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>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: http://pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: http://pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: http://pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Q: How can I proxy my cards for testing?
A: <https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM //> https://mtgprint.cardtrader.com

>Art sources

>/ccg/ sets
(/ccg/ collab set in development)

OT: >>93240687

Thread Challenge: Find some design space that hasn't been explored yet for an Atog or Sliver card.
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FINALLY took the time to make a decent drawing out of my main plane where most of my sets take place (4 complete sets, 2 ongoing/wip, 1 planned)
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Bunch of magic swords.
All of those but the Blade of Salvation are not at all black in any way: Dark Knight should definitely be white, Covenant should be colorless, and Oracle Sword should be white as well. Oracle and Salvation are ridiculously overpriced: it's 5 mana for nothing, since the enemy can keep sacrificing their Zombie token to make another, and for the price of Oracle Sword you could probably just fish a +5/+5 for the same cost or less and it would also come with heaps of benefits, doing everything Oracle does at less cost and immediately instead of very slowly ramping up over turns.
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Thats helpful, thank you. If Oracle sucks that badly then I'll drop it to... I'm going to say 2. Salvation I think I can fix by just saying 'nontoken creature', though I might drop it by one as well.
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Seems like a fun card. I can just imagine people getting pissed you have their creature now, if only for one turn.

Meanwhile, more swords and some shields. Less confident in these ones if only because apparently I'm not good at judging price.
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Been working on a cycle of those creatures after I saw that mechanic in Bloomburrow previews. I think that mechanic is really cool.
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I've been experimenting with Legendary status and how it can impact deckbuilding.
That is, slightly ahead-of-the-curve permanents with effects you would want at that rate, but held back by Legendary status from being an plain 4-of.

The thought is pushing deckbuilding toward more interesting places. Lists where you're not looking for pure 4-ofs of nearly everything.

Here's an example. A strictly lower-cmc O-Ring. I think this is a perfect effect to start with something like this, as you REALLY do not want more than 1 of this effect at a time on a Legendary permanent. I'll see how things go. Making constructed deckbuilding more interesting is definitely a consideration of mine.
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A 5-mana 6/6 that fights upon ETB is already pretty mean, even for a mythic's standard

Ravager Wurm also gives you options, but you end up being for 6 mana for a 5/6 when fighting (your card has less color restrictions, 1 mana less and 1 extra power, besides also being more flexible)

On top of that, I feel like the last mode giving you 2 cards back is a bit overdoing. If you really want to cards, it would make more sense to make it cost ## and give you 1 back (so you could pick it twice)

This one seems more balanced IMO

Attaching it to the copy seems a bit of a downside if this was already equipped to an actual creature (since the token A: is going to disappear soon, and B: doesn't get exiled afterwards)

You could just check here:
>If ~ is not attached to a creature, attach it to the token.
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Talking about Bloomburrow... I want my keyword back!

(finished this set right before the pandemic, and haven't had the time to draft it yet - but I'm planning to do it in the next 1~3 months, my player base is already bugging me for it)
You're a beast.
Looks fun man.
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Originally I had it only get buffed from draws except the first one, but I feel like with suspend it sounds cute to benefit from the draw of the turn it enters the battlefield
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In other news, my pulp sci-fantasy set is turning out rather righteous. Type-tribal as the main theme game-wide mechanics as the core.

The mechanics can be a little tough to digest, but are fascinating to draft and as they've all started to congeal some very unusual designs have popped out.
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Looking forward to draft that set. It's a Ravnica-like set (Forge is the Golgari mechanic ofc), so that on its own tends to be very engaging by its own

But I plan on doing fancy this time:
>Will have a smaller pre-draft draft of the previous set (which contains the first 5 "allied" guilds)
>Will also release a small series of videos on youtube with the lore of the plane up to that point to get my player base* engaged with the story

*by player base I mean like, 8~10 people, that's historically how many people I can get to come to these things. But in the past I go the feedback that players are typically too busy with the mechanics of the game (drafting the best cards, building decks, trying to win) to really engage on lore (like reading flavor texts and whatnot)

So I'm hoping that by providing additional content regarding the lore, people might be more inclined to look into it (for instance, knowing the lore of the 5 guilds might give some more context on the cards)
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Awesome to have people to draft with. Been tough getting stuff set up around here, but that's just par for the course in a rural area.
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Some designs flowing for now. I'm in the mood.
Thanks for the feedback on my # cards. Much appreciated.

