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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Another Game Finder, since the old one died.


post games or discord servers ig
didn't there used to be a /tg/ discord? does anyone have a link?
> Game Finder thread on /The-no-Gamers/
When will they learn?
I found one active game and one game that wrapped up two weeks ago using these threads.
i play games, i just don't want 4chan randos shitting in front of my friends
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setting up a GURPS server:
Is this affiliated with the other GURPS server that GURPS guy ran?
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>Player looking for a game
>Anything but D&D 5E and Pathfinder 2e, preferably something Modern/Sci-Fi but could handle other fantasy settings
>EST, Free between 20:00 and 24:00 most nights.
>contact through Discord
>I've been GMing GURPS, and I manage a Tabletop club in real life, but I am dead tired of being a forever GM, and even more tired of D&D5E. I enjoy smaller games like Patrol, Price of freedom and more.
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>>contact through Discord
>no username given
I was expecting a potential 'GM Looking for players' to drop his discord, but oh well

GUMSHOE, a system oriented towards solving mysteries.
I have a moderately flexible schedule right now. Likely Friday, Saturday, or Sunday evening/night, UTC -5.
modestmousorgsky on Discord.
I don't know what setting I'll run. I'm mostly interested in trying the system.
Are you fine with people new to GURPS?
I ask because other GURPS guy said accepting new players and then chargen was just him throwing us the GURPS character gen program with no context and seemed annoyed to answer questions on it.
I hope at the very least you are using the GCS because the one from SJG is fucking awful.


Since they aren't from SJG, they aren't able to include the actual text body / contents of the GURPS system. But /tg/ often links to repositories of such materials in various source threads.
Absolutely. It's just a GURPSGen server, games may be run there when it's more active. I'd be happy to help in the meantime
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invite links for two lewd trpgs
NTA but that guy your describing sounds like a retard.
Is this a wise idea, anon? I've seen topic-specific threads wither up and die because of discord servers taking up all the posters.
Imagine the smell
The smell of fat lardwhales who fancy themselves Henry Cavill lookalikes and think their erotic rp is equivalent to renaissance literature when it's really lust badly typed craiglist tier porn
I hadn't thought about that desu. I may change the name and stuff if it becomes a problem. But the general idea is that it's for GURPS GMs to find players who aren't the kind of people from the big servers.
If I want lewd I'll just stick to F-List
Boot Hill 3rd Edition
Eastern Time; would like to reach a consensus with other players on availability for sessions
Hoping to launch other campaigns in the future, as well as play other games, like Diplomacy or TSR's Don't Give Up the Ship.


do they even play games there any more

also Isn't rpm321 an moderator of them
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Smell fragrant like a port city
Fundamental question; I don't know. I've noticed shift in the way people recruit for games, like, not a great deal of postings and a great deal of recruiting people you already know. It feels like a solidified thing, and I was hoping that by extending an invitation link more new people could join in and shake things up a little, since it's getting kind of stale. But nobody has joined. It leaves me thinking if there is indeed people that want to play games in /tg/ left. I don't assume that wanting to play games will equate joining a server about porn games, but if it were true, it means that this place is very static and stale.

That just leaves me wondering where are the new incomers to the hobby going. Reddit? More public discord servers? Sticking to their general threads? Roll20?
mostly playing IRL or with close friends

Which leaves people who are stuck in dry zones that more desperate. Trying to find a game, let alone getting one started will leave people disappointed and discouraged. Let's not mention the unfortunate sobs who don't have any friends, let alone acquaintances to even broach the idea of a game too. Which strongly leads credence to why solo threads go so far. Why waste time and energy, and effort trying to find a game, let alone get one together. When it would be a whole lot easier to grab some guys and use your preferred system to write your own adventure stories into a book.
Your rogue Moderators Banned all the people that want to play games faggot
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What's your discord tag? I'll bring you up to them and see if they can unban you

While solo games answer the need in part, it is undeniable that there's an element of fellowship missing from them. I don't suppose solo games are big outside of /tg/, right? Though I've seen them have some traction in other spaces
I've joined a few games from the servers and I just ended up with undesirable people. The few I've noticed outside of that who talk about cool ideas and have fun interests, I've talked to them directly and it was pleasant enough. But when I brought up the idea of running a game and inviting them, that's something no one cared for.

