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Traversing the Warp edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]

How do you secure your models and terrain for transport?
I use the box that my Vr Index came in they're quite roomy when you take out the foam padding
>>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.
Okay, but which one is YOUR favorite, OP?
is there a necromunda books mega? i need ash wastes

I'm partial to Mordheim for campaign play and Warcry for pick-up games. I've dabbled in Necromunda and MESBG as well. I'm interested in trying BFG and Warmaster, but that's probably a ways off given my current backlog of hobby projects.
thanks big dawg
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On the subject, how quickly does new stuff turn up? I'm kind of interested in the Secundus box, but I wanna see just how much or how little is coming in the rulebook they give in that.
few weeks, maybe months, find a telegram or discord group is the fastest way to get, don't ask me i'm not using either.
turns out i actually need book of outlands. i want to do some space dwarfs.

fucking necromunda has like a million books kek
Just use necrovox, book are fore lore reading, which are nothing burger anyway.
it doesnt have weapon prices or wargear for space dwarfs
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It does have the prices but several Ironhead weapons profile are missing or only available in character profile,


thank you
New to Necromunda so please forgive what may be dumb questions:
Are the Malstrain models from the Hive Secundus set likely to get a standalone release?
And are the other Malstrain models we've seen like the Tech Priest, Alpha, and Coalescense Forge World or will they be released in the more "standard" box sets for Necromunda models?
1. Probably for the genestealer.

2. They're forge world resin.
I use battle foam for some games, especially the kind made specifically for a particular game like Deathwatch Overkill or Blackstone Fortress. However for Kill Team, Necromunda and Warcry I started using Tupperware with magnets.
>really like Blood Bowl
>played hours on PC
>shell out for the board game
>buy two more proxy teams
>LGS in the capital has occasional tournaments
>friends like it, but can only make it until half time

i got a pay raise, now its just an issue of setting up a surface for painting and getting a few army carriers to move my teams around
i love the game, it really does hit everything i want from a boardgame, from RPG elements, risk-managment, strategy...

>black orcs
>human nobility
>dark elves
i dont know which other teams to yoink so i have a well rounded roster to offer distinct playstyles to anyone interested
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Any idea when all the new AoS stuff will get rules in Warcry?
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from necromunday to necrotuesday

They were pretty good about updating the latest factions to get a refresh (CoS and FEC) so I'd expect them to get rules soon, probably close to when the new stormies and Skaven get their full range release outside of the launch box.
Anyone have a PDF of Necromunda: Apocrypha?
Ogres for wacky hijinks and normal elf union for super scoring and lightky armouredbspeedsters. I suggest those specifically as their boxes are mostly complete.

Chaos Chosen if you want a very straight forward, semi beginner friendly starter team.
The Apocryphas are downloadable directly from Warhammer Community
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Not the Warcom articles, but the actual book. It has different rules, not a collection of the articles.
First Gorger of the squad. Going for a "post-forest fire" basing scheme.
Another angle
Whoops. Forgot the pic
Is that book real? I never saw it for sale
So, will Malstrain corrupted gangs substitute regular GSC gangs from Book of Ruin?
Seems like eventually they will.
I like the autumn basing. Combined with the fleshy gorger it's an all around nice palette
I doubt it will completely supercede them, they are clearly working with two very different styles of gangs, where replacing one with the other doesn't feel feasible. And the Necromunda team generally has not been prone to deleting content in favour of new one, rather just slappig on more shit.
But in the sense of getting new content, ubdoubtedly this will cut the chances of the Book of ruin GSC gang getting anything new through apocryphas to near zero.
Went to my LGS (not really a LGS it's simple where people play games)
No one playing battlefeet gothic, mordheim, necromunda, adeptus titanicus
Everyone is playing:
>40k (with recasted and 3d printed mini)
>MESBG (with recasted and 3d printed mini)
>gasland for some reason
>>gasland for some reason
Warcry pullout related to the campaign stuff posted in the previous thread
>gasland for some reason
$15 worth of hot wheels and some paint and you're good to go.
Apart from the fact that they're playing 40k that sounds based. You could probably drum up interest in the others
Does this mean they're making more matched stuff to make Warcry more competitive?
we also getting another double bill tomorrow so necrowednesday!
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How on earth did you extrapolate "going in a more competitive direction" from a narrative campaign release?
I dunno, sorry it's been a tough week.
Ogres are an interesting pick, however I think humans fill the same niche as Union.
Might grab an Ogre box after I paint, since all you really nees are Ogres and Gnobs

Theres a lone Amazon box at the LGS, but it's missing some pieces and I've nowhere to get them, I won't shell out to GW and mixing proxies in isn't something I want.
Magnets and carry them in a biscuit tin
Have it packed in plastic containers and never had an issue
Is this in the latest WD?
Is there a guide somewhere for how to access this?
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The big benefit of playing smaller games is that you can pick up smaller plastic cases with pluck foam in them. Fit a whole Necromunda gang in something discreet and safe.

