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Work in Progress, "ZZZAP!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
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Reposting because i need validation from internet strangers also
Averland Sunset
Glaze Skrag brown in recesses
glaze mournfang brown deeper
Highlight yriel yellow
edge and scratch with dorn yellow
rhinox hide for some deeper scratches
>because i need validation from internet strangers
you might want to go to a different place for that, not even trying to be an asshole
>want to try scale75 metallics
>always out of stock in my country's online stores
>finally find one with the complete line in stock
>pick several of them plus other shit
>soon after payment get email saying half of the s75 paints are, of course, actually out of stock


I validate your gobbo
edge highlighting is a meme
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fucking your mom is a meme too yet a lot of people still do it, how do you explain that
she felt bad for your mom being the only whore on the board
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Trying to make covid themed bladeguard
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To the anon who posted this great poxwalkers las thread could you share how you painted their flesh? Got 10 just assembled for years now and this made me want to get them out the backlog.
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Working on same riverine ships. Pretty simple to paint, and I think I'll have fun weathering them too.
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So... they're Lamenters?
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Thank you for the yellow details. You're a brave dude, doing that on a horde army.

But it looks ace. Great job.
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calling her done, I think
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>> Can't even paint brapsplatter
a what now
Amazing work anon, now commemorate it by hotgluing her.
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zombie anon back after oil washes and it's honestly not the worst ever. I vaguely remember this being popular a few years back but never got around to trying it. I'm really leaning on the cheerleader effect to carry the horde.
Paint the faceplates m95 blue
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And after weathering em with pigment to knock it all down a bit and soak up some of the shine. The fabric and skin all blends together, so trying to keep it off skin for the most part.
Up next is gore if i can get the courage.
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I'd love to be there when someone eventually gets triggered by these fine pieces of protest art.
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I've got these rainbow coloured lizards. I'm unsure what to do with the feathers on their head, their shields or back bumps.

So far only colours I have on each model is the tan underbelly flesh, ivory for claws, brown for the spear and leather strapping, grey for the stone spearhead and gold for the metal. Their back colour changes from each model. I've got orange (this photo), red, blue, purple, pink, magenta, light green, dark green and yellow.

I don't mind the feathers or shield being the same colour as the body but I think one has to be at least different just for variety.
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>bitch to my roommates about striping socks last night
>stripe a fucking shirt tonight
The only clown here is me.
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Pull from nature
Anon, nothing can stop them from killing each other
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How do you feel about gluing minis on top of basing material? I just finished my army and as I had no idea how I wanted to base them at the start I just sort of held them to their bases with two sided tape.

How I want to base them now will require me to paint over the sand/texture paste and the quickest way will be to spray it and put the guys on after.

Any experience with this?
Working on bases for my FEC. Which looks best? First two are contrast, third is wood stain.
Got a dude you can put next to them? They all look good so would have to see which looks best next to the guys going on them
Nice. I can smell them.
I prefer the contrast ones.
Nothing painted I'm afraid, but if you can picture a pale ghoul with splashes of ruddyness around his knuckles and whatnot that's about what I have in my head atm.
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Finally picked up a brush again after a month of doing summer shit. Heavy bolter down, time for the lascannons.
howd you do your mud?
I think my favorite, which would also go well with that, is probably the leftmost one.
I like the middle the best, it's the most realistic, most visually interesting, and most subdued of the three. I'd love to read your process for creating it
very well done anon. how much time would you say you've spent painting this lr?
Hammer should totally be painted like a hamburger with the middle where the haft goes in the patty.
Pin them through the basing material. If you want to paint them separate you can glue them later. You can figure out now where they're going and get the base built up or cut down so they stay level, and you can primer after.
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started this bad girl today
mould line on the weapon what secondary colors and metallics are you planning?
There is none?

It's cygor brown painted on top of wooden coffee stir sticks, with a bit of blood technical for garnish.
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Too long, first picture in my wip folder for this with paint on is from february. There's been a lot of tangents with sculpting and fancy building to get the hinges and doors to work though.
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Made some progress today.
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good catch, I must have forgotten the weapon since I put it on after the cape (oops).
As for colors... Silver trim, gold for smaller details like the rivets, magenta highlights on the burgundy, red cloth, ivory+sepia wash for horns and claws. I tend to work it out as I go.
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Holy mold lines batman. This took like 2 hours to clean and assemble. Cleaning in and around every hex bolt on the tracks is so mind numbing.
Everything is well painted but your goblin skin is a little too close to your fabric tones. Even with the extra greenish bone highlight on the nose they share a little to much in common to read as different materials
>moldline located
>shitpost generating, please wait
>shitpost complete, dispensing shitpost
Lol what r u bad or something lmao
I bet you're a very annoying person irl
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I like the green colors your chose. The tunic is on point. A bit of clean up around the under eye shadow to soften it and a bit of shading is what I would recommend you focus on next.
What makes you say that?
Novax people usually are, they're literally like vegans
>fully clotted blood hands typed this post
I remember all the novaxxers asking me if I got my four shots and why I wasn‘t wearing the face diaper.
People who use their hobbies to reinforce their politics on any front are universally miserable to be around. Noone cares how many shots you got or didn't get, you're just using your hobby to inject your political stance into conversation without having to actually say anything. This is no different than whole armies of pride marines, or entire nazi themed armies.
uhm excuse me are you comparing trans rights (humans rights) with nazi propaganda?
shame on you
Can OSL be easily added to models after they are painted, or does it have to be a factor from the start?

