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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

Here's a starting topic to break the ice. Let's hold a vampire census, state your Clan (or bloodline) and rough age category (no exact years, we wouldn't want to dox anyone). Generation is optional, for the same reason. I am of the esteemed Clan Ventrue, and I am a neonate, though I hold great station beyond my age.
I'm a Brujah, I'm in my 40s now but I've been dead for around 7 years, and I'm tenth generation. Just unliving it up out here, you know how it is.
Salubri Warrior of the seventh generation, I was 21 when i was turned back in 1918, making me an Ancilla.
Gangrel here, 19 years old, 0 years dead. And I've said it enough that to say it more wouldn't be doxxing myself further - thinblood. Faking it till I make it.
Actually that raises a question I hadn't thought about. What generation is a thinblood anyways?
Usually 14th-16th, but very rarely a vampire of impressive generation sires a thinblood all the same.
I am a kindred of Clan Tzimisce, of the eighth generation, and early in my 200s.
In your case, I must assume 14th or 15th, considering the story of your embrace. If a monstrous kindred was able to ambush and overpower you in a cave, it indicates they still had some non-insignificant amount of strength in their blood.
Technically a Pander, 7th gen (originally 8th or 9th). Though, Totes' bully boys keep on calling me "Schädelchen", which I guess would wind me up more if I knew more german.
>If a monstrous kindred was able to ambush and overpower you in a cave, it indicates they still had some non-insignificant amount of strength in their blood.

That makes sense. He at least gave me the time of day to tell me I was a vampire, so I figure if he knew I was going to be a thinblood he'd have told me that too.
>which I guess would wind me up more if I knew more german.
Unless you have an unusual cranium, I believe this is their way of calling you, as you might say, "Dead meat." But aren't we all?
Nossie in my 30s here, and it'll be coming up on a bit under a decade for me. Still slowly coming to terms with it - I especially had a really good thing going in life, professionally speaking. (It'd be really easy to dox me if I were specific, but let's just say it was public-facing, and was genuinely the kind of stuff where you feel like you never work a day in your life.)

Hardest part though is the relationships you lose. Family, friends and all that. I have alts that I use to go snooping on their socials from time to time (I know this is a bad idea, sue me) and there are days where I wish I could just reach out and say something like, "Hey. I love you. You did good."
Nossie with variant curse (will explain if asked) been a vamp for 3 ish years,
Sure, I'll ask. What's your curse?
Salutations, newly embraced here.

I've been at this nightly existence for close to a month now and my sire did give me "the talk" as he put it, but he also wanted me to get some input from a few other kindred. Considering there aren't many near our haven, he deemed this place a semi-accceptable alternative.
Would some of you mind sharing a few experiences or tales from your unlife?

A pleasure to meet you all.
Hey, I'm kinda in a similar boat. I'll warn you, there's some weird religious fundamentalists here so if you start hearing talk of "Caine" or "Noddism" or "the Sabbat" take what you're hearing with a grain of salt. Those guys are freaks, I can say from experience.

I've been road tripping for the past few weeks, mostly just meandering from town to town, staying in each for a night or two. This all started when I got roped into what I thought was some friendly advice from a clanmate and turned out to be more of a jumping in. They were gonna either make me diablerize somebody or diablerize me, so I took off as soon as I could. Don't care to talk too much more about that.

A few nights ago I got asked by the Prince of a small town to find my clan's primogen in the woods nearby. It took me a few days, and he was in a near-feral state when I did. He roughed me up a bit and eventually made it back to town on his own shortly before I left. My lessons learned from that, I suppose, were that anyone who can will remind you that they're the bigger fish, and don't let the beast get too strong. That's probably obvious, but it's useful to know that sometimes what you learn in class is actually useful in the real world.

Either way, I wish you luck. I've been taking it easy since my run-in with that primogen in the woods, but I'm trying to hone my skills for when I have to actually throw hands again. I can't imagine it'll be too long.
one bit of advice i'll give is don't underestimate the physical disciplines, especially celerity if you can attack twice in the time it takes for your enemy to attack once you will probably win.
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>Juan Sandoval
>Malkavian of the Sabbat
>Ancilla, turned in the 1970s, spent decades as a ghoul before that.
Find a copy of the Book of Nod and read it (electronic or otherwise.) Knowing what motivates the decision-making of the sects (all of them, even the Haqimites and Setites) is of tantamount importance.
Pic related
tantamount importance to knowing yourself
For a multitude of reasons, I need to keep my identity at least somewhat hidden on this site, so no particularly personal or identifiable stories for you.

However, I have some advice for you. You must determine two things if you are going to have a prosperous unlife. The first is what is your role, your niche, your skills. Far too many Kindred attempt to step into an arena they are ill-fitted for, and this is the result of much strife in vampire society. If you are a natural warrior, don't try to be Prince, aim for Sheriff. The second is what do you want to do with eternity? Your reason can change with time and circumstances, but it is important to have a goal, no matter what it is. The mortal limitations that once defined you are gone, you need an animating goal, lest you fall into a listless malaise and enter a torpor you may never awaken from. It need not be political, it could be as simple as seeking to record day to day history that gets lost through the ages, or as long-spanning as walking on the surface of a distant world, just to see if the star there still burns our skin.

Lastly, remember this. You may or may not have potent blood. You may or may not be a prodigy. What you are is young, you are entering the Jyhad with a handicap of thousands of years, if not more. Do not overestimate yourself. At the same time, know that many of the older, "stronger" vampires will underestimate you. It is not the vampire with the most potent blood, most refined disciplines, or even the longest unlife that will succeed in the end. It is the vampire with the strongest will, and enough guile to see their goals through.
I consider it a curse, but most nossies tend to envy me.
Basically I got turned by the girl I was dating, I still loved her even after seeing her true face. I guess somebody decided to fuck with me because I got the 1 in a million chance mutation. instead of being ugly, I am beautiful, some people find it unnerving, like uncanny valley level of beauty, doesn't help that my eyes are weird, like faint glowing in some lights. I fucking hate it because it doesn't feel like my face and I want to tear it off. I've had multiple kindred mistake me for a toreador, along with basically being used as the face of the warren I'm in. Kine seem to enjoy looking at me but that backfires pretty hard when you don't want to be noticed, not to mention the comments my gf gets when someone new sees us, automatically assumes she blood bonded me to get me to be with her.

Not ashamed to admit I nearly killed the prick for saying that and people very quickly stopped making those comments when I'm nearby.
what clan are you if you don't mind me asking?

I'm currently dealing with the after-effects of eating a low generation vamp that attacked my warren, killed half of the people in it and I frenzied and ate it, Currently in quarantine until we can figure out what to do with me. Despite my calm typing, I am freaking out to put it lightly...
Interesting. I must wonder if your face gives you individuality, moreso than any other unique face may.
If you focus on this face, do you feel more grounded? Do you have a greater feeling that you are trapped within your own body?
Perhaps this is the key to maintaining your will over your body. Perhaps you must first own your face to own your body.
I'm a thinblood of Clan Tremere, 5 years unalive, uh–I think. It's hard to tell.
Going to echo the sentiment from FF: Sabbat aren't great. You'll often see people call them "shovelheads" around here, a term that stems from their tendency to literally beat their cannon fodder shock troops over the head with a shovel immediately after embracing them.

I try not to make absolutist statements about most of the different players in this scene because the truth is that it's an extremely complex political landscape, and fledglings should come to their own conclusions. The Sabbat, though? Unequivocally evil. Think of all the shit they do that we DON'T hear about. Don't get involved.
No matter how powerful an vampire may be, he should still be wary of the morale of his subordinates. Likewise, you kindred of higher generations may be deemed impotent in the eyes of some, yet none of the kinfolk, save perhaps for Cain himself, is truly invincible. Use this knowledge wisely.

Have you noticed any changes in your attitude?
It's important for one to learn on their own. Grow into your being.
That being said, always trust your intuition. Every sense you get upon a first impression, every sudden feeling, every sensation of tension or danger you get is coming from a body far wiser than yourself. Listen to it always, and you shall find success in unlife.
You consider this a curse? I mean, okay, let's break this down.

>instead of being ugly, I am beautiful
Objectively useful if nothing else. Gives you a leg up in pretty much any social interaction, kindred or kine.
>some people find it unnerving
Only some?
>I fucking hate it because it doesn't feel like my face and I want to tear it off
Yeah, because the rest of us have *definitely* never felt that way before.
>I've had multiple kindred mistake me for a toreador
Now THAT'S a curse.
>along with basically being used as the face of the warren I'm in
And why would that be? It wouldn't be because your supernaturally stunning visage is a good thing, would it?
>Kine seem to enjoy looking at me but that backfires pretty hard when you don't want to be noticed
Hoodie. Mask. Obfuscate. Back alleys, sewers. You know, the things the rest of us are already doing.

I agree with the people who call you a Torrie - you act like one, seeing as you completely dodged a curse and manage to be melodramatic about it anyway.

Yes, I'm bitter.
not much, other than a shit ton of fear and feeling like something is trying to claw it's way out of me
Well, that's because something is. Don't claw back, let it tire itself out and die.
21 year old Brujah. Generation unkown but other kindreds say i am roughly somewhat 10 or 11 based on my discipline powers
I've been diablerized before. My advice: don't lose
If that tremere who was growing a third eye, sorry "Tumor" on his forehead is still here would you be willing to give an update im curious.
Bullshit, you can't survive diablerie. How would that even work?
Yes, you can. It's just that the end result is neither fully you or your diablerist. It depends on your interpretation of what a soul truly is.

I will tell you that I had a packmate who diablerized a low-generation caitiff and wound up losing his memories and gaining some of the memories of the one he diablerized.
First thing he tried to do after doing the deed was try and escape because his jumbled mind thought that he truly was the one who got diablerized.
The lick that my packmate consumed was a CIA operative in Honduras who got embraced after coming home.
I remember that he was never fully himself afterwards, crueler than he was before the diablerie. I had to stop him from doing this to others after this. Hell, the last thing we did as a pack was go after the Brujah Primogen of Cinncinati after we figured out that the bastard was harboring a Baali. Had to promise him that he could eat the Brujah before he was willing to come along.
Thank you for the warning. My sire told me he's independent from Sabbat and Camarilla both, but it's nice to know what to look out for. Sounds like your ride has been a lot wilder than mine so far, I've mostly been learning about what really went down in the last couple centuries from the comfort of a castle. Stay safe and good luck to you too, I would hear more of your tales to come.
Duly noted, though I don't think I have access to any. I'll be careful around those that do.
I think I saw it somewhere in the library, I'll go look for it and give it a read.
This is exactly what I hoped to find, this is invaluable. Currently my full focus lies on getting the hang of my disciplines and I feel like that ties back to the "knowing one's niche" nicely. Once I feel a little more comfortable with the new me I'll think about future goals. You have my gratitude.
I've been told we're Tzimisce, but I haven't really seen any of the signs that some of the other posters mentioned in previous conversation. No fleshy furniture and my sire looks "normal", no excessive alterations to his appearance as far as I'm aware.
I'll heed that warning for now at least, my sire doesn't seem too fond of them either, but like you said, he wanted me to draw my own conclusions.
I'm going to take that to heart, it's hard not to think of some of the older kindred as impervious right now. I've got eternity to figure it out though.
Growth is the goal, thank you for the advise. It's taking some getting used to, everything feels a lot sharper than it was as a human.

Apologies for the mass reply, but I got a lot more reactions than I anticipated. I am truly grateful for all the insights.
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If your sire does not practice fleshcrafting (and claims independence from the Sabbat and Camarilla), then you're almost certainly of the old clan.
Know well that they hold onto the 'old ways' of how they treat their childer and ghouls.
However, since your sire has consented to you being here, it seems that either he is more tolerant of others or he doesn't fully know the risks of this kind of communication.

Beware that you're still in the 'honeymoon' period of unlife with your sire and that things can and will likely become highly treacherous once that period is over (regardless of if he sets you loose or not).

Also beware that there will be some who will be envious of your sire's knowledge if he is of the old clan, as I suspect he is.
There will be some who will try and befriend you to try and get to him or his assets.
I was wondering about that myself, about the old clan I mean, but considering he's been teaching me Vicissitude and I'm typing this with one hand, I have my doubts.

Nonetheless I'll heed your warnings. Is there some kind of rule for how long said "honeymoon" period usually lasts?
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holy shit guys. Dnd paladins are real. i just had a run-in with those hunters again and one of them was clad in military heavy armor and was carrying a fucking sword&shield. had to bail out because this guy killed four sabbat vamps all by himself. and to top it off this fucker literally blinded the other remaining ones with some otherworldy light shining from his sword. no one told me divine magic is real and god is appearantly LG
What you likely encountered was no "paladin", but a mortal with the rare phenomenon of "True Faith" an unexplained phenomenon where a mortal of sufficient zealotry can manifest supernatural abilities. That, or you have a mortal magic user of some kind who has deluded himself into thinking his powers are divine.

