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Hell Priest Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Scattered rules/files from the Discord

>Trench Compendium
Compendium: https://trenchcompendium.netlify.app/
Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/k44MxmJxWu3upDHT8

>Previous thread:
you have to post at least 5 images
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And that makes 5 appropriate images, inc OP.
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Not sure if imagedump is a good idea. Anyway, here is trench cleric blessing warband's weapons before coming assault on heretic line. Circa 1901.
why the guy holding the candle cup shirt say HOMO?
>not at bump limit
>not at image limit
>not enough images
oh boy another winner, good job. can't wait for this thread to lurch along with inane questions every four hours
It's ok to wait until shit releases and there's something to really talk about, you know.
He's the army's rapist.
I love this guy. He's revolting.
He looks a bit... overworked?
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>oh boy another winner, good job
It hit the automatic sage after 7 days. You know that if you weren't a 40kiddie.

He's the latest lad, apparently the basic grunt of the Serpent Court. Which is a wild idea.
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I wish the tanks were more ww1 era. Granted we've only seen that art and maybe one other but the classic landship is cooler than any ww2 tank. It won't really matter until they decide to make a mass battles expansion though
When they go up to a full wargame instead of skirmish then a landship might be a factions unique vehicle.
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It would fit New Antioch, given their angle of mostly mundane humans
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A flame tank would fit Heretics. Instead of fire, boiling puss for Black Grail.
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So are the Warband Variant any good? I was thinking about making Alba warband.
I guess in that case it could be a highly customizable option for every faction, with unique benefits for everyone, ie as you say boiling puss for the black grail, trench pilgrims can mount breaking wheels to them, sultanate use a fragment of the iron wall as a huge defense, new antioch could mount an assault ramp ala 40k to it, etc. Weirdest would be the court of the serpent who would probably instead have it be a giant monster
They're a heavy melee group that just got a buff with Highland Machine Armour. They're fine if that's what you're into, they'll probably be a smaller band than most though. Up to you if the trade is worth it. Aside from that, the Trench Ghost's are also pretty good but they just lost their cheap immunity to fire with the 1.4 update.
>Weirdest would be the court of the serpent who would probably instead have it be a giant monster
>trench pilgrims have a punt gun added to their equipment options
>A flame tank would fit Heretics

Christians burned heretics tho. It totally fits both sides.
>It's ok to wait until shit releases and there's something to really talk about
The game is already in a fully playable state with hundreds of battle reports and galleries of people's warbands on the discord. There is no need to wait for it to be fully complete, that's like saying "stop having threads about 40k until all of the codexes for the edition are out". You are a retard.
The lore already explicitly says that the Faithful have flame tanks in large number, it's their main counter to Black Grail incursions.
I said fit, not exclusive, and we’re talking about unique faction vehicles. I image hell burns hotter than fuel so they’d have a special hellfire flame tank.
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The extremely powerful Boomers on Facebook have proven themselves to be a TRVE font of hobby knowledge by recommending picrel - "Religious Benedict Medallion Spacer Beads" sold for peanuts on Amazon. This joins the Latina women's Nail Art decals as a fucking fantastic resource.
If they could round up and execute all the people posting Heroforge renders it really would be the best TC community page by far.
They do know where to get and how to use cheap trinkets. Boomers, I kneel.
Ive considered doing the multi model bases for some of the units in Trench Crusade, as some of the larger units for the game are harder to find something appropriate for. So long as the base size is right and they look the part it would be fine, no?
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From the latest WGA newsletter
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am i missing something about the bloodbath rules? seems pretty overpowered and nonsensical.
>"hmm imma hurt myself"
>hits the next thing with the strength of 1 ton wheel or a artillery shell.
i just dont see what the point of taking anything besides as many little dudes as you can and just bloodbathing anything. i mean it boosts a pistol from like 3% chance of killing something in -3 armor to an almost 40%. theyre gonna miss a 140 pt centerpiece than youre gonna miss your 40pt infantry with bolt action, and hes not even dead yet.