I want to do OSL on my Fyreslayers army but I don't have an airbrush yet and I kinda want to paint them now.
It can be added afterwards but its usually thought before painting as it realistically makes more sense in a general low light environment
I mean if your atmosphere is set outside in full sun, a light source would be barely noticeable unless it was EXTREMELY strong.
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Makes sense thank you.
So just basecoats should be fine then? I'm doing Dark Iron inspired Fyreslayers so they should be plenty dark for the OSL to look nice.
First power sword. I cannot paint thin lines to save my life so it looks more like marble.
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Finished up my Spearhead terrain, I should probably redo the flame, but this will do for now
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Working on some fast chickens. Yeah I know, contrast, but I couldnt get any painting done with this heat if I didnt use contrast.
Damn looks solid, just the level of detail you want for terrain.
How did you do the grey?
Black and white zenithal prime, all over contrast of a mix of black templar and Apothacry white to get a slightly blue gray and then drybrushed up with a bone white
Why is the inside of his right forearm not blue. Fix that shit anon
I'll get to it, haven't even started cleaning up/shades/highlights.
This takes the cake as the gayest idea I've ever seen someone actually do the work to carry out.
NTA - Yes. Directly comparing the kid of drop kicks who paint their armies those ways. Being connected to a less odious ideology makes you no less of a flop on a personal level.
make sure to post it on reddit, I'm sure people will love it there because I sure as fuck hate it and I'm not even antivax
Anon, you are the reddit.
Anyone subscribe to lil legends patreon. Can someone share his latest black legion video please?
The trannies in this thread seem triggered enough
I would support you getting a cease and desist from James
Basecoating comes before any cleanup step, fix it now or you never will
When you airbrush 10 terminators and miss a tiny spot, no, it's part of cleanup.
>entire arm missed
>tiny spot
Thanks anon! Very simple. Is the texture all from the technical paint? it looks delightfully soiled, bumpy, and grimy
It's not the entire arm it's half of one out of 20. Look I know you wanna pick a fight but it's a pretty simple process.
Airbrush basecoat
Paint details (I'm here)
Cleanup/fix primary color (this is where that arm gets fixed)

I don't touch my base color till I do all the other colors, it saves time because then I correct all the mistakes in one go. Not sure why that's a problem
looks like John Fetterman
Morning, /wip/.
What are your methods of disinfecting your DIY wet palettes should bacteria build up?
I just made mine out of a sponge, sandwich box, and parchment paper.
Never got bacteria but i guess hot water work fine
Ignore the schizo, he probably doesn't even paint and only comes here to try and rile people up. I have similar process when I fix all the basecoats after I'm done painting all the details and it's been working fine for me for years
basecoating all the details* before he gets triggered again
i would paint more if i didnt like alcohol so much
Especially with batch painting, the last thing you wanna do is switch colors.
Primary base coat is first and last thing you do. Maybe cause I decided to paint the sword out of order it triggered him idk. Just wanted some pointers on how to make the sword look less like it belongs in some Italian lady's kitchen.
Get an ork army, drink and paint. It'll be assumed your eccentric style is part of your ork gimmick and applaud you for the creativity.
Texture is from the wooden sticks I glued down... Which I explained in the post you replied to... Is this a bot?
Reading comprehension has always been an issue here.
>hot water work fine.
I mean I can see the line of thinking to how it would work. I was thinking of some kind of disinfectant liquids. I just want to be prepared for when bacteria builds up in the wet palette if it happens. I have no desire to grow wet palette mushrooms.

I do have 99 percent iso alcohol leftover from when I soaked my airbrush to fix it (it worked), but I am unsure if iso alcohol is safe on sponges. I would have to drive to the dollar store and pick up a sponge to test it, and I don't want to drive through heavy rain.
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Chat is this real
Copper wire along the bottom will solve most issues.
Yes, reddit is a real place. But we're here to not look at reddit so fuck off with your twitter screen caps and post models.
i tried that but it rusted all over and ended up with a black sponge
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How"s this cape? It's not a hero or anything so I don't really want to spend much more time on it.
the texture on these areas is just the surface of the wooden sticks themselves? never seen stirrer sticks that naturally bumpy myself, no need to be a twat
Communists and nazis both get the rope now shut up and post models
How hot is it in Australia?
It's fine.
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>You don’t need primer. Primer is a myth. I’ve got unprimed models from 38 years ago with no varnish that look the same today as they did when I was 10. Most modern acrylic is tough enough to just stay where you put it.
Is this true?

Molotow are graffiti acrylics. Designed to work on walls outdoors in all weather.

It's neither of those things.
>post models.
Happy nwo?
Looks ok. Paint that thing along the bottom of it and you should be done.
NTA. Probably the blood.
Depends on how much you use them. My 28 year old models are all unprimed because I didn't know that was a thing, and they're all unchipped. However, they don't see much use.
>It's neither of those things
it obviously went over your head you dumb fucking cunt. again, fuck off with your drama stirring based on opinions of some 45year old looking nobody
are you a streamer or something?

But yes it's true.
State of play is actually decent. The guy did a good piece on wet palettes and metallics too.
It seems to mostly be the common sense approach.
If you can spray plastic garden furniture with a one coat paint spray can and it lasts so should your miniatures, unless you throw them around.
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Take your own advice. Post models.

