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M3 edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93340319

>TQ: How's your backlog? Anything to grudge about?
Which is the gayest army?
Easily Bretonnian's.
Skaven. Straightest army is beastmen
One day I'll finish my tomb kings. Too busy playing matches on my free days to actually paint.
Dwarfs, Chaos, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Brets if using GW models instead of 3rd party, Tomb Kings, Chorfs, etc.

The only Chad armies are Empire, O+G if painted soulfully, and VC. High Elves and Dark Elves are acceptable if you have a nice physique.
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You can finish an entire TK army, start to finish, in a single evening utilizing The Dip™. You are just lazy
Mom what does it mean? What does it mean mom?
they're horsefuckers
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Anyone got a pdf or link to the new TOW release for the finally released Dwarf 46 paged army book? As well as any updated releases for ravening hordes and the other rulebooks since it’s been now almost 5 months since the last release of the year?
Whatever one your gaping ass plays
Certainly not for some bitch ass namefaggot
>Anyone got a pdf or link to the new TOW release for the finally released Dwarf 46 paged army book? As well as any updated releases for ravening hordes and the other rulebooks since it’s been now almost 5 months since the last release of the year?
Fat. Bearded. Obsessive. Likes ponies.
I'm not saying dwarf discussion should be on a certain other board, but I'm not saying it shouldn't either.
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Post what you are working on
Elf hands typed this
Chaos Slaanesh and Skaven
He wants to be called Malerion now.
Honestly, 90% of writing with Malekith would make much sense if he was a girl-character, other wise he looks like Cartman

Yes but the cool kind of gay like Freddie Mercury
You mean bi?
no such thing
>How's your backlog? Anything to grudge about?

My DoW backlog includes;
>20 pikemen with full command
>12 Lumpin Croops Fighting Cocks with full command
>10 Mengil Manhide's Manflayers (gods the name is edgier than their pauldrons) with full command
>5 regular Volands Venators to expand the unit up to 10
>5 fifth edition knights errant with full command to be used as regular heavy mercenary cav
>Bronzino's Galloper Gun (cannon, 1 mounted crew man, 2 crew on foot amd Bronzino)
>5 Golgfag's Ogres with full command
>3 Ogre maneaters
>Sheik Yadosh and the paychest
>Warhorse and pegasus versions of El Don Bigote
>Arabyan merchant to use as a hireling sorceror
>Mounted mercenary general
>Lucrezzia Belladonna

As for grudges; that I should play more games. But currently doing other projects
I have a steam tank, a wizard, a griffon, a bsb, and some archers to paint. Not terrible for now.
OP hasn't got yesterday's article in the links, just for the next thread

>TQ: How's your backlog? Anything to grudge about?
Current project backlog? Feeling good. Nearly finished basecoats on every regiment for my 1000pt list. Nice to see progress. Grudges, probably that I set aside a specific number of weekends to get it done and it's probably going to go over that which will delay other life plans.
Overall backlog will last me the rest of my natural life, but there are projects I'm looking forward to in there so no grudges.

>12 Lumpin Croops Fighting Cocks with full command
Please show them when you get to them!
I have a woc army to finish rebasing and paint. Tomb Kings and Empire already have lists painted up so those are just paint things for lists as I go. Outside fantasy, I might pick up shatterpoint or legion.
>Please show them when you get to them!
Asking for a cock pic huh? But in all seriousnesd, will do, since they are next on the painting block. BS4 (BS5 for two of them) skirmishing archers are always useful
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Posting this for the last time for the foreseeable future, I don't want to be That Guy and spam every /wfg/ thread with my little project. Hopefully those who are interested will grab them and the rules will be in circulation for others in the future. Fun conversion and scratchbuilding projects, for sure.
'Mad Inventions' from the old GW site, reformatted and with pictures. Cheers.
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Started early work on an Eshin-themed army using the middlehammer plastic and metal models I've picked up. Haven't done any highlights yet so they're still quite dark.
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Trying to take inspiration from Mark of Chaos although the skaven in the game are scrawny and doglike whereas the old plastic night runners and clanrats have huge limbs and hands.
Love to see 6th edition skaven models. Stormvermin with Eshin, though?
Are you planning to build a list of any sort, or is it purely a modelling project?
Quick survey: would you be OK with a WoC army using ungors as chaos marauders and nurglings as chaos spawn?

I'm thinking of doing a hordes of chaos style army with a daemon and beastmen model here and there, but since they're models with actual unit profiles elsewhere in the game I want to see if there would be any major objections before committing.
No fuck off. I should flog you for asking such a question.
Mostly modelling. I have a bunch of metal stormvermin so might as well add them. The Thanquol novel where he accompanies an Eshin expedition to Lustria also had a stormvermin chief bossing the night runners around so it's not like it has to be 100% ninjas.
I have a bunch of plague monk sprues with extra heads so I'll try to use the hooded ones to add more variety. Finally I got myself a necromancer which I'm also hoping to convert into an Eshin sorcerer with a plague monk head.
Ooh, hell yeah, anon. I've been out of touch with /wfg/ for months, so I'm happy to see this.
I mean it sounds perfectly reasonable but why do you want people online to sign off on it?
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Because I am capable of ideas that sound great to me but dumb to others and if anyone is going to tell me it's a dumb idea it'll be /wfg/
Probably to get a vibe check on the idea before he puts work into it.
Proxying is normal and fine, and this is essentially that. Nurglings are an odd choice for spawn though
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How would Samurai Jack do in Fantasy?
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The new plastic lord is huge, he even towers over the bigger scale hammerers
out of place, that's not the premise for his show, maybe try this with 40k
Maybe everything else is small.
>would you be OK with...
Fuck yes. One of my own justifications for making a unit of Pestigors was that I could always field it as Marauders with GWs or Flails.
I'm also considering doing a unit of Plaguebearers which I could then use as shielded Marauders with Light Armour.
>I'm thinking of doing a hordes of chaos style army with a daemon and beastmen model here and there
>Nurglings are an odd choice for spawn though
I disagree. A swarm of small poisonous critters getting up to all sorts of mischief seem like a good fit to represent a randomly moving and attacking monstrosity that doesn't need to pay much attention to the general's bubble.
you have the dumbest fucking takes in regards to the chaos spawn holy fucking shit dude.
Good spot. Same with the bret foot knights. That's enough confirmation they're rescaling the models I guess.
Don't be a dingus. If you disagree then explain your reasoning.
Which imo defeats the whole "We are switching from 20mm bases to 25mm bases for regular infantry cause there's not enough room" argument
not really, maybe comes just above eye level to the hammerers, possibly bigger on warriors. He is a lot broader but thats not really an issue for HQs in more ornate armour.
Look at that guy in the back lined up perfectly with the warriors, it's like an orc boss being bigger than the others.
GW can't fucking help themselves, whatever they do, they must scale creep the shit out of things.
Absolutely. Hell, I use nurglings as chaos spawn and I've been thinking about getting a beastman shaman to act as a sorcerer too. Godspeed, anon.
could say that same for the anvil of doom crew or the slayer heroes, not sure why anyone would be surprised to see more inconsistency in perhaps the least consistent warhammer faction and it certainly doesn't indicate they'll ever rescale the models.
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Working on some knights too, frog bro.
how are they going to sell you the eventual refreshed models if they dont make the old ones look silly next to them, primarization will happen in old world if they decide to release actual new sculpts
Someone should add this to the pastebin.
GW being a family company, can't state the obvious reason of Dwarves liking alcohol.
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Knight bros unite!
It's funny that once again they fuck with the proportion of dwarfs, almost a tradition every edition.
Good shit, Anon.
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Fuck yeah, Knights!