Talking of gangs, I'm starting a Delaque gang. Are the Wyrd powers a meme? Or are they good fun? Not fishing for WAACfaggotry, I just want to make sure I'm not wasting my time
The universal power with special are strong, the psychoteric is meh, no special and shit range.
Nothin ever really makes anything obselete in terms of the prior bein no longer playable. Old GSC will still be there, just like how Venators are still here after Outcasts.
soak it up anon. sounds like you have one of the best LGSs on the planet.
if the 40k anons are printing shit anyway, see if you can get them to try epic.
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It's weird that they're entirely dropping the implied Tau connection whilst retaining the names of the suits that mirror Tau words.
>Genuine Genestealer Gangs from the Tyraryan Brothehood vs Hive Ghettondus Methstealer Muttaz
Get lost Imperials, here come the real hate.
It's still possible to preserve the implied Tau connection - by flipping it; perhaps those who made the spyrer suits were involved on T'au prior to its inhabitants forming a developed civilization.
Every conflict in 40k is a GSC proxy war.
There's also official downloadable version of the map, it's just been categorized under WD downloads instead of Warcry downloads on WarCom.
Looking for some serious help trying to get copies of the Necromunda Books, all the house books and all other relevant books. Please and thank you in advance
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Which do you lack?
The Core Rules 2023
Book of Outlands
I was more shocked by the fact they knew about it desu
Yeah but i didnt think it was like this ahah
Like I was legit the only guy there with official GW minis (but some guys with deagostini mesbg minis)
They all order from a chinese recaster for plastic/resin/failcast, 3d print, or buy from an italian metal recaster
nta but i need outcasts please
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>I was more shocked by the fact they knew about it desu
It's one of the most popular game system, even South Park had a reference.
I wish they'd show the alternate builds they mentioned already

The answer will be nope,
So, can I play the new malstrain as a gang for normal necromunda games? Or is it only for this particular campaign?
Looks sweet, be sure to share the whole warband when you're done!
>Rob: Malstrain Infected gangs are a new gang type in the Book of Desolation, so you could easily make an Orlock gang that’s been taken over by the Malstrain, for instance. The pure Malstrain gang is very much designed for Hive Secundus, and the Underhells campaign in the new book – they aren’t meant to reach out beyond that arena.

>That’s partly because you can’t have a Genestealer visit the trading post, but partly because the Secundan Exclusion Zone is quite hard to breach! An arbitrator may wish to change things, of course, but Malstrain Corrupted gangs are what you should see outside Hive Secundus. These are normal House gangs that may be suspiciously bald and goggle-eyed, with a Genestealer or other monstrosity hidden away somewhere in the attic.
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Odd, is not like GSC an only have a single Patriarch. Even in nu lore there in the new Not! Cadia it has two known Patriarchs running around. The even where we get pic related of GSC bitch slapping Night Lords.
everything there especially outlands
Ok, as someone who'd be starting Necromunda for the first time, words like Underhells or Hive Secundus don't really mean anything.

Going to take that as a "no" though, which is kinda disappointing.
The way I'm reading it, I'm not sure if by 'Pure Genestealers' they're including the hive scum you get in the box.
So it could be that:
>Nothing but 'stealers = No
>Bunch of hivescum with 'stealer champions = Yes.
>Like I was legit the only guy there with official GW minis
definitely good signs. this is a group that you won't scare off with other rules systems or minis. players that never buy official gw might be a little out there, but they are preferable to players that only buy official gw in 100% of cases. stick with it anon.
Ask and you shall receive. Sorry it took so long, I don't browse /tg/ often these days.
I dont think the latter would be okay by working of the given excerpt. More like malstrain- no. House gang plus some additional arms,teeth and a pet genestealer in a trench coat- A ok
Is there any hope that GW supports Battlefleet Gothic again?
I expect Battlefleet 30k at some point so they only have to do one set of ships, cheap bastards.
I mean I don't know if I'd call it hope exactly, but they'll probably do a box game at some point. probably just imperial. rules will be a half-assed untested mess, and we'll all just go back to playing the good one.
nu-GW is nothing if not predictable.
Genestealer in the Underhive is from oldmunda, In Newmunda the GSC in the Underhive are splintered cult which are cult that have no patriarch and can't produce genestealer.