Nah, it's just a meme phrase.
Thing is I agree with him in terms of rattlecan primer. I've seen that stuff melt sprues back in the day. I'm not convinced you can just straight up spray acrylic from an airbrush and expect gaming pieces to survive, though.

Wondering what /wip/'s experience is with it.
This entire interaction is hilarious to me
>You missed a spot, clean it up
>I will clean it up in the clean up phase
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nice digits
>If you can spray plastic garden furniture with a one coat paint spray can and it lasts so should your miniatures, unless you throw them around
Shhh you can't ruin one of the nomodels excuses for why they don't have models to post. If you take it away from them they'd have to actually admit they're choosing to not interact with the hobby instead of hiding behind excuses
>nomodels has posted 2 models
>angry dude has posted 0 models
Shitposting in wip is not interacting with the hobby fyi
he knows
Aww, what's that? He's cute.
I'll try it on my next project where I have a spare and will report back if I can remember. I've done it by accident before when I couldn't tell my mid-grey primed miniatures from the unprimed ones, because it was a perfect colour match.
I don't remember much of a difference other than the first coat of paint being more smudgy than usual.
D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Grung
They're pretty soft on detail but they're cheap and cute.
They're also a set of three with a wizard a warrior and an archer.
Pretty nice for a quick inbetween project.
i dont really mind if anons dont reply to my posts
im still pumping the thread and i still like painting
Which are yours? I'll reply to them anon.
Nta but I don't give a fuck if he posted models, he's still trying to start another schizo argument about primers and I don't want that shit here.
>no image attached
I don't give a fuck if you're nta. Post models.
And I don't want no models in here, but here you are and such is life.
yes of course you do, otherwise you'd just report and ignore
im not talking about this thread but overall
thank you for your kind words anon
I was thinking Lenin but sure, it's all Islamic Communism.
fair point, you got me here
Unless you have painted something horrendous, or something magnificent, or are just causing controversy for attention, then you aren't likely to get engagement of any kind.
My favorite part was "If you don't do it right this second you never will!"
Autism can be so cute.
well im the anon who has posted that old internet wisdom about if your models dont have any obvious flaws you wont get any replies either for few years now
looks like it took pretty well because ive recently seen others posting it too
Have you tried a sponge sanding stick? I've been messing with em every now and then, and they seem really useful for weird shapes and gaps (as long as you don't go apeshit with em, they're still full abrasive surfaces). They can help put a nice little bit of curve on stuff like rivets and bolts, too, if you want that.
I am struggling to store models. the meme of plastic boxes and magnets only go so far. how the fuck do you store tanks properly?
You don't *need* primer, but it helps. The thing about it helping the paint properly 'stick' to the surface isn't just about preserving the paintjob (embalming it in varnish once it's finished would do that well enough), it's also just to help the paint go on in the first place when you're brush painting. It may not be 100% essential, but calling it a 'myth' or a 'meme' is retarded, it's a useful step in the process that will make your life easier in the long run
Do what modelfags who show their shit off do and use toothpicks/bbq skewers stuck in foam to hold the larger stuff in place while inside a plastic container.
>Covid themed
>Pussy ass whining about about corporate media phrases no one defends today instead of just going full schizo chad and making gigga vaxxed plague marines
>Chad gigavaxxed
Lmao vaxxie cope, enjoy your mistery juice running through your veins doing who knows what
For someone who has no paints is it better to get only the ones I need for my paint scheme or should I get a bundle?
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I mean that pharse has been around for a while so it shouldn't be a surprise. I'll admit I kinda forgot about until I've seen it posted here which was probably you actually lol. To avoid triggering some schizos here's my current "wip", assembling the oldblood on carno
You totally misread my post lmao
Ideally you only get what you need, however I'll acknowledge that it's difficult to actually know what you need before you start painting and repeatedly going out to buy missing paints is a pain, so pick your poison between thrifty but inconvenient a la carte purchases or convenient but wasteful paint bundles.
thank god I wasn't here during covid, 4chan must've been an absolute dumpster fire during that time
It was like election season partisanship but for years and at a constant background noise level.
Depends on what and how much you want to paint. Is it an Ultramarines army? Just buy the three paints. Do you plan on painting cyberpunk or fantasy stuff? Buy one of the sets since you'll most likely use all the paints for colourful schemes.
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I work with resin third party guard model bits.
Generally it is very difficult for me to attach the torso to the legs without a gap appearing.

I bought some nail files to hopefully sand them down just enough for a "gap-less" finish.
But on the off chance that I do get a gap will sprue goo be a viable method or should I just stick with greenstuff?
>repeatedly going out to buy missing paints
Well shit I guess I'll be saying hi to my bus driver a lot more
Well it's a Admech army using the Metallica paint scheme so I can use Rhode's paint list and get the minimum necessary
Ah, I see what you're talking about, and the other guy is right, it's just blood, possibly even the brown, I used a heavy coat. Could be the paint holding to the wood weird.
wait what, where? I'm autistic enough to completely redo her if I missed one so you better not be gaslighting me
Surely at the very least some primers are harder to rub off than just citadel acrylics?
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This may not be the right board but if someone knows the right answer is you guys: I painting a 3D printed lightsaber, how many coats of varnish will prevent from chipping? I usually apply two coats to my minis but I barely touch them, this is a handle so they will be a lot more friction. Picrel is the same model and paintjob I did.
OP has been edited to remove useful links and include shit very few people need (I'm guessing OP was edited by a youtuber to include their own stuff).

