc. With the midichlorians he's showing how this is even a fundamental law of nature that governs the SW universe.
>That's just good worldbuilding.
The more you add, the more you can damage good worldbuilding. Good worldbuilding often requires leaving things to the imagination and this stuff is often the opposite of that. I dunno, I sometimes feel there is a small slither of what works with Star Wars and the constant expansion of that is into areas where it doesn't work. Like the OT is a spring board with which you can put a load of different settings and things into it but when the official lore does that then it makes it feel small and cliche?
>I mean with a franchise like Star Wars it's inevitable that you're going get this because they're always introducing new lore
Sure, SW is the king at doing this and has been doing it since the beginning and 95% of fans don't even interact with a lot of the extra material outside of the films. Some SW stuff can be characterised as giving each random film extra some elaborate backstory which doesn't really matter.
>but it is more a mythologization of science than anything hard
Like I said, I used it purely as an example, I've been over that argument a bunch before.
>Having other cultures with their own takes just adds to the flavor of the setting, naturally other people will have their own interpretations.
This might just be me but I just find a bunch of this extra culture stuff to often be cliche and not interesting. It doesn't fire up the imagination. It isn't something new it is layers on top of layers.? Stagnant, somewhat. The Jedi feel somewhat bureaucratic the more they are explained in the setting and other force groups, such as in the High Republic have felt like fanfic or donut steels rather than living and breathing groups.
> Like the OT is a spring board with which you can put a load of different settings and things into it but when the official lore does that then it makes it feel small and cliche?
Star Wars is just like Dungeons and Dragons as it is general enough fantasy that it can be many different things but outside a solid adventure/dungeon crawl/quest approach the editorial directions begin to ruin it.
>I sometimes feel there is a small slither of what works with Star Wars and the constant expansion of that is into areas where it doesn't work
I think that's true in some cases. Like the way the Acolyte makes the Jedi look like buffoons instead of simply fleshing out the Sith of that era like was originally marketed. It doesn't really add anything but in fact weakens the core of the saga by acting like the Jedi have been this way for some time rather than it being something that happened nearer to the prequels once they'd been entrenched in politics.
>This might just be me but I just find a bunch of this extra culture stuff to often be cliche and not interesting. It doesn't fire up the imagination. It isn't something new it is layers on top of layers.?
It can be a bit extraneous but like you said about adding elaborate backstory for characters that only hardcore fans are going to pay attention to, it's kind of like that. I'd say again the Acolyte had an example of this with the witches referring to the force as "the thread" and doing their own thing with it but it's pretty surface level stuff. Almost like metaphorical greebles to give these fictional cultures a semblance of depth/detail.
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Adding to this, Star Wars has always been more about quantity over quality when it comes to some aspects of it's worldbuilding. We don't just get a handful of cultures and species to and explore those in a ton of depth Tolkien style. There's countless races and worlds and a lot of them don't get much fleshing out in the more mainstream media. I think the Wookiees were the only alien culture in the OT George actually wrote some backstory for about their culture which ended up in the Holiday Special.
>We also have a 'light-side Sith,' whatever that actually memes
It means "based."
A what? Are you talking about Treasure Planet? wtf.
>Like Dungeons & Dragons
This is really on point: Star Wars, like early era 40k, is a setting very much in the style of "all the great sci-fi literature, shows, etc. mixed together in the kitchen sink" just like the old official D&D settings took ideas from the myths, pulps and classic fantasy and mixed them together.
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>Nightsisters are the closest thing to canon SW grey
ventress herself is, nightsisters are just a dark side cult
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>Lego doing "midiscale" capital ships.
It is like they are just mocking us Armada bros.
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>the editorial directions begin to ruin it.
There is nothing wrong with wheelchair combat in DnD
>Star Wars has always been more about quantity over quality
As wide as an ocean but the depth of a puddle. This is why it always feels weird when they give quirks to races because outside of a few examples or some aesthetics there is nothing more to go on.
>fleshing out
The quirks are always "hey in the OT we saw Twi'leks as slaves/dancers so all of them must be like that".
The Acolyte is a prime example of all this trash world building (combined with a badly paced show with little tension and the central mystery is not engaging to me). Nothing introduced in that show is interesting or different or engaging. It represents a bunch of problems I have with what works and doesn't work with SW.
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>black base too
Really not far off just an armada ship too. Depending on the scale.
>Ugly ship from a Legends version of Star Wars taking place like 140 years after the Battle of Yavin. No one ever sets their game in Legacy so no one would ever bother with that piece of shit ship.

