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Previous thread: >>93310796
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8
This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven
>TQ: What game recommendation felt like sharing the good word of your hobby? Did it create a regular game group, correct a detrimental rule error, or get someone to advance from mass-market to designer board games?
First for the best roll-and-move games: Talisman, High Frontier, Great Western Trail, Monopoly, Mage Knight, Magic Realm, Fields of Fire, and El Grande
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I'm pretty sure 2 other people remember this game and I have no clue why they are dragging yet another from the past for a remake
I mean, I know 'why', more 'why the fuck THIS one'
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Monopoly isn't a roll-and-move.
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Played some Imperial Miners yesterday. This game is really fast and fun to play. the theme of mining surprisingly shows into the game design as the event and random cards makes you feel like you are digging.

there are literally zero negative cards in this game and plays more like a mining fantasy excavation. You play one card a turn for 10 turns and see how many points you can get and is played the same way solo or with multiple players. Solo, you are just trying to get a high score and when playing against others it is fun "who can get the high score" game. I was able to play 4 games in an hour two solo, two 3 player.

Fun game and surprisingly deep for a 20-minute game. the random events and the limit on card play actually save this game and give me a lot of variety. if you were allowed to play more than one card, it would fall flat.
>buy the rights to Hansa Teutonica
>remake it with animals and nature
>sell it to Jamey Steigmaier
rate my plan
Thoughts on Bamboo?
How does this sound for a trade?
>A: 7 Wonders Duel, The Crew: mission deep sea, and Patchwork
>B: Imperium Classics
Might be a bit in favor for B (i'm A) but considering I got 7WD and Patchwork barely used for only 10 euro each and the crew in a trade (in exchange for some other shitty game) i may even let it slide

If your plan is to make nature-themed normiebait you don't need to buy the rights for any good game, just recycle a few ideas from some random slop that didn't sell well
my plan is to increase the player base with bait so I can play more Hansa
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So there's no interaction between players? It's just a luck simulator?
My knowledge of zoomer tv only goes as far as "skibiddi toilet exists". People watch this?
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>the guardian
>Exploding Kittens
>title expressing disappointment
not clicking but I can already tell this is a woman writing this. who cares
>the guardian reviews a bad board game as bad
finally the wrong clock is right
>actually check article
>Exploding Kittens got an animated TV series
wait what why?

Where's my Twilight Imperium movie(s, specifically six feature length movies and a 3DCG animated series on the Nekro Infantry dudes)? Where's Hansa Teutonica: the race to sell the world? Where is Baseball Highlights 2045: the tournament arc? Why does, of all the board games you can make a cartoon out of, Exploding Kittens get one before all others can????
You are right actually but it gets better.
It's about the cartoon.
>So there's no interaction between players?
that is correct. no interaction what do ever, for now. there is an expansion coming with two faction, so there is no knowing what will come next

>It's just a luck simulator?
Not at necessarily. You start the game by drawing 2 level One, 3 level Two and 3 level three cards. You keep 4 of any of those card. at a minimum you can draw 3 cards per turn. Max hand size is 8 and you can pick up the cards one-by-one to make sure you get cards that will work best with your mine. You can essential "Mine the decks" for what you need.

there are 3 progress tracks that also add to the strategy and give you level Four cards, Point gems and other things. It is a cute game and I can absolutely see me playing this from time-to-time or multiple people playing this between rounds of a CCG tournament.
Those are card battlers.
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That is true if and only if you are using cards as dice.
>The mother, Abbie, is a former US Navy Seal
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>It's about the cartoon.
I think you meant auction games?
You still missed knizias absolute auction classic, Carcassonne
>Mike Judge is an executive producer
What the hell
Netflix original. Came out 3 days ago.
Carcassonne is nothing in the face of Uwe Rosenberg's magnum opus, Dr. Reiner Knizia's Brainbenders for Nintendo DS.
You forgot Settlers of Catan (you roll dice to determine your movement along a resource production track, which is abstracted into simple tokens on hexes).

Carcassonne unironically is an auction game (you bid meeples on a city or road and whoever has bid the most meeples by the time the city or road is completed gets the points).
Fuck bros, are we living in the Golden Age of the boardgame TV shows?
No, that era will begin in 2026 with the release of Blood Bowl: Team Manager - The Card Game (The TV Series).
Jesus this dude is a fucking faggot. Nothing more pitiful and pathetic than pretending to be a girl everyday.
Emily is best girl.
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>no designer has released a zero-luck dice game
>no designer has released a bluffing game with perfect information
>no designer has released a solitaire party game
Why haven't designers filled these niches? Are they stupid?
>>no designer has released a zero-luck dice game
Dice forge
I haven't played it, but don't you roll the dice after you change their faces?
>no designer has released a zero-luck dice game
Kemet, Dice Flick
>no designer has released a bluffing game with perfect information
Star Wars X Wing
>no designer has released a solitaire party game
Dungeon Fighters plays solitaire.
>it falls flat on its face
>just as planned
>no designer has released a bluffing game with perfect information
Nigga battlecon did this is 2011.
>a solitaire party game
Look, as soon as my solo mode for Stationfall is perfected, you can rest easy.
Yes she is and my future wife.
>Games with simultaneous moves are generally not considered games of perfect information. This is because each player holds information which is secret, and must play a move without knowing the opponent's secret information. Nevertheless, some such games are symmetrical, and fair. An example of a game in this category includes rock paper scissors.[4][7][8][9][10]
hey get back to work on Star Trek Captain's Chair decks
In this case no game that involves people could be considered perfect information. Cause in chess each player holds information about his plans and turn has to be taken without knowing these plans.
Also Diplomacy is an example of a perfect information bluffing game.
You could have a game where all information is public but there's so much of it it's easy to lose track.
>zero-luck dice game
you mean a game that uses dice but doesn't roll them? I guess you can use them to count your resources in a eurogame or something like Kemet
>bluffing game with perfect information
Bluffing, by definition, requires some element of hidden or obscured info. Closest to "perfect info bluffing" I know of is Sidereal Confluence bidding phase: players declare how many ships they have in total, then hide them behind the player screens, and take some into both hands. One hand is the colonies bid, the other is the research team bid. You know how much they can spend in total, you know what resources they have access, you know what's the minimum bid per component, but you don't fully know what their bid will be. Are they a perfect strategical thinker like you, or is their mind full of "at least something like that maybe" and playing by feel more than math? You can never tell. hence the bluff. But the whole game for me falls into the >>93344650 category of "so much information it's easy to lose track", and to think the prototype used to have ten resources instead of just seven.
>solitaire party game
Spirit Island, Pandemic, The Mind, basically any cooperative game. Maybe also "Everyone is John" the roleplaying party game where players are competing personalities in an average dude's mind, but that needs a GM to direct the scenes
you can set all the faces to be what you want to be
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>Spirit Island
I don't know if this was discussed here but we need to talk about this stupid fucking game. I played it 6 different times and do not like it. It seems that the only people who like it are midwits who like removing tokens or are REALLY into the "destroy the colonizer" theme. overall this game is absolutely mid at best
>Anon's name? Alex Jones.
That checks out.

Diplomacy is not prefect information. The "simultaneous" decisions are a secret decisions. That is not true of all games with simultaneous play.
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>Still arguing about wanting a perfect information bluffing game
>still calling he a she
at least you are consist, but can we get back to board games? what is a game you love but haven't played in a while?
What happened to that anon who was designing an apocalypse train wargame? Is the game still on track?