You want white, black, red, blue, yellow and a couple of different browns at a minimum. But it depends on your army. Army painter fanatics line is good quality and easy to find. If I was starting out I would get their starter set and then my army specific colours. If humans you need a flesh tone and add the highlight shade to whatever colours you're using for the base set. anything else is more specific but the same applies.
Oh yeah, for sure a base layer of primer will hold better than going straight in with paint, just highlighting that it's not the sole reason to prime
it sure has, im pretty sure i heard it some 15 years ago
good luck i have the old metal one lying around somewhere
I'm a Vallejo simp so take my bias with a grain of salt.
Here is my minimum color recommendations for a solid tabletop standard

>Main army color
You want three colors for this, base, mid tone and highlight. This is the bulk of your army so don't skimp on it. Vallejo model color has plenty of options
Vallejo metal color is king for anything silver. I would get at least 2 colors. A dark base and a highlight
>Accent color + browns
Your accent color can just be a single base tone. I would recommend at least 2 shades of brown but likely 3. You will basically always have a need for brown. I like very warm, rich browns, such as burnt umber
>Black + white
>Brown wash
Army Painter strong tone, agrax earth shade, etc

So altogether this leaves you with
>3 paints for base
>1 for accent
>2 brown
>2 metal
>Black + white

12 paints in total. This does not include anything for the base specifically but you can pretty easily create a decent base with some glue+sand and dry brushing using the browns.

I have used the Army Painter Fanatic starter set, which I found to be pretty good quality, but I can't speak to the whole range like I can VMC
I some times use milliput or other epoxy as "glue" between parts.
But usually I forget and notice the gaps when painting
Not sure how I went this far in the hobby without knowing what that is, but I'll do some research on it and see if I'll use it over the greenstuff I already have. I haven't made sprue goo. I was just looking for something that potentially could be better for gap filling than greenstuff.
>he doesnt see it
Im not even memeing right now.
Her right shoulder.
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Base colours applied, now time for washes.
Will second milliput, which is an alternative to greenstuff with slightly different qualities, as well as Vellejo Plastic Puty. The latter you just squeeze into the gap, and then clean off excess with a damp brush, and done.
Close but no cigar on the abrahamic religion big dawg
Zaku II?
Didn't know Master Chief rode a bike.
Fuck off faggot. You are a disgusting abomination that spits on everything natural and pure, and your ideological bible thumping is a set of meaningless catchphrases that can't stand on its own without the corrupt state enforcing a new eunuch class
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That was no mould line. That's where the parts were glued together and one was a slightest bit higher than the other. Sanded it down a bit, painter over and looks fine to me now. I almost want to thank you for pointing that out but I feel like you were just trying to be an asshole lmao
incredibly based not gonna lie
Motorized Montesa Knights. Sadly, Im not good enough to pull out same level as official paintjob but I keep trying.
Thanks anons, the starter set looks good and relatively cheap I might have to get something else for my Metallica Admech but it's a start.
Huh, Infinity still has awful looking guns but their minis don't miss.
>OP has been edited to remove useful links and include shit very few people need (I'm guessing OP was edited by a youtuber to include their own stuff).
I edited the OP several months ago because it was starting to look like an over-stuffed laundry list, and judging by some fairly frequent questions, I think a lot of folks were just scrolling past it anyway.

I've made changes to what's usually there over the years to reflect what people have asked for or referred to specifically (or complained about vociferously), but if you really want to see what all was in there, the very first link is a pastebin that has a bunch of the stuff that I removed, other links that have popped up from time-to-time but that are not necessarily universal, or things that didn't really need to be easily searchable by trolls and bots.

If you have some specific suggestions, I would of course consider your input; WIP is one of the comfiest threads on /tg/, and I'm sure we would all like it to stay that way.
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painted this guy today, still need to do the base and highlight the metals
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>Fetterman brought his muscle
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>primed mini with vallejo airbrush primer
>brushed it on because reasons (it actually flows quite nicely with no thinning or anything)
>let sit for a few hours
>looks and feels dry
>still has a very strong odor of the primer tho
Anyone have experience with this? I was hoping to paint something today.
Dry =/= cured
Let it be for a bit more
I've had the same experience with every Vallejo primer I've used. They all smell, but you shouldn't have any problems painting on them once they're dry to the touch.
Mustard gas fumes from brush friction, a rookie mistake. Should have airbrushed. You're dead kiddo.
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not really the right place to ask, however, i would suggest you do at least 3 coats of varnish if its going to be handled a lot.
pic related got 2 layers before i handed it off to my brother, and apparently its started wearing on the neck where it slides on and off the shelf as people inevitably pick it up and try it on.
if i had expected it to be as handled as it is i would have given it an enamel varnish shell instead of acrylic, but that's mostly because i needed it to be glossy.
Thanks, I will keep that in mind.
Most primers I have recommend 12-24 hours before you put paint on them, including Vallejo.
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Painting up my aggradon drummer. Thoughts on what color his trophy should be?
Considering his color scheme I'd go for something dark but I don't think that face would work as a nigger. Then again it's so ugly it just might. Also prepare for the schizos to bitch about your zenithal prime and duncans paints
How do you guys go about cleaning recast resin? Set it in a bowl of warm water with soap for a few minutes?
More or less, plus a quick scrub with a toothbrush since i've experienced some of the gunk not getting off with just a bath, especially in some crevices.
You want a durable laquer for plastic. They make spray cans of it and can be bought in several places fairly cheap.
Surprisingly heavy for plastic isn't it?
I have some, they work great on curved surfaces but they are too thick to use in the spaces to the sides of the rivets, but I do use them to clean the top of each rivet. They rive a good polish to the surface after scraping the moldline with a blade.