Do you think making the base of the hydra 2/2 instead of 3/3 would fix it?
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Aaaand the last one.
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Salamanders. Probably kind of weird designwise? I was on a snow kick at the time.
For the lifeline ability, does it mean that you can use the ability multiple times, but only one particular card's lifeline? Or is it also restricted to one use (as in, the card loses that lifeline ability once it has been used)?
I'm not sure about all these cards being balanced, but I definitely like the idea of choosing 5 dots worth of "modes" on these cards.
That red one though, being able to choose the 1st ability once and the 2nd ability twice would net you 9 damage to a player if unblocked, for 5 mana. Very powerful.
>but I definitely like the idea of choosing 5 dots worth of "modes" on these cards.
That's one of the new mechanics from Bloomburrow. Or, not 'mechanic', but there's a cycle of cards that use it so close enough.
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Cycle of Shrines. Do I need shrines in this set? Probably not, no. Honestly, I probably have too many mechanics as is because I'm literally looking random shit up on the wiki and then designing a dozen cards to use that mechanic because why the fuck not.

Do I want them? Fuck yes, I love shrines. Gimmie that cardboard crack.
>For the lifeline ability, does it mean that you can use the ability multiple times, but only one particular card's lifeline? Or is it also restricted to one use (as in, the card loses that lifeline ability once it has been used)?
You can use one lifeline per game, as stated.
Is the wording not clear?`
>That red one though, being able to choose the 1st ability once and the 2nd ability twice would net you 9 damage to a player if unblocked, for 5 mana. Very powerful.
It's 2 damage to a creature
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>that's just par for the course in a rural area
I feel you, man. I used to live in a major city in North America, but now I'm back at my hometown in the interior of Brazil. Magic is very NOT affordable here

My custom draft playerbase is composed mostly of people who don't actively play MtG. For them, it's a way to tip their toes into the game every once in a while without paying absurd prices. Ofc it helps that I've built a rapport over the years as a game designer, so most of my social circles automatically say "yes" to the idea of playing anything designed by me (I'm actually just today gaming with two separated groups)

But overall, my point is that the people who draft my sets are not really MtG players. I'm actually distant from the MtG scene in my hometown (I've been trying to play commander at the LGS but it's kinda weird without a friend to go with...)

The wording is clear, but it's just not intuitive, since almost no cards have that kind of limitation

MtG strongly relies on reusing the some sentence structure for familiarity of effects, and the lifeline effect does the opposite of that - hence why it causes confusion

You should probably also provide a way for players to track this, if you ever draft this set. You could use counters on players for that

On a side note, I think this mechanic would have a lot more playability if you could use lifeline 3x/game rather than just 1x
>You should probably also provide a way for players to track this, if you ever draft this set. You could use counters on players for that
It's a singular boolean value,
It has never even remotely been a problem to track in tests, but I'll keep it in mind.
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Anyways, more designs.
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As long as you are doing something different from other shrines (which you are, since yours trigger at opponent's turn), I don't see why not

Though it would be good practice to also make sure these somehow relate to your set overall mechanics

Note: black one doesn't look like a shrine, neither does blue (rest are fine)

The fight part I pointed out is minor. My main concern is the last(###) mode. This alone makes your card some Eternal Witness on some heavy steroids

Mythos of Brokkos and Regenesis do that effect for a similar mana cost, but are spells and not a creature. To slap this on a creature not only makes it easier to retrigger (flickers and whatnot), but also means that one hydra can return another... AND an additional card. With fighting taken in consideration, you are looking to 3x1 your opponent somewhat regularly

I would strongly consider making this ability return only 1 card as the most urgent change here

The 2 damage is good... but the rest is a bit underwhelming. Return to hand is nice but is too "costy". A 5/3 haste flyer that returns to hand is not really that exciting as a mythic, neither is the 3/3 that pings 2 (though that's considerably stronger)

But overall, all these effects are weaker than the Hydra

A 5-mana tutor with upside is fine (Illicit Shipment). A 5-mana tutor that also comes with a 7/7 body... that might be a bit of a stretch

Compare that with the red dragon... red dragon is bouncing itself... this guy is fetching another copy of him from your deck while also giving you a 7/7 body (split between himself and the zombie)...