Any other anons have any designer ambitions? If not just tell us about the game you think of designing but deep down you know it will remain just a dream.
It's been a few months since I played RftG.

6 months ago they did a thread >>91454874 and said they were polishing the game and getting quotes for manufacturing/shipping/etc.
The fundraising page had an update 5 months ago but has less to say than the thread https://gamefound.com/en/projects/catchpoint-games/derailed
They still haven't started fundraising; you'll no when they do because they'll shill it here.
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You know remember a week when "girl core" posting was all the rage on /bgg/.
I played Elder Sign exactly once and it was easy as fuck. At no point were the four of us ever under any real threat of losing. Not sure if that was because we were all just really good at games or if it really is just that easy.
It's a mixed bag, you'll either get a good run or sometimes it can end very early.
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There's like 7 or 8 games in this picture that are either good or look like they could be good. At least I don't have a GF or Wife to make me play this stuff
>no everdell
Literally the perfect gateway into board gaming for grils. My girlfriend is now #1 with Cave Goblins on the summoner wars app when a year ago she thought she didnt like games. What changed? Everdell.
I play some of these games with my friend. Am I a gay?
>what is a game you love but haven't played in a while?
Honestly, MtG. It's been almost a decade.

Anon, that was like one thread.
Sturdy copper cogs anon walked a bit of his path with us and, if the /vm/-pic or whatever the tts general is called that was recently posted here is any indicator, he's going through with it
game balance and unit design take a long time, and they're not Leder so they can't slap something together as preview then fix it in the two years after the kikestarter

i dont have any idea good enough to be prototyped, nevermind actual publishing
Leave Emily alone.
>No Everdell
>no wingspan
>no Arkham horror
>no Firefly
>no Canvas
>no Abyss
>no Nemesis
>no Robinson Crusoe...
it's an older list
you may add to or improve it if you desire
>If not just tell us about the game you think of designing but deep down you know it will remain just a dream.
More than a handful in some unfinished state on the shelf. It's fun to think about making an honest go at it, though it's realistically more of a pastime than anything. Currently fiddling with one about space witches that I think could be okay, but I'm currently dying in the tedious stage of filling out the hundred plus cards needed for it to function, so it'll probably just go on the shelf of shame with the rest of them.
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>what is a game you love but haven't played in a while?
TI3, Chaos in the Old World, and Merchants & Marauders.
Some day, my loves...
Add Azul, women love that shit
Source: I frequently play with my mom

I only played a few different games with my mum before she passed. Enjoy your games with your mum Anon.
>Honestly, MtG. It's been almost a decade.
I remember the last time I played MtG. it was in 2005. i was playing a Magnivore desk at a local FNM and got the the final against a level 4 Judge who was playing dragonstorm. He won 2-1 but I had the fucker sweating. after that I just sold all my cards as net decking started becoming a thing and I liked to create new shit all the time.

it took my gaming shop years to get over the fact I stopped playing MtG. They would still ask for deck idea and I would help but I just stopped playing.

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Thanks for the sentiment, but my mom will never die :)
>permanent sacrifice for uncertain gains
Name a single mechanic more creative, elegant, and clever than farmers in Carcassonne. Literally peak game design
>farmer on a river tile
He either scored 40 to 60 points or another player stole the farm. There is no other outcome.
It's crazy that farmer is even allowed to be there. The first player should have put a farmer on the headwater.
I wouldn't say superior, but damn the way turn "order" works in Cosmic Frog is divine. All random, but guaranteed to reveive all of your alloted turn cards. Allows for catch up without any actual catch up mechanics; those blessed with all their cards showing up early in the round better be effective as you are gonna he a sitting duck until the reshuffle. It incentivizes pushing your luck and making every turn count. Player decisions become snappy and the downtime is minimal as you aren't in a fixed loop: people don't get lost in the weeds planning x turns ahead on their first turn.
It handles so many issues that other games would make up for with a half dozen other rules or abilities.
I love it.
>a solitaire party game
that just sound depressingly sad in every possible way, imagine going to a flgs and asking for that
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The neutral pieces in Renature
Farmers are outright broken in games with river starts, the amount of unbroken space that gives you is absolutely nuts
>just tell us about the game you think of designing but deep down you know it will remain just a dream

Something that captures the scope and feel of a fantasy 4x, HoMM-like game without being dogshit.

A kaiju fighting game that isn't reskinned yahtzee and also isn't dogshit.

A mecha themed game that isn't complete dogshit.
If I could find a girl to play X-Wing with, I'd never ask for anything else
>Something that captures the scope and feel of a fantasy 4x, HoMM-like game without being dogshit.
Try Homm3 board game.
Actually true, both are pretty clever and elegant.
I somehow struggle to think of one that fits. First thing that comes to mind is selling cards in pax ren, but that is bog standard an action; it's just that it has such delicious, often overseen tactical implications.
I think anon was pretty clear on the "no dogshit" part
What didn't you like about it?
Clash of Cultures
Godzilla Tokyo Clash
Is anybody buying into DC United? I enjoy Marvel United but only got a couple boxes at retail rather than backing the crowdfunding campaigns. I haven't bought into this one yet because I'm waiting to see how expensive they make it to get all the Batman-related stuff but I probably will.
I've got 3 games I've been working on.
>Asymmetric stealth game where everyone is working together to complete a goal but only the player with the most points at the end actually wins
This one is in a light prototype stage, played it a few times, but balancing is tough.
>Hunger Games-esque battle royale game with hidden movement, survival mechanics, and a stat system that allows players more dice to roll and succeed at different actions with.
This one is still in early design stages. I have some good ideas and have some kinks to figure out but I think it has merit.
>Political negotiation game that's inspired by the planet control and agenda phase of TI4 but centering the game around different votes like a Zoo Vadis.
This one has fully written-out rules and is ready for playtesting. Probably will do so at next game night.
>A mecha themed game that isn't complete dogshit.
I've been wanting this as well. Haven't had a good idea for the design yet, personally.
We can only hope and pray
Giga Robo and AEGIS already exist tho
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I like this idea. What would be the best theme for Hansa to sell. Maybe just get the IP for some fantasy or sci-fi series to lure them in instead.
>>93347651 >>93343221
Andreas Steding is STILL trying to find a publisher that will accept cHicago mobsTer.
Chocolatier azul is kino. grills like cute animals so Meadow exists for that too. Train to ride is a decent one too.
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This >>93347390
The HoMM board game was too accurate to the video game (to it's detriment) and clearly designed for 1-2 players. Playing the video game takes less time and is more fun frankly.

CoC is just Civ, while I do like it I don't get the HoMM feeling from it.
Godzilla Tokyo Clash is ok but there is definitely room for improvement. Not sure I could make something better but it's fun to dream.

