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Gangrel Gym Teacher Edition

>Previous Thread

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>Ideas: BJ Zanzibar's WoD
>Anders Mage Page
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>Thread Questions
What was the horniest moment in your games?
>What was the horniest moment in your games?
Didn't happen because I quit the game (for other reasons), but ST said my Tremere ancilla would have been in a threesome with two Toreador methuselahs to pay what I owed one of them

Not sure if I dodged a bullet or missed the opportunity of a lifetime
Checking this number of the Beast.
Which Methuselah?
Give me weapon ideas to draw
Nothing extremely complicated
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A Macuahuitl using vampire teeth could be interesting.
Here's a few Leiomanos for reference
>What was the horniest moment in your games?
I thought one of the NPCs was pretty cute but realized that would just be awkward and distracted given the game.
While in another system and group I tried to kidnap a drunk woman to lobotomize her and use her as puppet with remote control cybernetics.
I owed Helena and she'd take me to Iontius because she wanted to learn how to feed through sex without the kiss.

I guess I'd be a guinea pig to avoid Blood Bonds, since this is 5E so Tremere blood doesn't bond vampires
My ST is like ludicrously horny, and she basically uses the campaigns as an outlet the same way some girls use fanfiction. All our sessions are at least a little horny, it's great fun. She gets to be weird with it, we get to have a genuinely creative and engaged ST.
It's pretty seamless. A lot of WoD/horror has noncon, infidelity, breeding and blood play in it anyway. She just also clearly think it's hot.
The one time I played nDemon my character had the cover of a runaway girl and managed to trick a NEET into signing away his entire existence for a teeniebopper blowjob.
we walked in on two npcs that totally just been the st's fetish fuel: a tremere regent and his sister-wife-childe fucking. twice
Drake pipe that lets you spit poison
That's not a macuahuitl
I know but it looks like what I am describing.
What's the difference between VtR 1e and 2e? Does 2e no longer need the Big Blue Book?
the weapons rules and powers are different. you can use 2e by itself.
You lost big time, anon. A legendary threesome.
Nah, a truly legendary threesome would have been with Tzimisce methuselahs, especially considering he's a Tremere.
Utterly disgusting.
It would be actually be a foursome because Saulot is in there too.
That seems so fucking cute.
Tell us more about it, anon.
This is a bit long and not all that related to WoD. Just thought I would go into detail a bit.
I avoid horniness like the plague because I had some bad experiences early on with people getting too weird. During lockdown my male roommate offered to set up a two person D&D campaign for me and another roommate. It was pretty alright, I played as a Human Rogue that leaned into sterotypes by being in it for the money. We were a few sessions into the campaign when we were at a Bar waiting for a third party member (DMPC) to be finished with some off screen shenanigans and were spending the downtime mainly just roleplaying our characters training/learning the perks we picked up. There was an incubus at the bar that tried picking me up when I was practicing with a long sword and I roleplayed rejecting them. The DM then got in a bit of a huff, shuffled us into the night time and asked me to roll passive perception and a constitution saving roll. Thinking this was an assassination attempt, I went along with it and failed both roles.
The DM had the fucking Incubus rape me.
Needless to say I was pissed and grossed out and stopped playing D%D with him immediately. According to my other roommate the DM got mad that I left but decided to try to replace my character with the Incubus (A mage a few higher levels than the rest of the party) until the other roommate got tired of trying to get him to apologize to me and dipped out.
Also the Incubus might have been a self insert from previous campaigns, he had a detailed backstory and the DM kept on ranting about how sleeping with an incubus would have been an excellent way to wedge him into the campaign with us.
Lots of things. Lore is mostly the same but basically the whole template was reworked. Every Discipline was rewritten, Humanity entirely changed, all the curses redone, Predator's Taint massively overhauled and is basically a new thing, Kindred Senses are all new, Frenzy was reworked, sunlight damage reworked, BP reworked, got rid of Golconda, Mask and Dirge was added, Banes were added, Carthian Laws and Invictus Oaths were added, Blood Sorcery got tweaks, Mysteries were totally redesigned, Predator's Aspect is all new, I'm pretty sure how vampires take damage changed, and then all the CofD changes like Beats, Tilts, Conditions, etc. etc. etc. 1e rules stuff still mostly works but there are some considerations you'd need to take to port stuff over because of some core rules changes. Although at this point virtually all of it is in 2e thanks to None More Dark who are a third party team of CofD freelancers making new books for 2e. All of which are great and IMO you might as well treat them as official.

You don't need the blue book now, no. It's still useful to have for extra options like Merits and different enemy systems but the core rules are in the VtR 2e core book. The blue book is a mortal investigation game now.
What are wod/wod5/CofD splat power levels?
I know that mages and demons are pretty much strongest in wod\cofd, followed by mummies. Then vampires and werewolves, Then I'd be promethians, changelings and gheist and bottom tier would be hunters\imbued.
>I know next to nothing about beasts and deviants
>Predator's Taint massively overhauled and is basically a new thing
Please describe in detail what it is now. The original version in 1e was fucking awful, and I had to overhaul it myself back then.
Vampires are the weakest
Imbued are slightly stronger
Mages are strongest but only with enough prep time
woofs are very powerful
demons are incredibly powerful
changelings? no idea but they die if you show them a spreadsheet
Wod related I always interpreted that:
Vampires start out weak but becomes crazy strong with age/generation
Werewolves start out strong but mostly stay in same power tier
Mages start out slightly weaker then mages but by midpoint they are so powerful they can't even exit on earth w/o reality trying to delete them
mummies are just sorcerers/hedge magicians that can't really die/stay dead
I dunno about wraith and changeling power levels but wraiths were always portrayed as slaves to Giovanni so maybe weaker then vampires?
Imbued are interesting case. Narratively they are as strong as plot needs them to be but mechanically they are slightly better then starter mage or vampire but they burn out before they reach full power
Demons are on par with strong mage. Earthbound are on par with archmages and antideluvians
Now hunter tiers
HH mortal (weakest)
Inquisition/Agent/Arcanist (basically mortal hunter but has backing and training of powerful groups)
Dark ages inquisitor
Extremis imbued (iirc books extremis imbued can fucking tangle with methuselaths and earthbound)
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It's the "Predatory Aura" and represents how the Beast bubbles under the surface. So serves the same baseline role in that a Kindred can see another Kindred and know what they are, but it also lets them "lash out" and use the Beast to bolster a threat and such. There are three aspects to every Beast, the Monstrous Beast which is the primal instinct to rip and tear, the Seductive Beast that's tempting and lustful, and the Competitive Beast playing to desires of control and power.

When you Lash Out with your Predatory Aura you choose which of these aspects you're invoking. When you do so you perform a simple action in line with what the aspect represents. A monstrous Beast growls, threatens, gnashes teeth, or calls to action. A seductive Beast sidles up to the prey, whispers beautiful lies, or gives a telling gaze from across the crowd. A competitive Beast draws a line in the sand, announces terms, or takes the role of mouse in a chase

You roll your Blood Potency + a Power Attribute based on the aspect you invoke (Strength/Presence/Intelligence), then the target decides between Fight or Flight. If they pick Flight then they withdraw and look weak or foolish and, if you wish, you can pursue them. The target gains a Condition based on the aspect you used.

If they pick Fight then that's where things get interesting. The opposing Kindred flares their Beast in response, spending a point of Willpower to do so if they're lower Blood Potency, and then they roll to Lash Out just as you did, with an aspect of their choice. If the aggressor rolls more successes, the target gains the appropriate Condition, and the aggressor takes a +2 to pursue anything in their aspect's interests for the scene. If the aggressor rolls less the reverse happens. On a draw both apply the Condition but neither gets the +2

Mortals can also choose to Fight, but they can't impose a Condition if they win, but if they do win they gain a +2 to attack, flee, or otherwise neutralize the risk
Mages start out slightly weaker then vampires*
Is NWoD Mummy the one with the reverse power curve - where you start off strong, and the longer you walk the Earth the weaker you get?

Is that campaign dynamic fun?
Yes, and yes. YMMV.
There's not much more to say. She spends a long time preparing scenarios and she has very elaborate world ,and gets really into the role playing. It's just that we also know that there's a pattern with all the sex and sexualized stuff that happens
Sometimes she's clearly pushing for a specific scenario, like setting up one of characters with a beloved partner who is clearly going to be tkane by an NPC villain figure, and the character then has to "reclaim" her both physically and romantically, and sometimes she gets really detailed with describing a vampire feeding and playing the victim because she thinks it's hot.
We all have fun, and no one is uncomfortable with it, and she likes putting in stuff we enjoy too. 10/10 ST.
If you want "Cute" stuff, she does voices, including for male characters, and while she's pretty good at it, it does get silly when a character is supposed to be a brute of a man and she's trying her very hardest to do a tough guy voice. So there's a preponderance of evil twinks and femme fatales for convenience's sake.
For CofD, it's a bit difficult do to what you mean by the strongest. While a werewolf has the advantage in a fight, vampires are much better socially. Werewolves having access to the Shadow and ability to operate in the day leans towards them probably being being a bit better. What helps is that werewolf natural weapons overcome vampires only taking bashing damage from most sources. With Sin-Eaters, it depends on the build, but I'd bet on the Sin-Eater with a lot of Keys do to it allowing them to ignore the cap on how much Plasm they can spend and hold in their pool. I don't really think they're on a whole other level though. Changelings are though. They're the probably the 4th strongest splat, although it wouldn't surprise me if they could cheese their way past a mummy. Deviants vary, but I'd say they're the second weakest with only Hunters being weaker. Beast is a bit hard to say. I'd put them below changelings in power, but not so much that they don't have any counter-play to some of their more broken tricks, which is more than most can say. A properly built Beast with enough exp pulls ahead in combat over most splats though by purchasing Lair, all the defensive and most of the offensive Atavisms. Certain Lair Trait combinations can also be pretty busted, but overall, for all it's flaws, it's not in a bad position for a crossover splat with how big a gap there is between the strongest and weakest.
I mean strongest in way "how much they're bullshit power can effect surroundings/others" so this is template bonuses + potential of disciplines/gifts/spheres/contracts/avatisms/endowments/keys etc

I mean hunters generally are just regular people who can do amazing stuff with they're willpower & lucifuge hunter can shoot fireballs and summon demons but they are still outmatched by most of vampires and changelings in what they can do.
I should've said strongest in physical/social/political/mystical power circles.