i really enjoyed my few matches with the Alba. 4 dudes charging in huge armor probably dual-wielding a big and little sword is just really cool.
It seems its suppose to make combat faster and more deadly but it just seems like the result would be both sides guaranteed to be taking a model of the table each turn and prioritizing taking out the expensive stuff first, till one side doesnt have anything left, and if you just run lots of worthless chaff then you are less likely to run out first. I dont like it, but I dont think I get it.
Gross, I love it.
>am i missing something about the bloodbath rules?
>"hmm imma hurt myself"
Yeah you're obviously missing something because this doesn't make any sense. How the fuck are you hurting yourself?
>"In addition to wounds, they represent exhaustion, concussion, shellshock, physical and mental strain and so on."
>"hmm imma exhaust/traumatize myself real quick"
as if the dude wasnt already trying his hardest to kill the enemy that will stab or shoot him in a few seconds. Sure blood markers are pretty vague but having the option to turn your bolt action rifle into a cannon is strange.
>>"hmm imma exhaust/traumatize myself real quick"
Again, you don't seem to understand what the fuck you are talking about. You don't do it to yourself. Are you stupid or something?
Not him but you could throw grenades at your own team to generate the markers needed, or run them into danger just to get enough to give power to a chaff unit that then slaps a centerpiece off the table. The rule says "at the cost of 6 blood markers" implying that you remove those blood markers for the action too, at least thats what it sounds like.
No you idiot dipshit. You don't get to remove blood markers from your OWN UNIT to buff its attacks, what the fuck are you thinking? You have to get 6 blood markers on the target, and then it costs all 6 of them to get the +1 kept injury dice, which is just instead of the +6 dice you could have spent them on.
see that makes much more sense. coulda just said that instead of being a faggot.

yeah dog thats the worst way to interpret it. makes absolutely no sense rules or "realism"" wise
You coulda just read the rules anon
When it says "6 BLOOD MARKERS on any model, or at the cost of 3 BLOOD MARKERS if the target is Down" it's not saying you can spend blood markers on your own dudes. The rules for Blood Markers specifically states you can only spend Blood Markers on your opponents models, and the Bloodbath statement is just saying you can spend 6 markers to trigger it whether the model is downed or not, but for downed models you also have the option to spend 3. I have to imagine it's going to be reworded a bit better in the official 1.4 since that's just a list of patch notes.
Calm down, I was thrown by the fact it says "any model" not specifically the enemy. That makes way more sense.
>I have to imagine it's going to be reworded a bit better in the official 1.4 since that's just a list of patch notes.
Yeah I think the two anons above are just dummies who read the 1.4 changelog thinking it was the full rules and haven't actually read the real game rules in 1.3.2
>I was thrown by the fact it says "any model" not specifically the enemy
So you haven't read the rules for what blood markers even do then
i was thrown off by the idea of "cost" meaning it puts my dude in a bad state rather than going all in on an already mangled enemy
But you always spend blood markers on the opponent to begin with, like why would you even think it had anything to do with your own models?
Weither a model has them or not has nothing to do with what they are used for.
What they are used for is being spent by the opponent, that's the entire fundamental concept
They even have an entire different kind of marker called Blessing Markers for you to spend on your own guys so people don't mix this up
Yes, which is why it seemed like the bloodbath rule was odd because it says "any models" which stands to reason would include your own and any blood markers applied to them by the enemy.
Blood markers are (almost) exclusively for your enemy to use against you so getting a buff with blood markers on any unit would be strange.