With any luck, he'll clear out most of the Sabbat before meeting his ignoble end.
My brother in Caine, who do you think made vampire?
I unironcially thought the caine story was bullshit and Vampirisim is just some outer space disease that grants superpowers. it's only after meeting this hunter did i realize that i am cursed by god
All too often, Kindred are ill-informed of our enemies. All too many die shocked that there are beings that pose a true threat to their existence. This is, unfortunately, how most learn.
>I unironcially thought the caine story was bullshit and Vampirisim is just some outer space disease that grants superpowers.
The disease theory I've heard of; the outer space part is new, lmfao

Raises an interesting topic: anyone else have some more "fun" theories on our origins they've heard over the years? My personal favourite from a particularly... enlightened individual, we'll say, is that we're bioweapons gone wrong. According to them, kindred were the United States' response to China after someone found out about Kuei-jin.
The best part: this Kindred truther, if you will, wasn't even a Malk. They were just genuinely that batshit to begin with.
I came up with the outer space thing myself. look, i am a rational men and i thought those yee old stories about caine and god where just religious vampires trying to create their own version of the vampiric torah to give each of us a origin. guess that mean all those soience mumbo jumbo is false.
Well, I suppose there's no way to prove it wrong.
After centuries of studying, there's only one thing I know for sure. Be prepared to discard everything, all of your knowledge, your information, what you thought you knew. A groundbreaking truth may come at any moment and destroy all the certainties you previously had inferred your reality upon.
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>Well, I suppose there's no way to prove it wrong.
Wanna go on a Middle Eastern archaeology dig?
While probably fake, I'm curious. What is "surviving" diablerie like, and how different is your new body from the old?

It's pretty standard Noddist belief that relationships between sire and childe will always fall apart, which is not true. However, you should still be cautious of your sire. Not outright distrustful, but cautious. He had a motive in embracing you, which may be insidious. Or not.
Of all the distractions from my work, your invitation is honestly quite a welcome one. However, even if I were searching for evidence of our possibly cosmic origin, I would still have to decline. My greatest apologies, and I wish you the best of luck in your survey.
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>Vampire Census
Another great idea brought to you by the Camerillah. But let's play along, and for the glowies at home
>At least one of these are a lie.

Clan Ventrue, Well Antitribu at least, my sire was a convert and truthfully aside from a decade or so I spent on an infiltration, I've had no desire to run back to the cammies. Frankly the profit is just too high, over here. Ancilla. I was embraced in the Boer War for people who remember such things, it's such a sin. Africa and South Africa truely should have been a true home to Kindred but instead the Cammies threw up all over it as usual. I'm told by the kindred who study such things that I'm of the 8th generation although I guess there is some debate about it. My Vitae shows several unique properties and I'll leave it at that.

How do you even make money doing politics all the time?

I'll save you the 'cammies are drags' song and dance but if you want to know why the sabbat is the place for smart, strong vampires here it is.

The Cammies, excel and advance by hiding. They'll be fast to tell you that the Sabbat are monster (and we are, no doubt) but they'll leave it lie that all vampires are monsters. Even you fresh faced thinblooded fucks. They charitably think that the longer you think you are a person, the less likely you are to try to diablerize them, the less likely you are to become a wight, the less likely you are to 'challenge' them or inconvenience them or be anything but a pawn for them. They'll hide behind the mask of the law, the mask of reasonableness (You're a predator of the night, the fuck is the reason in that), the mask of your powerlessness. You want to see how much they 'follow love and humanity?' Invite them into a house rigged with these new fangled explosives and see how it turns out. Challenge them on their repeated and rank hypocrisy. The main thing they want to hide is the fact that their rules are only there for you and only to empower them.
every sect breaks their own rules, its just how the world is, for most vampires sect rules exist to lay out what should happen in public and what should happen secretly, the sabbat's code of Milan is no different. also cool off a bit your beast is doing the typing and it shows.
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The Second reason, if the first being them being lying duplicitous sons of bitches is not enough, let's look to see what made the Cammies strong. Several different clans came together, They brought their unique skillsets together and that made them better. You need friends. If someone ever offered to make you twice as good at something, or to have a friend to do it with, take a friend each and every time. And let me remind you, that
>Vampires don't naturally make friends, being predators
>Cammies lie about being your friends.

So how do we make friends as a vampire? It's called

You know how what little good the cammies can claim comes from force multiplication, a multi-discipline approach, that leverages our differences to make a stronger approach. What if I told you there was a way to do it, to get chummy without decades of fear and testing.

They'll say it's unholy or evil. They'll claim it's mind warping but then they practice blood bonding themselves, That's vampiric slavery for you new ones? I'm of the clan of ventrue but my strength comes from my wits and my shoulders. Not slavery and mind control like in the Camerillah. The Vaulderie helps the beast learn who is friend and foe. It gives you a chance against the elders who want to turn you into glorified iphone, part messanger, part computer. The vaulderie is a tool more then what the cammies can give you. I won't start about the paths or more esoteric matters. Just remember that we're all monsters and there's a reason why we're still here despite the 'might of the ivory tower' itself being against us.

See you in the night brother.
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No, fuck that noise. You guys take a look at everything around you and decide that you have to be worse. You don't just embrace your inhumanity, you *revel* in it, and consider it a good thing that needs to be cultivated. You look at everyone who thinks otherwise and call them pretenders and idiots.

Am I the #1 fan of the Camarilla? No, they have their own set of problems. They've also almost completely left me alone on account of me not doing any of the stupid shit you terrorist assholes do. Hard to complain.
The first few days were foggy, like a dream. I couldn't quite distinguish between my own memories and those of the lick who "ate" me. The only thing that I knew for sure was my name.

Being called by another man's name was irritating and confusing at first, but I learned to keep my cool and avoid arousing suspicion from its pack mates. This new body was quite different from my own and so were its disciplines. It took me a few months to get a handle on them and then a year or so to regain full use of my own disciplines.

Celerity and Thaumaturgy are an unsurprisingly dangerous combination
Once, often twice every week I am visited by the foot soldiers of the Sabbat. Daily, if times are particularly violent. They knock on my door, some beg and grovel, some attempt an appeal to my ego, some make demands under threats of violence, but the requests are never any less idiotic.
"Give me knife fingers", "Give me massive, sharp teeth like a crocodile", "Give me an enormous, erect penis that I shall ride into war with to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies."
We may speak like scholars, but the carriage we ride is made from detritus and dung, pulled along by aimless, moronic animals who crave short-term instant gratification.
The role of a shepherd is an honorable one. One who takes it upon themselves to protect the flock. Cultivate them, feed them, shear them, cure what ails them, and give their work unto society.
We are not them. We are breeders of sin. Enablers. Stuck in a swamp, our only means of survival are feeding on the slugs that company us, and drinking from the mud, and unfortunately, these are our greener pastures.
>No, fuck that noise. You guys take a look at everything around you and decide that you have to be worse. You don't just embrace your inhumanity, you *revel* in it, and consider it a good thing that needs to be cultivated.
Yes, we are inhuman vampires. The sooner you accept it the sooner you will be that much closer to the ability to control your beast. Probably the thing that annoys me the most is that the camarilla teach that some shredded remnants of humanity is going to hold the beast at bay. Just believe hard enough, if it doesn't work its because haven't fed enough, If you lose control it's because you were asking for it slut. Sound familiar? If not it will, sooner or later you will lose control. You will cause someone an inconvenience or a breach of their masquerade and you will see if your lickspittle friends are worth spit, lick. If you're lucky they'll just say you owe them, which is just another way of saying they own you. I do well in business and let me tell you, that's how that shell game works.

If we were good people, we would all catch the sunrise. I've done that before, helped a friend who suddenly discovered that the taste of ages rang aged on their tongue.
>I could hold your hand if you like fledgling.
There's an offer you won't get in your ivory tower. Until then, it's how do the americans say. "It's Ass, Grass or Cash". Everybody got choices.
>You don't just embrace your inhumanity, you *revel* in it, and consider it a good thing that needs to be cultivated.
I wouldn't call it a "good thing". At the risk of setting off Blue again, I call it a necessary Evil.
"A beast I am, lest a beast I become."
>"Give me an enormous, erect penis that I shall ride into war with to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies."
Dave says thanks.
>Dave says thanks.
I'm shocked Dave still has his head attached to his body, honestly.
Give us a bit, Totes put us on Sewer duty over here in Berlin.
Good. That monstrosity should remain buried and hidden beneath the surface.
Fascinating. How did it feel wrestling control of a new body from your would-be devourer? And did their soul get destroyed, or are they now a prisoner in their own body?

It's always sad to see the sacred blood of Clan Ventrue wasted on the Sabbat. Also, if you need it explained to you how someone gets rich in politics, your business acumen is abysmal. Besides that, having all your eggs in one basket is so 20th century. Any modern patrician knows to have a diverse range of assets. You don't just do politics, you have investments, businesses and more. Money is only one aspect of power anyway, information, favors, force of arms and influence are every bit as important. This is basic stuff most Ventrue know before their embrace.
Guys I need help. There's this cute girl that every other night comes to hang out on my favorite park and make some beautiful drawings, she's like a perfect mixture of wild and sweet at the same time. I was about to properly introduce myself and maybe give her the good old "So, you wanna live forever?" but then I saw it
>She's a lupine
What. The. Fuck. What do I do?
Depending on your location, you may have signed her death warrant. Or your own.
wdym? Listen, I'm totally fine with her being a lupine and all I just don't like it when she shapeshifts into the wolf things. Is there any way to make her stop doing that?

I'm not comfortable giving out personal information like my clan on the internet but lets just say I'm not a Gangrel
Flirting with a Lupine is flirting with death. Even if she's fine with you being what you are, her inbred werewolf family won't be. In fact, they probably would kill you for the pleasure.
Now, you're just being incredibly unfair to this woman. Changing into a giant murder dog woman is as much in her nature as drinking blood and avoiding tanning salons is in yours.
If you're going to try to make horrific mutant undead furbabies, you need to get off on the right foot.
Horrible, horrible, horrible idea. I'm not *super* up to speed on Lupine lore, but from what I understand, they basically view us as symptoms of a diseased earth. Mortal enemies kind of deal. Consider the following scenarios:
>She isn't okay with you being kindred
You die. As >>93358882 put it: giant murder dog woman. You will lose against that 10 times out of 10.
>She's okay with you being kindred
You die: the rest of her family isn't.

The only way this ends is as a shittier Romeo and Juliet where the two families hate each other even more at the end. Just don't.
I'm afraid must speak through metaphors since I cannot put to words the particularities of the timeless realm of the soul.

After (during?) the despicable act, My thoughts were reduced to whispers. Muffled, dissonant, and almost inaudible. I knew the the moments of the diablerist's life as though they were my own and as though my own life had been a half-forgotten dream in the early hours of wakefulness.

I could feel my self diminishing and I knew, somehow, that without action, I would shrink into nothingness. So I turned inwards and began to reinforce my existence. I built up frames, so to speak, out of my memories to prevent further contraction. Girders and struts from precious moments and painful lessons to withstand the crushing pressure of oblivion. The more I built up, the larger and more solid I became.

My other self was enraged. He lashed out with furious but incorporeal claws which simply passed through me. Had he a finer understanding of the subtle substance of the soul, perhaps he would be here in my stead.

After erecting my haven, I grew hungry. So I began to carve away an consume bits and pieces of my most intimate neighbour: a childhood memory here, a loved one there. The taste of each minute of his mortal and immortal life was divine bliss, far greater than anything I had ever experienced.

In the end, his rage and impunity had melted into regret and pleading, begging me not to let him die. But the pleasure of the act was too much to resist and I drank up the last few drops of his pathetic existence.

Then, I awoke and found myself surrounded by the familiar sight of his pack.
Sounds like diablerie gone wrong is just as perverse and monstrous as diablerie gone right. Perhaps that's to be expected. Anyway, everything about that sounded viscerally horrifying, so thanks for sharing what you could.
I never realized that diablerie was so fucking gay
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>Log into schreck
>Only find pictures of this dude
>like hundreds of posts about this guy as a weird looking donkey
>Save a few
>Log in today again
>Normal shit
What the fuck did I do?
The computer mages are fucking with you
You got trolled by a changeling with a keyboard in their hands, hacking skills in their head, and mischief in their heart.
Are the Nagaraja still around?