***People list hunters as weakest, but reading endowments & tactics, I'd say tier 3 hunters can be fucking scary***
Good luck man, people have been arguing this shit since the dawn of time. There's no clean answer. You can at best get a vague sense of power tiers, but much beyond that you have an absolute crapshoot. All I maintain is that everyone is sleeping on the absolute bullshit vampires can pull with mind control disciplines and the blood bond.
Hard to say, since most have some means of doing that. Arguably it's an elder Werewolf through a Glory 5 Cataclysm Facet combined with another Renown 5 Facet from the Gift of Elements, especially Water. If no one stops them during the buildup, Mass Create water on that scale would literally explode like a bomb and destroy an entire city do to the fact you can't really compress water, and way too much water is being created in too small a space, so you're getting more than just a flood large enough to drown a city.

That isn't even mentioning Devotions. I do agree vampires are underestimated.
>All I maintain is that everyone is sleeping on the absolute bullshit vampires can pull with mind control disciplines and the blood bond.
Yeah but when people talk about ''the strongest'' they usually mean raw power and not ''tricky bullshit they can do''.
Changeling in cofd are weird when it comes to power levels depending on how you read certain things there are a lot of tricks changeling have access to that don't have much of a counter. Beyond contracts that are potentially broken depending on interpretation (Certain elemental contracts could kill a vampire with no means for the vampire to deal damage back, letting you theoretically kill an infinite number of vampires), and there's no real canon for how anyone else interacts with hedge shit (Despite DaveBs insistence that msges can just nope it. However he's anti-canon) so depending on your ST pushing someone into the hedge is an immediate win button for the encounter (Even if the person may return later), and there's a lot of dreamfuckery and deals a changeling can make.
I know this place got really mad at hedgefag for being right about this, but the only limit to stuff like Goblin contracts is what the ST thinks is appropriate.
All in all, with a restrictive ST, changeling are way down on the totempole but with unique abilities, and with a very permissive ST they may jump up to the level of or even exceed werewolves.
>Despite DaveBs insistence that msges can just nope it. However he's anti-canon
Sometimes feels like a weird dream that he used to frequent here. But I guess majority of anons from that time aren't here anymore.
Even read conservatively, they're still stronger. Too much stuff is unresistable, too much stuff requires tools that other splats have no answer to, even a harsh reading of coming back from the dead still gives you unlimited 1-ups, you just have to put in the effort. They also start with 6 Contracts which is more than most start with, and they start with 2 Royal Contracts which are the equivalent of a 5 dot Discipline.
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Has anyone made a full conversion of Masquerade setting and lore to the Requiem system?
Vampire Translation Guide. It's a 1e book so the Disciplines are underpowered compared to 2e ones, but it should otherwise work.
Is your ST hot?
What are her fetishes?
Oh, fuck
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>beloved partner who is clearly going to be taken by an NPC villain figure, and the character then has to "reclaim" her both physically and romantically
Reclaiming your partner after they were taken by somebody else isn't good enough to uncuck yourself, you gotta claim the one who stole them as well.
If VtM is a mafia movie down to the paranoia and outbursts of ultravoilence, what's Changeling the Dreaming supposed to be?
one of those trippy artsy movies
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Werewolf, mummy (just woken up) and a wizard

Two are coming for you and one is defending you, who do you pick?
A 1970's Cannes movie festival staple where the beginning is colorful and depicts a romanticized vision of childhood in some tucked away part of France nobodies ever heard of that abruptly turns black and white, showing images of wilting flowers while a fancifully slow cello seemingly mourns the loss of youth.
The director is some shriveled up little shite whose names is unpronounceable by English speaking tongues and despite showing up to screenings of his movie in an old French Underground Resistance regalia he never fought in the war, instead flying over to the US during the time of the war to avoid the fighting.
A solid mixture of "You just don't like, get it man." and getting all sentimental about shit they were never a part of. If this explanation angers you, good. Go do some drugs about it you fucking square.
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Pan's Labyrinth or Hook
I feel like Changeling is about something like Bridge to Terabithia-meets-It (post-timeskip).

You have a friend group as kids, and over the course of the game 20-30 years pass, and shit changes, and there's supernatural stuff.
Bridge to Terabithia was something of a sexual awakening to 11 year old me, it blows my mind that its been 17 years since then and I still want to
Still want to what, anon?
CtD isn’t pseud-shit.
I just realized I’m possibly arguing with people in their late 30s to early 40s when I shitpost here. Some old-ass faggots out here saying CofD is better? Opinion immediately discarded.
Die from an explosive strawberry vape you brat
>Otherkin: The Glamour-Bombing
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Its late, I'm tired and I read this as die from an explosive strawberry brap lmao
You know what, fuck it, I’m going to ask:
Who here has actually PLAYED Wraith?
i did once but it's like over a decade ago and it went nowhere because of the whole "other players are meant to play each other shadows" thing, it caused the game to come a screeching halt several time and then we all decided to try and become risen together and some of us couldn't convince our shadows at the final stage and that ended the game: half the group was now in another dimenson, people where really pissed off at each other and nobody had fun, so we stopped
Between being a Chicago Cubs fan pre 2016 and playing Wraith the Oblivion, playing Wraith was more painful
Can anyone explain how the Euthanatoi do magic? I read the Revised corebook and the White Wolf wiki, but I’m still not understanding. Akashics mediate and realize truths, Ecstatics reach a climax, Hermetics conduct rituals and study arcane knowledge, Etherites are testing and proving their Science! in theory and practice, etc. But what exactly do the Euthanatoi believe they are doing to use magick?
>Can anyone explain how the Euthanatoi do magic?
their main sphere is one of the easiest hidden one and the tradition has everything between charka uses, bards and nordic mages so that's a hard question to answer
>But what exactly do the Euthanatoi believe they are doing to use magick?
the right thing. Okay okay i know it sound like a coop-out but it's true, Euthanatoi think that they are agents of the wheel, the natural order, destiny or whatever you want to call. and that they are who are tasked with keeping things in order... mostly by murdering people
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sorry the picture didn't get added for some reason, but yeah "we do magic because we do our duty"
IIRC they believe that there is a kind of great song reverberating through the wheel (i.e Reality) and that by following your dharma you can learn how to alter this song with prayers and music. this is the core of chakravanti magick
Mummies have the least shit track record and least collateral inducing powers so I would choose them.
The Mage is just random bullshit that mih6 be completely useless or perfect for whatever scenario is at hand on top of getting fucked by me being there.
The dogs are bad enough bodyguards that they might as well be a third enemy.
So by following their duty, they’re empowered by the Wheel? So kind of like a DnD warlock. As long as they use it to fulfill their duty to the Wheel on occasion, they can use magic for any other situation. I think I get it now.

>That pic
Yeah, the other Traditions’ confusion was the same as mine lol

That sounds like the Celestial Chorus though?
Any books that go into detail about London in the late 20th century? I know of London by Night and Fall of London, but those are Victorian and modern respectively.
both a world of darkness books the diablery book (you go to london in the pre made adventure) and children of the Night have bits about vampiric london
In MMO terms, London is a really high threat level area controlled by highly trained and well equipped members of the Second Inquisition that is intended to be for late game parties with high level gear. Sorry Bruv, but London is fookin' full and don' wan' no fookin' vampires innit. (The British Crown and the city itself has always been involved in Meta shit for whatever reason)
Bruh he asked about the late 20th century and explicitly mentioned Fall of London as a no go because it's too recent.
paradox shills yet again showing how smart they are
the true test of seeing if you understand mage is if you can understand how Syndicate magic works.
Uhhh, the stock market?
You heard of ‘fuck you’ money? Wait until you see ‘fuck reality’ money.
Why are the Bastet and the Corax so cooler than the other fera?
Corax, yes. Bastet, no.
But England has never seen the sun so they probably have 50% of the world's vamp population overall
British "people's" pale skin and nosferatu teeth make the masquerade extremely easy to upkeep

Random man on the street
>Oy Whorts With Dem Rubish Teeth Yu Gort?

>"Panics" Im from North Hampshire ?