Nice Knights Panther there, nordic bro. I have some in the backlog too, but I'm missing the cloaks for them.
Everyone has Orc DNA don't you know
The dip is just so ugly tho
Define painted soulfully
Oldhammer bright whacky colors
Well fugg, enjoy my soulless orc boss & his chariot posse then.
>not Uknight
Missed opportunity.
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Haha no (I do play though), just heavily converted chariots. I really like WYSIWYG so if I have 3 crew = 3 orcs etc. Here is another angle.
That's some very nice paint work on that banner, anon!
Did any of you check Zweihander reforged? Im curious to see if its actually a good system now.
Man why is the only warhammer clone made by such a dickhead
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Luv me some panthers, german bro. But aren't the cloaks used for the white wolves?
No I'm not giving that faggot a click or read, half of it is copy pasted directly from WHFRP anyways. Why play the OSR clones when I have BECMI right there?
The cloaks in your pic are from the extra sprue for the white wolves and are in fact for them.
But there was a lone fur cloak in the regular knights sprue (pic related). Used most of them on the Demigryph Knights, so I'm now missing them for my regular knights.
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Done with the mortar, finally
Now drill out the touch hole, give it a bore of copper pipe and use it for tabletop pyrotechnics.
How are you going to base it?
It's resin, I doubt this would be advised

Not sure yet, but most likely something boring to go along the bases of the crew, so some PVA, sand I took from forest, a bit of contrast and drybrushing, and tuffs here and there
Maaaybe I will add a bit more if I feel creative at that particular moment and something in my bitz box will inspire me
Conventional wisdom and how they play says leadbeltchers are just kind of bad. Anyway to give these guys a bit of a niche role or are they just kind of stuck as rule of cool?
Honestly I think they just don’t give a shit about scale (or style consistency) in old world. Just looking at orcs and goblins as an example
>increasing base size legitimately helps some units like basic boy and black orcs
>looks terrible on modern night goblins
>but the old night goblins went back intro production and it looks better with them
>but the old night goblins look extremely inconsistent with regular goblins and night gobkin heroes
>and the big ‘Uns kit in general exist.
Rule of Cool.
You're paying 10pts a model to give the Ogre Bulls a gun.

But Ogre Bulls are only kinda punchy.
And the Leadbelcher's gun is only kinda shooty. So you're left with a 41 point model that's not great at anything.
Yeah I figured a couple 2 man units holding down either flank while occasionally popping shots and drawing attention was about the limit of their usefulness
Yeah. 2 man squads are enough to strip rank bonuses on a flank charge, which can be useful on stuff that requires warband. Or just take some pot shots and maybe charge some chaff. Maybe put them in Marching column to threaten some war machines or something.
Leadbelchers are quite good afaik. Youre paying a small premium to get ranged firepower in an army which otherwise lacks it. And its the exact sort of firepower which is good at dealing with elites ogres would otherwise like to not face.
I'd love to get my hands on some of those heads.
So is Bugman's cart basically an upgrade for Dwarf Heroes now or some shit?
we simply don't know yet
Taking a guess it will probably be a rare or special choice with an aura that increases movement or allows for charge re-rolls.
We have no idea. My guess is no, because we don't have a Bugman hero.
That's what makes me think it might be an upgrade desu, you can put any hero on the 'ale cart' or some shit.
I feel like it's going to be some shitty double-edged sword. Like one unit in its command range gets reserve, move and stupidity. Or random movement..
The kit might be ancient, but the heads are still great.

I really hope they keep that style when the inevitable and much needed kit refresh comes.
>looks terrible on modern night goblins
Its all a psyop by GW to dissuade people from bringing battle for skull pass style night gobbos into ToW and keep them trapped in AoS as gloomspite gitz man
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considering in the almanack article they mention it in the same points as the mining carts it's probably going to be some sort of unit rather than an option for characters and they provided them a stat line in the O&G journal so expect something similar to pic
>there are rules for carts – specifically the one you get in their(Miners) box, plus the old Bugman’s Cart.
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Hol up
I dont paint with GW paints. So this is USELESS to me.
they still haven't released this model
would it make sense for a battle standard bearer to use a great weapon? how would he hold the army's standard while swinging such a big weapon?
Stick the banner in the ground, swing weapon, pick up banner when done.

Alternatively use the banner as a beating stick.
the standard is the great weapon.
anon you're a genius, thank you
Clench the banner pole between his iron buttcheeks
I'm looking to get into TOW but I'm a bit confused with what minis I actually need to buy for my army. I checked my local GW store but the sales guy didn't know much about TOW either and didn't want to give misinformed advice. The army I want to build are Night Goblins and as I understand that the basic mob kit lets me build archers or spearmen, but what about Fanatics, Squig Herds & Hoppers? Can I just use the Age of Sigmar miniatures (the Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics, Hoppers etc.)?

Also any pointers on how to approach army building are welcome. Me and my friend are looking to build armies in the ~1k points range to start playing but we will expand further as time permits.
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Dusted off my old carrying bag to see what kind of troops I was missing. Also found some unfinished and failed conversions, like these guys. They were supposed to be hammerers, before plastic hammerers got released. Some are half-undercoated, since I was converting GW warriors that I had already assembled (good thing I didn't make more, I can definitely use the remaining 30 GW warriors better than these uggos).
My idea of making them into hammerers (aside from giving them hammers) was based on more ornamented armor, which back then included shoulderpads, horns and spikes. Because of that, the champion looks like some kind of half-chaos dwarf.
I'm glad I'll never get to use them, since I have plastic hammerers.

Post your own failed conversions.
>Can I just use the Age of Sigmar miniatures
yes since a lot of those were originally from WF anyway
>Can I just use the Age of Sigmar miniatures
No, and if you do I will lock you into a room to listen to what they have done with the night goblins in aos with books like night loom rising before you think about putting them on a square.
>Can I just use the Age of Sigmar miniatures (the Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics, Hoppers etc.)?
Yes, just buy some square bases from a hobby shop or eBay. Sizes are on the unit profiles.