Locations affected what campaign will be played, each type of campaign had a set of rule.
Underhive is the area inside the hive which had the most campaigns to choose from and is considered the standard setting for games.
Ash waste is the wasteland area outside the hive which make used of vehicles and more open space fight In an Ash Waste campaign gangs get extra credit to spend only on vehicle or mount.
Secundus is the walled off hive overran by GSC and was destroyed. The campaign pit the Spyrer against the Malstrain Genestealer, so every gang get at least one Spyrer. There are also might be campaign specific skill or abilities for the Malstrain that would not be useful outside of their campaign. For example the Ash Waste nomad is a gang designed for the Ash Waste campaign, in the Underhive their skills are either useless or not working at all.
>humans fill the same niche

Nobility? Nah, they're pretty different, pelfs do a lot of dodging, screening and passing whilst nobs are more CC and running. Zons are also good for an agile/dodge-y team though, just be careful that both them and Nobility have a lot of skills and that might be tricky to track for newbies.
Is there some guide somewhere for how to access links like this?

I can't get the link to work.
He didn't turn on sharing
Does it work now?
Yes it does.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Do you have Ash Wastes?
If its not on the screen I dont, but someone in my group might. I'll ask.
The elven union box does seem practically complete...
Probably the best team for it. I considered the amazons as well but am unsure with their Norse overlap, I want to have something at hand for everyone if they want to play.

The 11 sets in the box seem ok, but I have this weird feeling that some of the boxes are incomplete, for some reason...
For example I know the Amazon Box at my LGS has some minis missing that werent linewomen...

The Chosen would be cool, but I feel like they cover the same niche as Black Orcs
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NTA but Chaos Chosen are both easier to learn and easier to play. Black Orcs have book keeping with skills like stunty, dodge, brawler, really stupid, its a lot. They also got a very clear and exploitive weakness, garbage speed and goblins are targets.

Chaos have two hyper distinctive players and their only skill, horns, not only has a visual reminder but very simple mechanically. Chaos also have the most straight forward plan and do it well: Beat people up.
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Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment, anon.
If you want to play BFG, just do it. Waiting won't improve things.
i've got an idea of a necromunda helot cult gang centered around a marine leader, what would a reasonable statline for one be in a thematic game boys? alternative sources doing similar shit for me to look at are welcome

I mean if we're talking about a team in the exact same niche as BLorcs, then what you actually mean is Lizardmen. Literally everything Black Orcs are, with less book-keeping, special rules, and are straight up better.
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Does anyone know this old GW minigame, about gladiators fighting in a dark elf arena? I'm not sure if it was 40k or fantasy (probably fantasy) it was published in an article in some magazine iirc but I cant find it
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WD229 arena of blood, took me 5 seconds to google...
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It's the 3rd gang kit and we're getting 4 (double up to 8 because 2 sprues) more lasgun, just exactly what everyone need. It's not even the customized lasgun like the resin dude had. Geesus talking about throwing away time and money on the mold.
excellent, many thanks. is this from one of the old books i missed?
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Eärnur, the Last King of Gondor

It's from og munda, and those stat are shit for today standard. The only GW system with lore accurate Marine is Inquisitor.
Oh thanks
Not very good at google
Not exact same niche, I meant more just a heavy bash/grind arch type.

Lizards of course are the most related to Black Orcs, my concern would bebthings like stunty, dodge etc. Plus, least in my experience, Chaos has a more aesthetic appeal than Lizards.
I don't like the rules though. I just want to play with model space ships set in the 40k universe. If they re-released it they'd dumb it down for retards like me
Pretty niche special rule. In good vs evil only comes into play against Azog and Bolg? And Bat Swarms? But cool model.
buy the upgrade sprue, goyim.
The penis spear tip is just sad.
>buy already produced kit somehow solved the problem of retarded wasting money making the same fucking weapons instead of something new.

You're not very bright, aren't you.
There is just something about the new lotr models that looks so off. Every model with chainmail, hair and fur has the same flat look.
Having the Perry Bros with all of their historical knowledge and just good sculptors like Brian Nelson on the original fellowship really elevated their miniatures on another level.
This looks like something you could get from a 3d printing patreon. Probably will be a week until you actually can.
What made BFG such a popular game? Is it just because naval wargamers are starved for games that aren't rivet-counter?
The specialist studio position probably pay like ass and having to multi work between all of the games so hardly these guy gave a fuck about anything they worked on, hell I even reckon they applied hopefully someday they got transfer to the GW 40k/AoS team.
It is in the mega i posted earlier, I've added it. You're welcome
>What made BFG such a popular game?
perfect as connective tissue between other games, so for campaigns with a narrative streak it was a beautiful way to connect some dots and change it up. Also a bit of an "adult" game with a smaller scaler and more abstraction for veteran players i suppose. Small models paint up faster and you get to expand on the background of your 28mm army with more models. Tons of great artwork to inspire hobby projects and old artwork could now have a place to be used as inspiration for conversions.
>Is it just because naval wargamers are starved for games that aren't rivet-counter?
I don't think there is a huge overlap between historical wargamers and naval gamers in particular and 40k. For most 40k players the concepts would probably have been novel...unless they played battletech at least I guess.
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I found one of these guys in my FLGS (upon googling it, some shops even sell the model for about 16€) and thought it might make a decent ent for MESBG. The somewhat underwhelming GW Ents cost about 41€.
This guy has roughly the right height, is more detailed and with a bit of gs it should be easy to give it a friendlier face befitting of an Ent. Considering the pricepoint it might not even be the worst model to use for parts to build more custom ents anyway (short of just using some wire and putty like you'd do for tree you use for scenery anyway).