I haven't played either yet. Giga Robo looks interesting but very expensive, and AEGIS just looks like a mech theme slapped onto a standard card game. Not sure it would sell the theme enough for me but I'd love to try it and be proven wrong. Either way, I'll keep dreaming of ways to turn these themes into something great.
AEGIS is a squad based tactical combat game with combining mechs. that mechanic is pretty unique and compelling to me. there's fun team building dynamics and strategy choices in match around combining. so i'd say it's more than a slapped on theme
Tom really loves to suck cole's dick doesnt he? Theres going to be alot of disappointed folks when they receive their copy of Arcs.
>ask for a game like Homm3
>complain that the game was too much like Home
Also, Homm3 is meant for 1 to 2 players and the board game plays much faster than the video game except in some multiplayer formats that kickstart the game for you by giving you all the mobility spells upfront like JO.
Are you like a dedicated Cole hater schizo or something, what is this bait
Net decking in no way precluded you from designing decks, anon. It only enabled the creatively bankrupt to participate at a higher level. There have been numerous tournaments spiked by metasolutions that were either targeting the modal net deck or had a sideboard that broke its back. It did cut down on the interpersonal brainstorming though if that was your primary enjoyment.
I quit when they doubled down on the reserve list and amped up their monetisation with the limited premium sets effectively telling those who aren't heirs to industry to fuck off out of legacy constructed. WotC/Hasbro are a despicable company that has been failing upwards for more than a decade now. Hope they roam eternally barefoot in a land of lego and rakes.
I was interested in Gigarobo for a bit but the entire game seems to revolve around autistic counterplays whenever you get hit, it looks like it could get tedious fast. And it's EXPENSIVE
Smash. Next question.
I don't understand why he wouldn't self publish. If the Obsession guy can succeed surely Andreas Hansachad Steding can too.
He's completely unreliable as a taste barometer because every video seems to be a 50/50 toss up between milquetoast comedic precipitations and it's my new favourite game gushing downpours. He certainly likes dickriding Wehrle though.
I'll give it another look, hopefully I can try it one day.

I mean it's too slavishly devoted to the design of the video game, it would benefit greatly from some more abstraction instead of 1:1 mechanics porting. And no, unless you're playing on a large (or bigger) map with underground I can easily knock out a game of HoMM3 in half the time it took to finish the board game.
>Something that captures the scope and feel of a fantasy 4x, HoMM-like game without being dogshit.
Mage Knight
>A kaiju fighting game that isn't reskinned yahtzee and also isn't dogshit.
No clue
>A mecha themed game that isn't complete dogshit.
Obsidian Protocol
Weird question, and this seems like the place to ask, has there even been a mechanic in any board/card game of rolling back revisions/errata as a game mechanic?

e.g. you play a card to affect something and the targeted game element is treated as an earlier/original version to buff or nerf it

I was thinking about meta elements in a card game I own recently and it occurred to me that as many as there are, that wasn't one.
God, that Abstract line isso fucking terrible
Actual meta changes or 'changes' within the structure of the game itself? I could see a game where the participants vote on changes to the game pieces each round being interesting - possibly with the addition of bullshitting, claiming a piece actually has a certain property despite it really being revised, and only getting punished if they pull up the living errata to call you on it.
I know his tastes align with mine since he likes Horseless Carriage and John Company, his video is just further proof to me that Arcs is a game I like, as if I needed proof beyond playing a few rounds on TTS
>playing on small maps
You didn't play HoMM3. You played the tutorial.
I can see some variants of Fluxx doing that with rules cards, idk if they actually do
That Time You Killed Me has something timetravely going on where whats happening on one board will influence the other boards but only in one direction (a seed in the past is a tree in the future and you can slam that tree on your opponent, unless he goes to the past and removes the seed before you can use the tree)
small and medium maps are the standard for 1v1 faggot, and if you haven't played on them and every other map size you're the one who hasn't really played the game. Sorry you paid a lot of money for a shitty product but not everyone is blinded by sunk cost fallacy.
>Mage Knight
Two games that are on my "try on TTS one day whenever I get enough spare time to learn how to play Mage Knight and how to operate TTS" list.

>Obsidian Protocol
Well it looks cool but it's also first time kickstarter mini-slop that makes Giga Robo look like a budget game so I doubt I'll ever get a chance to try it.
No it ain't you dumb cunt. Large maps are the standard for 1v1 plays otherwise you can't really develop your heroes to level 30 so you don't get a full build. Quit talking about shit you clearly know nothing about.
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>Game has 6 official 1v1 maps for small/medium maps
>absolutely fucking zero official dedicated 1v1 maps for any other map size
>maps4heroes.com has over 140 1v1 maps for small/medium size
>Only 26 1v1 large maps

I don't know where you get your ideas from retard but the facts disagree. Now fuck off with your moronic opinions and take your shitty kickstarter trash with you.
You dont play HoMM, you played the tutorial.
Is The Witcher board game base version worth 50 bucks on Amazon prime day?
Has anyone played 7th citadel here? I'm quite enjoying it, but I wish we had more chances to simply explore, rather than dealing with the current objectives. I also don't understand side quests: when are we supposed to actually complete them?
After playing Lords of Waterdeep with a number of randos, 7 of them felt compelled to buy their own copy. Some of them used it as a gateway game for their own friends.

Kinda late, but this needs an answer. Bamboo felt like a good idea that fell short. The growing action bamboo thing is an interesting design element, but the tile market and scoring is just meh. You buy whatever tile is available and place it in a house grid to complete whatever a scoring tile tells you to. It's a 5.5/10 for me, not horrible, but there are a lot of similar weight euros I'd rather play.

>what is a game you love but haven't played in a while?
CitoW, Kemet, Mage Wars, Through the Ages, Twilight Struggle

My current gaming group is a bunch of KS-backing cult-of-the-new consoomers that plays all their shiny new loot exactly once and then shelves it, so I never get to revisit my old classics. Except for Skull King. They love that shit.
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Missing The Fox in the Forest, Hive, Neuroshima Hex!, Innovation, Warsaw, Galaxy Trucker, Spirit Island, Hansa Teutonica, and Pax Pamir.
Going by my personal experience/ observations.
Oh yeah, and Bullet! Bitches go gaga for Bullet.
Why this version of Azul?
Maybe my experience is different and I know there are outliers, but I haven't found a lot of women that are really interested in space/scifi/historic settings, aside from "generic medieval farming" games. Innovation is great mechanically, but its graphic design is pretty unappealing.
Agree with Hive, Fox, Spirit Island. Bullet seems like weeb bait, bet the crazy otaku chicks dig it.
Cause it's the best one, plus it's more thematic and aesthetically pleasing.
And there's something about gardens, statues and fountains that beats laying tiles on a grid.
This looks like undercooked garbage, why are they pushing it out the door already?
Because cash ain't gonna grab itself.
>This looks like undercooked garbage, why are they pushing it out the door already?
To stay true to the IP, duh
What is the best resource type/piece in gaming history, and Why is it sheep?
Video game adaptations are all cash grabs.

I legitimately don't know a single good one
For me it's water
El Grande's King pawn. Seeing a dick hopping around the map is hilarious.
Wait. Resource. I'm dumb.
I hate Everdell, but the gummi berry pieces are great.
I wanted to refute you but I cannot think of anything. Maybe SW Rebellion, if that counts? Don't think that game is more than good though.

Idk but I love almost every iteration of the Ra token, the chunkier the better. I will NOT allow players to call out ra if they don't slam it on the table like they mean it
I used to have a coworker (female) whose favorite game was Innovation.
This war of mine, Anno 1800, AoE III, Civ, Gears, X-com, stardew valley, the tin box Fallout (shelter?), EU, Starcraft,...
and Slay the spire.