>Also any pointers on how to approach army building are welcome.
You'll need to know the constraints for your army, which are in the ravening hordes book. But for actual tips, some night goblin army lists have actually been discussed in the last couple threads if you want to take a look back.
Dues GW still sell paint in pots purchase of droppers?

If so, lmao at giving instructions to mix paint.
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Assembled a catapult today and gonna use it this weekend, albeit unpainted.
They do look quite spiky lol. But I wouldn't call them failed!
Back in 7th edition when the new night goblin kit had not long been out, I made some 40k bad moon grots with it. Stuck laspistols, flaming torches, empire handguns, chainswords etc onto the night goblin arms. Then I opened their poses up a bit by making greenstuff armpits in their robes so the arms were a little more dynamic. However I didn't pin the armpits, I just pushed the greenstuff into the torso and pushed the shoulder into the greenstuff, so most of their arms fell off during battle. I have them in storage to fix up at some point.
Pots. Irks me every time one of their tutorial videos says to mix two paints and the presenter proceeds to just dunk their brush into one pot, smear it on the palette, quickly rinse the brush, then do the same with the other pot.
Also, forgot to mention, but it was a total bitch to put together
> going to use it
> unpainted
>total bitch to put together
what isnt in the TK range
Such a cool model. Huge upgrade from the 3rd edition one that came before it
Mantic one looks better.
Glad I'm not the only one who attempted to turn that banner top into a helmet for champion
I am 33 and slowly coming to accept that I have too many miniatures. Literally thousands. Very much a repeated case of "ooh let's buy these two boxes to kitbash a nice little warband" and then "well that second hand lot has lots of cool minis and is very cheap" and then "if I add a cannon and another regiment I have a 2k army". That, and a love for kitbashing.
Even if I did have time to paint them all, likely I wouldn't have time to play with them.

Got a couple of boxes of Empire Militia and Troopers laying around, seriously considering getting rid of them, selling them for original price + inflation and making someone happy. Likewise for Chaos, Brets (how did I end up with 30 knights?), Dwarves, Dark Elves (dreamed of playing Tears of Isha with my brother some day).

I really need to just keep Khemri, HE and OG Lizardmen at army size, leave the rest as warbands, focus on TOW, Mordheim & Necromunda.

It is sad, but for the best I guess.

This is great anon, thanks.

Army construction requires looking at the army list. So the Ravening hordes book (if you want to do mostly night goblins don't bother with the Armies of Infamy supplement for Orcs and Goblins yet).
You then build a list within the restrictions found in your army list and the main rule book (25% core, no more than 50% characters, 50% special, 25% rare).

As a night gobbo player, your night goblin mobs are essentially one to one with your night goblin heroes (you have to take a night goblin hero for ever night goblin mob). Your squig units are also 0-1 per night goblin hero.

As for what to buy, as others have said, just buy AoS stuff and then put them on the appropriate bases for TOW (each unit entry will say). The AoS Gloomspite Gutz faction is essentially just the old fantasy range for Night gobbos but updated. Units like loonboss characters, shamans, squig herd, mangler squig, gits, and the squig hopper dual kit are directly usable in TOW, as was the fanatics.
Idk, those look fine? Some of the helmets look a big awkward, but I think it looks rather decent overall.
Didn't ask, don't care.

Didn't have problems with anything else so far.
i found the scorpion was easy with a tiny bit of greenstuff to keep the legs in place while the glue dried
>just purchase 7 bottles of paint costing $8 each, just to paint one piece of the miniature(it's skin)
LMAO you can do that with a single Speedpaint, GW is so fucking pathetic
Anon not everyone wants a shitty looking midhammer model. WIth that being said yeah GW pots are expensive, go get some vallejo or pro-acryl instead.
Very cool, thanks. This helps me a lot! Some of these things are probably self-evident to long time players but it is confusing to newcomers. I was flipping through the Ravening Hordes book and looking at the shelves for minis at my local store but didn't find anything that fit except for the AoS line of minis.

I'll listen to your stories anyway. I'm always happy to listen to someone who is passionate about their nerd hobbies.
Is a model on a 30x30 base, such as an aspiring champion, allowed to join a unit of models on 25x25 bases, such as a regiment of chaos marauders?
Maybe reddit is more your speed? Maybe you could get some upboats for your unpainted model there (GOOD JOB YOU ALSO CONSOOOMED!!!!)
Not even worth a pity (you)
Yeah but you have to follow the rules for mismatched bases in the rulebook (which seems to be they are forced to the edges of the unit or something)
If you wanted some head pats for gluing it together you're in the wrong place.
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I think the next ones are better, these are from the "unfinished" category: this was supposed to become a blackpowder bolt thrower
lol, he's samefagging again
> I WONT give a (You)
> but I still have to seethe so I'll comment right after it
Oh yeah anon you a big man.
Work for that (you) monkey.
>Dozen kinda wonky conversions
Better than official minis imo.
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A BFSP cart turned into a self-propelled cannon. As you can probably guess, I had extra cannon gun barrels after assembling Organ Guns.
Some gap filling and a bit more work on the carriage and it's good to go. Could be a cannon or a bolt thrower depending on what you want. Would be good for a rune of skewering too.
Those are neat nice job anon
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BFSP Thane turned into a BSB. I think the banner was originally from some Space Marine kit.
Thank you, anon. If anyone is curious, this rule is explained on page 207, in figure 207.1.
Here have some yous to spite that salty faggot.
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This was supposed to become unit filler. A collector of grisly throphies from defeated gobbos. I think I might've ruined some details on the corpse with greenstuff. I definitely ruined some details on the trophies inside the wheelbarrow with glue. Originally it was full of goblin ears, but glue kinda melted some them together.
you're replying to a literal faggot lol
Average nuWarhammer fan, most likely an AoSlop and 40kuck player
>wheelbarrow of dead goblins
>he brings it everywhere
I have a feeling the rest of his unit side eyes the fuck out of him
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Could I currently bring something like picrel into the tabletop?
What do you mean? Could you have a dwarf slayer and an empire character in a single army? yes. Take one of the factions and ally in the other faction.

Could you play vs beastmen? Ill advised but yes.

Could you get skirmishing characters surrounded? Also yes
I mean it would be pretty easy to write a quick scenario to let this exact thing happen.
Absolutely cranked character profiles, pre surrounded deployment, win condition of last until turn X vs kill the characters
I instituted a rule a few years ago:

If I haven't used models I bought for their intended purpose within one year and they're still in production or widely available, I resell them; if I bought a kit to use some of it and what's left doesn't even grab me enough to snip it off and put it in my bitz boxes, I give the leftovers away at the local club. Cleared a lot of space and made me think more about buying stuff.
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>Some of these things are probably self-evident to long time players but it is confusing to newcomers.
Good to hear in a way, it helps deter the consoomer masses from shitting up the game.