The problem with trying to purely sand down mold lines it is really easy to accidentally wear down and round nearby geometry.
It’s coming along nicely now with the arms all in place; part of me still feels like there’s more I could add onto it though (mostly the rest of the back).
I’m trying to think of how to actually base the thing now though. I’ve got a spare few round bases but while I normally prefer the more simple, plain(ish) looking fields with some intricate details here or there for larger or more important models should I try doing something fancier for this beast?
Looking pretty gnarly anon, keep up the good work. What is that grey putty you are using?
that blanket looks really soft....
For the putty it’s a two-part aves apoxie sculpt that I’ve had for years. When I was younger I must’ve used more of one color than the other for some reason because I have a higher amount of one side, but it’s only after more than a decade that I’m starting to run low on both. Even after all this time it’s still very high quality and cures incredibly hard. I’d handily recommend it.
Truth be told, it’s the softest blanket I think I’ve ever had. Very comfortable.
I make sure to clean it often because my cats also love to sleep on it as well.
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Skaven Gnawholes have been sold out almost everywhere I can find in Canada, aside from a couple of ebay pages that either charge >100 for 3 or only a single gnawhole for 50.

So here I am with a plasticard cutout of three gnawhole profiles to see if I can make my own proxies. Let's see how it goes
That's Digimon levels of spikes and weapons.
The main idea behind it was a terraforming beast that’s covered with tyrannoforms growing on it. The flesh hooks on the back are meant to be Tyranid-formed ‘flowers’ that will seek out any nearby non-nids to impale and pull back flesh to feed.
I drilled a hole through the eye socket of a skull and slid one of the flesh hooks through it to make it look like it ripped the entire thing out of the back of some poor guy’s head. I’m looking forward to painting that. It’s also got the spore cysts and thorns for other plant-looking stuff. Maybe I’ll cover it with other foliage after it’s painted too. But I cannot deny it is a busy beast.
If you want the real “spikes galore” guy though here’s my other Carnifex.
I genuinely don't know what this is try to say so I guess it fails there? Like even leaving aside messaging I'd probably never realize this was covid themed unless you told me.
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Where can I buy actually good dropper bottles? All of the ones on Amazon are shit. Surely companies like Vallejo aren't making their own bottles, who are they getting them from? I've been searching around for like an hour and haven't find anything that looks like the typical 25mm diameter 17ml droppers paint companies are using.
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Done for the paint job, now the base.

What about these? Looks like the army painter ones
They don't look like the army painter ones, and these were the first ones I tried and they were garbage. Almost every tip split after barely any use.
Good Digimon levels or bad?
Neutral. I don't like it when Digimon does it, but for nids I don't mind.
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current wip, testin colors for quar crusaders
just need to highlight his jacket, webbing, and helmet and finish the skin and he'll be ready for basing
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Oh hey I've also been working on coffee stirrer wood floor bases, I'm doing it for malifaux
I'm currently trying to figure out how I can cut out decent circles

>says you don't need primer
>uses molotow, which is effectively a primer

you don't need "primer" per se, but you do want a grippy matt surface layer on top of your smooth glossy plastic models for all the rest of your paint to go on top of. Which in non-minature painting worlds is just called, you guessed it, primer
Metal file or sand paper. Which one work better?
Vallejo recommends 24 hours.
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Are there any good alternatives to these? These fuck up your hands over time.
If you press it down through like a pillow or something I'm pretty sure it's fine
Do they really? Or is this some meme bullshit on par with 'nooo dont use metallic paints on wet palettes because the flakes magically seep through the paper'
Why do you care if retards don't understand the process? Let them be retarded and have shit paint jobs that rub off
Why 'or'?
You dont have to choose. Different products for different uses.
Just don't buy your lot of funko pops this month and you can afford all the paint you want, vallejo is £1.75 per pot at my local store
But i just want to buy one product and stick with it. Is metal files too hard for plastic and resin?
100% this
I have the tamiya metal files and they work just fine with plastic, resin, and metal minis
However I also have sanding sponges with finer grit I use afterwards for a finer results
Shit list, stay quiet child
Anon seems to think that using his chinky paint vibrator for 60 seconds total per week is going to give him Lupus via VWF or something. Autists can be unexpectedly creative sometimes.
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Yeah, it is a thing.
>primer isn't necessary for paint not to flake off
>primer is necessary so paint doesn't flake off
What is a big batch of paint mean?
I've never use ink before, is inks good to have or it's a meme? Even the artist ink look quite expensive
Bit of a meme. What do you need them for?
Even airbrushing inks can be finnicky and they easily rub off.
>yea so using a vortex mixer for a couple pots a few times a week is totally comparable to using power tools
This is your brain on hobby retardation I guess
I don't really understand what really special about them too? Is ink kind of like a clear wash/glaze or something?
>a couple pots a few times a week
I don't think that would be the big batch of paint he mentions.
Then what the fuck even is the point of commenting that?
Its not like people are using their vortex mixer on their whole paint collection every other day.
Maybe someone that wanted to use an old collection of paint?
I dont think it would cause any issue if its a one time thing.
I would agree, but I never looked into that. The guy is probably over reacting due to his own condition so I'm giving him a pass.
>nooo don't answer earnest questions!!!
Why are some of you faggots like this?
What kind of protective gear do I actually need when working with resin?
I was just wearing a filtered 3M dust mask because resin dust can fuck you up but the resin still smelled pretty strongly and apparently that smell is actually xylene mixed into the resin to make it flow into moulds better so that's probably not healthy
Do I really have to wear my respirator the entire time while working on these?
There are transparent inks and opaque inks. They're popular because you can airbrush them pretty much from the bottle.
>They're popular because you can airbrush them pretty much from the bottle.
So you could do the same with thinner, or some shit like Vallejo AIR too?
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Cartridge and particulate filters.
Man I already get uncomfortable having to wear this shit while painting, I don't think I'd be able to stand wearing one for hours while working on prep for a model
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Yes, but they are VERY smooth and you can apply the coloured ones over a white basecoat to tint instead of covering up layers.