Random man on the street
>Checks out Orlright Olright, You Ave My Sympathy
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>Bastet, no.
>Mind magic: I'll pay you $100 to fuck off
>Forces: Let me just contact my guy in the weather department
>Spirit: Hello there spirit, if you do this thing for me I will buy of that section of nice parkland and give it to you
>Entropy: Stock market nonsense, speculating on the chances of a hurricane so hard it actually happens
>Prime: Yes, the universe has a set value and a limitless value to it and I can make things more valuable by shifting the value from one place to the other. That dump? I'll turn it into prime real estate within 2 years
>Life: Money can now literally grow on trees
And so on and so on
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>Corax, yes
Reminder that the royal family is related to fucking dracula
I think the Corax are dumb but they can fly so that immediately makes them the coolest Fera
The Bastet are neat if you give them the Cat Sorcery merit for free but only if they have to follow their yava
Okay lads ideas for the campaign im working on with a few characters for Cape Fortune my homebrew city. Tell me if you like what I'm putting down
>current prince: Chamaraja/Devendra(?) Ravnos vampire, former Bollywood star who moved stateside and challenged the reigning Lord Ashbury and bested him. Expected that being prince would be a whirl of parties and excitement not the primogen constantly bitching at him. Suffers from the V5 curse and is constantly passing into the elder's domains and bumming a stay with them fucking infuriating them. They would kill him but the Sabbat are on the attack in Cape Fortune and the city would go to shit without SOME stability and the elders would kill each other infighting for the title of prince so they're forced to stay their hands. Despite what he seems he's cleverer than he lets on but is simply not quite interested in the nitty gritty politique of old men who want to rule the world, he's glad to at least have the free reign of the city.
>Temple Fuigitt: Sheriff of the City, Old Guard Brujah who served under Ashbury. (Is actually a True Brujah and is leading the Sabbat invasion of Cape Fortune from behind the shadows). Calm and collected usually the voice of reason, helpful as far as he can go has a habit of going after anarchs for possible sabbat sympathies, despite his best efforts to counteract the sabbat he only gets lower tier packs and Sabbat licks/shovelheads
>Daniel Waid, the Prince's advisor and a Tremere. Really wants to build a fucking Chantry but nobody will let him as nobody wants the Tremere Pyramid in the area. Not the Prince, not the Sheriff, not the others of the Primogen. Secretly copes and malds about it constantly. Will eventually get somebody to let him build it one of these days he swears but his efforts are flustered by the everturning wheels of the primogen crushing it and dashing his hopes. the matters of land and territory are paramount regarding domain
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>Doc Sunday/Gentleman Jack: Samedi who suffered indignities at the hands of Lord Ashbury in his mortal life as a slave and conspired with the dark powers of the kindred and death to take his revenge. Is a well respected seventh generation now but as soon as he gained power and influence enough to make his move against Lord Ashbury in modern nights Ashbury is dead bested by some fucking new comer. Longs for revenge against the prince for taking his life's goal away from him but has to plan carefully lest the primogen fall upon him for causing chaos in Cape Fortune's darkest hour. In the mean time he builds favor and fortune by acting as the coterie's middle men and acting in kine's dark dreams as known only known as Gentleman Jack said to grant any wish your heart desires if you are able to give up something equivalent in exchange
>Dismas, (Brujah/Toreador/Nosferatu?) a vampiric priest who was once a street thug and common thief till the church had him find forgiveness in Christ. He preached the good word to anybody that listened but like Job suffers heavily to the point his faith is strained but not broken for he but he still believes in God. Being turned into a vampire and watching his flock and church wither and die broke his heart, he does not blame God but quietly wonders if the Lord disdains him for some sin of his past and this be his penance for it. Possesses the amazing power of True Faith but can suffer from Rotshrek and Aggravated Damage in using it. The PCs first encounter him tending to a gangster of a Giovanni backed mafia after he claimed sanctuary in the rotting church to gain leads on the whereabouts of the new street gang the Crimson Kings. His true faith can fizzle out or be strengthen by the actions of the PCs as well as being an early example of high humanity vampire who while remaining mostly powerless still holds onto what remains important to himself even if it has come at a great cost
What Dark Age Inquisitors have that puts them so high?
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Terry Gilliam-style fantasy
Traditionalist infiltrator spotted
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>Frankie G: The most Guido vampire to ever unlive. He's a Giovanni but his family are a bit of an embarrassment to him but he loves his fucked up incest ridden, necrophiliac freakshow family even if he to juggle their fuck ups and put down their mistakes. Major Ghostfucker/fetishist though, he has a type. He doesn't fuck corpses though. Ancilla quite recently he's having to keep an eye on the Crimson Kings, while not being too much of a threat to any of the made men of the mafia. Can be a powerful ally or a bastard with the weight of the Giovanni clan to throw around. He has to protect their business interests first and foremost.
>The Fingers of the Black Hand: A group of Sabbat aligned vampires and their allies who have been stirring up trouble in Cape Fortune. The twist is the coterie's sires make up part of this group along with Temple Fuigitt and the nominal leader of the Sabbat in the area a Tzimscie who crafts a labyrinthian maze of horrors made flesh in an abandoned quarry outside of Cape Fortune who answers to Fuigitt but secretly plans on kill the True Brujah with his monstrous powers that even he might not be able to overcome.
>The Sires: a Gangrel, a Brujah and a Toreador. Fucked up a shovelheading ritual (the Toreador gave the Cammies an anonymous tip to find them because he wanted his darling fledgling to be born with a sense of drama) and were caught with their pants down by the Camarilla. Fled with the Camarilla giving chase and killing a fair few new shovelheads and Sabbat licks in the process with Cammies not coming out unscathed too) The coterie emerges from the mass grave towards the tale end with the Sabbat and Camarilla too busy in killing each other to notice a few newborn fledglings crawl out of the earth into a new and terrible reality, a WORLD OF DARKNESS™ if you will
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Other vaguer less defined ideas I had in mind
>A Ventrue of the Primogen who's the son of a knight and longs to live up to his noble father's legacy despite it being cut short with the invention of gunpower and a lead ball punching through his dear old daddy's plate
>new mage vs Pentex and their bullshit seeping into the city with the PC Vamps suddenly realizing that they're not exactly hot shit when put into context
>gang warfare with the Crimson Kings put up against either or a combination of Mafia, Romero Street OGs, Blue Eyed Devils, and Los Aztecas with a punkass Lambrosa trying to make a name for himself in the Sabbat by creating an army of ghouls to overtake Cape Fortune with sheer numbers with the PCs needing to execute this fucker ASAP before he breaks the Masquerade with his army of shadowy super strong freakshows and finally gets his snowball really rolling before it does critcal damage to the stretched thin Cammies.
Stronger edges then standard imbued, in addition to being the authority in period. They're endowments (edges) are on par with shih mystical powers while having true faith on top of it. So from hunter characters perspective, I'd say only high level shih masters and extremis imbued (being discounted solar exalts) surpassing it
i don't think they have true faith on top of that, their endowments ARE their true faith after all so if you use inqusitor instead of standard true faith you trade in active abilities for ability immunities
They are still more powerful than standard true faith or most of imbued edges, in addition to having multiple effects, giving inquisitors more options then shih or imbued. In addition, while shih are highly trained but otherwise solitary vagabonds, and imbued having some support per hunters net, they still mostly know jack shit about happenings. Shadow inquisition has major/minor backing of church (The Authority at the time in most places) which gives inquisitors vastly bigger resources, lore, manpower to tackle besties, so out of mortal hunters, they are almost strongest mortal hunter can be.
oh i don't disagree, but i'll be honest i don't know about the asian super hunters because i am kinda avoiding wod asia

one thing i could see as advantage over other hunters is that inqusitors can actually join several of their orders and technically learn all the endowments (althought you would have to be a murnau for to really learn everything) the only limits are what you can get away with in rp and exp cost
They are kinda okay?
At first they can do minor stuff like push yourself a little harder, heal faster, sense ghosts or resist mind powers, at higher tiers they can push themselves to fight vampires or werewolves man o man or regenerate from near death, but each of those has severe drawbacks and drain most of your chi (like you can push your physical stats to 8 dots but after scene you are basically done, you can at best, crawl) oh and they're training/lifestyle/powers generate a lot of Po (which I interpret as hatred/grudge?) so they are forsaken to become wraiths/go to Chinese hell after death by default.
Hunter demon x also has task force zero that are japanese men in black/ex ninjas/corporate samurais with [SPOILER] magitech, and are backed by technocracy, making them similar to division six in HtV [/spoiler]
What to the supernaturals during ww2 were there like nazi werewolves and stuff like that?
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>were there like nazi werewolves and stuff like that?
yes, but it was mostly a mage thing with etherites and technocrats vs nephanti, verbana rune mages and other technocrats (majority was actually behind the axis before the nephanti support became obvious) fighting both on the surface and in the hollow earth, with the other mage factions also being involved obviously but have less focus in the writing
in terms of other supernaturals both the tremere and tzimisce used the concentration camps for their benefits even if they didn't believed in the ubermensch (because the fiends see themselves as above humanity in general) and the ventrue prince of berlin was a major helper for hitler... only to find that he couldn't control the guy at all
and on the werewolf side you had the get fenrir who to their shame in the modern nights had members join the nazis which cause a civil war in the tribe
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How do you guys imagine the future of vampires to be? Like, beyond the modern nights, whether in a more realistic future, a sci-fi future, a cyberpunk future, a post-apocalyptic future, etc.
I know there was an official cyberpunk-esque VtM thing (I think it was like one page), but I'm curious what you guys actually imagine their future would be like, if you've ever thought about it at all.
World of Future Darkness answered that for us.
I know. I mentioned it in my post. What I'm asking is what kinds of futures this general thinks could happen, involving vampires, in different genres.
there was a article (it's in the mega 2 i think) called gothapocalypse which is about vtm after someone (hinted to be vitel and augustus) nuked the world during gehenna so now you have to activly try and manage a small settlement to have a heard all while at least two antedeluvians (set and the eldest) are awake and active

it's a very different kind of thing, with no masquarade and all, but also some weirdness like heavy radiation breaking blood bonds
That sounds crazy. Pretty interesting, actually. I'll give it a read.
Yeah, I did reread it too, and first of all, sorry for the writing in the previous post.- I wrote it on a train. But yeah, the article is pretty wild: First, there are also more Antediluvians active than I remembered. The few remains of the Technocratic Union are in civil war because the can't decide if they need to go full transhuman or full borg to surrive. Mummies are preparing for the final war with Set, as Set came back from the underworld with the knowledge needed to destroy them completely. There are more Baali than ever before. Gargoyles run rampant. The Ventrue and Tremere got hit hard (but the Tremere might be faking it). Troile is awake and tries to use Presence to force the Brujah to dig her up. Clan Ravnos (written before the Week of Nightmares was a thing) and Nosferatu are nearly destroyed, and radiation also breaks down Dominate conditioning for some reason.

And all that is before the 11 story seeds that included for a chronicle set in that setting
*that are included for
>How do you guys imagine the future of vampires to be?
''Realistically'' it would stay the same as everyone with still preparing for the Apocalypse despite living in a wasteland because it has already happened for all practical purposes.
Are there any art pieces of Nosferatu from Masquerade or Requiem don't just look like regular corpses or Count Orlok cosplayers? They're supposed to be mutated and fucked up but every artist just goes for the low-hanging fruit.
>Are there any art pieces of Nosferatu from Masquerade or Requiem don't just look like regular corpses or Count Orlok cosplayers?
Say that shit to my motherfucking face
been looking, but the best i found was Count Orlok cosplayers with giant pustules
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Not official, but Cromwaits used to post art here from time to time. One of the characters he drew was Mr. Shark, who looked like this.