Anyway, the base that comes with the model is 75mm, the GW bases are 65mm (even though they're sold as 60mm). Is the size difference enough of a concern for MESBG to put the model on a different base?
I have no intention of attending competitive events obviously, but would it be unfair towards an opponent?
Malstrain in any campaigh=not without arbitrator's greenlight, since its basically a gang of brutes with some little guys sprinkled in.

Malstrain Corrupted in any campaign= Yes. Seems to be the gang of choice with some added rules and the ability to take a genestealer as a brute.
No word that they've dropped it at all. Article says "alien origin" and they're from "off-world." I'd be shocked if they weren't some kind of hybridized xenos tech.
Guess it depends on what evil characters they reveal next?
Would anyone happen to have copies of the following Necromunda books?

—House of Blades (aka the House Escher book)

—House of Chains (the House Goliath book)

—Book of Faith (the Redemptionist book)

My mistake, instead of “Book of Faith,” I meant “House of Faith.”
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>3 guys from studio show off builds

>No one use the alternate option (Naga blade and missile launcher)
I'm starting to think there are not optional builds
I'm more into that these people don't play the game, the suit tossed them the box told them to make something for pics and they just did it like a robot. Also reason why it's 7 years into Necromunda and we get more lasgun and rad gun (literally worst gun in the entire game) in the kit.
>rad gun
I wish they would fix that damn thing, its thematic but completely pointless, I don't think I've ever seen anyone use on in any campaign I've played, and Van Saar are quite popular here (the cheezy bastards that they are)
Rad in itself is fine, the problem is that vastly more effective weapons in the form of a plasma gun and a melta gun cost the same as it, which makes it a complete non-starter. Plasma should have been much more expensive.
>Get in T range with slow van saar and took several turns on average for takedown, cost 100

Yea it's fine.
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I can’t decide on a coat color for a Delaque gang, any suggestions?
Have some Nomads as payment.
This man knows the truth. Bfg never left
That's a big marine
>dropping the implied Tau connection
for the autist pedants, this is a shitpost
Van Saar being buddy with Tau (both shooty) made more sense than Spyrer, which are probably built and then some cunt bought/stole it and then used the tau name.
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Make them Harkonnens.
If I ever find you in real life I will buy you lunch. And not one of those crap ones, like a legit business lunch somewhere with good food.

Truly based anon. God I've missed megas. You may want to tear it down though soon to avoid c&d
does anyone have the screenshot of the tweet where the guy says something like "there may be no good guys in 40k, but i'll pick the side with literal angels"?
You can get these with a simple search of the title + pdf in most modern search engines. It's newer stuff that tends to be hard to come by.

>>93376361 here. Thanks for the tip; was able to find them after a quick google of “[title of book] pdf Necromunda.” Sorry for wasting time!
Warmaster bros, how many magic items is too many in a 2000 point list?

Also, was looking at some lists today and is it just or is some of the value absolutely whack? I know the consensus is that High Elf Dragon Riders are overpriced, but I hadn't thought too much of it until I noticed the Norse War Mammoth is fucking 90 points cheaper with 8 attacks and 10 hits compared to the dragon's 6/3 and 6. Is flying, ranged attacks and 1 better armor really worth 90 points?
For you
> Is flying, ranged attacks and 1 better armor really worth 90 points?

No, the HE Dragon is very deliberately overcosted because the designer didn't want them to be a real way to play the game. They're a scenario piece or for bragging rights.
That said, the last UKGT was won by a guy using 2 of them. Admittedly he's one of the best players in the world, but he made them work.

Also the Mammoth is a weird comparison to make because that one is also generally regarded as a weak option. Monsters in general are very hard to make work.

Magic items, dispel is always good. Ring of Magic is faction-dependent but also good. After that it generally comes down to filling points and/or playing with the Generals CV.

The winning list
Anybody know of a good proxy for king of men?
I've been looking at some Saga warlords from footsore and gripping beast, but most have shields and chainmail rather than robes.
Fireforge has some blisters with both mounted and unmounted characters as well, but they are a little too medieval.
What do you need them for? Gameplay wise you never need an unarmoured King of Men, the few scenarios that use them like the Field of Celebrant always use ones with heavy armour.
Maybe try "A song of fire and ice". Lots of people in robe.
Nvm the scale are too big for MESG lol.
Truth be told I don't need one at all. Just liked the idea. Thought it might be a fun modelling project. And l noticed that Saga and some other historical games like Deus Vult also sometimes come with mounted and unmounted versions of the same model, so I've been looking at some of the models yesterday, just made me wonder what else is out there.
That and the warcom article with the previous gondorian king model set me off on that tangent I suppose.

thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Convert a Reaper wizard or something?