because in my mind it was a cost/benefit; i get 3/6 blood markers and kill this other model but put my model in a very precarious position through overexertion
Since we're here how do you like the new bloodbath rule? Makes running big centerpieces and machine armor a little harder which i personally love but is probably a good thing balance wise.
It was added because some of these units were practically unkillable before, now they're manageable without needing a unit that ignores armour, but you still need to stack a lot of blood on the target first, or down it and hit it again while it's down. It's fair, the only thing that really got a lot scarier with bloodbath were machineguns because they can shoot the same target three times in a single activation and they'll chew through anything in the right conditions.
it's one of those things where I'd honestly need to see it in action before I judge it. I get what they're going for; there needs to be some kind of method for dealing with goliaths with lesser dudes, but only experience can tell if the new rule as-written goes too far or not. Troop units need to have some kind of realistic chance, but big boys need to actually be worth their ducats too.
Fucking hell you're dumb.
kys faggot
>crucified baby on staff
I fuckin' love it. It's even better than the baby blender in Scorn.
Won't make you any more intelligent, unfortunately.
nah youre just gonna have to kill yourself for the sole reason of being a massive faggot, unfortunately.
>on the discord

gtfo tranny
Fucking retard.
WGA continues to do what Nintendon't.
I'm kinda hyped to convert all my boys with throwing crosses (Vampire Killer intensifies) and punt guns now. Shame about the nuns but they probably deserved it.

Also, the new shocktroopers sound pretty sick. Lots of new options with them ignoring heavy melee and all the Shield Combo guns.
>the baby blender
Memories reawakened. That game was great
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>You mean basically a bunch of chopped up shitty Warhammer model conversions.
No a lot of them are actually quite good, newfag.

>The game is 'playable', as in 'early access playtesting'.
>This is not a complete product.
And? Show me the rule that says /tg/ threads can only be made about "complete products" lmfao. You fucking sperglord autistic faggot, we have threads here on homebrew and WIP shit all the time.

>When the game is a complete product- and there's actually a range of miniatures/models available... I'll start taking this seriously.
Oh, you hear that everyone? We have to meet this random nobody retard's arbitrary criteria before he takes the game seriously. It's very important this one literal who 4chan user takes the game seriously. What will we do if he doesn't take us seriously?

>The rules are okay but there's a lot of balance issues that need to be ironed out.
No shit, that's why you playtest, which goes completely against the entire rest of your post. Are you maybe a little bit mentally deficient?
>Cross throwing vampire hunters
Isn't that what that 2011 film Priest is about?
>I am
No one cares. Leave.
why do the posts that seem to irritate you end up getting deleted
but not the usual ones with the no-no words above
kinda strange
It's almost like shitbaiting posts are not accepted or something, I dunno Anon.
>why does all my autistic shitposting and thread policing get deleted
I guess jannies are actually being useful for once
Because this isnt fucking /v/, you are posting off topic and stirring shit over nothing.
That's something I noticed with these people. Any criticism, no matter how valid, gets rapidly removed. I suspect they're trying to sell the game to onlookers but the only people they're going to attract are edgelords.
Nigga what are you on about with "these people"? The ones that actually remove posts are mods, not random people in the general. They do it because you're off topic.
You are not on /v/, there is moderation here for derailing a thread with vitriolic arguments that basically amount to "noone should like this because I dont like it".
Scroll up, people discuss mechanics and don't necessarily agree with those. That is criticism, and constructive. Not sperging out.
Gonna be trying out the new assassin rules tomorrow. I feel like it'll be a good change. I'm most interested in Fida'i Sultanate and Heretic Legion, and so far I've felt at an advantage when playtesting either. Moreso with the Fida'i.
This isn't Reddit. Criticism gets mixed with the shitposting you edgy trannies.
Sure,` but did you actually see what the guy was saying?
>I dont get why people even bother with this
>those models look like shit
>they need to change things so people on the outside want to come in more
I really hope people find some good solid options for kitbashing a warband for this game. Turnip28 all you need is whatever floats your boat from the perry brothers, texture paste and some greenstuff.
Meanwhile trench crusade has insanely sick designs but which are very specific in how they look between armies.
Lemme remind you that turnip28 the only limitation is "no fruits, no pumpkins, keep it european" and even then, thats pretty damn soft.
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Trench Crusade kindof has this too, its "WW1 but hell is real".