I'd post the art I got of my own PC, but he was peak Orlock in terms of appearance.
The Beast That Haunts the Blood has a fair amount of it.
Immortal Sinners too
The way I see it you have a fork in the road sometime in the next century or two, depending on if there's a collapse of some kind and if so, how bad it is. A minor "dark age" where infrastructural tech can't be maintained but personal technology is mostly fine wouldn't change much, just make the Sects less important compared to local politics as communication would be slower. A major collapse would be more akin to Vampire Hunter D or a techno-barbarian version of VTDA.

If there's no collapse, then I can only see the Camarilla growing stronger and stronger due to its more frequent and better use of mortal institutions. Cyberpunk Masquerade, then low sci fi fuckery with the damned (the Sabbat could get a second wind in remote colonies and bases or even nomadic packs in space drifting between planets), and if we finangle an FTL device somewhere you would eventually end up with a grand gothic space opera with vampires. All the weirdest parts of modern nights and DA in one.
sorry if that is a stupid question but do vtm ghouls need to eat food?
Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen anything official saying yes or no. Given that they're alive, my group has always assumed that they need the typical human necessities: food, water, air, etc. The Vitae keeps them youthful, but it doesn't provide sustenance that they need.
yes, they can endure starvation (and most other discomforts) better than regular mortals but they do need to eat, drink, and breathe
Me, a pressurized suit, the vacuum of space and my vampire vitae bag (He doesn't get a pressurized suit)
A sci-fi space WoD reminds me of my incredibly stupid, but fun idea of a 40k/WoD setting.
vacuum of space isn't an issue for the kindred, the cold is
The problem is that WoD doesn't add all that much to 40k and vice versa.
It is a fun thought I just don't see how you would make a longer game out of it.
What I am hearing is that you need to preheat your vitae bag and keep him in some sort of thermos like storage unit before you leave the ship.
It depends on if Gehenna is real and/or cyclical and/or all the other TOJ things are happening
Nah, it's a fusion setting with certain factions getting replaced. For example, the Wyld and Weaver went insane and were absorbed by the galaxy Triat that are the Chaos Gods of the setting. Werewolves went extinct a long time ago, but the Emperor modified werewolf DNA and created super soldier werewolves to be space marines, with the Primarchs being perfect Metises. Whether the Emperor is Caine after character development or an archmage who doesn't suffer from Paradox is left a mystery, but he's pursuing ascension for humanity (mages replace Psykers). As for why 40k space exists, it turns out that reality as we know it was a cosmic egg surrounding Earth. Vampires are still around mostly do to Antedulivians and Methusalahs ruling their own little space Holy Roman Empire. Changelings are extinct, mummies are probably still around, the underworld has basically been destroyed, spectres haunt the Umbra, and the remaining Fallen are depressed and lost. Oh, and I guess Kuei-jin are probably still around. The idea of werewolf armies waging eternal war across the stars for holy Terra is just a cool idea to me.
Sure, why not.
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What would be an appropriate pre-requisite set for a devotion that gives the vampire perfect memory?
>Oh, and I guess Kuei-jin are probably still around.

In the grim darkness of the far future, China is still special mystical wuxia land.
Does anyone know if the PDFs linked in OP have been cleaned in the same way PDFs in the share thread have been cleaned? Various watermarks/purchaser names removed, etc?
Auspex and Vigor? Seems weird but Auspex is the default for memory and Vigor can be used for mystical strength. Alternatively Auspex and Resilience for "enduring" memory.

Or Auspex and Dominate if you want to flavor it as mystically delving into your own subconscious.
Devotions were a mistake.
Those sound pretty good, I believe Auspex and Resilience would be the best since it is a pretty niche combo.
Yeah upon further thought I definitely think Auspex + Resilience is the best pick. What are you thinking, a passive effect or something like "spend a vitae to perfectly recall one moment you witnessed"?
Eidetic Memory is a merit
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Bloat. Systematizing things invariably adds more rules crunch and special edge case mechanical elements. Vampire as a game is about the story, not the dice rolling and mechanics.

The increased systemization is something that has infected every ttrpg since at least the launch of D&D 3.0, and perhaps since AD&D 2e's supplement bonanza. It's a trend that should have been left to those games where mechanical stuff, combat, and the dice are more central. Instead, White Wolf incorporated it as a way to pull in gamers that wanted more mechanical crunch as a way to sell more books. In the long run, that cost White Wolf dearly.
>Vampire as a game is about the story, not the dice rolling and mechanics.
Things can be more than one thing. Games tend to be games for the game bit too.
Every game needs hard mechanics for certain things, or else you're writing a cooperative novel at best. If any part of a game about vampires needs clear, concise, and balanced mechanics it's the vampire's powers, because that's where players could get up to the most bullshit if allowed too much in the style of interpretation.

Having a story focus and having functional balanced mechanics is not mutually exclusive.
This is not a counter argument. It's a statement of a truism that you seem to think is a counter argument.

>Every game needs hard mechanics for certain things, or else you're writing a cooperative novel at best. If any part of a game about vampires needs clear, concise, and balanced mechanics it's the vampire's powers, because that's where players could get up to the most bullshit if allowed too much in the style of interpretation.
This is a true statement that doesn't address what I said.

Yes, games need rules for certain elements. My claim is that the game adding devotions and the mechanical elements they came with led to unnecessary bloat. Nobody needed devotions before they were added to the game, after all. Almost everything that exist as devotions could be eliminated or turned into merits (as they exist in Revised core book, for instance).

>Having a story focus and having functional balanced mechanics is not mutually exclusive.
This is a silly statement that argues against something I didn't say.

Again, to be perfectly clear, Vampire was best served by lighter rules that played faster and a less "the rules don't say I can't so that means I can" mindset on the part of participants. Equally bad is the "the rules don't say I can so that means I can't" mindset some storytellers seem to have. Both problems are solved by playing with better people and can never be solved by adding more crunch to mitigate the negative effects those sorts of players have.

Of course ttrpgs need rules. They don't need (and can't ever have) enough rules to keep participants from abusing the system or to create uniformity in the experience of the game. To chase such a thing is folly, and Vampire has already suffered in the attempt.
Yeah, because I felt you needed the obvious spelled out to you.
Mechanically it would add Resilience to memory related rolls. the background is that a dragon was trying to prevent his own mental degradation after he saw his sire emerge from torpor a completely different person.
>They don't need (and can't ever have) enough rules to keep participants from abusing the system or to create uniformity in the experience of the game.
That doesn't relate to Devotions at all
In other words you're incapable of engaging in a forthright manner. I should have expected as much.

It does however relate to the claim
>If any part of a game about vampires needs clear, concise, and balanced mechanics it's the vampire's powers, because that's where players could get up to the most bullshit if allowed too much in the style of interpretation.
No amount of added crunch around this is going to stop the kind of people that abuse the system from abusing the system. The answer is to play with better people and not inflict unnecessary kludge on people that don't need it.
Honestly, I have no idea why you hate devotions so much if this is your stance. Vampire's mechanics may have been "rules light" compared to D&D of the same time, but they were inelegant, clunky, and often ran counter to what the devs were trying to do. Mechanics isn't a game of more v.s. less. Systems that work better out the gates foster better play than poorly designed rules light. Honestly, I find it hard to take you seriously if you legitimately claim that old vampire "played faster" when you need four rolls just to resolve a single attack.

Devotions represent powers that are built out of other disciplines, usually in the combination thereof. They absolutely could not all be made into merits. Maybe some of them could, but absolutely not all. For example, how is Juggernaut's Gait supposed to be a merit? Its niche is simple, and easily understood. Temporary invulnerability at the cost of a fuckload of blood. It represents a power that is a reasonable extension on the abilities vampires already have in the core, and can also cover vampire powers seen in other media that the default disciplines do not cover. Hell, Devotions are just an expansion and refinement of Combo Disciplines from Masquerade, which are themselves meant to be a more accessible version of Elder Powers. Elder powers have been in the game since the word go. Nothing about them slows the game down at all, it's just more options for players.
You probably shouldn't expect people to engage with you when you're stance doesn't align with the logic you used to adopt it. Because you're just trolling at that point.
Do you actually know what a Devotion is, anon? Unironic question. It really feels like you're talking about something entirely separate to the rest of us here.
Can vampires get STDs? I know they can't have kids but can they get vampire aids?
Yeah but they can vomit them out.
Vampire's mechanics have always been a bit of a train wreck, yes. I think it's a good time to define what we're talking about here so that we're all on the same page.

I am talking about Vampire from V20 and previous, not V5. I am told V5 does in fact play loads faster than the older system, but there is a lot of variation in the old system as well, as they kept festooning it with mechanics as it went on. The devotions I am talking about are specifically the V20 iteration of them. It was layered on a system that never needed them. I have never read V5, so if it makes good use of them finally, mahzeltov.

Likewise, if Requiem 1e or 2e uses them, I don't know, and I don't know their effects on those games. What I am saying doesn't apply to them at all.

>They absolutely could not all be made into merits. Maybe some of them could, but absolutely not all.
Still talking about Vampire V20, I agree. I said most could be eliminated or made into merits.
>Juggernaut's Gait... Temporary invulnerability at the cost of a fuckload of blood.
And even more hokey "vampires are superheroes so go be x-men with fangs and a Hot Topic VIP card."

> Hell, Devotions are just an expansion and refinement of Combo Disciplines from Masquerade, which are themselves meant to be a more accessible version of Elder Powers.
And this a great example of why the system shouldn't have them. In 1e, "elder powers", or more specifically discipline levels above level 5, were meant to be utterly unique and defined between the ST and the players. Instead of leaving well enough alone and just letting high-level disciplines do that, they've tried a couple of times (Devotions being one of those) to shoehorn in every cool thing vampires do in other fiction and define them instead of leaving that for the groups to do themselves.