The servers just feel pointless.
When the least desirable players & gms gather at servers and flock to games, I don't see the point of digging through their shit to find a gm who is as likely to pick any of them as someone who can consistently meet the low bar of 'show up and play games'. Worse, discord's tag and filter system for channels sucks ass unless the mods put in some effort to set it up.

Calling all traditional gamers! Join us for a Western-themed tabletop RPG in TSR's Boot Hill 3rd Edition! Saddle up; go west, young man!
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Are there any groups that are looking for a reliable player?
>Not weird
>Not wanting special treatment
>Roleplays without being stupid
>Does not do accente
>Plays male
>Fills needed gaps in the party
>late 20s
>Open to any system and setting
>Just looking to have good story telling
Yes, see >>93347771
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I appreciate the offer but im not looking for that sort of game.
player, trying to break gm rut
Anything but DnD 5e
EST, available most nights after 17:00, 19:00 on late shifts, and I've got alternating free Fridays
Discord shadowmark721
I'm desperate for a new game, my friends only want and play 5e
I mean, everyone would like such players at their table... the problem is always that players are not honest or self-aware enough to give an accurate description of themselves.

And I'm never running a game for free ever again. My paid games have waiting lists of players trying to get a seat. It's the most intense irony I've ever felt in my life: the players in paid games actually listen to me and they care about the game and they show up on time and they're respectful. I get to use the fancy dynamic lighting and high rez maps because the players are paying for the premium services of the platform and stuff. If I had only known that the quality of my players would so dramatically improve if I demanded to be paid for my work, I'd have switched to paid GMing literally decades ago.

And the same could be said for players. You want a good GM? You want reliable and quality service? You're frustrated waiting around hoping some random GM will recruit for their random game but you're always annoyed that it isn't the system or genre that you really actually enjoy?

Pay for it.
>I'm desperate for a new game, my friends only want and play 5e
See >>93347771
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I have no problem paying for somebodys time and effort. I've gifted good GMs games on steam since I am reluctant to put bank details in to a website that is repeatedly hacked.
I'll run short solo scenarios or encounters in the pbp format for anyone interested. The system will be D&D 3.5e and don't expect anything grand, it's just to pass the time until or if you eventually find an actual group.
My Discord is johngr98
There are lots of cash apps, anon. I'm not sure which one you're claiming is hacked so often, but legally speaking if their security failures cause your bank account to get drained, they are legally liable for that loss and must reimburse you... INCLUDING the financial consequences of any debts you incur during the interim period before they do reimburse you.
How old are you? If you aren't old enough to know these things, you shouldn't be playing games, you have more important things to do with your time. Like homework.
I am one of the people who you recruited for this game, but I am bumping it for visibility since you said you wanted to find a third player
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You are exactly the kind of person I am avoiding in both ttrpgs and life.
>that feeling when you have a bit too many low quality players and you don't want to be mean by just kicking him but you know if you don't the game will break apart and you might lose the good ones.
People who teach you things you didn't know before and who expect you to be a mature and competent individual?
Don't worry about avoiding them. I think they can smell you coming.
>I've noticed shift in the way people recruit for games, like, not a great deal of postings and a great deal of recruiting people you already know.
That's how it always is. Most people don't have time for more than one, maybe two games at most and once you have a group that you can stand and will show up, most will stick with that. The ones who don't either have to drop the group for one reason or another or are just weirdly social and like finding new people. Most will happily stick with what they know for the rest of time.