With shit taste like that you must adore Disney Star Wars, anon.
Because the only group that fucking checked them was the Bothans per Essential Atlas, who the Hutts opted to go AROUND after learning they ego-deathed the last two species who found the fuck out.
And by ego deathed, I mean 'wiped every last trace of from the face of existence'
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They're just fucking Sith. Almost every incarnation of them have the exact same goals as the Sith. They dress the same as the Sith, some of them even whip out red lightsabers while they're at it. If we're talking Legends Dathomiri Witches, sure, I could argue them being Grey. But Nightsisters, both canon and Legends (not much difference, really) are just Sith.
Is it me or does OP's image look like a pile of pixelated slurry.
>Leslie Headland says that Yord Fandar was a character from one of her old TTRPG games
That's a character? What's his personality?
>whats his personality?
being an asshole like mace windu
This is how Armada survives.
Not really, Lego is far too fucking expensive. It makes tabletop pricing look good.
Looks fine to me.
>The grey jedi are a retarded power fantasy for those who want to be sith without paying the price.
More like "want the Jedi to not be lame," but yeah.
>Take a pick.
Can I choose both a Pantoran and a Chiss?
Also I wonder how a hybrid of the two species would turn out.
Not that I don't mind that, but I do like how Star Wars does feel like it's really huge.
Nah you're retarded. The Nightsisters aren't like the Sith in that they don't give a fuck about galactic domination.
Aruzan for same blue girl now with cybernetic implant to share emotions.
Nothoiins for golden girls

Because you're collecting them all, the real pick conundrum is an appropriate ship for flying from girl to girl (one in every spaceport) or hauling them with you (space harem)
Kage for pale, athletic renowned hot girls.

natural sith eyes?
>make a SOVLful show inspired by your own ttrpg game
>soulless funko pop collector fans have a meltdown
He campaign was probably shit anon. Just like the show.
All their known leaders did. You dumb brother
Windu would fuck you up yo!
>I don't think the Ones of Mortis demystify the force much at all. In fact there was a deleted scene in the Yoda arc where the Priestesses basically called the Father a basic bitch but it was removed because Lucas or Filoni thought it'd be too much of a sidebar to that story
The Kiliks in Legends also described the Ones as "when Celestials become". Which both answers and doesn't answer at all.
Yoda doesn't say you can never use the dark side without falling. Just that once you start down the dark path, it will forever dominate your destiny. It is a subtle thing that a lot of people get hung up on.
>the real pick conundrum is an appropriate ship for flying from girl to girl (one in every spaceport) or hauling them with you (space harem)
Space harem or bust. I would use a CR90, myself.
Thanks to anon last thread, I've learned that this species is obligatory: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Oni
>whatever that actually memes.
It means nothing, because Sith technique is all about bottling up emotion until you can make the best use of it, and that can't be done without the dark side.
Light Side Sith is just
>Hey, have you tried NOT being a retard?
and it easily shows how fucking stupid Star Wars' morality system actually is. Like LS Sith choices are usually something along the lines of "I think I'll actually go save my men under fire and lead them to capture this important resource instead of unleashing a bio-parasite that will eat everyone on the continent ass-first."