>Delaque harkonnen VS fremen nomads
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These are amazing.. i guess i'll start a Necromunda band after all
If it gets deleted it gets deleted, I dont particularily care- i have backups
I really like RedPilgrims stuff, feels like they got the detail level just right for 40K minis.
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I fucking love Chaos Warriors, I think it's the most badass aesthetic GW ever did. But I don't want to do a full army for them. Is Broheim or Warcry my best option for a small warband of these gigachads? With or without Mauraders as fodder is fine.
Warcry for sure.
A guy at my local runs an all Chaos Warriors list in Warcry, it's pretty solid.
Thanks bros, time to make a list and buy what I need.
Not really the point. I got the skills to sculpt one from scratch, if I wanted to, but I just like hunting for the 'right' model I guess.
Been trying to find Apocrypha Necromunda for the 2023 game and am coming up incredibly short-handed. Telegram, Google, and IRC are currently not viable options for me. Even the Internet Archive has failed.

If you’ve got it, by chance could you help an aspiring ganger out?
Anybody know where I can pick up a copy of Faith and Coin for under 200 bucks?
Are the Ironhead squat weapon stats missing from Necrovox? Or I'm just blind
There used to be some words explaining "ironhead" is rapid fire +1 but between the DMCA and reformatting it got lost and never touched again.
My local gamestore ran out of Hive Secundus... which I am not certain I am sad about. I like the Spyrers, Van Saar, and converted Outcasts, and the new game mode sounds cool... but idk if it'd be better to buy these things separately and the upcoming book. I imagine most of the stuff from the Secundus box will be published and expanded in that book.

I posted it here some time back, when another anon asked for it. Perhaps 1-2 weeks ago? Have a little trip down the archive.

These are sweet. Wish I had a well ventilated room for a resin printer.

The powerlevel of Nucromunda spiralled too high too quickly, that's one of the root issues of this otherwise decent game.
I found 2 links to apocrypha in archived threads but they don’t work anymore
I found archived threads with the links but the don’t work anymore. Could you upload it again?
It's not the problem, the problem here is hiring some jaded idiot who has never played the game to make the kit, he made it and you get another heap of weapon bits that you already got tons of, meanwhile weapons from the sold out resin packs, that existed since year 1 still never made it in any kit?????? Even if I had to shove lasgun into the kit again at least make it interesting, have some gubbin attached to it to justift its existence, they've done it before, not even the guy who made Bolter Space marine kit were this boring and unaware.

In the warcom interview one of the guy from design team said the new tek hunter is "more akin to killteam" gave me the impression that these guys just never took Necromunda seriously and just wish they were in GW HQ designing contents for Killteam.
>throws bolter through someone for more damage than bolter
Space Marines man, total fucking insanity.
>the impression that these guys just never took Necromunda seriously and just wish they were in GW HQ designing contents for Killteam.
I shudder to imagine what sort of deformed troglodyte creature would genuinely want to be working on Kill Team over Necromunda.
Do you want them to fuck it up?
>designer didn't want them to be a real way to play the game. They're a scenario piece or for bragging rights.
Interesting. I wonder why the Revolutions team didn't adjust it for the new way of getting models. I mean, I have a STL and can print up as many of the fuckers as I want now, but I guess that's part of their "keeping true to the aim of the original" thing.

>Also the Mammoth is a weird comparison to make because that one is also generally regarded as a weak option.
It is? Huh. I was just looking at the Norse list and saw the difference and went "why the fuck is this so much cheaper?"

>Monsters in general are very hard to make work.
And I guess they should be expensive because they are big centerpiece type models, but part of the joy of Warmaster is getting to play Warhammer at a sensible scale and bring the big guns without the models themselves costing you a kidney.

>Magic items, dispel is always good. Ring of Magic is faction-dependent but also good. After that it generally comes down to filling points and/or playing with the Generals CV.
Sort of what I figured. Good to know.

I appreciate the reply, kind Anon.
I don't think it was an issue of availability and model production. It was just pewter, it can be shaped however.
It was more about wanting to keep the game about large formations of infantry and cavalry, rather than about hero units and special monsters.
>It was more about wanting to keep the game about large formations of infantry and cavalry, rather than about hero units and special monsters.
That makes sense. Still love the game, and my dragon, so it's not a deal breaker. I just saw the Mammoth late last night and my sleep deprived brain went "hey, what the fuck?"

I still plan to run two giants in some lists when I start my Ogres, though, bulecause that shit sounds like a stupid good time.