Your post translates to a cry for attention, so here's your (You).

Obviously. Discipline A at level X + Discipline B at level Y = <insert power here>.
There's a couple of (New) World of Darkness: Mirrors shards about future. The space opera one has a bit on vampires. The cyberpunk one has the word vampire in it a few times but doesn't really have a lot on supernaturals.
It really depends what kind of future you're thinking of. Cyberpunk, space opera, 20 minutes into the future, postapoc, solarpunk, toxic wasteland...

Realistically, I don't think vampires could survive hidden, but from a game design perspective I'd pretend they could. Because vampires without the hiding in the shadows part is boring.
Addendum: Sorry it took a while to respond. I have a crippled older lady for a neighbor, and she needed me to do something for her real quick. She gave me some cookies as a reward too.
>Mechanics isn't a game of more v.s. less.
I take issue with this, since game design is as much art as it is science. That being the case, no definition works in all cases. So, sometimes it IS a game of more mechanics vs less.
It's not obvious at all because the things you're complaining about do not apply to Devotions. They're no different than Disciplines for what your complaints are.
I'm sorry that you don't understand. Let me try to express it more clearly.

I am against the general trend of ttrpg makers to layer more and more stuff on top of their games for the sake of selling more books, because it dilutes both the experience and the game itself, until either it's so top heavy it either has to be redesigned or it is no longer what people dug in the first place. This often takes the form of edge case mechanics and needless bloat, as I feel Devotions do in V20 (even though they aren't specifically called Devotions iirc).

Vampire pretty clearly followed this trajectory in its various editions, until the decision was initially made to scrap Masquerade entirely and publish Requiem (again, haven't read it, but it's clearly not what the game once was since the clans are all different and there's no established metaplot). That move went over like a lead balloon, so through much kvetching and new direction, we got V5, which also isn't what Vampire once was (through from what I have heard, it's close enough to merit me giving it a look one day). Of course, I'd be willing to bet good money that now they're just going to make the same mistakes with V5-based stuff, making the metaplot too intrusive and letting new books introduce new mechanical vomit so that the game once again becomes mired in itself over time.
Do note that I don't mean you not understanding as a knock against you. The speaker can be as much to blame as the listener for misunderstandings. That's why I am trying to reiterate my point to make it more clear.
>it's clearly not what the game once was
NTA but what? VtM and VtR are literally different games.
Exactly my point. Vampire became so long in the tooth and mired in the constant changes that White Wolf decided to bury it, consign it to the landfill, and released Requiem as a replacement. It's a different take on a world of darkness. It (the White Wolf game about vampires and conspiracy) quite literally became not what it once was. They never intended to go back to the old world of darkness, until the sales for Requiem were a disaster. And, even when they did go back, they changed it enough that it's no longer what it once was either. Isn't it even no longer billed as Gothic-Punk?
That's a funny way of spelling "the whole fucking industry crashed and WW was dying".
Really? I thought the early 2000s were a boom period in ttrpgs. You remember, when the d20 license came out, and both 3e and 3.5e D&D was selling like mad, and 3rd party publishers (including myself) were making pretty good coin. Other games did better with that upswing in ttrpg popularity too, iirc. It's telling that the company that was once dominant in the space managed to fuck it up so badly, imo.
Wait, aren't most table top games just group effort Fan Fiction with dice rolling and acting mixed in?
>Realistically, I don't think vampires could survive hidden, but from a game design perspective I'd pretend they could.
''Realistically '' none of the splats could hide to the point of becoming mere myths because of the coordination required to do so. It is just part of the premise so roll with it.
You can't look at the d20 boom of the early 2000's and apply it to everything. The d20 boom is, y'know, a boom for d20. It was a largely suffocating force in the market and is why we have the "use D&D for everything" mentality to this day. That's not even the full story though. The late 90s was an incredibly rough period for the industry because CRPGs and CCGs were really hitting their stride, among other things. This actually killed the industry leader TSR, Inc and they got acquired by WotC. So you've got an industry crash, followed by one thing capturing massive share of the market, and then also crashing.

That first crash hurt WW, the d20 boom didn't help them, and that second crash was just after they relaunched. If they hadn't WW almost assuredly would've died. oWoD wasn't selling because of all the above and that times had just changed. What made oWoD such a strong part of the zeitgeist in the early 90s doesn't translate well to the mid 2000s. It's got very very very little to do with your own ideas of mechanical bloat. It's ironically largely a narrative problem. They were very story focused which made getting into those games fairly hard. What actually killed WW was tensions with the parent company after they got purchased. nWoD didn't do it. nWoD lasted longer than oWoD's first run did.
>You can't look at the d20 boom of the early 2000's and apply it to everything.
You can apply it as an argument against the notion that "the whole fucking industry crashed."

>It was a largely suffocating force in the market
Except that other games besides D&D prospered alongside D&D.

>This actually killed the industry leader TSR
That's not true. TSR was killed by incompetent management in the form of Lorraigne Williams, who forced out Gary Gygax (the founder), and insisted on publishing tons of books that she knew they couldn't sell because Random House's deal with TSR said Random House had to pay TSR for so many copies anyway. Random House got mad and told her to go fuck herself, and TSR got into crazy cashflow problems, simultaneously suing people left and right, and generally just set itself on fire. WotC then bought TSR for pennies, yes, but it had nothing to do with TSR being killed by CRPGs or CCGs.

> It's got very very very little to do with your own ideas of mechanical bloat.
I never said the game died because of mechanical bloat. Layering mechanical bloat on top of the game was a symptom of what was killing White Wolf, and was a move designed to sell more books because that was the only answer they could come up with to their over-expansion problem.

It's a tale as old as the publicly-owned corporation. Corporation makes good money, people invest to make some of it. Company takes investments and among other things hires more people, because C suite executives see everything as inputs to create outputs. More people means more salaries to pay though, so the added products that they can release with the added people become new products they HAVE to release to pay the new people, which means quality control on each product gets looser. Soon they aren't selling the number of books the sales forecast models told the C suite people they would, and the company goes tits up.
Go fuck yourself, man. If you're going to be a dickhead to force arguments I'm not interested. No one has time for this sort of thing.

So, the RPG industry was booming in the early 2000s, the time when WW decided in their infinite wisdom to kill their golden goose and rebrand it. The rebranded goose didn't sell, the company nearly died, and then corporate acquisitions shenanigans ensued. There's more after that, like the failed MMO project bullshit, but it's not germaine to what we're discussing.

Like I said earlier, it's telling that WW could take their once dominant position in the ttrpg industry and shit on it so badly that they almost shuffled off the mortal coil completely during a boom period in ttrpgs.
You're talking about V20 "devotions"? V20 doesn't have devotions, it has combo disciplines. Devotions are explicitly a Requiem thing.
They're the same thing with a name. A rose by any other name, etc etc. I even pointed out that they weren't called devotions in V20.
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What do the Etherites stand to gain from making me horny?
>... with a name.
I accidentally'd a word there. It should say
>... with a different name.
You complain about devotions in your first post, a Requiem thing, and then go on a rant about how it sucks in V20 and is against what you think game design could be, clarifying that you actually meant V20 combo disciplines much later. Man this reads like a bad troll, have your (you).
What about that was being a dickhead? Correcting the misinformation about what actually killed TSR, or correcting the misinformation about the early 2000s being a boom period in ttrpgs?
I was messing around with a VtM/Battletech fusion setting for a while. It was a post-Masquerade situation with vampires openly in charge of every faction and managing populations for long-term blood supply stability, while regular people could hope to become ghouls and eventually vampires if they were good enough pilots to get promoted. Any notable vampire is also a mech pilot, because this is a nobility of the sword, and if you have no personal feats of arms, you are not a good liege.

The Week of Nightmares had devastating long-term effects on the Vinculum, causing it to decay with time like any other partial blood bond. The Sabbat fell apart. Some became outlaws; most integrated into the new Carthaginian age. The Tzimisce have mostly reinvented themselves as a knightly order of medics and local protectors. Each Inner Sphere power is dominated by one or two of the VtM clans. ComStar is what's left of the Camarilla, and claims a monopoly on interstellar travel and communication, as well as blood magic and Earth.

There are also outlaws, of course, but getting enough blood is a huge challenge for them.
If it were a troll, it would be anything but bad, since it's dominated the thread for so long. That said, I sure hope you're not the kind of fuckwit that thinks anything he doesn't immediately understand is trolling.
>kill their golden goose
>In 2004, following dwindling sales, White Wolf Publishing ended the series with the major event Time of Judgment
>golden goose
>dwindling sales
This isn't a question related to the tabletop game but I figure it's worth a shot. I'm playing Night Road and styled my current character as an adrenaline junkie who wants to pick a fight with the Second Inquisition at every available opportunity. Unfortunately it seems playing the migrant camp mission on behalf of the Camarilla or Julian lets you avoid a fight with the SI entirely. Which is the decision that lets you throw down with them, assuming the option is there? And if there's further opportunities to fight the SI head-on, please let me know. I don't mind spoilers since I've played a couple runs already.
Yes, V:tM was their golden goose, as everyone that is both a fan of WW games and is connected to reality in any meaningful way can see. What about the generally ham-fisted and half-assed management and products leading to dwindling sales means it wasn't their golden goose? Was retreating from the product line they thought would be the replacement for it and then desperately trying to revive it with V5 your evidence that it wasn't their golden goose? No, wait. That's evidence that it was...
It's not the Etherites making you horny, its most likely the Goatkids. Basically satanist millennials are making you horny for a giggle and its somehow the Wyrms fault.
a golden goose that makes no money is a normal ass goose, retard
So the golden goose in the actual fable turned into a normal ass goose after the guy killed it to get the egg early? I never heard that part.
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Has anyone here ever used the rules for fantasy races?
You've made your point. We are all well aware you're retarded and we're trolling from the start you can stop now.
Haven't had a good opportunity to, but I find them fascinating and interesting. I love that era of nWoD where they were experimenting with all sorts of different things.