It's just directing your passions in constructive ways rather than becoming a slave to them or denying them.
Nonsense, that’s just like… kotor or mass effect style moral choices, not really applicable to the universe as a whole. Vader and palp weren’t just joker-ing their way through their plans, occasionally they would use extreme punitive action, but both of them were quite controlled and practical.
>quite controlled and practical
>Vader chokes out his every other officer even when their failures are completely beyond their capability to prevent
>Palpatine greenlights the Death Star project, which immediately blows up a founding core world and ostracizes his own political base against him (which was further worsened by the fact that he disbanded the senate the same day instead of just keeping them around for ceremony)
Palpatine is an expert Machiavellian manipulator and turns into a complete mouthbreathing retard after he creates the Empire. He understood that the Empire needed to be smoothed into his rule though an opposition like the CIS, but then he immediately destroyed the CIS and took away the symbol of an enemy to be united against in favor of trying to rule though fear, AKA the dumbest possible thing any dictator can do.
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>that’s just like… kotor or mass effect style moral choices, not really applicable to the universe as a whole.
Isn't it though?
>Light Side Sith is just
Fanfiction. It's just fanfiction. Because it goes against everything the Sith are. What you described is not "light side," if they're a Sith, they're a darksider, simple as.
What part of being Sith necessitates using the Dark Side exactly?
If you cite the Sith Code talking about passion, that's also fanfiction.
Because there's clear tonal differences between Prequels and Original Trilogy? There both Palpatine and Vader are as night to day with their portrayals and actions, but if we have to make do without EU or Disney canon, based around the movies, Sheev did just that.

ROTS ends and Sheev/Vader consolidate power by fighting the now headless CIS that worsen and splinter into guerillas that would later morph into the Rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Some twenty years later, everything is great, but rebels continue to exist and much to Palpatine's chagrin, they have far more allies and whole worlds (Alderaan) are covertly aiding them.
He sends Vader to Tarkin so that they root out the problem- being his top guys after all, but given that it's a children's tale, they lose and it is spiralling out of control.
Another reason why Palpatine wasn't as active in his scheming and doing what you said is that he could hardly be seductive/charismatic with a face looking like a raisin and his protege, who should've been doing that-Vader was looking hardly better, crippled utterly. So the task fell to lesser underlings who couldn't do what Palpatine did which lead to the grip on the Senate slipping somewhat. With bureaucracy set up to maintain itself without much of Sidious' input, the Emperor would be free to pursue his sith education that had been neglected with his myriad of masks that he no longer needed.
If Tarkin had wone ANH, the Empire could have salvaged the war easily, but we know how that went
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>Because you're collecting them all, the real pick conundrum is an appropriate ship for flying from girl to girl (one in every spaceport) or hauling them with you (space harem)
Hardcell-class transport, you could cram a lot of colourful alien pussy into one of these bad boys.
Kotor misunderstands the Force as it has a will of it's own and Dark Side is an aberration as its mortals not serving it, but breaking the Force to suit their whims.
LS choices is to make the player feel like they're a good guy, but in reality it should've been Control and Indulgence that drives a sith.

Jedi can retain their LS/DS dichtonomy, but Sith should've have Control and Indulgence

Control (LS): you control your urges being a Darksider and in return you don't do stupid shit as often- Banites

Indulgence (DS) : you let your urges consume you and you get stronger, at the expense of your decisionmaking- Old Sith

Indulging too much will make you look like shit and take away more rational dialogue choices, but give you much more needed power

Controlling your urges will have you remain as you are, but allow more dialogue other options when dealing with conflicts.

But those are my 2 cents
Whatever ship I'm gonna fly with my harem, has to be a Hutt pleasure barge.
How does grievous eat
Grey Jedi is edgelord cope for little cretins who want all the benefits of being dark side without having to deal with anyone getting pissed at them for their inherent selfishness. Star Wars is a high fantasy setting about moral extremes. Do or do not. Light and dark. There is no middle ground.

To put it into shopping cart terms:

The light side always puts their shopping card away, and will even collect other carts along the way.

The dark side will leave their carts wherever they goddamn well please, and if they're feeling particularly slighted they might intentionally put their carts to block several parking spaces or block other parked vehicles, hurl it into someone's car, or gather as many as they can and push them as far away as possible into the nearest body of water/ditch.