Valljo air zenithals are going to be pretty speckly by comparison and unlike say XF2, you don't need special thinner.
Mount a cordless drill to your work station, put your pot of pant in an old mismatched sock and pinch it in the chuck of the drill. Pinch a spring clamp over the trigger so it runs continuously and leave to run for 3-6 minutes. Remove freshly shaken paint from sock and enjoy!! Or realize that using a vortex mixer is no worse for you than the vibrations of a blender or mounting drywall with a drill and use the proper tool rather than worry about the minute risk of aggravating something that would happen to you regardless.
Yeah, they are super fucking uncomfortable but it's that or your lungs and developing resin allergy.
So are inks worth buying? Also do i need to buy special hobby band inks or any artist acrylic inks work just fine?
If you want to airbrush zenithal, sure why not. Just make sure you check the label for opaque vs translucent so you get the opaque ones. It might not be in the name.

No, liquitex or daler rowney are fine.
I'm well aware of the risks of resin allergy, I just figured it was just the dust that will fuck you up.
What if you work on models soaked in water or in a bowl full of water? That should mean no shit in the air.
I already wet sand, my main worry is that it's potentially releasing stuff mixed on with the resin even if the resin itself is inert, and I can't exactly do any precision work underwater
Why not just using some 3D printing service? Set up and clean up resin print is a paint in the ass
>3d print
These are cast resin figures, not prints
What a fucking retard.
Vortex mixers are used all day everyday in nearly every lab in the world.
If it was a serious issue with vortex mixers you would have heard by now.
The guys is literally comparing the vortex mixer to a pneumatic drill or some other heavy machinery...
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what's this style called with really stark and bright layers?
Is it just high-contrast layering? I like the look and I've been trying to copy it more and more but it's hard to know where to use and how. I usuallly end up with these really chunky lines like somebody got a marker and just streaked my model
>Do I really have to wear my respirator the entire time while working on these?
Honestly, not really. Unless you've got a big chunk of resin that you're just going at with a file like a motherfucker, like a tank or something. So long as you aren't millimetres from the thing, huffing and puffing the whole time you're sanding/shaving it, you're not at that much risk
I've got a black ink and a white ink for tinting colours, but that's about it at the moment.
I remember seeing a recipe PDF on WIP about making DIY washes with pretty good end result pictures.
Does anybody have them? I'm kind of in the throes of a DIY phase after I made my wet palette.
Luv Quar
I have this saved from decade old video, not sure about wich recipe you refer to
also never tried it

>50% Matte medium
>50% 10:1 water/flow-aid
>20-40 drops of ink
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>Megatron no, don't eat all the Energon!
>Oh no
For real, sick mini
Update on Sargeant MarbleSword
Forgot pic
Gonna try that if the varnish starts to chip, I may start everything over. Thanks.
Edge highlighting looks a bit thick, maybe try using smaller brush.
Def not my strong suit, sometimes I nail it and other times it looks goopy.
This better be good
What the different between normal acrylic wash and this ink wash?
Lol, I just watched that video. I don't know if that style has a name, it's just basic layering.
Ink washes are closer to contrast paints than washes.
How many times are you going to post this?
its been posted once?
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sometimes red is better
How many times are you getting the jab?
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the shoulder edges are perfectly straight so a straight square brush will make it easy to fix

My edge highlights looked like absolute dogshit when i first started out but they're much much better now. TBF space marines kind of suck for edge highlighting, esp terminators. It takes skill to do it properly but I really don't think space marines len themselves to it, whereas glazing is much better for the big flat and smooth points of interest.

I think you really need to touch up those shins, joints, edge higlights and the tilt shield
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Ended up with a very odd colour scheme, the blue didn't want to cooperate either, so it kept going on all weird
meh just use oil wash. I'm tired of stain
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Thinking of picking up some brushes for prime day. Any of you anons have any suggestions? I need finer tips for details, mine are too big.
Nice taimanin, cuck
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I guess we both got recommended the same vid then kek. and yeah I thought it would just be layering but mine look way weaker or too strong, so I guess i just need to practice more and not be afraid to push the colors
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My advice for edge highlighting is, thin that paint more, but make sure to wick the excess on a piece of paper towel. Edge highlighting with a brush overloaded with thin paint will lead to disaster

The detail brush I found myself using a lot is the army painter insane detail one. I use with a lot with metallics as well, and never lost its tip.
It's in the most wanted brush set which in my opinion is a very good deal, I find all those brushes useful, and the price per brush is quite cheap.