Other AoS kits that are either directly taken from Warhammer fantasy or are replacements for Warhammer fantasy kits (mork spare me for uttering these names):
>River trolls: fellwater troggoths
>Stone trolls: rockgut troggoths
>Giant: aleguzzler/mancrusher gargant
I think LGSs only sell the giants in packs of 3, but you can buy singles on eBay from someone who splits them up.
If you do fancy some trolls, just be aware they're quite unreliable unless you micromanage them, so be sure to read their Stupid rule and the generals Inspiring Presence rule before you commit to them.
For characters, you can convert your own bosses/shaman from the basic night goblin kit, just cut a spare banner pole up and make it a wizards staff for instance. Or you can get single models on eBay again, either by searching night goblin shaman, or looking for suitable AoS models e.g. boggleye from the gobbapalooza kit.
Sure, take a dwarf army with a slayer hero and then take an empire army with a captain as an allied detachment and then suicide them into beastmen
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Oh and for quick rules reference tow.whfb.app is good, and for list writing old-world-builder.com works well imo. Just check your list against the actual army book once you're done, these list writing websites don't always get the restrictions spot on.
>Yes, just buy some square bases from a hobby shop or eBay. Sizes are on the unit profiles.
And to be fair, most people (short of tourneyfags) will be perfectly okay with letting their opponent just pop roundbases on a square movement tray so long as it's a reasonable size. But that's only really an issue for someone who's already got a nicely based army and doesn't want to deal with the faff of rebasing.
What’s the reason for the random Gnoblars in the ogre kits?
I assume they are supposed to have been tokens originally or where they always just some extra base detailing and ways to flesh out units?
Theres a look out gnoblar option. Theyre also just there as a bit, to allow you to give your ogre models more character.
In 6th edition you could take a Luck Gnoblar or Treasure Gnoblar (I think it was that) on heroes and unit champions that gave them some sort of benefit, can't remember what the benefit did though.
mostly decoration
I once saw someone bring an army consisting entirely of gnoblars to a 1500 point 6th edition tournament.
It was horrifying. He went 3-0.
how many gnoblars is that?
I didn't play against him, but I heard several people say it was obscene how he managed to paint 200 of them.
So, probably around 200.
Generic Gnoblar Fighters are 2ppm in 6th.
But he would still need characters and probably had a unit of Trappers and a Scraplauncher or two.
I just happen to have the book open
Luck Gnoblars gave a once per battle reroll to a Ward or Armour save.
Tooth Gnoblars could be sacrificed by a Shaman to add +1 to their cast.
Sword Gnoblars gave the unit with them one extra S2 attack each turn.
The rules specify that they occupy their attached character's base and don't have a base of their own, but most people would just run separate gnoblars as tokens to pull as they get used.
Rookie numbers. I wasn't even trying for a Gnoblar horde and I was still running 120 Gnoblars (usually three 40-Gnoblar blobs)
If I was actually trying there would be no less than 500 of the little shits on the table.
Cool conversion. I like how the huge blank space still gives you room to throw some freehand or decals on it
I miss when GW was based and taught how to DIY hobby stuff instead of selling their overpriced crap.
I don't get why some faggot here is proud of his unpainted model.
I don't know how people could play unpainted. That's some 40kek tier shit
> says the fag blogging about his unpainted model and then seething when called out
Many such cases! Sad!
There was literally a guide on how to make castle walls out of foam in a white dwarf recently (relatively, might have been last year, I dont follow white dwarf)

Prior to the release of TOW they released a thing about how to make unit filler.
Well I enjoyed seeing the model anon. Have fun at the game this weekend!
this is probably a stupid question but seeing as a spell familiar (1 extra spell) has the extremely common rule, could a chaos wizard (in this example, a sorcerer lord) have both a spell familiar and an arcane familiar (the one that lets you roll spells from 2 lores of magic)?
that'd be 2 familiars and 5 spells from 2 lores
that's awesome if it's possible, I already have 1 familiar modeled on to the base of the model I use when I run my sorcerer lord with a daemonic mount, but if I can give him 2 familiars I'll paint one and add it on immediately.
So what are the guesses for the other two Dwarf Characters in the Arcane Journal?
>this is probably a stupid question but seeing as a spell familiar (1 extra spell) has the extremely common rule, could a chaos wizard (in this example, a sorcerer lord) have both a spell familiar and an arcane familiar (the one that lets you roll spells from 2 lores of magic)?
Yes, thats what extremely common means
time to find him a second familiar
sorcerer lords are so much cooler than chaos lords
My guess is a engineer and a slayer
>playing against brets
>get first turn
>shoot a cannon at some grail knights with a prophetess
>cannonball lands on top of her
>he fails the LoS!, ward, and I roll 3 damage
Feels like the first time I've seen my opponent be the victim of the dice in the old world so far.
>castle walls out of foam
This reminded me. You know those styrofoam blocks that are empty inside, can be connected a bit like legos and are used for making buildings out of? You fill them with concrete after stacking them into the shape of walls. Their sides would make for great castle walls because of their shape, aside from being a bit large.
We all take our turn being the dice victim sooner or later. Always nice when it's the opponents turn though lol.
They were spoiled a while back.
Their names at least
>Their names at least
Which are...?
nta but it's Thorgrimm Grudgebearer and a Dwarf engineer character from seom ealy WFB edition
It was me last game. Failed a break test, panic test, and 2 rallies consecutively and had 555 points run off the board on my t2. Hopefully next game feels more earned.
Why are chorfs the only evil counterpart that seems to fare better than the original?
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Boom Headshot!
Fare better in what regard? Who are you even considering evil counterparts? I guess wood elves and beastmen are both forest dwelling luddites, and there's high elves / dark elves.
> Grail knights have their heads bowed in prayer
> paragon turns to give the prophetess a chaste kiss
> Is suddenly covered in gore as she explodes from a direct hit
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Yeah, not a bad idea... I guess a lot of it comes from picturing the wonderful weird conversions in my head, and being able to buy all that I wanted as a kid. Now I have the money, but no longer the time.

I just need a sugarmommy.
do you want to tell me stormcasts are better than chaos warriors?
>he looks like Cartman
Because he is. The anons posting excerpts from the Sundering in an attempt to make him look cool are just obfuscating that Malekith in those books is a petty narcissist who more or less spends two thousand of years obsessing over opinion polls he made up in his head, getting angry when reality doesn't match up, and then venting either through violence or by loudly explaining to his mom how unfair everyone is being.
In what way?
VC are generally more influential than tomb kings (nagash certainly is), DE are massively more numerous than HE and are a waxing power to the HEs wane, chaos in general has it pretty peachy although theyre not really the evil counterparts to anyone as much as you can try and paralel norsca with the empire or bretonnia
always thought VC was supposed to be the counterpart to chaos, or at least its a better comparison compared to TK. TK are just a meme npc faction.
Sure, theres ways theyre counterparts to chaos (at least in terms of setting concept) although honestly in terms of theme and story beats theres a lot of overlap there.