Grey Jedi won't put their carts away and will just leave it wherever they please but will seethe and cry if someone calls them out on being a big ol lazybones. When asked if they ever put their shopping carts away they will always say yes and act haughty about it.
Retarded comparison, but you're right.
>there is no middle ground

but then how do you explain characters who are in the middle ground?
Give me a list, and I'll tell you about them on an individual basis.
In your own words explain why the show is bad
First of all, the character motivations shift whenever the episode writer does ...most of said characters are women though so maybe it does make sense...idk.

Pop song ending was cringe and out of place. Power of 1,2,Many was so cringe I died a bit. There's other things but some of it is vibes for how I think the show is going which is still up in the air.

I also don't think about the Acolyte much and have no doubt forgotten things I thought were bad during viewing. I do appreciate the staff for promptly naming ships and other things in promotional material as I like to steal shit for my games even from Disney Star Wars
>Imperial Knights
>Dathomiri Witches (not Nightsisters, those are just Sith)
>The main characters in SWTOR, both Sith and Jedi
>Disciples of Twilight
>Voss Mystics
>Baran Do Sages
and last but not least, the OG themselves
>Je'daii Order
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The only good Neimodian is Groshik
The only good Dathomirian is Merrin
The only Gamorrean is Piggy
The only good Bothan is Asyr
The only good Vong is A dead Vong
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ok, here you go
Dark sider that was forced to go to the light.
>Dathomiri Witches
Dark siders
>Voss Mystics
Light siders
Light turned Dark turned Light. Honestly, he's a mary Sue self insert.
>Imperial Knights
Light siders
>The main characters in SWTOR, both Sith and Jedi
Can't tell, since there is no canon story to them.
>Baran Do Sages
Light siders
>Je'daii Order
Retards who almost destroyed themselves by trying to be grey. Only the Light side jedi remained from them.
OK, and Luke Skywalker himself using Force Lightning to kill?
>Dark sider that was forced to go to the light
>>93345869 says that she didnt
She's not a grey jedi, she's just retarded.
Like all retards, you are conflating two entirely different things. Negative emotions being used as a conduit to access the Dark Side does not mean negative emotions *are* the Dark Side, dimwit. A Jedi has negative emotions just like they have positive emotions, and by keeping their emotional state balanced - in a zen sense, not a "if I save two orphans then I'm allowed to murder two people who annoy me with Force Lightning" sense - they can commune with the Force without corruption. If you allow your negative emotions to rule you, if you use the Force to satisfy your negative emotional urges *and* you refuse to recognise what's happening, reject that path, and work to restore your internal emotional balance then you *will* fall to the Dark Side and you *will* become evil.

The Jedi's failure was to conflate emotional balance with emotionlessness; rejection of excessive feeling with being unfeeling. They became so afraid of negative emotion that they shut themselves off from emotion almost entirely and their own fear helped to fuel the Dark Side's rise.
Poo poo pee pee doo doo wee wee.

That's as much effort and sophistication either your post or the show deserve.
>leaves the jedi
>leaves the sith
>does dark side shit
>does light side shit
I dunno sounds pretty grey to me... not grey jedi, just grey
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apparently he's in the final episode of the acolyte for 5-10 seconds
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They never learn.
Augmenting the Force with emotion IS the dark side, because the dark side IS imbalance. And being Sith means using emotions like rage, avarice, and cruelty to push your power higher. That is absolute canon. There is no such thing as a light side Sith.
>who want all the benefits of being dark side without having to etc
That is the fanfiction version of Grey Jedi. Actual Grey Jedi don't use the dark side at all.
Well you might want to start by actually knowing what a Grey Jedi is.
Who evenn cares at thiis point, that show is completely disjointed and has characters just doing whatever the curretn scene requires, zero characterization, the 'plot' is idiotic and tehy garnish it all with their moronic politics.