Must be nice having a bit more variety than just blood-for-dinner every night
It's okay to be intimidated little sister. All too often I see the champions of diversity and divestment to be the crowd pulling 8% growth in a 15% percent market if you know what I mean.
>Any politician knows to have a diversity of assets
Then surely you would not be opposed to branching out and considering some select opportunities for business in traditionally Sabbat controlled areas with a handful of carefully selected investors. We could talk about it over dinner if you like?

Stop going to that park dumbass, and stop seeing that girl.

Most of being a vampire is as the kid's say
>Really fucking gay
There's nothing gay about sucking off I mean draining I mean drinking a homeless dude in a dark alleyway
Absolutely fascinating. I thank you for the story, and commend your victory over the diablerist.
Excellent misquote. You seem very intent to paint all of Clan Ventrue as politicians, a common misconception. We have always been a clan of rulers, leaders, the elite. The details change, but our nature has always been the same. We embrace a handful of politicians but honestly? Not that many, "democratic" governments rarely produce the type of person worthy of the Clan. Business tycoons, high ranking military officers, and old money influence mongers make for the most common embrace candidates these nights. And of course, you offer a negotiation neither of us could follow through on, likely so you can accuse me of cowardice. Sabbat are so typical. If you want our money for your little start-up, join the real Clan Ventrue, though you will have to provide us with the heads of your pack as a show of good faith.
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You typed in the wrong domain. I have an archived copy of Shrekchan's (and some of later pigchan's) posts and content with this site's interface. Don't be too alarmed.
It's rarely ever clear cut as neither soul ever remains intact totally. The memory of the body will always remain, become more prominent when the memories of both are eliminated by a failed amaranth.
To commit diablerie in itself is to dilute one's soul. To survive another's diablerie on you is to dilute another's until more of yours remains in their body.
Definitely still around, but rare. I have no idea why you'd envy them. Either you ditch your humanity altogether and probably toss the masquerade -- hello, shovelheads -- or their night-to-night survival becomes significantly harder compared to the rest of us.
>You typed in the wrong domain.
I don't believe you quoted the correct post there.
Meant to do >>93360790 sorry.
It's perfectly fine. I don't begrudge other posters here for typos or replying to the wrong post. This place is a fun little distraction, just 10-15 minutes out of a typical night for me. It's not as if we need to apply strict academic rigors to these little discussions. I like seeing a wider variety of Kindred than what I see in my own home city. Despite the annoyance of having to deal with Sabbat peddling their bestial rhetoric.

I do agree with your point on the Nagaraja, though. Their curse may be the most horrible of them all, both ethically and practically.
Here we go again...
Assamite (or, more correctly, Banu Haqim) Sorcerer Caste. I belong to the part of our Clan which reluctantly decided
that joining Camarilla was better than existing under the heel of the insane tyrant, recently awoken Methuselah Shulgi of Ur.
I was Embraced 21 years ago, which technically makes me a neonate, but I possess status beyond my age, being a Scourge in a major Old World domain, and our Prince repeatedly hinted that he might be inclined to grant me the Ancillae status soon if I keep impressing him.
I'm 8th Gen, and my sire is a powerful elder embraced during the 3rd Crusade, who shares centuries-old mutual history with our Prince.
I don't know what those are. Zombies? Some kind of serpent-man?
They're an Independent vampire bloodline. It's not terribly clear what clan the Nagaraja are descended from,, though many suspect it's the Giovanni due to an affinity for necromancy and their bloodline curse. Drinking blood isn't enough to satiate their beast, they also have to consume human flesh. They're fairly easy to identify, as well, because instead of fangs they've all got a mouth full of shark teeth.

I enlisted the assistance of a nagaraja to help deal with ghosts haunting a property I wanted to turn into a haven. Delightful conversationalist and very well-read, and our business relationship doubled as a way to clear up a pretty rampant homeless population in the city, which my Prince was pleased by. She's since moved cities, but we keep in touch from time to time.
Bottomfeeders, huh? Not that there's anything wrong with that, every ecosystem needs them.
Are they all so pleasant? I'm not familiar with the Giovanni aside from the stories.
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>and our business relationship doubled as a way to clear up a pretty rampant homeless population in the city
HEARTWARMING: Local "Flesh-Eating Vampires" Cut Homeless Rates by 70%
I mean it's your literal words, with a link to the post in question in it's entirety. I would be hard pressed to think of something less doctored honestly.

>A negotiation neither of us could follow thru on
Speak for yourself of course neonate. One of the benefits of the Vaulderie as I was saying is that my business partners have extraordinary confidence that my decisions are best for everyone. but I understand, Your freedom is at your master's pleasure for better or worst , I'm not the 'Monser' asking for the heads of Vampires completely unrelated to our conversation am I? The Sabbat are typical, we value Brotherhood in our Struggle, we value strength as only soldiers can, we value the logistitics that make it possible. Our consortium provides much liquid capital to the cause and raw resources, others provide manpower, or scholarship or just chaos. We all, as different as we are , have a role to play. Even the camerilla, although increasingly it seems like the only clan that does well in the little room is the ones lurking underneath it, the nosferatu are numerous and successful in every city, every graveyard it seems like. Why haven't the might ventrue been able to must a fraction of their success?

What is a McCafe, is this some sort of Scottish Bristro?
I said modern patrician, you quoted politician, you lying wretch. You completely changed the sentence structure as well. You Sabbat twist words constantly, then say the Camarilla are the liars. I have seen your "brotherhood", it ends as easily as you forge it in your disgusting blood rites.

Please, for the sake of your own dignity, quit lying, or at least come up with better ones. Nosferatu being the only clan that prospers in the Camarilla? You're absurd, and oh with the bold faced lie about us being the slaves. None of you idiots know what you are talking about. Even the youngest Ventrue has rights that do not exist at all within the Sabbat.

So please, spare us both the trouble and stop peddling your cultist nonsense here. It may work on half starved shovelheads, but to any Kindred who has seen the Sabbat without their minds altered by the vinculum, your hypocrisy and madness are self evident. There's nothing more to be said to one with such a distorted worldview.
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Holy shit guys, I have a crazy rush and a story for you. I'll try to keep it brief, but I'm still coming down from it so sorry if I ramble.

So, bit of context first. I've mentioned this before, but a little while ago some Sabbat tried to forcibly make me join their pack. Since I'm a thinblood, my options were commit diablerie or get diablerized, so I happily took the third option of stalling them and stealing their RV. Can't say all of their clans for sure, but Marissa (the one who got me into that mess in the first place) was definitely a Gangrel. Ronnie, the creepy goat-man, is hard to place but somebody said he might be a Tzimisce. Baby was, like, weirdly normal compared to those two, except she had huge pastor's daughter trying to be your best friend vibes. Don't know what her clan was for sure.

Anyways, I thought I had left those freaks behind for good. Turns out I was wrong. I was doing my usual of stopping in a town, going to a bar, and getting a drink, when I see a van pull into the alleyway not far from me. Now, a family minivan with cardboard duct taped over the windows read as a pretty big red flag for me, so I backed off. Smart choice, because who the fuck gets out of the van but Marissa and Baby. I know Ronnie's in there too, so I duck into the bar hoping they don't see me. Unlucky me, Marissa did. Lucky me, it's pretty busy in there and they aren't going in, certainly not with Ronnie. Still, I know that as soon as people start trickling out it's gonna turn into that bar scene from Near Dark. At this point, I'm panicking so I do the first thing that comes to mind which, for some reason, is sneak a pool cue into the men's room and try to snap it into stakes. I do get a few stakes out of it, admittedly, but it occurs to me that I can't take all three at once. Valuing my life over my dignity, I sneak out the bathroom window into the alley, hoping nobody spots me.
Also yeah, what she said. You Sabbat guys are freaks.

Anyways, of fucking course Ronnie sees me. He starts chasing me down on his goddamn goat legs, and he's practically on my heels when I manage to turn onto a street and duck into a different, busier bar. If he followed me in, I might have been cooked for a masquerade breach more than anything. I realize I have a few more minutes of safety at least, so I sneak somebody away for a drink. Soon as I do that, a mean-looking kindred is in my face telling me about "do I know whose fucking domain I'm on" and how he "oughta teach me a lesson". Now I've become no stranger to getting my ass kicked these nights, but I manage to talk him down and explain my situation, and he gets pretty stern when I tell him Sabbat have chased me into town. He's nice enough to help me fix this mess, but, well, he says that the mess has to be fixed and I have to help. I'm not giving away that I'm a thinblood to a guy I just met, so I say I'm in as much as a fledgeling can be.

His plan is simple: we sneak out of the bar, lure them to a rail yard on the outskirts of town, and jump them there. Somehow we manage to sneak out unnoticed, and we drive past as conspicuously as we can in the RV. Once we get there, I step out to act as bait (chum more like, as far as I knew at the time) while he slips away.

The minivan pulls in after us, and for some reason Baby stays in the car. Maybe she knew something was up? Last time I dealt with her, she seemed to know the exact escape route I planned on taking. Either way I'm facing down Ronnie and Marissa, and Ronnie's talking all this shit about how I can't escape my destiny, and the Sword of Caine will run red with my blood, and whatever else Sabbat bullshit. And maybe it's the big scary brujah friend I've got about to ambush him or maybe it's me being tired of hearing the same Sabbat bullshit over and over, but for once I don't feel like I have to run.
I take out the stake I kept for myself and a hammer that the Brujah gave me. And Ronnie, this fat fuck, starts laughing and laughing, and pointing at me like I'm the funniest shit he's ever seen. That's when the vampire he didn't see comes up and puts that stake clean through his chest. I mean, I could see that third of a pool cue coming out the other side, and he's on the ground in an instant. Marissa starts clawing at my friend who I won't name, but he seems to be holding his own so I run to the van to find out what the Baby on board is up to. It was lucky I did, because right as I got the door open she began flooring it towards the brawl.

I push my way to the front of the minivan and wrestle the wheel out from Baby's hands. I swerve and miss the vampires, instead crashing... right into my RV. Fuck that, but at least she got a lot more hurt by the crash than I did. Fortitude is a nice power.

The rest of the fight is kind of a blur to be honest. I've got Baby pinned to the driver's seat, and she's trying to bite me but can't pierce my skin, and I keep just stabbing her with the stake until she stops moving. I look back over at the fight outside for a moment to see that Marissa has pulled the stake out of Ronnie, but he gets his head pulverized before he can stand. She doesn't last too much longer. I dunno if this is just one hell of a vampire I've got on my side, or if I just didn't need to be afraid of these freaks as much as I was. Probably both.

Anyways, now I'm kinda back where I started all this. No wheels, but no Sabbat chasing me down. At least I have a destination in mind, this time. If I can go back to add a bit to my answer to >>93347665, that's another tale from my unlife. Like a few others have said, generation and age definitely matter, but if you're scrappy and know what you're capable of I guess you can punch out of your weight class.
Congrats FF for surviving another wild night! Do you plan on sticking around with this Brujah or finding some wheels and moving on?
Moving on, he definitely seems like a good guy to keep in touch with but I've got a offer from Crimson that I've been kind of avoiding until I knew I was clear of these freaks. Now I'm at least in the right state, so hitchhiking there shouldn't be too much trouble. Besides, I don't know if this place has a scourge but given the attention I've drawn in just a single night I don't plan on sticking around to find out. LadyBlueBlood told me a while back that I need to find my purpose if I'm going to live forever. For now, I think I'm just content to travel and see what there is to see while trying not to get into much more trouble. I'll post updates from the road same as I have been.
Oh I'm sorry, again your post was linked right there so if 'patricians' are not 'politicans'. I'm so sorry.

>nosferatu are not the only clan that propsers?
All I know is that the graveyards are full, you wanted a census but would not one of your esteemed nosferatu breathern be a better source of information? It seems like everyone has to dance around the prince, except the nosferatu. I personally think that most of the High Clans are affected by madness, it may masquerade as refined tastes, aristocratic airs or actual mental illness but that leaves clans like the Nosferatu to prosper. Out of sight, out of mind apparently to my dim-witted ventrue cammies out there. If the extent of a princes power is the extent of his domain, and the prince simply won't set foot underground, in the sewers, in the graveyard. Would that not mean his power doesn't extend there.
>And if his power doesn't extend there how does he enforce his traditions.
How many nosferatu have you known to ask to sire anyway? They keep shuffling about, it's a rather impressive operation, it's part of what I spent my time investigating when I was in Camerilla spaces. Even without openly flouting the princes rules
>and as your kind are fast to admit, those rules exist exactly as far as they can be enforced
A rather elaborate shell game of identities, vampires moving between city to city, new fledgings being given older established identities. Neonates being sent to scenic sights to see what they can , set up a name, a description
>Ugly Nosferatu
And then pass it off to the next one, not unlike our shell companies. How would the princes possibly account for it. The nosferatu are the source of information more often then not, a role they have no doubt sacrificed some of their clan to achieve. But not that many. Go ask your nosferatu friends what they give the prince for free and you will see just how much an 'independent clan' they have carved for themselves.
A toast to your victory. Pass on my thanks to your Brujah savior, if you are still in the position to do so. I am glad to hear you are still heeding my words. I hope you reach your destination safely, and I hope that Crimson is still around. We haven't seen him in a while, I hope the Pyramid hasn't finally come down on him.