To be clear, monsters can still do good work. They're just far more fragile than most people expect them to be.
Warmaster is a game of brigades and you shouldn't expect a solo monster to win a fight against a big brick of infantry with supports. They are a force multiplier and need to be used in tandem with other elements. Running them alone just gets them killed by a passing unit of Knights who are cheaper, faster and tougher.
Running them in multiples has done well for me, I've seen 2 Hydras rip apart the core of an Ogre list before. Similarly the main advantage of the Mammoth is that you can brigade it with infantry, providing force concentration and Terror while your Bondsmen/Huscarls actually win the combat.

Probably worth knowing that a couple of years ago, the WMR development team reduced the cost of every monster in the game by approximately 10%. Monsters were generally regarded as being overcosted and clearly they wanted to see more of the table. You might find older tactical articles from before this change so monsters are much better now than they have been previously.

>>93386358 here. Tried going through the archives and I’ve run into the same problem as >>93386965 has. Both links have that I’ve been able to find are dead.

Is it possible to reupload it?
Building a range of gangs in Necromunda for a new campaign.

Every time I do I end up leaning towards 3 Grenade launchers. Is that a "that guy" thing to do?

I can't seem to get on board with plasma guns. Rapid fire is cool and all, as is the short bonus but the cost seems to make it more of a "purchase later" deal. Unless you overcharge bolters and Krak grenades do about 80% of the job for significantly less.
Just secured Hive Secundus. My first foray into Necromunda. What am I in for?
It depend on your local, are you shitting on everyone? Maybe you should ask your felow player's opinion on how they feel about it, Thematically if the gang didn't have access to GL yet you spammed it anyway, you're just .... boring.

Playing the same loadout again and again, at some point it had to be pretty fucking boring right? I meant i can spam a gang full of min-max Goliath with the exact same genesmith, but when you look at it as a theme/narrative view it's boring as shit.
Here it is, remove spaces:
https://pdfupl oad.i o/doc s/53a9e21a

A spess marine fan.

My recommendation would be to approach it from a modelling and lore perspective. Think of your gang, what weapons they favor and why, the reason a certain ganger may have grown attached to his bolter, think of what poses would look cool to you...
Mathhammering Necromunda is the way Necromunda dies.
Being able to brigade with infantry is so nice. I was catching up on Iain Standing's batreps yesterday and seeing the carnage some skellies and a bone giant all brigades together could do (until the dice went to shit) was impressive. The fact giants can't brigade with Orge infantry is a shame, but I suppose it does make sense. And I won't complain when my basic infantry have 4 attacks and 4 hits.

It is fun seeing them on the table. But I can get not wanting them to become to main focus of the game.
>Every time I do I end up leaning towards 3 Grenade launchers. Is that a "that guy" thing to do?
If you always bring the same list of the same 3 weapons of course you getting into "that guy" territory
From the review the Secundus Campaign feel like a "Killteam adventure" with the team being extremely limited in choice for weapon and wargear, since there're no access to the trading post in Secundus, and the "gang weapon+wargear list" for the Van Saar are barebone, You only get a few weapon choices that isn't in the box.
lads took the plunge and bought the secundus boxed set, and all the terrain, wanting to play with my bro and do the 1 vs 1 campaign so we can relearn the rules, good idea or bad?

Just slightly worried ive taken a big financial hit and it'll end up with me still no gaems, but I want to reconnect with mah bro.

Original guy who asked for the share here. Thanks for the Apocrypha Necromunda! May your gang rule the spires!
Necromunda was written 8 years before the Tau existed it was retroactively taued
What would one need to search to find these Italian metals
good idea. necromunda is the easiest game to not be nogames in since all you need to do is rope somebody else into playing with your 2nd gang
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Goliath also work as Harkonnen.
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Playing some Kill Team tomorrow (2021 or whatever the latest edition was called).
I'm going up against Tau Pathfinders tomorrow and all I have are the Krieg Veteran Guardsmen (2 boxes built so that I have one of every type of unit and a few doubles).
Never played against this team before, but I've heard tell of their power. How do I not get utterly creamed?
You go to /ktg/ and Ask there friend. They are more likely to answer you.
There're a few of factors that go into that regardless of being a gamey cunt. Terrain being a major one, how often are you playing zone mortalis tight corridors vs more open boards. Is your group allowing same starting skills across for gangs, in the three groups I've played in you can't take the same skills on your starting champs, which disencourages using the same loadouts.
Nice paintjobs, but dunc is awful as a source of inspiration.
It's got excellent gameplay, is easy and cheap to get into, and most people find the giant flying cathedral aesthetic very cool. What's hard to understand?
Anyone knows of a decent proxy for Sslyth?
I am looking for Rak'Gol as well.

I will need xenos of the weird kind as GM tool for a narrative Necromunda/Inq28 campaign, any other idea is welcome.