Related, but I am running a medieval game, and was thinking about using the rules for advanced mortals/mythical heroes for notable historical figures, like Frederick Barbarossa or Richard the Lionheart.
So what you're saying is that you really are that kind of fuckwit. Good to know.
It was discovered that during arousal, the human body secretes trace amounts of Ether. This is why Etherite women are the biggest sluts.
>Yes, games need rules for certain elements. My claim is that the game adding devotions and the mechanical elements they came with led to unnecessary bloat.
Combo disciplines were a thing in masquerade.
>And even more hokey "vampires are superheroes so go be x-men with fangs and a Hot Topic VIP card
Sorry anon, but this ship sailed during 1e (thaumaturgy)
I need a name for my Warhammer, AOS, and 40k knock-offs that Black Dog Game Factory is producing. Any ideas?
I've thought of Darkhammer and Grimhammer so far, but I also kind of want something that could fit naturally into "World of Warhammer" (World of Warcraft) so that all of the shovelware moneygrubbing is made by Pentex subsidiaries. Well, except Buy More Sorcery.
AOS could be Age of Sorrows (an Exalted reference) or Age of Ruin, and I could swap 40k for 30k or something, though I'm open to other ideas.
Mirrors: Infinite Macabre has my favorite multi-splat image in any of the books.
Requiem Nosferatu can look completely normal and have something else that's off/wrong about them. I played a cat burglar whose shadow always looked like it was stealing things.
>t. least horny werewolf player
Devotions are not only fun, but open up new stories through the creation of novel powers without committing to creating a new Discipline, which would cause more bloat.
Which site would you use if you're a hunter: Hunter-net.org or Network Zero?
Hunter-net because I love edging.
>"vampires are superheroes so go be x-men with fangs and a Hot Topic VIP card

This has always been such a non-statement for me. Vampires have supernatural powers, no shit. That doesn't make them capeshit, nor does putting some effort into expanding those powers.

World of Darkness is inherently action horror since the players are the monster in question.
99% of it IS from the sharethread, dingus. Occasionally something will slip through but the majority is cleaned from various sources.
Network Zero would probably be more useful for anyone who isn't Imbued and it seems way less crazy in general. HtV also has other hunter forums too, like what the Union has. Personally, I like to think every major hunter group has their own cute little forum. The Long Night would be an unironic landoverbaptist that's actually right half the time. Null Mysteriis would probably have something like an online scholarly journal (In fact, I think the book may outright say something to that). Ashwood Abbey would have an unholy amalgamation of /d/ and Twitter.
>Ashwood Abbey would have an unholy amalgamation of /d/ and Twitter.
More like Deep Web Instagram, and maybe Facebook.
Tik-tok but I use enough filters and cheesy voice/music overlays that it does not breach the Masquerade and get me killed
>The X-Files theme plays over a video of a Nosferatu picking his nose and eating the resulting carnage
Motherfucker, I spilled tons of soda over my keyboard laughing.
Grimblade or Darkaxe would make the gag fit a bit better since you gotta mix it up. Dawn of Darkblade does sound like an MMO name.
>Related, but I am running a medieval game, and was thinking about using the rules for advanced mortals/mythical heroes for notable historical figures, like Frederick Barbarossa or Richard the Lionheart.
What were those rules besides "give them a fuckton of XP"?
Grimblade actually sounds like a decent name. It's generic enough to sound like a parody but not generic enough to be forgettable.
It just suffers from the onion problem where really is more scuffed than fiction.
You could have people selling body parts for plastic miniatures an no one would bat an eye.
>World of Darkness is inherently action horror since the players are the monster in question.
It's hard to all that afraid when you have supernatural powers on hand. sure there are bigger fish in the sea but it's closer to a soldier realizing he is in a shit position.
The main gripe I have with ToJ is how it killed the supernatural race war WoD had going on. The Chinese vampires were about to make an all out invasion from California.
Advanced mortals get special abilities tied to their skills, designed to simulate geniuses in their field. Heroes (not to be confused with the ones in Beast) get more of those abilities but also their own supernatural tolerance trait, Arete which grants them extra dots of health in addition to the usual benefits. Arete also determines the number of special abilities they get, letting them put exp into other things.

The abilities are a lot stronger than you might think, one grants fucking multi-attack. My thought is that a renowned "great man" like Barbarossa wouldn't have much more than 3 dots in Arete, with 5+ being reserved for mythical heroes of antiquity.
Have Black Dog swat people who sell bootlegs.
Sounds pretty neat, what book are they from.
I think horror is still on the table, but not in a "oh no I'm so scared and helpless" way, or the ever eye-rolling "oh woe is me I am such a shitty little vampire" style. I feel like good horror in WoD needs to be subtle. The horror comes from seeing a vampire you once conversed in Elysium with reduced to a feral wight. Or when a mortal you're fond of finds themselves victimized by other supernatural creatures. Or it's in the power of shock horror when your characters who see themselves as the big bad monsters are confronted with something truly and utterly fucked up. Though that last one is very YMMV since you might be playing with a Tzimisce who keeps gluing homeless people together for fun and a Lasombra who wants to solve everything with tentacle rape.

Funny, the supernatural race war stuff was always my least favorite part of oWoD. I think the big issue with the metaplot is there was never a way to please everyone, it's why you had annoying things like the Sabbat and Camarilla trading wins almost 1:1 during their big revised fight.

One of the mirrors books I think, I'll try to confirm in a bit.
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hey guys did you know that the promethan brujah took over a city and did in fact build a second carthage during the dark ages? it went exactly as expected
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>New Lacedaemonia
More like New Fulladaemonia
Vampire Utopia is such a moronic concept to start with, how do these idiots still get support even in the modern nights?

The Anarch Movement is Carthage 3.0 and will wind up exactly the same.
>Funny, the supernatural race war stuff was always my least favorite part of oWoD.
I like that part of the game because that's where you get the weird shit like the Kuei Jin from. It's not a thought out game but the powers are useful in a GURPs kind of way where you can cannibalize it for parts elsewhere like a Sabbath Caitif.
No, the Anarch movement is the Mr. House option to the Camarillas NCR and the Sabbats Legion.
True to Cain!
>how do these idiots still get support even in the modern nights?
Because it is a decent enough faction premise to work with. Sure most social vampires could just fuck off to the country side and live off a farm they took over but that would be rather boring to play out.
No the anarchs are a shittier version of yesman where you build your own little kingdom.
Anarchs are not even real Anarchs
Human utopia is an awful premise already, vampire utopia is plain moronic.

In what world are the Anarchs Mr. House? House is a technocratic authoritarian. The Anarchs are every middling revolutionary belief rolled up into one poorly aged punk package.
i would guess the concept of living openly together with humans in peace would appeal to young vampires who don't want to give up their mortal identies/lives

it is stupid, but i could see why people might want it- that's said i have no idea why brujah methuselah still want it outside of being salty losers, but that's on white wolf for giving a entire clan a policial goal

i would argue the soviet council was 3.0 (and that failed and became a nightmare country without baali!) and what they are currently trying to do with the anarch movement is 4.0
>In what world are the Anarchs Mr. House
A world of poor analogies where it meets the criteria for shitty third mainstream option
the camarila does not tax princes! They should as it makes no sense that they don't get anything from princes while the higherups are also paying for 50 vampire james bonds that have to put out fires across the globe. but they don't
>Brujah trying to create a vampire utopia without being corrupted by the Baali Challenge (Impossible)
You guys ever noticed the only successful Kindred utopia (Constantinople) didn’t have a single Br*jah heading it? Really makes you think.
but also got ruined by a clan with obfuscate and presence as disciplines... it's nearly like... maybe... we shouldn't let cainites who openly admit to being evil cultists into our cities
Would a hunter be inclined to gun his son down if, say, that son accidentally awoke to be a Mage? There's reason enough to say he wouldn't, but I imagine the notion of a "I-kill-anything-inhuman" father and a son who's all of a sudden able to do magic would be a tense situation.
>obfuscate and presence
You are just jelly you didn't get this nice combo in your shitty clan.
Do they ever explain how the soviet council lasted so long when the same book (Rage Across Russia, weird how much VTM lore is in that WTA book) says the Ventrue backed Stalin after Lenin died (because the Brujah had him whacked, wtf) against the Brujah backed Trotsky. Given how effectively Stalin absolutely destroyed all opposition you'd figure the Ventrue would have stolen the entire country back right then and there. Though it wouldn't be the only problem with the VTM Russia lore.
they lasted so long because beat the ruling clan and took over as mentioned in beckett's of all places

>In any case, the Brujah, in addition to their usual strategy of “pound on it until it stops moving,” employed a much cleverer strategy of “steal the grave dirt from the really old Tzimisce and watch them get weaker for a few months, then pound on them ‘til they stop moving.” I’m not entirely sure if they used similar methods of getting around the Ventrue and Toreador bigwig

>As a point of interest, the Brujah did, in fact, play on the feeding preferences of the Ventrue in some places. I don’t remember what city it was — Omsk? — where women with green eyes just vanished in the space of a couple of nights. It’s still rare as hell to find anyone with green eyes in Omsk.-A

so for some reason the rulling vampires of russia did not at all protect their clan weakness so the brujah could win and run the vampiric side of the country till baba yaga came around
Did you ever hear the tragedy of God45?
>women with green eyes feeding restriction
That sounds hot as hell. Maybe the Blue Bloods ain’t so bad after all.
That's not really what I'm asking. If Rage Across Russia is correct, how did they maintain control when the Ventrue-backed Stalin won? The Ventrue could have removed every Brujah agent during the purges to the point they would have had no ability to strike the Ventrue in their herds or anywhere else, let alone remain the dominant faction until Baba Yaga plot device.
i am sorry this is all the book says about their take over beside a vague "they influenced the revolutions in the country so who knows how much they influenced stalin and lenin"(because beckett is not all knowing)
Princes don't get taxed because there's no way for the Camarilla to function if they did. Vampires are extremely self interested creatures, and every attempt at vampire government, no matter how small, needs to work around this issue. The Sabbat's solution is to behave like a cult, and it only works because everyone's mini blood-bound to each other. The Camarilla on the other hand weaponizes that self-interest. Princes get incredible power over their cities BACKED by the 50+ vampire james bonds if they just follow the Traditions and keep order in their city. On the other hand, being a Prince puts a massive target on their back, and breaking the Traditions (at least publicly) or failing to maintain order can result in them getting the boot by the Justicars. If Princes were managed more closely or forced to pay a tax (and what exactly would the tax be, even?) the Princes that the Camarilla relies on in order to have any real presence would stop backing the sect in any case besides "please help the Sabbat are trying to eat me."
Okay, I think we're reading from different books here. You're reading from BJD, and I read this in Rage Across Russia (which is a weird book since it's technically WTA but has almost as much Vampire content, and it's the only time I've seen the details of what exactly went down in Russia mentioned).