Luckily, that scene had a good movie before it, even if tehy only saved it with re-.shoots and cuttinig.
Someone on the light side using the dark side, which is a mistake.
Grey Jedi have nothing to do with the dark side.
>The only good Dathomirian is Merrin
What about this one?
This is ruined by the armada keyhole on the bottom.
The question is if he's going to be the master to Qirim/Osha, or the apprentice.
shut up dave, ahsoka is not a grey jedi
Never said she was?
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>Retards who almost destroyed themselves by trying to be grey.
>Je'daii successfully be grey for thousands and thousands of years
>n-no, they were doing it wrong
Jedi simps are so weird.

Nah, there's nothing saying the Sith HAVE to use the Dark Side, much less that they have to use the Dark Side in a specific way. If the Dark Side is using any emotions with the Force, then what if you use positive emotions instead? To use the Force with love or determination or joy or hope or compassion? What I you're filled with righteous anger or justified hatred?

Maybe George is just a genuine autist that doesn't understand that people are all different and interface with the world in different ways? Some people's chief problem in life is that they have no ego and no drive to achieve anything, but ensconced around a bunch of Hollywood executives and Yuppies for most of his life (and fucking up his first marriage by being overly-possessive) probably convinced Lucas that greed, ambition, and emotionality is the root of all evil. When in reality the circles he ran in were just full of assholes.
Something I saw being brought up as well was that Kelnacca's reason for exiling himself might be because he wounded Torbin with his claws which if you remember in kotor, Zaalbar explained was a huge taboo in Wookie culture, supposedly the director lady is a huge Kotor nerd as well
The Force is literally Buddhism. Emotions = Attachment to Impermanence = Dark Side.

All the effort in trying to fix that to yin-yang balance or trying to justify ''good emotions can be good too'' is cope.
>The Force is literally Buddhism. Emotions = Attachment to Impermanence = Dark Side.

Buddhism is a black hole of an ideology and for every school of thought where emotions are identified as the cause of suffering, you have other schools of thought where emotions can be positive or negative not based on how they make you feel in the moment, but rather the long term suffering they cause. That is to say there can be emotions which are good to feel strongly because in the long term circumstance they increase virtue rather than nonvirtue.

Also the Force is a bitchmade westerner's interpretation of Buddhism because it ignores the first noble truth, which is that suffering is a universal state of life. That is to say the Jedi focus on the fact that emotions can lead to suffering, while setting aside that suffering leads to emotions. The highest ideal in many schools of Buddhism being the path of Nirvana is antithetical to the Jedi because it's about letting go of all attachments in order to escape the cycle of samsara and be freed from the world, which the Jedi absolutely do not do because they're heavily engaged in maintaining the world as they would prefer it to be.
>What I you're filled with righteous anger or justified hatred?
And how do you know the point at which your anger goes from righteous fury to senseless brutality? Emotions cloud your judgement, and relying on them causes the differences between what is right and what is not to fade.
>If the Dark Side is using any emotions with the Force, then what if you use positive emotions instead?
The Dark Side isn't about using emotions, it's about using the force to achieve personal power for the sake of yourself at the cost of all else. It's pure egoism.
>Nah, there's nothing saying the Sith HAVE to use the Dark Side, much less that they have to use the Dark Side in a specific way.
That's also ignoring the fact that before Revanite and then Banite autism, the Sith were a society that existed just fine for a thousand of years. They weren't autists compelled to wage war on the Republic.
>Maybe George is just a genuine autist that doesn't understand that people are all different and interface with the world in different ways?
No, Lucas changes his mind a million times. Starkiller was his baby, stands to reason that he doesn't mind being a good guy with Sith powers. In the original draft of Star Wars, the Sith (while being more or less the same) were used as Force-using mercenaries by the Empire and they eventually turn on them and join the Rebels and Jedi.
Luke's NJO felt emotions, got angry, were pretty much regular ass humans without being unfeeling autists. The pre-Prequel era Jedi Order was very similar to this.
>personal power
There were Jedi who were planetary leaders, hereditary ones.
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>And how do you know the point at which your anger goes from righteous fury to senseless brutality?
Just don't be retarded.