Conversely how would you stat them for Necromunda? I'm tempted to wait for the Spyrer rules to exploit heir statline as beefy dude working by stalking, engaging, disengaging, and running circles around the players. For the Rak'Gol i'm tempted to add a rule that makes harder to recover from their wound, as the lore says they have weapons provoking serious hemorrage.
northstar has this boy. Reaper has a ton of snake people as well although they mostly just have two arms.You would have to add two spare DE arms to the minis.

I suppose any Drider would work. Pretty common DnD monster so shouldn't be hard to find. Reaper has bones models for as little as 4 euro bucks that should be easy to cut up for headswaps. Not sure what the Rak'Gol is supposed to be.
Grendel also still has the Void/Urban war Koralon models. Those might work.
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for reference. They have a bunch of weird looking stuff in there, check it out if you need some creepy looking monster thingies.
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Is it me or has it been ages since Blood Bowl got a decent release?
It's getting a good one soon technically I guess.
Blitz Bowl is the superior game.

>It's got excellent gameplay,
I'd argue this one. The combat mechanics always bugged the shit out of me. There's like six steps and a chart to figure out how many dice you get to roll for an attack and 99% of the time the answer sees to be 2. Always felt like a huge disconnect rhat my ship could have firepower of 8 or some shit and then only ever roll 2 dice.
>Show the one picture that described nu-munda.

What did anon mean by this?

The Gunnery table is the average hit-roll without actually rolling. You can work it out as:
> 5+ to hit an Escort
> +1 for a Capital
> +1 for Closing
> -1 for Abeam
> Round to the nearest whole number

For example, shooting FP5 at a Closing Escort is effectively 4+ to hit, meaning 2.5 hits which eound to 3 and skip the roll.
Defences don't quite fit but otherwise I think it holds up.
>Blitz Bowl is the superior game
Half-assed stepbrother of sevens is mediocre at best.
it's "warhammer underworld" bowl lul.
>blitzbowl fan can't into charts for bfg
checks out
According to poor-quality rulebook leaks and high-quality sprue photos, the Orrus rig actually has one more ranged weapon option than initially previewed (disintegration matrices, in addition to volkite dischargers and bolt launchers; they seem to be the dual-barreled bits).
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The Warcry bone golems vs tree people box is finally pre-ordering next week. Any Warcryfags thinking of getting it? I don't care for the warbands but I'm at least mildly interested in how they're going to implement the killer tree.
Both team looks absolute shit, gonna try to find the tree from split, because GW will sell it for half the price of this box.
>I don't like the rules though.
>I just want to play with model space ships set in the 40k universe.
who is stopping you? there are dozens of naval and space games on the market. use google to find them.>>93371081
>If they re-released it they'd dumb it down for retards like me
the rules are not difficult. have you ever played the game?
Oskar stop shitposting and paint your team for the next season already. I can smell the deptucha.
epic armageddon
I'm pretty sure I'm getting it, I don't have any OBR or Sylvaneth and they look interesting.
So far the devs of Necromunda have been pretty good about at least caring about the game they make, that KT comment was the first thing I heard that really made me turn my nose.

I guess if there is no trading post or acess to hangers-on, it would make sense to have a medic-specialist and whatnot, but it still worries me that new blood in the department are taking inspiration from the worst places.
I was worried about that but I saw the Orrus has a third weapon beyond the bolters and volkite called a disintegration matrix, so a little bit of hope there I think. I really hope the naga blade is the classic Jakara sword.

I think they mostly just built the kits as they were on the box idk.
Warcry is just starting to feel like two AoS units fighting each other.
It helps no one to be reductive
Specialists are not the problem, the problem is they're mirroring killteam specialist in both kit and rule. These specialist equipment list is pretty much everything you got in the box, it's shit.

If they really want lasgun gangers for first timer just throw in the van saar sprue. And let the new guys having new toys. What's in store next for the other gangs? More weapons that people already got a truckload from previous kit, and no "timmy and bob the first timers" excuse either because they won't be in a starter.
I can kinda see where you're coming from with the tree guy buys the OBR team is 4 different very distinctive types of dudes - not!bats, not!dogs, generic beefy dudes, centaur guy - who don't really make sense at all as a single cohesive AoS unit. If they were designed for AoS first and Warcry second, I doubt they'd be so different. Now the river ninja elves from the last box, that one definitely feels like an AoS unit awkwardly shoehorned into a Warcry release.
They look like rejected sculpts someone scoop up from the bin to meet the quota release.
This box is kinda weird bc I don't think its meant as a strict "starter" box, and more an expansion like DU or Ash Wastes. Hive War is still gonna be a way better way to get started imo. I feel like this box only works as a starter for an experienced Nec player to get one curious person into the broader game.