If they wanna retcon RaR that's fine with me, I just could never square the idea of the Brujah Council surviving a Ventrue backed Stalin, let alone maintaining dominance, and while it's been a few I don't recall the book answering in a satisfying manner. Though like most things in BJD, I find it kinda middling at best. "Ventrue didn't guard their herds and feeding grounds" is a bit of a poor justification. Not that I'm against the Brujah getting a rare W, I'd just like it better justified.
Can an Anarcho-capitalist be a Syndicate member?
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>Can I be two opposing things in one?
the syndicate would love anarcho-capitalism. a system where those with the greatest ability to earn money end up as warlords of their own little kingdom.

always remember that Syndicate members with any pull are mostly sociopathic moneymaxxers who meditate to sigma male affirmations and shit.
>Okay, I think we're reading from different books here.

yeah i we both know what rage says and beckett is the only other book that talks about the topic so i thought it might be useful to add
Fair enough.
It's a dirty secret that a solid 40% or more of Ventrue have their blood requirement just be their fetish.
I am running CofD campaign with wod lore and my group will have run in with pentex first team. Would chairon group with endowments/few dread powers are adequate as famori/human mixedfirst team ? (Group is of 3 forsaken)
I was reading W20 corebook and book of the wyrm and what are banes, how they manifest etc, and now I'm confused. Are vampires inner beast is related to banes or is it another thing altogether? (Iirc demon the fallen, vampiric beast is demonic corruption but that's also related with banes?)
V-voresisters, are you ok?
Vampire canon: the Beast is not a bane but a manifestation of the curse and your inner monster
Werewolf Canon: the Beast is a bane inherent to Vampires. it's what drives them to corrupt and drain the life from those around them.
Banes are wyrmish spirits. The vampire's beast is absolutely not a Bane. In fact Banes often struggle with vampires, either being unable to possess them or being able to enter them only to get trapped. There's only two kinds of very rare Banes that can possess a vampire, and even they don't have the easiest time of it.
vampires can become fomori which means the beast can't be a bane
Door would never harm Boy
Most other father-son relationships in the World of Darkness zeitgeist are iffy at best and downright (looks up term) Filicidal at its most stereotypical
Anon, I was referring to a game I'm running, but yeah Door is a good dad.
Odd question. So I'm looking to convert the PDFs of the books to a format that works on an Amazon Kindle Fire, digital compromise of not having the books bought and convenience of transporting a tablet over bags of books. Problem is I use the Calibre Digital Library to convert the PDFs into an AZW3 so it's "officially" recognized by Kindle and allows me to highlight, bookmark, etc.

Problem is if I do this conversion, the format is all sorts of fucked. Paragraphs broken, images from the book taking whole pages, etc. Anyone know a fix or is this a case of "Buy the book or quit being a Gimmedat for files"?
I swear Hunter: The Vigil have S-tier factions, it's what drew me in the game and made me despise Reckoning. If there's any chance of a video game adaptation happening they need to shill the compacts and conspiracies hard, it'll grow a fanbase like Fallout. Ashwood Abbey is the best compact.
Fetishniggers realy ruined the reputation of swallowing people whole and killing them by digestion and asphyxiation . . .
If that turns you on, you got a PROBLEM, not a kink.

Ruined i say, how am i supposed to play as a genuine Gristlegrinder after vorefags poisened the well so thoroughly.
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>Posting that inflated of a belly
>"Fetishists ruined me swallowing people whole"
Seems they facilitated it for your ass.
>missing the point
>implying anyways
Lurk more
Can't help but think that vampires with biting kink are living the best time of their unlives.
Redcaps and Nagaraja are always seething about being forgotten
I'd say its somewhere between Bait and Satire. Whatever it is, it is rather unpleasant.
N.W.O: the Media
Progenitors: big pharma
Iteration X: industry and big tech
Syndicate: banks and the 1%
Void Engineers: ??? maybe Military-Industrial complex
What's the appeal of playing a Gangrel?
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Always live, never die. Protean is cool as fuck.
It's easily the manliest Clan, and as close as it gets to being a werewolf instead of a vampire.
Real Carthagianism has never been tried!
the more Vampire lore you read the more you realise that Vampires only got as far as they did because of the Ventrue. truly they are goated beyond compare
I'm sure these are two completely unrelated posters :^)
Phish Vanpire
Looks like our HtV chronicle is going to happen afterall. Here's to hoping my Lost Boy gets to flip a car or two or walk through a wall like Kool-Aid Man.
Protean lets you feel true freedom
Dracula without going Giger-esque.
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yeah, i am not sure what the other anon is talking about the only real threats to vampirism as a whole have been caused by vampires: the age of fire, the baali wars and gehenna

and none of them have been solved by the ventrue, reminder that the clan elders didn't actualy back hardestadt (both) till they had to and also supported his rival in the conspiracy of issac

so ventrue clan elders nearly caused the giovanni to be ascendent if not for the player characters of the giovanni chronicles and the founders of the camarilla because they didn't wanted no masquarade

so i would say the more yo read vampire lore you realise how fucked vampiries would have been if not for that quirky coterie that founded the camarilla
>no need for a haven, can just safely sleep anywhere
>no need for weaponry, claws can deal aggravated damage
>no need for a car, can turn into a bat and fly anywhere
>can't be Imprisoned or kept out of anything that isn't airtight
>can see in pitch black
Protean really is just the most useful tool a vampire can have.
that reminds me i had a question regarding protean: so let's say i am a city or greek gangrel with obfuscate and protean

can i use obfuscate in animal forms? how about the mist form?
I'd say yes.
>While in the animal’s shape, the vampire can use any Discipline he possesses except Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude (as well as any others the Storyteller deems unavailable).
Rules say yes, unless your ST has some special hatred for obfuscated animals.
that's a pretty good combo then
In hindsight my WoD games were never particularly horny:
No sex please, we are all nerds (and proud of it).
Lots of courtly romance but usually little was coming out of it.
pWe are all limpdicks. Oh the Angst!
A bit of getting around during mating period, but that's all.
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VtM Redemption kinda sold me on the Brujah desu, I like the whole philosopher king angle even though it's 99% gone from the modern clan.
honestly the only thing Redemption did was make me hate the giovanni with a burning passion

for those who haven't played it in that game every.single.giovanni is a stronger version of a early boss fight that was designed to mess with your unit control, this is fine when it's one boss but it's not fine when the giovanni outnumber you and because of that their hideout is way harder than the final level
Wait a second, that's not how you make a Brawl check!
Anyway, Brujah idealist that longs for return to more civilized traditionalism is perfectly justifiable. When rebellion becomes the norm it's rebellious to go trad.
I don't even remember fighting Giovanni.
You mean Cappadocian hideout in the dark age part?
I knew the lore before I played Redemption so I knew Ecaterina and co were talking out of their ass and the Brujah were never great philosophers.

Christoph is pretty cool though.
no they have their own "dungeon" in new york, it's the one after which pink fucks off

they are each a stronger version of the cappadocian boss (with the mortis plague mist), with modern weapons including miniguns, flame throwers and rocket launchers that they want to use for ambushes that are instant reloads if you don't dodge them + they can summon wraiths and have dominate that they can use on everyone but christoff
The part with ghoul alligators?
If memory serves at that part of the game I already gave up on companions which made progress so much easier.
Yeah without Ventrue either the Lasombra, Brujah, or Tzimisce would fill their niche and vampirekind would have done something absolutely moronic resulting in the setting turning into a broken Masquerade very early on. You'd probably have a much more generic "humans v.s. vampires" thing going on. Ventrue tard wrangling is the only reason anything gets done.
I feel like hate Reckoning is a bit extreme. Ashwood Abbey are great for villainous Hunters though.
That jpg kinda sold *me* on the Brujah desu
>Brujah idealist that longs for return to more civilized traditionalism
I might honestly play one the next time I get the chance although he'll probably still dress like a punk, I just like the aesthetic
It's true, I'd love to see those factions used in a good storyline someday

How do you think a HtV game should be like?
Eh, Abbey guys aren't saints, but I wouldn't call them outright villains. They justify their actions by going after monsters and avoid humans. Granted, it's almost so they can be hedonistic without feeling too evil, but they are noticeably than say, The Hunt Club, who are basically a club of serial killers.
*almost certainly because*
A action-horror game like Condemened: Criminal Origins or F.E.A.R is sensible. You can pretty much pretend you're playing VASCU and Task Force: Valkyrie respectively in said games.
I feel like you have options, from a tactical RPG, to a full on tactics game, to an FPS. Whatever the genre I think the important part is emphasizing that you are mortal, however well trained, and that you need teamwork, tactics, and will to defeat your enemies.
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A game like SWAT 4 but with supernatural elements would kick ass. Imagine doing raids on cult rituals or a vampire stronghold that's a quasi crack den and is mostly staffed by ghouls and blood dolls.
Do Tremere keep mortal sorcerers as ghouls/blood dolls in the chantries?
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>How do you think a HtV game should be like?
Something like this, maybe.
Does True Faith work with other gods?
Yeah, it's just someone being so invested in one's faith that it manifests as power, so nothing is stopping a character with True Faith being Hindu or a follower of Shintoism.
Aces, thank you.
tremere have sorcerer cults that they embrace from, but i don't know if they are allowed into the chantry
it works based on faith, no outside source involved (even if people who have true faith often think otherwise) a very silly example in one of the books is a guy with inhuman faith in capitalism warding vampires off with his credit card
That works in real life too: Just pay the weirdos enough to make them fuck off.
I'm looking for the WORLD OF FUTURE DARKNESS -- a merging of R. Talsorian's "Cyberpunk 2020" and White Wolf's "World of Darkness."