The draw 2 effect is already too strong, no need to buff it with an extra clause. This guy is a Mulldrifter but twice the size and also have some blue removal slapped into it... so I'm a bit skeptical

"Draw a card" could be left as the ## effect, giving players the possibility to draw 2 cards but only by spending 4/5 of the ETB on it
>It's a singular boolean value
Have you ever forgotten if you locked the car/door or not?
>Have you ever forgotten if you locked the car/door or not?
It's less of a problem when someone who wants to break into your car is watching, and will happily "remind" you when you forgot to lock it.
Memory issues is a thing

If one player use a Lifeline on turn 3~4 , there's an existing chance by turn 8~10 they might have forgotten about it. Then they made they whole strategy about using it again, and awkwardness takes place when one player says it has already been used and another says it hasn't been used yet

There is a good reason why MtG uses things likes counters, and try to limit as much as possible retaining information across turns that is not on the board. This is just a good practice of game design

Thus, the lifeline mechanic HAS memory issues. Whether those issues are worth the trouble or whether they are minor enough to get by... that's a whole other discussion. But MtG players often forget if they have dropped a land on their turn... so I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot about a lifeline 5 turns earlier
I think Lifeline is also restrictive design. You can only use it once per match, so when you play a lifeline, more likely then not every single lifeline in your deck becomes a worse version of another card at best and dead draw at worst.
So, a set that uses it as a mechanic will incentivize you to use as few cards from that set in your deck as possible, and to not use cards from that same set together, something I think is not good design.
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An incomplete cycle - red doesn't get one because red is the color of dragons (and the only Elder Dragon that survives the set is the red one)

>when you play a lifeline, more likely then not every single lifeline in your deck becomes a worse version of another card
I agree with you. If I was drafting a set with that mechanic, I would pick 1~2 uncommon+ to have lifeline, and the rest I would simply ignore the lifeline ability and judge them without it. Thus, for me, it's kinda irrelevant to put lifeline on a common card

I think this mechanic has the issue of:
>It fights for space in your deck with other lifeline cards
>There is no support for it

So the first lifeline card you add to your deck is great, the second is a good backup, from the third onwards it starts to be less and less relevant. It's simply not a mechanic that encourages deckbuilding/strategy around it
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Thanks for all the feedback man. Really helpful. Here are the new versions of the hydra and sphinx.
Changed the hydra's third ability to a single card but any card instead of just permanent. In exchange I made the fight ability a bit better.
Sphinx: Card draw is now the second ability and now it can't draw you more than 2 cards. You think the scry 2 part is too good here? Made the third ability a temporary removal spell.

For the demon I was thinking giving the zombie tokens "This creature can't block." Maybe even make them 2/1. Would that be a reasonable change?

I think the dragon is fine. It may not be a super heavy hitter or utility beast like some of the others, but I think being able to attack with a flying hasty 5/3 OR a 3/3 and also deal 2 damage to a creature every turn is pretty neat. Immune to sorcery speed removal. You can snipe any creature with toughness 2 or less turn after turn after turn. And when the air is clear you just pump it to 8/3 and deliver the finishing blow. Maybe I imagine it as being better than it would be but I think it's kinda cool.
Do you mean 'doesn't look like a shrine' as in literally my choice in art is questionable, or as in the effects look weird?
>Until the start of their next turn, noncreature spells that target opponent casts cost X more to cast, where X is the number of cards they've drawn this turn.

Where would you guys price this?
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I think this might do too much but also we've long moved away from fight effects at all in favor of bites so eh
Do you know why you've never seen a card that puts +1/+1 counters on something just to remove them at end of turn? Because that's the opposite of why +1/+1 counters exist, just have it be +X/+X until EOT. Also it would interact strangely with Doubling Season and the like, would it remove only X +1/+1 counters or all that were placed by the trigger? Who knows
Is 'this turn' the turn where they're casting a non-creature spell, or the turn where you first cast this one?
Either way, 1 mana is probably fine compared to Silence and Damping Sphere, which are both stronger effects a lot of the time.
It's meant to be per turn. so if they draw three cards, you cast it, they can't afford anything else, and then it's your turn, it resets and they can cast more stuff unless they draw cards.

...which is pretty shit, thinking about it. I kinda want to just say 'roll a d6, spells cost that much more to cast until their next turn.'
I don't like this.
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from now on, whenever you bump, post this.
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>Cast a black card from your graveyard
>Exile that card
I don't get this? Why are you exiling what you are casting?

You probably want to word it as:
>Exile target black card from your graveyard. Copy that card. You may cast the copy without paying its mana cost.
>You may cast target black card from your graveyard without paying its mana cost. If a spell cast this way would be put into a graveyard, exile it instead.