>when I was in Camerilla spaces.
I see. You failed in the Camarilla, and ran off to join the Sabbat. Unsurprising, but sad that Ventrue blood was wasted on you. You probably didn't even pass your trial to become a real Ventrue. You're seething that the Nosferatu act in their own interests, as if we don't. As if we don't achieve far more, with far greater privileges. Now, if any sense could be talked into you, you never would have dishonored your blood by joining the Sabbat, so I shall waste my time with you no further.
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But, like, why does anybody need to have this "hold" over stuff anyways? Why does the sabbat need to have what the camarilla owns? And why does the camarilla need to own anything anyways?
Because if you don't, someone else will
Haven't heard any word of him in Berlin or Ohio. But he's BFF's with a trans-continental teleporter and has a face that's impossible to place.
Gotta imagine he's made some place safe till the sun goes black and the moon turns bloody.
>Why does the sabbat need to have what the camarilla owns?
The answers vary. Some of these licks just figure "That's where the World Ending Third Generation Vampires are Hiding.", a lot of others have much more..lets call it temporal reasons. One just hates the Masquerade and wants us to just Drink Blood and not hide from people about it, another has a grudge because he or someone he knew were abused by the Camarilla, or just figures this is the simplest ways of taking out their former rivals, I know at least one Antitribu who's got ambitions to recreate the First City and I would bet my left fang on who he wants as the New Caine, three guesses which Clan he's from.
>three guesses which Clan he's from.
Malk, Lasombra, Tzimisce. Which one was it?
I must have been thinking around it wrong. Instead of "new caine", I was thinking "He thinks he's caine".
Hey, is the whole masquerade thing still in effect when it's Halloween? Or can we freeball it?
Congrats FF, glad to hear you destroyed that pack. there comes a time when you need to decide if you want to be a victim, or a fighter, glad you picked the second one. If you end up in my town somehow, we can meet up for some Thai food, i know a place that's open real late. As for crimson, who knows what happened to him, maybe he just got bored of posting here, or is really busy with that revenant chicken.
Officially? Yes. Unofficially, I like to have fun with it. You can find people from the vampire subculture (as in goth kine) renting out clubs for Halloween parties (they call it "court") where they blast shitty emo music and drink each other's blood by using razor blades on themselves. I won't specify the city I do this in, but you'll find they're especially big in New Orleans, New York, and Atlanta, to name a few. One chick asked me who my "fangsmith" was because my "fang caps look freakishly real". 10/10, I highly recommend it as long as you can manage not to burst into laughter while you're there.

This is an actual thing that happens, by the way.
"Fangsmith"? Can't they just 3D print them these days?
Either way, free and easy blood, shitty emo music and a party on Halloween night. Can't go wrong. Thanks, man!
What a world we live in
The underlying reason is older than the sects themselves. The Jyhad, or the Eternal Struggle as some who do not like the arabic root word prefer to call it, is seemingly unending. Some claim it is the result of Antediluvians pulling their progeny's strings in some great game, others think it's simply what happens when you put a bunch of blood-drinking immortals together. The Sabbat are typically the aggressor in these conflicts, and the Camarilla is merely responding to those who would slaughter all who stand against them, and doom the world with their foolish notion of what "ruling" the kine actually entails. The Camarilla is simply an enforcement mechanism for a set of laws that have bound our kind since the earliest nights, as well as a structure to allow for cross-city support networks. It's a rather small and unobtrusive government when compared to most mortal ones. But what >>93367450 said is also true to some degree.

It's significantly loosened on Halloween, yes. My incredible vampire costume has become something of a local fixture in my domain's mortal population. However, don't think you can outrun a car in public just because it is Halloween.
Not to mention it's a great time to get blood dolls. Just make sure they understand discretion
wtf drinking stranger's blood sounds like a medical crisis waiting to happen
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I looked this up because it confused the shit out of me too. They do them custom-fit, and I can't imagine shoving plastic in your mouth is pleasant for anyone above the age of 5 (like picrel). They make the "fangs" out of the same stuff in like, dentures and retainers.

Massive risk because these people are 100% the types to immediately tell their best friend that vampires are real. I mean, 90% of them play Revenant, so like, just imagine that kind of demographic's reaction to getting a peek behind the masquerade.
Congratulations, you're an absolute riot.
I do hope for your sake things'll be a little less turbulent for now, but man do I love reading about about your exploits.
A portent of the future:
>The Guruhi join the Sabbat.
>The Kiasyd kill all faeries, and then walk out into the sun.
>The Shango rejoin with the Assamites as the Fourth Caste: Black Assamites.
>The Naglopers form a new sect: The Black Israelites.
>The Osebo run rampant across Africa, killing everyone in sight. Surprisingly, crime rates decrease significantly as a result.
>The Technocracy are wiped out by hunters who think they invented vampires.
>Pentex goes bankrupt after the Tzimisce, formerly known as Old Clan Tzimisce, sue them for copyright infringement.
>The Rosselini reject the Giovanni returning to humanity and join the Black Israelites. They are all transformed by vicissitude into black men, including the women.
>The Telyavelic Tremere move to Finland. Realizing that the Finns are Asian, they realize they are also Asian. They join the Kuei-Jin.
>The Dominate Malkavians reunite with the Laibon Malkavians join the Black Israelites after realizing they are the true Malkavians.
>The Cappadocians embrace their Turkish heritage and realize they are actually Asian. They join the Kuei-jin.
>The Osebo, after killing all mortals in Africa, join the Anarchs. This massively improves the organization and efficiency of the Anarchs.
>The Akunanse realize that Nagasaki is actually Niggasaki, and realize they are actually Japanese. They join the Zhong Lung.
>The Black Spiral Dancers join the Black Israelites.
>The Nagaraja join the Independents.
>Ur-Shulgi joins the Dependents.
The Daughters of Cacophony allow men into their ranks and are now known as The Children of Cacophony.
>The Black Hand leave the Sabbat and join the Black Israelites, seeing their favourite colour is now represented.
>The Mummies join the Sabbat.
>The Rokea realize they aren't paid by Gaia and take up new jobs as domesticated sharks at Sea World.
>Ran off to join the Sabbat
Love I know you're trying to score points to impress the boss, but it's already been established that I'm Anti-tribu. I wasn't a convert to the Sabbat, I was a spy for them for a time, a benefit of being one of the seven clans is the ability to show up and play the fledging.

>Seething that the Nosferatu act in their interests
No I just find it interesting that the Nosferatu interests have far outstripped a 'high clan' in terms of scale, accomplishment and protection. outside of the Rankest Fledgings, how often is it the nos causing issues? Frankly you should be learning the 'Nosferatu' method and applying it to yourself and your clan. Think of it as Just in time stockpiling, imagine the number of masquerade breaches you could prevent. Sadly Ego still is a curse in the clan I see.

I've come here
>Explained how we can all work together to great effect
>Offered business opportunities
>Reached out in friendship not enslaving people with a 'mandatory membership'
>Offered helpful observations about who the real 'trendsetters' are in the Camerilla and what might be learned from copying their methods.
But what do I get for it? A neonate drunk on an elder's power, endless baying for blood. A whole lot of 'I don't see any 'I' in team". Your faction is literally beginning to splinter, Surely you must see how a feudal framework of rules and regulations (The effect when rules exist merely as far as the prince can or cares to enforce them) are bad for business?
>Waste my time on you no further.
Here, so you don't feel like your time is completely wasted. That pinstripe jump suit? The one you like? Makes you look like a blimp. A giant undead blimp.

We're at war with the eldars and have been graced some time to prepare. We must bring things under control for war you understand.

Ahh Malkavian Light, I understand.

>Small and unobtrusive
Who is lying now not so little sister.
My sire finds this so funny that he has sent it to me every month for the last ten years

Pls stop
Observe, the highest form of Sabbat discourse; name-calling and needing to get the last word in.
Hey LadyBlueBlood. not ontopic but thanks for recommending me to join the camerilla. honestly you guys are alright and i was wrong about you. i am now currently working as a deputy with the local sheriff (Venture from british colonial days) and he is a like a sire i never had. guy even wants me to disciplinemaxx just like him too. and he even gives me a salary and promise a bonus and promotion if i keep being his enforcer.
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It's been a while
You should just make it his desktop background.
I just had a most "fun" night.
Looks like the Loyalist part of my clan just made a move and tried to kill me. They lured me out with by revealing one of them to a ghoul, so I had to investigate a suspected appearance of an unknown kindred. One of them tried to shoot me with an anti-materiel rifle silenced with basic Quietus. Fortunately I was able to sense the danger due to my proficiency in Auspex so the shot barely missed. Another one immediately tried to attack me with a blade covered with poisoned Vitae using advanced levels of Celerity, but I managed to immediately turn into a mist cloud using my Dur-An-Ki powers, automatically triggered by a specific old ritual. Both assassins retreated, and I called our Sheriff, concealed myself with Obfuscate and immediately used a ritual to track the attackers. They obviously had some remote magical support from a Loyalist Sorcerer, but I was able to overcome his interference and followed their trail together with the Sheriff. After a long and rough bike chase involving dodging lots of automatic fire and even a single-shot "Shmel" thermobaric missile launcher shot we finally got them, killing one and capturing another.
I feel it was just a probing attack and it's going to get much worse.
I've insantly grounded my childe as she is obviously going to be targeted and her whining immediately started to annoy me. She still doesn't comprehend the gravity of the situation.
Yeah, it has! Where you been?
>become immortal vampire
>finally thing I will play all the games in my steam library
>10 years later and the backlog keeps growing
I swear I had more free time BEFORE I got turned, like the amount of shit I have to spend my nights doing...
I am glad to hear that you have found a position in the Camarilla that you are comfortable with and that best suits your talents. Deputy is a noble position, and it lets you engage in all of the fun parts of being a sheriff without having to deal with Primogen council politics. Let us know if you get any funny calls, it would be amusing to hear of them.

Indeed. I have a tendency to assume the worst.
My congratulations. The Camarilla is obviously not perfect (no sect is), but at least it reliably works and doesn't actively encourages its member to be rabid monsters, like the Sabbat does.
Hi, it's been a while. How are you?
You ever seen that Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough At Last" before? It's uncomfortably prescient regarding unlife; there's always something getting in the way of idle leisure.
oh wow, how was India?
I feel your pain, man. Nights are short.
I took a peek in the basement of my sire's castle and I have to ask, are dragons real?
Okay, so don't freak out or anything... but I think I attained Golconda.

Like I went physically there, well the real place in India, but also spiritually? Well, that's a later part.

I met other kindred in Golconda, Triclops Cowboy's brethrens, and with their guidance I got it! Yeah, that doesn't explain much...

I admit at first I didn't really want enlightement. Having just earned my freedom, I simply decided to spend my free time on random stuff, and I told myself "Golconda, why not?" I was apprehensive of meeting the other three eyes, because of what Mr Crimson Pinstripe Suit said. Though they were really kind and took their time to have me warm up to them without hurry.

There was some training, and I admit that I was a bit difficult to work with. They wanted to teach me their disciplines, but I heard it makes you grow a third eye on the forehead and I find that gross. Sorry Triclops, but yeah, it's gross.

So, huh, yeah. There were a few weeks/months of training, and among those I had to repent for my vampire sins. Luckily, I haven't been unalive for long so I didn't rack up quite a toll. Plus most of them I was forced to perform due to the contracts and blood bond... but less doesn't mean it's easier.

After a while the gurus said I was ready and I took what seems like a lifetime journey inside the world of dreams and my own soul... they called it suspire

It... it was horrible. I nearly failed that part. I saw a reflection of myself, bounded and gagged like I was before, trying to convince me that I always liked being a slave. I followed orders because I wanted to, that even without the blood bonds and contracts I would have done it. Then I realized that it wasn't just a reflection I saw, but also myself. I was subconsciously putting chains on me. I felt the beast within going berserk since I was about to cage it forever within myself, with myself. Its tantrums were tearing my soul apart.