I don't know how good these are (besides Anno which I think is good) but as far as I remember they weren't trash and were/are rated high by most.
X-com wasnt even an X-com the boardgame, it was just Space Cadets but you're defending earth instead of flying space and it's worse and needs a fucking app to function

Xcom the vidya is closer to something like KDM where you have the battle map with your squad vs the ayys, and between battles you have the geoscape with research, buildings, workshops making new laz-rifles to sell so you can have enough money to stay afloat after buying a fuckload of rookies for cannon fodder, and a wacky minigame before every other combat to see if you actually get the combat or if the alien ship explodes fully and completely
I own Starcraft + Brood War, and it's a weird hybrid game, with all the bloat and overproduction you'd expect from a FFG game, including a load of cheap minis. Its main mechanic is placing secret order tokens in piles on planet sectors, then these are executed from the top down of every order pile, first order last. The planning phase is great, but the combat is wonky and unnecessarily complicated. Combatants divide their forces in front line and backline support, then play cards that add to the combat strength or defense of the units in combat. Highest total wins, but if you don't have the specific cards of the unit types in combat, the card bonuses are smaller, so there's a lot of luck of the draw. Resource gathering and tech trees are alright and allow for some customization and strategy, but they're not as good as say, TI's system. In the end it's probably overrated as a game, good but not great, but if you're a nostalgic sucker for the vidya and the lore, it's a lot more enjoyable. I think it's a 7, maybe 8 if you like the IP.
I think DRG board game is alright, as is the Devil May Cry one. And can't forget the GOAT of BG adaptations: Space Empires 4X
Picking anything up on the Prime Day deals? I just grabbed the two Sherlock Holmes boxes I was missing and Mysterium+Parks.
All of my friends are shit eaters who hate board game adaptations and would rather "watch/play/read" the original. Fuck you dude come solve Hound of the Baskervilles you Call of Duty obsessed faggot
I picked up a D&D book. I haven't played the original Mysterium but I have Parks and it's a great game, also cool to show it to new players and it's very portable.
I looked at Amazon and the deals are all either games I have no interest in or games I can play at the local board game bar.
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MLEM and a Ticket to Ride expansion
Arcs is just a good game. Wherle has some stinkers, but Arcs isn't one of them.
>GOAT of BG adaptations: Space Empires 4X
I'll give you that it adapts Excel 97 perfectly, including the hidden spaceship code .
Fallout Shelter, StarCraft, and Civilization a New Dawn are all good. Civ needs the expansion, which is why I wouldn't recommend anyone buy it, but it is awesome.
Fallout Shelter is the best game you listed here by a wide margin.
I honestly can't >>93352139
>All of my friends are shit eaters who hate board game adaptations and would rather "watch/play/read" the original.
What games do they like?

>Fuck you dude come solve Hound of the Baskervilles you Call of Duty obsessed faggot
Meds or a joke? I honestly don't know what you're trying to say here.
Excel 97 is *the* best open world vidya made to date.
You cannot refute this.
>Wherle has some stinkers, but Arcs isn't one of them.
How do you rate his games? Which ones do you consider stinkers?
>he doesn't know Space Empires the vidya
>he doesn't know Excel is an actual e-sport
why are plebs like you allowed to post? Lurk more, underage
Slightly off-topic but why can't we discuss Shut Up and Sit Down on this board but Critical Role can have a topic? I had a topic deleted instantly before when I just wanted to ask for peoples opinions on them.
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Is Ta-Seti really needed to make Kemet the best it can be?
Critical Role is what jannies like, SUSD is what jannies dislike. That's the opinion you seek, no?
It will do. Thanks bro.
Not anymore.
Ta Seti had several modules and variant rules and some of em are now part of the new edition, but some were not really worth playing.
The black pyramids were great, the new combat cards were nice, and the end of round victory sequence changed a bit. The road to Ta Seti was fun in theory, but it really just distracted from the main board and made the game unnecessarily long without adding anything significant to the game.
Just go for the new edition and expacs.
>Carcassonne is nothing in the face of Uwe Rosenberg's magnum opus, Dr. Reiner Knizia

Uwe Rosenberg coded Dr. Reiner Knizia in a lab? That's fuckin' based as hell!
Thing is, I already have the base Kemet and I can get Ta Seti for around 50 bucks, but I was considering selling base and waiting until Blood and Sand becomes available.
I read about the 1.5 rules that change the use and rules from the modules, do you have any experience with those?
Nothing good ever came of discussing them anyway, I say good riddance.
They have done a great job getting people into the hobby. Same as CR with D&D.
>Thoughts on Bamboo?
It's an incredibly useful source of renewable wood products. And it's a lot of fun to cut that shit with a katana while doing some tameshi-giri. It sucks that it's hard to come by where I live.
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> Guyz! I'm totally not trolling. Srsly!

Yeah. Yeah. Totally believable.
Root was a bad game that became okay after E&P and curating the best parts together. Oath is a game for fart sniffing retards. I played a version of Molly House at Origins and it's also rough.
I don't get the problem with it is but if that's the rules then ok. What about Dice Tower? Are they off the table too?
The biggest changes in 1.5 were the updated DI cards and power tiles, which you can get with the upgrade pack, the rest of the rules changes were minor, and are easy to implement when you dowload the 1.5 rulebook. Mainly it's just a limit on teleports per round, a better player order system and a change to city walls. The changes make sense.

If you already have the old base and don't care for the new aesthetics or content, like the cthulhu pyramids, go for TaSeti + upgrade pack. I don't feel the urge to get Blood and Sand either, I like my chunky d4s, screw plastic pyramids.
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I love fiddling around with board game pieces, I can name so many
>the big fat meeples in Root and Oath, especially the raft and the exiles (Black and Orange are my favorites)
>the animeeples/veggiemeeples from agricola, personally the sheep and the cows are my favorites
>the salt meeples from Concordia salsa
>the dragon meeple from Carcassonne princess and dragon
>the FAT Ra meeple from the new edition of Ra and the wooden tiles if you upgrade
>the metal coins from Pax Pamir
>the lace and thread pieces from Rococo deluxe
>any cards that are double-sleeved in Dragonshields
>the chunky bug tiles from Hive (carbon version is cooler)
>the marbles workshop edition of Hnefetafl with fat wooden viking pawns
>the hueg sandworm minis from War for Arrakis
>the poker chips from Hibachi (they need to make a premium board though, mine is starting to warp and it's skewing throws)
>the Boop meeples
>the Dune Imperium upgrade pack minis, they're incredibly well sculpted and look far better than the comically overpriced D&D minis that hog game store shelves
>the little cosmic encounter ships that make great spin tops when you're waiting for your turn
>this is kindof cheating but I also really like the little glass spice bottles I made for Dune Imperium and fat Iron-cored poker chips I bought for Sheriff of Nottingham
>implying I didn't watch the entire Excel world championship on Eve Online data
>implying I haven't played the Space Empires vidya
You better check yoself before you wreck yoself, fool.
I didn't even knew there was an upgrade kit lol. Thanks for the info anon, I'll go for Ta-Seti and see if I can get the upgrade pack along the way.
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What do you think of Inis? I've only played it twice so far. Is the expansion worth getting?
learn how to crop your paint canvas's
I haven't watched a single boardgame reviewer, and I don't think I ever will when I can just try it out real quick on TTS or inperson
>I don't get the problem with it is

SUSD *used to* (past tense) do board game reviews. What they do now is mostly self-serving screeds full of virtue signaling about whatever looks like it will gain them the most 'social traction' in the guise of a <ahem> 'game review'.

As for
>They have done a great job getting people into the hobby.

If by people, you mean ignorant cunts who are there to also piss, whinge, and moan about whatever current 'hot topic' has caught their eye, then yeah they've managed to attract plenty those types of shit-heads. For example...

"OMG! Five Tribes, a game set in a fictional middle-eastern setting that includes 'magic' and 'genies', has *FICTIONAL SLAVERY*! We must immediately protest to the publisher and game designers! This shall not stand!"