Like I said, everyone is different and experiences the world in slightly different ways. Something which might be suitable for one person may not be for another. For example Jaden Korr uses the Dark Side, but it's tempered through his own self doubt - Something which would be a major issue for another Jedi and burden their connection to the Force actually becomes a strength because it forces him to always self-examine and not fall into the conceit that he can just do whatever he wants and it will be right.
It's true
>they kept him a muun
lets go
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>all that bitching about retcons and ki-adi-mundi only for the jedi to not find out that the sith were involved in any way
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Well, with that finale of Acolyte, it was... pretty much what I expected. Aside from the mind wipe
Clearly setting up a second season to actually resolve the plots it started.
For the overall show, I didn't hate it but it's not great. Barely good. Not the worst Disney+ has offered up. That's still Kenobi.
I did like the kung-fu inspired fight choreography more than typical heavy-footed saber waving.
Actual spoilers Green bitch blaming everything on Sol to try to cover everything up and sweep the Jedi's shit under the rug and keep it away from the Republic was to be expected, but still feels bad. He was very flawed but tried to do the right thing.
Will make it more satisfying next season when she dies.
Still upset they killed the cute lesbian jedi.
We'll see more of him in season 2
honestly I thought the show was "alright"
it has problems like character motivation and pacing and the story is a bit weak, but overall I felt that the show did not actively piss me off (most likely due to taking pace in a relatively untouched timeframe) nor did I feel that I was hate watching it
the deep canon and EU references (e.g cortosis) was a nice thing to see, and the choreography was good

I think Leslie is a decent showrunner (not as good as tony gilroy but way better than dave filoni, jon favearu and whoever made the other shows) it just needs some better directors and writers

all that nitpicking and whining was over irrelevant shit
>Luke's NJO
>Jaden Korr

Unironically not canon, and there's a difference between feeling emotions and using the Dark Side. The Jedi feel emotion even in the prequels, and some of them even take advantage of it (Windu). They just practice moderation, aka balance. To practice the Dark Side is to allow your emotions to run wild, empowering you but also destabilizing you.
I agree. It didn't actively bother me because I didn't have any expectations or anticipation going into it.
I actually had hope for Kenobi, getting to see Ewan McGregor take up the role again. Which is why it will always be such a bottom of the barrel experience. The way it dashed all hopes and expectations of a good show on the rocks of incompetence.
Still hold that little sassy Leia was a positive about it.

And yeah, all the nitpicking and whining was pure rageb8 for the sake of clicks on whatever-tube or memebook or twatter.
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Lightsaber duels were the only good thing about the Acoshyte. Everything else was utterly terrible. Writing was absolutely retarded. Kenobi levels - even worse, perhaps.

Also, I am glad I am not a braindead manchild, who clapped because of retarded cameos and "deep cut" EU references. Lmao, those Plaguies and Yoda scenes were straight up MCU crap, Yoda one especially. You have to be absolutely retarded, deranged faggot to rate this garbage above 2, with 2 being for some solid lightsaber action. And even then, lightsabers still look like crap.
>Unironically not canon
It's the only canon that matters.
SWT please go
>season 2
Yeaah, can't wait for more moneylaundering story-rich gayest star wars ever.
I cannot believe any human being giving this incomprehensible wuxia slop more a 4 out of 10 at most. I'll admit the fight choreography was good but if I wanted good fight choreography with dogshit everything else I'd go watch kung-fu justice or something
star wars is meant to be a bit cringe
>kung-fu justice
>not Kung Pow
You are not a great magician.
Your shirt is not red.
yet another example of retardos needing everything to be spoonfed to them
no, just complaining when they dont have the full story
>turns out only 2 people heard him say that
>one is now dead and used as a fall guy
>the other has joined him
>ki-adi-mundi's knowledge of the events is that a jedi master turned and killed everyone to cover up his misdeeds
The plot waas so idiotic it could hhavee been written by chatGPT. Same for most of the dialogue.
And there are isekai harem novels with better characterization and character developmennt.
I have not watched the Acolyte, I'm not sure I want to from what I've seen of this thread, but what I know for sure thanks to these threads is than the opinions expressed in posts accompanied with RLM reaction images can be disregarded without further consideration.
>Boba Fett
>Sequel movies