"Mark these signs, they are
coming! Gehenna
will be on earth.
Mark the
shadow which
mark the dragon
which rises(11)
mark the darkness
which moves
mark the shadow of the
mark the angel that dies
mark the maiden who weeps
mark the children
mark the Clanless who
run. "

DeLaurentis believed "the Dragon" in question refers to the resurrection of Vovoide Vlad II Drakul, better known as Vlad the Impaler or Dracula. I imagine what you've witnessed is a bit less, allegorical.
At this point I'd say it's a safe assumption that they are
Honestly, at that point I was barely conscious or intact. All that I can recollect was that I saw flashes of you guys. Everyone that helped me. Even if my other self was right and I got enslaved and bonded for so long and so strongly that it tainted my mind, it is still not my very nature. I am a tree, and this tree is freedom. A twisted branch won't dictate my outcome. If I struggle to grow, I know I can always count on others to show me the light and nourish my roots!

This was the first step to untangle my mind. It took way longer in self discovery, but eventually I woke up.

Though when I was awakening, somewhere between dream and reality, I was accosted by a magnificient being. Imagine an angel, but the human part is like made of cosmos and barely visible, and instead of a single pair of wings he has dozens of them. Hundreds. Thousands. I can't count them. And some of them were bound in chains. Chains like I used to wear. So I kinda felt a kindred spirit, of sorts. He asked me if I yearn for freedom, and I answered yes. He asked if I want to seize my freedom, and I answered yes. He asked if I was ready to explore everything, to pass every barrier and let nothing ensnare me... and I said yes. I felt some of their chains snapping, then I was back on earth.

So I don't know if something went wrong with my Golconda, one thing for sure I am still kindred. Kinda. But also human? I don't yearn for blood, or need it. Did I became a thinblood?I don't know. I also didn't grow a third eye, but wings

(you know, angel wings are cute, but now I can't wear shirts or coats anymore or lie on my back and hardly on my sides. Third eye is gross but less of a bothe I guess?)

I have stopped using the path. I don't know if I can anymore, but anyway it was a crutch. My innate power, it seems to have exploded in strength! I won't be needing the path, as what I got right now is universes beyond that!

So yeah. I'll be leaving soon. There are many places that I want to see.
I'm glad you achieved Golconda, (though i have never known anyone who got wings from it), but yes Golconda has many benefits, as it boosts both your link to humanity and your powers as vampire.
Malkavian here?!1 Been dead for about 40 years I think (do I?), my eyes opened(closed?)when I was 28. You are all figments of my mind, I'm the only one here? I know something you(yes they know they're you) don't.
Take care, best of luck, don't get killed!
I know someone who claims to have seen one. I also once saw a Tremere experiment called a "half-dragon". What you likely saw was a fleshcrafted experiment of your sire's.

Not to be negative, but I am skeptical you achieved this mythical Golconda, and in record time of what, a few months?

I enjoy being busy, truthfully. My unlife has been a constant scramble until recently, and the sudden placidity is itself somewhat irksome.
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>and the sudden placidity is itself somewhat irksome.
That's the REAL curse of clan Ventrue.
The Tzimisce, correct?
Anything you can imagine is real, Neonate. Flesh is yours to form, and if you attain the power of the spirits you will find that there is no limit to your power of creation.
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The bread is stale so I'll leave these crumbs for anyone(me) who wants to feed the ducks later. The puppies are howling in scandinavia. Young and angry brururururururjha are wintering by the melting pot. The duck women are livid, uppsala is vacant(lovely this time of year). Good morning(night).
Great trouble for the peninsula then, as usual.
Sometimes I peer across the Baltic sea and wonder who would fight over such an accursed land, particularly in recent years. I'm sure some elder has some claim or grudge for the frostbitten land, but I can't imagine working in such volatile conditions, and from what I'm told, neither can the established princedoms.
am back, had no power for a few days
Damn! Good to have you back, hope everything's alright now
good to be back, those days were hell without ac

I think everything is settled, the clawing stopped but I still feel weird, kinda like I'm simultaneously overstimulated and not
When was the last time you had a drink?
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Quite the vacation spot, right(left)? Had this gnawing voice in a cozy(damp) spot in the back of my head(amygdala)that told me the luddites in this parchment would appreciate(scream) to hear(read) it. No offense(mutts the lot of you?) to any gangreliroonies that actually have figured out how to weave baskets(have a biscuit)
recently ate a rat, god this feels weird, I just hope my friends get me some help, weirdest thing is that I can feel parts of my body shift, similar to how I felt when I got turned into a kindred... might just be my body getting used to the new disciplines I no doubt gained from that bastard that attacked my warren... I swear the shadows move occasionally in ways they shouldn't, hope it doesn't bite me later
I'm rather certain we're safely anonymized on the network, as long as you keep yourself that anonymized. As you can imagine, the Nosferatu have great respect for the art of discretion.
if the shadows seem to be moving it could be Obtenebration the Lasombra's ability to control darkness.
I have no doubt the nozzies(distinguished gentlemen) have this place locked down tighter than the brujah underneath Carthage(salty) but some eyes(eye) are hard to hide(submerged) from. Doesn't hurt (ouch!)to be careful in any case(well). But that's probably just the paranoia(schizophrenia) talking.
Well, once I reached the mindscape it lasted over a lifetime. Couldn't count the years, as time is pretty relative in there. Another point though, is that it requires to amend for every sin you commited as a kindred, being really young I didn't have much and I already had high humanity.

Though I agree with you that I'm kind of doubtful if I 100% achieved it, since I got wings instead of a gross third eye. Plus the angel figure. Heard an angel offered Golconda, but, well... to have one appear before me. In chains too? Did Saulot had one? Well he's like my companion now and I guess I'm bond to him now. So, eeeeeh... Wouldn't tell me their name, so I'm calling it Icarus Ultima. Sounds cool in my head, plus the wings motif.

I got the feel that I didn't fail to reach Golconda. Also I didn't turn feral, so unless willpower as a role to play with that it also stands to reason that I didn't fail.

Well I've "lost" the path of mercury, but had my natural teleporting powers magnified... I didn't really pursue other vampiric powers (I wasn't allowed) except auspex, but only a little. Also Tellurian, though even if I was taugh a little I understand nothing of it.

You know, now I'm wondering something, because of the chained angel and new powers... if I gained back my humanity/soul... would I be eligible to be a mage? I heard us kindred can't since our soul gets snuffed away or something, so we don't have wizard powers and rely on weaker blood magic instead... but now I wonder...

Thanks! I'll have one last visit to my friends on this site (in person) then I'll go everywhere and even beyond! Perhaps even space?
how does that power even work? do you focus on manipulating the shape of the shadow?
Indeed, caution is advisable in any manner. There are many means of finding one without a name and a face.
Guess I better inform Bruce that Take Alive order just became redundant, but then again you were ever beyond our reach.
Best of luck, give the Sun my regards..
I've never heard an explanation of Otenebration from a Lasombra that wasn't steeped in purple prose.
The most straightforward explanation I got was that you don't manipulate it as much as commanding it. I can't quite explain it myself just that it..makes a weird sort of sense.
Must be nice(fascinating) to be able to reshape (muddy the waters)your flesh at will like your clan(dirt blanket). But I suppose not even that can deter more decerning eyes(snouts), especially the venerable ones(father sees)
I don't have quite the interest in making monstrosities and weapons as my peers do, but it's an incredible ability I never take for granted. Fascinating, it is, I've dedicated over a century to studies and experimentation with it. As for discerning eyes? I've really made very little difference to myself at all with it anyhow.
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Okay this didn't go as I planned. I decided to go to her and have a talk but not too long she turned into a werewolf, called me a leech and tried to kill me with those claws.

Thankfully I'm VERY fast, like, it's not even celerity I'm just fast.

I don't get it, I was being really nice. What do lupine girls like?
Try Pup-Peroni.
You're a vampire, you dimwit. They hate you for what you are. Get that through your head, and stop pursuing this goal. I only have been able to speak to Werewolves once, and it was under existential threat. Even then, one almost mauled me over a misunderstanding.

Buy some silver bullets, tell your sheriff where they live, and hope this just blows over.
I tried that, I noticed she looked offended so I quickly said it was a joke nice save, I know ;) but it wasn't enough.

She said I smelled like worm taint and I don't know what this means but I'm sure she was just trying to be hurtful, I smell impeccably.
You have worms(we all do), spritual worms her kind don't like one bit(bite). If you have a gangrel(stinky)friend they hate them slightly less depending on where in the world you are(not einherjar?) You could try recycling, they like nature(hippies). But chances are you'll just die(see you in Valhalla).
The lupines believe our kind to be agents of something they call the Wyrm, their forsworn and (probably mythical) enemy
Well, maybe if we talked more outside of existential threats things could be better between our kinds?

>Buy some silver bullets
lol that actually works on them? I thought it would be like garlic is to us. Come to think of it I shouldn't have brought that silver bracelet for her

Spirits? Look I don't believe in ghosts. But thanks for the advice on recycling, I'll start right away
truly i have no clue, the angel being your companion makes it sound like a mage's avatar, but mages don't grow wings (unless they wish to).
Can an avatar even hijack golgonda? Would explain why it made wings instead of the usual third eye? Also I heard paradoxing can mutate you, though I know so little about mages I’m not sure if they can paradox by simply awakening

Though golgonda is mostly theoretical for most of us, and that scenario is an improbable theory upon another improbable circumstance. One in a hundred million. Odds are we’ll never ever see it again to confirm if it’s the case

Though, shit if you guys can teach us how to speedrun nirvana like her I’m willing to join you
You see, it's all a big misunderstanding. I don't work for no worm, I'm not a Tremere either
It's quite unfortunate, then. it seems her mind is set. You'll just have to embrace her.
Banish any thoughts of coexistence from your mind or you will suffer final death at their hands. The majority of them believe we are little more than evil spirits inhabiting a corpse, in service to the aforementioned "Wyrm", some evil chaos snake god they believe exists. Even those with enough of a critical mind to realize that is not the case believe we are an affront to nature, due to our undead existence.

Your girlfriend isn't coming back. She only liked you because she thought you were mortal. See how quickly her care for you soured upon learning your true nature. Purge yourself of any and all sympathy for this beast wearing a woman's skin and yes, silver bullets do work. Get something high caliber, silver goes through their unnaturally thick hides as easy as a bullet pierces mortal flesh. A good shot to the heart or head and they're done. Don't miss, they're very fast, and very good up close.
you idiot she's gonna kill you for being a vampire because her religion demands it.

again i have no clue with what happened with Red's redemption, also not all golcondites get a third eye, since the road to Golconda is unique for every seeker, and according to some sources the third eye was a gift from Caine to Saulot, for being the moral antediluvian that didn't help kill the 2nd generation. As for joining, we can iron out the details in direct messages if you wish.
Do we get to chose what kind of mutation we get? I’d like laser eyes myself or skin made of diamond!

And yeah, I’m interested. You lot sounds like good people and also many want your heads and I like to fight, so I get to fight more
You may be interested in the Path of Metamorphosis and the attainment of Azhi Dahaka
Vicissitude is a path to many abilities some kindred would consider to be... unnatural
You dont get to choose, whatever happens happens.
May I inquire to your clan?
I should elaborate further, it's not a creature formed to resemble something else, but moreso a complete skeleton.
My query was more along the lines of finding out if my sire spends his time sculpting a very elaborate display or if these are truly the bones of a long dead creature and the implications thereof.

That's absolutely fascinating.
Sorry your tongue slipped.
I doubt your sire would be in possession a true dragon's skeleton, especially since he is of the Tzimisce. Such things are harder to come by than fragments of the true cross.

Much more likely, your sire is constructing the framework for a new vozhd or perhaps, even a new body. Have you ever seen your sire's zulo, if he has one?
>a complete skeleton
>the bones of a long dead creature
Might be a dinosaur skeleton that's being reshaped by vicissitude to serve as a framework for some monstrous horror of flesh and spite. Seems more likely than a dragon.
How did you guys get to Al anyway.