As for the KT comparison, yeah its definitely too similar for my liking, and the kit could have used some better alternative options besides lasguns. I'm not even sure the other gangs will get a strictly "secundus" upgrade. I'm sure there will be more specialist/champion 8-man boxes down the line, but they might be for a different setting/theme or simply more generic.
Sorry bud, just been very disappointed in the last two boxes.
I kind of wish GW left necromunda alone.
I dread to see how they'll butcher Mordheim
Overall I'm pleased with current Necromunda, its messy, but fun. And the old rules are still there for those who want em.

As for Mordheim, I feel like they'll just have to reprint the old rules to keep everyone happy, which I wouldn't mind at all.
With SG current lineup wishing for "another game" is foolish as all it does is putting all other games on a content drought period as the production line being occupied by the new game.
2bh i expect most of the necromunda resin upgrades to disappear soon
resin shits are made by hand and not affected by "production line".
Does anyone know who makes this Goblin on Wyvern for Warmaster?

Easily the best looking one I've seen, but I don't recognize it from anywhere. Have a buddy looking to start Gobbos, and while the stuff from Greenskin is good, we both really like this Wyvern in particular.
I'm getting it but I'm also a warcry piggy
You're being outpositioned if you're rolling that low. All Ahead Full to get into a better position won't help you if you're planning on using the ship you ordered to attack, sometimes you just need to wait it out and use Lock On when in position for the best results.
One solution is making a fleet with more ships to give more choices, go cruiser swarm rather than taking minimal battleships. Split up your squadrons a little.
You did use squadrons, right? Pool your firepower.
Models are fine they're just two factions that no one cares about. If the box was a gloomspite warband from the great stinkhorn vs a centigor stampede or Count Moltaire's blood hunt or even Ven Talax and his expedition that would be cool.

I'm fairly sure he sculpted it himself. Saw this army at a UK event and asked him directly.
Hey guys,
Some colleagues from work are interested in trying out some wargames/skirmishes.
Considering we would be able to play during lunch breaks, I though of either Kill team or Warcry.
I was recommended by a friend to go Warcry, since the games were faster and, in his words, "more fun", similar to a board game.
If I went to the Warcry route, which starter set would be best.
I'mnalso interested in the best terrain.
I own models from AoS (and 40k).
Warcry doesn't need lots of terrain, just need 2-4 block of terrain/walls, 2-3 platform/walkway/bridge to spice thing up a bit and you're good.

For starter in term of terrain density the Original starter and Red Harvest is best, follow by Heart of ghur

Then the less dense starter : Sundered fate, nightmare quest, bloodhunt

Then there're the current starter with only 1 piece, shit kinda suck but since Skaventide just launch, it should be pretty easy to find the wall terrain from that box for cheap, get 1 set + the 1 piece terrain from the new starter it would be fine.

There're also ravaged lands. these are somewhat more or less on par with the "nightmare quest" tier starter.
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Out of those two Warcry is definitely the game you're going to more likely be able to start and finish on your lunch break. It's a very simple, fast ruleset.
If you already have AoS models you're already most of the way there, unless you can find the original starter set ruins for a good price I might even just skip a box set entirely as you should be able to put some warbands together from your existing AoS collection. For rules you'll want to check out https://warcrier.net/

For terrain try something like this MDF set that mimics the original starter set ruins. I have them and it's pretty decent.
warcry definitely works for game speed. only downside (with any of the 28mm really) is you need a lot of terrain, and both terrain and minis are large and bulky so tougher to transport, store, and setup/teardown. that typically makes them kind of bad for work lunch break games.
I really like something like BFG or epic for those kinds of games, where you can make up a little battlebox with small forces for 2 players and all the game components, and it fits in a nice little cigar-box sized package you can keep in a desk drawer or tuck under your arm to take to lunch.
Yeah SG is super bloated, its clear they can't keep up with all their different systems, seems like they're taking "turns." Necromunda had a drought for awhile, now it seems to be back, with Blood Bowl taking a hibernation for the moment. Making LI was a mistake imo, they definitely just need to focus on the games they've got.
Thanks for the reply, will look into it.
For a very long I've been delaying this game, but now seems like a good time to join it.
Oh. Well that's both awesome and a shame.

Appreciate the help, Anon.
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TQ: MAGNETS. The ol' really useful boxes, 4L for mesbg minis and 9L for monsters and bigger stuff, with a sticky back magnet sheet in the bottom. Here's my Moria example, magnetised the GW terrain as well as I'm an autist. Bigger scenery tends to get chucked in any old cardboard box, if you've built and sealed it well it can take some abuse.

I wouldn't be bothered about the base size lad. Only concern would be if it enabled you to block an access or something that you wouldn't have been able to with the 65mm, unlikely. Can still trap with three units. Good luck with the conversion, would be interested to see results anon.
Pyre and flood on sale for 40% off at lgs. Worth it as a first warcry set?
If you really love how they look then sure, just be warned that both teams are pretty dogshit. I really don't know what they were thinking with them rules-wise.

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