>It leaves me thinking if there is indeed people that want to play games in /tg/ left.
Gamefinder threads don't have the best of reputation and neither do discords, and that goes double for lewd games. Realistically, you're just adding another place to lurk in until you maybe see a game you can actually get in, except the place is more covered in smut. Why the hell would I join a discord server that says nothing other than "lewd games" in a thread that is already supposed to be for advertising and finding a game? I've found games even recently on /tg/ just by being in a thread about the game and responding to someone saying "I want to run a game, anyone wanna join it?"
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Not having any of your shit. You're just not used to it. Go deal with your defects of personal character on your own, though. Quietly.
it's what happens when anonymity meets with an inflated ego
Yeah, you better not use financial service providers who provide their financial services to literally billions of people. Because your specific personal bank account will definitely get hacked and both of your dollars will be stolen.
Who has an inflated ego and an anonymity complex?
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What is your discord? My group are all mid-to-late 20s and functional with a recent new member to boot. So long as you are alright with a fantasy game in a system that isn't 5e.
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I am more than happy to try out for your group. However, is there a 3rd party group we could meet in?

You are really upset at my distrust of online currency transfer. I do not understand you.
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Yeah sure, do you mean some public discord server or something else?
Yeah, a public server.
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I'm not part of many public servers, does Helldivers 2's server work for you? I have to wait till I get back to my desktop to join it with my alt discord account. I should be home from work in a little under an hour, I'll join with the nickname "KoboldCobalt". It would've just been Kobold, but it seems there are about ten dudes with that handle in there already. If you have an alternative, feel free to suggest it.
Sounds good to me. Can you link the server itself and i will wait for you there? I will have a black and white pfp with a vague royal theme.
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Yep, my profile picture will be a little kobold-looking dude with a shortsword. I should be home in about forty minutes now.

Here is the link. https://discord.gg/helldivers
Im in.
did you decide on a setting
It looks like their server doesn't allow me to change my nickname. Add "koboldquarry". If you search the users, you should see me in there, but I haven't sent any messages. I also now realized the little broadsword is cut off by discord's online status dot.
GM here, I'm leaning towards Trail of Cthulhu right now, but I am still open to other settings.
Good on you, anon. My experience has been similar to yours. Eventually I ended up with a group who has been paying me to exclusively GM for them for the past 5 years. It's been great. I get a chance to create my own campaign stuff in addition to running pre-mades. They're respectful, on-time, and more attentive than any of my friends when I ran for them.
From here it looks more like you got embarrassed.
Funny how that works. The people who charge for gming are the most serious about talking up the results of charging for gming.
>I've found games even recently on /tg/ just by being in a thread about the game and responding to someone saying "I want to run a game, anyone wanna join it?"
I've tried that multiple times but nothing ever comes out of it
No one is going to break down your door and force you to hire a GM, anon. When you apply to join games, though, you should definitely be sure that you carefully explain how you don't believe the GM's work should be paid for in any way whatsoever.
Do you smell shit everywhere you go?
>anon says they want to run something
>multiple people express interest
>anon bails and disappears before even meeting any of them
>somehow it's specifically the fault of one of the persons who told anon "I'd join"
Are you brain damaged? Do you genuinely think everything automatically works out if just one of the participating parties doesn't screw something up?
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System: Savage Worlds conversion for SLA Industries (with a bunch of house rules to deal with the wonkier aspects of the system)
Voice Game: Saturdays 6PM GMT
Method of play: Discord for OOC shit, Foundry for rolling and overly fancy maps. Voice over discord.
Requirements: Executive Mindset, Not a wallflower/sped
You are an SLA Industries Operative. Assigned to the Megacity known as Mort you're charged with enforcing the will of the corporation, sometimes that might involve sweeping the sewers for hostile mutants, performing a TV loicense check, participating in a publicity stunt for a certain Brand, or clearing a terrorist hideout room by room. Most of this is televised so make sure to entertain the audience and keep those logos in view, those bullets are expensive. And don't worry about what the Corporation is hiding from you, you wouldn't be able to handle it.
This is an edgy cyberpunk universe from the EXTREEEM 90's, think Judge Dredd but with less LAW and more corporate shenanigans. It shares a lot of similarities with Judge Dredd but with less LAW and more horror and corporate shenanigans. There's a bit of Jaihoo, Cruelty Squad and American Psycho as well.
https://projects.inklesspen.com/fatal-and-friends/traveller/sla-industries/ has a good summary of the setting.