I think blue and orange make for a good contrast. I'd drybrush the big snek scales and go darker in the belly recesses; it kinda looks like you painted them brighter
Just get higher quality brushes I guess. If it holds a point, you're good, the rest is working on your muscle control.
He a cutie
The algorithm do be like that.
Yeah, just higher contrast. It requires some confidence in painting, which in turn requires skill.
I mean it's just the same old shit Winsor & Newton series 7 unless you want to try your luck some cheap kolinsky chinesium,
I like the colors actually. I'd work some more on the blue because it looks kinda messy right now though
It's deceptively simple, Kevin Dallimore is probably the king of that look if you're after some inspo
Look at the vibration speed going through your fingers. They're not supposed to move at 500rpm
Very nice looking Sarg. What reds do you use for your bolter? Mine feels dull and flat.
what do you guys use for snowy bases
any good products you can recomend?

im looking a frosty snow look like pic related
Easiest route would be getting one of pastes like AK or Vallejo, which produce nicely looking snow like your pic.
Baking soda, pva and white paint is really easy and you can make it powdery by increasing the volume of baking soda
Microballoon snow mixed with gloss medium is all you need. The rest depends on application.
Thanks, the vibrant red on that casing is mostly ttc demon red over gw mephiston red

If you want premade texture paste, I remember looking at this video when I was considering snow bases for my minis, maybe it can help you https://youtu.be/PbG_oOWVssY?si=HPDP--Z3QIxfWrWT

Valhallan blizzard, like all gw technical paints, is decent but terribly overpriced.
Nta, highlights do my tits in, def not my strong point either. Just my personal preference here, I would dirty up your metals, also the aquila looks nice
Isn't it like baking soda will absorb water over time?
This guy is a fucking retard comparing some heavier duty tools to a fucking chinesium vortex mixer. You'd need to use this for extended periods of time for it to cause any real damage. If all you do is mix a couple paint bottles every other day for a couple seconds the risk is negligible. What the fuck is with people fearmongering so much in this hobby? It feels like there's so many clueless fucks. Same shit with some retard here trying to push that sniffing acetone from a hands distance for a short time will cause you brain damage or something. Harmful effects of most chemicals(not all of them of course inb4 some schizo gets triggered) only manifest after prolonged exposure. Unless you're unlucky enough to be allergic to something in particular it's next to impossible to do any lasting damage to yourself during hobbying
>Unless you're unlucky enough to be allergic to something in particular it's next to impossible to do any lasting damage to yourself during hobbying
You haven't seen me handling a hobby knife.
>It feels like there's so many clueless fucks.
this is objectively the truth
>Unless you're unlucky enough to be allergic to something in particular it's next to impossible to do any lasting damage to yourself during hobbying
That goes towards being a clueless fuck I guess. If you can read instructions and safety data sheets you should be good.
So much better, thank you!
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I used this on one of my armies.
On the left is just glue on the base is PVA with a bit of white paint added.
Dont pay for nice brushes off amazon, you will just get counterfeits. This rule applies to basically all tools. Amazon is great for buying shit synthetic work horse brushes. if you want a nice brush get a winsor and newton size 2 from dickblick. (and not the "miniature" one, get the regular)

Anon this looks good for now. I would say put it down and keep practicing on some of your non hero minis. Then you can come back to this one later and clean him up a bit. And I like the color scheme.
You could also do Tamiya Putty.
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>people arguing over vortex mixed now
What next, sanding sponge causing chronic exposure or something?
People love the feeling of knowing more than others, even if that knowledge is complete bullshit. Same place conspiracy theories come from.
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I just got these and wanted to add some texture and dimension to the MDF. To get a pueblo-like texture, do you guys think stippling mod podge would work, or maybe gluing a bit of fine sand?
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More on this Eversor.
what colors should I mix with olive drab to darken down for shading fatigues without making them dull by using blacks? Browns?
drydex spackle
I usually hate grainy textures on terrain, because the models themselves don't have textures like that, causing a style clash. Bigger blobs/streaks of podge would look better in my opinion.
That's a good idea, I'll give that a try, and get some spackle for trying >>93362424 if it doesn't look right. Thanks!
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>the biggest Minipainting discord puts a new rule today against: Recasting, proxies (all of the proxies such as space marines and similar to GW) and IP theft in general
>all hell breaks loose
It's over for the channel.
fuck right off you monumental faggot nigger, it's bad enough we have to deal with twitter and youtube screenshots already
OK boomer
chill out man
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Damn, vallejo dark earth is super versatile. Its base colour fits earth, rubble, rocky ground etc.