I've only known one werewolf that is okay around vamps, only one. Mostly because my warren helped a pack take down something called a 'black spiral dancer' which according to the wolves means a wolf that serves the wyrm, also we've provided intel on pentex for them on a few occasions

what clan are you?
>Vlad the Impaler
heard rumors that he had a sword that the tremere stole, any truth to that?
>have you ever seen your sire's zulo, if he has one?
I should certainly hope a Tzimisce without realizing their zulo hasn't sired a childe.
Fossil's are no longer dead flesh, that having rotted long ago and the space left by them filled in by inert rock. Surely they're not valid targets for Necromancy or Vicissitude?
>It's more than terrifying the idea that a rock in the shape of a skeleton counts? Is it the shape itself or is it calling it a skeleton? I mean houses have skeletons, surely that's not a valid target for vicissitude.
[Spoiler]Inb4 Warehouses[/spoiler]
Far too many have done so already
Profoundly upsetting. For what purpose? Why take on a progeny if you have no knowledge to pass on? If you yourself have not realized your potential, how are you going to develop a childe into greatness? It's almost sickening.
This sounds reasonable. And yes, I have seen his zulo, though I was bleeding out in a dark forest at the time. I do vividly remember wings however.

Like >>93379380 said, it can't be that old considering it's still bone, but I do get the mix-up, poor choice of words on my part, apologies!
Won’t ever trust a fiend

Shame, but understandable
Maybe dinosaur ghosts can still possess fossils and come back to destroy us all
They say that we can't feel love, but I saw the Kine girl again, the one with eyes as blue as the ocean I drowned in, and something just happened to me. It's impossible to describe this feeling again. I don't want to talk with my sire about it because she hates Kine (and I'm afraid that she might do something to her). Can any Toreador describe what this... feeling is?
You just found a fixation, a muse, a north star to guide your creative and artistic expression in this dreary and endless unlife. Enjoy it, feast on it, gorge yourself to excess on that feeling, while you can. Because it won't last forever, and I don't mean that just because she's mortal.
well everybody i have a childe now. my sire is already on her way to visit her grandchilde, God it took far too long to find a good candidate, but i did it.
Good luck with that, don't get it killed.
How does siring work with the Salubri anyhow? Do they take after their sires or is there a chance that they may be healers/warriors?
congrats, triclops, raise them well
Not a Toreador, here's an outside opinion. Have you talked to her yet?

May I inquire as to what qualities a proclaimed Salubri Warrior looks for in their childe?

In addition, a broader question to the thread: Do you feel any desire to embrace another, and why? Perhaps it is my youthful age, but I see no reason to embrace someone in the immediate future. Obviously, even elite clans require new blood now and again, but I enjoy a hands on approach to solving problems, and have never come across a circumstance where I felt as if I needed another vampire of my blood, that I could not get by simply collaborating with an existing Ventrue. While I can see hypothetical circumstances in which I would want to embrace a childe, I have never met a mortal I felt required the embrace, one that is worthy of noble Clan Ventrue.
I used the same sort of blueprint my sire used, a warrior poet. Someone who has seen conflict and can handle it along with being intelligent and moral. In short she is an army veteran, with a good grasp on philosphy and theology, and a desire to do right.
As for reasons well you just hit a certain age and you get this feeling, i cant explain it, its probably akin to humans wanting to be parents.
Sniff... hold these precious times in your heart. Childer grow up so fast. Sooner than you think they'll be neonates, eager to strike out on their own.
God bless Alex Jones. I could probably punch a hole through Oprah Winfrey's chest and eat her heart on live TV, and thanks to him people would still think vampires are some ridiculous conspiracy theory.
I wouldn't put it past a whimsical Tzimisce to turn the friggin frogs into giant gay szlachta.
You know, I think I know which whimsical Tzimisce you have in mind...One big, gay frog woman deranged enough to make more big, gay frogs.
Have any of you done work for PenTex before? I've been offered a junior trainee role with a fast track to an Executive position due to my... vampiric condition. The compensation package is tempting but I hear there are Sabbat board members on the executive committee. Does sect affiliation affect the company culture?

Also, what's the work-unlife balance like? The vacation day and working hours clauses in the contract were pretty solid. Although I have some apprehensions on the contract length of 200 years.
Ask yourself how confident are you at surviving werewolves (plural) converging on your location for the express purpose of playing tug of war with your spinal cord.
They were pretty big on allowing remote work via astral projection which I'm good enough at Auspex to do regularly. Although I'm also expected to show up to HQ in person at least once a month so that's a good point that I hadn't considered. How fast are the lupines?

It just feels like such a great opportunity though. I could make good money while networking with big movers and shakers in the biz.
>It just feels like such a great opportunity though.
Ask yourself, why do they need to offer such incredible enticements to fill this position? Why is it that someone isn't filling it already? What happened to the last person that filled this position, that they're now needing to replace them?

>How fast are the lupines?
Faster than you. Do you have Celerity? Doesn't matter, still faster than you.
Your qargumentsmake too much sense
It's better this way. The vampires they hire are probably Ventrue anyway.
And here I thought they were hiring me for my trademark Toreador good looks…
I figure if I'm already a thinblood, embracing somebody would just result in, like, a thinner-blood? Honestly not even sure if my blood would work to embrace somebody, but honestly right now I've got no desire to try. Obviously there's the fact that I'm a fledgeling myself, but unless it was somebody I already wanted to travel with, it seems like I'd just be either dragging someone else along for my ride or doing the same thing my sire did and just abandoning them. Plus, gonna be honest, it'd be weird calling anyone who looks older than me my "childe" and I can't really embrace anyone younger looking than myself without immediately veering into creep territory.
I asked my Sire about this once. She told me that if I tried to embrace someone, that someone would probably just die.
I keep hearing rumors about a 16th generation, meaning that some 15th generation thinbloods must have the ability to embrace. Thinblood syndrome seems to have different effects depending on the person. In short you might actually be able to embrace someone.
I would not recommend working for PenTex. The pay and stuff are all great but we just get WAY too many werewolf attacks. Fucking lupines just have a hate boner for Industry, I guess
do not work for PenTex, my warren did some digging into them and they are up to some nasty stuff, hence the lupine attacks
for context, apparently my warren has a connection to a group of lupines, mostly the lupines contact us to get info for them. Been that way since before I joined them in undeath

also update on recent events: feeling better but on edge, kinda like suspense, right now trying to take my mind of it by chatting and online stuff
Pentex execs can burn in hell. Lupines are right to want them dead.
That's interesting, I hadn't heard much about that. I guess I could have assumed it, since I have some other traits that I've been told are unusual for a thinblood.

Thincel, how does the sun treat you? I'm bothered by it, but definitely not hurt in any capacity no matter how long I've stayed out in it. People here have told me that's pretty unusual for a thinblood, so I wanted to hear from you.
My blood is as far from Caine as I, or any of my Tzimisce peers would accept. Many still consider 10th generations thinbloods. Perhaps when my work is complete and I have achieved greater power I can pass down, it may be worthwhile. The world is always in need of more scholars.
No, but I have assassinated a Pentex executive before. They're a cult pretending to be a company, they do some kind of black magic mixed with bastardized science to create horrors, seemingly for its own sake. Usually they fly under our radar despite operating in similar circles. One of their more tame products is a beer with some sort of spirit in it that makes the person who drinks it more violent, seemingly for no other reason than to increase domestic abuse.

>Many still consider 10th generations thinbloods
10th? Where do you people unlive? I have never heard anything approaching that. The 13th generation is the last guranteed "proper" generation, and this is well documented.
I think some elders with a more medeival mindset hold that view, indeed in the dark ages any generation that was double digits was considered rabble by many.
We Tzimisce, particularly in Europe, are a very conservative people. We choose our progenies carefully, and infrequently compared to other clans. A poorly-chosen childe could embarrass and discredit one's entire bloodline until the end of time in such small circles.
>13th generation is the last guranteed "proper" generation
I agree, there is most certainly a definitive generational milestone in which one is conclusively a thinblood, however our elders will still refer to the blood of the 10th and 11th generation as thin.
Indeed, to share this curse with a mortal child is the greatest sin. If I had the means, I would stake all who have cursed an innocent soul, crucify them, and leave them for dead in the domain of the werewolves.
If you start working for them, I’ll kill you myself. They are a group of wretched infernalists worthy of nothing less than total destruction.
You would be forging chains onto your own soul, welded to a demon’s whims.
How did one of the Vampire in Roika games get away with making a game about us? I mean sure there studio dissolved but shouldn't they have been hunted down for portraying our culture, clan, sects and various other thing
There's something fishy going on there for sure. Whether it's one vampire or many working as a group, they must have some kind of major pull.
Might've been a vampire behind it from the start, setting up some Refuge in Audacity. If there's a niche game with direct parallels to kindred society, then when one of us gets caught doing some of those things, the mortals are more likely to think of them as dedicated fans of that game instead of actual vampires. There's no masquerade breach if the kine just think you're a tremendous nerd.
Exposure to sunlight is incredibly painful for me. With that said, I don't immediately burst into ash when exposed to the sun. It seems to affect me more gradually than other other vampires.

I can get away with walking around in the daylight for a while while wearing a welding helmet and very heavy clothes (a good helping of sunblock too). Still, it's extremely uncomfortable and I would rather not risk it.
It's 100% this. That shit would never in a million years be published otherwise.
He'd call you a democrat.
That's why we love him.
>Not a Toreador, here's an outside opinion. Have you talked to her yet?
No, I've been struck with a feeling of dreadful apathy of sorts, as if I do something, or reveal myself, this feeling will disappear, or I will frighten and lose her.
Is that what this is? I want to hold it in my hands like an ember, but I'm too afraid to lose it.
>Your girlfriend
She was never my girlfriend, we never met before. That's what I believe is the problem here, she only thinks those horrible things because she doesn't know me yet

At first I didn't want to diclose what my clan is for the sake of privacy but if you guys need to know then sure, I'm a Nosferatu. Why?
just curious, I'm a Nossie too. She probably saw your monstrous face and assumed you were a horrid person, Some wolves can be like that... word of advice, tread carefully in shifter territory, certain tribes of wolves are more hostile towards kindred then others
Friendly advice: if you're after final death, a shotgun to the temple would be way easier.
I think I look Heavy Metal

... okay?
werewolves don't like kindred and will attack on sight in most cases, often killing you painfully. Best avoid that shifter-woman, I doubt she'll let you live if she finds you again...
Unless you haven't been released from your sire, you should try talking to her just to make sure she's actually all that. Just staring at her from afar is creepy, and a lot more likely to put her off of you than if you approach her like a person. You're a Toreador, I shouldn't have to explain courtship to you. Love is not impossible between mortals and immortals, so just try and see if she is your miss perfect.

She will never get to know you now, get that through your thick skull. She doesn't want to listen to you, she doesn't even view you as a human being anymore. She almost certainly thinks you are a corpse hosting a demon of sorts, the ship has sailed. So, either heed the advice of every single person here who has given it to you, or stop wasting our time and talk to her again so you can meet final death already.
I thought you were going to embrace her. What happened?
If you truly love her, it's what you have to do. It's the only way to establish a lasting relationship between you two.
...do fucking not embrace a shifter, just don't, it's something the camarilla, sabbat, anarchs and shifters can universally agree on.
My ferret told me not to trust any of you. You're all apart of an anti-kine operation and you glow in the dark
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>and you glow in the dark
No, I don't.
You really needed your ferret to tell you that?
The new generations have been so irresponsible. It's all been downhill since the Ottomans took Constantinople! A few a years ago, a pack of Sabbat brigands came into my domain and embraced 30 childer in one night. The nerve of them!

My ghouls and I barely managed to fight off the frenzied fledglings and keep them from reaching the sleeping kine. I lost many good warghouls that night.

Do any of you have good suggestions for keeping these "shovelheads" out? I've sent warnings to the nearby barons before but it seems as though these younger kindred do not even listen to their sires these days.
>do fucking not embrace a shifter
For the love of anything you still hold sacred, DO. NOT. embrace a lupine. The absolute best case scenario, your vitae will act like a caustic poison in their veins and they'll die screaming in agony. In the worst case scenario, well, vicissitude isn't the only way to create monsters. And you'll drag a lot of other kindred into final death with you before that thing gets put down.

I had the distinct displeasure of being one amongst two dozen kindred mustered by our Prince to bring an end to such an abomination, several years ago. Eleven were sent to their final deaths and it took me ages to regrow my face and right arm after it ripped them off and put me into torpor.

Do not make more of those things.

