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Zoomer Edition

Previous: >>93271270

>Lorcana Official Website:

>Lorcana News, Guides and other Resources [Feel free to suggest more websites]:

>Card Database:


Ursula's Return Set Championships last weekend coming up
Lorcana Challenge Texas is July 20 and 21, 2024
The next expansion, Shimmering Skies, releases on August 9, 2024
Pixelborn is officially dead and gone
Bucky is kill - press S or F

>TQ: What do you expect to be the top deck in set 5, with E/St neutered?
Welp, gotta miss my league night due to injury and family duties this week. Hope you're all able to get to your games this week. Looking forward to set 5, though!
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even anal
Try lube, first.
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poor Nick, he's got no idea what's coming
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New duck.
That was me in one set championship. Drive to the next state over since no one local wanted to run one on fourth of july weekend. First round was against some poor kid who never saw it coming.
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Question about cards with "while this character is exerted". This means I can benefit from their effect and challenge or quest in one step, right? As opposed to cards that have abilities tied to the exert symbol? Like Mother Gothel here. I can quest or challenge with her and her ability is still active?
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The difference is one is *continuous* with a *condition*, whereas the other is *activated* for a *cost*.

"While exerted" abilities are about what state the card is in. It's a type of continuous effect that is conditional. It does not matter how the card ends up exerted. As long as it's sideways the effect is considered "on".
These abilities say "for as long as I am sideways [this thing] is true". In contrast, the abilities with the exert symbol are saying "you may choose to turn me sideways to make [this thing] happen right now."

Notably, you can't arbitrarily exert Mother Gothel just to turn her ability on. She MUST quest, challenge, or be affected by some other card in order to get sideways.
just answer the question, retard
ain't nobody reading all that shit
The answer is "Yes."
you sure?
>That explanation is too long, just say yes or no
>Ok, yes
>Are you sure? Explain more
Which way do you want it?
card is unclear so it need a ruling
what is the ruling? can you link the official ruling?
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The card is not unclear in the slightest and the first guy provided a perfectly good explanation for it. If you want to argue it further go read the fucking comprehensive rules.
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Oof... so blurry... but is that an Oswald I spy? Interesting...
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Oh, thanks. Nice!
This seems like it would be very effective if you've lots of songs in your hand.
>on a Friday

I know it's not inkable but that's overpowered as hell for a pawpsicle deck.
Maybe, but singing a song just to sing another song feels redundant.
Not if it's a high cost song.
Thanks for answering, ignore that other guy.
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Also good to get the 2-3 lore a 5+ drop will give you or killing an opposing character, then singing afterwards. Or just healing and protecting from strike back, whatever the reason for tapping.

Seems good, though maybe not worth 4. If it were 3 to be sung by Cindy, would be a lot better. Still, a song that does anything and is inkable has a decently high floor to begin with, see Bear Necessities and Worlds Greatest Criminal Mind.

Pic unrelated.
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Are there any thematically coherent decks with distinct gameplans, or do we all just play the best 60 cards for aggro/midrange/control in whatever colors?
I saw Jafar, and he seems interesting. But am I just going to be eternally stomped like in >>93347641
for wanting a deck with a clear identity?
Right now the card pool just isn't large enough to allow for competitive thematic decks. You can make a totally playable Madrigal or Sword in the Stone deck, just don't expect to win tournaments with them.
Oh actually there's a pretty solid Broom deck you can make now.
If you have multiple bodyguards out and exerted, do they cover for just each other or do they block all damage in an infinite loop?
If you have multiple bodyguards, your opponent must challenge one of them (of their choice) instead of any non-bodyguards.
source on ruling?
The ruling is what the ability on the card itself says. "If an opposing character
challenges one of your characters, they must choose one of your characters with Bodyguard if able."
You're not funny
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Look at this regular, ordinary flamingo

Went to a league, went exactly like this, tho my Stitch Rock deck is hardly Bucky tier:

Still, fast aggro spanks "random shit I liked" which is what the league had.
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Alright, next set enchanteds are already looking much better.
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Now this is interesting.

not just sexually
I can think of at least one of my decks that this would improve greatly.
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New 1 drop king for Pride Rock, maybe?
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And a new Mim. This one doesn't want to be bounced but huge ass for 4.