See something like Bloodborne for inspiration, where it takes a setting and exagerrates and distorts real thing things, like this is literally a capriote(a tall religious hood) made of metal, like the iron capriote in TC, your own interpritation of this religious attire is up to you, so long as its religious and WW1 themed
>the religious theme should not be over looked
>make clothes tattered
>everything is worn and not well maintained
its not as clear cut as turnip or sludge but that kindof lends to how creative you can get with your interpritation of things based on descriptions and the handful of official designs. Theres some really neat stuff out there.
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Someone near my area did an Australia Bushranger-themed force.
Someone pointed out that the chorister is undead and should by rights have fortitude. Designer said
>heretic legion is balanced well and I don't want to mess it up
What a fucking bitch.
Well hes right, the chorister is arguably one of the best units in the game let alone for the faction.
>but they suck with ranged weapons
and get a +2 with melee, apply fear and have an aoe effect that gives anything in 8" a -1 to their dice rolls for ANY enemy action, not just actions against the chorister. All on a 64 point cost unit. Now imagine giving them undead fortitude to give them another -1 to any rolls done against them, they are better than the death commandos or any melee unit at that point, they are already really good.
So up their cost and bring them into line with other undead units. Internal consistency is important.
Isn't the only benefit to the Undead rule immunity to Gas? The Chorister has access to a Gas Mask for 5 ducats which does the same thing. Doesn't seem like it would unbalance the unit to have that built in since it's common and cheap equipment.
-1D to injury rolls.
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Ah, I see where my confusion is. I thought you were talking about the Undead rule, but I forgot there's also and Undead Fortitude rule.
These don't look very nice
>Ned Kelly’s gunslingers.
Are those the Australian alt-WW2 figures from Kyoushuneko Miniatures?
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Yeah they look like the ones he used.
Dual flails or dual clubs on some trench pilgrims? I realize that giving them 2 melee weapons would make them a bit dispossable, like it wouldnt be worth the point cost, but flails actually seem pretty good.
Flails don't work in the off-hand, but I think they would be worth it in the main hand at the whopping price of 2 points.
Aww, its not the same with just one. I wanted some dual wield stuff.
>this is the average Trench Crusade player
Why are you like this?
Resulted into posting selfies now, did you?
Baby Yoda, a well established saint in Christendom.
Any model examples for inspiration for trench zealots? I like their unit roster but I dont see many models made for them compared to New Antioch and Heretics.
Is that your sockspawn?
Heretic Cum Socks. Warband Variant coming to an update near you.
The flesh panopticon...
Public transport in this setting must be fun
I heard talk that they are going to be adding a "crusaders" faction, I thought that was suppose to be the theme of the Trench Pilgrims? Or was it that they were adding them in as a variant for a faction that exists, that would make more sense.
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No the crusaders are elite knights, very different from Trench Pilgrims.
Trench Pilgrims are more of an armed militia force. Technically New Antioch is a crusader state.
Ah, Id be curious to see how they distinguish them from Trench Pilgrims in practice.
>TP thing is they ignore fear, have access to a lot of faith items and can ressurect
>sounds like the crusaders are the elite of the elite and would also have this
So theyll probably be more expensive but all around better. TP are the one faction I like the sound of on paper with their rules but I dont like the look of them at all, if crusaders are anything like them for rules but look cool then Ill be happy. Everyone gets cool outfits and units, and TP gets hobos with clown helmets wearing soiled rags.
Until then, you’ve got the upcoming Serpent’s Court which has literal Hell Knights in it.
Nice, Ive been eyeing the Black Grail plague knight too, seems like it could be fun to make 2 or 3 and then have nothing but chaff accompany them.
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Check out Bloodborne art for inspiration for them. Rags can be cool and goofy helmets can mean making a unique one for each model where you dont have to care if its strictly practical.
the Thing with trench pilgrims is that they're all crazy randoms that have formed together into a semi-coherant force. Crusader Knights would represent a much more strictly controled organisation.
On penance for their forebearers crimes as well
Anvil Industry re-released the daughters of the burning rose line of miniatures as buyable 3D prints, and for STL download.
How is the compatibility of the heads with average 28mm miniatures?