Terrifying part of that chronicle. The NPC coteries kept rolling botches and nobody but the Sheriff was higher than 11th generation, so there weren't really any big guns to pull out. 1 PC died and mine got put in torpor. Very exciting and fun though.
...Lower gen than 11th, not higher, whoops. Our PC's were 11,13,13, 14, & 15th.
If the Buzz lightyear reference wasn't obvious, I'm a nosferatu, about 28 as of this year and I'm in the 10 gen.
My childe is making a vitae smoothie right now does anyone know if that will even work without the blush of life?
Fire. It shows you're not fucking around and it can kill dozens of them at a time.
If you want to deter future raids you need to go on the offensive. The moment you strike back at the sabbat and kill a few true sabbat members not just night old shovelheads they tend to get scared amd stop.
Keep an ear to the ground about current events especially where Cammy and Sabbat are involved, and an eye on any alleuvial ground just outside of your territory. About a block or so.
Hey, first time I’m bothering to tripfag since many threads ago

Thread question: What’s the tastiest thing/kine/type of blood you tasted so far? I’m hungry right now and feel like a gourmet. Tbh I’m just looking for ideas. Last time I plucked the eyes off of two dozen women. Ate them in a bowl like smarties.

Shame Red’s free. That’s the kind of job that she used to pull, teleporting you away from the woofs before they even sniff ya
I'm no longer interested in meeting a Nagaraja.
Nagaraja prove yet again they are as low as Baali and setites
Why can't you be civilized?
That’s a good one, real knee slapper. They scream funny when they die

I used a bowl. Ain’t that more civilized than neck biting? Though I like biting necks… though usually there ain’t much neck left after I bite
If you do not consume flesh, why are you eating eyes? Are you unwell? Cursed, perhaps?
but will you scream funny when you die?
I don’t NEED to consume flesh. I do because I CAN. I have an extended palette and I’m taking advantage of it. Plus it’s more nourishments.

Plus I think there’s a certain je-ne-sais-quoi when picking meals based on themes. Like that one time where I ate a famous singer’s tongue, cheeks and vocal cords while listening to his best songs on radio. Camarilla covered it by saying he killed himself with a shotgun to the mouth (to explain most of the missing bits lol)
every fucking neonate claims they killed kurt cobain, or that they are him, or that they ghouled him.
90% chance you're a shovelhead playing pretend. But let me guess, you're some 500 year old 6th generation Tzimisce who's independent, and nobody can stop you ever.
If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, I'll stake you myself and diablerize you.
God I hope so
Ain’t no point living an interesting life if you got an uninteresting death am I right?

I was in the same city as him once. Shame I didn’t have my singer idea at the time though.

What did I have then? I think it was during my eat somebody whole in one night phase. Or was it when I was cooking a cut of every type? I like em bloody rare, but I can’t deny some taste good well done.

Ooooh! Diablerie! The forbidden flavor! I had many meals, graciously sanctioned by my prince! Almost makes one wish for another Sabbat raid! I swear, some of them shovelheads feel like self-filling piñatas!

Watch out, big guy! You might bit more than you can chew! kek

Not even close! I swear, you try to make it easier for some people with a clever nickname and they still don’t get it… alright I cheated. I am not sure of my clan myself, so I doubt you would have guessed it.

Been dead for nearly nine decades, and I look as if Gollum was suffering from gigantism and had sex with a shark. But like, very angry sex. I’m either a Nosferatu or a Gangrel. I got both curses and know disciplines of each. Got pretty eyes as pitch black as my soul, grey skin harder than leather, and a pointy smile to scare kids away. Adults too. Everyone really! Though I can eat flesh compared to most kindred! I pity you guys. You’re missing out.
Lot of movement in the woods tonight and my sire is away on business. If you don't hear from me again, most of you have been invaluable in my short unlife.
Doesn't your sire have szlachta?
Even I have szlachta.
mariner gangrel, callin it now
Bitch I might be

And I guess my blood mutated to get a nos look... or is it the other way around?

Well, I hang out more with nos anyway, so I guess they're more family than the rest
I am still leaning lying shovelhead, anyone actually this inhuman surely wouldn't be this performative. "Eyes as pitch black as my soul" sounds like something I would hear from a neonate Lasombra.
Question for the Kin here: What was your reaction on learning that other "super naturals" apparently existed. My sire had a small database packet on a lot of other monsters that existed and that freaked me the fuck out when I read it. I was shocked as all hell when I learned Fae, fucking Fae were really. I even got a bit excited when I found out about wizards( until they started getting annoying).
What about you guys?
>"Eyes as pitch black as my soul" sounds like something I would hear from a neonate Lasombra
lol they do sound like that don't they? Well, when they're not seething because you ventrues are in charge lol

You could say that me being performative is a sweet contrast to my bestial appearance. Or you know, that not everyone is the same and we are not bound to the beliefs on one's clan. Then again, my appearance surely reflects my inner nature. Or pêrhaps my inner nature changed with my appearance? There is no use to be a charitable human being when you look like a freakish monster, and are treated like one, does it? After a while you stop trying. Then you stop caring. Then you start to revel in it.

Hahahahaha! I like the spew shaky philosophy. Truth is, past and future don't matter. I am what I am now, and I relish anything fun that I can enjoy.

When I learned the garous existed, I immediately went on to hunt lupines. Of all the hunts I've participated though, only two were ever successful. Not many wolves were close to large pools of water.

The wounds and the loss of allies almost never makes it worth, but there's just something in their flesh that I can't find anywhere. You know how you could almost taste the forest from deer meat? It's the same, wild sensation but so intense... it's in a way like a drug.

I have no interest in ghosts, and I have yet to catch a fae. Wizards are a new one to me. What are they?
It was the inspiration to my unlife's work; if I had never known that psychics exist, there's no knowing where I would be now. I spent my living career attempting to understand the brain, and despite the shortcomings of medical science, I've found the otherwise antiquated methods of the 19th century to be a strong foundation for my research on the brain's potential for psychic ability.
"That wasn't a fucking Gangrel‽"
It seems consuming such an excess of cod blood has given you Fishbrain, neonate. I recommend more hearty, wholesome meals to ease your mind.
Well, funny enough my first post has been to ask for meal recommendations, but apparantly some people are not used to the fact that we're monsters eating people. So what that I am eating more than the rest? Sheesh.

I like your insult. Better than most. You won't believe how uncreative some people get, especially when dying.
You definitely act like a gangrel with a chip on his shoulder, surprised a shark-shifter hasn't torn you apart yet

I wasn't surprised, after all if kindred exist then there's probably some other supernatural crap out there
also I'm gonna be under going a ritual soon to sift through the memories to figure out what the hell I diablerized, the clawing has stopped and things still feel weird so hoping I didn't accidentally eat a malkavian. Context for new people: a kindred attacked my warren, killed half of the vamps that tried to stop it and I ended up frenzying and diablerizing it after it tore up my gf, she's fine but I'm in quarantine until the Primogen gives the all clear,
Most of our kind do not eat flesh, neonate. Most who do are of clan Nagaraja. Many of the rest are thinbloods.
Do you purge after eating? Or do you digest it?
I wasn't particularly surprised. Once I was informed I had become a vampire, it wasn't a stretch at all to imagine other supernatural creatures existed. Truthfully, I would be more suspicious if they did not.

I was warned about Werewolves while I was still a fledgling and I generally regard them with contempt and occasional pity, as they do have a mind that can sometimes overcome their base natures. Fae are fascinating, I have a transactional arrangement with a few. Ghosts were not terribly surprising, though I have had few direct interactions. As for mortal magic users, it was some time before I encountered any. They are exactly as they seem. Mortal humans with magical powers. This doesn't mean they're unimpressive, far from it, but I don't view them as an "other".

More fascinating to me are those things that are harder to classify. For example, I once came across a golem of sorts, unaware of who created her, or why a bizarre cult was after her. She still lives with me to this night. There are so many strange and wonderful things in the night, and I want to see them all.
Perhaps a more ruminative question, are there any strange and supernatural memories or questions you have from your mortal life that you now in retrospect have answers for?
Unrelated note: Is there anyone here that plays Magic: the gather that doesn't use any form of Black deck. Every Single kindred I've played with were either mono black or had a half black deck. Is there anyone that does today woth black seriously I need to variety.
Personaly; Honestly no. I mean maybe there was a time where I thought I heard something and maybe that was a ghost but it also could've been the wind. If we have our masquerade and every other group does the same then none of us should've been able to see beyond the viel before being turned.
Well, I am far from weak. Also, I got the advantgage of modernity on my side while shaping my disciplines. Good luck trying to eat me as a shark WHEN I TURN INTO A MEGALODON!

Seriously, it's the funniest shit there is. Turning into a shark that can swallow other sharks. They never expect it. Some managed to outmaneuver me, hurt me and escape, I'll grant them that. But I have yet to lose a confrontation.

Honestly, I can hardly remember my life before the embrace. Did I piss someone off and got Cleopatra-ed? Or was I chosen by a gangrel and given the usual indoctrination (or lack there of)? I'm just a night-to-night guy, having fun with my nossie bros and eating good.

Well, I guess my manner of speech, and all that fancy shit, I took it from them. Good lads.

I digest

I swear I saw a merit that allows to eat human flesh a while ago with even a description of how many blood points you gain when eating. It also said that you have to pick the Eat Food merit to take this merit. Though right now I can't find it...
When I was a girl, my father would sometimes have business meetings at our estate late at night, with men I would never see otherwise. Curious child that I was, I would sometimes spy on them. I saw the same few individuals very infrequently at formal functions my father either held, or was invited to. However, since my embrace I have been able to identify two of them, both are Elder Ventrue.
You may have mentioned this before but I seem to have forgotten and so I shall ask again. What is your generation?
you say far from weak but you don't know your generation right? my guess is 11th gen for you
Good morrow thence, entities of the night. One of thee hath said thee hadst slept with mine own moth'r, I taketh grave offense to this and dare whoev'r didst so to a duel.
12th generation, of the Line of Tinia. Neither Elder embraced me directly, I believe it had something to do with our clan's particular tastes. I was embraced by an agent of one of the Elders at his behest. Unlife is full of these little ironies. My father has been a ghoul of one of these Elders since I was a child, if not longer. My blood sire did his duty, and brought me into Clan Ventrue as a full member. Though I am now regarded as the adoptive childe of a 7th generation Ventrue.
i think your talking about the projectile vomit merit for nosferatu
Is this some fae joke i don't understand?
11th, sure. Why not. At this point it's just a number to me. Is it really that important? If someone fights me I kill them, which means either I'm stronger or they're weaker.

Someone turns into big shark to kill me? I turn into bigger shark. Someone throw bowling balls at my face? I catch them with my mouth, laugh while crushing it, then I throw telephone poles at theirs. Someone try to sneak up on me? I vanish in front of them and tickle their ribs with my teeth. Someone send rats into my haven to spy on me? Well, I can do something great back at them, but we nossie stick together and it's rude to spy on our turfs. SO they'll probably ask you to stop first. I like to contribute to the community's breeding pool. Since I eat more than most I don't mind spending a lot of vitae.

Point is, why care about stuff like that anyway? It eats away at your fun, while you should be having fun eating instead!
I think he just woke up from a really long nap and hasn't caught with to modern speech yet.
But he can totally use a computer?
you obviously haven't fought someone stronger than you, I have and I barely survived. let me put it this way, you throw telephone poles, a 8th gen would juggle cars, a 5th gen would be able to throw tanks like a baseball and can send you flying with the flick of the wrist. the lower your gen, the more tricks you can do.

he is saying that one of us claimed to have bedded his mother and he wants to fight the person who made the claim
Back in those days, knowledge of the "supernatural" world was not hidden from the eyes of kine. On nights with full moons, the ruling Kindred would assume fearsome and terrible forms to remind us of their power.
In my mortal youth, I had been sent to Constantinople to gather knowledge of the liberal arts and the latest innovations in medicine and alchemy on behalf of my Voivode.

The City was glorious but for all it's majesty and splendour, it could not conceal the constant melancholy that afflicted its kine and kindred alike. Jewel of Rome and beating heart of the World, yet there was always a sense of diminishment, a sense that things were not how they should have been.

Later in my life when I was embraced into the Tzimisce, I was taught about the Triumvirate and the Dream they had built in Constantinople, and how it came to be that they destroyed one another.

I still think about it from time to time. I did not know it then but mere decades after my visit, Constantinople would fall and the last vestiges of the dream would be snuffed out forever. Had I knowledge of its impending doom, I might have rushed to its defence. But I was a coward who had followed my sire into hiding in the wake of Anarch Revolts. By the time we received word of the Ottoman victory, there was little I could do but mourn the passing of the City.
no i understand that, its just that the way he is speaking is a complete joke. he got rid of the e in mother and whoever and replaced it with an apostrophe.
about fighting low gens (which you might be now congratulations!) i would imagine they would probably just use an elder discipline and handily beat him, i would use dream combat personally if i was fighting mr shark, most people have no clue how to fight in a dream so its easy way to torpor them.
What is this Magic: The Gather you speak of? I assume it is some new form of thaumaturgy originating from the Tremere
It is as described. You can eat someone, gain sustenance, but have to get the Eat Food merit. I’m sure I’m not making it up. I know that the Giovanni have the Cannibal merit. Perhaps I confused my thing with that? Or the merit I’m thinking about is from V5, or VTR?