The seduction and corruption of power, the pursuit of immortality, individuals delving into darkness for their own personal glory at the expense of their soul, the dark allure which twists the once noble into the debased and an army of the damned fielding mockeries of life.. There is a world where chaos and undead are lumped in together and people dont bat an eye (outside of calling chaos warriors with zombie tarpits bullshit)

But thats the issue with saying "evil counterpart" in regards to factions. Chaos dwarfs are the evil counterparts to dwarfs in that they are literally evil dwarfs, as opposed to the "good" (supposedly) normal dwarfs, but theyre also the armsdealers of evil in the same way that dwarfs provide the empire with their stuff. The empire got a lot of its industry and tech from dwarfs, the chaos dwarfs gave orcs metalworking and made the black orcs, the empire plate armor is dwarf made and some chaos armor is chaos dwarf made.. Theres enough clear paralels there to say "this is evil X"
Dark elves and high elves are an evel clearer example with 90% of their units having rather clear counterparts and a lot of the same concepts being in play.

But everywhere else? Are TK the "good" counterpart to VC (despite also being evil) because theyre both undead? Is it empire? Are the skaven counterparts to the lizardmen? Are bretonnia and chaos counterparts due to their focus on big beefy champion dudes? Beastmen and wood elves because both live in the forest?
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holy shit bros these new skaven sculpts rank up so well on 20mm squares im actually surprised, i was even able to use the extra bits from the jezzails and clanrats to make a poisoned wind globadier and a warlock engineer skaven continue to win as always
too bad the rules for skaven in TOW are shit, but I guess you are basing them for 6th.
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>consooming AoS shit immediately upon release
Some people can't be helped
Local Bret players tell me the single-shot profile is perfect for killing Pegasus Knights, but I wonder how often you'd actually line up that scenario.
a skaven is a skaven
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here u go, only had to bend an arm on two sculpts to get everything to fit well
5th actually i like card magic
fiance got it for me actually
That looks sick. The clanrats are a but all over the place but honestly that works for the whole "mob" aesthetic.
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Looks like ass, gay CADslop
bretty cool
Are 60€ to much for 6th edition Executioners with full command?
I mean that’s about what I would expect for a OOP command unit.
I wouldn’t call it a deal by any means, but about what I would expect
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I gave them birds and forced them to fly
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Did they ever confirm how they're doing updates? Is there a quarterly balance like in 40k or is it just ad hoc, when they need it? I know they've already walked back the "legacy armies won't get updates" part
How many factions are there in TOW?
16. Not counting sub factions.
Looks like shit.
They've made no indication that they're going to be doing any mid edition balancing at all so far beyond supplements like the arcane journals
What's your favorite unit to use, /wfg/?
>Blood knights
Anyone know how I can get one of those free models at the Warhammer store without sitting down and having an akward talk about contrast of paints?
Thanks, that's what I thought but I've been out of the loop for a few months
I do and I don't even play this shit.
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look at this!
is this from after they retconned Malekith away from being a based motherfucker.
if you have time to play you have time to paint, lazybones
>engaging someone so financially irresponsible and poor of taste they'd buy you nu-gw
That sure is a pile of gubbins.
The one on the right is the converted empire duellist, correct?
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How does Bretonnia survive as the second largest human political entity when they're all stuck nearly 400 years behind their neighbors when it comes to their technology? Grail Knights alone can't really make up the difference when artillery can shell them from hundreds of yards away, and it's not like anyone else is lacking in the magic department when the Colleges churn out battle wizards by the hundreds.
AoS thread is that way, ma'am.
Peasants breed like rabbits.
Ain't gonna explain shit
they have cannons offscreen because even the writers thought it was retarded
Grim derp
Only in their navy. Not exactly going to help some place like Quenelles.
much more arable, farmable land to sustain a larger population, as the empire is primarily forest.
Realistically bretonnia is probably one or two weak kings away from collapse, but if you want to look at it that way then bretonnia has the massive advantage of none of it’s immediate would be geopolitical rivals are particularly hostile to it.
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Bretonnia will fall to the Empire. Whenever the Empire has a few good decade or so without major conflict, a strong emperor, and then has reason and a secure enough position to go on a massive offensive against the Brets.
they are supposed to have the greatest human navy so in the event the Empire tried to inade they could be blockaded, and the Empire relies on overseas trade more than Bretonnia does.
Even more reason for them to have been completely annihilated by the Empire already.
But then you'd have to blockade Marienburg, the primary port for all sea bound trade entering the empire. And if you blockade Marienburg, you suddenly have a bunch of very pissed off Sea Elves.
>Bretonnia has the greatest human navy. Why? Fuck you that's why.
Isn't it literally as simple as; they once had a manowar model with cannons and that technically never got retconned so the RPG ran with it?
I suppose the Empire could also hypothetically have early ironside steam ships considering the steam tank.
but the Empire can't really reproduce those Tanks to any great extent the closest is the Landship
>just attack this area as large as our own country with more people in it, gigantic castles, and magical knights in every town
>we'll surely win with our superior black powder technology
>don't worry about leaving every other front undefended, commit all our manpower to atttacking our ally (who probably exports a lot of food to us)
genius plan anon, surely you woulld have been the holy roman emperor himself in alother life
I'm sure chaos had a grand time invading the french
Extremely powerful Navy that isn't ass-backwards
Supersoldier paladins
>who probably exports a lot of food to us
They'd have to go through Marienburgh every trip. Not happening.
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there are passes in the mountains
You underestimate how much of a nightmare transporting food without rivers/seas is
This is a fun read on the topic https://acoup.blog/2019/10/04/collections-the-preposterous-logistics-of-the-loot-train-battle-game-of-thrones-s7e4/
how do you think marienburg gets so rich?
>survive only because the empire is holding back every major threat in the setting
Bretfags and Taufags do share a lot of similarities now that you mention it.
hence why Mongols were so damn effective, no need for a baggage train and even their settlements were mobile so they can camp outside a city nigh on forever.
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On my way to my game now. This is the list I ended up settling for:

1998/2000 pts

Sorcerer Lord [330 pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Level 4 Wizard [Daemonology], Spell Familiar, Favour of the Gods, Paymaster's Coin, Enchanting Aura, Poisonous Slime.

Chaos Lord [333 pts]: General, Shield, Mark of Nurgle, Chaos Steed, Favour of the Gods, Ogre Blade, Extra Arm.

20 Chaos Warriors [338 pts]: Mark of Chaos Undivided, Champion [Sword of Might + Charmed Shield], Standard bearer [Banner of Rage], Musician.