I was hoping for a bit more content from that batch. Hopefully it gets expanded on I missed out on the specialty minis like the executioner. Never found a gaming reason to own them until now.
I think his point is that why would you play as hobos when you can play as knights.
>How is the compatibility of the heads with average 28mm miniatures?
Comparisons between them and 40k from their own webzone.
Hobos are cool, and they have weirder stuff. I doubt the knights will have anchorites or communicants. And you can get a slave mook to stand in place to use as a punt gun mount, or stick a bomb on him.
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I mean why not, what if they just get a mecha knight to go with their foot knights, the setting is pretty strange you can only speculate what their "interesting" units are that arent just knights, where even for New Antioch they have a mech unit and blind priest snipers.

I always like zealots in any system personally but I can see why some dont. Some people like cool armour and uniforms, some people like rags and units that rip their shirt off. Getting a giant shotgun seems fun too, Ill be interested to see what people come up with for that model. Considering just having a guy carring a cannon when I make one.
Making my first team of Albion. How do I decide between toys and boys? How useful is a base yeoman with a bolt action bayonet and grenade? Is it worth getting 5 or so to get some board presence?
Typically, you dont want to give chaff like yeomen things like grenades because they are likely die quickly without having used them, keep their loadouts simple and give specialist roles to some of them. Like instead of every yeoman having grenades, just have 1 or 2 have them and they are equipped with better weapons and armour so they are more likely to survive getting focused on.
Is armour effective? It's very expensive for just normal guys.
Thats IF you want to have some specialized roles for them, its not really worth giving armour to them honestly. Shit, for as much as people model their guys with gasmasks, giving all your chaff gasmasks isnt actually that great. Engineers have special armour that can help them survive explosive fumbles by the way.

That said, Ive only played a few games, and you shouldnt aim for meta, make your guys and make it work. If you want a whole team of grenaders then just find a way to make it work.
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New Serpent Court unit reveal should be dropping today, prepare your asses, it's gonna be the Big Guns dude like Brazen Bull/Anchorite
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Nevermind, not today, the art is still in progress
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At least we got a preview of the Communicant model.
It looks sick but way too monopose if those arms can't be swapped for other options
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How close to lore models do you have to be? If on the correct base are these two ok to use as a Communicant anti tank hunter?
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I personally dont mind it. You should get guys that are a bit more aesthetically part of Trench Pilgrims though, those look more appropriate for something like New Antioch, where you could use them in place of a mechanized infantry unit if on the correct base size. They need some funny helmets and ragged clothing.
They're New Antioch, running Papal variant with the Glory to hire a Anti Tank Mercenary.
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I would probably put a cross on their face or something to lend more to what they are representing, it might be hard to tell what its suppose to be otherwise, a communicats rule that features in their design is a cross stapled to their face, what youve made looks like standard NA soldiers wearing armour.

If you and the opponent know what the unit represents then it doesnt matter though I suppose.
>How close to lore models do you have to be?
The real answer is some combination of how close you want them to be and how close your group is ok with.
>If on the correct base are these two ok to use as a Communicant anti tank hunter?
That's probably fine, especially if you have a smaller pool of available models. However, Communicants are giant mutants, so if you could find a more monstrous model and give them the rocket launcer and helmet that would probably be a better idea overall.
>How close to lore models do you have to be?
You do you, sugar-tits.
>Rules: Polearms take two hands to use and the model armed with it cannot use any shield.
>Polearm 10 ducats (Shield Combo)
Has he clarified which way he wants it yet?
Yeah you can use it with a shield
Thinking of doing west african trench pilgrims. They'd do combinations of catholicism and local spirit worship, forming voodoo/vodou like in real life. While the very different circumstances obviously mean it forming like vodou did would be extremely unlikely, I'm going to use it anyway. Communicants as loa sounds fun to me.