Bunch of cards spoiled today, so I'm just posting some of the ones I found in English.
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>tfw you throw off the emperor's groove
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Big ol' cycle here. Amethyst and Ruby looking the best, but most of them are good (maybe not steel)
Emerald is pretty strong, since it'll make it super hard to maintain a board presence against it.
Great art, eh effect

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Retard me forgot the Pic
This is a potentially great effect.
>Play this
>Chief Bogo
>Ping everything for one damage
>No questing allowed
>DRAGON SLAYER When you play this character, banish chosen opposing Dragon character.
>TAKE ADVANTAGE Whenever this character challenges a damaged character, ready him after the challenge.
Not only that, but you don't even need to have anyone at the location to take advantage of the effect.
This might make it into my Stitch Rock deck. Maybe.

Might switch steel for red with the new 1 drop Simba tho. Doesn't matter, still a bad deck.
How viable are cards like this? I see lots of cards that do healing or move damage, but in the few games I've played it seems like everything just gets one shotted most of the time.
No. TCGs aren't about sovl, they're about paying to win with a smorgasboard of dumb over designed value engines that have nothing to do with one another beyond being intentionally broken cards designed to sell booster packs.

This is why TCGs will never truly be great and why there will never be exciting professional scenes that lure in people who don't even play the game.
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Finished getting my deck fully enchanted.

Now if only it were actually good
>bridge shuffles your deck when offered for cut
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>Make it to top 8 at the last set championship I can attend
>Don't draw a single Bucky in two games, lose
Sorry for your loss, but part of me thinks you deserve it for playing Bucky Discard.

nah it's on RB for printing him
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Dangerously based Disney movie.
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No one fights like Gaston
This game seems gay. I will not play it just because its Disney and will not support disney as a company.That is how i feel. Thank you.
Anyone come to Lorcana from Magic? My store hosts Lorcana now and I'm looking for something different. Is it easier to play? What can I expect? Sell me on it.
And nothing of value was lost.
It has a lot of similar mechanics to Magic, though in general things are simpler. There's no dedicated lands (the majority of cards can be turned into a "land") and all effects and abilities resolve immediately instead of a stack. Like Magic each of the six colors as their own identity and thing.
I'm glad you feel the need to play a game with literal children's cartoons(as in little girl audience) at an lgs. More power to you.even if the power dynamics is decades apart :)
I'm glad you feel the need to talk out your ass. The vast majority of the movies/characters in Lorcana are not aimed at the 'little girls market', with the possible exceptions being Frozen, Raya, and Moana. Any of the other 'princesses' fall under the 'classic disney masterpieces' which little girls don't actually watch (the disney princesses toyline notwithstanding). I mean, if you really wanted to troll, you could have said it was a game for furries. That might have been more accurate.
I think it's similar enough, but different enough at the same time. To add to what >>93399613 said, damage also carries over turn to turn, so your big dudes will eventually get worn down and taken out. I also really enjoy that the win condition isn't just "kill the enemy." I don't mind a good bit of violence in my games, but it does force you to consider how you plan to generate Lore to achieve victory over just how much damage you can throw around.

It's solid enough. Not the deepest game, but if you enjoy Disney animated stuff then it's worth a try.
DLC was fun
I went to the Chicago one but couldn't make Texas. Though two of my friends from my local play group made top 8 and got Mickeys, which is is pretty incredible.
Sell me on this game. People at the LGS are playing it.
Minus the Disney aesthetics is it actually a good card game on its own two feet?
It's better balanced than modern magic, it's easier to get into and play, and the lack of lands/no blockers on scoring changes the dynamic enough to make it feel different. And unlike the majority of games outside of the big 3, you can find lots of stores hosting events (league structure and the "achievements" to increase score to win promos even incentivizes off meta decks).

It's been improving with each set, and it's much cheaper to get into than magic - lower QA on the cards also means the latest generation of fakes are indistinguishable from real cards, if you're the sort that wants to save cash.

Basically it's mtg without lands or off-turn interaction, with a Disney theme. If that appeals, and you like actually playing, it's a good game.
>off-turn interaction
The lack on instants is a good thing and I hope it stays that way.
I didn't say it was bad. It makes the game simpler in some ways (fewer decision points) but also smoother because you don't have the mono Blue dick pretending he's got a counter in hand and pausing every phase change.

The biggest selling point for me is that people actually play it near me, and it's neither a brain burner like F&B or full of half naked anime children.

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