Did these whiny cunts do anything meaningful to deal with real world human trafficking (plenty of which takes place in middle-eastern countries and has for centuries)? Absolutely not. They patted themselves on the back over their changing 'slave cards' into 'Fakir' cards and called it a day.

Hopefully this clearly identifies exactly why many here view SUSD as the hemorrhoids of the board gaming community.
I've got the card dice take tho
>say 52 card deck
>you're just rolling a d52 when you draw
>it'll go to d51 next draw, and the math will change if you've got multiples/etc
>but you're just rolling a fat dice when drawing from a deck
I get the same enjoyment from topdecking as rolling dice cuz of this
Make a thread about them, and let us know how it went.
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>I get the same enjoyment from topdecking as rolling dice cuz of this

A top-decking, scrub-wrecking, board gaming chad! Aww yeah!
That's it? Same as every other reviewer then? Long winded way to say you don't like them.
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My face is red.
Trying again...
>That's it? Same as every other reviewer then?
Oppps! Your 'Trolling' is showing.
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>boardgame fan art
Didn't get to post some for last thread, will do so here.
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with the new Feld slop getting hype, I feel the urge to post this thoughtful reminder
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filtered by Oath.. owari da
>That's it?
What exactly did you think was such a big problem?
It's the same for every youtube "influencer".
>Disagreeing is trolling

You must struggle through daily life.

I'd no idea. I just ignore that shit when anyone starts talking about it. I'm interested in the games, not their politics. It's why there is a fast forward feature.
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That's some top-notch shiz right there Anon!
A lot of anons here love it.
I think it's fine but don't really like it.

As far as I remember the expansion is not needed It only adds a a token/rule that help with the endgame so it doesn't drag too long. Something you can fix/add yourself.
>It's why there is a fast forward feature.
There are also other reviewers

Speaking of Innis, is Galactic Renaissance out yet? Anyone played it?
The only "offensive" reviewer is BoardGame Bollocks and even he is pretty much neutral, he just swears a lot and fags don't like that.
We always talk shit on overblown kickstarters/gamefounds with a shit load of minis, but how about a challenge

What kickstarter/gamefound with a shit load of minis is actually great?
You talk of Feld but you mean Rosenberg. Have you been in a car accident recently?
He's got the most milquetoast takes in the world. The most "offensive" by modern standards is those 3 California bugs who say Chinatown isn't racist.
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War for Arrakis, shitters don't utilize the ridiculous movement options sandriding and thopters give the to zip around the board and have fun nuking fags from a mile away
>What kickstarter/gamefound with a shit load of minis is actually great?
Guards of Atlantis II. Huge hit with my group, decent roster of heros made for plenty of fun match ups and team comps, and we got regular 3v3 fights going. It's downside is that it gets to a point where onboarding new players is really rough, it's all skill and facing an experienced player can be a nightmare. they know all of your heros tricks better than you do, landing a hit feels impossible, playing the minion race you're always somehow behind. Next time I'm teaching a bunch of new lads I will be playing a bit sub par and not inviting the ruthless sharks.
>What kickstarter/gamefound with a shit load of minis is actually great?

Not minis per say, but lots of 3D card stock terrain, objectives, and OGRE minis. Pic related. Still one of my all-time favorites for over-the-top Kickstarter goodness with one of the best game tray inserts. It came designed to hold all the extras that got created over the course of the KS.
Honestly, I got exactly what I wanted from Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I'd never play it with 4 which I never intended to but it plays great solo or 1v1 and has just the right amount of crunch.
>this is what war"game" grognards call a 'microgame'
jesus wept
I like black rose wars rebirth but I won't pretend the game wouldn't be equally appealing to me if it was all standees. Might've even liked that more, it's a huge fucking box that's a pain to transport, store, set up and have all components at hand when you need them. I guess what I want to say is that most of the time less is more
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I can't find a picture of the early editions in packaging, but it's pic related in a zip-lock bag.
Is there any strategy in Ogre beyond "hope you roll well enough to damage the treads early then shoot it like a sitting duck or get ready to be fucked up"? Because all of my games have followed the same pattern regardless which side I played.
Anyone got some good house rules to make munchkin less shitty?
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The paper hex map, rule book, chits, and D6 all fit in a single ziplock bag. And the whole game cost less than $3 U.S. at the time. Just like a load of other 'micro-games' that came out in that time period.

> New Fags - not even once.
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There was a 2019 reproduction. Aside from some changes to the cover and maybe higher quality printing the only change is the addition of a piece of cardboard packing outside of the bag.

You can also go for the treads last.

Give everyone the Dungeon Meister powers. https://munchkin.game/products/accessories/promos/bookmarks/official-munchkin-bookmark-of-dungeon-meistery/
The game will still drag on until everyone runs out of resources (and this will take loner now...) but it gives players more agency.
>You can also go for the treads last.
Why would you go for anything else if the treads are the one thing that cripple the Ogre player the most?
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Your description leads me to believe you're only playing the default scenario on the 'craters' map. There are a lot of other scenarios if you play using any of the other maps (like pic related) that change up the game a lot. (Dislodging infantry from woods or cities can be a bitch.) And there are plenty of scenarios that don't involve using OGREs at all. I particularly enjoy the 'fog of war' style scenarios where each player is randomly assigned their own specific victory conditions and the opposing player has to figure out what it is and prevent it while still achieving their own victory conditions.
I only have the pocket edition and usually play the Mark V scenario.
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Yeah, relabel 'Cutthroat Caverns' as 'Munchkin' and play that instead. It's the 'take-that' game that Munchkin wanted to be. The goal is to score the killing blow (and get the load) while making other players soak damage for you. (And you want them to stay alive so that they can continue to soak damage for you.)
I figured as much from your description. They make a 'large box' version of the game but it looks like it still comes with just the craters map. I know that they've sold the other maps separately, but I don't know if they have any in stock (and it's an added expense on top of the base game). I know fans have done their own maps (pic related), but I don't have any high-res images or I'd share them. That said, with a bit of digging you might be able to find some you could print out inexpensively to go with the pocket edition you've got. I can scan the rules sheets with the terrain guide, etc, if you need it.
An Ogre without weapons is as useless as an Ogre without treads and you'll lose fewer units bringing its weapons down. You can also get better than 1-1 odds depending on what unit is attacking what weapon.
What you don't want to do is mix attacks on weapons and reads. That leads to an Ogre that's still useful right up until you kill it.
Not the Anon you're replying to, but even with the weapons gone, the OGRE can still attempt to run over enemy units and destroy them, allowing them to run over an enemy CP and win the game for example.
>An Ogre without weapons is as useless as an Ogre without treads
That's not true at all, an Ogre without weapons can still ram the CP and win. It's actually frequently a good idea to not even bother shooting much but just ram the CP and fuck off. Weapons on the other hand are useless unless you're within range of the CP.
It has the root artist working on it. Normalfags will lap it up even if they dont like the game.
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>A leder games title has Kyle ferrin doing the art
How can this be!?
He can't keep getting away with it!
Im not saying its a surprise, im just saying that people wont get mad even if it turns out to be shit. Its like tapestry, that game is hot garbage but the production values confused the average consumer. It has prepainted minis, a texture on the cardboard player thingies, a bunch of plastic dohickies. It cant be all that bad?