6 Forsaken [114 pts]: Forsaken by Nurgle.

6 Forsaken [114 pts]: Forsaken by Nurgle.

6 Forsaken [114 pts]: Forsaken by Nurgle.

5 Chaos Warhounds [30 pts]

5 Chaos Warhounds [30 pts]

5 Chosen Chaos Knights [261 pts]: Lances, Shields, Full plate armour, Mark of Nurgle, Champion [Favour of the Gods + Brazen Collar], Standard bearer, Musician.

4 Chaos Ogres [178 pts]: Great weapons, Mark of Nurgle, Champion, Standard bearer, Musician.

3 Chaos Spawn [156 pts]: Spawn of Nurgle.
thanks chaps. I didn't think it was a particularly controversial choice but sometimes I'm way off on that.

>Nurglings are an odd choice for spawn though
It was more the spawn unit profile being the choice for some nurglings. I just bloody love the little critters. I looked through the WoC list and really only spawn or chaos trolls profiles fit, and spawn of nurgle seems just a bit more fun. Open to other suggestions though.

nice roll call photo! let us know how the game goes, what worked well, what didn't (not that I'm trying to steal ideas or anything!)
I wish the vampire count designs werent so...flamboyant? Would have been cooler if they were more generic.
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Nearly finished basecoating all rank and file warriors for my 1000 points. Just some second coats and cleanup to do on the right hand bunch. (movement trays and sorcerer still WIP, plus no bully)

What are you working on this week anons?
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Slowly putting together a lammasu for my chorf army
>I wish the vampire count designs werent so...flamboyant? Would have been cooler if they were more generic.
so don't use those models? it's your army anon
those scales look crisp
Which nation/region in the Warhammer world has the best has the best girls?
For me? It's Border Princes tomboys masquerading as mercenaries.
There is a NiB one at my local store but they want 666$ for it lmfao

I want a modern version in any case - using the big bull-like centaur dude from warcry as a base
/twg/ is over there.
A fair point
Nice! Look forward to seeing it. Your sculpting is always incredibly crisp as the other anon says.
Dawibros, I'm kinda tempted by the expeditionary force AoI. A faster, more techy Dwarf army sounds like a fun departure from your typical gunline. What are the current go to units and character builds for Dwarfs in TOW? There's new stuff coming, of course, but having a little head start couldn't hurt right?
Those scales done by hand?
Besides gyrocopters, I tend to see lord on shieldbearers and kitted out rangers going wide when it comes to specific stuff being fielded. Organ guns do nasty damage too.
Ulthuan or Bretonnian Damsels
Oh hey, you're the anon who asked for advice on a 5th ed skaven list a while back. Hope things are progressing well!
>nice roll call photo!
Thanks, buddy!
The game was pretty fun even though I got completely tabled by my opponent's Tomb Kings.
I had some pretty bad luck with my miscasting which allowed me to completely dominate the magic phase. It didn't help either that my only wizard accompanied my main infantry block. While I do like the notion of a fighty Sorcerer Lord I'll probably not have that be my main wizard in the future.
I pretty much wasted my chosen knights and chaos lord by blocking their avenues of charge with my Forsaken and Warhounds. The Ogres, as is tradition, completely flubbed their rolls against my opponent's Ushabtis which resulted in them doing little else but flee for the rest of the game.
The Spawn unit was fun and while it didn't do much (later being also defeated by the same Ushabtis that drove away my Ogres) they had some movements and the random movement didn't fuck me over. Having the Forsaken run around in small units seems to have been the right idea, even though I need to be much better at the placement game.

Overall the Forsaken and the Spawns were the units I was most pleased with and the Sorc+Warrior block the one I was most displeased with.
For the next game I'm seriously considering more wizards and have more manouverable chars in general (thinking Daemonic Mounts and/or the Flying Carpet)
Empire or WElves.

Bretonnians are too stuck up.
>some faggot instantly cries about AoS
like clockwork
Just ignore those faggots.Don't give them (you)s.
Don't feed the troll, as we used to say back in the day.
If only there was some other companies who sold a vampire miniatures.
Lady gives them what is basically in-universe plot armour. The biggest one being, that while >>93359850 is correct, the requirement for the king to be a grail knight means the king is always competent, virtuous, righteous, and tough as nails.
dont have issues with the vampires, well outside of the blood knights, its the skeletons.
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For TOW, would I be able to get away with painting my brets under a single heraldry? Since I dont want to depict one of the 14 dukes, I'll have my guys be a Barony under the service of one of the dukes. Would it be possible for a baron's army to primarily depict only the baron's heraldry?
Which era?
That's what the studio team did with their bret army. It's not the patrician way but it's perfectly acceptable
If only there were some companies that made miniature skeletons.
Aside from a few that you almost had to place sideways in order to rank up, those clanrats look ok.
I'm not a fan of those shields on jezzails. Something just looks off about them.
The saddest part is how much cutting you had to do in order to connect those arms and torsos on the globadier and warlock. WTB multi-pose plastic kits.
I'd put a lid on that whirlpool. Other than that it's OK.
What would happen if instead of basing my minis I just painted my bases gray and slathered them with a wash and said that the base's natural texture is actually cobblestone?
I'd look at you like the lazy weirdo you are.