Or, alternatively, you could try giving feedback to cards that have been posted

Wild idea, I know!
>You probably want to word it as:
>Cast for 3
>Suspend for 4
I feel like I'm missing something.
The suspend makes it come into play at the beginning of their next Upkeep, before their draw. Casting it regularly means your opponent gets the benefit of it before you do.
Was writing a cheerleader archetype with color shifted racial types, red Angels, green Humans, black Elves but forgot to do more than one of each. I swear I'll go back to it. Jhoira's ability is perfect and I will force it on EVERY archetype I make
Rip and Tear
Hexproof, Split Second
Rip and Tear cannot be countered by spells or abilities.
Target creature you control gets +5/+0, Hexproof, and Indestructible until the end of the turn. Creatures that die this way are exiled instead. If the target was a commander, after this phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.
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Fun fact: "bedeviling" is not in the name of any Magic card
>Creatures that die this way are exiled instead.
Die what way?
For got to type, "It deals damage equal to its power to each creature an opponent controls."
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>Do you know why you've never seen a card that puts +1/+1 counters on something just to remove them at end of turn?
Just because I haven't seen something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Though, yes, I am apparently an idiot.

Doesn't quite feel red, but better?
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This set is coming off quite aggressive with the Wintertouched mechanic allowing creatures above the curve

Because of that, I decided to make Borderland Garrison (pic related) colorless instead of white, thus opening up a slot for a new white creature (which is now Whitewing Griffin, for tap enchantment synergy)

Anon got exactly right, you are paying 1 more to get ahead of your opponent(s)

This card also made me realize I should try more designs where the suspend cost is for some reason more expensive than the original casting cost

It 100% does not have anything to do with red, so you definitely need to rework that

Also, anon is right about the +1/+1s. Bounty of the Hunt does that but it's just wordy and deprecated

Since green is already doing something non-combat related, you might as well do that on red too. How about?
>Destroy target colorless permanent that player controls with mana value X or less, where X is the number of Shrines you control.
(thus hating artifacts and nonbasic lands, while the fact this triggers before your opponent's combat phase means it gets less oppressive since they get to use their stuff at least once after this comes into play)

Also, just noticed that this Shrine cycle's trigger would work wonder on commander. Nice!
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These are all the suspend cards where the suspend cost is not cheaper than the casting cost

Though haven't made any other card (besides the howling mine one) where suspend is MORE costy than casting
I've also been trying to avoid legendaries for lore reasons, but this guy is pretty relevant during this period
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>Thread Challange
If you're bringing in a somewhat narrow hate card, there probably doesn't need to be an additional layer of randomness for it to work.
Normally not huge on suspend 1 since it's really close to just casting the card, but announcing that you're going to do a big swing next turn is really fun. I do wonder if the combination of trample/indestructible takes away from that though, since it's very hard to interact with in combat.
>I've also been trying to avoid legendaries for lore reasons
What kind of reasons? Cool card btw.
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>Normally not huge on suspend 1 since it's really close to just casting the card
Well, those are typically reserved for cards where timing is relevant and announcing it beforehand can compromise its effect. On a typical creature/spell where casting whenever is fine, then it's indeed pointless

Pic related are some of the cards I have with suspend 1 (the rare ones are a cycle that gets 2 suspend costs, but haven't finished the rest yet)

>I do wonder if the combination of trample/indestructible takes away from that though, since it's very hard to interact with in combat
Well, for starters, you can remove the creature before it gets buffed. Plus, since it won't be at instant speed, you are not getting tricked into a bad trade or in letting a lot of damage go through, so it gives you (the person facing it) time/information to adjust your block strategy accordingly

>What kind of reasons?
My set is based on a whole period of ~2500 where my plane plunged into an eternal winter, very akin to the Ice Age of Dominaria. But since it's a long period, I wanted the set to feel more "timeless" by avoiding characters that only lived during certain decades/years (which is at best 1%~2% of the overall period)

This white guy is an exception because he was very notable during the last decades of the period, being pretty much the person most responsible for keeping the realm alive during these last decades of winter (by fending off barbarians/etc and bringing supplies to distant places)

Other than him, I only have 2 legendary cycles:
>A cycle of rares that are not legendary, but if cast from exile come into play transformed into legendaries (these are all characters that were born during this period but became relevant right afterwards)
>A cycle of mythic Elder Dragons (most of these were killed during this period)

All other characters in the set are not represented as legendaries but as generic rares
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>I've also been trying to avoid legendaries for lore reasons
>What kind of reasons?
Pic related is the transform cycle I mentioned

These are all human characters that were technically alive during the last years of the ice age, but only became relevant (lore-wise) after it