The mega in the OP pastebin only contains the first of the three articles;

White Wolf Magazine 36, p.14-24 (June 1993)

The other two parts were in the articles from the following issues:

White Wolf Magazine 37, p.48-59 (August 1993)
White Wolf Magazine 38, p.14-26 (October 1993)

Anyone able to help out with those issues of White Wolf? Or just the complete WoFD?
What would be a good justification to have a autumn person be apart of a vampire hunter group?
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it's in the mega 2
The hunter cell is a IRS Death Squad.
>the sound of a thousand ventrues hiding in fear
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>IRS Death Squad
>IRS plans to hire gun-carrying special agents in all 50 states
>Special agents with the IRS' Criminal Investigation division are the only IRS agents permitted by law to carry firearms as part of their duties

>Be legally authorized to possess and carry a firearm.
>No affiliations with organizations aiming to overthrow the U.S. government.
>Be prepared and capable of engaging in arrests, executing search warrants, and undertaking other hazardous assignments as required.
>Possess and be ready to deploy a firearm; must be prepared to safeguard oneself or others from physical threats at any moment without prior notice, employing firearms in situations posing serious threat to life; must be willing to utilize force, including lethal force, if necessary.

Fuck you. I'm dead.
No more taxes.
>>No affiliations with organizations aiming to overthrow the U.S. government.
>>Possess and be ready to deploy a firearm, must be prepared to safeguard oneself or others from physical threats at any moment without prior notice ...
such contradictory recruitment criteria will leave them with few viable candidates
anyone have any guides on playing a WoD game in modern day Sweden? or the nordic region in general or perhaps the northern tip of a culturally comparable country?

like the Call Of Cuthulu guides for very specific eras, like the Midwest 90s or the Hollywood 50s or Noir Flapper 20s. I... suspect but do not know that WoD's "Chicago" book is also a setting primer or includes one.
no idea why you even need to own your own weapon when you apply for the job as they send you to the "National Criminal Investigation Training Academy" to train you so
surely they can add a weapons training programm for their special agents right?
These "guides" are spread throughout many books. I suggest you look into white wolf wikia. However, remember that WoD is an Alternative History setting, the book is just a surface and shouldn't be taken as a 1:1 to real world. If you want more about these places, each book has a reference guide for TV shows, movies, fiction and non-fiction books.
But you should notice these books are from 90s-00s and are not up-to-date. In the end, just go around search on youtube, wikipedia reference articles/books and so on for more "realistic".
there is a bit in the v20 anarch books and the world of darkness books and there is a norway by night fan book, but that's all vtm only and to be honest it's not much (beside the fanbook, but then i don't use that either)
You don’t need to own your own to get the job, possessing one is just part of the regular job duties.
ah okay then the post is weirdly formated
>norway by night fan book
Where can I find that? I only found Denmark by Night.
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there are at least two people looking for Norway By Night, as I too cannot find it.

Obviously I'm using the WW Wiki and a few Wikipedia pages and Google Maps, but finding something that compiles and simplifies research of geography, local laws, and demographical history and picked out what's relevant to most WoD games and thrown in a few educated tie-ins to the larger WoD setting would save me a lot of time and effort.

What weapons are legal there and how police act and whether their plethora of storage units are food places to torpor in during the midnight sun and whether the advanced healthcare and crime prevention systems changes feeding habits and how transportation works would be useful to have infodumped on me and some of those are quite complicated to research.
looks like oslo norway is a weirdly common vampire setting but I can't find any fan resources on that either...
>or the nordic region in general or perhaps the northern tip of a culturally comparable country?
There's an April Fool's Day release for Iceland iirc, and of course Rage across Russia.

Vampires probably won't be around too much because there aren't too many people there, except in a couple of cities at best. Likely a lot of werewolves and changelings, though.
>April Fool's Day release for Iceland iirc
The premise of that supplement was so goddamn good that I get sad they never completed it for real.
They do have a brief description of what's happening in Iceland in Changeling and Mage in CofD2e, but they didn't took the early concepts from that April Fool's release and instead did something new. A true shame.
>a tzimisce has turned you into a little girl
>is this awesome (y/n)?
Will I grow up? If so, sure. If not, no.
I'd rather he turned me into a Tzimisce though.
>Will I grow up?
If you are alive, yes.

>I'd rather he turned me into a Tzimisce though.
Sorry, next shovel party is August.
great recommend. unpolished but a great place to start from.
Evidently I am stupid. Many thanks!!
first off remember that WoD is like a darker more exaggerated (and Gothic) world than ours. so here in Sweden every problem is worse and there are more subcultures. it should seem like a parady of Sweden.

so the forest are denser, darker, bigger, and full of Trolls and other supernaturals that will eat you
I imagine drowning would be more common because of Näcken.
taxes are even higher (the true horror)
everything is just shittier, the eldercare and hospitals are even more unmanned and overworked than in our world.
crime is even worse, criminals have upgraded from grenades and started using rocket launchers. NMR might do something besides just putting up shitty papers everyone removes immediately, maybe they actually have nazis roaming the streets beating up "degenerates" and what not.

basically make it more dangerous and shit and up the population a bit more in the cities and make the empty areas seem even emptier.
Fuck yeah, Anon. Cyberpunk the fuck out of them monsters.
Found it. It's the book just titled "World of Darkness - Mirrors." It's basically a compilation of various optional rules. Extraordinary mortals starts on Page 53. "Dark Heroes", the epic hero types start on Page 189.
closest i found is that there is a DENMARK by night in the stv mega
I gotta say when I first read this book, I was excited to see how it handled supernatural beings there, until I read a sidebar saying they would onlt focus on vampires and other beings (i.e. werewolves) would only be written as monsters and nothing else. What a shame.
i think the non vampiric nordic write ups are in dark age mage and it's grimore (althought that's dark age obviously), dead magic 2 (even with finnland and germany not being lumped together with scandinavia for a change!) , Book of Lost Houses (the house aesin part) and i think that might be it.. well the Get Fenrir are meant to be nordic but their stuff barely talks about the region they are supposedly from and their main country is apparently germany in both the modern nights and dark ages...
I watched hunter the parenting. It was quite good,but man big d is fucking annoying. I know it's supposed to be god emperor from tts but human(?) but he's more of mage marauder then HH hunter
in general the totally not!warhammer characters are the weakest part of the series, but yeah i agree D is the worst by far
Sounds like a mixture of primetime television shows was your inspiration, but kinda blessed in that it seems to work. A wide cast of characters, danger looming on the horizon, a low level gang for the coterie to deal with. Sounds like a pretty comfy street level game.
I believe Big D is a mixture of Big E and the Sorceress that Big D made for the in universe game of Warhammer Fantasy, who was a megalomaniac strongwoman who ended that video by breaking her brain and saving the day using lame ass hedge magic.I think Big D was made to be crazy because a 5 dot Hunter mentor would theoretically be a Hunter with a fuck ton of PTSD and Hunting related manias.
The idea is slowly is slowly introducing the weirder elements as we go along with the first story being fairly street level and get weirder from there. Like imagine going on a mission to fuck up some vampires who were getting uppity only to find them getting mauled/dead by a slasher ghoul leech who's kinda like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers but in a wielding mask and leeching off them. This is more just the opening story that introduces the setting and sets the stage with the intergang matters and combat setting the stage for later conflicts with vampires. consider like the ghouls are essentially baby vampires who dont have as many disciplines and lower pools it makes them essentially great tutorials about the mechanics of vampires and their powers without actually having to face a real vampire.
You give good point. I'd always imagined that dot 5 mentor would be senior hunter affiliated with one of big 3 organizations (SoC, Arcanum, Project Twilight, etc) but if we take street level hunters with no or minimal affiliations, that I'd agree, such mentor should be PTSD ridden, barely able to function in society and generally strongly dis/asocial type survivalist, which big D is, in a way.
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Does vampires in WoD get jacked? I never played your games, just clicked because of OP's pic
Thank you very much.
While the guy is clearly disfuntional and very arbitrary in his teachings he knows a lot and has survived long enough to use that as a decent excuse for his bullshit.
That and no one bothered to buy shit like "vampire lore" because that skill is a huge waste of points in most cases.
>Does vampires in WoD get jacked?
No, they are stuck in the shape they were in when they turned into a vampire.
They can grow stronger just fine but they will look like they lifting fake weights.
Do you think all the characters have sheets like Kitten to help keep track of their knowledges and skills or are they driving by the seat of their pants with Speaker D's expertise working as the loremaster keeping everything true to WoD?
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They can develop physical strenght, but their bodies does not alter after that.
Pic related: Anna Federowna has 4 points on each Strenght, Dexterity and Stamina (5 being the apex for human limits) and she's forever a 9yrs old.
Oh no! I hope some precociously strong nine year old doesn't break my wrist when I go to touch her inner thighs U///U
>Do you think all the characters have sheets like Kitten to help keep track of their knowledges and skills or are they driving by the seat of their pants with Speaker D's expertise working as the loremaster keeping everything true to WoD?
The core cast almost certainly has actual sheets or some other mechanic acting as a guideline. Boy is a low end retainer with the Ward flaw from werewolf or something along those lines.
Nice. Didn't one of the clan had some blood magic that could alter their bodies? I read the basics a long time ago, WoD lore is great, specially the old Mage/Technocracy factions.
yes vicissitude, 1 dot in it allows for cosmetic changes and 2 dots allows for i quote"Alter muscle, fat, and cartilage" 3 dots if you want to alter bone too


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