But I can get behind lazyness and wouldn't mind gaming and throwing dice anyways,
High Elves and it's not even close.
do what you want mate
Anyone know where I can get some cheap plastic shields? Preferably just round with no raised heraldry
Bloody marvellous, mate!
The one that uses historical minis painted in historical colors on historical bases and is not actually used to play fantasy at all.
It's fine but lazy. You could play quite a few other armies that do cav spam that make more sense for a unified color scheme.
I thought green was off limits for Bretonnians.
>I thought green was off limits for Bretonnians.
It's not off-limits, but it's unpopular since green dye is traditionally associated with the peasantry.
Ironically you will probably end up getting sick of painting the same patterns and colors anyway
You could use the same colors but in various configurations, shapes and with different symbols to indicate subdomains of a single barony.
Is there a good exonym for the Empire and it's people? I don't think one really exists in setting, but it would seem weird to me if everyone else was referring to it as the Empire and it's people as Imperials. I was thinking of just going with Reiksmen, seeing as how the area is best defined by the Reik river basin, and they all speak Reikspiel, and the Imperial government is ran from Altdorf in the Reikland, but I can't imagine Imperials being particularly happy with all getting lumped in under the Reikland (aside from Reiklanders).
eM4 has some cheap iirc
Glad to hear you had fun m8!
>It didn't help either that my only wizard accompanied my main infantry block
You've now got me reconsidering putting my sorcerer in a block of warriors..! I've seen people say the wizard should hang around the back of a unit, outside it but within the 3" bubble or whatever it is. Maybe that's worth a try.
>Having the Forsaken run around in small units seems to have been the right idea
Surprised they didn't get whittled away desu, that's been my fear with single-rank units.
>more manouverable chars in general
My nurgle WoC list doesn't have very agile characters in it either, right the way up to my planned 2000 points, so I've been thinking about that too. I hear a BSB on chariot with crown of conquest is decent; 3+/5+/5++, 7 wounds, and a bunch of attacks & impact hits. Tempted to try it myself. Plus it gives an opportunity to model a big flowing banner off the back of the chariot.
>but I can't imagine Imperials being particularly happy with all getting lumped in under the Reikland
As a rule of thumb that's not something other people tend to care about. It's far from rare to hear someone refer to all people from the USA as yankees, and up until fairly recently most people from the middle east where simple called turks whereas arabs historically refered to western europeans as franks.
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>Is there a good exonym for the Empire and it's people?
>Grail Knights alone can't really make up the difference
They absolutely can, have you seen the stats.
Which Daemon army is easiest to build with current miniature availability?
I actually like manfred
Sweet. Then I'd be happy to include a counts-as Gotrek & Felix into the roster. Thabks.
Yup. They were featured in one of the Warhammer Visions issue.
Pretty much all of them. Demons are (furies asides) all easy to get. Khorne probably has the best deals but on the whole theyre all easy.
Pretty much what the other guy said. Pretty much the entire ranger is available and a lot of AOS designs would probably make neat alternatives
>You've now got me reconsidering putting my sorcerer in a block of warriors
Don't get me wrong, having my nurgle sorc use Fleshy Abundance together with Daemonic Vigor to up my Warriors to T6 was pretty fun. If I'd managed to nab Daemonic Vessel it would have made the Warrior block scary good too. The potential damage output of Daemonic Familliar is nothing to sneeze at either.
I wouldn't recommend only having that type of wiz in your army though, since, which I didn't take in to consideration when making the list, once the sorc is engaged in melee it can no longer help with the dispelling.
>I've seen people say the wizard should hang around the back of a unit, outside it but within the 3" bubble or whatever it is. Maybe that's worth a try.
That does indeed seem to be the way to go with it, and it was also the approach my opponent had. I'm thinking about trying out a lvl 4 with Dark Magic on a Flying Carpet so that it can comfortably fly around and seek cover behind my Infantry units for maximum reach and angles, while also looking to expose any openings to get a flank charge in and cast Stream of Corruption on some juicy target.
>Surprised they didn't get whittled away
I found them actually pretty tanky with their +5 Armour Save and +5 Ward Save.
They also have the damage output to be the ones to do much of the whittling in melee.
That being said, I wouldn't say that I'm not tempted to try out a big block of Forsaken by Nurgle against something that isn't immune to Fear.
>BSB on chariot
Yeah, I've been eyeing such a set up too, albeit with the Headsman's Axe. I like the notion of comboing the Doom Totem and Dark Majesty on a big based BSB for the Leadership bombing. Should combo nicely with a Sorc with either Daemonology or Dark Magic.
I also like the notion of having a lvl 2 Sorc on a Chariot out on a flank (where it should be far away from any opposing lvl 4).
Helves. Literally an entire army of them. Women included
The headsmans axe is an item I WANT to take but which seems to situational vs most armies. Maybe vs ogres.
Are the wolves separate from the goblin rider kits or are they already joined together?
It's far from ideal against a lot of stuff but I like the notion of it against character, heavy cav, and/or monstrous infantry-heavy armies.
WHFB kit, separate iirc. Current AoS kit, in case you mean that one, you can't make the wolf without gluing on the saddle and goblin legs (surprise surprise).
>you can't make the wolf without gluing on the saddle and goblin legs
Really? Thats a shame
Not OP, but it's definitely an acquired taste item. I've had fun as a more fluff oriented choice. It's existance alone means killing blow immune items like the dwarf rune are kind of autoinclude if you have the spare points/item slot and want your general to not get randomly one tapped
My issue with it is just "its so bad when its not good". Against normal troops and monsters its a downgrade to normal weapons, which makes it hard to justify on expensive characters.
I'd say more sidegrade than downgrade. Compare it to biting blade or sword of might, you're paying 20 more points for, effectively, armorbane (5) against heavy infantry and cavalry. And against monstrous cav (mournfang, demigriphs, all the beastmen warbeasts and drogres) it gains "critical wound:their W stat"

It's a 20 point gamble, at the end of the day. Not optimal but if you've got the spare points, worth testing
The biting blade has Ap-2(-3?) at all times. Although a great weapon is Ap-2 S+2 and imo the better comparison.
Against anything not caring for Killing Blow it is a 45pt Halberd that exchanges Armour Bane (1) with magical attacks.

On the other hand it puts the fear of Sigmar in most characters and should often find its target on a chariot.
Maybe not the best for tournament play. But should keep your opponents honest packing it in every now and then in regular play with them.
+1st vs +1ap is statically about the same outcome for 4A characters in most comparisons, but i do agree.

Also small note, magical attacks are important in this age of etheral banshees screaming armies to death
Call it a xmas in july wish, but i hooe dwarfs get some better rune options. Maybe a BSB only non-master rune that lets you fated dispel multiple times or with a bonus to the dispels, or monster slayer on cannonballs, etc
you can get good looking wolves from the space wolves 40k line or the Hobbit wargs
Bretonnia are the worst faction in the game in every way and you understand why
Hell yeah, anon. That looks awesome, especially the bases.
>20mm bases and jezzails from 1980's
Nuh huh
>verification not required
I remember reading some French fan supplement for WFRP1E that attempted to bring the Bretonnians more in line with the rest of the setting and much more French. Wish I could remember the name of it.
Bretonnia is a silly country, and I think we all know who is to blame.
>be humans north of the Grey Mountains
>live in orc-infested shit forests
>mighty leader unites the tribes
>help dwarfs and form an alliance and mutual respect that lasts, in some form or another, literally until the end of time
>allowed to progress normally, fucking up along the way but growing and evolving into a semi-functional state/collection of states
On the other hand...
>be humans south of the Grey Mountains
>live in orc-infested shit forests
>mighty leader unites the tribes
>nearly get wiped out until hick elves decide to "help" in a way that inserts their queen into the local religion
>culture, technology, politics, etc stuck in the 12th century forever because the pole-proportioned dendrophiles don't want their meatshields to develop good ranged weapons and require total top-down control of the mayflies
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around elves, watch yourselves!
Lmao I like that one
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this guy's maps (periloussands on blogspot) feature a large island off the coast of araby called Kust. Where is this island mentioned in the lore? I can't find it in any old maps. the guy didn't pull it out of his ass, his blogposts are very well researched and he delves into the most obscure WFRP publications to justify everything he adds to his stuff. So where did he get it from?