set a turn limit. After X rounds whomever is the highest level wins. Makes people quicker to play cards and means the game will just end at some point, instead of being dragged out for 5 hours. There are other games that are similar but dont suck. Just get one of those.
I'm a Wehrle fan but moreso for the creative designs rather than believing he makes strictly good games. Arcs hasn't really hit for me yet. It has good parts, but the base game feels a bit blah. A good time, but not this shining pinnacle of gaming Tom makes it out to be. Maybe more games will help, or eventually tabling the campaign may change my opinion, hopefully for the better. Historically, at least with the Leder stuff, more plays have only revealed the flaws of his work.
shut it, quackalope. we heard you the first time, no need to make 3 more videos on how you think "arcs bad" and claiming that as the objectively correct statement when it's based on a sample size in single digits.
Leder won't pay you $50k for a positive review, you can pack up shop on your protective racket business, it's not gonna get you anything anymore.
take munchkin cards
sit all players on a couch on one side of the room
put some trash bins on the other side
play "toss the cards in the bin" with munchkin cards
after a fun half hour of dexterity gaming, pull out Chinatown and play that instead
I love how hard his own viewers were dunking on him (and his play group) in the comments.
Opinions on Galaxy Hunters? I picked it up the other day but haven't gotten a chance to play it yet.
Jebus! Is Quacks the next iteration of 'Undead Viking' (i.e. 'only the finest reviews that money can buy')?
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It's 2 a.m.
Your direct line rings.
Who's calling and what's their gaming emergency?
I think at this point a good portion of viewers are hatewatchers, if that even is a thing.
why is munchkin such a meme, i've never played it, is it that bad?
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It's actually the worst designer game I've ever played, I hate munchkin so much it's unreal
>playtime is either 15 minutes or two hours. No in-between
>it's predetermined as fuck. Once you shuffle the decks whoever gets lucky enough to have baby-level monsters and strong equipment treasures is going to sail past players that get impossibly difficult monsters and shit treasures like modifiers
>it's also kingmakey to a degree no game has done before. The winner is always either the guy who had an early lead, or you can all bully him and then the guy who was in second will win. If you're 3rd or 4th there's absolutely no way to get ahead
>for how braindead simple the "gameplay" is, it has a shockingly bad manual and is unreasonably complicated. There's constantly terms thrown at you in cards and the manual loves to hide away whatever they mean in weird places. Other editions could be different but the copy I had used a fold-out manual instead of a booklet as an extra "fuck you"
>terrible production quality. Cheap cardstock in faggot Poker sized cards, a lot of editions are too cheap to even come with counters to keep track of levels so you have to supply them yourself
I used to own the deluxe edition and a few expansion decks because the theme suckered me in
Munchkin is a "shit happens and laugh at it" game. It's good at what it does for people new to structured social games, for at least one or two plays. It's an introductory for people that currently enjoy stuff like Uno.
The game loop is dogshit, you're starved for resources and decisions.

On your turn you reveal a card from the primary deck and either play it or add it to your hand (depending on the type).
If that doesn't result in you playing a card, you can either draw a card from the primary deck or play a monster type card from your hand.
If your victory points plus bonuses are bigger than the number on a monster you gain a victory point and some number of card draws from the secondary deck.
If that total isn't bigger, you roll a die to check whether or not resolve a bad effect on the monster card.
The secondary deck is mostly cards that can be discarded for some fraction of victory points (in some cases a whole point) that provide a bonus (in some cases nothing) until you decide to discard them.
(That's the entire game.)

Almost all player interaction is in the primary deck which has the magical consequence that if you're drawing those cards you aren't making progress in the game.
How much research do you guys do before buying a new game to bring to the table?

Is just a theme and/or mechanics enough to buy and try?
Or a "similar to games you've played" recommendation?
Or do you learn the rules first?
How many lets plays before you think it's a good buy?

Boardgames are such a time investment, if also a bargain for dollars per time spent, that I'm compulsed to learn rules and watch lets plays before buying anything.
Depends on the price and whether it's for me or a gift for someone else. At the very least I read the rules. Watching lets plays is weird get help
It's usually a mix of
>reading the back of the box. If it does shit all explaining the gameplay mechanics and wants to talk about the theme that's gotta be the biggest red flag, like how you can tell a video game will be shit if the trailers only show cutscenes and not gameplay
>video reviews, especially Tom Vasel's stuff and/or rules explanations
>gameplay videos, they're even better than reviews
>/bgg/ threads to ask about the game, or shitpost and pretend I played it so someone can correct my false assumptions
I very rarely blind buy a game anymore, when I first started I did it a lot more. I think Ahoy was the last blind buy I got that was alright, and I bought that over a year ago while on vacation
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>Watch how to play videos and full playthroughs
>Read the manual several times
>Read all possible opinions regarding the game
>Watch some more how to plays and playthroughs
>Look around for the absolute best price possible to buy
>Then and only then, purchase the game
>Group doesn't like it/we never play it
>Repeat with new game
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this happens more than it should
I have the most autistic idea, or I just really want to use an old Arduino board.

I like coins and tokens to play with, but I also like score boards because they're quicker to read. I'm picturing something like integrated sensors into a coin/chip/token stand, vertical stack or horizontal row, that automatically displays a tally for you.

Say a poker chip is 10g +\- 0.5g, you could use racks/stacks with a capacity of 10 accurately by mass. Set the denomination on a stack/rack, have an arduino screen automatically display the totals from attached stacks. Calibrate function sets new tokens, IE switching to a game with cardboard tokens, or arbitrary metal coins.
>hope you roll well enough
Bro we're talking about wargames here. That's literally the only "strategy" for every last one of them. It's a genre for boomers who don't want to think too hard.
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Come on now anon, you really can do better than that.
Mostly I check out lets plays and rules explanations, sometimes I'll check out a reviewers opinion as well.
Still no guarantee my group or I will definitely like it, but it's a good prefilter. That all of course depends on the price. I'm not gonna bother as much for a 5 euro game

The kings method is obviously to buy the (overpriced) games on amazon, try them with your group, return them and, if they were good, re-order them for game night and return them afterwards again. This way you pay nothing and open
Generally, side quests will ask you to either do something X times (marking the progress), and after X times they can be completed, or do something specific, at which point the quest is marked "initiated" ("initiated" actually generally means completed, you just have to go back to the Citadel or the quest giver to read the dialogue and get the reward).
Some of the side quests are rather opaque and are dependent on you basically drawing the necessary exploration card randomly, but you'll get the hang of it as you play more. E.g. the Two Brothers side quest requires you to find the guy's brother in an exploration card in one of the early zones and be able to identify him on the information provided.

Also, don't expect to finish all or even most of your side quests, particularly if it's your first playthrough. They are too random, depend on your knowledge, or are too inconvenient a lot of the time.

From my experience (finishing Drums at the moment), the game is balanced more or less around going for the objective, with a health buffer allowing one area's worth of exploration per scenario. If you try to explore two or more zones in one quest, you'll generally run into problems.

It's also balanced for that in terms of Hope Reborn cards. Generally, if you explore "too much", you'll run out of those cards and the exploration (and side wiests) will basically stop rewarding you. So just stick with exploring one extra zone per quest.
I kickstarted Middara on a whim. Fuck research. Judge a book by its cover.
if it's a game that's been out for a while i'll read all the scores with comments for it on bgg. i'll check profiles for the most cogent supporters and detractors to see how their tastes align with mine on other games
i also read the rules and play games async in browser first when implementations exist
for new games i'll usually go off designer pedigree, but sometimes i'll get a game on a whim if i want to see how it is for myself. some games i'm willing to buy as an exploration of game design since worst case i can sell them on
i buy games recommended here in /bgg/ impulsively and haven't regretted it yet
shit, now i have to check out ARCS if he hates it
It's my mom.
She wants to know why I haven't visited her and dad in a while, and asks me to bring Carcassonne.
Ok anon I've also played a round of stupor mundi on bga now, and I find it to be standard fare euroslop.