That's against the setting aesthetic.
sounds neat. take some pictures if you manage to make any unique minis.
>crusade = voodoo
What makes you like this?
Europe isn't the whole setting and was never mean to be the whole setting, it's just the part that the designers are focused on.
>That's against the setting aesthetic.
>Ethiopia is okay
>west africa is not
???, do you have a problem with the vodoo theme?
Ethiopia is home to the oldest Christian sect in the world
NTA though
Europe has nothing to do with it, the aesthetic is Abrahamic religion. This isn't some Neil Gaiman "all gods are real" kitchen sink mythology crap. It's the forces of Christ vs the forces of Satan with Islam also there because they're basically just a really extreme heretical Christian off-shoot.
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West Africans in West Africa, or from in the Caribbean/New World?

Early Vodou is a partially Catholicized tribal faith, many of the Lwa were in the processes of being re-internalized as Saints. The main church in-universe is explicitly called as Syncretic, so that's not a big issue as long as there's no explicitly Heretical stuff.
It's not 'the forces of Christ', if you'd paid attention to the setting and knew your theology instead of being a retarded culture warrior, you would know that the setting is based on the Book of Revelation, where the antichrist rises and the church is corrupted. The church keeps tortured and feasted on clones of Christ, and the Pit Locusts - which in Revelation are stated to not attack people who have the Mark of Christ attack the faithful forces freely. Wouldn't surprise me if the Duke or Pope was the Anti-Christ. Meanwhile Voodoo worshippers literally worship the Christian God. Shows what you know
In West Africa, since with no slave trade there'd be no real reason for there to be a large west african population in the Caribbean, I know the circumstances that created Vodou in real life probably wouldn't happen without those conditions, but I think it's cool and worth a little stretching to make happen

Voodoo/Santaria worshipers being the real faithful is not an intended setting element.

>Early Vodou is a partially Catholicized tribal faith

It is not true, however, that all practitioners of Voodoo's beliefs are syncretized with Christianity to the point where they could be considered Christian.

Bluntly, get your wack-ass anti-setting stuff out of the game.
The faithful in the setting aren't Christian, with the exception of the one trench crusade subfaction who hunt communicants and only use the original bible
Oh no boys the setting police are here. Seriously, fuck off. Go cry and shit and piss yourself in a corner by yourself over how other people are doing cool things and having fun without you.
If YOU'D paid any attention to the setting you would know that there are sects of the Faithful that reject the doctrine of the Meta-Christ and the Church, and that there are clearly true believers and followers within the alliance because they benefit from supernatural blessings and charismatic gifts bestowed by God.
Heretic Legions got their glory shop, this is all of them now until the big 1.4 document drops. Mega has been updated with this and with the 1.4 changelog.

When the big document is out it should basically condense 90% of the PDF files in the mega into one cleaner updated file, coming soon. Lead dev is working on finishing the Exploration rules for Campaign mode which should basically round that out too, and then it's just a few more weeks until we get the Court faction release. By the end of August the launch version of the game should basically be done except for balance tweaks, so I suspect the Kickstarter isn't far off now.
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>new rules update
>trench ghosts nerfed even harder than before for no reason
What do we do, skelebros?
>for no reason
According to the dev they were the highest performing variant competitively speaking, although the most recent tournament they did the base Heretic list was the overall winner but that happened like RIGHT before 1.4 changes dropped so it wasn't taken into account yet