No worries, I like bright reds, they always give a nice contrast

why is your rshift key upside down

Oh, it doesn't look like a flayed head anymore..
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>anti-vibration gloves
Yeah, no wonder hobbylets are fucking up their hands shaking paint when these gimmicks are their solutions. Do people not have fingerboxes anymore?
I'll finger your box.
>anti-vibration gloves
>for mixing hobby paints with a chinesium vortex mixer
I fucking refuse to believe a real person wrote that
Man, I left mine at my parents when I moved out. I'll have to ask mum to mail it to me, I guess.
Sorry for the late reply but I caught a vacation.
I know there's contradictory information out there but to the best of my knowledge the wizkids minis are vinyl paint on vinyl minis, I doubt anything is stripping that.
Nail polish remover would probably melt them. Did you try it yet?
Painting over them is the way to go, the detail sucks anyway, which is the whole reason for the deep cuts line. If there's a model that doesn't come in deep cuts and the vinyl mini is too ugly, try Reaper.
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I need some help bros. I like the cobblestone of this centipede, but I kind of hate the shell and eyes it feels too crustacean red. I'm not sure how to fix it tho
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He's a lovely little land lobster
Looks like a job for nuln oil, unironically.
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Also the snek I finished which feels a bit off as well
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Face shot
Well the base is better highlighted than the creatures. I like the belly of the snake but the back scales are pretty much the midtone.
If it's anything like funkopops then pure acetone will work.
It definitely works for funkos.
can i get uhhhhhh
Anon why did you have a funko pop?
I work with a guy in his 50s who has like 20 3D printers and a shit youtube channel, and when some mom asked him how to get her son interested, he said it was extremely dangerous and they'd need a fire rated fume hood and automated suppression systems.
>oh... ok nevermind
Bear in mind this would be for like an ender 3 and pla
And then you have other people who touch 3d printing resin with their bare hands and breath in airbrush spray without a mask. A lot of people don't have the sense for what a good level of safety is.
oh sure, I understand keeping yourself safe; I used to work in huge vats of sulfuric acid and around frankensteined electrical shit. But there is such a thing as overcorrecting, and telling someone they need anti-vibration gloves designed for jackhammers to swizzle a few pots of paint for ten seconds is firmly in the latter camp.
A lot of it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of acute and chronic risks. Sure, getting resin on your hands once is no biggie, but it will get worse over time. A vortex mixer just won't hit the threshold for causing injuries unless your tendons are literally disintegrating.
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>can i get uhhhhhh
Of what?

>Anon why did you have a funko pop?
NTA, but you know GW licensed out some Space Marine designs to them, right?
>I bought the onions statue because James told me to
>but you know GW licensed out some Space Marine designs to them, right?
yes, and? You still need to have an abysmally awful taste to ever buy that cookie cutter garbage
Let me guess, hes got an affiliate link for said gloves right?
Used to work hazmat, buy a model that has the neoprene mesh in the back instead of the straps. 3M makes them, a little bit more but it spreads the pressure across the whole back of the head as opposed to where the strap is, really cuts down on the pressure headache.
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Open your mind.
Anon, the Funko(R) Pop!(TM) police will be at your residence shortly for vandalisation of corporate art products.
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Any thoughts on my Malignant Plaguecaster kitbash?
I know it's a meme and all, but you don't actually have to glue death guard together with your bodily waste, anon
Thanks! I'll give the nuln oil a shot that might be it actually. I think I might try to do the mandibles as a white and the eyes as a series of blue green steppling
Thanks! I'ma try to do some drybrushing to pick out the back a bit more
Thats just how milliput looks with vaseline on it from the sculpting tools though..
Vallejo (or any other brands) Texture paint
You shouldn't really need to use vaseline on your tools when working with milliput, it's not sticky enough to warrant it like greenstuff is. A bit of water is fine and it won't need cleaning off the model afterwards.
They look nice.
Are they yours? If so well done.
oh, well my bad then. will do next time.
how hot are compressors supposed to get? Even though it has a small tank my chinesium compressor runs pretty much all the time and gets really hot.
Milliput also smooths and thins down with water, if you want a slurry for texture/filling gaps, or you've got fingeprints to remove, so don't be too liberal with it on your tools or might get runny. Just a drop should do.
These were images I saved from some interesting eBay listings I chanced across when these models became more widely available a few years ago, and I swear one of our ladz got into it with some greenstuff. There were the four designs in >>93363417, plus, as you can see on the box, Funko put out a limited grey "artist's proof" version of the bog-standard Intercessor so you could paint it up as whatever chapter you like.

I only bought the one because my chapter lacks good super-heavy "Lord of War" choices.
>Of what?
No. Where would it be hiding?
Least unhinged /wip/ regular
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I mean yeah he's a schizo but if his ramblings drive away even a single garbage posting tourist he's doing gods work as far as I'm concerned. Notice how we barely have youtuber tier list posts since that youtube schizo started going off every time someone mentioned them? That's not a bad thing either
I'm not complaining.
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Saving the highlights on the armor for tomorrow.
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Thanks, Oboro is the best.
I got a couple army painters, figured I'd try it, since I like their paint ok.
Yeah, I think maybe that's my problem to be fair, muscle control.
I look into these brands.
Thanks anons. I just really fuck up faces. I can never do the small details or eyes correctly.
>main complaint people have about proacryl other than their shitty bottles is their colors usually end up dull after drying
>almost all of their new paints are insanely vibrant and saturated
What do you drybrush it with?
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Painted up a test model for my Skaven (for 6th WHFB). Pretty happy with him, considering he was just a quick experiment. The "proper" models for the army will get more time spent on the bases and tidying, I just wanted him done relatively quickly.
A warm grey (ak reddish grey), then a lighter warm grey (vallejo stonewall grey). Both of those after a black wash over the texture.

I mixed some paints a bit while testing on each base so the ones in the pic might not have those exact paints but that's pretty much the gist of it, I wanted something really basic and simple
New thread:

That guy is right, you know. Stop offending the Nazis.

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