Boba Fett=Kenobi > Sequels >>>>>>> Acolyte

Boba Fett and Kenobi are incompetent for equal but opposite reasons
The sequel movies are at least movies with movie pacing and movie production value even if they're rock suckingly stupid
The acolyte is a movie that got butchered in to a tv series and has neither the pacing nor production of a movie with the vapid writing of a child's fanfiction without even the respect or love for the universe said fanfiction would have
TLJ=TROS < Kenobi < Rebels Season 1&2 < Genndywars < Book of Boba Fat < Rebels S 3&4 < Acolyte=TFA < Clone Wars Season 1 < Clone Wars Season 2
>Boba Fett and Kenobi are incompetent for equal but opposite reasons
I'm intrigued, keep talking.
Kenobi is full of at-best quaint writing and masturbatory scenes that waste the high profile characters it's given. Kenobi is obsessed with capturing moments of nostalgia at the cost of slamming it's victims - I mean characters - face first in to emotional amber (or should I say liquid carbonite?) and making the universe smaller, drearier and insufferably more incompetent full.

Boba Fett on the other hand is a series that was gushing with enthusiasm the way a fresh stab wound gushes blood. It was an attempt at a writer's wish fulfillment, to pay off story and character arcs that had been literal decades in the making. However it got wildly undercut in the budget and rather than pull back to make the scope of the story match the threadbare production value it instead wildly puts itself out there and feels like a children's primary school production of a very special star wars story, with a brief guest interlude by real Star Wars character Din Djarin courtesy of the Make-A-Wish foundation
I noticed I left a thought incomplete on my bitching about Kenobi as just the word "full." Let me fix that -

Kenobi is full of bombastic, high-production value moments of sentiment that are unearned and unwarranted and it tells a story that didn't even need to be told in the first place.
Boba Fett was badly crafted, and Mandalorian segments were 100% soulless corporate meddling that retroactively ruined Mandalorian, but at least that show felt like it came from a place of good intention, people were having fun, and it told an honest and morally good story - perhaps too morally good for a show about a "crime lord."

Obi-Wan was badly crafted and it undermined Obi-Wan Kenobi as a character and ruined the original films.

Acolyte and the Sequels are evil, malicious, purposefully subversive pieces of propaganda made by actually evil people, who hate you and want you dead, and who purposefully say that good is bad and bad is good.

Therefore, Boba Fett >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Obi-Wan Kenobi > Sequels = Acolyte
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>with a brief guest interlude by real Star Wars character Din Djarin courtesy of the Make-A-Wish foundation
>ki-adi-mundi's knowledge of the events is that a jedi master turned and killed everyone to cover up his misdeeds
Only a blithering retard would believe that.

>Mae shows up a decade after the incident, suddenly worth Force training, killing Jedi involved with it
>they track her down to the jungle world and go to confront her
>somehow Sol supposedly snaps and murders everyone there?
Who would ever buy that? Obviously it's just a line to feed the senate, the Jedi know that's not what happened.
With competent writing, it might have worked. The outlines of a story are there, some of tehh characters could be interesting.
But then tehyy haave people act in a lull so randumb way, eeveryone forgets about common sense and changes their mind in an instant, and it all turns to shit.
But they wanted their political stateement, and not a good show.
Mando Season 3 just above Boba Fat. The other two seasons were actually good and not worth putting in the list of shame.
Oh, but Ahsoka would go in just below Acolyte.
A lot to do with the sheer disappointment it was.
The only good part about Ahsoka was Ray Stevenson.
Fett (Mando episodes) > Fett (Lawrence of Arabia train heist) > Acolyte > the rest of Fett > Kenobi > ST in order.

I notice you forgot Ahsoka, which is what it deserves due to being entirely forgettable, but I'd rank it at "that was a thing I guess" which puts it equal to the miscellaneous Fett episodes.

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