Well, I don’t have the dexterity to juggle cars. That’s for sure. I can throw them. One at a time though. Got yelled after I fought sabbat in a parking lot. Turns out it belonged to a used car dealer company and the salesman >>93400311
was a ghoul of someone important. Made him cry and all that. Kind of a bummer to end the night on such a sour note after a fight that awesome. Can’t say anything about the tank. Never faced one. If I get my blood pumping as usual I might lift one up? I doubt that I could throw it… but pounding someone with a tank sounds pretty rad! Thanks, I’m adding that to the list of awesome shit I got to do!

Yeah, I call bullshit on that

Why the full moon? You were larping as garous? I guess I can understand. I’ve seen modern kine and their furry communities. You do you.
Maybe he was a computer whiz who was simply born in the wrong time?
In world war 1 before i met my sire, one night in the trenches i saw the ghosts of a wiped out platoon sitting in the trenches next to me completely silent. after a few moments they got up and rushed into no mans land, not making a sound. a few minutes later i heard the Germans screaming and shooting, and then silence. the next day we crossed no mans land unopposed the Germans were all dead, it looked like they had been strangled.
honestly i have no clue, there is way too many merits for anyone to keep track of
Damn that's freaky. Did anybody believe you or your squadmates?
Only i saw the ghosts, i was on night watch but everyone saw the strangled bodies. about half of em believed me. command would cover it up and describe it as a night ambush.
I guess I can see that. Maybe. Possibly. Improbably, but possibly.
Something that I miss is to be able to digest non-meat. Like I can add herbs and spices to my meals, but after extracting all the vitae I have to purge it from my stomach. Which is not a lot, granted, but it’s the minor annoyances that piles up during an eternity. Am I right?

Also blood bonds free blood wine. So hard to find.

But if I dream, wouldn’t I have of it? And if I’m a big shark and I dream we’re in the, what are you going to do about it?

Well, otherwise yeah. Ain’t got no clue about how to fight that. Same for elder disciplines I guess? I know that I killed lots of kindred, and diablerized a lot of them. Even some old ones. But I don’t know my rank and I don’t care… unless you tell me I got more badass powers.

Also… If you kill me, remember to make me scream funny. Interesting life, interesting death.

You saw a lot, didn’t you? Shame you can’t eat ghosts.

Consider it lost to time
>Why the full moon?
To ensure that they were visible to the mortals. It was understood–in my village and in the many villages that surrounded us–that if one was passed over by the shadow of the flying creature, that person had been claimed by the beast and would be taken in the night. Mothers and fathers would drag their children home at early sunset just to avoid such gruesome fates. Windows would be boarded up and doors were barricaded with heavy shelves. Those who could not afford such protections would flock to the local church for sanctuary. I can still recall the smell of the garlic flowers that my mother would set upon every doorway and window frame.

I did not continue this practice. By the time my zulo was capable of flight, I was in hiding in the far east beyond the Caucasus
>I am very badass
LoL Have you ever encountered a lupine?
in dream combat physical strength does not matter, its a battle of willpower. It basically allows for someone with a strong mind to level the playing field.
>Something that I miss is to be able to digest non-meat.
I think just about every vampire who isn't a shit eating thaumaturge misses food. I know a Lasombra who will occasionally just buy Coke and Peanuts, pour it in the same cup and order their ghoul to drink it, and talk to them about the experience.
It's not the most unhinged thing I've seen a keeper do with their Ghouls, but it's weird in inordinately understandable way.
Is that the only reason you don't get up to it?
While generation is an important factor, especially in physical battles, do not overestimate it. Many potent-blooded vampires have been undone by "weaker" Kindred, and in nearly every case it is because they were outwitted by a more guileful, charismatic, and willful vampire of inferior generation and age. Consider how few methuselah operate openly these nights. They know that for all their incredible power, they could be unmade by their "inferiors" if they made one wrong move.
Alright, I understand

Pretty badass in its own goth kind of way

Yeah. I mentioned it earlier. There’s something in their blood that I find so enticing that I join hunts against them. Only succeeded twice sadly, but that drug covers the sunk costs. Costs being the loss of allies and limbs for a few weeks.

Well I guess I’m cooked. Pretty alright in my book. After all, there’s many kinds of strength.

Well I can still savour everything, though I just don’t bother going for anything but meat. Lupine steaks… my mouth salivates at the thought of it… you know how they regenerate their flesh? Hurt them enough and you get several times their weight in meat… oh, I could go for another one right now. Seasoned with coriander, pepper and a hint of lemon. Followed with blood wine. Aaaah. Perhaps soon… Perhaps soon:
Sorry I haven't been around lately.

Clan Tremere, lower generation than I'd ever admit to, & depending on who im pretending to be. Older than I can remember, but that's only the last fifty years or so. If I had a concrete identity before then I don't know it. However you been fellow Kindred? Burning my identity from Berlin & setting up my new one took more time than I liked.
hows the vita egg going, i told my childe about that and now she keeps bugging me about it, she wants scrambled vitaeggs, she even got my sire interested in it. (also red errand girl achieved golconda and apperently grew angel wings from it, no clue how that happened)
No, I also find it garish and unnecessary. The Dream is dead but the dream may yet live on. The Metamorphosis is a transformation of the body, mind, and soul. Impulsive, churlish cruelty is hardly transcendent. It serves only to drag the self towards the Beast.
Damn, can't believe I missed that. Vitaegg project is a mess. Without me checking in on them my assistants got cavalier & started trying to hybridized the creatures with ritual. Just burned the whole lot. I saved a genetic sample & vite from the ghoulish blood chicken that came about months ago. I'm thinking of feeding the new batch its blood & going from there
My Sire used my vitae to make a chicken-snake-hybrid-homunculus once. She put it down after it kept screaming profanities.

Maybe it's a thinblood thing?
Last I checked, Fancy Feast is still trying to make his way to you, but being chased by the Sabbat waylaid him.
>My Sire used my vitae to make a chicken-snake-hybrid-homunculus once.
A parrot?
>kept screaming profanities.
A parrot.
I've never seen a parrot that long
Writing this as I'm patching myself back up.

We had two, the first got torn up tearing through their ranks. The second stayed with me. Three kindred eventually breached our gate. They must've known the master was out, because admittedly, they can't have been any older than I, a few months at best. Anyways, the warghoul is keeping two of them at bay while the last one knocks me to the floor.
We struggle and I impale myself as I force his ribcage inside out. Great fun honestly. The ghoul managed to off the other two, not surprised, I'm not sure how old he is, but he's seen a lot of combat. Helps he's not a lobotomite like the other one too.
This whole situation reeks, the one night my sire's away dealing with the Frankfurt Ventrue and I have a minor siege on my hands.

But hey, I get to unlive another night.
Probably some Sabbat hooligans looking to diablerize the elder's childe.
A good ghoul is worth twice their weight in fledglings
In the future, when you get better at vicissitude, you might want to consider keeping at least one of your attackers alive for questioning. Knowledge is power, and fleshcrafting is a very good icebreaker
>This whole situation reeks, the one night my sire's away dealing with the Frankfurt Ventrue and I have a minor siege on my hands.
Am I right to assume these Frankfurt Ventrue were expecting your sire?
it exists, but it's not a merit, it's a flaw.
Conspicuous Consumption (4pt. Flaw): It is not enough for you to draw nourishment from the blood of mortals — you believe you must also consume your victim’s heart, liver, and other blood-rich tissue. Of course, this will necessitate the deaths of all of your victims (unless you are extremely creative), which might lead to numerous problems with maintaining humanity (and a low profile). Characters with this Flaw should additionally purchase the Eat Food Merit.
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Are there any other vampires here that feel an urge to travel to New York and go down into the tunnels and sewers of the city?

I'm a sabbat of clan tzimisce, if that means anything
It’s not worth this much effort for bloody scrambled eggs. Especially after the first one had that terrible screech.

Reminds me of what my old domitor did in the Camarilla. Big difference is that he went after the sire and left the neonate alone. He was after Vicissitude and he saw that he could get it for free once the prince authorized the blood hunt.

Try to preserve all of the objects that the attackers had on them. The psychic residue from them could prove valuable in tracking where they came from.

Sounds like the wires got crossed and you got a message intended for someone else.
The attack doesn't match Ventrue strategy, it was far too sloppy. Masses of weak and young Kindred thrown at the enemy with reckless abandon is Sabbat 101. When we want someone removed, we don't trust it to a force so inexperienced they are undone by a handful of Szlachta. No offense to Hatchling, but if Clan Ventrue wanted him destroyed, he would have been destroyed. We have far better ways of dealing with enemies than waves of licks.

Hatchling's post was unclear if the "dealing" with these Ventrue was diplomatic or hostile, so we can only speculate as to the politics. However, if we wanted to deal with an unruly independent, we wouldn't waste our surprise attack on a fledgeling. If one has already lured a Tzimisce elder away from their haven, where most of their power resides, then one would obviously take the opportunity to destroy the far more dangerous sire.

Here is a far more likely explanation. The Sabbat catch wind of this Elder's leaving, possibly to negotiate with the hated Camarilla. This could easily come to pass via any manner of means, animalism, obfuscate, auspex, or even a mole. So they mount a low-risk shovelhead attack on the castle. If successful, they deny the traitor his castle and devour a fledgeling of noteworthy generation. If it fails, they use the convienent timing to put blame on the Ventrue. These aren't terribly new or even creative tactics here.
Note that I didn’t say Ventrue. My domitor was a Brujah, by the way.
Even so, a group of Camarilla neonates attacking the manor of a wealthy Tzimisce autarkis is a likely story given that the intended victim would be outside of Camarilla jurisdiction.
Other possible perpetrators include Sabbat, Anarchs, Setites, Ashirra, Laibon (in part due to mass migration), and Kuei Jin.
I am ruling out Assamites and Giovanni due to them being far more organized in how they conduct their targeted killings and assaults.
Low probability of Clan Tremere, seeing as they would have had their own war ghouls used in that operation (still possible that a group of Tremere neonates could organize such a thing independent of their higher ups in the Pyramid, especially given the sire’s wealth)
Low probability of Black Hand involvement. They would have come in greater numbers or with more experienced cainites.
Ruling out Sabbat Inquisition involvement based on what I have been able to learn from my colleagues (and the fact that only neonates were involved).
Moderate probability of that being a False Sabbat (uninitiated into the sect) pack (common especially among Gangrel).
Young people thing, don't worry about it.
There are a STAGGGERING amount kindred that were embraced purely to be a tutor for their sire on the modern world. Nos clan is a prime example. Hell I was embraced partly because I was pretty good at computers.
I know about the flaw, but I’m pretty sure that what I have in mind is a merit because you gained benefits like nourishment from the flesh. Closest thing I found is the Giovanni’s Cannibal one. Perhaps I read somewhere that a ST houseruled that you need Eat Food to pick it up? Which is pretty understandable, because bodies yield an extra 7 points of vitae, which sounds pretty overpowered. So making the merit cost two instead of one helps balance it out a little.
Don't have to tell me twice, I should go find myself a suitable candidate.

I can imagine, I'm learning mostly through practicing on myself. It was my very first scrap with another kindred though so I panicked pretty badly.

Yes, he was expected. We're independent, but attempt to keep good relations with our neighbours, so to speak.

Whomever it was, that person knew the castle would be lightly guarded. Whether it be ambitious Camarilla neonates, emboldened Sabbat or feisty Anarchs, no simple foot soldier should've been privy to that information.
Camarilla neonates wouldn't fight to the last, they would run as soon as the tide turned against them. I did not think your Domitor was Ventrue, I plainly want to nip any conspiritorial thoughts directed at my clanmates in the bud. We are often the target of such accusations.

As always in matters of vampire intrigue, your first question should be cui bono, or who benefits from the action? Given the timing, you are looking for someone who benefits from driving a wedge between the Ventrue and your sire. You also may want to consider who would seek to diablerize you, and you should most certainly consider who can field a cadre of weak neonates zealous enough to fight to the death.

As for how someone knew, it is easy for us to spy on each other. Few clans lack at least one discipline that makes information gathering easier. Or it could be another associate of your sire who is upset with their neutrality. Or a mole in the Camarilla (or enemy of the Ventrue) leaked the information.
Not many Nozzies these days on the Schrecknet
there's at least me, one other guy and Grey frog if he's still on
How would YOU know?

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