It also mirrors the IRL British thing where you could buy an officer's rank in the army, but you had to earn an officer's rank in the navy. This resulted in their navy being fairly competent compared to the army, which this aspect of Bretonnian culture mirrors.

They're all easy to build, Nurgle and Slaanesh are probably the easiest to play. You're going to want to convert a BSB/Demonic Locus, though, that thing is crucial.
Converting a standard bearer is a lot of fun. I wish I had a reason to do another one, it's a great opportunity to practice freehanding.
>Elfish influence
>Necessity; generally a closer and easier target for Norsemen than The Empire, and the most popular target for Dark Elves.
>Long, but generally glossed over traditions of piracy.
>A sailor's life being one of the few getaways from the feudal nonsense, attracting the competent and ambitious
and probably the most important:
>Honour and Chivalry-obsessed knights having little to nothing to do with the navy; their influence is usually limited to dictating grand strategy from the officer's mess, ten miles inland, or, the Duke of L'Anguille, who is, at the very least, usually a very good sailor and admiral.

I had a great time converting mine, it combos super well with the sloppity bilepiper or spoilpox scrivener gifts.
What im gathering so far is that the moment some duke and his baron buddies get a hold of one of these babies, bretonnia will break out into an all out war and crumble in a week
Is there anything that goes into detail on how their navy works or would that be free-for-all /yourdudes/ territory? Bretonnia but with cannons and meritocracy (of a sort) sounds interesting
Dan Abnett's 'Fell Cargo" and Nicola Griffith's "The Voyage South" make mention to a geographic feature called the Horn of Araby that's supposed to act somewhat like the Straits of Gibraltar. Some of the older and more abstract maps of the Old World depict Araby with a northward horn-like peninsula. He's got a blog post about it, it was made into an archipelago to explain why some maps exclude it while others depict it as part of mainland Araby.

There's not a lot of detail on it, you'd have to dig in to the old Man'o'War supplements.

You could represent it with the Bretonnian Exiles army list pretty well, I think.

And the border princes mercenaries could represent marines with deck-clearing blunderbusses, nice.
They are unplayable in TOW.
black orcs are tempting me

are they fun to paint? easy?
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Depends what you enjoy painting. Theyve got a very high armor to skin ratio so if you like painting armor youre set. Not alot of fine details like eyes or mouths to paint either thanks to the helmets so id say theyre pretty beginner friendly too
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I fucking love my blorcs both from modeling and painting, but I also have a unit of metal ones so it’s not just the plastic ones for me
its so hard to write fan fiction for fantasy bwos...
>Writing fan fiction
Unless you're 14... Don't.
anon, if you write for a wfrp campaign, your writing fanfic. writing your own story for your guys is part of the warhammer experience.
Set your heart free and write whatever you want. Adapt it to fit the world later.
Have you tried playing games and painting miniatures instead? Thespian ass pursuit to write fanfic when you can autistically flesh out your dudes.
Start building weird dudes out of whatever is in your bits box and make up a reason for why they look like that as you go
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Speaking of making a little story out of your little guys, does anyone have a higher quality scan of the Path to Glory ruleset? I got this one from an anon in these threads a while ago, but it's a bit blurry and difficult to read.
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A little progress

Head is from an ogre originally, and will get some big wide horns on top eventually
>Mr smolface
Is he gonna get a big handsome mane?
I felt the OG sculpt's big head was kind of a product of the more cartoony style of the time.

Yeah he'll get a mane + horns.

I'm gonna use the manitcore's wings on him I think
>Sculpting ability: 10/10
>Neck: 0/1
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I mean - bulls are not exactly known for their long necks haha
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Wing test

Might remove/replace the wing tips and wing claws because they protrude too much for my liking
Sounds lövely!
Necks are for giraffes and french people.
I'd only remove the 'thumb' tips at the front of the wings. The others I feel look good and lend a kinda torn cape-look to the model.
Why do I enjoy playing against every army but Bretonnians? I've won every game against them except one, but it's always so fucking boring.

Maybe it's because Bret players are too stupid to read the rulebook and you have to explain their own special rules to them.
Looks much more proportionate from the side, I rescind >>93367921
P.s. you work damn fast!
Bulls have massive necks. It is in fact used to refer to people with thick necks. All that between the horns and fore legs is neck, just a super muscled neck.

I like the idea and where you are going, but please consider adding some neck, else it would look a bit retarded... which might be just the right look for a Cahos creature.
you putting some talons on the front legs?
I might - some lammasu depictions have them with full claws, some with half claws and some with no claws.

If I do it'll probs be claws from the hydra/kharabyss kit
yeah if it doesn't look in proportion probably better to stick with hooves, also if you aren't taking any taurusi then theres no need to further differentiate the design.
How would you model a daemon prince with some influence/inspiration from the medieval art around the black death?
Rats, nurgle, uh....
new article about dwarfs
Not exactly medieval and not exactly black death either but I'd look at art from the elder Bruegel and Bosch, especially their depictions of hell (pic related). The egg-like structures and the huge gaping mouths make quite an impression and some of their traits could look good on the tabletop, maybe something for Slaanesh.
If you really want to emphasize the black death aspect then Triumph of Death by the elder Bruegel is a good starting point. The skeletons, the dead, are all performing mostly mundane tasks on top of slaughtering the living (the former of which is a very common motif). Danse macabre comes to mind as well. Honestly I don't think the medieval personification of death would come across well as a Daemon Prince model. I will however say that some danse macabre-inspired mini-diorama would work well for a unit filler of the Vampire Counts (or something like >>93368746 for a Wight King-based army). You could also put plagueridden humans on the base of a Nurgle Daemon Prince, dancing around him.
Thank fuck, with this and the other recent one not in OP we can get rid of those months old "news" posts.
How easy to paint to a decent standard are the men at arms and archers from bretonnia. I mean, do they have lots of fiddly details and mould lines?
awful mould lines but the models themselves are very easy, nothing fiddly just a basecoat and wash will do all the cloth easily or even a contrast style.
is anyone baking a new thread?
This guy is a skilled painter but I think the video still gets the point across of just how simple those minis are to paint
I alraeady made a thread retard/
that's fine can't find it in the catalog
You need to look better
might as link it then anon
Just bake one, anon is trolling you.
ok new thread I guess
Don't forget to replace the old Bret news with the 2 new dwarf ones, current OP only has the first announcement
YJK that all the "mix paint" advice is just "use this one paint of another brand we can't name since it's not sold by our corp"
>Didn't ask
You did, posting your model is consent for replies. Posting unpainted model and claiming you're gonna play unpainted is asking to get shit on for playing unpainted.
>so if I have 3 crew = 3 orcs etc.
you can barely fit the 2 that come with the kit on the chariot so I appreciate the struggle. That guy sitting on the corner in the right is both hilariously dumb and oddly appropriate for orcs.

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