Holy shit lmao
Church of metamorphosis is implied to worship eldritch being that is not hell or heaven. Its not tied to Abrahamic god fighting satan. Stop being a fag.
The Bible acknowledges the existence of old forgotten spiritual beings and other gods, noob
It says OMOH, oтpяд мoбильный ocoбoгo нaзнaчeния (Special Service Mobile Detachment)
It doesn't, gods of other people are fallen angels. God created heaven and earth. Stop being a fag and a retard.
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Is there a limit to how many models you can have in a warband? I want to use those Trench Pilgrim prisoners, but they seem like a waste of points if there is a limit.
I think it's like 30?
Officially not yet. They playtested a 15 model limit recently, but the rules for one-off games are still in flux and campaign is meant to be the main game mode and that limit will probably expand over time the further you play through a campaign. But it will probably never get to a point where they let you unironically run like 50 dudes or something.
In the hunt for heroes scenario it mentions
>Both warbands can use up to 20 models from their
warband. Each player must deploy all their ELITE
models if they are able.
Which suggests that there can be more than 20, but 20 is the cap for this scenario. In the last scenario it simply says "both sides use their entire force" rather than stating a limit, suggesting that you just put out whatever you have bought for your points rather than to a specific cap.

Given its a campaign game with certain conditions for earning points per scenario, it is actually a really stupid idea to take nothing but chaff for your warband in an attempt to have have a wave of units, since this means you will be basically giving away points to the opponent because the units are far easier to kill and survive attacks from, which is how some points are earned.
am I missing something about the demonic aura grenades? they don't seem that great at a glance. most grenades have a keyword that gives them an extra blood marker anyway (though this would bypass resistance I guess). I've heard that ignore armor is very valuable, but the new bloodbath rule seems to be trying to dilute that. maybe it's something that shows its worth in practice?
Ignore armour is extremely good, I think only Gas Grenades do that currently as far as other Grenades go but they have a -1 DICE to injury and a further -1 against gas masks. The double blood markers mean you're always doing 2 regardless of resistance, but if you get a Down result on an enemy that's already Down that's going to double to 4. Also, Grenades aren't one use items so the guy armed with this can keep throwing them.
I did get that much, but note also that the demonic grenades forfeit ASSAULT as well. You need to get within 8" of an armored threat that you don't want to charge. You also don't want the target to be within 3" of any of your own dudes, because the resistance-bypassing property would also thwart the heretics' own solid repertoire of resistances. To realistically get the 4-marker you'd need an opponent who is down, alone, within 8", and worth forfeiting your charge for. How often will that kind of situation come up? If there's a cluster of armored guys then yeah, the calculus changes, but at the same time the item is LIMIT 1. If your opponent even has multiple armored guys, they're gonna be really damn mindful of where your demonic grenadier is every second until the guy is dead.
HOMO shirt lmao.
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Making some trench pilgrims.
Sick. What're you using for helmets there?
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Thanks. Its these heads off the perry miniatures afghanistan British but I shaved the face off so its just the helmet, put it on backwards so there is a lip to it, and used a scalpel to put holes in it. The idea is that I want to have different patterns on each helmet if I can be bothered.
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That's pretty creative of you Anon.
Thanks again. If you want to see if there are bits that could be usefull just look over all the perry miniatues ranges. Its all really cheap too so you can fuck around with it and cut them to pieces and not worry about having just chopped up a more expensive model. So if you see something that you think you could use then it costs next to nothing to try.
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One step ahead
Based. This game will save many etsy slop shops
Thinking of making a heretic legions warband based on Attila the Hun. While the guy in real life was actually pretty reasonable, maybe hundreds of years of being called the Scourge of God has had an impact on him. I don't know if people in the setting specifically go to hell when they die, but seeing as the lake of fire is accessible by anointed, maybe he actually straight up died as usual and climbed out of hell personally?
You can just theme it if not make it litterally him and have him as a sort of patron saint. Seems that if you actually pass the gates of hell and have died you do not come back unless you are really fucked up to the point where you are barely human. The heretics themselves are merely those who have seen the gate, let alone passed through it.
>maybe he actually straight up died as usual and climbed out of hell personally?
Hell Knights are rumored to be mortals ascended to demonhood, nothing to say that they're only from living humans and not dead ones. I feel like the pits of hell would be a great recruiting ground for godless psychos.
Day 7 bake

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