>lots of mechanics thrown together; cards, buildings, travel, trade, bunch of tracks
>do action x to unlock bonus y that lets you gain n stone and do action z to build a wall
>triggered effects trigger more effects etc
>Ony difference is that most scoring compares your stuff to an NPCs stuff and some special action spaces can change said npcs resources/buildings
>Felt way too long in our first round already
>Everything was only very superficially interesting; the only cool part where the keeps unlocking more powerful bonusses and even these were standard fare (+1 action, higher hand limit and such)
>Within half a game, you've tried out everything there is and the only thing left is maximizing efficiency

I do like euros, and don't mind said efficiencymaxxing, but I am increasingly dumbfound about who the fuck thinks these modern version of euro games were needed. I cannot help but agree that they feel as if designed to be played 1-3 times and then discarded.
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And now that I think about it, games I actually think are good like Castles of Burgundy or GWT very much work in the same way. Is this just a case of oversaturation and my problem or have euros - or bg in general - indeed become more disposable?
Inis is weird. The design is about slapping down potential winners until one gets through, kind of like Root but more obvious I suppose, but it becomes such a fucking slog if people play remotely well, it just turns into some kind of kingmaking luckfest at the end.

Last game I played, we had a turn with 3 pretenders. I satisfied 2 conditions (one of which my opponents didn't even notice), and 3 (THREE) separate plays to fortify my position as the winner. Guess what happened. My initial position got slapped down. A few turns later, I got into winning position again. Slapped down again. Got into position again. Slapped down again. All the way to the end of the round where most players were already passing. People used like 4 epic tale cards just to prevent me from winning, when the total hand size across the table was ~8.

What followed then was literally over an hour of nobody getting into a clear winning position, and we just called it quits.

I used to like this game, but getting to explore all the terrain and epic cards is the best thing about it.

There is an expansion module which forces a quick end, but IMO this is a cheap band-aid fix and the design itself is unsalvageable. The game very quickly devolves into a total and complete luckfest of whether you will get epic tale cards that will allow you to win (or slap down a winning opponent) or not.
I don't think he hates it, he just used clickbait titles implying he did to get people to watch the videos and the resident Werhlefags here are very sensitive
>full of take that and crabs in a bucket jump the guy leading
>whomever wins is pure luck since you basically just have to be lucky nobody has any take that cards left over when youre about to win
>the theme is endless "us DnD gamers amirite xD"
And if this was some shitty cardgame some random guy made up that got a single kickstarter printrun it wouldve been fine. But no, it's a game shop mainstay
I haven't played inis enough (3 times) to say anything about the part luck plays, but I had a similar experience. First, how you win seemed like a cool mechanic...and after the first game everybody knew better than to let others sneak up a victory, so the harp tokens (forgot what they were called, deeds?) got ever more important and the games crawled to a halt as they turned into a slap the leader fest with the players far behind opportunistically catching up. Seemed like very annoying rubberbanding to me. Idk if this gets better with more games, but the ones I played felt decidedly too long for me to want to try again. Like, almost half the game was spent in this state of oh no someone's gonna win if we don't stop him. For wjat its worth, I also don't like root and hate oath because of this dynamic, can easily see people who don't mind this really liking inis.
I haven't bought a board game in a while, which board game should I buy?
Ortus Regni
Virgin Queen
Best solo boardgames? Or games that you play with others but they also have a solo mode?
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Stupid wholesome post my guy.
I dont usually pay much attention to what gulag users say, but for the Imperium: games (classics, horizons, legends) which are 1-4 player games, I see on bgg that they dont recommend playing with more than 2 players, and in the forums they say it increases the play time with no real benefit
Any opinions on playing these games 3p or even 4p?
Bloodborne is ok
Will second that Civ: Terra Incognita is fantastic
Really can't go wrong with Spirit Island. So many tools to curate your difficulty, the Jagged Earth box is one of the best expansions I've ever owned. Solo is technically piloting a single spirit but I prefer the brain burner of two handing.
I'll always stump for Sprawlopolis: affordable, replayable, easy set up and not a table hog.
Lastly, harder to get a hold of right now, but Assault on Doomrock. It's not quite a dungeon crawl, not quite a campaign game, but highly lethal combat, even lethal exploration rounds if you get reckless, paired with chaotic combat that still requires quite a bit of skill to succeed.
Also very easy to pack up with a "save file" between fights.
Whats a good 2-3 player game for a 80 year old grandma with dementia
>>no designer has released a solitaire party game
you mean multiplayer solitaire? That already exists for like over a 100 years at least. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_bank_(card_game)
lel, I only glanced at the pic and thought "man, what an ugly, vain looking bitch"
on second look I see it tho.
Patchwork. Realistically something she knows from her youth.

Half of the reason I game is to have lots of rules learned for old age. Theres just no learning new ones after a certain age. The old grog historical wargamers taught me that.
>Theres just no learning new ones after a certain age.
Facts, I tried to play Coloretto with my grandmother and she said it was "harder than bridge." You really can't teach an old dog new tricks.
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I briefly look at the front of the box, then I look at the back. I don't get people who research this shit like its a car or a house, just don't buy more games than you can reasonably play and if you get a clunker sell it on at mild loss. Plus I'd rather nail my dick to the dining room table then WHAM! out of nowhere a baboon comes along and sodomizes me than sit through a vid of people with opinions on board games. Seriously, fuck research.
Luck is absolutely a major contributor. The difference between getting a card that deletes 3 enemy pieces versus a card that forces pieces out of a citadel or does something other equally useless is massive. Not to mention if you get several good ones in a row.

I should mention, that game I played was with the expansion and 5 players. Having a fifth player really exacerbates the issue, since there are more potential pretenders and any big fight is extremely unlikely to set up a winner since generally only one guy gets knocked down a peg. We've already had this issue playing at 4, but at 5 it becomes insane. I wouldn't recommend it in general at this point, and definitely not at 5.
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>tfw I wanted to play some catan but i cant get a suitable table
>resident Werhlefags
i can't believe that's a thing
that's fair, i don't think it's too special or innovative, but i have enjoyed it more with each play. i've found a good amount of variety in build paths
i just like rondels, deck building, and resource cubes. every turn feels like a fun puzzle to me. thanks for trying it out and sharing thoughts
GWT and CoB are favorites of mine as well for euros. i actually think this is about as interactive as those games at least. i could see myself playing SM 20+ times easily, but i might just have a high tolerance for euros
Quack is a bitch, I am legitimately surprised he still has a fanbase

But also, why do people hate Wehrle? I like most of his games
Most people would think it's less of a hassle to not buy shit games than to buy blindly and resell once you find out
>Looking at the box to judge a game
Lmao, even
I dont hate Wehrle, i think he's an interesting designer but there seems to be a couple posters here who post about Root and Oath (probably Arcs now) an exorbitant amount. Maybe Wehrle/Ferrinfag would be more accurate since they don't seem to care much about Coles more interesting designs (An Infamous Traffic and John Company).
JoCo gets recommended here a lot, can't remember any negative things said about it
i think Root and Oath are discussed more because they're controversial
>because they're controversial
dude imagine when he finally gets around to makjing Infamous Traffic 2
>Still thinking research is superior to just looking at the fucking box
>Telling me what most people would do
Carry on spending hours on youtube optimizing your board game time investment and winding up with shit games that you think are fun just from reading the one(1) rulebook. "Most people" are slop-guzzling morons that buy dozens of games every year that they'll play once or twice if they're lucky, I'm not surprised that flavor of retard is curious about advanced research techniques.
Oh look someone’s bought a game and expects me to organise it, learn the rules and run it for them again.