I love myself some atog so I'm all for this idea

However, I feel like this guy should cost at least 1 colorless (eldrazi) mana cost, as otherwise it just makes me wonder why this is not an artifact

For the effect, seems a bit too much to get +3/+3, so +2/+2 is probably more reasonable

But other than that, great idea, I dig this
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After writing this realized it's a strictly better Craw Giant. But Craw Giant is bad so should be fine
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Last one but I swear I'm going to make some more to post for nobody to read
The idea is the tribes play into each other. Angels sacrifice themselves and have death triggers, Humans have Devour and token generation and Elves have revolt like caring about your permanents leaving the battlefield
Destroy colorless works, thanks.

The green shrine is actually designed to enable landfall decks, of which I have maybe a dozen or so creatures in this set that use. It’s not perfectly efficient because they return tapped, so it can soft you mana, but if you have a creature that gets, say, +2/+2 when a land enters and you drop five lands in…. The only reason that isn’t totally busted is because it doesn’t trigger on your turn.
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>The green shrine is actually designed to enable landfall decks
>It’s not perfectly efficient because they return tapped
Kinda underwhelming in my opinion then

My point here is that Shrines are meant to synergize with Shrines. In order to have it synergize with anything else means you want a loose synergy, and not a restrict synergy

The problem here is that you balanced it by returning the lands tapped, which pretty much closes the room to do anything else with these lands OTHER than trigger landfall. Thus, this card is completely useless without landfall. Meanwhile, if it were to return them untapped (and balance it accordingly), you would also be supporting other strategies such as Seedborn Muse shenanigans

Having something that is meant to directly support a specific set mechanic is fine, but you probably don't want to put that effect into something that already requires ANOTHER mechanic to work

See >>93325866

I design all my shrines to work individually (in limited):
Not that impressive but these colors have a lot of "untap enchantment" effects

Pretty decent scry every turn

Works with the mill archetype

Works with the aggro archetype

Now yours >>93325150 :


Good / kinda oppressive

Kinda meh

Completely useless without landfall, maybe relevant if enough landfall
My shrines sucking doesn't surprise me. How do these look?

>During each opponents combat phase, you may destroy target colorless or multicolor permanent with mana value X or less that opponent controls, where X is the number of shrines you control.

>As before, but they enter untapped.

>During each opponents combat phase, distribute X stun counters among creatures that opponent controls, where X is the number of shrines you control.
Phrasing on this one might be a little akward, but stun counters ought to be a little less oppressive that just directly tapping.
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It's been a couple years since I last posted an update to the Yu-Gi-Oh! MSE template I've been using. There isn't too much new, though I added a frame for generic tokens as well as Pendulum Link monsters, since someone might have ideas for those. The main difference from previous versions is that I spent a couple days sorting through the remaining spaghetti code and improving it to the best of my ability while fixing bugs and little issues with the template.

There are a couple further tweaks I may implement soonish, namely:
>making the copyright notice shrink the further you fill it up instead of relying on a size toggle
>similarly shrinking the text of the type line, since Z-ARC's entire line doesn't fit in it, this might be tricky due to the combined_editor function
>text between parentheses shouldn't be italicized in Normal monster flavour text
If anyone is familiar with MSE scripting, I could use a hand with the latter two.
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Finally announced the official draft "release" for my set, Land of Conflict

Already got at least 1 date where 8+ are available, so I think I can get a full draft going for this one (this will be the 5th set I make an "official" draft event)

Final date should be this time next month!
Is this a physical event or online somehow?
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>Is this a physical event

I just print the cards, make some random packs, invite some bros over and draft the set out

I've done this a couple of times now and it's awesome every time, cause it mixes all the fun of Magic (the gameplay and hanging out with friends) without the bad part (actually spending money)
A mixture of Avatar of Hope & Greater Gargadon
Well I almost certainly can’t make that, but it does sound fun. Can you post links to the sets you’ve made?
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>Can you post links to the sets you’ve made?
My first set got all bugged on Planesculptor so no point in sharing that (plus, it's a shitshow of a set)

>2nd set:

>3rd set
It's >>93362228 - I finished it around the beginning of the pandemic and I never got to draft it because soon quarantine times happened

>4th set:

>5th set:
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Last post of the night
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Small update, implementing text shrinking for the type line, the copyright field, as well as a simple QoL tweak so that both Pendulum Scales are filled if you input a value in either of them.
MtG should ease up on the number of whacky frames
The thread's been up for a week, it autosages. Make a new thread.

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