discord me at "burceburce" if you're interested
When you put it that way, you should definitely be sure that you carefully go suck a bag of cocks.
How much are you paid? Is it per person per hour? Per person per session?
Sorry bro, if you're really as big of a treasure as you say you are you'll never find a good group. You can either have great players and a shit DM, or shit players and a great DM. Those are the rules, I didn't make them up.
>>Not weird
Sigh... this board is full of normalfaggots.
It depends on what the group is asking for. If they want like a Paizo adventure path, straight and vanilla, nothing done to the maps, no additional content, nothing changed at all, I'll do it for 15 an hour. If they want me to make quality maps, expand the story's contents, support additional systems or anything like that, I charge 28 an hour. If they want me to create a custom sandbox campaign specifically for them, responding to their choices and allowing them to just like build their little fort or whatever, including map creation suiting their needs by the week and all of that, I charge 45 an hour. Sessions are four hours minimum. I don't care how they divide the cost between themselves, but usually they just all pitch in evenly.

Keep in mind that the game's session is not the only time I'm spending working on it. I have to do stuff to prepare it outside of session time. To completely invent from scratch a six hour session of that quality, I spend like fifteen hours outside of game time.

It definitely is not a living wage. Absolutely no one is able to pay rent by GMing, even though it's literally more work than a part-time job. Like just sit and think about that for a minute. Imagine working 20 hours a week at McDonald's and you got paid $225 a week. That's 900 a month for 80 hours of work.

Damn right I'm not gonna tolerate even a HINT of disrespect while I'm doin' it, either.
What he means by "not weird" is that he doesn't have any personality or interests, and his discord profile pic is either a random meme or a warhammer mini. That's if he's telling the truth. Otherwise, his profile pic is an anime loli and he wants to play an Oracle with three animal companions.
Cocks pay me to suck them, and I can afford to be too picky to suck yours - so it looks like you're stuck playing with yourself all by yourself like always.
I didn't think you could puff yourself up and suck yourself off at the same time, but there you are.
Well, you see, when you're attracted to the person whose genitals you're pleasuring orally, it's an erotic experience. So it's common for those providing oral sex to pleasure themselves manually while they are doing it. That's how sex works with fully mature consenting adults in the real world.
>a bunch of 40 year old men describing sex acts
why the fuck would anyone want to play with the miserable, joyless retards that hang out on tg?
why did you post the invite multiple times?
You. Clearly.
Who are you quoting?
Yep, you've never run a game.
Not for you, anyway. And never will. Bye, bitch, bye.
Whew. Glad they left, and promised never to run a game for at least one person here. Here's hoping.
Nope, you've never run a game, and you're not going anywhere.
5 year paid GM here. We started at $15 per person per 4 hour session. It's one guy who pays it for the entire group. After a year of being very happy with my GMing style he upped to $25 per person per session, and even asked me to increase the number of games I run for their group per week. I run preset adventure paths with some adjustments, and if I have to make custom maps I charge a separate fee for that. If I end up running a sandbox for them then I'll discuss the fee.
I doubt this is a common situation though, as it ended up being a unicorn situation.

And of course there's people who are going to be assblasted about all this. With the massive influx of normalfags into the hobby this was inevitable - I choose to profit from my love of the hobby instead of being upset about it.
What an absolute seething non-response. You know other anon's right - you don't have to pay for shit if you don't want to, but you'll be stuck either being nogames or crossing your fingers hoping for a unicorn group.
Uhm... Finding games, guys????
I found one
This is their game. Trying to raise the tide on paid gming.
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Because nobody is joining.

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