This one took 2 hours some commited research just to organise alone.
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Lads I think we found him again

Can I get an autograph sir?
This game sucks dick, anon.
I think its because Wehrle has said that he wants to make someone's favorite game, and I can absolutely see groups play something like Root or Oath and just hate it, while others might just love all the aspects those games have that many other board games don't.

I know assymetrical wargames aren't rare these days but I still really haven't had a game like Root that just streamlines it to such a nice and perfect degree. It's not a perfect game, but it's easily still one of my go tos.
>Really can't go wrong with Spirit Island.
This is just untrue, buying it in the first place is going wrong.

>a-at least the gameplay is good
"No!" The gameplay is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a minor power was played, the player did it for the symbols instead of an interesting effect.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a card was played for symbols only. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Reuss' mind is so governed by bland effects and thinly veiled set collection that he has no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Spirit Island by the same Kenneth Johnson. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Spirit Island at 31 or 32, then when they get older they will go on to play Phase 10." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Spirit Island" you are, in fact, trained to play Phase 10.
Shame. It was highly discounted and I didn’t buy it so… oh well.
I have no idea why you are spergig out so hard anon, calm down.
You are equating knowing what you'll buy with rampant consoomerism. Which, needless to say is utterly moronic. I get not wanting to spend hours upon hours looking into a 60 bucks game (which is also stupid) but bg time is so precious I'd rather spend it with something we are more likely to enjoy than someone's impulse purchase because "it looked cool".
Glad to have you back in our humble thread, king
Not that anon, but I acknowledge I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
I'm sperging because my pet peeve is the board game content hype machine, and I think when people talk about doing research, they're talking about engaging with that. I would rather play a shitty game and figure out what's wrong with it than spend any time figuring out which if any youtuber is worth paying attention to. Also, I've played a ton of games and I buy very few games, mostly used, so I'm pretty satisfied with my track record on just eyeballing stuff. I actually think you can tell a decent amount about a game by it's packaging, presentation, etc. I get that not everyone is like me, I just get triggered when I visit here and it's another youtube gossip episode.
The most research I'll do is wait for /bgg/ to talk about it and see how well it's received, then check out the box art and summaries. If I like the theme or the mechanics enough I'll just snap buy it, otherwise I like trying it out on bga or tts first.
Card and board games are in my opinion way harder to judge if it's good without actually playing any of it and seeing how different actions interact and reading a bunch of the cards that you can play. I much prefer in person experience to anything, so I don't mind bgg recs and impulse buying basically if I don't play it online first
I fully approve shitting on e""""""celebs""""""" but it did sound like you hate the idea of someone putting in time to check out a game before buying which seems weird to me. I can see why you'd react that way if research to you means listening to some rando faggot standing in front of a wall of games he's played 0-1 times ramble on for an hour without saying anything.
its basically a 5th player expansion, not worth it unless its really cheap or you play 5 super often
thoughts on Vital Lacerda, more specifically Kanban?
I haven't played any of his games but I'm pretty sure they're bad
>The 2 games about colonizers and slavery aren't controversial
>The 2 games about cute little medieval critters are
On /bgg/? Yeah.
I think it's the weakest of the Matagot trilogy. Cyclades is much more elegant and balanced.
Are there actually any bg reviewers that are good and have some tcg experience or the like, I'm pretty sure most of them are purely for fun gamers, which is cool and all if that's the perspective you want and people like, but I've always got the impression most of them don't know what they're talking about
Pax Pamir and John Company are better designed than Root and Oath. That’s why the former aren’t controversial and the latter are
I wish I could play Pax Pamir more, but it was too complicated for everybody else and now it just sits on my shelf. Desperately waiting to meet a total nerd game groupm
Bout the night of the living dead zombicide on prime day. Anyone ever play? Anyone got the STL files for the promo Johnny and Karen?
Buy a dictionary while you're at it.
friend just received his copy of heroes of might and magic 3 yesterday and wants to play it this weekend. what am I in for?
Bought. I swear I'm not that drunk yet
is IT first edition worth playing if Werle is making a second edition right as we speak?
"looking at the box" is part of research, so is "actually knowing what the game is before you buy it".
stop being a retard and do research
Look, nobody's accusing you of being drunk, we just think you're an illiterate retard.
big game, confusing rules, lods of admin and fiddle, and yet it's still somehow rather fun
I've been playing mage knight in tts lately and having a blast, and apparently it's similar to the homm games if I go by another anon talking about it, should I go back to homm 3, 4 and try them out too, apparently 5 is scuffed
Kind of polarizing as a designer because of his style. His games always tie the theme to the mechanics in different ways, and his games tend to be complicated point salads where everything is linked to some other thing.

Kanban, for example. You work at a car factory, and you need to make cars, but to get the cars you need to design the plans, then order parts, then assemble parts, then test the cars before taking them out to your own garage. You do this by placing your worker meeple in one of six departments then spending your alloted action points in that department. The scoring is also kind of complicated, because it takes place in end-of-week meetings, everyone in the meeting must play at least one objective card to be scored, but you must spend speaker tokens (you earn those by spending action points to get certified in the departments you worked in during the week) on the card to actually get the points. You also get points for improving car designs, researching individual systems (parts), and getting the department certifications.
So yeah. Like most of his games, you have relatively simple core mechanics with complicated interlinked subsystems which make you jump through several hoops to actually get the point rewards at the end of a cycle.
People are usually have strong opinions on this style of games, either love them or hate them, and the complexity will turn a lot of players off before even opening the boxes.
I personally enjoy them, and own CO2 and Lisboa, which are solid games IMO.

Don't listen to this faggot. Try one and decide for yourself.
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New thread when ready
the HoMM videogames are more strategy than Mage Knight, with the key differences being:
>multiple heroes managemenet (exactly what it says, but also each hero doesnt have their own deckbuilding microgame, nor are they all as excitingly different in their abilities as the Mage Knight mage knights. plus they dont participate in ocmbat directly,)
>base building (you start with a city and can take more over, you can pay resources to improve the city like more passive income, more spells it can teach, and more army that it can recruit)
>army management (cities and certain neutral sites allow recruitment of army units, and your heroes can only carry so many stacks of units. also fighting is now a whole minigame of unit stack slapping other unit stack while the heroes sometimes cast a spell)
3 is the gold standard and 5 is 3 but made by slavs, so i recommend starting with the first one and then going up the release order ntil you're bored of the whole franchise and are ready to play Dominions 6
thanks anon
Definitely a lot of glut lately. After the pandemic boost the industry had, everyfuckingbody thought they should publish their game, so we get tons of dime a dozen releases which are mostly just OK games which probably won't stand the test of time. And they will sell because we're in a neverending hype-buy-shelf-forget-repeat loop.
I've slowed my purchases a lot, and ask myself a lot whether a new game will fill a significant niche in my collection.
An absolute slog that’s not worth the time it takes. Nice minis though.

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